alabaster general.pdf

alabaster general.pdf

alabaster general.pdf

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Colgantes · Pendants · Suspensions · Pendelleuchten · Pendenti2Shanghai ...... 12Philadelphia ...24 Austria ......32Tears .........35Bohemia ..38Tora ..........42Muse ........46Calix .........51Evergreen... 55Niagara ...60Pavillion ...63Venecia ...66Pag ...........70Montserrat .... 71Sir Davenport ...76Atlas .........81

Colgantes · Pendants · Suspensions · Pendelleuchten · Pendenti3Margaritaville ...88 Hiedra ......91Ala ............94Cobra ......97Emporium ... 102De las rosas...106Umbrella... 111Nilo .........114Blanes ....118Serie A ...121Julio Ferrer ...127 Lazo ........128Axe .........132Agbar .....134Trompeta ...135 Pag .........138Pag .........140Pag .........190Pag .........192Pag .........196Pag .........197Pag .........204

Apliques · Wall fixtures · Appliques · Wandeleuchten · Aplique4Shanghai... 13Philadelphia ...226 Austria ......31Tears .........37Bohemia... 38 Tora ..........42Muse ........45Calix .........53Evergreen ..... 56 Niagara ...60Pavillion ...63 Venecia ...67Pag ...........70Montserrat .... 71Sir Davenport ...75Atlas .........82Margaritaville ...87 Hiedra ......91Ala ............94Cobra .......97Emporium ....103De las rosas...107Umbrella...111Nilo .........113Blanes ....119Torch ......125Serie A ...121Julio Ferrer ...127 Lazo ........128Axe .........132Agbar .....134Trompeta ...135Pag .........146Pag .........147Pag .........148Pag .........149

Apliques · Wall fixtures · Appliques · Wandeleuchten · Aplique5Pag .........150Pag .........151Pag .........152Pag .........153Pag .........154Pag .........155Pag .........190Pag .........193Pag .........200Pag .........214Pag .........215Pag .........216Pag .........217Pag .........218Pag .........219Espejos · Mirrors · Miroirs · Spiegeln · SpechiPag .........171Pag .........173Cornisas · Cornices · Corniches · Kranzgesims · CornichionePag .........164Pag .........165Pag .........169Paneles de alabastro · Alabaster panels · Panneaux d’albâtre · Panelli di alabastroPag .........176Pag .........177

Lámparas de mesa · Table lamps · Lampes de table · Tischleuchten · Lampade da tavolo6Emporium ... 101 De las rosas....107Patsi ........110Nilo .........115Pag .........158Pag .........158Pag .........159Pag .........205Pag .........207Plafones · Ceiling fixtures · Plafoniers · Deckenleuchten · PlafoniereShanghai.....13Imperi.....18Magnolia.....19Roma.....21Philadelphia ...27 Austria ......30Tears .........37Bohemia ..38Muse ........45Evergreen...56Venecia ...67Montserrat .... 72 Sir Davenport ...76 Atlas .........83Margaritaville 88Ala ............94Cobra .......99Emporium ...102 Nilo .........113Blanes ....119Serie A ...121Axe .........133Pag .........142Pag .........143Pag .........190Pag .........201Pag .........210

Pies de salón · Flor lamps · Lampadaires · Stehleuchten · Piedistallo da salone7Sir Davenport...75Emporium ... 101 Umbrella...110Blanes ....119Lazo ........128Axe .........133pag ........159Columnas · Columns · Colonnes · Säules · ColonnePag .........159Piedra de alabastro · Alabaster rock · Albâtre brut · Roh-Alabaster · Pietra di alabastroPag .........125

9Neo- C lassicStyle

10Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

12Neo-C lassic style20-2723-G8-559 + 3 E-27 Fluorescentescompactas Osram Dulux EL 23W 2700 K00-2723-G8-553 E-14 60W vela +2 E-14 15W pebetero1465525Opción aplafonadoFlush mounted option/versionOption fi xage direct au plafondauch möglich als DeckenleuchteOpzione plafonieraØ 425Ø 605

1305-2723-G8-551 E-27 Fluorescentescompactas Osram Dulux EL 23W 2700 K15-2723-G8-553 E-14 60W vela +2 E-14 15W pebetero275255245180Ø 425

14Neo-C lassic style20-2724-G8-556 E-27 Fluorescentes compactas Osram Dulux EL 20W 2700 K +3 E-14 60W vela + 2 E-14 15W pebeteroOPCION APLAFONADO600Opción aplafonadoFlush mounted option/versionOption fi xage direct au plafondauch möglich als DeckenleuchteOpzione plafonieraØ 870

1500-2724-G8-553 E-14 60W vela +2 E-14 15W pebetero15-2724-G8-553 E-14 60W vela +2 E-14 15W pebeteroOPCION APLAFONADO550Opción aplafonadoFlush mounted option/versionOption fi xage direct au plafondauch möglich als DeckenleuchteOpzione plafonieraØ 560280Ø 560

16Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

18Neo-C lassic style15-2721-G8-553 E-27 Fluorescentes compactas Osram Dulux EL 20W 2700 K15-2722-G8-554 E-27 Fluorescentes compactas Osram Dulux EL 23W 2700 K178243Ø 450Ø 600

1915-2720-G8-553 E-27 Fluorescentes compactas twisted Osram Dulux EL 20W 2700 K15-2719-G8-553 E-27 Fluorescentes compactas twisted 18WØ 600Ø 485150150

20Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

2115-2715-G8-552 2 E-27 Fluorescentes compactas Osram Dulux EL 20W 2700 KWØ 40015515-2716-G8-554 E-27 Fluorescentes compactas Osram Dulux EL 23W 2700 KØ 600221

22Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

24Neo-Classic style20-2528-G8-556 + 3 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W +3 + 3 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W20-2529-G8-553 + 3 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W +6 + 3 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W +9 + 3 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W8201190Ø 840Ø 940

2520-2526-G8-553 + 3 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W20-2527-G8-556 + 3 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W510510Ø 750Ø 750

26Neo-C lassic style00-2526-G8-553 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W05-2526-G8-551 x E-27 max. 60W145510180370Ø 370

2715-2526-G8-553 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W15-2527-G8-553 x E-14 esf. ø45 max. 60W310355Ø 370Ø 455

28Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 87Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro color champánChampagne colour <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre couleur champagneChampagner färbig AlabasterAlabastro colore espumoso

30Neo-C lassic style15-0383-G8-873 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45Ø 38028015-0384-G8-874 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45310Ø 50015-0385-G8-876 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45370Ø 700

3105-0383-G8-87E-14 max. 60W23527018005-0384-G8-871 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45120380185

32Neo-C lassic style20-0383-G8-873 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +3 E-14 max. 60W540Ø 715

3320-0384-G8-873 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +6 E-14 max. 60W00-0383-G8-873-G8-873 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45545545Ø 775Ø 380

34Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

3520-0329-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W6 E-14 max. 60W + 2 E-14 max. 60W1018Ø 85271-0365-01-35Cadenas de cristal· Crystal chainsChaînes en cristal· KristallkettenCatene di cristalloPara conjunto completo solicite referencias de luminaria y cadenas decristal / For complete set please order by separate fixture and crystal chainsreferences / Demandez le code de luminaire et chaînes en cristal en cas setcomplete / Für komplete Leuchte, bestellen Sie bitte Lampe und Kristallkettengetrennt / Ordinare il codice dell’apparecchio e le catene di cristalloper il congiunto completo

36Neo-C lassic style20-0328-G8-556E-14 max. 60W + 2 E-14 max. 60W20-0330-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W6 E-14 max. 60W + 2 E-14 max. 60W12 E-14 max. 60W + 6 E-14 max. 60W8751828Ø 85271-0364-01-35Cadenas de cristal· Crystal chainsChaînes en cristal· KristallkettenCatene di cristalloØ 138071-0366-01-35Cadenas de cristal· Crystal chainsChaînes en cristal· KristallkettenCatene di cristallo

3700-0328-G8-556 E-14 max. 60W05-0328-G8-551 E-14 max. 60W15-0328-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W435867431328205Ø 58071-0361-01-35Cadenas de cristal· Crystal chainsChaînes en cristal· KristallkettenCatene di cristallo71-0362-01-35Cadenas de cristal· Crystal chainsChaînes en cristal· KristallkettenØ 41871-0363-01-35Cadenas de cristal· Crystal chainsChaînes en cristal· KristallkettenCatene di cristallo

3815-0389-G8-873 E-14 max. 60WNeo-C lassic styleØ 39039005-0389-G8-872 E-14 max. 60W vela390420 18020-0389-G8-876 E-14 max. 60W vela + 2 E-14 max. 60WBohemiaG8 87810AcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniturePatiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro color champánChampagne colour <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre couleur champagneChampagner färbig AlabasterAlabastro colore espumosoØ 750

3920-0390-G8-873 E-14 max. 60W vela +6 E-14 max. 60W vela + 2 E-14 max. 60W20-0391-G8-873 E-14 max. 60W vela +6 E-14 max. 60W vela +12 E-14 max. 60W vela + 3 E-14 max. 60W8301230Ø 750Ø 1050

42Neo-C lassic style00-0375-G8-873 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø4505-0375-G8-871 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø45365205160230Ø 400

4320-0376-G8-876 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 2 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø4520-0375-G8-873 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 2 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø45470425Ø 660Ø 620

44Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 U9Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blanco con talla color beigeWhite colour <strong>alabaster</strong> with beige carvinAlbâtre blanc avec taille beigeWeisser Alabaster mit Ivory RandAlabastro bianco con intaglio colore beige

4505-0260-G8-U91 E-14 max. 60W25027018015-0262-G8-U98 E-14 max. 60W410Ø 835

46Neo-C lassic style00-0260-G8-U92 E-14 max. 15W +6 E-14 max. 60WØ 58559515-0260-G8-U93 E-14 max. 60W290Ø 410

