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<strong>Assembly</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong>Technical SpecificationsCaractéristiques TechniquesTechnische DatenEspecificacionesCaratteristicheEd<strong>it</strong>ion 31A1A

TechnicalSymbolsSymboles TechniquesTechnische SymboleSímbolos TécnicosSimboli tecnici<strong>Assembly</strong> ToolsOutilsd'AssemblageMontagewerkzeugeHerramientasde MontajeUtensili perl'AssemblaggioNoteNotaAnmerkungThis catalogue is designed in 5 languages. In order tosimplify <strong>it</strong>, all technical information is represented bysymbols. In the event of difficulty of interpretation, pleaserefer to the following list to know the exact significance.Ce catalogue a été conçu pour un accès en 5 langues.Afin d'en simplifier la lisibil<strong>it</strong>é, toutes les informationstechniques sont signalisées par des symboles. En cas dedifficulté d'interprétation, vous pouvez consulter la listeci-contre pour connaître leur signification exacte.Dieser Katalog umfasst 5 Sprachen. Zur Vereinfachungwerden alle technischen Informationen m<strong>it</strong> Unterstützungvon Symbolen dargestellt. Zum besseren Verständnis derSymbole finden Sie nachfolgend eine entsprechendeErläuterung.Este catálogo fue concebido para un acceso en 5 idiomas.A fin de simplificar la legibilidad, todas las informacionestécnicas son señalizadas por símbolos. En caso de dificultadde interpretación, puede consultar la lista siguientepara conocer su significación exacta.Questo catalogo è predisposto per la consultazione in 5lingue. Per semplificarne la lettura, tutte le informazion<strong>it</strong>ecniche sono state rappresentate da simboli. In caso didifficoltà incontrate nella loro interpretazione, consultarela lista a fronte per conoscerne l'esatto significato.Air toolsOutils pneumatiquesDruckluftbetriebene WerkzeugeHerramientas neumáticasUtensili pneumaticiElectric toolsOutils électriquesGleichstrombetriebene WerkzeugeHerramientas eléctricasUtensili elettriciFasteningVissageVerschraubenHerramientas de montajeAvv<strong>it</strong>areDrillingPerçageBohrenTaladradoForareTappingTaraudageGewinde schneidenRoscadoFilettareRivetingRivetageVernietenRemachadoRivettareMaterial handlingManutentionHandhabungsgeräteManutenciónMateriale di sollevamentoPistol grip fastening toolsOutils de vissage à poignée révolverSchrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores con empuñadura de pistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i con impugnatura a pistolaPistol grip drillsPerceuses à poignée révolverBohrmaschinen m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffTaladros con empuñadura de pistolaTrapani con impugnatura a pistolaStraight fastening toolsOutils de vissage dro<strong>it</strong>sGerade SchrauberAtornilladores con empuñadura rectaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i con impugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>taStraight drillsPerceuses dro<strong>it</strong>esGerade BohrmaschinenTaladros con empuñadura rectaTrapani con impugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>ta

CorporateInformationIngersoll Rand au niveau mondialUnternehmen, Produkte und MärkteInformación corporativaPresentazione aziendaleIngersoll Rand is a leading innovator and solutionsprovider for the major global markets of Secur<strong>it</strong>y and Safety,Climate Control, Industrial <strong>Solutions</strong> and Infrastructure.Ingersoll Rand est un groupe industriel, fabricant et leadersur les marchés de la sécur<strong>it</strong>é / protection, du froid climatisation,des solutions industrielles et de l'infrastructure.Ingersoll Rand ist ein diversifizierter Hersteller und bietetweltwe<strong>it</strong> hochwertige und innovative Lösungen für dieBereiche Sicherhe<strong>it</strong>ssysteme, Klima und Kühltechnik,industrielle Anwendungen und Infrastruktur-Entwicklung.Ingersoll Rand es un suministrador de soluciones y lideren innovación para los mercados globales de la Seguridad,Control de Temperatura, Soluciones Industriales e Infraestructura.Ingersoll Rand è un impresa industriale internazionalediversificata con marchi leader al servizio dei clienti cheoperano nei mercati di Protezione e Sicurezza, ControlloClimatico, Soluzioni Industriali e Infrastrutture.Climate Control TechnologiesFroid et ClimatisationKlima und KühltechnikControl de TemperaturaControllo ClimaticoIndustrial TechnologiesTechniques et Outillage IndustrielsIndustrielle AnwendungenSoluciones IndustrialesSoluzioni per l'IndustriaConstruction TechnologiesConstruction et InfrastructureBauindustrie und Infrastruktur-EntwicklungConstrucción y InfraestructurasImprese e InfrastrutturaCompact Vehicle TechnologiesVéhicules Industriels CompactsKompakt-LaderVehículos industriales <strong>com</strong>pactosVeicoli a tecnologia <strong>com</strong>pattaSecur<strong>it</strong>y TechnologiesProtection et Sécur<strong>it</strong>éSicherhe<strong>it</strong>ssystemeSeguridadProtezione e Sicurezza4

ContentsSommaireInhaltContenidoContenutoPageSe<strong>it</strong>e 6PáginaAir Fastening ToolsOutils d'Assemblage PneumatiquesDruckluftbetriebene MontagewerkzeugeHerramientas de Montaje NeumáticasUtensili Pneumatici per l'AssemblaggioIPageSe<strong>it</strong>e 36PáginaAir Production DrillsPerceuses de Production PneumatiquesIndustrie-Druckluft-BohrmaschinenTaladros Neumáticos para ProducciónTrapani Pneumatici per ProduzioneIIPageSe<strong>it</strong>e 48PáginaOther Air ToolsAutres Outils PneumatiquesSonstige DruckluftwerkzeugeOtras Herramientas NeumaticasAltri Utensili PneumaticiIIIPageSe<strong>it</strong>e 52PáginaAir Tool AccessoriesAccessoires pour Outils PneumatiquesDruckluftwerkzeuge-ZubehörAccesorios para Herramientas NeumáticasAccessori per Utensili PneumaticiIVPageSe<strong>it</strong>e 58PáginaElectric Fastening ToolsOutils d'Assemblage ElectriquesGleichstrombetriebene MontagewerkzeugeHerramientas de Montaje eléctricasUtensili elettrici per l'AssemblaggioVPageSe<strong>it</strong>e 86PáginaTorque & Asset ManagementSystèmes de Gestion de Couple et des ActifsMesstechnik & BestandsverwaltungssystemeSystema de Gestion de Pares y HerramientasSistemi di Gestione della CoppiaVIPageSe<strong>it</strong>e 94PáginaErgonomic Handling SystemsSystèmes de Manutention ErgonomiquesErgonomische HandhabungstechnikSystemas de Manipulacion ErgonomicosSistemi di Manutenzione ErgonomicaVIIPageSe<strong>it</strong>e 114 94PáginaSpindle AccessoriesAccessoires de BrocheKlingen und SteckschlüsselAccesorios de AccionamientoAccessori, Punte e BussoleVIII5

AirFasteningToolsOutils d'Assemblage PneumatiquesDruckluftbetriebene MontagewerkzeugeHerramientas de Montaje NeumáticasUtensili Pneumatici per l'Assemblaggio715223032Pistol grip screwdriversVisseuses à poignée révolverDrehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores con empuñadura de pistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i con impugnatura a pistolaStraight screwdriversVisseuses dro<strong>it</strong>esDruckluftdrehschrauber, gerade AusführungAtornilladores con empuñadura rectaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i con impugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>taAngle wrenchesClés d'angleWinkelschrauberLlaves angularesChiavi ad angoloAir fixtured wrenchesBroches de vissage pneumatiquesEinbau-DruckluftschrauberLlaves fijas neumáticasChiavi pneumatiche per Installazioni FisseAir pulse nutrunners & screwdriversClés hydro-pneumatiquesImpulsschrauberAprietuercas y atornilladores de ImpulsoChiavi ad impulso idraulico e cacciav<strong>it</strong>i

Pistol Grip Screwdrivers • Visseuses à Poignée Révolver • Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> Pistolengriff •Atornilladores con Empuñadura de Pistola • Cacciav<strong>it</strong>i con Impugnatura a PistolaRef. No.2 Nm 4 Nm 6 Nm 8 Nm 10 Nm 12 Nm 14 Nm 16 Nm 18 Nm 20 Nm 22 Nm 24 Nm 26 Nm 28 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)LD1207RP5-Q4-RM1RTMS1QP1S20S1TDQP1T20S1TDLD1214RP5-Q4QP1S17S1TDQP1T17S1TD1RTNS1LD2216RP5(1)-Q414128814881214IAdjustableshut-off clutchmodelsModèles aveclim<strong>it</strong>eur de coupleréglable à coupured'airModelle m<strong>it</strong>einstellbarerAbschaltkupplungModelos con paradaautomáticaModelli con frizioneregolabile con bloccoariaLD1207RP5(1)-Q4QP1S10S1TDQP1T10S1TD1RTQS1QP1S05S1TDQP1T05S1TDQP1S02S1TDQP1T02S1TDLD2210RP5(1)-Q441PA16TPQ4-EU41PA10TSQ4-EU41PA10TPQ4-EULD1202RP5-Q4LD2206RP5(1)-Q441PA8TSQ4-EU41PA8TPQ4-EULD2203RP5-S61488128888141010101414101014Ref. No.2 Nm 4 Nm 6 Nm 8 Nm 10 Nm 12 Nm 14 Nm 16 Nm 18 Nm 20 Nm 22 Nm 24 Nm 26 Nm 28 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)Adjustable cushionclutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eurréglable à billesModelle m<strong>it</strong>einstellbarerRutschkupplungModelos conembrague ajustabledeslizanteModelli con frizioneregolabile a cuscino1RAMC1QP1S20C1TDQP1S17C1TDQP1T17C1TD1RANC1QP1S10C1TDQP1T10C1TDQP1S05C1TD41PC17TSQ4-EU5RANC1-EU41PC10TSQ4-EU41PC8TSQ4-EU7RAMC1-EU12999129991113111113Pos<strong>it</strong>ive jaw clutchLim<strong>it</strong>eur à clabotsNicht einstellbareKlauenkupplungEmbrague pos<strong>it</strong>ivoFrizione a ganasceobliqueRef. No.41PP25TSQ4-EU41PP17TSQ4-EU5RANP1-EU7RAMP1-EU41PP8TSQ4-EU7RANP1-EU2 Nm 4 Nm 6 Nm 8 Nm 10 Nm 12 Nm 14 Nm 16 Nm 18 Nm 20 Nm 22 Nm 24 Nm 26 Nm 28 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)111113121113Direct drive modelsModèles àentraînement directModelle m<strong>it</strong>DirektantriebModelos con accionamientodirectoModelli atrasmissione direttaRef. No.QP1S20D1TDQP1S17D1TD5RALD1-EUQP1S10D1TD41PD17TSQ4-EU5RAND1-EUQP1S05D1TD41PD8TSQ4-EU2 Nm 4 Nm 6 Nm 8 Nm 10 Nm 12 Nm 14 Nm 16 Nm 18 Nm 20 Nm 22 Nm 24 Nm 26 Nm 28 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)9913911139117

