Cope SuperPlastic 2010def - Warric

Cope SuperPlastic 2010def - Warric Cope SuperPlastic 2010def - Warric


1083D-ColourArt. 778Poltrona 3D-Colour con gambe e braccioli in tubo Ø16mm. Finitura del telaio verniciatobianco abbinato a scocca bianca, tortora, verde, arancio, rossa oppure verniciato neroabbinato a scocca nera.3D-Colour armchair with steel tube frame and armrests Ø16mm, white powder coatedfinish for shell in white, beige, green, orange, red colours or black powder coated finishfor black shell.109Art. 778600520640850460Tubo Tube Ø16PEDRALI DYNAMIC DESIGN

1103D-ColourArt. 777Sedia 3D-Colour nella versione con telaio a slitta Ø11mm, cromato oppure verniciato intinta con la scocca nera, rossa, verde, arancio e bianca. Scocca tortora solo in abbinamentoal telaio cromato.3D-Colour chair with steel rod frame Ø11mm, chomed or powder coated in the samecolour of the shell: black, red, green, orange or white. Beige colour shell available withchromed frame only.111555Art. 777515colori / colours:855460Tubo Tube Ø11NE ROAR VETO BIPEDRALI DYNAMIC DESIGN

1103D-ColourArt. 777Sedia 3D-Colour nella versione con telaio a slitta Ø11mm, cromato oppure verniciato intinta con la scocca nera, rossa, verde, arancio e bianca. Scocca tortora solo in abbinamentoal telaio cromato.3D-Colour chair with steel rod frame Ø11mm, chomed or powder coated in the samecolour of the shell: black, red, green, orange or white. Beige colour shell available withchromed frame only.111555Art. 777515colori / colours:855460Tubo Tube Ø11NE ROAR VETO BIPEDRALI DYNAMIC DESIGN

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