4715-0261-G8-U96 E-14 max. 60W330Ø 58505-0261-G8-U92 E-14 max. 60W240270400

48Neo-C lassic sic style20-0260-G8-U92 E-14 max. 15W +6 E-14 max. 60W + 3 E-14 max. 40W20-0261-G8-U92 E-14 max. 15W +8 E-14 max. 60W + 4 E-14 max. 40W555585Ø 890Ø 1065

4920-0262-G8-U92 E-14 max. 15W +4 E-14 max. 60W + 2 E-14 max. 40W +8 E-14 max. 60W + 4 E-14 max. 40W20-0263-G8-U92 E-14 max. 15W +4 E-14 max. 60W + 2 E-14 max. 40W +8 E-14 max. 60W + 4 E-14 max. 40W +12 E-14 max. 60W + 6 E-14 max. 40W8351415Ø 1065Ø 1315

50Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

5120-0169-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W +1 E-27 max. 100W + 1 E-14 max. 15W740Ø 860Calix

52Neo-C lassic style20-0168-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W +1 E-27 max. 100W + 1 E-14 max. 15WØ 86074020-0209-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-27 max. 100W + 1 E-14 max. 15W +1 E-14 max. 15W + 6 E-27 max. 60W + 3E-2 E-27 max. 60W+12 E-27 max. 60W + 6 E-27 max. 60W2045Ø 1380

5320-0170-G8-554 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-27 max. 100W + 1 E-14 max. 15W +8 E-27 max. 60W + 4 E-27 max. 60W00-0168-G8-551 E-27 max. 100W + 1 E-14 max.15W7401000Ø 1310Ø 47505-0168-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W475210355

54Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureI1 55Oro/Patiné rojizoGold/Red patineOr/Patiné rougeVergoldet/Rot Alt MessingOro/Patine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

5520-2280-I1-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 3 E-14 max. 60W9 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 6 E-14 max. 60W1130Ø 1190

56Neo-C lassic style05-2280-I1-551 E-27 max. 60W215 43518520-2282-I1-556 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +3 E-14 max. 60W645Ø 800

5720-2281-I1-558 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +4 E-14 max. 60W690Ø 86015-2280-I1-553 E-14 max. 60W395Ø 490

58Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

60Neo-C lassic style20-0226-G8-556 E-14 max. 60W +1 E-14 max. 25W05-0226-G8-551 E-14 max. 60W270770270 150Ø 790

6120-0227-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W +6 E-14 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 25W05-0227-G8-552 E-14 max. 60W270870235 365Ø 790

62Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

6300-0216-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W20-0217-G8-556 E-14 max. 60W + 3 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø4505-0216-G8-551 E-14 max. 60W675320620265 180Ø 820Ø 485

64Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

66Neo-C lassic style20-0193-G8-556 E-14 max. 60W +2 E-14 max. 40W esf. ø4520-0194-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W +6 E-14 max. 60W + 2 E-14 max. 40W esf. ø45700845Ø 810Ø 810

6700-0193-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W05-0193-G8-551 E-14 max. 60W15-0193-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W285380565175 200Ø 370Ø 420

68Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro biancoS6Alabastro blanco con talla patinadaWhite with patine colour carving <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blanc avec taille patinéWeisser mit patina Rand AlabasterAlabastro bianco con intaglio patinato

70Neo-C lassic style00-2262-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W +2 E-14 max. 25WØ 81578520-2261-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W +1 E-14 max. 15W +1 E-14 max. 25W625Ø 77005-2261-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W305240170

7105-2257-G8-S61 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4521518026505-2258-G8-S61 E-27 max. 60W20540520000-2258-G8-S66 E-14 max. 60W820Ø 595

72Neo-C lassic style15-2257-G8-S63 E-14 max. 60W20-2258-G8-S66 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 3 E-14 max. 60W +12 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 6 E-14 max. 60W4051200Ø 500Ø 1370

7320-2257-G8-S66 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +3 E-14 max. 60W20-2259-G8-S63 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 3 E-14 max. 60W +9 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 6 E-14 max. 60W +12 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 6 E-14 max. 60W6601545Ø 850Ø 1370

74Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

7505-2161-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W145400 19025-2161-G8-5551 E-27 max. 100WØ 40018000

76Neo-C lassic style15-2161-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø4535015-2162-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W500Ø 400Ø 60000-2161-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W595Ø 40000-2162-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W700Ø 600

20-2161-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W + 3 E-14 max. 60W77595Ø 84520-2163-G8-554 E-27 max. 60W +8 E-27 max. 60W + 6 E-27 max. 60W810Ø 1040

78Neo-C lassic style20-2162-G8-558 E-27 max. 60W +6 E-27 max. 60W00-2163-G8-558E-14 max. 60W esf. ø45700 580Ø 1040400900

7920-2164-G8-5512 E-27 max. 60W +8 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø455808451355

80Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureS4 55Ámbar doradoGolden amberAmbré doréVergoldet BernsteinAmbra doratoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

8120-2239-S4-556 E-27 max. 60W +12 E-27 max. 60W + 3 E-27 max. 60W +18 E-27 max. 60W + 6 E-27 max. 60W1910Ø 1900

82Neo-C lassic style20-2235-S4-553 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-27 max. 60W05-2237-S4-552 E-27 max. 60W560415535Ø 675300

8315-2237-S4-553 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø4515-2239-S4-556 E-27 max. 60W00-2236-S4-553 E-27 max. 60W05-2236-S4-551 E-27 max. 60W280 390415Ø 440 Ø 675560235320Ø 415

84Neo-C lassic style20-2237-S4-5512 E-27 max. 60W + 3 E-27 max. 60W20-2236-S4-556 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-27 max. 60W845560Ø 1330 Ø 985

8520-2238-S4-556 E-27 max. 60W +12 E-27 max. 60W + 3 E-27 max. 60W05-2235-S4-551 E-27 max. 60W2751320160190Ø 1330

86Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureT1 55Níquel satyliteSatylite nickelNickel satyliteSatylite NickelNíquel satyliteAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

8705-2222-T1-551 E-14 max. 60W255155 250

88Neo-C lassic style20-2225-T1-553 E-27 max. 60W + 3 E-14 max. 60W +3 E-14 max. 60W05-2224-T1-552 E-14 max. 60W15-2222-T1-553 E-14 max. 60W725290375400290Ø 570Ø 1020

8920-2222-T1-553 E-14 max. 60W + 3 E-14 max. 60W20-2226-T1-556 E-27 max. 60W +6 E-14 max. 60W + 3 E-14 max. 60W600950Ø 740Ø 1090

90Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureD5 55Oro viejo/oroOld gold/goldOr vieil/orAntik gold/VergoldetOro vecchio/oroAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

9120-2061-D5-553 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-27 max. 60W00-2061-D5-551 E-27 max. 100W05-2061-D5-551 E-27 max. 60W730730390160Ø 760Ø 545210

92Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

94Neo-C lassic style15-2213-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø4505-2213-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W00-2213-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45120300190540Ø 475 530Ø 530

9520-2214-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +3 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø45520Ø 735

96Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureP6 G8 55Oro brillante y arenadoShiny sandblasted goldOr brillant sabléGold glänzend/sandigOro lucido brillantePatiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

9720-1761-P6-5520-1761-G8-556E27 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 3E14 E-14 max. 60W535Ø 87505-1763-P6-5505-1763-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W05-1764-P6-5505-1764-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W220165350 170280138

98Neo-C lassic style20-1763-P6-5520-1763-G8-554 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 4 E-27 max. 60W +8 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 4 E-27 max. 60W1150Ø 127020-1764-P6-5520-1764-G8-554 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 4 E-27 max. 60W +8 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 4 E-27 max. 60W +12 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 8 E-27 max. 60W1735Ø 175500-1761-P6-5500-1761-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W535Ø 400

9905-1761-P6-55505-1761-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4524518030520-1762-P6-5520-1762-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 3 E-14 max. 60W535Ø 87515-1761-P6-5515-1761-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W425Ø 40015-1762-P6-5515-1762-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W425Ø 490

100Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureI1 55 Q7Oro/patiné rojizoGold/red patinéOr/patiné rougeVergoldet/rot Alt MessingOro/patinato rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro biancoAlabastro blanco sin pantalla de telaWhite <strong>alabaster</strong> without fabric shadeAlbätre blanc sans abat-jour in tissuAlabastro bianco senza schermo di telaWeisser Alabaster ohne Stoffchirm

10110-1858-I1-Q71 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 40WSin pantalla de tela · Without fabric shadeSans abat-jour en tissu · Ohne StoffschirmEnza schermo di telaPantalla / shade /abat-jourStoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-076-20Ø 215250740Ø 56025-1858-I1-55-551 E-27 max. 150WØ 4851850

102Neo-C lassic style20-1858-I1-553 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 3 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4515-1858-I1-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45645 350Ø 640Ø 485

10305-1858-I1-551 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø4505-1859-I1-552 E-14 max. 60W esf. ø45295295190 250 475310

104Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureI1 55 82Oro/patiné rojizoGold/red patinéOr/patiné rougeVergoldet/rotAlt MessingOro/patinato rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro biancoSin pantalla de telaWithout fabric shadeSans abat-jour en tissuOhne StoffschirmEnza schermo di tela


106Neo-C lassic style20-1384-I1-556 E-14 max. 60W650Ø 77520-1385-I1-553 E-14 max. 60W +6 E-14 max. 60W800Ø 950

10710-1384-I1-821 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 15WSin pantalla de tela · Without fabric shade ·Sans abat-jour en tissu. Ohne Stoffschirm ·Enza schermo di telaPantalla / shade /abat-jourStoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-076-20Ø 215250730Ø 56005-1385-I1-552 E-14 max. 60W40027026005-1384-I1-551 E-14 max. 60W270190 230

108Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture88 55 82Níquel satinado/oroSatin nickel/goldNickel satiné/orSatiniertes Nickel/VergoldetNichel satinato/oroAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro biancoSin pantalla de telaWithout fabric shadeSans abat-jour en tissuOhne StoffschirmEnza schermo di tela


110Neo-C lassic style10-1387-88-821 E-27 max. 60W1 E-14 max. 15WSin pantalla de tela · Without fabric shade ·Sans abat-jour en tissu. Ohne Stoffschirm ·Enza schermo di tela225Ø 13525-1387-88-551 E-27 max. 150W +1 E-14 max. 15WPantalla / shade /abat-jourStoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-077-206851830Ø 500Ø 390

11120-1388-88-555 E-27 max. 60W +1 E-14 max. 15W05-1387-88-551 E-27 max. 60W590170225 170Ø 620

112Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureI1Oro/patiné rojizoGold/red patinéOr/patiné rougeVergoldet/rot Alt MessingOro/patinato rosso55Alabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco82Sin pantalla de telaWithout fabric shadeSans abat-jour en tissuOhne StoffschirmEnza schermo di tela88Níquel satinado/oroSatin nickel/goldNickel satiné/orSatiniertes Nickel/VergoldetNichel satinato/oro

11315-1635-I1-5515-1635-88-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4515-1636-I1-5515-1636-88-556 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45280330Ø 490Ø 59005-1635-I1-5505-1635-88-551 E-27 max. 60W140420 205Nilo

114Neo-C lassic style20-1636-I1-5520-1636-88-556 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +3 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4520-1635-I1-5520-1635-88-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +3 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45625625Ø 825Ø 825

11500-1635-I1-5500-1635-88-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4505-1637-I1-5505-1637-88-551 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4510-1635-I1-8210-1635-88-821 E-27 max. 60WSin pantalla de tela · Without fabric shade ·Sans abat-jour en tissu. Ohne Stoffschirm ·Enza schermo di tela480170 225220Pantalla / shade /abat-jourStoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-078-20200125650Ø 480Ø 450

116Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco


1188Neo-Classic style00-1765-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W00-1766-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45Neo-C lassic style540 575Ø 470 Ø 57020-1765-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +3 E-14 max. 60W540Ø 71020-1766-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +3 E-14 max. 60W540Ø 760

11915-1765-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W15-1766-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45280 310Ø 470 Ø 57005-1765-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4526017021025-1765-G8-551 E-27 max. 150WØ 4701800

120Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG1 55Aluminio pintadoAluminium colourCouleur aluminiumAluminium FarbeAlluminio pintatoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

00-0718-G1-555 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45121985Ø 75500-0719-G1-555 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45710Ø 60515-0718-G1-553 E-27 max. 60W320Ø 45005-0718-G1-551 E-27 max. 60W160330 160Serie A

122Neo-C lassic style20-1900-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W + 6 E-27 max. 60W685Ø 114520-1899-G8-559-G8-559 E-27 max. 60W + 6 E-27 max. 60W940Ø 1500G8 55AcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniturePatiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

12305-0659-95-981 E-27 max. 60W10539019520-6264-50-C15 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 2 E-14 max.15W20-0728-50-C18 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 2 E-14 max.15W544544Ø 675 Ø 85795 98 50 C1Patiné/cobreAntique brass/copperPatiné/cuivreAlt Messing/KupferPatinato/ottoneAlabastro blanco/talla marrónWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>/rust carvingAlbâtre blanc/taille marronWeisser Alabaster/brauner RandAlabastro biancoPatinéAntique brassPatinéAlt MessingPatineAlabastro ivory/talla marrónIvory <strong>alabaster</strong>/rust carvingAlbâtre ivory/taille marronIvory Alabaster/brauner RandAlabastro ivory/intaglio marrone

124Neo-C lassic style20-6241-01-556 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 + 2 E-14 max.15W715Ø 800AcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture01OroGoldOrVergoldetOro55Alabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco14BlancoWhiteBlancWeissBianco05-6241-01-551 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45190300 180

125Torch05-1894-G8-552 E-27 max. 40W esf. ø45350 175525AcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rosso55Alabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco91-0483-14-551 E-14 max. 60WPiedra de alabastro iluminada. Formas y medidas varían.Medidas aproximadas: Ø=380, H=455. Peso aproximado: 22 Kg.Puede adaptarse para uso exterior.Alabaster rock lamp. Sizes and shapes vary.Average size: Ø=380, H=455. Average weight: 22 Kg.May be adapted for outdoor use.Albâtre brut éclairée. Différents formes et dimensions.Dimensions aproximatives: Ø=380, H=455. Poids aproximative: 22 Kg.Peut être adaptée à l’usage extérieur.Roh-Alabaster beleuchtet. Verschiedene Formen und Abmessungen.Ca.-Abmessungen: Ø=380, H=455. Ca.-Gewicht: 22 Kg.man kan diese Leuchte als Ausseleuchte verwenden.La pietra di alabastro illuminata. Le forme e mesuri sono variabili.Misure approssimate: Ø=380, H=455. Pesso approssimato: 22 Kg.Si può adattare per l’esterno.

126Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureG8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

12720-1310-G8-556 E-14 max. 60W +3 E-14 max. 60W545ø 76000-1308-G8-553 E-14 max. 60W5455ø 310Julio Ferrer05-1308-G8-551 E-14 max. 60W260140275

128Neo-C lassic style25-1304-G8-551 E-27 max. 150Wø 40000-1304-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4505-1304-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W1800550300150ø 395 200

12920-1304-G8-553 E-27 max. 60W +3E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4520-1306-G8-556 E-27 max. 60W +3E27 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45600 600ø 750 ø 750

130Neo-C lassic styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureB2 98 18 64Marrón/patinéBrown/antique brassMarron/patinéBraun/Alt MessingMarrone/patinatoAlabastro blanco/talla marrónWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>/rust carvinAlbâtre blanc/taille marronWeisser Alabaster/brauner RandAlabastro biancoMarrónBrownMarronBraunMarroneMarrón/oroBrown/goldMarron/orBraun/VergoldetMarrone/oro


13315-2246-B2-9815-2246-64-983 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4515-2247-B2-9815-2247-64-983 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4525-5812-B2-9825-5812-64-981 E-27 max. 100Wø 390300 3201800ø 390 ø 450

134Neo-C lassic style20-0809-50-556 E-27 max. 60W +6 E-27 max. 60W + 2 E-14 max. 40W05-0805-50-550805 50 552 E-27 max. 60W20-0803-50-556 E-27 max. 60W +2 E-14 max. 15W2601195 675255ø 1190 400ø 750AcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture01 55 50OroGoldOrVergoldetOroAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro biancoPatinéAntique brassPatinéAlt MessingPatinato

13505-0652-01-551 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø4520-0652-01-556 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45 +3 E-14 max. 15W05-0663-01-552 E-27 max. 60W esf. ø45225225585180325ø 900280450

136ColgantesPendantsSuspensionsPendelleuchtenPendentiPlafonesCeiling fixturesPlafoniersDeckenleuchtenPlafoniere

14315-0426-01-553 E-27 max. 60W. esf. ø4515-0415-01-553 E-27 max. 60W. ø45Ø=585 H=33015-0443-01-553 E-14 max. 60W28015-0416-01-556 E-27 max. 60W. ø45Ø=760 H=370260Ø 380HØ 380Ø

144ApliquesWall fixturesAppliquesWandeleuchtenAplique


14605-2114-E2-551 E-27 max. 60W05-2128-E4-551 E-27 max. 60W05-2110-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W05-2132-G8-551 E-27 max. 60W315200 180370290 120 330 160 380 108 320160AcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureE2 55 G8 E4Oro viejoOld goldOr vieilAntik GoldOro vecchioAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro biancoPatiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoPatiné oscuroDark antique brassPatiné obscurDunkel Alt MessingPatinato oscuro

14705-1673-14-551 E-27 max. 60W05-1675-14-551 E-27 max. 60W05-2106-14-551 E-27 max. 60W05-1679-14-871 E-27 max. 60W130130 175 145340 130 280 140 325 135 28014014 87BlancoWhiteBlancWeissBiancoAlabastro ivoryIvory <strong>alabaster</strong>Alvâtre ivoryIvory AlabasterAlabastro ivory

14805-1667-M9-551 E-14 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 15W35512525005-1664-M9-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 Hal05-1665-M9-551 E-14 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 15W3000250125AcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureM9Color stoneStone colourCouleur RocheStein FärbigColore stone55Alabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro biancoG8Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rosso05-1654-M9-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 Hal05-1655-M9-551 E-27 max. 60W13005-1656-M9-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 Hal05-1657-M9-551 E-14 max. 60W23026011505-1662-M9-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 Hal05-1663-M9-551 E-27 max. 60W125300095165330

05-0608-14-981 E-27 max. 60W14912532016005-0818-14-981 E-27 max. 60W21010021014BlancoWhiteBlancWeissBianco05-3726-01-551 E-27 max. 60W05-3727-01-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 Hal30015010098Alabastro blanco/talla marrónWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>/rust carvinAlbâtre blanc/taille marronWeisser Alabaster/brauner RandAlabastro bianco/intaglio marrone01Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rosso05-2104-G8-N21 E-27 max. 60WN2Alabastro peachPeach <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre peachPeach AlabasterAlabastro peché185320160

15005-2134-14-H11 E-27 max. 60W28023511005-0468-14-552 E-14 max. 60W36020510005-0470-14-871 E-14 max. 60W190205100

