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Download the calendar [PDF 6.05 MB] - Aefi Download the calendar [PDF 6.05 MB] - Aefi


ITALIAN TRADE FAIR EVENTSThe publication of <strong>the</strong> Italian Trade Fair Calendar of international exhibitionsscheduled for 2009, which has been redeveloped with a new graphicslayout to allow for a more efficient consultation, is <strong>the</strong> result of a proactivecollaboration among <strong>the</strong> Coordination of <strong>the</strong> Regions, under <strong>the</strong> direction of<strong>the</strong> Council of Presidents of Italian Regions and has been made possible withassistance from <strong>the</strong> National Observatory and AEFI, <strong>the</strong> Association of Italian TradeFairs and Exhibitions.Although it has been created during a period of increasing global economicdifficulty caused by <strong>the</strong> effects of <strong>the</strong> current international financial crisis, <strong>the</strong> 2009<strong>calendar</strong> includes 200 exhibitions, distributed throughout all of <strong>the</strong> regions of Italy,and features 27 different product sectors. In <strong>the</strong> majority of cases, <strong>the</strong>se exhibitionsrepresent trade fair brands that are famous throughout <strong>the</strong> world, with dozensof years of experience, testifying to <strong>the</strong> in-depth experience and <strong>the</strong> increasingknow-how offered by <strong>the</strong> organisers of <strong>the</strong>se events, <strong>the</strong>reby placing our countryin <strong>the</strong> second place position in Europe in <strong>the</strong> trade fair industry. The exhibitionswill be organised and held at major exposition grounds – which feature modernservices and equipment – located in or near attractive cities that are able to handleaccommodations for <strong>the</strong> thousands of visitors and exhibitors, <strong>the</strong>reby making<strong>the</strong>se experiences more pleasant overall.Each year, participants at <strong>the</strong>se international exhibitions are represented byapproximately 110,000 exhibitors, more than 27% of which come from foreigncountries, and approximately 13 million visitors, 7% of which come from abroad.63% of exhibitors and 22% of visitors are involved in business trade fairs, 38% ofvisitors and 27% of exhibitors are instead involved in blended trade fairs, while 10%of exhibitors and 40% of visitors are involved in consumer trade fairs. The trendin Italy in recent years has been decidedly positive, and is expected to continue,while o<strong>the</strong>r countries have experienced significant difficulties in this industry. Thisconfirms <strong>the</strong> quality of our nation’s trade fair system, which represents an importantresource for <strong>the</strong> Italian economy and a venue of extraordinary importance thatprovides a meeting place for <strong>the</strong> supply of products, services and technologiesand <strong>the</strong> demand from an increasingly global marketplace.Trade fairs represent one of <strong>the</strong> most traditional yet at <strong>the</strong> same time mostsophisticated forms of commercial communications instruments available tobusinesses. In fact, for our nation’s manufacturing companies, from a commercialstandpoint, international trade fairs are <strong>the</strong> equivalent of <strong>the</strong> manufacturingdistricts that are used for production activities. In o<strong>the</strong>r words, trade fairs are <strong>the</strong>means by which Italian companies are able to carry out a concerted action thatcan attract global economic players.Finally, thanks to <strong>the</strong>ir know-how, Italian trade fair centres have initiated animportant internationalisation plan for new markets in Europe, <strong>the</strong> United States,Russia and China by organising dozens of exhibitions throughout <strong>the</strong> world.This commitment to <strong>the</strong> Italian trade fair system has been made possible thanksto <strong>the</strong> initiative shown by new trade fair companies following a “reform” of ournation’s traditional public trade fair organisations and is now being promoted byalmost all of Italy’s regions. However, it has also been influenced by increasedattention to <strong>the</strong> specific needs of individual regions in relation to <strong>the</strong>ir currentterritorial situations, with significant investments that have been made for <strong>the</strong>improvement of trade fair grounds, promotional efforts aimed at guaranteeingand increasing <strong>the</strong> competitiveness of trade fair centres and exhibitions withrespect to <strong>the</strong> systems that are offered by o<strong>the</strong>r nations, and by favouring andconsolidating our presence in emerging trade fair markets. For this reason, itis necessary to once again highlight <strong>the</strong> urgent need for a new policy and <strong>the</strong>development of <strong>the</strong> Italian trade fair system, which must be coordinated between<strong>the</strong> national government (<strong>the</strong> Ministry of Economic Development, especially withregard to activities involving international trade) and <strong>the</strong> regions.The commitment shown by <strong>the</strong> Coordination of <strong>the</strong> Regions with regard to <strong>the</strong>2009 <strong>calendar</strong> centres around <strong>the</strong> request for and definition of a new industryagreement for <strong>the</strong> internationalisation of Italy’s national trade fair system to bestipulated with <strong>the</strong> Ministry of Economic Development in order to continue topromote policies that will result in additional “incoming” events as well as reinforceour presence in foreign markets. Moreover, it is crucial that <strong>the</strong> government becommitted to making <strong>the</strong> provisions for <strong>the</strong> qualification and certification of <strong>the</strong>trade fair system become reality by providing direct support for infrastructures inorder to improve accessibility and develop our national trade fair system. Theseprojects have been in <strong>the</strong> planning stage for several years, but have not beenimplemented to date. Therefore, this means we need to increase efforts to makeour national trade fair system even stronger, including policies of collaborationand integration among <strong>the</strong> various European trade fair systems as a responseto an international situation which, in 2009, will involve new and more difficultchallenges in terms of <strong>the</strong> global economy and international trade.Since <strong>the</strong> second half of 2008, <strong>the</strong> entire planet has been experiencing aneconomic crisis with a devastating impact; never<strong>the</strong>less, during this sameyear no major repercussions were reported in <strong>the</strong> trade fair industry: <strong>the</strong>“Italian Trade Fair System” has held out and has in fact, managed to react quicklyand dynamically to this situation.The global economic crisis, however, will certainly affect our industry in 2009,and perhaps even in 2010 as well. In order to face what has been defined asan economic “tsunami”, likened to <strong>the</strong> Great Depression of 1929, <strong>the</strong> efforts,although extraordinary, of <strong>the</strong> players involved in <strong>the</strong> trade fair industry, first andforemost AEFI and its members, who in <strong>the</strong> pages that follow, present <strong>the</strong>ir tradefair offerings for <strong>the</strong> upcoming year, will not be enough to face <strong>the</strong> challenges thatlie ahead.It will certainly necessary for <strong>the</strong> Association of Italian Trade Fairs and Exhibitionsand its members (not only <strong>the</strong> major trade fair grounds, but small and mediumones as well) to perform as a team in order to implement that critical mass thatis appreciated <strong>the</strong> world over, continuing to focus on quality and excellence inexhibitions and consolidating <strong>the</strong> collaboration and cooperation of a system thathas begun to make its presence known throughout <strong>the</strong> world in recent years.However, this will still not be sufficient to ride out <strong>the</strong> crashing wave caused bythis crisis, which is expected to last for some time and impact all sectors of <strong>the</strong>economy, from manufacturing to services.Therefore, AEFI plans to operate in accordance with <strong>the</strong> following two directives:a) internally: closer relationships with and among members will be required toprovide a better rationalisation of <strong>the</strong> activities carried out, to verify hypo<strong>the</strong>ses ofeconomies of scale and shared objectives, to continue to focus on innovationsin <strong>the</strong> processes used and <strong>the</strong> products offered, to facilitate <strong>the</strong> consolidationof <strong>the</strong> relationships between trade fair grounds and both regional and nationalterritories, to improve <strong>the</strong> general level of services offered to our customers, toincrease training standards for our human resources;b) externally: in this regard, AEFI is making provisions to:• compel institutions (<strong>the</strong> Government and Parliament on <strong>the</strong> one hand and <strong>the</strong>Regions, on <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r) to ensure a framework for interventions that would providesome general guidelines for <strong>the</strong> trade fair system with <strong>the</strong> implementation ofan initial coordination at a central level to govern and protect competitivenessin compliance with applicable laws. We must present our petition to obtainprogrammed and continued support so that we can achieve some significantresults in strategic and high-priority areas, including internationalisation, <strong>the</strong>consolidation of <strong>the</strong> role that trade fair system assumes in <strong>the</strong> Italian economy, asingle collective contract for this industry, <strong>the</strong> coordination of a number of regionallaws, <strong>the</strong> rationalisation of a variety of forms of incentives at <strong>the</strong> trade fairs (interms of investments and management);• continue to streng<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> centralised dialogue, which has been launched inrecent months, among <strong>the</strong> major associations that operate in this sector, first ofall CFI and CFT. If we are able to continue to streng<strong>the</strong>n our relationships and worktoge<strong>the</strong>r to achieve common goals, with respect for our own specific objectives, wewill offer a comprehensive and concrete rationale for our national trade fair system,which employs thousands of people, which provides a significant contribution toItaly’s gross national product, and also involves many of our nation’s regions andcities, rendering this system capable of representing <strong>the</strong> best of Italy abroad andproviding a stimulus for our nation’s production (and its territories) as well as <strong>the</strong>internationalisation of businesses.With <strong>the</strong>se activities and <strong>the</strong>se foundations, I am honoured to present <strong>the</strong> TradeFair Calendar for 2009, which, as always, is rich with opportunities. AEFI will doeverything possible to ensure that this <strong>calendar</strong> is respected and to prevent“defections” caused by <strong>the</strong> significant, ongoing global economic crisis in orderto guarantee that <strong>the</strong> <strong>calendar</strong>s for <strong>the</strong> upcoming years will continue to expandand improve.Prof. Raffaele CercolaA.E.F.I. PresidentDuccio CampagnoliCouncillor of <strong>the</strong> Emilia-Romagna RegionInter-Regional Trade Fair Coordinator for <strong>the</strong>Regions and Autonomous Provinces Conference4

CampaniaEmilia-RomagnaFriuli Venezia GiuliaLazioItaly’s International trade shows & exhibitionsby RegionLiguriaLombardyMarchesPiedmontPugliaSardiniaSicilyTuscanyTrentino Alto AdigeVeneto5

CAMPANIALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECNaplesNAUTICSUDInternational Boat Show7 March 15 MarchEditalia srlVia Orazio, 22 - 80122 NapoliTel. +39 081 660836Fax +39 081 2482178info@nauticsud.infoMostra d’Oltremare SpAv.le kennedy nr. 5480125 NapoliTel. +39 081 7258021Fax +39 081 7258029marketing@mostradoltremare.itwww.mostradoltremare.itwww.nauticsud.info20NAPLES EDILMED 8 May 10 MayMostra d’Oltremare SpAV.le kennedy, 5480125 NapoliTel. +39 081 7258021Fax +39 081 7258029marketing@mostradoltremare.itwww.mostradoltremare.it13NAPLESINTERNATIONAL HOUSING SHOWInternational Trade Fair11 June 21 JuneMostra d’Oltremare SpAV.le kennedy, 5480125 NapoliTel. +39 081 7258021Fax +39 081 7258029marketing@mostradoltremare.itwww.mostradoltremare.it27NAPLESEXPOSUDHOTELHotel, Restaurant and Catering International Exhibition15 November 19 NovemberPromhotel Italia S.c.a.r.l.Interporto C.I.S. dI NolaIsola 1 n. 123 lotto CEdificio Servizi80035 Nola (NA)Tel. +39 081 5108108 - 5108986Fax +39 081 5108571commerciale@promhotelitalia.itwww.exposudhotel.itMostra d’Oltremare SpAV.le kennedy, 5480125 NapoliTel. +39 081 7258021Fax +39 081 7258029marketing@mostradoltremare.itwww.mostradoltremare.it96 Campania

EMILIA-ROMAGNALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRIMINISIGEPInternational Exhibition for Artisan Production of Ice Cream,Confectionary and Bakery.17 January 21 JanuaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it3BOLOGNAARTE FIERAInternational Exhibition of Contemporary Art22 January 26 JanuaryBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com5BOLOGNADESIGN ON BOARDDesign and innovative materials for life on board12 February 14 FebruaryBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com20RIMINIORO GIALLOInternational Extra Vergin Olive Oil Exhibition14 February 17 FebruaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it3RIMINIMEDITERRANEAN SEAFOOD EXHIBITIONExhibtion on Mediterranean Fishing Technology and Products14 February 17 FebruaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it2RIMINIMIA alimentazione-fuoricasaInternational Food Show14 February 17 FebruaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it3RIMINIPIANETA BIRRABeverage & co. International beer, beverage, snack,pub and pizzeria fittings and equipment event14 February 17 FebruaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it3Emilia-Romagna7