Air Screwdrivers / Pistol Grip ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée RévolverDruckluft-Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura de PistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura a PistolaQ2 SeriesOptionsClutchspring(s)(modelsw<strong>it</strong>h clutch)Assetmanagementchip*Top or bottomair inletRessort(s)de lim<strong>it</strong>eur(modèles àlim<strong>it</strong>eur)Puce électroniqueincorporéepour gestionde parc*Entrée d'airpar le dessusou par lapoignéeKupplungsfedern(Modelle m<strong>it</strong>EinstellbareKupplung)Chip fürBestandsverwaltung*Lufteinlassoben oderdurch denHandgriffMuelles deembrague(modelo conembrague)Chip paraadministrarinformación*Entrada de airepor arriba opor el puñadoMolle dellafrizione (mod.con frizioneregolabile)Chip pergestire ilparcoavv<strong>it</strong>atori*Ingresso ariadall'alto o dalbassoRef. DV7MN14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" NPT1/4"BSP* For connection w<strong>it</strong>h AMSKIT-250. See page 92* Pour connection avec AMSKIT-250. Voir page 92* In Verbindung m<strong>it</strong> AMSKIT-250, siehe S. 92* Para conectar con AMSKIT-250. Ver página 92* Per connessione con AMSKIT-250. Vedere page. 92Q2 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco ariaQP1T20S1TDAdjustable shut-off clutchSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOQP1S20S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 – 2000 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1S17S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 1710 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1S10S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1S05S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 500 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1S02S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 250 0.84 223 15 1/4 450TRIGGER + PUSH START — GÂCHETTE + POUSSÉE — DRÜCKERSTART + SCHUBSTART — GATILLO + EMPUJE — GRILLETTO + SPINTAQP1T20S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 – 2000 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1T17S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 1710 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1T10S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1T05S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 500 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1T02S1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 250 0.84 223 15 1/4 450Series /BaureiheQ2 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mmØ(1) Clutch springs delivered w<strong>it</strong>h the tool: the torque range indicated in bold letter corresponds to the springinstalled on the tool.(1) Ressorts de lim<strong>it</strong>eur fournis avec la machine: la gamme de couple indiquée en gras correspond au ressortmonté sur la machine.(1) Kupplungsfedern werden m<strong>it</strong>geliefert, fett gedruckte Drehmomentangaben gelten für werksse<strong>it</strong>ig eingebauteFeder(1) Muelles de embrague entregados con la herramienta: la gama de par en negr<strong>it</strong>a corresponde con el muelleinstalado en la herramienta.(1) Molle della frizione forn<strong>it</strong>e con la macchina: la molla indicata in grossetto corrisponde a quella montatasulla macchina.8

Air Screwdrivers / Pistol Grip ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée RévolverDruckluft-Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura de PistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura a PistolaQ2 SeriesAdjustable cushion clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à billesModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer RutschkupplungModelos con embrague ajustable deslizanteModelli con frizione regolabile a cuscinoQP1S17C1TDAdjustable cushion clutchISpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOQP1S20C1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 – 2000 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1S17C1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 1710 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1S10C1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1S05C1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 500 0.84 223 15 1/4 450TRIGGER + PUSH START — GÂCHETTE + POUSSÉE — DRÜCKERSTART + SCHUBSTART — GATILLO + EMPUJE — GRILLETTO + SPINTAQP1T17C1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 1710 0.84 223 15 1/4 450QP1T10C1TD 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.84 223 15 1/4 450Series /BaureiheØQ2 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mmQ2 SeriesDirect drive modelsModèles à entraînement directModelle m<strong>it</strong> DirektantriebModelos con accionamiento directoModelli a trasmissione direttaDirect driveQP1S10D1TDSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOQP1S20D1TD 2.9 M3 2000 0.68 162 15 1/4 450QP1S17D1TD 3.4 M4 1710 0.68 162 15 1/4 450QP1S10D1TD 5.2 M5 1000 0.68 162 15 1/4 450QP1S05D1TD 9.8 M6 500 0.68 162 15 1/4 450Series /BaureiheØQ2 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm9

Air Screwdrivers / Pistol Grip ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée RévolverDruckluft-Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura de PistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura a Pistola41 Series OptionsRef. DV7MN14FB14Clutchspring(s)(modelsw<strong>it</strong>h clutch)Skinsulate TMsoft touch,non-slip gripRessort(s)de lim<strong>it</strong>eur(modèles àlim<strong>it</strong>eur)Revêtementanti-dérapantSkinsulate TMKupplungsfedern(Modelle m<strong>it</strong>EinstellbareKupplung)Skinsulate TMWeicher,rutschfesterGriffMuelles deembrague(mod. conembrague)Empuñadurasuave,antideslizanteSkinsulate TMMolle dellafrizione (mod.con frizioneregolabile)Impugnaturamorbida,antiscivoloSkinsulate TMVariacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" NPT1/4" BSP41 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable àcoupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco aria41PA10TSQ4-EUAdjustable shut-off clutchSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO41PA10TSQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 4.0 - 9.0 1000 1.40 249 22 1/4 79041PA8TSQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 4.0 - 11.3 800 1.40 249 22 1/4 790TRIGGER + PUSH START — GÂCHETTE + POUSSÉE — DRÜCKERSTART + SCHUBSTART — GATILLO + EMPUJE — GRILLETTO + SPINTA41PA16TPQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 – 1600 1.40 249 22 1/4 79041PA10TPQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 4.0 - 9.0 1000 1.40 249 22 1/4 79041PA8TPQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 4.0 - 11.3 800 1.40 249 22 1/4 790Series /Baureihe41 78 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mmØ(1) Clutch springs delivered w<strong>it</strong>h the tool: the torque range indicated in bold letter corresponds to the springinstalled on the tool.(1) Ressorts de lim<strong>it</strong>eur fournis avec la machine: la gamme de couple indiquée en gras correspond au ressortmonté sur la machine.(1) Kupplungsfedern werden m<strong>it</strong>geliefert, fett gedruckte Drehmomentangaben gelten für werksse<strong>it</strong>ig eingebauteFeder(1) Muelles de embrague entregados con la herramienta: la gama de par en negr<strong>it</strong>a corresponde con el muelleinstalado en la herramienta.(1) Molle della frizione forn<strong>it</strong>e con la macchina: la molla indicata in grossetto corrisponde a quella montatasulla macchina.10

Air Screwdrivers / Pistol Grip ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée RévolverDruckluft-Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura de PistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura a Pistola41 SeriesAdjustable cushion clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à billesModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer RutschkupplungModelos con embrague ajustable deslizanteModelli con frizione regolabile a cuscino41PC17TSQ4-EUISpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO41PC17TSQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 1.7 - 6.0 – 1700 1.40 239 20 1/ 56541PC10TSQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 1.7 - 9.0 – 1000 1.40 239 20 1/4 56541PC8TSQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 1.7 - 9.0 5.1 - 11.3 800 1.40 239 20 1/4 56541 SeriesPos<strong>it</strong>ive jaw clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple à clabotsModelle m<strong>it</strong> nicht einstellbarer KlauenkupplungModelos con embrague pos<strong>it</strong>ivoModelli con frizione a ganasce oblique41PP25TSQ4-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO41PP25TSQ4-EU 5.1 M3 - M5 2500 1.0 183 20 1/4 56541PP17TSQ4-EU 7.3 M4 - M6 1700 1.1 193 20 1/4 56541PP8TSQ4-EU 13.6 M5 - M6 800 1.1 193 20 1/4 56541 SeriesDirect drive modelsModèles à entraînement directModelle m<strong>it</strong> DirektantriebModelos con accionamiento directoModelli a trasmissione diretta41PD17TSQ4-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO41PD17TSQ4-EU 7.3 M5 1700 1.0 188 20 1/4 56541PD8TSQ4-EU 13.6 M6 800 1.0 188 20 1/4 565Series /BaureiheØ41 78 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mm11

Air Screwdrivers / Pistol Grip ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée RévolverDruckluft-Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura de PistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura a Pistola1, 5 & 7 Series OptionsClutchspring(s)Soft touch,non-slip gripon 1 SeriesRessort(s)de lim<strong>it</strong>eurRevêtementanti-dérapantsur séries 1KupplungsfedernWeicher,rutschfesterGriff(Baureihe 1)Muelles deembragueEmpuñadurasuave,antideslizante(serie 1)Molle dellafrizioneImpugnaturamorbida,antiscivolo(serie 1)Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1 Series : 1/8" NPT x 1/4" BSP:Ref. DV7MN18FB14NPTBSP5 & 7 Series : 1/4" NPT x 1/4" BSP:Ref. DV7MN14FB141 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco aria1RTMS1Specifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER + PUSH START — GÂCHETTE + POUSSÉE — DRÜCKERSTART + SCHUBSTART — GATILLO + EMPUJE — GRILLETTO + SPINTA1RTMS1 0.5 - 1.8 0.7 - 2.3 – 1650 0.68 217 17 1/4 3681RTNS1 0.3 - 1.8 0.5 - 2.6 1.1- 3.4 1000 0.68 217 17 1/4 3681RTQS1 0.3 - 1.8 0.5 - 2.6 1. - 5.1 500 0.68 222 17 1/4 3681 SeriesAdjustable cushion clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à billesModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer RutschkupplungModelos con embrague ajustable deslizanteModelli con frizione regolabile a cuscinoSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO1RAMC1 0.5 - 1.8 0.7 - 2.3 – 1650 0.68 217 17 1/4 3681RANC1 0.3 - 1.8 0.5 - 2.6 1.1- 3.4 1000 0.68 217 17 1/4 368Series /Baureihe1 73 dBa 1/8" NPT 6 mmØ(1) Clutch springs delivered w<strong>it</strong>h the tool: the torque range indicated in bold letter corresponds to the springinstalled on the tool.(1) Ressorts de lim<strong>it</strong>eur fournis avec la machine: la gamme de couple indiquée en gras correspond au ressortmonté sur la machine.(1) Kupplungsfedern werden m<strong>it</strong>geliefert, fett gedruckte Drehmomentangaben gelten für werksse<strong>it</strong>ig eingebauteFeder(1) Muelles de embrague entregados con la herramienta: la gama de par en negr<strong>it</strong>a corresponde con el muelleinstalado en la herramienta.(1) Molle della frizione forn<strong>it</strong>e con la macchina: la molla indicata in grossetto corrisponde a quella montatasulla macchina.12