15105-0836-14-552 E-14 max. 60W105AcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture40026005-0842-14-552 E-14 max. 60W335 10536014BlancoWhiteBlancWeissBiancoH1Alabastro blanco/talla naranjaWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>/orange carvinAlbâtre blanc/taille orangeWeisser Alabaster/orange RandAlabastro bianco/intaglio arancio87Alabastro ivoryIvory <strong>alabaster</strong>Alvâtre ivoryIvory <strong>alabaster</strong>Alabastro ivory55Alabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco05-0839-14-552 E-14 max. 60W105260260

15205-3650-14-551 E-27 max. 60W05-3651-14-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 Hal05-3730-14-551 E-27 max. 60W05-3731-14-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 Hal05-0439-14-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 HalA=280 S=140 H=13505-0441-14-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 HalA=330 S=160 H=165135330 16038019013005-0442-14-551 E-27 max. 60WA=330 S=160 H=16514 55HAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifinitureBlancoWhiteBlancWeissBiancoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro biancoAS

15305-3656-14-551 E-27 max. 60WA=330 S=160 H=16505-3657-14-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 HalA=330 S=160 H=16505-0833-14-551 E-27 max. 60W05-0834-14-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 Hal05-3722-14-551 E-27 max. 60W05-3723-14-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 Hal05-3658-14-551 E-27 max. 60WA=280 S=140 H=135170 155330 160 33016505-3659-14-551 R7s max.150W L=80,5 HalA=280 S=140 H=135HAS

15505-0273-G8-551 E-14 max. 60W200100 25505-0277-14-U92 E-14 max. 60W35510020505-0276-14-U91 E-14 max. 60W190100205U9Alabastro blanco con talla color beigeWhite <strong>alabaster</strong> with beige carvinAlbâtre blanc avec taille beigeWeisser Alabaster mit Beige RandAlabastro bianco con intanglio colore beige

156Lámparas de mesaTable lampsLampes de tableTischleuchtenLampade da tavolo


15810-1409-01-821 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 40WPantalla /shade /abat-jourStoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-077-20010-1402-01-821 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 40WPantalla / shade /abat-jourStoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-068-20Ø 300Ø 135225300700735Ø 500Ø 45010-1404-01-821 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 40WPantalla / shade /abat-jourStoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-077-20Ø 13510-1399-01-82 10-1398-01-821 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 40WPantalla / shade /abat-jourStoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-077-2010-1398-01-821 E-27 max. 60W + 1 E-14 max. 40WPantalla / shade /abat-jourStoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-078-20Ø 135 Ø 130225 225 200655 740 645Ø 500 Ø 500 Ø 450AcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture01 82 X3Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoSin pantalla de telaWithout fabric shadeSans abat-jour en tissuOhne StoffschirmEnza schermo di telaSin pantalla/alabastro ivory con talla marrónWithout fabric shade/ivory <strong>alabaster</strong> with rust carvinSans abat-jour/albâtre ivory avec taille marronOhne Stoffchirm/Weisser Alabaster mit brauner RandSenza schermo di tela/alabastro ivory con intaglio marrone

15910-0287-G8-551 G9 max. 75W + 1 E-14 max. 15W25-0290-G8-55551 E-27 max. 150W + 1G13 fl uor. 58W5901840Ø 430Ø 60010-0161-01-X31 E-27 max. 150W + 1G13 fl uor. 18W71-0161-14-C114-C11G13 fl uor. 16W500Ø 4009401000Ø 800G8 55Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoØ 360Alabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco14 C1BlancoWhiteBlancWeissBiancoAlabastro ivory/talla marrónIvory <strong>alabaster</strong>/rust carvinAlbâtre ivory/taille marronivory Alabaster/brauner RandAlabastro ivory/intaglio marroneSin pantalla de charol negro / Without blackpatent leather shad / Sans abat-jour en vernisnoire /Ohne schwartzen chintzschirmPantalla / shade /abat-jour / Stoffschirm / schermoRef. Pan-112-X4Para conjunto completo solicite referencias de luminariay pantalla / For complete set please order byseparate fixture and shade references / Demandez lecode de luminaire et abat-jour en cas de set completeFür komplette Leuchte, bestellen Sie bitte Lampe undSchirm getrennt / Per il set completo, chiedere la referenzadell’apparecchio ed il paralume.



162contemporary styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture81 55Níquel satinadoSatin nickelNickel satinéSatiniertes NickelNichel satinatoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco


164contemporary style05-2737-81-551 x T5 14W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED05-2738-81-551 x T5 28W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED98981251256001200

16505-2743-81-551 x T5 14W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED05-2744-81-551 x T5 28W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED1141141411416001200

166contemporary style


168contemporary style

16905-2739-81-551 x T5 14W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED05-2740-81-551 x T5 28W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED1141141161166001200

170contemporary styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture14 55BlancoWhiteBlancWeissBiancoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

05-2748-14-556 x GX24q-4 42W INCLUDED3 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDEDIP 21171Ø 87516105-2747-14-551 x T5 tubular 55W INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDEDIP 211Ø 594102

17305-2745-21-552 x T5 28W HE +2 x T5 14W HE INCLUDED2 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDEDIP 44101070,571005-2746-21-554 x T5 28W HE INCLUDED2 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDEDIP 44101070,51010

174contemporary styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture21 55CromoChromeChromeChromCromoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco

176contemporary style05-2733-21-551 x T5 14W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED05-2734-21-551 x T5 21W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED302302603 105903 105

17705-2735-21-551 x T5 28W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED05-2736-21-551 x T5 35W HE INCLUDED1 CE Electronic Ballast INCLUDED3023021203 1051503 105

178contemporary style


180contemporary style

181Les presentamos algunas de las posibles composiciones decorativasque ustedes podrán conseguir combinando nuestros paneles modularesde alabastro.We are pleased to introduce you some of the possible decorativecompositions that you will be able to obtain combining our modular<strong>alabaster</strong> panels.Wir stellen Ihnen einige dekorative Kompositionen vor. DieseKompositionen sind mit die Zusammenstellung unser modulareAlabasterpaneelen erreichbar.Vi presentiamo alcune delle composizione decorative che potranoottenere combinando i nostri panelli di alabastro.Nous vous présentons quelques unes des possibilités de compositionsdécoratives que vous pourrez obtenir en combinant nos panneauxmodulables en Albâtre.

182Paneles de alabastro · Albaster panels · Panneaux d’albâtreAlabasterplatten · Panelli di alabastrocontemporary styleLEDS-C4 empresa líder en la transformación del alabastro, nos ofrecela nobleza de este material en la decoración de espacios mediantepaneles iluminados. LEDS-C4 cuenta con los recursos humanos ytécnicos necesarios para ofrecer la mejor solución a cada proyectopersonalizado y hacer realidad las más exigentes y creativas ideas.LEDS-C4, world leader in manufacturing <strong>alabaster</strong> products, of the useof <strong>alabaster</strong> in illuminated panels for decorating space, amongst thewide range of applications that this noble material possesses. LEDS-C4has suffi cient human and technical resources to achieve the bestsolution to each personalised project, and make the most demandingand creative ideas possible.LEDS-C4, enterprise leader dans la transformation de l’albâtre, parmi legran éventail de possibilités qu’offre la noblesse de ce materiel, résidedans la décoration des espaces avec des panneaux illuminés. LEDS-C4dispose des ressources humains et téchniques nécessaires pour offrirla meilleure solution à chaque projet personnalisé et transformer enréalités des idées les plus éxigentes et les plus créatives.LEDS-C4, als führenden <strong>alabaster</strong>verarbeitenden Unternehmen, bietetdieses noble Material, die Raumdekoration mit beleuchteten Plattenden wichtigsten Platz einnimmt. LEDS-C4 hat Das Know-How unseresMitarbeites sowie unsere technische Möglichkeiten, die unseren Kundendie beste Lösung für jedes konkrete Objekt garantieren, damit auch dieanspruchsvollsten und kreativsten Ideen ihre Umsetzung fi nden.LEDS-C4 impresa leader nella trasformazione dell’alabastro, ci offre lanobiltà di questo materiale nel campo della decorazione di spazi conpannelli illuminati. LEDS-C4 può contare sulle risorse umane e tecnichenecessarie per fornire la migliore soluzione a ogni progetto personalizzatoe per rendere realtà le idee più esigenti e creative.Ejemplo de panel iluminado con leds RGB.Example of illuminated panel with RGB leds.

183EASY PANEL es un nuevo sistema especialmente ideado para decorar paredes o techos mediantepaneles de alabastro iluminados.EASY PANEL es un sistema abierto que se caracteriza por su facilidad de montaje e instalación y por suversatilidad en cuanto a dimensiones que facilitan su adaptación a cualquier espacio u obra.LEDS-C4 has designed a new system called “EASY PANEL” specially to decorate walls or ceilings bymeans of iluminated <strong>alabaster</strong> panels.“EASY PANEL” is an open system which is caracterised by it’s ease of assembly and installation, as well asit’s versatility of size which facilitate its adaptation to any space or works.“EASY PANEL” est un nouveau système spécialement conçu pour la décoration de murs et plafons à l’aidede panneaux d’albâtre illuminés.“EASY PANEL” est un système ouvert, caractérisé par sa simplicité de montage et installation ainsi que parsa gamme de dimensions, qui facilitent son adaptation à tout type d’espace.“EASY PANEL” ist ein neues System, welches speziell für die Dekoration von Wänden und Decken mitbeleuchteten Alabasterplatten entwickelt wurde.“EASY PANEL” wurde als offenes System konzipiert. Er zeichnet sich durch seine einfache Montage bzw.Installation sowie durch seine vielfältigen Massgestaltungsmöglichkeiten aus. Ein System für jeden Platz.EASY PANEL è un nuovo sistema appositamente progettato per decorare pareti o soffi tti con pannelliilluminati di alabastro.EASY PANEL è un sistema aperto che si caratterizza per la sua facilità di montaggio e di installazione e perla sua versatilità in fatto di dimensioni che facilitano il suo adattamento a qualsiasi spazio o struttura.