EMILIA-ROMAGNALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECBOLOGNAQUADRUM SACAMouldings, frames, graphics and technologies19 February 22 FebruaryNew Company srlVia A. Gramsci, 2680122 NapoliTel. +39 081 7613913Fax +39 081 761339417RIMINIPLANET CREATIVITYInternational Hobby, Craft and Creative Arts Trade Show27 February 1 MarchGeco Italia srlVia Pini, 5743100 ParmaTel. +39 0521 290702Fax +39 0521 989197expo@planetcreativity.comwww.planetcreativity.com22PARMAMERCANTEINFIERA SPRINGInternational Antiques and Collectors Fair28 February 8 MarchFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it5BOLOGNA PROJECTS AND LANSCAPES 12 March 15 MarchBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com13BOLOGNASAIESPRINGExhibition of Doors and Windows, Doors and Windows Technologiesand Interior Finishings18 March 21 MarchBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004www.bolognafiere.comdir.gen@bolognafiere.it13PARMAEUROSTAMPIEuropean Dies & Mold, Presses and Injection Machines Exhibition19 March 21 MarchSENAF srlVia Eritrea, 21/a20157 MilanoTel. +39 02 3320391Fax +39 02 39005289info@senaf.itwww.senaf.it17PARMAMECSPESpecialised mechanics: surface treatments and finishes; foundary anddie-casting, power transmission, tools, metal engraving, fasteners,PPE for metal-mechanic sector, moulding machines, automation19 March 21 MarchSENAF srlVia Eritrea, 21/a20157 MilanoTel. +39 02 3320391Fax +39 02 39005289info@senaf.itwww.senaf.it178 Emilia-Romagna

EMILIA-ROMAGNALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRIMINIENADA PRIMAVERAInternational Amusement & Gaming Machine Show18 March 21 MarchRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it22RIMINIBERBowling Event Rimini18 March 21 MarchRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it22BOLOGNA CHILDREN’S BOOK FAIR 23 March 26 MarchBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com14RAVENNAO.M.C. 2009Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition25 March 27 MarchOffshore MediterraneanConference scrlViale Farini, 1448100 RavennaTel. +39 0544 219418Fax +39 0544 39347conference@omc.itwww.omc.it18FORLÌFIERAVICOLAInternational Poultry and Rabbit Fair2 April 4 AprilFiera di Forlì spaVia Punta di Ferro, 247100 ForlìTel. +39 0543 793511Fax +39 0543 724488staff@fieraforli.itwww.fieraforli.it2BOLOGNACOSMOPROFInternational Perfumery and Cosmetics Exhibition2 April 6 AprilSOGECOS S.p.a.MilanoTel. +39 02 796420Fax +39 02 795036www.cosmoprof.itsogecos@cosmoprof.itI.F.I. - Iniziative FieristicheInternazionali S.r.l.BolognaTel. +39 051 359268Fax +39 051 35850612BOLOGNALINEAPELLEPreselezione italiana moda15 April 17 AprilLineapelle spaVia Brisa, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 8807711Fax +39 02 860032lineapelle@unic.itwww.lineapelle-fair.it10Emilia-Romagna9

EMILIA-ROMAGNALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECREGGIO EMILIA INTERNATIONAL PIG FARMING SHOW 16 April 18 AprilSIPER – Fiere di Reggio Emilia srlVia Filangieri, 1542100 Reggio EmiliaTel. +39 0522 503511Fax +39 0522 503555info@fierereggioemilia.itwww.fierereggioemilia.it2BOLOGNAZOOMARK INTERNATIONALInternational Exhibition of Products and Accessories for Pets7 May 10 MayBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com2BOLOGNACOSMOFARMA EXHIBITIONInternational Exhibition of Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Wellnessand Beauty Products8 May 10 MayCOSMOFARMA srlVia Filargo, 3820143 MilanoTel. +39 02 796420Fax +39 02 795036info@cosmofarma.comwww.cosmofarma.com8BOLOGNAAUTOPROMOTEC 2009Biennial International Exhibition of Equipment and Productsfor <strong>the</strong> Transportation Industry20 May 24 MayPromotec spaVia Ragazzi, 940011 Anzola dell’Emilia (BO)Tel. +39 051 6424000Fax +39 051 733008info@autopromotec.itwww.autopromotec.it26BOLOGNASANAInternational Exhibition of Natural Products: Food, Health, Environment10 September 13 SeptemberSana srlVia Maserati, 16www.sana.itsana@bolognafiere.it3BOLOGNAEXPOGREENInternational Exhibition of Machinery and Equipment for Gardening,Sport and Outdoor Activities11 September 13 SeptemberUnacoma Service sUrlViale A. Moro, 6440127 BolognaTel. +39 051 6333957Fax +39 051 6333896unacoma@unacoma.itwww.unacoma.it16RIMINIMONDO NATURAInternational Motorhome, Caravan, Camping & Outdoor VacationEquipment Show12 September 20 SeptemberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it2510 Emilia-Romagna

EMILIA-ROMAGNALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECBOLOGNACERSAIEInternational Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings29 September 3 OctoberEDI.CER. SpaViale Monte Santo, 4041049 SassuoloTel. +39 0536 804585Fax +39 0536 806510info@cersaie.itwww.ceramictiles.it13PARMAMERCANTEINFIERA AUTUMNInternational Antiques and Collectors Fair3 October 11 OctoberFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it5CESENAMACFRUTInternational Exhibition of Plants, Technologies and Servicesfor <strong>the</strong> Production, Conditioning, Marketing andTransport of Fruit and Vegetables7 October 9 OctoberCesena Fiera spaVia Dismano, 384547020 Pievesestina di Cesena (FC)Tel. +39 0547 317435Fax +39 0547 318431info@cesenafiera.itwww.cesenafiera.it2RIMINIGIO SUNInternational Exhibition of Toys and Outdoor Games8 October 11 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 155 47900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.itFiere e Comunicazioni srlVia S. Vittore, 14 20123 MilanoTel. +39 02 86451078Fax +39 02 86453506info@sungiosun.itwww.sungiosun.it22RIMINISUN Out-style, Sea-style, SunaquaeInternational Exhibition of Outdoor Products. Design, Furnishing,Accessories.8 October 11 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 155 47900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.itFiere e Comunicazioni srlVia S. Vittore, 14 20123 MilanoTel. +39 02 86451078Fax +39 02 86453506info@sungiosun.itwww.sungiosun.it22BOLOGNAT&T – Tende e TecnicaBiennial Exhibition. Products and Solutions for Protection,Sun Shading, Energy Saving, Furnishing8 October 11 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 155 47900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.itFiere e Comunicazioni srlVia S. Vittore, 14 20123 MilanoTel. +39 02 86451078Fax +39 02 86453506info@sungiosun.itwww.sungiosun.it22Emilia-Romagna11

EMILIA-ROMAGNALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECBOLOGNALINEAPELLEPreselezione italiana moda13 October 15 OctoberLineapelle spaVia Brisa, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 8807711Fax +39 02 860032lineapelle@unic.itwww.lineapelle-fair.it10BOLOGNASIMACInternational Exhibition of Machines and Technologies for Footwearand Lea<strong>the</strong>rgoods Industries13 October 15 OctoberAssomac Servizi srlGalleria del Corso, 420122 MilanoTel. +39 0381 78883Fax +39 0381 88602info@assomac.itwww.assomac.it17BOLOGNATANNING-TECHInternational Exhibition of Machines and Technologies for TanningIndustry13 October 15 OctoberAssomac Servizi srlGalleria del Corso, 420122 MilanoTel. +39 0381 78883Fax +39 0381 88602info@assomac.itwww.assomac.it17MODENAMotorSport ExpoTechInternational Meeting on Innovative Materials, Technologies,Products and Services for Racing Motor Vehicles15 October 16 OctoberModenaFiere srlViale Virgilio 58b41100 ModenaTel. +39 059 848380Fax +39 059 848790segreteria@motorsportexpotech.itwww.motorsportexpotech.it26RIMINI TTG Incontri 16 October 18 OctoberTTG Italia spaVia Nota, 610122 TorinoTel. +39 011 4366300Fax +39 011 4366979ttgitalia@ttgitalia.comwww.ttgitalia.com25PARMACibusTEC – Food Processing & PackagingTechnology Exhibition – MILCPlants and equipment for dairy industry27 October 30 OctoberFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it3PARMACibusTEC – Food Processing & PackagingTechnology Exhibition – MULTITECNOIntersectorial technologies and processing for <strong>the</strong> food industry27 October 30 OctoberFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it312 Emilia-Romagna

EMILIA-ROMAGNALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECPARMACibusTEC – Food Processing & PackagingTechnology Exhibition – TECNOCONSERVETechnologies for <strong>the</strong> processing and conservation of vegetable,animal and fish products27 October 30 OctoberFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it3BOLOGNASAIEInternational Building Exhibition28 October 31 OctoberBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com13RIMINIECOMONDOInternational Trade Fair of Material & Energy Recoveryand Sustainable Development28 October 31 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it4RIMINIKEY ENERGYInternational Expo on Energy and Sustainable Mobility, Climate andResources for a New Development28 October 31 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it4PIACENZASIBAInternational Expo for Buttons, Accessories, Raw Materials,Machinery and Technology19 November 21 NovemberPiacenza Expo spaS.S. 10 Fraz. Le Mose29100 PiacenzaTel. +39 0523 602711Fax +39 0523 602702info@piacenzaexpo.itwww.piacenzaexpo.it24RIMINISIA GUESTInternational Hospitality Exhibition21 November 24 NovemberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it9BOLOGNAMOTOR SHOWInternational Motor Show5 Dicember 13 DicemberPromotor International spaVia Milazzo, 3040121 BolognaTel. +39 051 6451011Fax +39 051 6451099salone@motorshow.itwww.motorshow.it26Emilia-Romagna13

FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIAFRIULI VENEZIA GIULIALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECpordenoneSAMULEGNOWood Processing Technology and Machine Exhibition12 February 15 FebruaryPordenone Fiere S.p.A.Viale Treviso, 133170 PordenoneTel. +39 0434 232111Fax +39 0434 572712infofiere@fierapordenone.itwww.fierapordenone.it17Torreanodi Martignacco (UD)PromosediaInternational Chair Exhibition 200933 rd edition12 September 15 SeptemberUdine e Gorizia Fiere S.p.A.Via Cotonificio, 9633030 Torreano di Martignacco(Udine)Tel. +39 0432 4951Fax +39 0432 401378info@udinegoriziafiere.itwww.udinegoriziafiere.it1914Friuli Venezia Giulia

LAZIOLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECROMEJOSP FEST JOURNEYS OF THE SPIRITINTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL15 January 18 JanuaryFiera Roma srlVia Portuense, 1645-164700148 Roma25ROME SAT EXPO EUROPE 2009 19 March 21 MarchFiera Roma srlVia Portuense, 1645-164700148 Roma15ROMEINTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF GAMINGAND ENTERTAINMENT MACHINES21 October 23 OctoberAssociazione SaparVia di Villa Patrizi, 1000161 RomaTel. +39 06 440271822ROME COMMUNITY LIFE WEEK 5 November 8 NovemberSEVICOLVia Vigliena, 1000192 Roma22ROME EXPO COMM ITALIA 2009 1 Dicember 3 DicemberFiera Roma srlVia Portuense, 1645-164700148 Roma15Lazio15

LIGURIALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECGenoa SLOW FISH 17 April 20 AprilSlow FoodVia Mendicità Istruita, 1412042 Brà (CN)Tel. +39 0172 419611Fax +39 0172 413640info@slowfood.itwww.slowfood.it3Genoa 49 th INTERNATIONAL BOAT SHOW 3 October 11 OctoberFiera di Genova SpaP.le Kennedy, 116129 GenovaTel. +39 010 53911Fax +39 010 Expo EuropeNew European Trade Event for <strong>the</strong> Amusement Industry28 October 30 OctoberFiera di Genova SpaP.le Kennedy, 116129 GenovaTel. +39 010 53911Fax +39 010