Air Screwdrivers / Pistol Grip ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée RévolverDruckluft-Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura de PistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura a Pistola5 & 7 SeriesAdjustable cushion clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à billesModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer RutschkupplungModelos con embrague ajustable deslizanteModelli con frizione regolabile a cuscino7RAMC1-EUISpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO5RANC1-EU 1.5 - 6.2 6.2 - 8.0 900 1.30 241 21 1/4 4807RAMC1-EU 2.3 - 9.7 2.9 - 12.5 1000 1.50 268 22 1/4 760(1) Clutch springs delivered w<strong>it</strong>h the tool: the torque range indicated in bold letter corresponds to the spring installed on the tool.(1) Ressorts fournis avec la machine: la gamme de couple indiquée en gras correspond au ressort monté sur la machine.(1) Kupplungsfedern werden m<strong>it</strong>geliefert, fett gedruckte Drehmomentangaben gelten für werksse<strong>it</strong>ig eingebaute Feder(1) Muelles entregados con la herramienta : la gama de par en negr<strong>it</strong>a corresponde con el muelle instalado en la herramienta.(1) Molle forn<strong>it</strong>e con la macchina: la molla indicata in grossetto corrisponde a quella montata sulla macchina.5 & 7 SeriesPos<strong>it</strong>ive jaw clutch and direct drive modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple à clabots et modèles à entraînement directModelle m<strong>it</strong> nicht einstellbarer Klauenkupplung und Modelle m<strong>it</strong> DirektantriebModelos con embrague pos<strong>it</strong>ivo y modelos con accionamiento directoModelli con frizione a ganasce oblique e modelli a trasmissione diretta5RALD1-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm in l/minPOSITIVE JAW CLUTCH — EMBRAYAGE À CLABOTS — KLAUENKUPPLUNG — EMBRAGUE POSITIVO — FRIZIONE A GANASCE OBLIQUETRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO5RANP1-EU 8.0 M4 - M6 900 1.0 203 21 1/4 4807RAMP1-EU 13.1 M5 - M6 1000 1.4 237 22 1/4 7607RANP1-EU (2) 18.8 M8 700 1.4 237 22 1/4 760DIRECT DRIVE — ENTRAINEMENT DIRECT — DIRECKTANTRIEB — ACCIONAMIENTO DIRECTO — TRASMISSIONE DIRETTATRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO5RALD1-EU 4.0 M4 2000 0.85 184 21 1/4 4805RAND1-EU 8.0 M6 900 0.95 203 21 1/4 480Series /Baureihe5 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm7 79 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mmØ(2) Dead handle as standard on model 7RANP1-EU.(2) Poignée auxiliaire fournie en standard sur modèle 7RANP1-EU.(2) Modell 7RANP1-EU m<strong>it</strong> Hilfsgriff(2) Modelo 7RANP1-EU con mango de sujeción.(2) Modello 7RANP1-EU con impugnatura ausiliaria.13

Air Screwdrivers / Pistol Grip ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée RévolverDruckluft-Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura de PistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura a PistolaLD SeriesLD2210RP5-Q4HorizontalhangerSuspensionhorizontaleHorizontal-AufhängerSuspensiónhorizontalDispos<strong>it</strong>ivosospensioneorizzontaleOptionsLD1202RP5-Q4LD SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco ariaRef. DV7MB14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole VariacorRef. LDX2XXRPX-XX-DIDual information k<strong>it</strong> (1)K<strong>it</strong> prise d'info (1)2-fach Signal (1)Doble señal (1)Doppia informazione (1)1/4" BSPCycles1/4" BSPSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm in l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOLD1207RP5-Q4-RM 0.6 - 1.6 900 1.0 210 20 1/4 465LD1214RP5-Q4 1.0 - 2.5 1700 1.0 220 20 1/4 430LD2216RP5-Q4 1.8 - 3.8 1600 1.2 250 20 1/4 520LD1207RP5-Q4 1.6 - 4.5 900 1.0 210 20 1/4 465LD2210RP5-Q4 2.1 - 5.7 1000 1.2 231 20 1/4 520LD1202RP5-Q4 2.4 - 9.2 190 1.1 230 20 1/4 465LD2206RP5-Q4 2.3 - 9.3 600 1.2 250 20 1/4 575LD2203RP5-S6 10 - 15 300 1.3 271 20 3/8 520TRIGGER + PUSH START — GÂCHETTE + POUSSÉE — DRÜCKERSTART + SCHUBSTART — GATILLO + EMPUJE — GRILLETTO + SPINTALD2216RP1-Q4 1.8 - 3.8 1600 1.2 250 20 1/4 520LD1207RP1-Q4 1.6 - 4.5 900 1.0 210 20 1/4 465LD2210RP1-Q4 2.1 - 5.7 1000 1.2 231 20 1/4 520LD2206RP1-Q4 2.3 - 9.3 600 1.2 250 20 1/4 575Series /BaureiheLD12 70 dBa 1/4" BSP 9 mmLD22 78 dBa 1/4" BSP 13 mmØ(1) For dual information k<strong>it</strong>, add "-DI" to tool model no. (e.g. LD2216RP5-Q4-DI).(1) Pour k<strong>it</strong> prise d'info, ajouter "-DI" à la référence (exemple LD2216RP5-Q4-DI).(1) 2-fach Signal: ergänzen Sie die Modell-Nr. m<strong>it</strong> "-DI" (z. B. LD2216RP5-Q4-DI).(1) Para doble señal, añadir "-DI" a la referencia (ejemplo LD2216RP5-Q4-IDI).(1) Per doppia informazione, aggiungere "-DI" al codice del modello (es. LD2216RP5-Q4-DI).14

Straight Screwdrivers - Visseuses Dro<strong>it</strong>es - Druckluftdrehschrauber, gerade Ausführung -Atornilladores con Empuñadura Recta - Cacciav<strong>it</strong>i con Impugnatura Dir<strong>it</strong>taRef. No.4 Nm 8 Nm 12 Nm 16 Nm 20 Nm 24 Nm 28 Nm 32 Nm 36 Nm 40 Nm 44 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)1RPLS11RPMS11919Adjustableshut-off clutchmodelsModèles aveclim<strong>it</strong>eur de coupleréglable à coupured'airModelle m<strong>it</strong>einstellbarerAbschaltkupplungModelos con paradaautomáticaModelli con frizioneregolabile con bloccoariaQS1L(T)(P)20S1DLD1214RD1(3)(5)-Q4QS1L(T)(P)17S1D1RL(P)NS1LD1207RD1(3)(5)-Q4QS1L(T)(P)10S1DLD2216RD1(3)(5)-Q41RL(P)QS1QS1L(T)(P)05S1DQS1L(T)(P)02S1DLD2210RD1(3)(5)-Q441SA17PSQ4-EU41SA10LPQ4-EU41SA10PSQ4-EULD2206RD1(3)(5)-Q4LD1202RD3(5)-Q441SA8LPQ4-EU41SA8PSQ4-EUQA4ASLS012BP20Q04LD2203RD5-S6QA4ASLS015BP20Q04QA4ASLS020BP20S06QA4ASLS027BP20S06QA4ASLS046BP20S06162016192016201916162018181820201818212021212121IRef. No.2 Nm 4 Nm 6 Nm 8 Nm 10 Nm 12 Nm 14 Nm 16 Nm 18 Nm 20 Nm 22 Nm 24 Nm 26 Nm 28 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)Adjustable cushionclutch modelsModèles aveclim<strong>it</strong>eur de coupleréglable à billes1RL(P)MC1QS1L20C1DQS1T20C1DQS1P20C1D1RL(P)NC11917171719Modelle m<strong>it</strong>einstellbarerRutschkupplungQS1L10C1DQS1T10C1DQS1P10C1D171717Modelos conembrague ajustabledeslizanteModelli con frizioneregolabile a cuscino41SC25PSQ4-EUQS1L05C1DQS1T05C1DQS1P05C1D41SC17LTQ4-EU41SC10LTQ4-EU41SC10PSQ4-EU18171717181818Direct drive modelsRef. No.2 Nm 4 Nm 6 Nm 8 Nm 10 Nm 12 Nm 14 Nm 16 Nm 18 Nm 20 Nm 22 Nm 24 Nm 26 Nm 28 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)Entraînement directDirektantriebAccionamientodirectoQS1L20D1DQS1L10D1DQS1L05D1D171717Trasmissione diretta15

Air Screwdrivers / Straight ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée Dro<strong>it</strong>eDruckluft-Drehschrauber, gerade AusführungAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura RectaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura Dir<strong>it</strong>taQ2 SeriesOptionsClutch spring(s)(modelsw<strong>it</strong>h clutch)Assetmanagementchip (1)Speedadjustmentfacil<strong>it</strong>y throughthe exhaustVertical hangerRessort(s) delim<strong>it</strong>eur (mod.avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur)Puce électroniqueincorporée pourgestion de parc (1)Contrôle de lav<strong>it</strong>esse parl'échappementSuspensionverticaleKupplungsfedern(Modelle m<strong>it</strong>EinstellbarerKupplung)Chip fürBestandsverwaltung(1)Geschwindigke<strong>it</strong>sregelungVertikal-AufhängerMuelles deembrague (mod.con embragueajustable)Chip paraadministrarinformación (1)Mando devariación de lavelocidadSusp. verticalMolle dellafrizione (modellicon frizioneregolabile)Chip per gestireil parcoavv<strong>it</strong>atori (1)Regoliazionevariabile dellaveloc<strong>it</strong>àSosp. verticaleRef. DV7MN14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" NPT(1) For connection w<strong>it</strong>h AMSKIT-250. See page 92(1) Pour connection avec AMSKIT-250. Voir page 92(1) In Verbindung m<strong>it</strong> AMSKIT-250, siehe S. 92(1) Para conectar con AMSKIT-250. Ver página 92(1) Per connessione con AMSKIT-250. Vedere pag. 921/4"BSPQ2 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco ariaQS1P20S1DSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQS1L20S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 – 2000 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1L17S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 1710 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1L10S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1L05S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 500 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1L02S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 250 0.70 241 22 1/4 450LEVER + PUSH START — LEVIER + POUSSÉE — HEBELSTART + SCHUBSTART — PALANCA + EMPUJE — LEVA + SPINTAQS1T20S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 – 2000 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1T17S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 1710 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1T10S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1T05S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 500 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1T02S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 250 0.70 241 22 1/4 450PUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTAQS1P20S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 – 2000 0.62 223 22 1/4 450QS1P17S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 1710 0.62 223 22 1/4 450QS1P10S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.62 223 22 1/4 450QS1P05S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 500 0.62 223 22 1/4 450QS1P02S1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 250 0.62 223 22 1/4 450Series /BaureiheQ2 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mmØ(1) Clutch springs delivered w<strong>it</strong>h the tool: the torque range indicated in bold letter corresponds to the springinstalled on the tool.(1) Ressorts de lim<strong>it</strong>eur fournis avec la machine: la gamme de couple indiquée en gras correspond au ressortmonté sur la machine.(1) Kupplungsfedern werden m<strong>it</strong>geliefert, fett gedruckte Drehmomentangaben gelten für werksse<strong>it</strong>ig eingebauteFeder(1) Muelles de embrague entregados con la herramienta: la gama de par en negr<strong>it</strong>a corresponde con el muelleinstalado en la herramienta.(1) Molle della frizione forn<strong>it</strong>e con la macchina: la molla indicata in grossetto corrisponde a quella montatasulla macchina.16