184contemporary styleLa placa de alabastro se desliza.The <strong>alabaster</strong> panel can slide.Le panneu d’albâtre glisse sur son railGleitende AlabasterplattenLa lastra di alabastro è scorrevole.COMPOSICIÓN HORIZONTALCOMPOSITION HORIZONTALECOMPOSIZIONE ORIZZONTALEHORIZONTAL COMPOSITIONHORIZONTALER AUF BRAU135COMPOSICIÓN VERTICALCOMPOSITION VERTICALECOMPOSIZIONE VERTICALEVERTICAL COMPOSITIONVERTIKALER AUF BRAU35135 35Paneles de alabastro de 600x300x15 mmAlabaster panels 600x300x15mmLe panneu d’albâtre glisse sur son railAlabasterplatten 600x300x15mmPannelli di alabastro di 600x300x15mmCarriles de 35 mmRunners 35 mmRails 35 mmSchienen 35 mmRotaie di 35mmPaneles de alabastro de 600x300x15 mmAlabaster panels 600x300x15mmLe panneu d’albâtre glisse sur son railAlabasterplatten 600x300x15mmPannelli di alabastro di 600x300x15mmCarriles de 35 mmRunners 35 mmRails 35 mmSchienen 35 mmRotaie di 35mmESTRUCTURAEl sistema está basado en una estructura metálicafi jada al techo o pared, incorporando una serie decarriles por los que se deslizan las placas de alabastro.Medidas standard recomendads: 600x300x15mm.STRUCTUREThe system is based on a metal structure fi xed to theceiling or wall, incorporating a series of runners throughwhich the <strong>alabaster</strong> panels can slide. (Standardrecommended measurements: 600x300x15mm).STRUCTURELe système est basé sur une structure métallique fi xéeau plafond ou au mur, qui incorpore une série de railssur lesquels les plaques d’albâtre glissent. (Dimensionsstandard recomandées: 600x300x15mm).STRUKTURAn einer Wand oder Decke eingelassenenMetallstruktur werden mehrere Schienenangebracht, an welchen die Alabasterplattenentlang gleiten. (Empfohlene Standardmasse:600x300x15mm.)STRUTTURAIl sistema si basa su di una struttura metallica fi ssata alsoffi tto o alla parete e incorpora una serie di rotaie sullequali scorrono le lastre di alabastro. Misure standardraccomandate: 600x300x15mm.ILUMINACIÓNLa iluminación standard de los paneles está formadapor componentes convencionales de fl uorescencia.(Reactancias electromagnéticas y tubos de 26mm. dediámetro).LIGHTINGThe standard illumination of the panels is formedthrough conventional fl uorescent components.(Electromagnetic ballast and tubes with 26 mm.Diameter).ÉCLARIAGEL’éclairage standard des panneaux est fourni par descomposants fl uorescents conventionnels. (Réactancesélectromagnétiques et tubes de diamètre 26mm).BELEUCHTUNGDie Standardausführung integriert konventionelleLeuchstoffelemente(ElektromanetischerBlindwiderstand und Röhren mit 26mmDurchmesser).ILLUMINAZIONEL’illuminazione standard dei pannelli è formata dacomponenti di fl uorescenza convenzionali (Reattanzeelettromagnetiche e tubi di 26mm di diametro).ACABADOSDisponemos de una amplia gama de acabados enpintura y electrolíticos para los carriles que forman laestructura (consúltenos).FINISHESWe offer a wide range of paint and electrolytic fi nishesfor the runners which make up the structure. (Pleasecontact us).FINITIONSNous disposons d’une gamme étendue de fi nitions enpeinture et revêtements ékectrolytiques destinés auxrails qui formen la structure (consultez-nous).OBERFLÄCHENVEREDELUNGWir bieten Ihnen eine breite Palette an Finish-Möglichkeiten, vom Farbanstrich bis zur Elektrolytpoliturfür die Schienen. Bitte setzen Sie sich zwechs Anfragemit uns in Verbindung.FINITUREDisponiamo di un’ampia gamma di fi niture in vernicee in elettrolitici per le rotaie che formano la struttura(chiedeteci un consulto).IMPORTANTE:IMPORTANT:FINITIONSOBERFLÄCHENVEREDELUNGIMPORTANTE:Consultar para medidas especiales de placas de alabastro u otros tipos de iluminación.Please consult us for special measurements of <strong>alabaster</strong> panels and other types of lighting.Veuillez nous consulter pour toute information sur des dimensions spéciales de panneaux et d’autres types d’éclairage.Kontaktieren Sie uns, wenn Sie an Sonderbestellungen mit abweichenden Plattenmassen und anderen Beleuchtungsvarianteninteressiert sind.Consultatevi con noi per quanto riguarda le misure speciali delle lastre di alabastro o per altri tipi di illuminazione.

185H O T E L SH O T E L S

186contemporary styleNuestro interés es conseguir que sus ideas seconviertan en realidad, adaptándonos siemprea sus necesidades y ofreciéndole nuestroasesoramiento y nuestra colaboración paralograr la mejor solución personalizada para cadaproyecto en concreto.Our goal is to transform your ideas into reality,adapting our productes to your needs, andoffering our advice and collaboration to achievethe best personalised solution for each specifi cproject.Notre objetif es transformer vos idées en réalitésen nous adaptant sans cesse à vos exigenceset en vous ofrrant nous conseils et notrecollaboration afi n d’obtenir la meilleure solutionpersonnalisé pour chaque projet concret.Unser wichtigstes Anliegen ist die UmsetzungIhrer Ideen. Hieranbei stellen wir uns auf sämtlicheErfordernisse un Zwänge ein. Unsere Beratungund unsere Kooperationsbereitschaft istunseren Kunden jederzeit sicher, damit für jedeskonkrete Objekt die beste massgeschneiderteLösung gefunden werden kann.Il nostro interesse è di ottenere che le vostre ideediventino realtà, adattandoci sempre alle vostrenecessità e offrendovi la nostra assistenza etutta la nostra collaborazione per raggiungerela soluzione migliore e personalizzata per ogniprogetto in concreto.

Innumerables soluciones adaptadas a todo tipode espacios y formas, así como a una extensavariedad de estilos arquitectónicos y decorativosavalan la larga experiencia de LEDS-C4 en larealización de proyectos mediante paneles dealabastro iluminados.187Can offer countless solutions adapted to alltypes of spaces and shapes, as well as avariety of architectural and decorative styles.This is shown by the extensive experiencein undertaking projects in using illuminated<strong>alabaster</strong> panels.D’innombrables solutions adaptées à tout typed’space et de forme ainsi que’un large variété destyles architectoniques et décoratifs témoignentde la grande expérience de LEDS-C4 dans laréalisation de projets faisant appel aux panneauxd’albâtre illuminésDie langjährige Erfahrung des Unternehmensbei der Konzipierung von massgeschneidertenLösungen im Bereich der Installation vonbeleuchteten Alabasterplatten sowie die breitePaletter architektonischer und dekorativer Stilebürgen für LEDS-C4.Le innumerevoli soluzioni adattate a ogni tipodi spazio e di forma, così come a una notevolevarietà di stili architettonici e decorativi,consolidano la grande esperienza di LEDS-C4nella realizzazione di progetti con pannelli dialabratro illuminati.

188contemporary styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture21 N4 55CromoChromeChromeChromCromoGris textura con cromoGrey texture with chromeGris à affet de texture avec chromeGrau rauh-matt mit ChromGrigio texture con cromoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco


190contemporary style00-2349-21-551 x T5 2GX13 55W INCLUDED1 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDED05-2349-21-551 x T5 2GX13 22W INCLUDED1 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDED15-2349-21-551 x T5 2GX13 40W INCLUDED1 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDEDMax. 1500Ø 31570Ø 39570Ø 395

19100-2348-21-55-55 05-2348-21-552 x 2G11 24W + 2 x 2G11 55W INCLUDED4 x 2G11 18W INCLUDED2 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDED2 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDED15-2348-21-554 x 2G11 24W INCLUDED2 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDEDMax. 1500350435435350435100100650

192contemporary style00-2557-N4-551 x T5 39W INCLUDED1 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDEDMax. 1050920Ø60

19305-2557-N4-551 x T5 24W INCLUDED1 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDED62092Ø 60

194contemporary styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture81 55Níquel satinadoSatin nickelNickel satinéSatiniertes NickelNichel satinatoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco


196contemporary style00-0367-81-552 x E-27 PL elec. 20W00-0137-81-551 x E-27 max. 60W00-0138-81-551 x E-27 max. 60W1 x E-27 PL elec. 11W00-0139-81-551 x E-27 max. 60W1 x E-27 PL elec. 11W00-0140-81-551 x E-27 max. 60W1 x E-27 PL elec. 11W400-1400330-1470380-1500430-1555480-1610250250Ø 230Ø 280Ø 330Ø 380

19700-0339-81-554 x E-27 max. 60W4 x E-27 PL elec. 18W00-0340-81-553 x E-27 max. 60W3 x E-27 PL elec. 18W00-0340-81-55350-1100350-1100550550Ø 450


200contemporary style05-2346-21-552 x 2G11 18W INCLUDED1 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDED2303507505-2347-21-552 x 2G11 18W INCLUDED1 CE Electronic ballast INCLUDED23035075

202contemporary styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture81 55Níquel satinadoSatin nickelNickel satinéSatiniertes NickelNichel satinatoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco


204contemporary style20-0393-81-553 x G24d-2 18W700-99012070020-0394-81-553 x G24d-2 18W700-990120700

