VDW.GOLD® RECIPROC® - Vdw-dental.com

VDW.GOLD® RECIPROC® - Vdw-dental.com VDW.GOLD® RECIPROC® - Vdw-dental.com

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68Problem Possible Cause SolutionenTHE APEX LOCATORWILL NOT TURN ON• One of the connection cablescould be inserted improperly ordefective.• Connection error between thecables and the unit.• Contact between the lip clipand either the contra-angle fileor the file in the file clip eithertoo short or faulty.• Check all plug connections and retry.• If you tried to activate the apexlocator by connecting the lip clip to thefile in the contra-angle, try again usingthe lip clip and the file in the file clip.If this successfully activates the apexlocator, then the connection betweenthe lip clip and the file in the contraangleis faulty.• Check the contact between the fileand the lip clip.• If the results are still negative, thisindicates that the contra-angle (onlythe original VDW 6:1 contra-angle maybe used) is not transmitting signalscorrectly. The contra-angle needs tobe replaced.• If the error persists following contactbetween the lip clip and the anglepiecefile as well as between the lipclip and the file clip file, this couldindicate a defective lip clip cable ora break in the measurement currentcircuit (file correctly inserted, file withelectricity-conducting steel shaft).If the error cannot be fixed, switchingthe apex locator on and thus using itwill not be possible.

11. WarrantyIn addition to the warranty specified in the salescontract with the dental dealer, VDW GmbHprovides the following factory service guaranteeto customers directly:1. VDW GmbH vouches for the correct constructionof the product, the use of top-quality constructionmaterials, the performance of all necessary testingand that the product is in compliance with allrelevant laws and regulations.The full functionality of the VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ®is guaranteed under a 36 month warranty,beginning on the date the device is delivered tothe customer (as indicated in the delivery paperscontaining the serial number of the product,provided by the supplier at the time of sale). The VDW6:1 contra-angle has a 12-month warranty.The following wearing parts are not included in thewarranty: 2-part measurement cable, lip clip andfile clip.The customer only has the right to guaranteedservices during the warranty period, and only oncondition that the VDW GmbH is informed of thedefect in writing within a two month period fromthe date of discovery of the defect.2. In case of a substantiated claim, the VDWService Centre Munich will complete the repairswithin 3 working days from the time the device arrivesat VDW GmbH in Munich, not including timefor return transport of the device to the customer.694. The warranty does not extend to damage whichVDW GmbH can prove is the result of user neglectin terms of normal device care (see user‘smanual), especially as regards battery charging,discharging and care in accordance with theuser‘s manual instructions as well as carefuland regular care of the VDW 6:1 contra-angle asdiscussed in the special VDW 6:1 contra-angleuser‘s manual. The warranty expressly excludesdefects which:• occur as a result of damage during transport toVDW GmbH for repair purposes;• caused by atmospheric events such as lightning,fire and humidity. This warranty is automaticallyinvalidated if the product is inappropriately repaired,modified or otherwise handled by the useror by unauthorized third parties.5. The warranty is only valid if the invoiceconfirming product delivery date is included withthe device being sent for repair work.6. Legal claims, for example those related toproduct liability rights, or claims against thosefrom whom the customer obtained the product,especially against dental suppliers, remain unaffected.en3. This warranty covers only the exchange orrepair of those individual components or partswhich are affected by manufacturing defects.Costs associated with customer visits by dentalsupplytechnicians will not be reimbursed by VDWGmbH, nor will packing costs incurred by thecustomer. The customer has no right to additionalcompensation by VDW GmbH which goes beyondrepairs (such as damage compensation). Thiswarranty does not cover compensation for director indirect personal injury or property damage ofany kind. The customer has no right to compensationfor damages due to device downtime.Endo Easy Efficient ®

11. WarrantyIn addition to the warranty specified in the salescontract with the <strong>dental</strong> dealer, <strong>VDW</strong> GmbHprovides the following factory service guaranteeto customers directly:1. <strong>VDW</strong> GmbH vouches for the correct constructionof the product, the use of top-quality constructionmaterials, the performance of all necessary testingand that the product is in <strong>com</strong>pliance with allrelevant laws and regulations.The full functionality of the <strong>VDW</strong>.GOLD ® RECIPROC ®is guaranteed under a 36 month warranty,beginning on the date the device is delivered tothe customer (as indicated in the delivery paperscontaining the serial number of the product,provided by the supplier at the time of sale). The <strong>VDW</strong>6:1 contra-angle has a 12-month warranty.The following wearing parts are not included in thewarranty: 2-part measurement cable, lip clip andfile clip.The customer only has the right to guaranteedservices during the warranty period, and only oncondition that the <strong>VDW</strong> GmbH is informed of thedefect in writing within a two month period fromthe date of discovery of the defect.2. In case of a substantiated claim, the <strong>VDW</strong>Service Centre Munich will <strong>com</strong>plete the repairswithin 3 working days from the time the device arrivesat <strong>VDW</strong> GmbH in Munich, not including timefor return transport of the device to the customer.694. The warranty does not extend to damage which<strong>VDW</strong> GmbH can prove is the result of user neglectin terms of normal device care (see user‘smanual), especially as regards battery charging,discharging and care in accordance with theuser‘s manual instructions as well as carefuland regular care of the <strong>VDW</strong> 6:1 contra-angle asdiscussed in the special <strong>VDW</strong> 6:1 contra-angleuser‘s manual. The warranty expressly excludesdefects which:• occur as a result of damage during transport to<strong>VDW</strong> GmbH for repair purposes;• caused by atmospheric events such as lightning,fire and humidity. This warranty is automaticallyinvalidated if the product is inappropriately repaired,modified or otherwise handled by the useror by unauthorized third parties.5. The warranty is only valid if the invoiceconfirming product delivery date is included withthe device being sent for repair work.6. Legal claims, for example those related toproduct liability rights, or claims against thosefrom whom the customer obtained the product,especially against <strong>dental</strong> suppliers, remain unaffected.en3. This warranty covers only the exchange orrepair of those individual <strong>com</strong>ponents or partswhich are affected by manufacturing defects.Costs associated with customer visits by <strong>dental</strong>supplytechnicians will not be reimbursed by <strong>VDW</strong>GmbH, nor will packing costs incurred by thecustomer. The customer has no right to additional<strong>com</strong>pensation by <strong>VDW</strong> GmbH which goes beyondrepairs (such as damage <strong>com</strong>pensation). Thiswarranty does not cover <strong>com</strong>pensation for director indirect personal injury or property damage ofany kind. The customer has no right to <strong>com</strong>pensationfor damages due to device downtime.Endo Easy Efficient ®

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