Air Screwdrivers / Straight ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée Dro<strong>it</strong>eDruckluft-Drehschrauber, gerade AusführungAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura RectaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura Dir<strong>it</strong>taQ2 SeriesAdjustable cushion clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à billesModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer RutschkupplungModelos con embrague ajustable deslizanteModelli con frizione regolabile a cuscinoQS1P10C1DISpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQS1L20C1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 2000 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1L10C1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1L05C1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 500 0.70 241 22 1/4 450LEVER + PUSH START — LEVIER + POUSSÉE — HEBELSTART + SCHUBSTART — PALANCA + EMPUJE — LEVA + SPINTAQS1T20C1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 2000 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1T10C1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.70 241 22 1/4 450QS1T05C1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 500 0.70 241 22 1/4 450PUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTAQS1P20C1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.1 – 2000 0.62 223 22 1/4 450QS1P10C1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 2.5 1.5 - 4.5 1000 0.62 223 22 1/4 450QS1P05C1D 0.3 - 1.1 0.9 - 3.2 1.5 - 5.4 500 0.62 223 22 1/4 450Series /BaureiheØQ2 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mmQ2 SeriesDirect drive modelsModèles à entraînement directModelle m<strong>it</strong> DirektantriebModelos con accionamiento directoModelli a trasmissione direttaQS1L10D1DSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQS1L20D1D 2.9 M3 2000 0.60 241 22 1/4 450QS1L10D1D 5.8 M5 1000 0.60 241 22 1/4 450QS1L05D1D 9.8 M6 500 0.60 241 22 1/4 450Series /BaureiheØQ2 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm17

Air Screwdrivers / Straight ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée Dro<strong>it</strong>eDruckluft-Drehschrauber, gerade AusführungAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura RectaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura Dir<strong>it</strong>ta41 SeriesOptionsClutchspring(s)Skinsulate TMsoft touch,non-slip gripVerticalHangerRessort(s)de lim<strong>it</strong>eurRevêtementanti-dérapantSkinsulate TMSuspensionverticaleSkinsulate TMWeicher,rutschfesterGriffKupplungsfedernVertikal-AufhängerMuelles deembragueEmpuñadurasuave,antideslizanteSkinsulate TMSuspensiónverticalMolle dellafrizioneImpugnaturamorbida,antiscivoloSkinsulate TMDisp. sospensioneverticaleRef. DV7MN14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" NPT1/4" BSP41 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco aria41SA10PSQ4-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minLEVER + PUSH START — LEVIER + POUSSÉE — HEBELSTART + SCHUBSTART — PALANCA + EMPUJE — LEVA + SPINTA41SA10LPQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 4.0 - 9.0 1000 1.20 277 20 1/4 79041SA8LPQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 4.0 - 11.3 800 1.20 277 20 1/4 790PUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTA41SA17PSQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 – 1700 1.20 277 20 1/4 79041SA10PSQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 4.0 - 9.0 1000 1.20 277 20 1/4 79041SA8PSQ4-EU 1.7 - 4.5 2.8 - 6.8 4.0 - 11.3 800 1.20 277 20 1/4 79041 SeriesAdjustable cushion clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à billesModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer RutschkupplungModelos con embrague ajustable deslizanteModelli con frizione regolabile a cuscino41SC10LTQ4-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVA41SC17LTQ4-EU 1.1 - 4.5 1.7 - 6.8 – 1700 1.40 277 20 1/4 56541SC10LTQ4-EU 1.1 - 4.5 1.7 - 9.0 – 1000 1.40 277 20 1/4 565PUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTA41SC25PSQ4-EU 1.1 - 4.5 – – 2500 1.30 264 20 1/4 56541SC10PSQ4-EU 1.1 - 4.5 1.7 - 9.0 – 1000 1.40 277 20 1/4 56518Series /Baureihe41 78 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mmØ(1) Clutch springs delivered w<strong>it</strong>h the tool: the torque range indicated in bold letter corresponds to the springinstalled on the tool.(1) Ressorts de lim<strong>it</strong>eur fournis avec la machine: la gamme de couple indiquée en gras correspond au ressortmonté sur la machine.(1) Kupplungsfedern werden m<strong>it</strong>geliefert, fett gedruckte Drehmomentangaben gelten für werksse<strong>it</strong>ig eingebauteFeder(1) Muelles de embrague entregados con la herramienta: la gama de par en negr<strong>it</strong>a corresponde con el muelleinstalado en la herramienta.(1) Molle della frizione forn<strong>it</strong>e con la macchina: la molla indicata in grossetto corrisponde a quella montatasulla macchina.

Air Screwdrivers / Straight ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée Dro<strong>it</strong>eDruckluft-Drehschrauber, gerade AusführungAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura RectaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura Dir<strong>it</strong>ta1 SeriesOptionsClutchspring(s)Soft touch,non-slip gripRessort(s)de lim<strong>it</strong>eurRevêtementanti-dérapantKupplungsfedernWeicher,rutschfesterGriffMuelles deembragueEmpuñadurasuave,antideslizanteMolle dellafrizioneImpugnaturamorbida,antiscivoloRef. DV7MN18FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/8" NPT1/4" BSPI1 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco aria1RPQS1Specifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVA1RLNS1 0.3 - 1.8 0.5 - 2.6 1.1- 3.4 1000 0.5 222 14 1/4 3681RLQS1 0.3 - 1.8 0.5 - 2.6 1. - 5.1 500 0.5 222 17 1/4 368PUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTA1RPLS1 0.5 - 1.5 – – 2800 0.5 213 14 1/4 3681RPMS1 0.5 - 1.8 0.7 - 2.3 – 1650 0.5 222 14 1/4 3681RPNS1 0.3 - 1.8 0.5 - 2.6 1.1- 3.4 1000 0.5 222 14 1/4 3681RPQS1 0.3-1.8 0.5-2.6 1. - 5.1 500 0.5 222 17 1/4 3681 SeriesAdjustable cushion clutch models — Modèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple réglable à billes — Modellem<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer Rutschkupplung — Modelos con embrague ajustable deslizante — Modelli confrizione regolabile a cuscinoSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVA1RLMC1 0.5 - 1.8 0.7 - 2.3 – 1650 0.5 222 14 1/4 3681RLNC1 0.3 - 1.8 0.5 - 2.6 1.1- 3.4 1000 0.5 222 14 1/4 368PUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTA1RPMC1 0.5 - 1.8 0.7 - 2.3 – 1650 0.5 222 14 1/4 3681RPNC1 0.3 - 1.8 0.5 - 2.6 1.1- 3.4 1000 0.5 222 14 1/4 368Series /Baureihe1 73 dBa 1/8" NPT 6 mmØ(1) Clutch springs delivered w<strong>it</strong>h the tool: the torque range indicated in bold letter corresponds to the springinstalled on the tool.(1) Ressorts de lim<strong>it</strong>eur fournis avec la machine: la gamme de couple indiquée en gras correspond au ressortmonté sur la machine.(1) Kupplungsfedern werden m<strong>it</strong>geliefert, fett gedruckte Drehmomentangaben gelten für werksse<strong>it</strong>ig eingebauteFeder(1) Muelles de embrague entregados con la herramienta: la gama de par en negr<strong>it</strong>a corresponde con el muelleinstalado en la herramienta.(1) Molle della frizione forn<strong>it</strong>e con la macchina: la molla indicata in grossetto corrisponde a quella montatasulla macchina.19

Air Screwdrivers / Straight ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée Dro<strong>it</strong>eDruckluft-Drehschrauber, gerade AusführungAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura RectaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura Dir<strong>it</strong>taLD1207RD5-Q4LD SeriesVerticalhangerSuspensionverticaleVertikal-AufhängerSuspensiónverticalDisp. sospensioneverticaleOptionsLD2206RD5-Q4LD SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco ariaRef. DV7MB14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole VariacorRef. LDX2XXRDX-XX-DIDual information k<strong>it</strong> (1)K<strong>it</strong> prise d'info (1)2-fach Signal (1)Doble señal (1)Doppia informazione (1)1/4" BSP1/4" BSPCyclesSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVALD1214RD5-Q4 1.1 - 2.5 1500 0.7 231 17 1/4 460LD1207RD5-Q4 1.2 - 4.2 800 0.7 231 17 1/4 460LD2216RD5-Q4 1.8 - 4.5 1550 1.0 272 18 1/4 620LD2210RD5-Q4 2.4 - 5.9 1000 1.0 272 18 1/4 620LD2206RD5-Q4 2.1 - 9.8 600 1.0 272 18 1/4 620LD1202RD5-Q4 1.6 - 10 180 0.8 243 17 1/4 460LD2203RD5-S6 10 - 15 300 1.1 293 18 3/8 620LEVER + PUSH START — LEVIER + POUSSÉE — HEBELSTART + SCHUBSTART — PALANCA + EMPUJE — LEVA + SPINTALD1214RD1-Q4 1.1 - 2.5 1500 0.7 231 17 1/4 460LD1207RD1-Q4 1.2 - 4.2 800 0.7 231 17 1/4 460LD2216RD1-Q4 1.8 - 4.5 1550 1.0 272 18 1/4 620LD2210RD1-Q4 2.4 - 5.9 1000 1.0 272 18 1/4 620LD2206RD1-Q4 2.1 - 9.8 600 1.0 272 18 1/4 620PUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTALD1214RD3-Q4 1.1 - 2.5 1500 0.7 231 17 1/4 460LD1207RD3-Q4 1.2 - 4.2 800 0.7 231 17 1/4 460LD2216RD3-Q4 1.8 - 4.5 1550 1.0 272 18 1/4 620LD2210RD3-Q4 2.4 - 5.9 1000 1.0 272 18 1/4 620LD2206RD3-Q4 2.1 - 9.8 600 1.0 272 18 1/4 620LD1202RD3-Q4 1.6 - 10 180 0.8 243 17 1/4 460(1) For dual information k<strong>it</strong>, add "-DI" to tool model no. (e.g. LD2216RD5-Q4-DI).(1) Pour k<strong>it</strong> prise d'info, ajouter "-DI" à la référence (exemple LD2216RD5-Q4-DI).(1) 2-fach Signal: ergänzen Sie die Modell-Nr. m<strong>it</strong> "-DI" (z. B. LD2216RD5-Q4-DI).(1) Para doble señal, añadir "-DI" a la referencia (ejemplo LD2216RD5-Q4-DI).(1) Per doppia informazione, aggiungere "-DI" al codice del modello (es. LD2216RD5-Q4-DI).Series /BaureiheLD12 70 dBa 1/4" BSP 9 mmLD22 72 dBa 1/4" BSP 13 mmØ20