20510-0393-81-550393 1 x G24d-1 13W00-0393-81-551 x G24d-2 18W270770-1060165140Ø 12010-0394-81-551 x G24d-1 13W00-0394-81-551 x G24d-2 18W270770-1060165140120

206contemporary styleAcabadosFinishesFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture81 Q7 U4Níquel satinadoSatin nickelNickel satinéSatiniertes NickelNichel satinatoAlabastro blanco sin pantalla de telaWhite <strong>alabaster</strong> without fabric shadeAlbâtre blanc sans abat-jour in tissuWeisser Alabaster ohne StoffchirmAlabastro bianco senza schermo di telaPintura imitación níquel satinadoSatin nickel paintPeinture imitation nickel satinéNickel-Optik matt lackiertVernice imitazione niquel satinato

208contemporary styleFinishesAcabadosFinitionsAusführungenRifiniture81 55Níquel satinadoSatin nickelNickel satinéSatiniertes NickelNichel satinatoAlabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro bianco


210contemporary style15-0343-81-552 x G24d-2 18W3203208515-0344-81-553 x G24d-2 18W4254259015-0345-81-5554 x G24d-2 18W520520 520110

15-0346-81-552 x G24d-1 13W2112709015-0347-81-553 x G24d-1 13W37010015-0348-81-554 x G24d-1 13W490110


214contemporary style05-0358-81-550358 81 551 x G24d-2 18WØ 3003309005-0359-81-551 x G24d-2 18W27030090

216contemporary style05-0352-81-551 x G13 18W (T8 Ø26 mm)66517010005-0353-81-551 x G24d-2 18W140270110

21705-5826-14-551 x E-27 max. 60W165215315Aplique de esquina.Corner wall bracket.Applique angle.Ecke Wandleuchte.Applique d’angolo.05-0354-81-551 x G24d-2 18W150100300

218contemporary style05-3662-14-551 x E-27 max.60W05-0355-14-550355 551 x G24d-2 18W05-3663-14-551 x R7s - L 80,5 Hal. max. 150W125210100380105210

21905-0356-14-551 x G24d-2 18W05-0357-14-552 x G24d-2 18W11560025020014095

220 COLGANTESPENDANTSSUSPENSIONSPENDELLEUCHTENPENDENTI00-0137-81-55 ......................... 19600-0138-81-55 ......................... 19600-0139-81-55 ......................... 19600-0140-81-55 ......................... 19600-0168-G8-55 .......................... 5300-0193-G8-55 .......................... 6700-0216-G8-55 .......................... 6300-0260-G8-U9 ......................... 4600-0328-G8-55 .......................... 3700-0339-81-55 ......................... 19700-0340-81-55 ......................... 19700-0367-81-55 ......................... 19600-0375-G8-87 .......................... 4200-0383-G8-87 .......................... 3300-0393-81-55 ......................... 20500-0394-81-55 ......................... 20500-0419-01-55 ......................... 13900-0420-01-55 ......................... 13900-0421-01-55 ......................... 13900-0422-01-55 ......................... 13900-0423-01-55 ......................... 13900-0434-01-98 ......................... 14100-0435-01-98 ......................... 14100-0436-01-98 ......................... 14100-0437-01-98 ......................... 14100-0438-01-98 ......................... 14100-0439-01-55 ......................... 13800-0440-01-55 ......................... 13800-0692-50-87 ......................... 13900-0693-50-87 ......................... 13900-0694-50-87 ......................... 13900-0695-50-87 ......................... 13900-0715-01-55 ......................... 14100-0718-G1-55 ........................ 12100-0719-G1-55 ........................ 12100-1304-G8-55 ........................ 12800-1308-G8-55 ........................ 12700-1635-I1-55 .......................... 11500-1635-88-55 ......................... 11500-1761-P6-55 ........................... 9800-1761-G8-55 .......................... 9800-1765-G8-55 ........................ 11800-1766-G8-55 ........................ 11800-2061-D5-55 .......................... 9100-2154-G8-55 ........................ 14000-2161-G8-55 .......................... 7600-2162-G8-55 .......................... 7600-2163-G8-55 .......................... 7800-2213-G8-55 .......................... 9400-2236-S4-55 ........................... 8300-2258-G8-S6 .......................... 7100-2262-G8-55 .......................... 7000-2348-21-55 ......................... 19100-2349-21-55 ......................... 19000-2526-G8-55 .......................... 2600-2557-N4-55 ........................ 19200-2723-G8-55 .......................... 1200-2724-G8-55 .......................... 1500-5812-B2-98 ......................... 13200-5812-64-98 ......................... 13200-6228-64-55 ......................... 14000-6258-01-55 ......................... 13900-6259-01-55 ......................... 13820-0168-G8-55 .......................... 5220-0169-G8-55 .......................... 5120-0170-G8-55 .......................... 5320-0193-G8-55 .......................... 6620-0194-G8-55 .......................... 6620-0209-G8-55 .......................... 5220-0217-G8-55 .......................... 6320-0226-G8-55 .......................... 6020-0227-G8-55 .......................... 6120-0260-G8-U9 ......................... 4820-0261-G8-U9 ......................... 4820-0262-G8-U9 ......................... 4920-0263-G8-U9 ......................... 4920-0328-G8-55 .......................... 3620-0329-G8-55 .......................... 3520-0330-G8-55 .......................... 3620-0375-G8-87 .......................... 4320-0376-G8-87 .......................... 4320-0383-G8-87 .......................... 3220-0384-G8-87 .......................... 3320-0389-G8-87 .......................... 3820-0390-G8-87 .......................... 3920-0391-G8-87 .......................... 3920-0393-81-55 ......................... 20420-0394-81-55 ......................... 20420-0652-01-55 ......................... 13520-0728-50-C1 ........................ 12320-0803-50-55 ......................... 13420-0809-50-55 ......................... 13420-1304-G8-55 ........................ 12920-1306-G8-55 ........................ 12920-1310-G8-55 ........................ 12720-1384-I1-55 .......................... 10620-1385-I1-55 .......................... 10620-1388-88-55 ......................... 11120-1635-I1-55 .......................... 11420-1635-88-55 ......................... 11420-1636-I1-55 .......................... 11420-1636-88-55 ......................... 11420-1761-P6-55 ........................... 9720-1761-G8-55 .......................... 9720-1762-P6-55 ........................... 9920-1762-G8-55 .......................... 9920-1763-P6-55 ........................... 9820-1763-G8-55 .......................... 9820-1764-P6-55 ........................... 9820-1764-G8-55 .......................... 9820-1765-G8-55 ........................ 11820-1766-G8-55 ........................ 11820-1858-I1-55 .......................... 10220-1899-G8-55 ........................ 12220-1900-G8-55 ........................ 12220-2061-D5-55 .......................... 9120-2161-G8-55 .......................... 7720-2162-G8-55 .......................... 7820-2163-G8-55 .......................... 7720-2164-G8-55 .......................... 7920-2214-G8-55 .......................... 9520-2222-T1-55 ........................... 8920-2225-T1-55 ........................... 8820-2226-T1-55 ........................... 8920-2235-S4-55 ........................... 8220-2236-S4-55 ........................... 8420-2237-S4-55 ........................... 8420-2238-S4-55 ........................... 8520-2239-S4-55 ........................... 8120-2257-G8-S6 .......................... 7320-2258-G8-s6 .......................... 7220-2259-G8-S6 .......................... 7320-2261-G8-55 .......................... 7020-2280-I1-55 ............................ 5520-2281-I1-55 ............................ 5720-2282-I1-55 ............................ 5620-2526-G8-55 .......................... 2520-2527-G8-55 .......................... 2520-2528-G8-55 .......................... 2420-2529-G8-55 .......................... 2420-2723-G8-55 .......................... 1220-2724-G8-55 .......................... 1420-5812-B2-98 ......................... 13220-5812-64-98 ......................... 13220-6241-01-55 ......................... 12420-6264-50-C1 ........................ 123APLIQUESWALL FIXTURESAPPLIQUESWANDLEUCHTENAPLIQUES05-0168-G8-55 .......................... 5305-0193-G8-55 .......................... 6705-0216-G8-55 .......................... 6305-0226-G8-55 .......................... 6005-0227-G8-55 .......................... 6105-0260-G8-U9 ......................... 4505-0261-G8-U9 ......................... 4705-0271-14-55 ......................... 21505-0273-G8-55 ........................ 15505-0274-14-55 ......................... 21505-0275-14-55 ......................... 21505-0276-14-U9 ......................... 15505-0277-14-U9 ......................... 15505-0328-G8-55 .......................... 3705-0352-81-55 ......................... 21605-0353-81-55 ......................... 21605-0354-81-55 ......................... 21705-0355-14-55 ......................... 21805-0356-14-55 ......................... 21905-0357-14-55 ......................... 21905-0358-81-55 ......................... 21405-0359-81-55 ......................... 21405-0375-G8-87 .......................... 4205-0383-G8-87 .......................... 3105-0384-G8-87 .......................... 3105-0389-G8-87 .......................... 3805-0439-14-55 ......................... 15205-0441-14-55 ......................... 15205-0442-14-55 ......................... 15205-0448-14-87 ......................... 15405-0449-14-87 ......................... 15405-0462-14-87 ......................... 15405-0468-14-55 ......................... 15005-0470-14-87 ......................... 15005-0608-14-98 ......................... 14905-0652-01-55 ......................... 13505-0659-95-98 ......................... 12305-0663-01-55 ......................... 13505-0718-G1-55 ........................ 12105-0805-50-55 ......................... 13405-0818-14-98 ......................... 14905-0833-14-55 ......................... 15305-0834-14-55 ......................... 15305-0836-14-55 ......................... 15105-0839-14-55 ......................... 15105-0842-14-55 ......................... 15105-1304-G8-55 ........................ 12805-1308-G8-55 ........................ 12705-1384-I1-55 .......................... 10705-1385-I1-55 .......................... 10705-1387-88-55 ......................... 11105-1635-I1-55 .......................... 11305-1635-88-55 ......................... 11305-1637-I1-55 .......................... 11505-1637-88-55 ......................... 11505-1654-M9-55 ........................ 14805-1655-M9-55 ........................ 14805-1656-M9-55 ........................ 14805-1657-M9-55 ........................ 14805-1662-M9-55 ........................ 14805-1663-M9-55 ........................ 14805-1664-M9-55 ........................ 14805-1665-M9-55 ........................ 14805-1667-M9-55 ........................ 14805-1673-14-55 ......................... 14705-1675-14-55 ......................... 14705-1679-14-87 ......................... 14705-1761-P6-55 ........................... 9905-1761-G8-55 .......................... 9905-1763-P6-55 ........................... 97