LO<strong>MB</strong>ARDYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI) FESTIVITY 15 January 19 JanuarySalone Internazionaledel Giocattolo srl.Via Petitti, 16 - 20149 MilanoTel. +39 02 325621 -Fax +39 02 33001415info@salgioc.itwww.salonedelgiocattolo.it22Rho-Pero (MI)MACEF SPRING - CHIBI & CART 2009International Home Show - Gifts, Silver, Gold, Clocks, Watches16 January 19 JanuaryFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 76 - 20156 MilanoTel. +39 02 - www.fmi.it6Milan MILANO MODA UOMO 17 January 21 JanuaryCamera Nazionale della ModaVia Gerolamo Morone, 620121 MilanoTel. +39 02 7771081Fax +39 02 77710850info@cameramoda.itwww.cameramoda.it1MilanWHITE HOMMEMen’s fashion and accessory collections and women’s fashionand accessory pre-collections18 January 20 JanuaryM.SEVENTY SrlVia Santa Croce, 7/B40122 BolognaTel. +39 051 5288104Fax +39 051 52881103info@mseventy.com1Rho-Pero (MI)MILANO UNICAInternational Textiles Exhibition: Ideabiella - Ideacomo - Moda In -Prato Expo Spring/Summer 2009 - Shirt Avenue3 February 6 FebruaryMILANUNICAViale Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66101105info@milanounica.itwww.milanounica.itS.I.TE.X S.P.A.V.le Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66103820Fax +39 02 66103844info@modain.itASSOCIAZIONE IDEABIELLAVia Torino, 56 - 13900 BiellaTel. +39 015 84831Fax +39 015 8491972info@ideabiella.itIDEACOMOVia 5 Giornate, 76/H22012 CernobbioTel. +39 031 513312Fax +39 031 340022ideacomo@ideacomo.comwww.ideacomo.comASCONTEX PROMOZIONI S.R.L.V.Le Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66103838Fax +39 02 66103863info@ascontexpromozioni.itPRATOTRADEVia Valentini, 14 - 59100 PratoTel. +39 0574 455280-1Fax. 0574 21293pratotrade@pratoexpo.itwww.pratoexpo.com24Rho-Pero (MI) MADEEXPO 4 February 7 FebruaryMILAN Anteprima 3 March 4 MarchFEDERLEGNO-ARREDO S.R.L.Foro Buonaparte, 65 - 20121 MilanoTel. +39 02 80604440Fax +39 02 80604397info@madeexpo.itwww.madeexpo.itAnteprima - Trend Selection srlVia Brisa, 3 - 20123 MilanoTel. +39 02 8807711Fax +39 02 860032trend@trendselection.itwww.trendselection.com1310Lombardy17

lombardYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI)BITInternational Tourism Exhibition19 February 22 FebruaryEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it25MILAN MILANO MODA DONNA 25 February 4 MarchCamera Nazionale della ModaVia Gerolamo Morone, 620121 MilanoTel. +39 02 7771081Fax +39 02 77710850info@cameramoda.itwww.cameramoda.it1MILAN CLOUDNINE 26 February 1 MarchPITTI IMMAGINE S.R.L.Via Faenza, 11150123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.com1MILANMILANOVENDEMODAWomen’s fashion collections27 February 2 MarchEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it1MILANWHITEWomen’s fashion and accessory collections27 February 2 MarchM.SEVENTY SrlVia Santa Croce, 7/B40122 BolognaTel. +39 051 5288104Fax +39 051 52881103info@mseventy.com1Rho-Pero (MI)MICAM SHOEVENTInternational Shoe Exhibition4 March 7 MarchA.N.C.I. Servizi srlVia Monte Rosa, 2120149 MilanoTel. +39 02 438291Fax +39 02 43829233segreteria@micamonline.comwww.micamonline.com10Rho-Pero (MI)MIPELInternational Lea<strong>the</strong>r Fair - THEBAGSHOW4 March 7 MarchAIMPES SERVIZI S.R.L.V.Le Beatrice D’este, 4320122 MilanoTel. +39 02 584511Fax +39 02 58451320segreteria@mipel.itwww.mipel.com1018Lombardy

lombardYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI)MIFURInternational Fur and Lea<strong>the</strong>r Exhibition4 March 8 MarchEnte Fieristico MIFURCorso Venezia, 3820121 MilanoTel. +39 02 76003329Fax +39 02 76022034info@mifur.com10Rho-Pero (MI)MIDOInternational Optics Optometry and Ophtalmology Exhibition6 March 9 MarchMIDO S.R.LVia Petitti, 1620149 MilanoTel. +39 02 32673673Fax +39 02 324233infomido@mido.itwww.mido.comwww.mido.it11MILAN FILO 11 March 12 MarchAssoservizi Biella srlVia Torino, 5613900 BiellaTel. +39 015 8483290Fax +39 015 8485363monfermoso@ui.biella.itwww.filo.it24Rho-Pero (MI)GRAFITALIA 2009Graphic arts, print media and communication24 March 28 MarchCENTREXPO Sempione, 420154 MilanoTel. +39 02 3191091Fax +39 02 341677centrexpo@centrexpo.itwww.centrexpo.it14Rho-Pero (MI)CONVERFLEX 2009Package Printing and Converting24 March 28 MarchCENTREXPO Sempione, 420154 MilanoTel. +39 02 3191091Fax +39 02 341677centrexpo@centrexpo.itwww.centrexpo.it14Rho-Pero (MI)PLAST ‘09International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition24 March 28 MarchPROMEPLASTCentro Direzionale MilanofioriPalazzo F320090 AssagoTel. +39 02 8228371Fax +39 02 57512490info@promaplast.orgwww.plast09.org17Rho-Pero (MI)IPACK-IMAProcessing, Packaging and Material Handling24 March 28 MarchIPACK-IMA Sempione, 420154 MilanoTel. +39 02 3191091Fax +39 02 33619826ipackima@ipackima.itwww.ipackima.it17Lombardy19

LO<strong>MB</strong>ARDYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECCERNOBBIO (CO) COMOCREA TEXTILE DESIGN SHOW 30 March 31 MarchVilla Erba spaLargo Luchino Visconti, 422012 Cernobbio (Como)Tel. +39 031 3491Fax +39 031 340540info@villaerba.itwww.villaerba.it24MILANPITTI LIVINGExhibition dedicated to home accessories15 April 20 AprilPitti Immagine s.r.l.Via Faenza, 11150123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com6MILANMIARTInternational Contemporary and Modern Art Exhibition17 April 20 AprilFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it5BRESCIAEXASporting Arms, Security, Outdoor Exhibition18 April 21 AprilBRIXIA Expo spaVia Caprera, 525125 BresciaTel. +39 030 3463470Fax +39 030 3463468info@immobiliarefiera.itwww.brixiaexpo.it22Rho-Pero (MI) INTERNATIONAL FURNISHINGS EXHIBITION 22 April 27 AprilCOSMIT S.P.A.Foro Buonaparte, 6520121 MilanoTel. +39 02 725941Fax +39 02 89011563info@cosmit.itwww.cosmit.it19Rho-Pero (MI)EUROLUCEInternational Lighting Exhibition22 April 27 AprilCOSMIT S.P.A.Foro Buonaparte, 6520121 MilanoTel. +39 02 725941Fax +39 02 89011563info@cosmit.itwww.cosmit.it19Rho-Pero (MI) INTERNATIONAL FURNITURE EXHIBITION 22 April 27 AprilCOSMIT S.P.A.Foro Buonaparte, 6520121 MilanoTel. +39 02 725941Fax +39 02 89011563info@cosmit.itwww.cosmit.it1920Lombardy

LO<strong>MB</strong>ARDYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECCernobbio (CO)PROPOSTEFurnishing Fabrics and Curtains Fair6 May 8 MayProposte srlViale Sarca, 22320126 MilanoTel. +39 02 6434054Fax +39 02 66119130info@propostefair.it24Rho-Pero (MI) TRASPOTEC LOGITEC 7 May 10 MayTL-TI EXPO S.p.A.Via Guizza, 5335125 PadovaTel. +39 049 8809043Fax +39 049 8809042segreteria@tltiexpo.itwww.tltiexpo.it26MilanCHIBIDUE 2009International Exhibition of Giftware, Perfumerie, Jewelleryand Smoker Items15 May 18 MayFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it6Milan MODAPRIMA 23 May 25 MayPitti Immagine s.r.l.Via Faenza, 11150123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1Rho-Pero (MI) ENERMOTIVE 26 May 30 MayFIERA MILAN TECH S.P.A.Via Gattamelata, 3420149 MilanoTel. +39 02 3264282Fax +39 02 3264284direzione@fieramilanotech.itwww.fieramilanotech.it4Rho-Pero (MI) LIVINLUCE 26 May 30 MayFIERA MILAN TECH S.P.A.Via Gattamelata, 3420149 MilanoTel. +39 02 3264282Fax +39 02 3264284direzione@fieramilanotech.itwww.fieramilanotech.it19Rho-Pero (MI)TUTTOFOODMilano World Food Exhibition10 June 13 JuneFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it3Lombardy21

LO<strong>MB</strong>ARDYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI)MILANOCHECKUPMedical Science Expo10 June 13 JuneFIERA MILAN TECH S.P.A.Via Gattamelata, 3420149 MilanoTel. +39 02 3264282Fax +39 02 3264284direzione@fieramilanotech.itwww.fieramilanotech.it8MILAN SI SPOSAITALIA COLLEZIONI 19 June 22 JuneMILAN MILANO MODA UOMO 20 June 24 JuneEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 www.expocts.itCamera Nazionale della ModaVia Gerolamo Morone, 620121 MilanoTel. +39 02 7771081Fax +39 02 77710850info@cameramoda.itwww.cameramoda.it11MILANWHITE HOMMEMen’s fashion and accessory collectionsand women’s fashion and accessory pre-collections21 June 23 JuneM.SEVENTY SrlVia Santa Croce, 7/B40122 BolognaTel. +39 051 5288104Fax +39 051 52881103info@mseventy.com1Rho-Pero (MI)MACEF AUTUMN - BIJOUXInternational Home Show - Gifts, Silver, Gold, Clocks, Watches4 September 7 SeptemberFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 76 - 20156 MilanoTel. +39 02 - www.fmi.it6Rho-Pero (MI)MILANO UNICAInternational Textiles Exhibition: Ideabiella - Ideacomo - Moda In -Prato Expo Autumn/Winter 2009 - Shirt Avenue8 September 11 SeptemberMILANUNICAViale Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66101105info@milanounica.itwww.milanounica.itS.I.TE.X S.P.A.V.le Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66103820Fax +39 02 66103844info@modain.itASSOCIAZIONE IDEABIELLAVia Torino, 56 - 13900 BiellaTel. +39 015 84831Fax +39 015 8491972info@ideabiella.itIDEACOMOVia 5 Giornate, 76/H22012 CernobbioTel. +39 031 513312Fax +39 031 340022ideacomo@ideacomo.comwww.ideacomo.comASCONTEX PROMOZIONI S.R.L.V.Le Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66103838Fax +39 02 66103863info@ascontexpromozioni.itPRATOTRADEVia Valentini, 14 - 59100 PratoTel. +39 0574 455280-1Fax +39 0574 21293pratotrade@pratoexpo.itwww.pratoexpo.com24Rho-Pero (MI) ANTEPRIMA 15 September 16 SeptemberAnteprima - Trend Selection srlVia Brisa, 3 - 20123 MilanoTel. +39 02 8807711Fax +39 02 860032trend@trendselection.itwww.trendselection.com1022Lombardy

LO<strong>MB</strong>ARDYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI) MIFUR SMALL VILLE 16 September 19 SeptemberEnte Fieristico MIFURCorso Venezia, 3820121 MilanoTel. +39 02 76003329Fax +39 02 76022034info@mifur.com10Rho-Pero (MI)MICAM SHOEVENTInternational Shoe Exhibition16 September 19 SeptemberA.N.C.I. Servizi srlVia Monte Rosa, 2120149 MilanoTel. +39 02 438291Fax +39 02 43829233segreteria@micamonline.comwww.micamonline.com10Rho-Pero (MI)MIPELInternational Lea<strong>the</strong>r Fair16 September 19 SeptemberAIMPES SERVIZI S.R.L.V.le Beatrice D’Este, 4320122 MilanoTel. +39 02 584511Fax +39 02 58451320segreteria@mipel.itwww.mipel.com10Milan MILANO MODA DONNA 23 September 30 SeptemberCamera Nazionale della ModaVia Gerolamo Morone, 620121 MilanoTel. +39 02 7771081Fax +39 02 77710850info@cameramoda.itwww.cameramoda.it1MilanMILANOVENDEMODAWomen’s fashion collections24 September 27 SeptemberEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it1Milan CLOUDNINE 24 September 27 SeptemberPitti Immagine s.r.l.Via Faenza, 11150123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1MilanWHITEWomen’s fashion and accessory collections25 September 28 SeptemberM.SEVENTY SrlVia Santa Croce, 7/B40122 BolognaTel. +39 051 5288104Fax +39 051 52881103info@mseventy.com1Lombardy23

LO<strong>MB</strong>ARDYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECMILANSMAU 2009International Exhibition of Information& Communications Technology30 September 3 OctoberPROMOTOR I.C.T SRLCon unico socioVia Monte Santo, 1/320124 MilanoTel. +39 02 28313210Fax +39 02 28313235info@smau.itwww.smau.it15CREMONACREMONA MONDOMUSICAInternational Exhibition of Musical Craftmanship Instrumentsand Violinmaking Accessories2 October 4 OctoberCremonaFiere spaPiazza Zelioli Lanzini, 126100 CremonaTel. +39 0372 598201Fax +39 0372 453374affarigenerali@cremonafiere.itwww.cremonafiere.it23CREMONATRIENNIAL INTERNATIONALSTRING INSTRUMENT EXHIBITION2 October 11 OctoberFONDAZIONEANTONIO Matteotti, 1726100 CremonaTel. +39 0372 8018010372-801888info@fondazionestradivari.it23Rho-Pero (MI) EMO MILANO 2009 5 October 10 OctoberEFIM S.p.A.V.Le Fulvio Testi, 12820092 Cinisello BalsamoTel. +39 02 262551Fax +39 02 26255349ucimu@ucimu.itwww.ucimu.it17MILAN FILO 7 October 8 OctoberAssoservizi Biella srlVia Torino, 5613900 BiellaTel. +39 015 8483290Fax +39 015 8485363monfermoso@ui.biella.itwww.filo.it24MILAN 37 th INTERNATIONAL EXPODENTAL 7 October 10 OctoberPROMUNIDI srlViale Forlanini, 2320134 MilanoTel. +39 02 70061220Fax +39 02 70006546l.sanin@unidi.it8Cernobbio (CO) COMOCREA TEXTILE DESIGN SHOW 19 October 20 OctoberVilla Erba spaLargo Luchino Visconti, 422012 Cernobbio (Como)Tel. +39 031 3491Fax +39 031 340540info@villaerba.itwww.villaerba.it2424 Lombardy