Air Screwdrivers / Straight ModelsVisseuses Pneumatiques / Modèles à Poignée Dro<strong>it</strong>eDruckluft-Drehschrauber, gerade AusführungAtornilladores Neumáticos / Modelos con Empuñadura RectaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Pneumatici / Modelli con Impugnatura Dir<strong>it</strong>taQA4 SeriesLube freemotorVerticalhangerMoteurnon lubrifiéSuspensionverticaleÖlfreierMotorVertikal-AufhängerMotor sinlubricaciónSuspensiónverticalMotore senzalubrificazioneDispos<strong>it</strong>ivosospensioneverticaleIOptionsQA4ASLS020BP20S06QA4 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco ariaRef. DV7MB14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole VariacorRef. 131711Dual information k<strong>it</strong>K<strong>it</strong> prise d'info2-fach SignalDoble señalDoppia informazione1/4" BSP1/4" BSPCyclesSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa –Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa –Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaSpecifications at 77 psi – Caractéristiques à 530 kPa –Technische Daten bezogen auf 530 kPa –Especificaciones a 530 kPa – Caratteristiche a 530 kPaRef.Nm Nm Nm rpm l/min Nm Nm Nm rpm l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQA4ASLS012BP20Q04 6 - 12 – 13.0 1050 700 6-10 – 11.7 977 630QA4ASLS015BP20Q04 – 7-15 16.0 850 700 – 7 - 12.7 13.6 791 630QA4ASLS020BP20S06 10 - 20 – 21.0 600 700 10 - 17 – 17.9 588 630QA4ASLS027BP20S06 – 14-27 28.0 450 700 – 14 - 22.7 23.8 419 630QA4ASLS046BP20S06 20 - 46 – 47.0 250 700 20 - 38 – 39.0 233 630Dimensions - Abmessungen - Dimensiones - DimensioniRef.kg mm mm inQA4ASLS012BP20Q04 1.3 351 39 1/4QA4ASLS015BP20Q04 1.3 351 39 1/4QA4ASLS020BP20S06 1.4 342 39 3/8QA4ASLS027BP20S06 1.4 342 39 3/8QA4ASLS046BP20S06 1.5 370 39 3/8Series /BaureiheQA4 78 dBa 1/4 BSP 13 mmØ* See QA4 Series specific accessories page 29.* Accessoires spécifiques à la série QA4 présentés en page 29* Zubehör für QA4 auf Se<strong>it</strong>e 29* Accessorios specificos a la serie QA4 en pagina 29* Gli accessori specifici per la serie QA4 vedere a pagina 2921

Angle Wrenches - Clés d'Angle - Winkelschrauber - Llaves Angulares - Chiavi ad AngoloSELECTION CHART – TABLE DE SELECTION – AUSWAHLTABELLE – TABLA DE SELECCIÓN – TABELLA DI SELEZIONEAdjustableshut-off clutchmodelsModèles aveclim<strong>it</strong>eur de coupleréglable à coupured'airModelle m<strong>it</strong>einstellbarerAbschaltkupplungModelos con paradaautomáticaModelli con frizioneregolabile con bloccoariaAdjust. cushion clutchLim<strong>it</strong>eur de coupleréglable à billesEinstellbareRutschkupplungEmbrague ajustabledeslizanteFrizione regolabile acuscinoDirect drive modelsModèles àentraînement directModelle m<strong>it</strong>DirektantriebModelos conaccionamientodirectoModelli atrasmissione direttaRef. No.BALD1202RD5-R18-S4-RM1RLM2S5QA1L12S1LD (4LD) (4SD)BALD1214RD5-R25-H4QA1L05S4SDBALD1207RD5-R18-S41RLN2S3 (…2NS5)QA1L08S1LD (4LD) (6LD)BALD1207RD5-R25-H4BALD1207RD5-R25-S4BALD1207RD5-R25-S6QA1L05S1LD (4LD) (6LD)QA1L02S1LD (6LD)BALD2210RD5-R25-S6BALD1202RD5-R18-S4BALD1202RD5-R25-H4QA1L05S1XLD (6XLD)41AA9LTS6-EUQA33SC10RL-25S6QA1L02S1XLD (6XLD)BALD2206RD5-R25-H4BALD2206RD5-R25-S4BALD2206RD5-R25 -S641AA6LTS6-EUQA33SB08RL-25S6QA33SB06RL-25S6QA33SC04RL-28S6BALD2203RD5-R28-S6QA33SC03RL-35S6BALD4205RD5-R35-S6QA33SB02RL-35S8BALD4204RD5-R35-S6BALD4203RD5-R42-S8Ref. No.QA1L12C1LD (…4LD)QA1L08C1LD (…4LD)QA1L05C1LD (…4LD)7RLL2C6-EU5RLN2C6-EU7RLL3C6-EU7RLM3C6-EURef. No.QA1L12D1LD (…4LD)1RLN2D5QA1L08D1LD (…4LD)QA1L05D1LD (…4LD)5RLN2D6-EU6WRSP3-EU7RLM2D6-EU7RLM3D6-EU6WRSQ3-EU7RLN3D6-EU6WRSR3-EU8RSP53-EU9RSP53-EU9RSQ83-EU10 Nm 20 Nm 30 Nm 40 Nm 50 Nm 60 Nm 70 Nm 80 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼10 Nm 20 Nm 30 Nm 40 Nm 50 Nm 60 Nm 70 Nm 80 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼10 Nm 20 Nm 30 Nm 40 Nm 50 Nm 60 Nm 70 Nm 80 Nm 90 Nm 100 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)272321252125232125252521212525252123212625252523262626252625262525Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)22222224242424Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)222322222424242424242424242422

Air Angle WrenchesClés d'Angle PneumatiquesDruckluft-WinkelschrauberLlaves Neumáticas AngularesChiavi Pneumatiche ad AngoloQ2 SeriesOptionsClutch spring(s)(modelsw<strong>it</strong>h clutch)Asset managementchip (1)Speedadjustmentfacil<strong>it</strong>y throughthe exhaustVertical hangerRessort(s) delim<strong>it</strong>eur (mod.avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur)Puce électroniqueincorporée pourgestion de parc (1)Contrôle de lav<strong>it</strong>esse parl'échappementSusp. verticaleKupplungsfedern(Modelle m<strong>it</strong>EinstellbarerKupplung)Chip für Bestandsverwaltung(1)Geschwindigke<strong>it</strong>sregelungVertikal-AufhängerMuelles deembrague (mod.con embragueajustable)Chip paraadministrarinformación (1)Variación de lavelocidadSuspensiónverticalMolle dellafrizione (mod. confrizione regolabile)Chip pergestire il parcoavv<strong>it</strong>atori (1)Regoliazionevariabile dellaveloc<strong>it</strong>àSospensioneverticaleRef. DV7MN14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" NPT(1) For connection w<strong>it</strong>h AMSKIT-250. See page 92(1) Pour connection avec AMSKIT-250. Voir page 92(1) In Verbindung m<strong>it</strong> AMSKIT-250, siehe S. 92(1) Para conectar con AMSKIT-250. Ver página 92(1) Per connessione con AMSKIT-250. Vedere pag. 921/4"BSPIQ2 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco ariaQA1L05S4LDSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQA1L12S1LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.7 – 1270 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L08S1LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 5.3 850 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L05S1LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 6.4 500 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L02S1LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 6.4 250 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L05S1XLD 1.4 - 4.3 3.5 - 10.0 – 500 1.03 329 13 34 1/4 450QA1L02S1XLD 1.4 - 4.3 3.5 - 11.5 – 250 1.03 329 13 34 1/4 450Ref.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQA1L12S4SD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.7 – 1270 0.85 299 9.5 27 1/4 450QA1L12S4LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.7 – 1270 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L05S4SD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 4.1 – 500 0.85 299 9.5 27 1/4 450QA1L08S4LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 5.3 850 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L08S6LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 5.3 850 0.95 302 13 34 3/8 450QA1L05S4LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 6.4 500 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L05S6LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 6.4 500 0.95 302 13 34 3/8 450QA1L02S6LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 6.4 250 0.95 302 13 34 3/8 450QA1L05S6XLD 1.4 - 4.3 3.5 - 10.0 – 500 1.03 329 13 34 3/8 450QA1L02S6XLD 1.4 - 4.3 3.5 - 11.5 – 250 1.03 329 13 34 3/8 450(1) Clutch springs delivered w<strong>it</strong>h the tool: the torque range indicated in bold letter corresponds to the springinstalled on the tool.(1) Ressorts de lim<strong>it</strong>eur fournis avec la machine: la gamme de couple indiquée en gras correspond au ressortmonté sur la machine.(1) Kupplungsfedern werden m<strong>it</strong>geliefert, fett gedruckte Drehmomentangaben gelten für werksse<strong>it</strong>ig eingebauteFeder(1) Muelles de embrague entregados con la herramienta: la gama de par en negr<strong>it</strong>a corresponde con el muelleinstalado en la herramienta.(1) Molle della frizione forn<strong>it</strong>e con la macchina: la molla indicata in grossetto corrisponde a quella montatasulla macchina.Series /BaureiheQ2 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mmØ23

Air Angle WrenchesClés d'Angle PneumatiquesDruckluft-WinkelschrauberLlaves Neumáticas AngularesChiavi Pneumatiche ad AngoloQ2 SeriesAdjustable cushion clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à billesModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer RutschkupplungModelos con embrague ajustable deslizanteModelli con frizione regolabile a cuscinoQA1L08C4LDSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQA1L12C1LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 -3.7 – 1270 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L08C1LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 -3.8 1.8 - 5.3 850 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L05C1LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 -3.8 1.8 - 6.4 500 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450Ref.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQA1L12C4LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.7 – 1270 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L08C4LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 5.3 850 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450QA1L05C4LD 0.4 - 1.3 1.05 - 3.8 1.8 - 6.4 500 0.95 302 13 34 1/4 450Q2 SeriesDirect drive modelsModèles à entraînement directModelle m<strong>it</strong> DirektantriebModelos con accionamiento directoModelli a trasmissione direttaSeries /BaureiheQ2 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mmØSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQA1L12D1LD 4.0 M4 1270 0.70 227 13 34 1/4 450QA1L08D1LD 6.8 M5 850 0.70 227 13 34 1/4 450QA1L05D1LD 11.6 M6 500 0.70 227 13 34 1/4 450Ref.Nm rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQA1L12D4LD 4.0 M4 1270 0.70 227 13 34 1/4 450QA1L08D4LD 6.8 M5 850 0.70 227 13 34 1/4 450QA1L05D4LD 11.6 M6 500 0.70 227 13 34 1/4 450Series /BaureiheØQ2 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm24