05-1763-G8-55 .......................... 9705-1764-P6-55 ........................... 9705-1764-G8-55 .......................... 9705-1765-G8-55 ........................ 11905-1858-I1-55 .......................... 10305-1859-I1-55 .......................... 10305-1894-G8-55 ........................ 12505-2061-D5-55 .......................... 9105-2104-G8-N2 ....................... 14905-2106-14-55 ......................... 14705-2110-G8-55 ........................ 14605-2114-E2-55 ......................... 14605-2128-E4-55 ......................... 14605-2132-G8-55 ........................ 14605-2134-14-H1 ........................ 15005-2161-G8-55 .......................... 7505-2213-G8-55 .......................... 9405-2222-T1-55 ........................... 8705-2224-T1-55 ........................... 8805-2235-S4-55 ........................... 8505-2236-S4-55 ........................... 8305-2237-S4-55 ........................... 8205-2257-G8-S6 .......................... 7105-2258-G8-S6 .......................... 7105-2261-G8-55 .......................... 7005-2280-I1-55 ............................ 5605-2346-21-55 ......................... 20005-2347-21-55 ......................... 20005-2348-21-55 ......................... 19105-2349-21-55 ......................... 19005-2526-G8-55 .......................... 2605-2557-N4-55 ........................ 19305-2723-G8-55 .......................... 1305-3650-14-55 ......................... 15205-3651-14-55 ......................... 15205-3656-14-55 ......................... 15305-3657-14-55 ......................... 15305-3658-14-55 ......................... 15305-3659-14-55 ......................... 15305-3662-14-55 ......................... 21805-3663-14-55 ......................... 21805-3664-14-87 ......................... 15405-3666-14-87 ......................... 15405-3667-14-87 ......................... 15405-3722-14-55 ......................... 15305-3723-14-55 ......................... 15305-3726-01-55 ......................... 14905-3727-01-55 ......................... 14905-3730-14-55 ......................... 15205-3731-14-55 ......................... 15205-5812-18-98 ......................... 13205-5826-14-55 ......................... 21705-6241-01-55 ......................... 124PANELES DE ALABASTROALABASTER PANELSPANNEAUX D’ALBÂTREALABASTERPLATTENPANELLI DI ALABASTRO05-2733-21-55 ......................... 17605-2734-21-55 ......................... 17605-2735-21-55 ......................... 17705-2736-21-55 ......................... 177CORNISASCORNICESCORNICHESKRANZGESIMSCORNICHIONE05-2737-81-55 ......................... 16405-2738-81-55 ......................... 16405-2739-81-55 ......................... 16905-2740-81-55 ......................... 16905-2743-81-55 ......................... 16505-2744-81-55 ......................... 165ESPEJOSMIRRORSMIROIRSSPIEGELNSPECHI05-2745-21-55 ......................... 17305-2746-21-55 ......................... 17305-2747-14-55 ......................... 17105-2748-14-55 ......................... 171LAMPARAS DE MESATABLE LAMPSLAMPES DE TABLETISCHLEUCHTENLAMPADE DA TAVOLO10-0161-01-X3 ......................... 15910-0281-U4-Q7 ....................... 20710-0282-81-Q7 ........................ 20710-0287-G8-55 ........................ 15910-0393-81-55 ......................... 20510-0394-81-55 ......................... 20510-1384-I1-82 .......................... 10710-1387-88-82 ......................... 11010-1398-01-82 ......................... 15810-1399-01-82 ......................... 15810-1402-01-82 ......................... 15810-1404-01-82 ......................... 15810-1409-01-82 ......................... 15810-1635-I1-82 .......................... 11510-1635-88-82 ......................... 11510-1858-I1-Q7 ......................... 101PLAFONESCEILING FIXTURESPLAFONIERSDECKENLEUCHTENPLAFONIERE15-0193-G8-55 .......................... 6715-0260-G8-U9 ......................... 4615-0261-G8-U9 ......................... 4715-0262-G8-U9 ......................... 4515-0328-G8-55 .......................... 3715-0343-81-55 ......................... 21015-0344-81-55 ......................... 21015-0345-81-55 ......................... 21015-0346-81-55 ......................... 21115-0347-81-55 ......................... 21115-0348-81-55 ......................... 21115-0383-G8-87 .......................... 3015-0384-G8-87 .......................... 3015-0385-G8-87 .......................... 3015-0389-G8-87 .......................... 3815-0415-01-55 ......................... 14315-0416-01-55 ......................... 14315-0426-01-55 ......................... 14315-0443-01-55 ......................... 14315-0651-50-87 ......................... 14215-0653-50-87 ......................... 14215-0718-G1-55 ........................ 12115-0721-01-55 ......................... 14215-1635-I1-55 .......................... 11315-1635-88-55 ......................... 11315-1636-I1-55 .......................... 11315-1636-88-55 ......................... 11315-1761-P6-55 ........................... 9915-1761-G8-55 .......................... 9915-1762-P6-55 ........................... 9915-1762-G8-55 .......................... 9915-1765-G8-55 ........................ 11915-1766-G8-55 ........................ 11915-1858-I1-55 .......................... 10215-2161-G8-55 .......................... 7615-2162-G8-55 .......................... 7615-2213-G8-55 .......................... 9415-2222-T1-55 ........................... 8815-2237-S4-55 ........................... 8315-2239-S4-55 ........................... 8315-2246-B2-98 ......................... 13315-2246-64-98 ......................... 13315-2247-B2-98 ......................... 13315-2247-64-98 ......................... 13315-2257-G8-S6 .......................... 7215-2280-I1-55 ............................ 5615-2345-S2-55 ......................... 20115-2348-21-55 ......................... 19115-2349-21-55 ......................... 19015-2350-21-55 ......................... 20115-2526-G8-55 .......................... 2715-2527-G8-55 .......................... 2715-2715-G8-55 .......................... 2115-2716-G8-55 .......................... 2115-2719-G8-55 .......................... 1915-2720-G8-55 .......................... 1915-2721-G8-55 .......................... 1815-2722-G8-55 .......................... 1815-2723-G8-55 .......................... 1315-2724-G8-55 .......................... 1515-5828-50-87 ......................... 14215-6258-01-55 ......................... 142LÁMPARAS DE PIEFLOOR LAMPSLAMPADAIRESSTEHLEUCHTENPIEDISTALLO DI SALONE25-0290-G8-55 ........................ 15925-1304-G8-55 ........................ 12825-1387-88-55 ......................... 11025-1765-G8-55 ........................ 11925-1858-I1-55 .......................... 10125-2161-G8-55 .......................... 7525-5812-B2-98 ......................... 13325-5812-64-98 ......................... 13371-0161-14-C1 ........................ 159ACCESORIOSACCESSORIESACCESSOIRESZUBEHÖRACCESSORI71-0361-01-35 ........................... 3771-0362-01-35 ........................... 3771-0363-01-35 ........................... 3771-0364-01-35 ........................... 3671-0365-01-35 ........................... 3571-0366-01-35 ........................... 36PANTALLASSHADESABAT-JOURSCHIRMSCHERMOSPan-068-20 ............................. 158Pan-076-20 ............................. 101Pan-076-20 ............................. 107Pan-077-20 ............................. 158Pan-077-20 ............................. 110Pan-078-20 ............................. 158Pan-078-20 ............................. 115Pan-112-X4 ............................. 159Pan-122-14 ............................. 207Pan-123-14 ............................. 207PIEDRA DE ALABASTROALABASTER ROCKALBÂTRE BRUTROH-ALABASTERPIETRA DI ALABASTRO22191-0483-14-55 ......................... 125

