VDW.GOLD® RECIPROC® - Vdw-dental.com

VDW.GOLD® RECIPROC® - Vdw-dental.com VDW.GOLD® RECIPROC® - Vdw-dental.com

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enCare and Transportation• The VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® ’s componentsare not delivered disinfected or sterilised:components such as the central unit, themicromotor and the micromotor cable as wellas the lip clip and file clip cables must be disinfectedbefore the first use and after everyadditional use. The VDW 6:1 contra-angle,the lip clip and the file clip (without cables)must be sterilised before the first use andafter every additional use!• Never put the micromotor or other accessoryparts in an autoclave or an ultrasonicbath. Do not sterilise any VDW.GOLD ®RECIPROC ® components (with the exceptionof the lip clip, the file clip (not includingcables) and the VDW 6:1 contra-angle). Seeseparate operating instructions on how tosterilise the VDW 6:1 contra-angle.• The plastic enclosure is not sealed. Donot use any liquids or sprays directly on theconsole, especially on the display or nearthe electrical sockets.Repair and Malfunctions• Do not use the VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ®if you suspect it is damaged or defective.• Repairing, changing or modifying theVDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® without the manufacturer’sprior approval is not permitted.VDW GmbH assumes no responsibility ifit has been changed or modified. Shoulda malfunction occur, contact your servicecentre instead of having repairs done by anunauthorized person.425. PrecautionsRead all safety information carefully before use.These precautionary measures help you use theproduct safely and thus prevent injury to bothyou and others. Keep this user’s manual in a safeplace for future reference. This manual must beincluded whenever the system is sold or passedon so that the new owner can observe these warningsand take the appropriate precautions.All special precautions to be taken before, duringand after operation can be found in Chapter 4Warnings. The manufacturer assumes no responsibilityin case of:• Use of the VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® for purposesother than those specifically described in thismanual.• Performance of work or repairs by anyone notauthorized by the manufacturer or by the importerin the manufacturer’s name.• Use of non-original components or componentsother than those described in Chapter 7.1 StandardComponents.• File breakage in the root canal during clinicaluse of the VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® .• Connection of the micromotor to a power sourcewhich does not conform to IEC 364 norms.• Damage to device or accessories resulting fromsterilisation: VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® componentscannot be sterilised (with the exception of the lipclip, the file clip (not including cables) and the VDW6:1 contra-angle. See also the separate operatinginstructions for information on sterilising theVDW 6:1 contra-angle.)Should you have any questions, please contactyour supplier or the VDW GmbH service centre.Disposal• Disposing of the VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ®in the normal household waste is not permitted.Dispose of the device in accordancewith Directive 2002/96/EEC regarding theseparate collection of electric/electronicdevices. For further details, please contactVDW GmbH directly.• For information on the proper disposalof the endodontic NiTi instruments, pleaserefer to the manufacturer’s instructions.These are not included in delivery.6. Adverse ReactionsThere are no known adverse reactions.7. Step-by-Step InstructionsThis chapter contains all necessary informationregarding the commissioning and operation of theVDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® .NOTEBefore using the device for the first time,familiarize yourself with Chapter 4 Warningswhich contains all special precautions to betaken before, during and after operation.

7.1 Standard ComponentsThe VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® is shipped with the components listed below:432 3 10enVDW.G O L DVDW.G O L D1941) Central unit5 7 6 82) Micromotor with cable and connector (cable length 1.8 m)3) Reduction gear contra-angle: VDW 6:1 contra-angle(packed in a separate shipping box with accompanying operating instructions)4) 2 protective silicon covers for the VDW 6:1 contra-angle5) 2 lip clips6) Lip clip cable (with ferrite ring); cable length 1.7 m7) 2 file clips8) File clip cable (cable length 1.7 m)9) Foot pedal with cable (length 1.7 m)10) Battery charger (with ferrite ring) with interchangeable EU, UK, USA, and AUS plug adaptors(cable length 1.8 m)VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® user manualFig. 1 VDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ®The VDW 6:1 contra-angle is packed separatelyand delivered in a shipping box along with theVDW.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® . Note the separateoperating instructions for the VDW 6.1 contraangle.WARNINGThe standard components are deliveredneither sterilised nor disinfected! Kindlynote the respective information in Chapter8.2 Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilisation(in Accordance with DIN EN ISO 17664)before operating the device.Endo Easy Efficient ®

7.1 Standard ComponentsThe <strong>VDW</strong>.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® is shipped with the <strong>com</strong>ponents listed below:432 3 10en<strong>VDW</strong>.G O L D<strong>VDW</strong>.G O L D1941) Central unit5 7 6 82) Micromotor with cable and connector (cable length 1.8 m)3) Reduction gear contra-angle: <strong>VDW</strong> 6:1 contra-angle(packed in a separate shipping box with ac<strong>com</strong>panying operating instructions)4) 2 protective silicon covers for the <strong>VDW</strong> 6:1 contra-angle5) 2 lip clips6) Lip clip cable (with ferrite ring); cable length 1.7 m7) 2 file clips8) File clip cable (cable length 1.7 m)9) Foot pedal with cable (length 1.7 m)10) Battery charger (with ferrite ring) with interchangeable EU, UK, USA, and AUS plug adaptors(cable length 1.8 m)<strong>VDW</strong>.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® user manualFig. 1 <strong>VDW</strong>.GOLD ® RECIPROC ®The <strong>VDW</strong> 6:1 contra-angle is packed separatelyand delivered in a shipping box along with the<strong>VDW</strong>.GOLD ® RECIPROC ® . Note the separateoperating instructions for the <strong>VDW</strong> 6.1 contraangle.WARNINGThe standard <strong>com</strong>ponents are deliveredneither sterilised nor disinfected! Kindlynote the respective information in Chapter8.2 Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilisation(in Accordance with DIN EN ISO 17664)before operating the device.Endo Easy Efficient ®

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