Air Angle WrenchesClés d'Angle PneumatiquesDruckluft-WinkelschrauberLlaves Neumáticas AngularesChiavi Pneumatiche ad Angolo1 & 41 SeriesClutchspring(s)HangerRessort(s)de lim<strong>it</strong>eurSuspensionKupplungsfedernAufhängerMuelles deembragueSuspensiónMolle dellafrizioneDispos<strong>it</strong>ivosospensione1 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco ariaOptionsVariacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1RLN2S3NPT1 Series : 1/8" NPT x 1/4" BSP, ref. DV7MN18FB1441 Series : 1/4" NPT x 1/4" BSP, ref. DV7MN14FB14BSPISpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVA1RLM2S5 0.6 - 2.6 0.9- 3.4 — 1100 0.79 318 13 33 1/4 3681RLN2S5 0.4 - 2.6 0.8- 3.9 1.1 - 5.2 700 0.79 318 13 33 1/4 3681RLN2S3 0.4 - 2.6 0.8- 3.9 1.1 - 5.2 700 0.79 318 13 31 1/4 3681 Series : Direct drive models — Modèles à entraînement direct — Modelle m<strong>it</strong>Direktantrieb — Modelos con accionamiento directo — Modelli a trasmissione direttaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVA1RLN2D5 5.2 M4 700 0.60 211 13 33 1/4 36841 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur régl. à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco aria41AA9LTS6-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm (1) Nm (1) Nm (1) rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVA41AA9LTS6-EU 2.8- 6.6 2.8 - 10.2 — 950 1.80 361 15 38 3/8 87041AA6LTS6-EU 2.5 - 5.8 2.5 - 9.1 4 - 14.7 600 1.80 361 16 48 3/8 870Series /BaureiheØ1 73 dBa 1/8" NPT 6 mm41 78 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mm25

Air Angle WrenchesClés d'Angle PneumatiquesDruckluft-WinkelschrauberLlaves Neumáticas AngularesChiavi Pneumatiche ad Angolo5 to 9 SeriesOptionsClutch spring(s)(modelsw<strong>it</strong>h clutch)Horizontalhangeron Series 5,6 and 7Ressort(s)de lim<strong>it</strong>eur(modèles àlim<strong>it</strong>eur)Suspensionhorizontale surséries 5, 6 et 7Kupplungsfedern(Modellem<strong>it</strong> EinstellbareKupplung)Horizontal-Aufhänger fürBaureihen 5,6 und 7Muelles deembrague(mod. conembrague)Suspensiónhorizontal paraseries 5, 6 y 7Molle dellafrizione (mod.con frizioneregolabile)Dispos<strong>it</strong>ivosospensioneorizzontale(serie 5, 6 e 7)5 to 7 Series :Ref. DV7MN14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" NPT1/4"BSP5 & 7 SeriesAdjustable cushion clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à billesModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer RutschkupplungModelos con embrague ajustable deslizanteModelli con frizione regolabile a cuscino7RLL2C6-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVA7RLL2C6-EU – 1.7 - 11.3 1400 1.50 335 13 33 3/8 7605RLN2C6-EU 1.7 - 9.1 5.7 - 12.5 600 1.50 334 13 33 3/8 4807RLL3C6-EU – 2.8 - 12.5 1400 2.20 363 18 38 3/8 7607RLM3C6-EU – 2.8 - 14.8 800 2.30 363 18 38 3/8 7605 to 9 SeriesDirect drive modelsModèles à entraînement directModelle m<strong>it</strong> DirektantriebModelos con accionamiento directoModelli a trasmissione diretta9RSQ83-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVA5RLN2D6-EU 12.5 M6 600 1.40 276 13 33 3/8 4806WRSP3-EU 19.0 M6 550 1.50 286 18 38 3/8 7307RLM2D6-EU 19.8 M8 800 1.40 286 13 33 3/8 7607RLM3D6-EU 19.8 M6 800 1.60 295 18 38 3/8 7606WRSQ3-EU 25.8 M8 400 1.50 286 18 38 3/8 7307RLN3D6-EU 29.9 M8 500 1.60 295 18 38 3/8 7606WRSR3-EU 32.5 M8 325 1.50 286 18 38 3/8 7308RSP53-EU 54.4 M10 510 2.70 435 22 41 1/2 15609RSP53-EU 78.9 M12 425 3.30 451 22 41 1/2 18509RSQ83-EU 111.5 M14 300 3.50 454 25 46 1/2 185026Series /Baureihe5 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm6 79 dBa 1/4" NPT 10 mmØ Series /Baureihe7 79 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mm8 & 9 82 dBa 1/2" NPT 13 mmØ

Air Angle WrenchesClés d'Angle PneumatiquesDruckluft-WinkelschrauberLlaves Neumáticas AngularesChiavi Pneumatiche ad AngoloBALD SeriesOptionsVertical hangerexceptBALD 42)Lube freemotor BALD42Series)Suspensionverticale(sauf BALD42)Moteurnon lubrifié(BALD42Uniquement)Vertikal-Aufhänger(ausgenommenBALD 42)ÖlfreierMotor (nur für(BALD42)Suspensiónvertical (exceptoserie BALD 42)Motor sinlubricación(sólo para(BALD42)Dispos<strong>it</strong>ivosospensioneverticale (eccettoserie BALD 42)Motore senzalubrificazione (soloper (BALD42)Ref. DV7MB14FB14 ➜ 12 & 22 SeriesRef. DV11MB38FB38 ➜ 42 SeriesBSPVariacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole VariacorRef. BALDX2XXRDX-XXX-XX-DIBSPIDual information k<strong>it</strong> (1)K<strong>it</strong> prise d'info (1)2-fach Signal (1)Doble señal (1)Doppia informazione (1)CyclesBALD4204RD5-R35-S6BALD2206RD5-R25-S6BALD SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsMod. avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco ariaBALD1207RD5-R25-H4Specifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm mm in l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVABALD1202RD5-R18-S4-RM 1.0-2.0 140 1.0 315 9.2 23 1/4 460BALD1214RD5-R25-H4 1.4-4.0 1200 1.0 284 12.5 31 1/4 460BALD1207RD5-R18-S4 1.8-4.9 650 1.0 303 9.2 23 1/4 460BALD1207RD5-R25-H4 1.4-5.7 650 1.0 275 12.5 31 1/4 460BALD1207RD5-R25-S4 1.4-5.7 650 1.0 275 12.5 31 1/4 460BALD1207RD5-R25-S6 1.4-5.7 650 1.0 275 12.5 31 3/8 460BALD2210RD5-R25-S6 3.2-7.5 900 1.3 314 12.5 31 3/8 645BALD1202RD5-R18-S4 2.6-9.0 140 1.0 315 9.2 23 1/4 460BALD1202RD5-R25-H4 2.6-9.4 140 1.0 287 12.5 31 1/4 460BALD2206RD5-R25-H4 2.2-12 560 1.3 314 12.5 31 1/4 645BALD2206RD5-R25-S4 2.2-12 560 1.3 314 12.5 31 1/4 645BALD2206RD5-R25-S6 2.2-12 560 1.3 314 12.5 31 3/8 645BALD2203RD5-R28-S6 2.8-31 170 1.8 399 14.0 32 3/8 645BALD4205RD5-R35-S6 17 - 55 490 2.3 415 17.5 40 3/8 1200BALD4204RD5-R35-S6 22 - 71 390 2.3 415 17.5 40 3/8 1200BALD4203RD5-R42-S8 21 - 83 280 2.5 432 21.0 49 1/2 1200Series /BaureiheBALD12 79 dBa 1/4" BSP 9 mmBALD22 78 dBa 1/4" BSP 13 mmBALD42 81 dBa*3/8" BSP 13 mmØ* 79 dBaw<strong>it</strong>h optionalsilencerref. 130726(1) For dual information k<strong>it</strong>, add "-DI" to tool model no. (e.g. BALD2206RD5-R25-S6-DI).(1) Pour k<strong>it</strong> prise d'info, ajouter "-DI" à la référence (exemple BALD2206RD5-R25-S6-DI).(1) 2-fach Signal: ergänzen Sie die Modell-Nr. m<strong>it</strong> "-DI" (z. B. BALD2206RD5-R25-S6-DI).(1) Para doble señal, añadir "-DI" a la referencia (ejemplo BALD2206RD5-R25-S6-DI).(1) Per doppia informazione, aggiungere "-DI" al codice del modello (es. BALD2206RD5-R25-S6-DI).27

Air Angle WrenchesClés d'Angle PneumatiquesDruckluft-WinkelschrauberLlaves Neumáticas AngularesChiavi Pneumatiche ad AngoloQA33 SeriesOptionsLube freemotorVerticalhangerMoteurnon lubrifiéSuspensionverticaleÖlfreierMotorVertikal-AufhängerMotor sinlubricaciónSuspensiónverticalMotore senzalubrificazioneDispos<strong>it</strong>ivosospensioneverticaleRef. DV7MB14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" BSP1/4" BSPQA33 SeriesAdjustable shut-off clutch modelsModèles avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur réglable à coupure d'airModelle m<strong>it</strong> einstellbarer AbschaltkupplungModelos con parada automáticaModelli con frizione regolabile con blocco ariaQA33SC04RL-28S6Specifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa –Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa –Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaSpecifications at 77 psi – Caractéristiques à 530 kPa –Technische Daten bezogen auf 530 kPa –Especificaciones a 530 kPa – Caratteristiche a 530 kPaRef.Nm Nm Nm rpm l/min Nm Nm Nm rpm l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQA33SC10RL-25S6 – 5.0 - 11.5 13.0 1025 720 – 5.0 - 9.7 11.1 955 630QA33SB08RL-25S6 4.2 - 15.0 – 16.0 800 720 4.2 - 12.7 – 13.6 745 630QA33SB06RL-25S6 5.0 - 20.0 – 21.0 625 720 5.0 - 17.0 – 17.9 680 630QA33SC04RL-28S6 – 14.0-30.0 31.0 425 720 – 14.0-25.5 26.4 395 630QA33SC03RL-35S6 – 16.3-40.0 41.0 325 720 – 16.3-34.0 34.9 300 630QA33SB02RL-35S8 25.0 - 55.0 – 58.0 200 720 25.0 - 45.5 – 48.1 185 630Dimensions - Abmessungen - Dimensiones - DimensioniRef.kg mm mm mm inQA33SC10RL-25S6 1.42 341 12.5 31.5 3/8QA33SB08RL-25S6 1.45 341 12.5 31.5 3/8QA33SB06RL-25S6 1.45 341 12.5 31.5 3/8QA33SC04RL-28S6 1.54 364 14.0 32.5 3/8QA33SC03RL-35S6 1.90 392 17.5 43.5 3/8QA33SB02RL-35S8 2.00 418 17.5 43.5 1/2Series /BaureiheQA33 78 dBa 1/4 BSP 13 mmØModels w<strong>it</strong>h geared offset head available (consult us).Modèles avec tête déportée disponibles (nous consulter).Modelle m<strong>it</strong> versetztem Abtrieb erhältlich (sprechen Sie uns an !)Modelos con extensiones planas disponibles (consúltenos).Modelli con testa ad ingranaggi offset disponibili (a richiesta)28