LO<strong>MB</strong>ARDYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECCremona INTERNATIONAL DAIRY CATTLE FAIR 22 October 25 OctoberCremonaFiere spaPiazza Zelioli Lanzini, 126100 CremonaTel. +39 0372 598201Fax +39 0372 453374affarigenerali@cremonafiere.itwww.cremonafiere.it2Rho-Pero (MI)FRANCHISING & TRADEInternational Franchising and Trade Exhibition23 October 26 OctoberEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it9Rho-Pero (MI)HOSTInternational Exhibition for <strong>the</strong> Hospitality IndustrySICInternational Coffee Exhibition;HOTEL EMOTIONTrade Fair of <strong>the</strong> Hotel Industry23 October 27 OctoberEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it9Rho-Pero (MI)MIPPP-MILANOBread Pizza Pasta Exhibition23 October 27 OctoberEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it3Rho-Pero (MI)VITRUM 2009International Trade Fair for Machinery, Equipmentand Systems for <strong>the</strong> Processing of Flat and Hollow Glass28 October 31 OctoberVITRUM S.R.L.Via Petitti, 1620149 MilanoTel. +39 02 33006099Fax +39 02 33005630vitrum@vitrum-milano.itwww.vitrum-milano.it17RHO-Pero (MI)VISCOMVisual Communication Italia 2009 evex com- International Trade Fairand Conference on Visual Communication and Event Services5 November 7 NovemberReed Exhibition Italia srlVia Melzi D’Eril 2620154 Milano14Rho-Pero (MI)EICMA67 th International Cycle and Motocycle Exhibition10 November 15 NovemberEICMA S.P.A.Antonio Da Recanate, 120124 MilanoTel. +39 02 6773511Fax +39 02 66982072eicma@eicma.itwww.eicma.it26Lombardy25

LO<strong>MB</strong>ARDYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI) IKME finishing & knitting 18 November 22 NovemberFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it17Rho-Pero (MI)RICHMACInternational Exhibition of Chemical-Physical and BiochemicalAnalysis Laboratories, Biotechnology and Physical Sciences24 November 27 NovemberFIERA MILAN TECH S.P.A.Via Gattamelata, 3420149 MilanoTel. +39 02 3264282Fax +39 02 3264284direzione@fieramilanotech.itwww.fieramilanotech.it13Rho-Pero (MI)ENOVITISInternational Wine and Olive Growing Techniques Exhibition24 November 28 NovemberE.M.E. - Ente Mostre EnologicheVia S. Vittore al Teatro, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 7222281Fax +39 02 866226info@simei.itwww.simei.it2Rho-Pero (MI)S.I.M.E.I.International Enological and Bottling Equipment Exhibition24 November 28 NovemberE.M.E. - Ente Mostre EnologicheVia S. Vittore al Teatro, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 7222281Fax +39 02 866226info@simei.itwww.simei.it17MILAN MODAPRIMA 28 November 30 NovemberPitti Immagine s.r.l.Via Faenza, 11150123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1Rho-Pero (MI)AFInternational Crafts Selling Exhibition5 Dicember 13 DicemberGE.FI. spaVia Canova, 1920145 MilanoTel. +39 02 31911911Fax +39 02 33608722gefi@gestionefiere.com726Lombardy

MARCHESLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECCivitanova Marche(MC)S.M.A.C.International Exhibition of Footwear Machinery and Equipment8 May 10 MayE.R.F. AnconaLargo Fiera della Pesca 1260125 AnconaTel. +39 071 58971Fax +39 071 5897213info@erf.itwww.erf.it10Ancona 67 th INTERNATIONAL FISHING EXHIBITION 22 May 24 MayE.R.F. AnconaLargo Fiera della Pesca 1260125 AnconaTel. +39 071 58971Fax +39 071 5897213info@erf.itwww.erf.it2Marches27

PIEDMONTLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECValenza (AL)VALENZA JEWELLERYSpring Edition7 March 10 MarchValenza Expo Events S.r.l.Valenza (AL)Tel. +39 0131 941851Fax +39 0131 946609aov@interbusiness.itwww.valenza.org21Turin INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR - TURIN 14 May 18 MayFondazione per il Libro,la Musica e la CulturaTorinoTel. +39 011 5184268Fax +39 011 - www.fieralibro.itBiella Intraprendere S.p.A.Tel. +39 +39 011 5069709Fax +39 +39 011 5633519info@biellaintraprendere.itwww.biellaintraprendere.it14Bra (CN)CHEESE - International Cheese Show18September21SeptemberComune di Bra (CN)Tel. +39 0172 430185Fax +39 0172 Food Promozione S.r.l.Bra (CN)Tel. +39 0172 419611Fax +39 0172 - www.slowfood.it3TurinEUROMINERALEXPO 2009Mineral and Nature Trade Show1 October 4 OctoberA.G. Editrice S.r.l.TorinoTel. +39 011 8131224Fax +39 011”18Valenza (AL)VALENZA JEWELLERYAutumn Edition3 October 6 OctoberValenza Expo Events S.r.l.Valenza (AL)Tel. +39 0131 941851Fax +39 0131 946609aov@interbusiness.itwww.valenza.org21Alba (CN) INTERNATIONAL WHITE ALBA TRUFFLE EXHIBITION 3 October 25 OctoberComune di Alba (CN)Tel. +39 0173 292248Fax +39 0173 Fiera del Tartufo Biancod’AlbaTel. +39 0173 361051Fax +39 0173 223022info@fieradeltartufo.orgwww.fieradeltartufo.org3TurinARTISSIMAInternational Fair of Contemporary Art in Turin6 November 8 NovemberArtissima S.r.l.TorinoTel. +39 011 197 44106Fax +39 011 197 www.artissima.itFondazione Torino MuseiTorinoTel. +39 011 4429518Fax +39 011 4429550info@fondazionetorinomusei.itwww.fondazionetorinomusei.it528Piedmont

PUGLIALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECFoggia 60 th International Fair of Agriculture and Zootechny 29 April 4 MayEnte Autonomo Fiere di FoggiaCorso del Mezzogiorno71100 FoggiaTel. +39 0881 305111Fax +39 0881 635414info@fieradifoggia.itwww.fieradifoggia.it2Bari73 th Fiera del LevanteGeneral Trade Fair12 September 20 SeptemberFiera del Levante CampionariaInternazionaleLungomare StaritaTel. +39 080 5366111Fax +39 0805366486www.fieradellevante.it27BariAGRILEVANTEInternational Biennial Exhibition of Machineryand Equipment for Agriculture15 October 18 OctoberFiera del Levante CampionariaInternazionaleLungomare StaritaTel. +39 080 5366111Fax +39 0805366486www.fieradellevante.it2Puglia29

SARDINIALOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECCagliari 61 th SARDINIA GENERAL TRADE FAIR 23 April 4 MayAzienda Speciale FieraInternazionale della SardegnaViale Diaz 221,09126 Cagliari2730Sardinia

SICILYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECPALERMO 64 th International Mediterranean General Trade Fair 23 May 7 JuneFiera del MediterraneoVia Anwar Sadat, 1390142 PalermoTel. +39 091 5000111Fax +39 091 5000148info@fieramediterraneo.itwww.fieramediterraneo.it27MESSINA 70 th International Trade Fair - Messina 1 August 16 AugustFiera di MessinaViale della Libertà98100 MessinaTel. +39 090 364011Fax +39 090 5728818info@fieramessina.itwww.fieramessina.it27Sicily31

TUSCANYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECFlorence 75 th Pitti Immagine Uomo 13 January 16 JanuaryPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1Florence 68 th Pitti Immagine Bimbo 22 January 24 JanuaryPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1Florence 62 nd Pitti Immagine Filati 28 February 30 FebruaryPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com24Marina di Carrara(MS)6 th Sea Tec 5 February 7 FebruaryCarraraFiere spa.V.le G. Galilei, 13354036 Marina di Carrara (MS)Tel. +39 0585 787963Fax +39 0585 787602info@carrarafiere.comwww.carrarafiere.com20FlorenceTasteThree Days of Intriguing Foods, Tempting Tastes14 March 16 MarchPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com3AREZZO 30 th Oro Arezzo 21 March 24 MarchCentro Promozionie Servizi ArezzoTel. +39 0575 9361-382846Fax +39 0575 383028amministrazione@cpsarezzowww.cpsarezzo.it21Florence 73 th International Crafts Trade Fair 25 April 3 MayFirenze FieraFirenzeTel.+39 055 49721Fax +39 055 4973257info@firenzefiera.itwww.firenzefiera.it732 Tuscany

TUSCANYLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECFlorence 76 th Pitti Immagine Uomo 16 June 19 JunePitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1Florence 69 th Pitti Immagine Bimbo 25 June 27 JunePitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1Florence 63 th Pitti Immagine Filati 1 July 3 JulyPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com24Florence 7 th Fragranze 11 September 13 SeptemberPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com12Florence 26 th Biennial Antiques Market and Trade Fair 25 September 4 OctoberComitato Mostraint.le AntiquariatoFirenzeTel. +39 055 282283Fax +39 055 214831biennale@mostraantiquariato.it5lucca 16 th MIAC - International Exhibition of Paper Industry 14 October 16 OctoberEdinova s.r.l.MilanoTel. +39 02 2158021Fax +39 02 2158023miac@miac.infowww.edinova.com17Tuscany33

TRENTINO ALTO ADIGELOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRiva del Garda (TN) EXPO RIVA SCHUH 17 January 20 JanuaryRiva del Garda Fierecongressi spaParco LidoRiva del Garda (TN)Tel. +39 0464 520000Fax +39 0464 555255info@exporivaschuh.itwww.exporivaschuh.it10bolzano KLIMAHOUSE 22 January 25 JanuaryFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it13bolzano PROWINTER 15 April 17 AprilFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it22bolzano KUNSTART 21 May 24 MayFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it5Riva del Garda (TN) EXPO RIVA SCHUH 6 June 9 JuneRiva del Garda Fierecongressi spaParco LidoRiva del Garda (TN)Tel. +39 0464 520000Fax +39 0464 555255info@exporivaschuh.itwww.exporivaschuh.it10bolzanoInternational Autumn Trade Fair11 September18 September13 September20 SeptemberFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it27bolzano Klimaenergy 14 October 16 OctoberFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it434 Trentino Alto Adige

TRENTINO ALTO ADIGELOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECbolzano HOTEL 26 October 29 OctoberFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it9Trentino Alto Adige35

VENETOLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECVicenzaT-Gold - The technology side of jewelleryJewelry Manufacturing Equipment International Exhibition.Gemological Instruments11 January 18 JanuaryFiera di Vicenza S.p.A.Via dell’Oreficeria, 1636100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 969111Fax +39 0444 969000vicenzafiera@vicenzafiera.itwww.vicenzafiera.it17VicenzaFirst. The jewellery supremacyInternational Exhibition of Gold Jewelry, Silverware, Watches andGems.11 January 18 JanuaryFiera di Vicenza S.p.A.Via dell’Oreficeria, 1636100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 969111Fax +39 0444 969000vicenzafiera@vicenzafiera.itwww.vicenzafiera.it21PADUA International Bike Expo Show 16 January 18 JanuaryPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it26VERONa Motorbikeexpo 16 January 18 JanuaryEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it26PaduaFlormart - MiflorInternational Fair of Nursery Gardening and Gardening19 February 21 FebruaryPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it16veronaLegno & EdiliziaInternational Trade Exhibition for Building Wood26 February 1 MarchEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it13vICENZALuxury & YachtsInternational Luxury Exhibition6 March13 March8 March15 MarchOptimist srlVia Bardella 836100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 305302Fax +39 0444 315245www.luxuryyachts.itinfo@optimistevents.com2136 Veneto

VENETOLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECvenICE Venice Boat Show 14 March 22 MarchExpo Venice spaMarittima, Fab. 10330135 VeneziaTel. +39 041 5334850Fax +39 041 5334760info@saloneve.itwww.slonenauticodivenezia.com20JESOLO (ve)NauticshowInternational Boat Show27 March3 April29 March5 AprilOptimist srlVia Bardella 836100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 305302Fax +39 0444 315245www.luxuryyachts.itinfo@optimistevents.com20PaduaTermoidraulica ClimaProfessional Exhibition of Heating, Hydro-sanitary, Water Treatment,Insulation, Alternative Energy and Bathroom Furnishing Systems1 April 4 AprilPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it13veronaAgrifood ClubQuality Food Exhibition2 April 6 AprilEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3veronaSolInternational Extra Virgin Olive Oil Exhibition2 April 6 AprilEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3veronaVinitalyInternational Wines and Spirits Exhibition2 April 6 AprilEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3veronaEnolitechInternational Exhibition of Technologies for Viticulture, Oenology andof Technologies for Olive Growing and Oil Production2 April 6 AprilEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3Veneto37

VENETOLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECvicenzaKoinèChurch Furnishings, Construction and Liturgical Exhibition18 April 21 AprilConference Service srlVia de’ Butteri, 5/a40125 BolognaTel. +39 051 4298311Fax +39 051 4298312conference@conferenceservice.netwww.conferenceservice.net7vicenzaCharm - A global jewellery experience.International Exhibition of Gold Jewelry, Silverware,Watches and Gemology16 May 20 MayFiera di Vicenza S.p.A.Via dell’Oreficeria, 1636100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 969111Fax +39 0444 969000vicenzafiera@vicenzafiera.itwww.vicenzafiera.it21Padua International Trade Fair - Padua 16 May 24 MayPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it27veronaEurocarneInternational Exhibition for <strong>the</strong> Meat Industry21 May 24 MayEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3VERONaPulire 2009International Exhibition of Production and Technologyfor Environmental Hygiene Activity9 June 12 JuneAfidamp Servizi srlVia Felice Casati,3220124 MilanoTel. +39 02 6744581Fax +39 02 66712299info@pulire-it.comwww.pulire-it.com9PaduaFlormart - MiflorInternational Fair of Nursery Gardening and Gardening10 September 12 SeptemberPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it16vicenzaChoice - Jewellery business is growing.International Exhibition of Gold Jewelry, Silverware,Watches and Gemology12 September 16 SeptemberFiera di Vicenza S.p.A.Via dell’Oreficeria, 1636100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 969111Fax +39 0444 969000vicenzafiera@vicenzafiera.itwww.vicenzafiera.it2138 Veneto

VENETOLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECveronaAbitare il TempoInternational Interior Design Show17 September 21 SeptemberEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it13veronaMarmomaccInternational Exhibition of Stone Design and Technology1 October 4 OctoberEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it13veronaAcquariaInternational Conference and Fair of Water and Air Analysis,Distribution and Treatment Technologies20 October 22 OctoberEIOM Ente ItalianoOrganizzazione MostreViale Premuda, 220129 MilanoTel. +39 02 55181842Fax +39 02 55184161eiomfiere@eiomfiere.itwww.eiomfiere.it4veronaFuture LabInternational Laboratory Equipment Exhibition(analysis, control, research)20 October 22 OctoberEIOM Ente ItalianoOrganizzazione MostreViale Premuda, 220129 MilanoTel. +39 02 55181842Fax +39 02 55184161eiomfiere@eiomfiere.itwww.eiomfiere.it17veronaM.C.S.International Security Systems and Solutions Exhibition20 October 22 OctoberEIOM Ente ItalianoOrganizzazione MostreViale Premuda, 220129 MilanoTel. +39 02 55181842Fax +39 02 55184161eiomfiere@eiomfiere.itwww.eiomfiere.it4veronaCreaExpo International Business Forum on Cooling,Heating, Energy and Environment20 October 22 OctoberEIOM Ente ItalianoOrganizzazione MostreViale Premuda, 220129 MilanoTel. +39 02 55181842Fax +39 02 55184161eiomfiere@eiomfiere.itwww.eiomfiere.it4vERONASaveInternational Conference and Fair of Vertical Solutionsand Applications of Automation, Instrumentation, Sensors20 October 22 OctoberEIOM Ente ItalianoOrganizzazione MostreViale Premuda, 220129 MilanoTel. +39 02 55181842Fax +39 02 55184161eiomfiere@eiomfiere.itwww.eiomfiere.it15Veneto39

VENETOLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECPaduaAuto e Moto d’epocaVintage cars and motorcycles and original spare parts23 October 25 OctoberPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it26veronaFieracavalliInternational Horse Festival and Exhibition of Equestrian Activitiesand Equipment5 November 8 NovemberEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it2veronaBus & Bus BusinessInternational Bus Transport Show18 November 21 NovemberEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it26PaduaCity Logistics ExpoInternational City Logistics Show27 November 29 NovemberPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it4Longarone (BL)MIGInternational Ice Cream Exhibition28 November 2 DicemberLongarone Fiere srlVia del Parco, 332013 Longarone (BL)Tel. +39 0437 577577Fax +39 0437 770340fiera@longaronefiere.itwww.longaronefiere.it340 Veneto

1) Fashion2) Agriculture, Zootechny, Fishing and related Technologies3) Food, Beverages and related Technologies4) Environment, Civil Protection and Security5) Art, Antiques, Stamp Collecting and NumismaticsItaly’s Internationaltrade shows & exhibitionsby industry sector6) Giftware, Houseware, Costume Jewellery7) Crafts, Subcontracting8) Healthcare equipment and supplies9) Trade, Community, Hotel Equipment10) Shoes, Lea<strong>the</strong>r Goods, Hides and Furs11) Cinema, Photography and Optics12) Cosmetics, Perfumery, Herbal Products13) Building and Construction14) Publishing, Printing and Graphics15) Electronics, ICT, Office Equipment16) Floriculture and Gardening17) Machinery, Machine tools and related technologies for industry18) Minerals, Hydrocarbons, Chemical and related Machinery and Equipment19) Home and Office Furnishings20) Boats and Ship Building21) Gold, Jewellery, Watches, Gemology22) Sport, Recreation and Hobbies23) Musical Instruments and Equipment24) Textiles & Haberdashery25) Tourism and Camping26) Vehicles, Transport and related equipment27) Trade Fairs43

01Industry Sector:FashionLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECFlorence 75 th Pitti Immagine Uomo 13 January 16 JanuaryPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1Milan MILANO MODA UOMO 17 January 21 JanuaryCamera Nazionale della ModaVia Gerolamo Morone, 620121 MilanoTel. +39 02 7771081Fax +39 02 77710850www.cameramoda.itinfo@cameramoda.it1MilanWHITE HOMMEMen’s fashion and accessory collections and women’sfashion and accessory pre-collections18 January 20 JanuaryM.SEVENTY SrlVia Santa Croce, 7/B40122 BolognaTel. +39 051 5288104Fax +39 051 52881103info@mseventy.com1Florence 68 th Pitti Immagine Bimbo 22 January 24 JanuaryPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1MILAN MILANO MODA DONNA 25 February 4 MarchCamera Nazionale della ModaVia Gerolamo Morone, 620121 MilanoTel. +39 02 7771081Fax +39 02 77710850info@cameramoda.itwww.cameramoda.it1MILANMILANOVENDEMODAWomen’s fashion collections26 February 1 MarchEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it1MILAN CLOUDNINE 26 February 1 MarchPITTI IMMAGINE S.R.L.Via Faenza, 111 50123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.com1MILANWHITEWomen’s fashion and accessory collections27 February 2 MarchM.SEVENTY SrlVia Santa Croce, 7/B40122 BolognaTel. +39 051 5288104Fax +39 051 52881103info@mseventy.com144Fashion

LOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECMilan MODAPRIMA 23 May 25 MayPitti Immagine s.r.l.Via Faenza, 11150123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1Florence 76 th Pitti Immagine Uomo 16 June 19 JunePitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1MILAN SI SPOSAITALIA COLLEZIONI 19 June 22 JuneEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it1MILAN MILANO MODA UOMO 20 June 24 JuneCamera Nazionale della ModaVia Gerolamo Morone, 620121 MilanoTel. +39 02 7771081Fax +39 02 77710850info@cameramoda.itwww.cameramoda.it1MILANWHITE HOMMEMen’s fashion and accessory collections and women’sfashion and accessory pre-collections21 June 23 JuneM.SEVENTY SrlVia Santa Croce, 7/B40122 BolognaTel. +39 051 5288104Fax +39 051 52881103info@mseventy.com1Florence 69 th Pitti Immagine Bimbo 25 June 27 JunePitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1Milan MILANO MODA DONNA 23 September 30 SeptemberCamera Nazionale della ModaVia Gerolamo Morone, 620121 MilanoTel. +39 02 7771081Fax +39 02 77710850info@cameramoda.itwww.cameramoda.it1Fashion45

01Industry Sector:FashionLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECMilanMILANOVENDEMODAWomen’s fashion collections24 September 27 SeptemberEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it1Milan CLOUDNINE 24 September 27 SeptemberPitti Immagine s.r.l.Via Faenza, 11150123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com1MilanWHITEWomen’s fashion and accessory collections25 September 28 SeptemberM.SEVENTY SrlVia Santa Croce, 7/B40122 BolognaTel. +39 051 5288104Fax +39 051 52881103info@mseventy.com1MILAN MODAPRIMA 28 November 30 NovemberPitti Immagine s.r.l.Via Faenza, 11150123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com146 Fashion

02Industry Sector:Agriculture, Zootechny, Fishingand related TechnologiesLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRIMINIMEDITERRANEAN SEAFOOD EXHIBITIONExhibition on Mediterranean Fishing Technology and Products14 February 17 FebruaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it2FORLÌFIERAVICOLAInternational Poultry and Rabbit Fair2 April 4 AprilFiera di Forlì spaVia Punta di Ferro, 247100 ForlìTel. +39 0543 793511Fax +39 0543 724488staff@fieraforli.itwww.fieraforli.it2REGGIO EMILIA INTERNATIONAL PIG FARMING SHOW 16 April 18 AprilSIPER – Fiere di Reggio Emilia srlVia Filangieri, 1542100 Reggio EmiliaTel. +39 0522 503511Fax +39 0522 503555info@fierereggioemilia.itwww.fierereggioemilia.it2Foggia 60 th International Fair of Agriculture and Zootechny 29 April 4 MayEnte Autonomo Fiere di FoggiaCorso del Mezzogiorno71100 FoggiaTel. +39 0881 305111Fax +39 0881 635414info@fieradifoggia.itwww.fieradifoggia.it2BOLOGNAZOOMARK INTERNATIONALInternational Exhibition of Products and Accessories for Pets7 May 10 MayBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com2Agriculture, Zootechny, Fishing and related Technologies47

02Industry Sector:Agriculture, Zootechny, Fishingand related TechnologiesLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECAncona 67 th INTERNATIONAL FISHING EXHIBITION 22 May 24 MayE.R.F. AnconaLargo Fiera della Pesca 1260125 AnconaTel. +39 071 58971Fax +39 071 5897213info@erf.itwww.erf.it2CESENAMACFRUTInternational Exhibition of Plants, Technologies and Servicesfor <strong>the</strong> Production, Conditioning, Marketing and Transportof Fruit and Vegetables7 October 9 OctoberCesena Fiera spaVia Dismano, 384547020 Pievesestina di Cesena (FC)Tel. +39 0547 317435Fax +39 0547 318431info@cesenafiera.itwww.cesenafiera.it2BariAGRILEVANTEInternational Biennial Exhibition of Machineryand Equipment for Agriculture15 October 18 OctoberFiera del Levante CampionariaInternazionaleLungomare StaritaTel. +39 080 5366111Fax +39 0805366486www.fieradellevante.it2Cremona INTERNATIONAL DAIRY CATTLE FAIR 22 October 25 OctoberCremonaFiere spaPiazza Zelioli Lanzini, 126100 CremonaTel. +39 0372 598201Fax +39 0372 453374affarigenerali@cremonafiere.itwww.cremonafiere.it2veronaFieracavalliInternational Horse Festival and Exhibition of EquestrianActivities and Equipment5 November 8 NovemberEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it2Rho-Pero (MI)ENOVITISInternational Wine and Olive Growing Techniques Exhibition24 November 28 NovemberE.M.E. - Ente Mostre EnologicheVia S. Vittore al Teatro, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 7222281Fax +39 02 866226info@simei.itwww.simei.it248Agriculture, Zootechny, Fishing and related Technologies

03Industry Sector:Food, Beverages andrelated TechnologiesLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRIMINISIGEPInternational Exhibition for Artisan Production of Ice Cream,Confectionary and Bakery.17 January 21 JanuaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it3RIMINIORO GIALLOInternational Extra Virgin Olive Oil Exhibition14 February 17 FebruaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it3RIMINIMIA alimentazione-fuoricasaInternational Food Show14 February 17 FebruaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it3RIMINIPIANETA BIRRABeverage & co. International beer, beverage, snack,pub and pizzeria fittings and equipment event14 February 17 FebruaryRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it3FlorenceTasteThree Days of Intriguing Foods, Tempting Tastes14 March 16 MarchPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com3veronaAgrifood ClubQuality Food Exhibition2 April 6 AprilEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3veronaSolInternational Extra Virgin Olive Oil Exhibition2 April 6 AprilEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3Food, Beverages and related Technologies49