222Acabados · finishing · finitions · ausfürungen · rifiniture011418OroGoldOrVergoldetOroBlancoWhiteBlancBiancoWeissMarrónBrownMarronBraunMarrone98B2C1Alabastro blanco/talla marrónWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>/rust carvinAlbâtre blanc/taille marronWeisser Alabaster/brauner RandAlabastro bianco con intaglio marroneMarrón/patinéBrown/antique brassMarron/patinéBraun/Alt MessingMarrone/patinatoAlabastro color champan/talla marrónChampagne colour <strong>alabaster</strong>/rust carvinAlbâtre couleur champagne/taille marronChampagner färbig Alabaster/brauner RandAlabastro colore espumoso/intaglio marroneN2N4P6Alabastro peachPeach <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre peachPeach AlabasterAlabastro pechéGris textura con cromoGrey texture with chromeGris à affet de texture avec chromeGrigio texture con cromoGrau rauh-matt mit ChromOro brillante y arenadoShiny/sandblasted goldOr brillant sabléGold glänzend/sandigOro lucido brillante21CromoChromeChromeCromoChromD5Oro viejo/oroOld gold/goldOr vieil/orAntik gold/VergoldetOro vecchio/oroQ7Alabastro blanco sin pantalla de telaWhite <strong>alabaster</strong> without fabric shadeAlbätre blanc sans abat-jour in tissuWeisser Alabaster ohne StoffchirmAlabastro bianco senza schermo di tela50PatinéAntique brassPatinéAlt MessingPatinatoE2Oro viejoOld goldOr vieilAntik GoldOro vecchioS2Aluminio pulido y satinadoPolished and satin aluminiumAluminium poli et satinéAluminium poliert und mattglänzendAluminio pulito satinato55Alabastro blancoWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>Albätre blancWeisser AlabasterAlabastro biancoG1Aluminio pintadoAluminium colourCouleur aluminiumAluminium FarbeAlluminio pintatoS4Ámbar doradoGolden amberAmbré doréVergoldet BernsteinAmbra dorato64Marrón/oroBrown/goldMarron/orBraun/VergoldetMarrone/oroG8Patiné rojizoRed patinePatiné rougeRot Alt MessingPatine rossoS6Alabastro blanco con talla patinadaWhite with patine colour carving <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre blanc avec taille patinéWeisser mit patina Rand AlabasterAlabastro bianco81Níquel satinadoSatin nickelNickel satinéSatiniertes NickelNichel satinatoH1Alabastro blanco/talla naranjaWhite <strong>alabaster</strong>/orange carvinAlbâtre blanc/taille orangeWeisser Alabaster/orange RandAlabastro bianco/intaglio arancioT1Níquel satyliteSatylite nickelNickel satyliteSatylite NickelNíquel satylite82Sin pantalla de telaWithout fabric shadeSans abat-jour en tissuOhne StoffschirmEnza schermo di telaI1Oro/Patiné rojizoGold/Red patineOr/Patiné rougeVergoldet/Rot Alt MessingOro/Patine rossoU4Pintura imitación níquel satinadoSatin nickel paintPeinture imitation nickel satinéNickel-Optik matt lackiertVernice imitazione niquel satinato87Alabastro color champánChampagne colour <strong>alabaster</strong>Albâtre couleur champagneChampagner färbig AlabasterAlabastro colore espumosoM9Color stoneStone colourCouleur RocheStein FärbigColore stoneU9Alabastro blanco con talla color beigeWhite colour <strong>alabaster</strong> with beige carvinAlbâtre blanc avec taille beigeWeisser Alabaster mit Ivory RandAlabastro bianco con intaglio colore beige88Níquel satinado/oroSatin nickel/goldNickel satiné/orSatiniertes Nickel/VergoldetNichel satinato/oroX3Sin pantalla/alabastro ivory con talla marrónWithout fabric shade/ivory <strong>alabaster</strong> with rust carvinSans abat-jour/albâtre ivory avec taille marronOhne Stoffchirm/Weisser Alabaster mit brauner RandSenza schermo di tela /alabastro ivory con intaglio marroneSimbología · simbols · symboles · symbole · simbologiaInstalable sobre una superfi cie normalmente infl amable.Suitable for installation on normally infl ammable surfaces.Convient aux installations sur des surfaces normalement infl ammables.Kann auf brennbare Oberfl ächen installiert werden.Possibilità d’installazione sopra una superfi cie normalmente infi ammabile.Clase IClass IClasse IKlasse lClasse I

Codificación · codification · codification · bestell-Nummer · codificaPara realizar el pedido de un artículo es necesario colocar despuesde la referencia del modelo los dos números que identifi can elacabado seguidos de los dos números que corresponden alcódigo suplementario.When placing an order for an item, please quote after the modelreference number, the two numbers indicating the required fi nishand the two supplementary code numbers.Bei der Bestellung eines Artikels müssen hinter der Modell-Nr. die zweiZiffern für die Ausführung und die zwei Ziffern des Zusatzcodes angegebenwerden.Per ordinare un articolo, si debe inserire, doppo la referenza, i 2 numeri perla fi nitura ed anche i 2 numeri per il codice supplementario.223Pour passer commande d’un article il faut indiquir après lareférence du modèle, les deux numéros identifi ant la fi nition, suivisde deux numéros corresopndants au code supplémentaire.Informacion <strong>general</strong> · <strong>general</strong> information · information <strong>general</strong>eallgemeine informationen · informazione <strong>general</strong>eLas descripciones y medidas de los aparatos del presente catálogo sonorientativas, pudiendo por tanto ser modifi cadas, a fi n de mejorar lascaracterísticas técnicas o de diseño / La empresa se reserva el derechode anular o modifi car cualquiero modelo sin previo aviso / Todos losmodelos presentados cumplen las normas exigidas por la C.E. paraaparatos de iluminación de uso doméstico y sus características vienendeterminadas por las clases I y II / Los acabados y las especifi cacionestécnicas corresponden a los productos que se suministran enEuropa, pudiendo estos variar en otros mercados / Para una buenaconservación de las lámparas, no usar bombillas de potencia superiora las recomendadas y limpiar simplemente con un paño seco. No usarlimpia metales, ya que dañan los barnices protectores que garantizan laduración del acabado.The descriptions and dimensions of the items in this catalogue areindicative and may be modifi ed for the purpose of technical or designimprovements / We reserve the right to cancel or change all modelswithout prior notice / All items meet the E.C. Class I and Class II safetyregulations for home lighting appliances / The fi nishes and technicalspecifi cations listed here are for the European market and may varyelsewhere / Do not use stronger bulbs that recommended, and allwaysclean lamps with a soft dry cloth alone since metal polish will damagethe protective fi nish.Les descriptions et mesures des appareils de ce catalogue sont donnéesà titre d’orientation, pouvant être modifi ées dans le but d’améliorer lescaractéristique techniques ou de design / L’usine se réserve le droitd’annuler ou modifi er l’un ou l’autre de ses modèles sans avis préalable/ Tous les modèles présentés sont conformes aux normaes exigées parla C.E. pour les appareils d’éclairage domestique et leur caractéristiquessont determinées par le classe I et II / Les fi nitions et spécifi cationstechniques corresponndent à la demande du marché européen. Ellespeuvent être modifi ées pur d’autres pays / Ne pas utiliser d’ampoulesd’une puissance supérieure à celle recommandeé. Pour un bon entretien,utiliser simplement un chiffon sec. N’utilisez aucun produit pur métaux,ils abîment le vernis protecteur.Die Beschereibung und Maße der in diesem Katalog aufgeführten Modelledienen zur Orientierung und können zur Verbesserung der technischenEigenschaften oder des Designs geändert werden / Der Herstellerbehält sich das Recht vor, Modelle zu ändern oder aus dem Programmwegzunehmen / Die gezeigneten Modelle erfüllen alle die innerhalb derEU geforderten Normen und Richtilinien für Leuchten für allgemeineBeleuchtungszwecke der Schutzklassen I und II / Die Ausführungenund technischen Daten gelten für den europäischen Markt und könnenin anderen Ländern abweichen / Für eine gute Erhaltung der Leuchtenbitten wir immer den emplfohlene Leuchtmittel zu benutzen (keine höhereLeistung). Zur Reinigung benutzen Sie einfach ein trockenes Tuch, daMetallputzmitteln die Schutzlackierung angreifen können.Le descrizione e le dimensioni degli articoli del presente catalogo vengonofornite a mero titolo orientativo e possono pertanto essere modifi cate al fi nedi migliorarne le caratteristiche tecniche o di design. / La Casa si riservail diritto di cessare la produzione o di modifi care qualsiasi modello senzapreavviso. / Tutti i modelli presentati sono conformi alle normative C.E. pergli articoli da illuminazione per uso domestico di classe I e II. / Le rifi niture ele specifi che tecniche corrispondono ai prodotti venduti in Europa; tali datipossono pertanto variare su altri mercati. / Per una buona conservazionedelle lampade, non utilizzare lampadine di potenza superiore a quellaconsigliata e pulirle semplicemente con un panno asciutto. Non utilizzareprodotti per la pulizia del metallo che potrebbero rovinare le vernici diprotezione che garantiscono la vita della rifi nitura.Todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna parte de este libro puede serreproducida en ningún formato de papel o electrónico, sin el consentimientoprevio del editor o de los propietarios de los derechos.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced ortransmitted in any form or by any means, electronic storage and retrievalsystem, without permission in writing from the copyright owner (s).Tous droits réservés. Aucune partie de ce livre ne pourra être reproduite enformat papier ou électronique sans l’autorisation préalable de l’éditeur ou dupropriétaire des droits.Sämtliche Rechte vorbehalten. Kein Teil dieses Buches darf in keinemPapier- oder elektronischem Format ohne ausdrückliche Zustimmung desHerausgebers oder der Inhaber der Urheberrechte wiedergegeben odervervielfältigt werden.Tutti i diritti riservati. Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodottain nessun formato cartaceo o elettronico, senza la previa autorizzazionedell’editore o dei propietari dei diritti.

LEDS-C4, S.A.Afueras s/n, - 25750 - TORA (Lleida) SPAINwww.leds-c4.comEspañaTel.: 973 46 81 01Fax.: 973 46 81 29info@leds-c4.comEuropeTel.: + 34 973 46 81 02Fax.: + 34 973 46 81 06europe@leds-c4.comFrance - PortugalTel.: + 34 973 46 81 30Fax.: + 34 973 46 81 29france@leds-c4.comportugal@leds-c4.comAsia - Pacific and AfricaTel.: + 34 973 46 81 16Fax.: + 34 973 46 81 06export@leds-c4.comUSA - Canada - IrelandTel.: +34 973 46 81 09Fax: +34 973 46 81 06lighting@leds-c4.comAmérica LatinaTel.: + 34 973 46 81 15Fax.: + 34 973 46 81 06sudamerica@leds-c4.comMiddle East CountriesTel.: + 34 973 46 81 08Fax.: + 34 973 46 81 06dep-export@leds-c4.comL-553-2008Certifi cate Nº: 7000085

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