Air Angle Wrenches – AccessoriesClés d'Angle Pneumatiques – AccessoiresDruckluft-Winkelschrauber – ZubehörLlaves Neumáticas Angulares – AccesoriosChiavi Pneumatiche ad Angolo – Accessori131655 129851AccessoriesAccessoiresZubehörAcccesoriosAccessori131711131654IDescription – Beschreibung – Descripción – DescrizioneDual information k<strong>it</strong>K<strong>it</strong> prise d'info2-fach Signal 131711Doble señalDoppia informazioneLong control leverLevier de <strong>com</strong>mande longStarthebel, lang 131654Palanca de accionamiento largaLeva di controllo lungaSelf-locking leverLevier de <strong>com</strong>mande avec gâchette de sécur<strong>it</strong>éSicherhe<strong>it</strong>sventilhebel 131655Palanca auto-blocanteLeva autoserranteSwivel hanger (internal dia. 27 to 41 mm)Anse de suspension rotative (diamètre int. 27 à 41 mm)Drehbare Aufhängevorrichtung (Innen-Ø 27-41mm) 129851Soporte de suspensión giratorio (Ø int. 27 a 41 mm)Anello di sospensione girevole (Ø int. 27 a 41 mm)Vertical hanger (supplied w<strong>it</strong>h tool)Anse de suspension verticale (fournie en standard)Vertikal-Aufhänger (im Lieferumfang enthalten) 131133Suspensión vertical (suministrado de serie)Disp. sospensione verticale (forn<strong>it</strong>o standard con l'attrezzo)Ref.Maintenance and repair toolsOutils pour la maintenance et la réparationWartungs- und ReparaturwerkzeugHerramientas de mantenimiento y reparaciónRiparazione e manutenzione utensili1 2 3 4 5Angle Clutch Motor Control Silencerhead module module module moduleTool Reference For all For part 1 For part 2 For part 3 For part 4 For part 5OM120 OM81 (1)QA33SB02RL-35S8 OM123 OM82OM297OM83-07OM120 OM81 (1)QA33SC03RL-35S6 OM123 OM82OM297 OM83-04 OM127OM129OM121OM296OM81 (1)QA33SC04RL-28S6OM180OM82OM186OM298OM83-06OM122 OM81QA33SB06RL-25S6(1)GEA40-478 OM124 OM82QA33SC10RL-25S6OM180OM83-04OM122 OM81 (1)QA33SB08RL-25S6 OM124 OM82OM180OM83-07(1) OM81 = for maintenance GEA40-478, OM120, OM123, OM82 etc… = for repair (assembly and disassembly of the tool).(1) OM81 = pour la maintenance GEA40-478, OM120, OM123, OM82 etc… = pour la réparation (démontage et remontage de la machine).(1) OM81 = für die Wartung GEA40-478, OM120, OM123, OM82 etc… = für die Reparatur (Montage und Demontage des Werkzeuges).(1) OM81 = para mantenimiento GEA40-478, OM120, OM123, OM82 etc… = para reparación (montaje y desmontaje de la herramienta).(1) OM81 = per manutenzione GEA40-478, OM120, OM123, OM82 etc… = per riparare (assemblaggio e smontaggio dell'utensile)29

Air Fixtured WrenchesBroches de Vissage PneumatiquesEinbau-DruckluftschrauberHusillos de Atornillado NeumáticosChiavi Pneumatiche per Installazioni FisseQA4 & QAS33 SeriesLube freemotorAdjustableshut-off clutchData collectionoutput for cyclecountingDoubleaxial inletMoteurnon lubrifiéLim<strong>it</strong>eur decouple réglableà coupure d'airPrise d'info.pour <strong>com</strong>ptagede cyclesDouble alimentationaxialeÖlfreier MotorEinstellbarerAbschaltkupplungVerschraubungszählerDoppelterLufteinlassMotor sinlubricaciónParadaautomáticaSalida paraconteo deciclosDoble entradade aire en líneaMotore senzalubrificazioneFrizione regolabilecon blocco ariaPresa segnale perconteggio cicliDoppiaalimentazioneassialeQA4ASRS015BF21S06Specifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa –Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa –Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaSpecifications at 77 psi – Caractéristiques à 530 kPa –Technische Daten bezogen auf 530 kPa –Especificaciones a 530 kPa – Caratteristiche a 530 kPaRef.Nm Nm Nm rpm l/min Nm Nm Nm rpm l/minSTRAIGHT MODELS — MODÈLES DROITS — GERADE AUSFÜHRUNG — MODELOS RECTOS — MODELLI DIRITTIW<strong>it</strong>hout floating spindle – Sans broche télescopique – Ohne einstellbare Gle<strong>it</strong>spindel – Sin husillo telescópico – Senza albero telescopico regolabileQA4ASRS012BP20S06 6 -12 – 13 1050 700 6-10 – 11.7 977 630QA4ASRS015BP20S06 – 7 -15 16 850 700 – 7 -12.7 13.6 791 630QA4ASRS020BP20S06 10 - 20 – 21 600 700 10 -17 – 17.9 558 630QA4ASRS027BP20S06 – 14 - 27 28 450 700 – 14 - 22.7 23.8 419 630QA4ASRS046BP20S06 20 - 46 – 47 250 700 20-38 – 39 233 630Integrated 19 mm floating spindle – Broche télesc. intégrée 19 mm – Integrierte 19 mm Gle<strong>it</strong>spindel – Husillo telesc. de 19 mm integrado – Mandrino telesc. integrato 19 mmQA4ASRS012BF21S06 (1) 6-12 – 13 1050 700 6-10 – 11.7 977 630QA4ASRS015BF21S06 (1) – 7-15 16 850 700 – 7 -12.7 13.6 791 630QA4ASRS020BF21S06 (1) 10-20 – 21 600 700 10 -17 – 17.9 558 630QA4ASRS027BF21S06 (1) – 14-27 28 450 700 – 14 - 22.7 23.8 419 630QA4ASRS046BF41S06 (1) 20-46 – 47 250 700 20-38 – 39 233 630ANGLE MODELS — MODELES D'ANGLE — MODELLE MIT WINKELKOPF — CON CABEZA ANGULAR — CON TESTA AD ANGOLOQAS33SC04RC-S6 – 15 - 30 31 450 700 – 15 - 25.5 26.4 430 630QAS33SC03RC-S6 – 17.4 - 40 41 335 700 – 17.4 - 34 34.9 325 630QAS33SB02RC-S6 16 - 55 – 58 214 700 15.4 - 45.5 – 48.1 209 630Dimensions - Abmessungen - Dimensiones - DimensioniRef.kg mm mm mm inQA4ASRS012BP20S06 1,3 329 39 – 3/8QA4ASRS015BP20S06 1,3 329 39 – 3/8QA4ASRS020BP20S06 1,4 329 39 – 3/8QA4ASRS027BP20S06 1,4 329 39 – 3/8QA4ASRS046BP20S06 1,5 357 39 – 3/8QA4ASRS012BF21S06 1,4 399 31 – 3/8QA4ASRS015BF21S06 1,4 399 31 – 3/8QA4ASRS020BF21S06 1,5 399 31 – 3/8QA4ASRS027BF21S06 1,5 399 31 – 3/8QA4ASRS046BF41S06 1,8 465 31 – 3/8QAS33SC04RC-S6 1.54 352 14 32.5 3/8QAS33SC03RC-S6 1.90 366 18 43.5 3/8QAS33SB02RC-S6 2.00 405 18 43.5 3/8(1) Reaction bar and mounting platesavailable. See page 78.(1) Barre anti-réaction et plaques demontage disponibles. Voir page 78.(1) Reaktionsstab und Flanschbefestigung:siehe S. 78(1) Barra de reacción y bridas desoporte disponibles. Ver página 78.(1) Barra di reazione e piastri di montaggiodisponibili. Vedere pag. 78.Series /BaureiheQA4 1/4 BSP 13 mmQAS33 1/4 BSP 13 mmØ30

Air Fixtured Wrenches – AccessoriesBroches de Vissage Pneumatiques – AccessoiresEinbau-Druckluftschrauber – ZubehörHusillos de Atornillado Neumáticos – AccesoriosChiavi Pneumatiche per Installazioni Fisse – AccessoriABConnectionConnexionAnschlussConexiónAttaccoA = 3 /8" BSP GB = Ø 10 x12 mmABIABA = 1 /4" BSP GB = Ø 8 x10 mmA = 1 /4" BSP GB = Ø 8 x10 mmCyclesA = M5B = 2.7 x 4 mmMounting platefor QA4 / QAS33 series(for vertical or horizontal mounting)Bride de montage pourséries QA4 et QAS33(montage vertical ou horizontal)Flanschbefestigungfür Baureihe QA4 / QAS33(für Werkbank- und Wand-Montage)Brida de soporte para QA4 y QAS33(montaje en banco y montaje mural)Flangia di montaggio per QA4 e QAS33(montaggio a banco e a parete)Ref. 131947Adjustable floating spindle for QA4 / QAS33 seriesBroche télescopique réglable pour visseuses QA4 et QAS33Einstellbare Gle<strong>it</strong>spindel für Baureihe QA4 / QAS33Husillo telescópico para husillos QA4 y QAS33Albero telescopico regolabile per chiavi QA4 e QAS33Ref. 131652Stroke :Course :Hublänge :Carrera :Corsa :9,52 mmØ 24 mmØ 169.52Ø 3115.5 15.52119 mm Pos<strong>it</strong>ion No. 1112 mm Pos<strong>it</strong>ion No. 299.5 mm Pos<strong>it</strong>ion No. 362.5Ø 5Ø 17Ø 19.412332 mm25 mm12.5 mmPos<strong>it</strong>ion No. 3Pos<strong>it</strong>ion No. 2Pos<strong>it</strong>ion No. 1Ø 23.7 mm31