03Industry Sector:Food, Beverages andrelated TechnologiesLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECveronaVinitalyInternational Wines and Spirits Exhibition2 April 6 AprilEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3veronaEnolitechInternational Exhibition of Technologies for Viticulture, Oenology andof Technologies for Olive Growing and Oil Production2 April 6 AprilEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3Genoa SLOW FISH 17 April 20 AprilSlow FoodVia Mendicità Istruita, 1412042 Brà (CN)Tel. +39 0172 419611Fax +39 0172 413640info@slowfood.itwww.slowfood.it3veronaEurocarneInternational Exhibition for <strong>the</strong> Meat Industry21 May 24 MayEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it3Rho-Pero (MI)TUTTOFOODMilano World Food Exhibition10 June 13 JuneFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it3BOLOGNASANAInternational Exhibition of Natural Products: food, health, environment10 September 13 SeptemberSana srlVia Maserati, 16www.sana.itsana@bolognafiere.it3Bra (CN)CHEESEInternational Cheese Show18 September 21 SeptemberComune di Bra (CN)Tel. +39 0172 430185Fax +39 0172 Food Promozione S.r.l.Bra (CN)Tel. +39 0172 419611Fax +39 0172 www.slowfood.it350Food, Beverages and related Technologies

LOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECAlba (CN) INTERNATIONAL WHITE ALBA TRUFFLE EXHIBITION 3 October 25 OctoberComune di Alba (CN)Tel. +39 0173 292248Fax +39 0173 Fiera del Tartufo Biancod’AlbaTel. +39 0173 361051Fax +39 0173 223022info@fieradeltartufo.orgwww.fieradeltartufo.org3Rho-Pero (MI)MIPPP-MILANOBread Pizza Pasta Exhibition23 October 27 OctoberEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it3PARMACibusTEC – Food Processing & PackagingTechnology Exhibition – MILCPlants and equipment for dairy industry27 October 30 OctoberFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it3PARMACibusTEC – Food Processing & PackagingTechnology Exhibition – MULTITECNOIntersectorial technologies and processing for <strong>the</strong> food industry27 October 30 OctoberFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it3PARMACibusTEC – Food Processing & PackagingTechnology Exhibition – TECNOCONSERVETechnologies for <strong>the</strong> processing and conservation of vegetable,animal and fish products27 October 30 OctoberFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it3Longarone (BL)MIGInternational Ice Cream Exhibition28 November 2 DicemberLongarone Fiere srlVia del Parco, 332013 Longarone (BL)Tel. +39 0437 577577Fax +39 0437 770340fiera@longaronefiere.itwww.longaronefiere.it3Food, Beverages and related Technologies51

04Industry Sector:Environment, Civil Protectionand SecurityLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI) ENERMOTIVE 26 May 30 Maybolzano Klimaenergy 14 October 16 OctoberFIERA MILAN TECH S.P.A.Via Gattamelata, 3420149 MilanoTel. +39 02 3264282Fax +39 02 3264284direzione@fieramilanotech.itwww.fieramilanotech.itFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 - 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it44veronaAcquariaInternational Conference and Fair of Water and Air Analysis,Distribution and Treatment Technologies20 October 22 OctoberEIOM Ente ItalianoOrganizzazione MostreViale Premuda, 2 - 20129 MilanoTel. +39 02 55181842Fax +39 02 55184161eiomfiere@eiomfiere.itwww.eiomfiere.it4veronaM.C.S.International Security Systems and Solutions Exhibition20 October 22 OctoberEIOM Ente ItalianoOrganizzazione MostreViale Premuda, 2 - 20129 MilanoTel. +39 02 55181842Fax +39 02 55184161eiomfiere@eiomfiere.itwww.eiomfiere.it4veronaCreaExpo International Business Forum on Cooling,Heating, Energy and Environment20 October 22 OctoberEIOM Ente ItalianoOrganizzazione MostreViale Premuda, 2 - 20129 MilanoTel. +39 02 55181842Fax +39 02 55184161eiomfiere@eiomfiere.itwww.eiomfiere.it4RIMINIECOMONDOInternational Trade Fair of Material & Energy Recoveryand Sustainable Development28 October 31 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 155 - 47900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it4RIMINIKEY ENERGYInternational Expo on Energy and Sustainable Mobility, Climate andResources for a New Development28 October 31 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 155 - 47900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it4PaduaCity Logistics ExpoInternational city logistics show27 November 29 NovemberPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it452Environment, Civil Protection and Security

05Industry Sector:Art, Antiques, StampCollecting and NumismaticsLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECBOLOGNAARTE FIERAInternational Exhibition of Contemporary Art22 January 26 JanuaryBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com5PARMAMERCANTEINFIERA SPRINGInternational Antiques and Collectors Fair28 February 8 MarchFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it5MILANMIARTInternational Contemporary and Modern Art Exhibition17 April 20 AprilFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it5bolzano KUNSTART 21 May 24 MayFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 139100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it5Florence 26 th Biennial Antiques Market and Trade Fair 25 September 4 OctoberComitato Mostraint.le AntiquariatoFirenzeTel. +39 055 282283Fax +39 055 214831biennale@mostraantiquariato.it5PARMAMERCANTEINFIERA AUTUMNInternational Antiques and Collectors Fair3 October 11 OctoberFiere di Parma spaVia F. Rizzi, 67/a43031 Baganzola (PR)Tel. +39 0521 9961Fax +39 0521 996270management@fiereparma.itwww.fiereparma.it5TurinARTISSIMAInternational Fair of Contemporary Art in Turin6 November 8 NovemberArtissima S.r.l.TorinoTel. +39 011 19744106Fax +39 011 www.artissima.itFondazione Torino MuseiTorinoTel. +39 011 4429518Fax +39 011 4429550info@fondazionetorinomusei.itwww.fondazionetorinomusei.it5Art, Antiques, Stamp Collecting and Numismatics53

06Industry Sector:Giftware, Houseware,Costume JewelleryLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI)MACEF SPRING - CHIBI & CART 2009International Home Show - Gifts, Silver, Gold, Clocks, Watches16 January 19 JanuaryFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it6MILANPITTI LIVINGExhibition dedicated to home accessories15 April 20 AprilPitti Immagine s.r.l.Via Faenza, 11150123 FirenzeTel. +39 055 36931Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com6MilanCHIBIDUE 2009International Exhibition of Giftware, Perfumery, Jewelleryand Smoker Items15 May 18 MayFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it6Rho-Pero (MI)MACEF AUTUMN - BIJOUXInternational Home Show - Gifts, Silver, Gold, Clocks. Watches4 September 7 SeptemberFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it654Giftware, Houseware, Costume Jewellery

07Industry Sector:Crafts, SubcontractingLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECvicenzaKoinèChurch Furnishings, Construction and Liturgical Exhibition18 April 21 AprilConference Service srlVia de’ Butteri, 5/a40125 BolognaTel. +39 051 4298311Fax +39 051 4298312conference@conferenceservice.netwww.conferenceservice.net7Florence 73 th International Crafts Trade Fair 25 April 3 MayFirenze FieraFirenzeTel.+39 055 49721Fax +39 055 4973257info@firenzefiera.itwww.firenzefiera.it7Rho-Pero (MI)AFInternational Crafts Selling Exhibition5 Dicember 13 DicemberGE.FI. spaVia Canova, 1920145 MilanoTel. +39 02 31911911Fax +39 02 33608722gefi@gestionefiere.com7Crafts, Subcontracting55

08Industry Sector:Healthcare equipmentand suppliesLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECBOLOGNACOSMOFARMA EXHIBITIONInternational Exhibition of Pharmaceutical, Healthcare, Wellness andBeauty Products8 May 10 MayCOSMOFARMA srlVia Filargo, 3820143 MilanoTel. +39 02 796420Fax +39 02 795036info@cosmofarma.comwww.cosmofarma.com8Rho-Pero (MI)MILANOCHECKUPMedical Science Expo10 June 13 JuneFIERA MILAN TECH S.P.A.Via Gattamelata, 3420149 MilanoTel. +39 02 3264282Fax +39 02 3264284direzione@fieramilanotech.itwww.fieramilanotech.it8MILAN 37 th INTERNATIONAL EXPODENTAL 7 October 10 OctoberPROMUNIDI srlViale Forlanini, 2320134 MilanoTel. +39 02 70061220Fax +39 02 70006546l.sanin@unidi.it856Healthcare equipment and supplies

09Industry Sector:Trade, Community,Hotel EquipmentLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECVERONaPulire 2009International Exhibition of Production and Technologyfor Environmental Hygiene Activity9 June 12 JuneAfidamp Servizi srlVia Felice Casati,3220124 MilanoTel. +39 02 6744581Fax +39 02 66712299info@pulire-it.comwww.pulire-it.com9Rho-Pero (MI)FRANCHISING & TRADEInternational Franchising and Trade Exhibition23 October 26 OctoberEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it9Rho-Pero (MI)HOSTInternational Exhibition of <strong>the</strong> Hospitality IndustrySICInternational Coffee Exhibition;HOTEL EMOTIONTrade Fair of <strong>the</strong> Hotel Industry23 October 27 OctoberEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it9bolzano HOTEL 26 October 29 OctoberFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it9NAPLESEXPOSUDHOTELHotel, Restaurant and Catering Internaitonal Exhibition15 November 19 NovemberPromhotel Italia S.c.a.r.l.Interporto C.I.S. dI NolaIsola 1 n. 123 lotto CEdificio Servizi80035 Nola (NA)Tel. +39 081 5108108 - 5108986Fax +39 081 5108571commerciale@promhotelitalia.itwww.exposudhotel.itMostra d’Oltremare SpAV.le kennedy, 5480125 NapoliTel. +39 081 7258021Fax +39 081 7258029marketing@mostradoltremare.itwww.mostradoltremare.it9RIMINISIA GUESTInternational Hospitality Exhibition21 November 24 NovemberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it9Trade, Community, Hotel Equipment57

10Industry Sector:Shoes, Lea<strong>the</strong>r Goods,Hides and FursLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRiva del Garda (TN) EXPO RIVA SCHUH 17 January 20 JanuaryRiva del Garda Fierecongressi spaParco LidoRiva del Garda (TN)Tel. +39 0464 520000Fax +39 0464 555255info@exporivaschuh.itwww.exporivaschuh.it10Milan Anteprima 3 March 4 MarchAnteprima - Trend Selection srlVia Brisa, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 8807711Fax +39 02 860032trend@trendselection.itwww.trendselection.com10Rho-Pero (MI)MICAM SHOEVENTInternational Shoe Exhibition4 March 7 MarchA.N.C.I. Servizi srlVia Monte Rosa, 2120149 MilanoTel. +39 02 438291Fax +39 02 43829233segreteria@micamonline.comwww.micamonline.com10Rho-Pero (MI)MIPELInternational Lea<strong>the</strong>r Fair - THEBAGSHOW4 March 7 MarchAIMPES SERVIZI S.R.L.V.Le Beatrice D’este, 4320122 MilanoTel. +39 02 584511Fax +39 02 58451320segreteria@mipel.itwww.mipel.com10Rho-Pero (MI)MIFURInternational Fur and Lea<strong>the</strong>r Exhibition4 March 8 MarchEnte Fieristico MIFURCorso Venezia, 3820121 MilanoTel. +39 02 76003329Fax +39 02 76022034info@mifur.com10BOLOGNALINEAPELLEPreselezione italiana moda15 April 17 AprilLineapelle spaVia Brisa, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 8807711Fax +39 02 860032lineapelle@unic.itwww.lineapelle-fair.it10Civitanova Marche(MC)S.M.A.C.International Exhibition of Footwear Machinery and Equipment8 May 10 MayE.R.F. AnconaLargo Fiera della Pesca 1260125 AnconaTel. +39 071 58971Fax +39 071 5897213info@erf.itwww.erf.it1058Shoes, Lea<strong>the</strong>r Goods, Hides and Furs

LOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRiva del Garda (TN) EXPO RIVA SCHUH 6 June 9 JuneRiva del Garda Fierecongressi spaParco LidoRiva del Garda (TN)Tel. +39 0464 520000Fax +39 0464 555255info@exporivaschuh.itwww.exporivaschuh.it10Rho-Pero (MI) ANTEPRIMA 15 September 16 SeptemberAnteprima - Trend Selection srlVia Brisa, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 8807711Fax +39 02 860032trend@trendselection.itwww.trendselection.com10Rho-Pero (MI)MICAM SHOEVENTInternational Shoe Exhibition16 September 19 SeptemberA.N.C.I. Servizi srlVia Monte Rosa, 2120149 MilanoTel. +39 02 438291Fax +39 02 43829233segreteria@micamonline.comwww.micamonline.com10Rho-Pero (MI) MIFUR SMALL VILLE 16 September 19 SeptemberEnte Fieristico MIFURCorso Venezia, 3820121 MilanoTel. +39 02 76003329Fax +39 02 76022034info@mifur.com10Rho-Pero (MI)MIPELInternational Lea<strong>the</strong>r Fair16 September 19 SeptemberAIMPES SERVIZI S.R.L.V.le Beatrice D’Este, 4320122 MilanoTel. +39 02 584511Fax +39 02 58451320segreteria@mipel.itwww.mipel.com10BOLOGNALINEAPELLEPreseleziona italiana moda13 October 15 OctoberLineapelle spaVia Brisa, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 8807711Fax +39 02 860032lineapelle@unic.itwww.lineapelle-fair.it10Shoes, Lea<strong>the</strong>r Goods, Hides and Furs59

11Industry Sector:Cinema, Photographyand OpticsLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI)MIDOInternational Optics Optometry and Ophtalmology Exhibition6 March 9 MarchMIDO S.R.LVia Petitti, 1620149 MilanoTel. +39 02 32673673Fax +39 02 324233infomido@mido.itwww.mido.comwww.mido.it1160Cinema, Photography and Optics

12Industry Sector:Cosmetics, Perfumery,Herbal ProductsLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECBOLOGNACOSMOPROFInternational Perfumery and Cosmetics Exhibition2 April 6 AprilSOGECOS S.p.a.MilanoTel. +39 02 796420Fax +39 02 795036www.cosmoprof.itsogecos@cosmoprof.itI.F.I. - Iniziative FieristicheInternazionali S.r.l.BolognaTel. +39 051 359268Fax +39 051 35850612Florence 7 th Fragranze 11 September 13 SeptemberPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com12Cosmetics, Perfumery, Herbal Products61

13Industry Sector:Building and ConstructionLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECbolzano KLIMAHOUSE 22 January 25 JanuaryFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it13Rho-Pero (MI) MADEEXPO 4 February 7 FebruaryFEDERLEGNO-ARREDO S.R.L.Foro Buonaparte, 6520121 MilanoTel. +39 02 80604440Fax +39 02 80604397info@madeexpo.itwww.madeexpo.it13veronaLegno & EdiliziaInternational Trade Exhibition for Building Wood26 February 1 MarchEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it13BOLOGNA PROJECTS AND LANSCAPES 12 March 15 MarchBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com13BOLOGNASAIESPRINGExhibition of Doors and Windows, Doors and Windows Technologiesand Interior Finishings18 March 21 MarchBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004www.bolognafiere.comdir.gen@bolognafiere.it13PaduaTermoidraulica ClimaProfessional Exhibition of Heating, Hydro-sanitary, Water Treatment,Insulation, Alternative Energy and Bathroom Furnishing Systems1 April 4 AprilPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it13NAPLES EDILMED 8 May 10 MayMostra d’Oltremare SpAV.le kennedy, 5480125 NapoliTel. +39 081 7258021Fax +39 081 7258029marketing@mostradoltremare.itwww.mostradoltremare.it1362Building and Construction

LOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECBOLOGNACERSAIEInternational Exhibition of Ceramic Tile and Bathroom Furnishings29 September 3 OctoberEDI.CER. SpaViale Monte Santo, 4041049 SassuoloTel. +39 0536 804585Fax +39 0536 806510info@cersaie.itwww.ceramictiles.it13veronaMarmomaccInternational Exhibition of Stone Design and Technology1 October 4 OctoberEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it13BOLOGNASAIEInternational Building Exhibition28 October 31 OctoberBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com13Rho-Pero (MI)RICHMACInternational Exhibition of Chemical-Physical and Biochemical AnalysisLaboratories, Biotechnology and Physical Sciences24 November 27 NovemberFIERA MILAN TECH S.P.A.Via Gattamelata, 3420149 MilanoTel. +39 02 3264282Fax +39 02 3264284direzione@fieramilanotech.itwww.fieramilanotech.it13Building and Construction63

14Industry Sector:Publishing, Printingand GraphicsLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECBOLOGNA CHILDREN’S BOOK FAIR 23 March 26 MarchBolognaFiere spaVia della Fiera, 2040127 BolognaTel. +39 051 282111Fax +39 051 6374004dir.gen@bolognafiere.itwww.bolognafiere.com14Rho-Pero (MI)GRAFITALIA 2009Graphic arts, print media and communication24 March 28 MarchCENTREXPO Sempione, 420154 MilanoTel. +39 02 3191091Fax +39 02 341677centrexpo@centrexpo.itwww.centrexpo.it14Rho-Pero (MI)CONVERFLEX 2009Package Printing and Converting24 March 28 MarchCENTREXPO Sempione, 420154 MilanoTel. +39 02 3191091Fax +39 02 341677centrexpo@centrexpo.itwww.centrexpo.it14Turin INTERNATIONAL BOOK FAIR - TURIN 14 May 18 MayFondazione per il Libro,la Musica e la CulturaTorinoTel. +39 011 5184268Fax +39 011 5612109info@fieralibro.itwww.fieralibro.itBiella Intraprendere S.p.A.Tel. +39 011 5069709Fax +39 011 5633519info@biellaintraprendere.itwww.biellaintraprendere.it14RHO-Pero (MI)VISCOMVisual Communication Italia 2009 evex com- International Trade Fairand Conference on Visual Communication and Event Services5 November 7 NovemberReed Exhibition Italia srlvia Melzi D’Eril 2620154 Milano1464Publishing, Printing and Graphics

16Industry Sector:Floriculture and GardeningLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECPaduaFlormart - MiflorInternational Spring Fair of Nursery Gardening and Gardening19 February 21 FebruaryPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it16PaduaFlormart - MiflorInternational Fair of Nursery Gardening and Gardening10 September 12 SeptemberPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it16BOLOGNAEXPOGREENInternational Exhibition of Machinery and Equipmentfor Gardening, Sport and Outdoor Activities11 September 13 SeptemberUnacoma Service sUrlViale A. Moro, 6440127 BolognaTel. +39 051 6333957Fax +39 051 6333896unacoma@unacoma.itwww.unacoma.it1666Floriculture and Gardening

17Industry Sector:Machinery, Machine toolsand related technologiesfor industryLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECVicenzaT-Gold - The technology side of jewelleryJewelry Manufacturing Equipment International Exhibition.Gemological Instruments11 January 18 JanuaryFiera di Vicenza S.p.A.Via dell’Oreficeria, 1636100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 969111Fax +39 0444 969000vicenzafiera@vicenzafiera.itwww.vicenzafiera.it17pordenoneSAMULEGNOWood Processing Technology and Machine Exhibition12 February 15 FebruaryPordenone Fiere S.p.A.Viale Treviso, 133170 PordenoneTel. +39 0434 232111Fax +39 0434 572712infofiere@fierapordenone.itwww.fierapordenone.it17BOLOGNAQUADRUM SACAMouldings, frames, graphics and technologies19 February 22 FebruaryNew Company srlVia A. Gramsci, 2680122 NapoliTel. +39 081 7613913Fax +39 081 761339417PARMAEUROSTAMPIEuropean Dies & Mold, Presses and Injection Machines Exhibition19 March 21 MarchSENAF srlVia Eritrea, 21/a20157 MilanoTel. +39 02 3320391Fax +39 02 39005289info@senaf.itwww.senaf.it17PARMAMECSPESpecialised mechanics: surface treatments and finishes;foundary and die-casting, power transmission, tools,metal engraving, fasteners, PPE for metal-mechanic sector,moulding machines, automation.19 March 21 MarchSENAF srlVia Eritrea, 21/a20157 MilanoTel. +39 02 3320391Fax +39 02 39005289info@senaf.itwww.senaf.it17Rho-Pero (MI)PLAST ‘09International Plastics and Rubber Industry Exhibition24 March 28 MarchPROMEPLASTCentro Direzionale MilanofioriPalazzo F320090 AssagoTel. +39 02 8228371Fax +39 02 57512490info@promaplast.orgwww.plast09.org17Rho-Pero (MI)IPACK-IMAProcessing, Packaging and Material Handling24 March 28 MarchIPACK-IMA Sempione, 420154 MilanoTel. +39 02 3191091Fax +39 02 33619826ipackima@ipackima.itwww.ipackima.it17Machinery, Machine tools and related technologies for industry67

17Industry Sector:Machinery, Machine toolsand related technologiesfor industryLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI) EMO MILANO 2009 5 October 10 OctoberEFIM S.p.A.V.Le Fulvio Testi, 12820092 Cinisello BalsamoTel. +39 02 262551Fax +39 02 26255349ucimu@ucimu.itwww.ucimu.it17BOLOGNASIMACInternational Exhibition of Machines and Technologiesfor Footwear and Lea<strong>the</strong>rgoods Industries13 October 15 OctoberAssomac Servizi srlGalleria del Corso, 420122 MilanoTel. +39 0381 78883Fax +39 0381 88602info@assomac.itwww.assomac.it17BOLOGNATANNING-TECHInternational Exhibition of Machines and Technologiesfor Tanning Industry13 October 15 OctoberAssomac Servizi srlGalleria del Corso, 420122 MilanoTel. +39 0381 78883Fax +39 0381 88602info@assomac.itwww.assomac.it17lucca 16 th MIAC - International Exhibition of Paper Industry 14 October 16 OctoberEdinova s.r.l.MilanoTel. +39 +39 02 2158021Fax +39 02 2158023miac@miac.infowww.edinova.com17veronaFuture LabInternational Laboratory Equipment Exhibition(analysis, control, research)20 October 22 OctoberEIOM Ente ItalianoOrganizzazione MostreViale Premuda, 220129 MilanoTel. +39 02 55181842Fax +39 02 55184161eiomfiere@eiomfiere.itwww.eiomfiere.it1768Machinery, Machine tools and related technologies for industry

LOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI)VITRUM 2009International Trade Fair for Machinery, Equipment and Systemsfor <strong>the</strong> Processing of Flat and Hollow Glass; glass and finishedproducts for industry28 October 31 OctoberVITRUM S.R.L.Via Petitti, 1620149 MilanoTel. +39 02 33006099Fax +39 02 33005630vitrum@vitrum-milano.itwww.vitrum-milano.it17Rho-Pero (MI) IKME finishing & knitting 18 November 22 NovemberFiera Milano International spaVia Varesina, 7620156 MilanoTel. +39 02 485501info@fmi.itwww.fmi.it17Rho-Pero (MI)S.I.M.E.I.International Enological and Bottling Equipment Exhibition24 November 28 NovemberE.M.E. - Ente Mostre EnologicheVia S. Vittore al Teatro, 320123 MilanoTel. +39 02 7222281Fax +39 02 866226info@simei.itwww.simei.it17Machinery, Machine tools and related technologies for industry69

18Industry Sector:Minerals, Hydrocarbons,Chemical and relatedMachinery and EquipmentLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRAVENNAO.M.C. 2009Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition25 March 27 MarchOffshore MediterraneanConference scrlViale Farini, 1448100 RavennaTel. +39 0544 219418Fax +39 0544 39347conference@omc.itwww.omc.it18TurinEUROMINERALEXPO 2009Mineral and Nature Trade Show1 October 4 OctoberA.G. Editrice S.r.l.TorinoTel. +39 011 8131224Fax +39 011”1870Minerals, Hydrocarbons, Chemical and related Machinery and Equipment

21Industry Sector:Gold, Jewellery,Watches, GemologyLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECVicenzaFirst. The jewellery supremacyInternational Exhibition of Gold Jewelry, Silverware,Watches and Gems11 January 18 JanuaryFiera di Vicenza S.p.A.Via dell’Oreficeria, 1636100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 969111Fax +39 0444 969000vicenzafiera@vicenzafiera.itwww.vicenzafiera.it21vICENZALuxury & YachtsInternational Luxury Exhibition6 March13 March8 March15 MarchOptimist srlVia Bardella 8 36100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 305302Fax +39 0444 315245www.luxuryyachts.itinfo@optimistevents.com21Valenza (AL)VALENZA JEWELLERYSpring Edition7 March 10 MarchValenza Expo Events S.r.l.Valenza (AL)Tel. +39 0131 941851Fax +39 0131 946609aov@interbusiness.itwww.valenza.org21AREZZO 30 th Oro Arezzo 21 March 24 MarchCentro Promozionie Servizi ArezzoTel. +39.0575 9361-382846Fax +39 0575 383028amministrazione@cpsarezzowww.cpsarezzo.it21vicenzaCharm - A global jewellery experience.International Exhibition of Gold Jewelry, Silverware,Watches and Gemology16 May 20 MayFiera di Vicenza S.p.A.Via dell’Oreficeria, 1636100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 969111Fax +39 0444 969000vicenzafiera@vicenzafiera.itwww.vicenzafiera.it21vicenzaChoice - Jewellery business is growing.International Exhibition of Gold Jewelry, Silverware,Watches and Gemology12 September 16 SeptemberFiera di Vicenza S.p.A.Via dell’Oreficeria, 1636100 VicenzaTel. +39 0444 969111Fax +39 0444 969000vicenzafiera@vicenzafiera.itwww.vicenzafiera.it21Valenza (AL)VALENZA JEWELLERYAutumn Edition3 October 6 OctoberValenza Expo Events S.r.l.Valenza (AL)Tel. +39 0131 941851Fax +39 0131 946609aov@interbusiness.itwww.valenza.org21Gold, Jewellery, Watches, Gemology73

22Industry Sector:Sport, Recreationand HobbiesLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRho-Pero (MI) FESTIVITY 15 January 19 JanuarySalone Internazionaledel Giocattolo srl.Via Petitti, 1620149 MilanoTel. +39 02 325621Fax +39 02 33001415info@salgioc.itwww.salonedelgiocattolo.it22RIMINIPLANET CREATIVITYInternational Hobby, Craft and Creative Arts Trade Show27 February 1 MarchGeco Italia srlVia Pini, 5743100 ParmaTel. +39 0521 290702Fax +39 0521 989197expo@planetcreativity.comwww.planetcreativity.com22RIMINIENADA PRIMAVERAInternational Amusement & Gaming Machine Show18 March 21 MarchRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it22RIMINIBERBowling Event Rimini18 March 21 MarchRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it22bolzano PROWINTER 15 April 17 AprilFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 1 39100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it22BRESCIAEXASporting Arms, Security, Outdoor Exhibition18 April 21 AprilBRIXIA Expo spaVia Caprera, 525125 BresciaTel. +39 030 3463470Fax +39 030 3463468info@immobiliarefiera.itwww.brixiaexpo.it22RIMINIGIO SUNInternational Exhibition of Toys and Outdoor Games8 October 11 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.itFiere e Comunicazioni srlVia S. Vittore, 1420123 MilanoTel. +39 02 86451078Fax +39 02 86453506info@sungiosun.itwww.sungiosun.it2274Sport, Recreation and Hobbies

LOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECRIMINISUN Out-style, Sea-style, SunaquaeInternational Exhibition of Outdoor Products. Design, Furnishing,Accessories8 October 11 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.itFiere e Comunicazioni srlVia S. Vittore, 1420123 MilanoTel. +39 02 86451078Fax +39 02 86453506info@sungiosun.itwww.sungiosun.it22BOLOGNAT&T – Tende e TecnicaBiennial Exhibition. Products and solutions for protection,sun shading, energy saving, furnishing8 October 11 OctoberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.itFiere e Comunicazioni srlVia S. Vittore, 1420123 MilanoTel. +39 02 86451078Fax +39 02 86453506info@sungiosun.itwww.sungiosun.it22ROMEInternational Exhibition of Gamingand Entertainment Machines21 October 23 OctoberAssociazione SAPARVia di Villa Patrizi,1000161 RomaTel. +39 06 440271822GenoaAmusement Expo EuropeNew European Trade Event for <strong>the</strong> Amusement Industry28 October 30 OctoberFiera di Genova SpaP.le Kennedy, 116129 GenovaTel. +39 010 53911Fax +39 010 COMMUNITY LIFE WEEK 5 November 8 NovemberSEVICOLVia Vigliena, 1000192 Roma22Sport, Recreation and Hobbies75

23Industry Sector:Musical Instrumentsand EquipmentLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECCREMONACREMONA MONDOMUSICAInternational Exhibition of Musical Craftmanship Instrumentsand Violinmaking Accessories2 October 4 OctoberCremonaFiere spaPiazza Zelioli Lanzini, 126100 CremonaTel. +39 0372 598201Fax +39 0372 453374affarigenerali@cremonafiere.itwww.cremonafiere.it23CREMONATRIENNIAL INTERNATIONALSTRING INSTRUMENT EXHIBITION2 October 11 OctoberFONDAZIONEANTONIO Matteotti, 1726100 CremonaTel. +39 0372 801801-0372-801888info@fondazionestradivari.it2376Musical Instruments and Equipment

24Industry Sector:Textiles & HaberdasheryLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECFlorence 62 th Pitti Immagine Filati 28 January 30 JanuaryPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com24Rho-Pero (MI)MILANO UNICAInternational Textiles Exhibition: Ideabiella - Ideacomo - Moda In -Prato Expo Spring/Summer 2009 - Shirt Avenue3 February 6 FebruaryMILANUNICAViale Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66101105info@milanounica.itwww.milanounica.itS.I.TE.X S.P.A.V.le Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66103820Fax +39 02 66103844info@modain.itASSOCIAZIONE IDEABIELLAVia Torino, 56 - 13900 BiellaTel. +39 015 84831Fax +39 015 8491972info@ideabiella.itIDEACOMOVia 5 Giornate, 76/H22012 CernobbioTel. +39 031 513312Fax +39 031 340022ideacomo@ideacomo.comwww.ideacomo.comASCONTEX PROMOZIONI S.R.L.V.Le Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66103838Fax +39 02 66103863info@ascontexpromozioni.itPRATOTRADEVia Valentini, 14 - 59100 PratoTel. +39 0574 455280-1Fax +39 0574 21293pratotrade@pratoexpo.itwww.pratoexpo.com24MILAN FILO 11 March 12 MarchCERNOBBIO (CO) COMOCREA TEXTILE DESIGN SHOW 30 March 31 MarchAssoservizi Biella srlVia Torino, 56 13900 BiellaTel. +39 015 8483290Fax +39 015 8485363monfermoso@ui.biella.itwww.filo.itVilla Erba spaLargo Luchino Visconti, 422012 Cernobbio (Como)Tel. +39 031 3491Fax +39 031 340540info@villaerba.itwww.villaerba.it2424Cernobbio (CO)PROPOSTEFurnishing Fabrics and Curtains Fair6 May 8 MayProposte srlViale Sarca, 223 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 6434054Fax +39 02 66119130info@propostefair.it24Textiles & Haberdashery77

24Industry Sector:Textiles & HaberdasheryLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECFlorence 63 th Pitti Immagine Filati 1 July 3 JulyPitti Immagine s.r.l.FirenzeTel. +39 055 3693210Fax +39 055 3693200dir.generale@pittimmagine.comwww.pittimmagine.com24Rho-Pero (MI)MILANO UNICAInternational Textiles Exhibition: Ideabiella - Ideacomo - Moda In -Prato Expo Autumn/Winter 2009 - Shirt Avenue8 September 11 SeptemberMILANUNICAViale Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66101105info@milanounica.itwww.milanounica.itS.I.TE.X S.P.A.V.le Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66103820Fax +39 02 66103844info@modain.itASSOCIAZIONE IDEABIELLAVia Torino, 56 - 13900 BiellaTel. +39 015 84831Fax +39 015 8491972info@ideabiella.itIDEACOMOVia 5 Giornate, 76/H22012 CernobbioTel. +39 031 513312Fax +39 031 340022ideacomo@ideacomo.comwww.ideacomo.comASCONTEX PROMOZIONI S.R.L.V.Le Sarca, 223 - 20126 MilanoTel. +39 02 66103838Fax +39 02 66103863info@ascontexpromozioni.itPRATOTRADEVia Valentini, 14 - 59100 PratoTel. +39 0574 455280-1Fax. 0574 21293pratotrade@pratoexpo.itwww.pratoexpo.com24MILAN FILO 7 October 8 OctoberCernobbio (CO) COMOCREA TEXTILE DESIGN SHOW 19 October 20 OctoberAssoservizi Biella srlVia Torino, 56 13900 BiellaTel. +39 015 8483290Fax +39 015 8485363monfermoso@ui.biella.itwww.filo.itVilla Erba spaLargo Luchino Visconti, 422012 Cernobbio (Como)Tel. +39 031 3491Fax +39 031 340540info@villaerba.itwww.villaerba.it2424PIACENZASIBAInternational Expo for Buttons, Accessories, Raw Materials,Machinery and Technology19 November 21 NovemberPiacenza Expo spaS.S. 10 Fraz. Le Mose29100 PiacenzaTel. +39 0523 602711Fax +39 0523 602702info@piacenzaexpo.itwww.piacenzaexpo.it2478Textiles & Haberdashery

25Industry Sector:Tourism and CampingLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECROMEJOSP FEST JOURNEYS OF THE SPIRITINTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL15 January 18 JanuaryFiera Roma srlVia Portuense, 1645-164700148 Roma25Rho-Pero (MI)BITInternational Tourism Exhibition19 February 22 FebruaryEXPO CTS S.P.A.Via Generale G. Govone, 6620155 MilanoTel. +39 02 349841Fax +39 02 33600493expo@expocts.itwww.expocts.it25RIMINIMONDO NATURAInternational Motorhome, Caravan, Camping & Outdoor VacationEquipment Show12 September 20 SeptemberRimini Fiera spaVia Emilia, 15547900 RiminiTel. +39 0541 744111Fax +39 0541 744200riminifiera@riminifiera.itwww.riminifiera.it25RIMINI TTG Incontri 16 October 18 OctoberTTG Italia spaVia Nota, 610122 TorinoTel. +39 011 4366300Fax +39 011 4366979ttgitalia@ttgitalia.comwww.ttgitalia.com25Tourism and Camping79

26Industry Sector:Vehicles, Transportand related equipmentLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECPADUA International Bike Expo Show 16 January 18 JanuaryPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it26VERONa Motorbikeexpo 16 January 18 JanuaryEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it26Rho-Pero (MI) TRASPOTEC LOGITEC 7 May 10 MayTL-TI EXPO S.p.A.Via Guizza, 5335125 PadovaTel. +39 049 8809043Fax +39 049 8809042segreteria@tltiexpo.itwww.tltiexpo.it26BOLOGNAAUTOPROMOTEC 2009Biennial International Exhibition of Equipment and Productsfor <strong>the</strong> Transportation Industry20 May 24 MayPromotec spaVia Ragazzi, 940011 Anzola dell’Emilia (BO)Tel. +39 051 6424000Fax +39 051 733008info@autopromotec.itwww.autopromotec.it26MODENAMotorSport ExpoTechInternational meeting on innovative materials, technologies,products and services for racing motor vehicles15 October 16 OctoberModenaFiere srlViale Virgilio 58b41100 ModenaTel. +39 059 848380Fax +39 059 848790www.motorsportexpotech.itsegreteria@motorsportexpotech.it26PaduaAuto e Moto d’epocaVintage cars and motorcycles and original spare parts23 October 25 OctoberPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it26Rho-Pero (MI)EICMA67 th International Cycle and Motocycle Exhibition10 November 15 NovemberEICMA S.P.A.Antonio Da Recanate, 120124 MilanoTel. +39 02 6773511Fax +39 02 66982072eicma@eicma.itwww.eicma.it2680Vehicles, Transport and related equipment

LOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECveronaBus & Bus BusinessInternational Bus Transport Show18 November 21 NovemberEnte autonomoper le Fiere di VeronaViale del Lavoro, 837135 VeronaTel. +39 045 8298111Fax +39 045 8298288info@veronafiere.itwww.veronafiere.it26BOLOGNAMOTOR SHOWInternational Motor Show5 Dicember 13 DicemberPromotor International spaVia Milazzo, 3040121 BolognaTel. +39 051 6451011Fax +39 051 6451099salone@motorshow.itwww.motorshow.it26Vehicles, Transport and related equipment81

27Industry Sector:Trade FairsLOCATION NAME STARTING DATE ENDING DATE ORGANISER SECCagliari 61 th SARDINIA GENERAL TRADE FAIR 23 April 4 MayAzienda Speciale FieraInternazionale della SardegnaViale Diaz 221,09126 Cagliari27Padua International Trade Fair - Padua 16 May 24 MayPadovaFiere spaVia N. Tommaseo, 5935131 PadovaTel. +39 049 840111Fax +39 049 840570info@padovafiere.itwww.padovafiere.it27PALERMO 64 th International Mediterranean General Trade Fair 23 May 7 JuneFiera del MediterraneoVia Anwar Sadat, 1390142 PalermoTel. +39 091 5000111Fax +39 091 5000148info@fieramediterraneo.itwww.fieramediterraneo.it27NAPLESINTERNATIONAL HOUSING SHOWInternational Trade Fair11 June 21 JuneMostra d’Oltremare SpAV.le kennedy, 5480125 NapoliTel. +39 081 7258021Fax +39 081 7258029marketing@mostradoltremare.itwww.mostradoltremare.it27MESSINA 70 th International Trade Fair - Messina 1 August 16 AugustFiera di MessinaViale della Libertà98100 MessinaTel. +39 090 364011Fax +39 090 5728818info@fieramessina.itwww.fieramessina.it27bolzanoInternational Autumn Trade Fair11 September18 September13 September20 SeptemberFiera Bolzano SpAMesse Bozen AGPiazza Fiera, 139100 BolzanoTel. +39 0471 516000Fax +39 0471 516111info@fierabolzano.itwww.fierabolzano.it27Bari73 th Fiera del LevanteGeneral Trade Fair12 September 20 SeptemberFiera del Levante CampionariaInternazionaleLungomare StaritaTel. +39 080 5366111Fax +39 0805366486www.fieradellevante.it2782Trade Fairs

REGIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNAASSESSORATO ATTIVITÀ PRODUTTIVESPORTELLO REGIONALE PER L’INTERNAZIONALIZZAZIONE DELLE IMPRESEViale Aldo Moro 44Tel. +39 051-6396420 Fax +39 051-6396512e-mail: info@sprint-er.itDirector: Ruben SacerdotiProject Manager: Francesco Quagliariellofquagliariello@regione.emilia-romagna.itData Processing: Massimo TreggiaDesigned by: NouvellePrinted by: Compositori Industrie GraficheEdition: December 200883

CALENDAR2009International trade shows & exhibitions in Italy84Italian Inter-regional Trade Fairs Committee – Conference of <strong>the</strong> Regions and <strong>the</strong> Autonomous Provinces

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