Air pulse Nutrunners and Screwdrivers - Clés Hydro-Pneumatiques - Impulsschrauber -Aprietuercas y Atornilladores de Impulso - Chiavi ad impulso idraulico e cacciav<strong>it</strong>iRef. No.20 Nm 40 Nm 60 Nm 80 Nm 100 Nm 120 Nm 140 Nm 160 Nm 180 Nm 200 Nm 220 Nm 240 Nm 260 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)SELECTION CHART – TABLE DE SELECTION – AUSWAHLTABELLE – TABLA DE SELECCIÓN – TABELLA DI SELEZIONENon shut-off modelsModèles sanscoupure d'airautomatiqueModelle ohneAbschaltventilModelos sin paradaautomáticaModelli senza valvoladi bloccoShut-off modelsModèles à coupured'air automatiqueModelle m<strong>it</strong>AbschaltventilModelos con paradaautomáticaModelli con valvoladi bloccoNon shut-off modelsSans coupure d'airOhne AbschaltventilSin parada auto.Senza valvola bloccoNon shut-off modelsSans coupure d'airOhne AbschaltventilSin parada auto.Senza valvola blocco100PQ1-EU46PQ1Q70PQ146P3180PQ1-EU56PQ1Q80PQ1Q70P3280P-EU61PQ156P3380P-EUQ80P361P3500P-EUQ90P370P3700P-EUQ110P4900P-EU90P41100P-EU100P4130P4140P6Ref. No.40PSQ145PSQ145PS355PSQ155PS3500PS3-EU70PS3700PS3-EU90PS4900PS4-EU1100PS4-EU1900PS4-EURef. No.100SQ1-EU180SQ1-EU280SQ1-EU380SQ1-EURef. No.500A-EU700A-EU20 Nm 40 Nm 60 Nm 80 Nm 100 Nm 120 Nm 140 Nm 160 Nm 180 Nm 200 Nm 220 Nm 240 Nm 260 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼20 Nm 40 Nm 60 Nm 80 Nm 100 Nm 120 Nm 140 Nm 160 Nm 180 Nm 200 Nm 220 Nm 240 Nm 260 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼20 Nm 40 Nm 60 Nm 80 Nm 100 Nm 120 Nm 140 Nm 160 Nm 180 Nm 200 Nm 220 Nm 240 Nm 260 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼33353535333535353335353335353335353335333533353335Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)353535353534353435343434Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)33333333Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)333332

Air pulse Nutrunners / ScrewdriversClés Hydro-PneumatiquesImpulsschrauberAprietuercas y Atornilladores de ImpulsoChiavi ad Impulso Idraulico e Cacciav<strong>it</strong>iPower Pulse SeriesOptionsTorqueadjustingwrenchVertical hangeron models100, 180, 280and 380Clé de réglagede coupleSuspensionverticale surmodèles 100,180, 280 et380Drehmoment-EinstellschlüsselVertikal-Aufhänger fürModelle 100,180, 280 und380Llave paraajustar el parSuspensiónvertical paramodelos100, 180,280 y 380Chiave perregolazionedella coppiaDispos<strong>it</strong>ivosospensioneverticale permodelli 100,180, 280 y 380Ref. DV7MN14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" NPT1/4"BSPI180SQ1-EUPower Pulse SeriesNon shut-off modelsModèles sans coupure d'air automatiqueModelle ohne AbschaltventilModelos sin parada automáticaModelli senza valvola di blocco280P-EU700P-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm in l/minPISTOL GRIP — POIGNÉE RÉVOLVER — PISTOLENGRIFF — EMPUÑADURA DE PISTOLA — IMPUGNATURA A PISTOLA100PQ1-EU 4 - 11 9 500 0.70 142 18 1/4 220180PQ1-EU 18 - 30 10 500 1.00 165 23 1/4 250280P-EU 25 - 38 10 500 1.10 178 23 3/8 310380P-EU 34 - 47 10 000 1.30 178 25 3/8 310500P-EU 31 - 55 8 200 1.40 165 31 3/8 340700P-EU 45 - 78 8 000 1.60 165 31 3/8 390900P-EU 70 - 111 6 500 2.10 201 33 1/2 3901100P-EU 85 - 123 4 700 2.20 208 36 1/2 450STRAIGHT HANDLE — POIGNÉE DROITE — GERADE AUSFUHRUNG — EMPUÑADURA RECTA — IMPUGNATURA DIRITTA100SQ1-EU 6 - 12 9 500 0.80 226 21 1/4 250180SQ1-EU 18 - 30 10 500 0.90 221 23 1/4 250280SQ1-EU 20 - 34 10500 0.90 229 23 1/4 310380SQ1-EU 29 - 44 10000 1.20 231 25 1/4 310ANGLE HEAD — A RENVOI D'ANGLE — WINKELKOPF — CABEZA ANGULAR — TESTA AD ANGOLO500A-EU 30 - 45 7 500 1.50 267 28 3/8 340700A-EU 36 - 50 5 000 2.00 284 28 3/8 340Series /BaureiheØ100P ➙1100P 76 ➙78 dBa 1/4" NPT 10 mm33

Air pulse Nutrunners / ScrewdriversClés Hydro-PneumatiquesImpulsschrauberAprietuercas y Atornilladores de ImpulsoChiavi ad impulso idraulico e cacciav<strong>it</strong>iPower Pulse SeriesOptionsTorqueadjustingwrenchVertical hangeron models100, 180, 280and 380Clé de réglagede coupleSuspensionverticale surmodèles 100,180, 280 et380Drehmoment-EinstellschlüsselVertikal-Aufhänger fürModelle 100,180, 280 und380Llave paraajustar el parSuspensiónvertical paramodelos100, 180,280 y 380Chiave perregolazionedella coppiaDispos<strong>it</strong>ivosospensioneverticale permodelli 100,180, 280 y 380Ref. DV7MN14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" NPT1/4"BSP500PS3-EU900PS4-EUPower Pulse SeriesShut-off modelsModèles à coupure d'air automatiqueModelle m<strong>it</strong> AbschaltventilModelos con parada automáticaModelli con valvola di blocco1100PS4-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm in l/minPISTOL GRIP — POIGNÉE RÉVOLVER — PISTOLENGRIFF — EMPUÑADURA DE PISTOLA — IMPUGNATURA A PISTOLA500PS3-EU 30 - 50 8 200 1.8 201 31 3/8 340700PS3-EU 45 - 70 8 000 2.1 216 31 3/8 390900PS4-EU 65 - 100 6 500 2.7 231 33 1/2 3951100PS4-EU 80 - 110 4 700 2.8 234 33 1/2 4501900PS4-EU 100-160 5 800 3.9 259 38 1/2 500Series /BaureiheØ500PS3 ➙1900PS4 76 ➙82 dBa 1 /4" NPT 10 mm34

Air pulse Nutrunners / ScrewdriversClés Hydro-PneumatiquesImpulsschrauberAprietuercas y Atornilladores de ImpulsoChiavi ad impulso idraulico e cacciav<strong>it</strong>iPower Pulse PLUS SeriesTorqueadjustingwrenchLube freemotor on "Q"modelsClé deréglage decoupleMoteur nonlubrifié surmodèles "Q"Drehmoment-EinstellschlüsselÖlfreierMotor fürModelle "Q"Llave paraajustar el parMotor sinlubricaciónparamodelos "Q"Chiave perregolazionedella coppiaMotore senzalubrificazioneper modelli "Q"IOptions1/4"NPTRef. DV7MN14FB141/4"BSPQ70P3100P455PSQ1Specifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPaTechnische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPaEspecificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Nm rpm kg mm mm in l/minNON SHUT-OFF — SANS COUPURE D'AIR — OHNE ABSCHALTUNG — SIN PARADA AUTOMÁTICA — SENZA BLOCCO46PQ1 16 - 26 8 000 0.90 142 22 1/4 34046P3 16 - 30 8 000 0.90 142 22 3/8 34056PQ1 22 - 33 7 000 0.95 145 24 1/4 34056P3 25 - 47 7 000 0.95 145 24 3/8 34061PQ1 27 - 41 5 500 1.00 165 24 1/4 39061P3 34 - 54 5 500 1.00 165 24 3/8 39070P3 44 - 72 5 500 1.40 178 25 3/8 39090P4 78 - 116 5 000 1.80 183 30 1/2 450100P4 100-145 5 000 2.0 188 33 1/2 580130P4 140-220 3 500 2.5 201 34 1/2 700140P6 160-270 3 300 3.2 226 36 3/4 700NON SHUT-OFF — SANS COUPURE D'AIR — OHNE ABSCHALTUNG — SIN PARADA AUTOMÁTICA — SENZA BLOCCOQ70PQ1 20-28 7 000 0.80 131 21 1/4 330Q70P3 24-35 7 000 0.80 131 21 3/8 330Q80PQ1 24-35 7 000 0.85 138 21 1/4 350Q80P3 33-50 7 000 0.85 138 21 3/8 350Q90P3 47-65 6 500 0.97 148 23 3/8 400Q110P4 65-100 5 500 1.38 164 26 1/2 580SHUT-OFF — A COUPURE D'AIR AUTOMATIQUE — MIT ABSCHALTUNG— PARADA AUTOMÁTICA — CON BLOCCO40PSQ1 8 - 13 6 000 0.95 183 21 1/4 34045PSQ1 15 - 20 7 000 1.10 186 21 1/4 34045PS3 17 - 25 7 000 1.10 186 21 3/8 34055PSQ1 20 - 30 6 000 1.10 186 21 1/4 42055PS3 25 - 38 6 000 1.10 186 21 3/8 42070PS3 40 - 55 5 500 1.60 206 25 3/8 48090PS4 60 - 90 5 000 2.00 201 29 1/2 510Series /BaureiheØSeries /BaureiheØ40P ➙90P 78 ➙82 dBa 1/4" NPT 10 mm100P ➙140P 82 ➙83 dBa 1/4" NPT 13 mmQ70P ➙Q80P 74 ➙75 dBa 1/4" NPT 10 mmQ90P ➙Q110P 78 ➙81 dBa 1/4" NPT 10 mm35

AirProductionDrillsPerceuses de ProductionPneumatiquesIndustrie-Druckluft-BohrmaschinenTaladros Neumáticos paraProducciónTrapani Pneumaticiper Produzione3741Pistol grip modelsModèles à poignée révolverModelle m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffModelos con empuñadura de pistolaModelli con impugnatura a pistolaStraight handle modelsModèles à poignée dro<strong>it</strong>eModelle in gerader AusführungModelos con empuñadura rectaModelli con impugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>ta434446Angle head modelsModèles d'angleModelle m<strong>it</strong> WinkelkopfModelos con cabeza angularModelli con testa ad angoloAir Modular DrillsPerceuses Pneumatiques ModulairesModulare Druckluft-BohrmaschinenTaladros Neumáticos ModularesTrapani Modulari PneumaticiP33 non-lube drillsPerceuses non lubrifiées P33P33 Ölfreie, Druckluft-BohrmaschinenTaladros neumáticos sin lubricación P33Trapani pneumatici non lubrificati P33

Air Production Drills - Perceuses de Production Pneumatiques - Industrie-Druckluft-Bohrmaschinen - Taladros Neumáticos para Producción - Trapani Pneumatici per ProduzioneRef. No.RPM5 Nm 10 Nm 15 Nm 20 Nm 25 Nm 30 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)6ADST4-EU20000470QP511LD / QP512LD5100397ADST4-EU2000040QP381D3800391AL1280040QP301LD / QP302LD300039P33054-PSL5400411P38ST43800405AJST4-EU4500406AHST4-EU600040QP201D / QP202D200039Pistol grip modelsP33032-PSLQP151D / QP152D320015004139Modèles à poignéerévolverModelle m<strong>it</strong>PistolengriffModelos conempuñadura depistolaModelli conimpugnatura apistola5AKST4-EU7AHST4-EU5RALST6-EU5ALST4-EU / P33022-PSL7AJST4-EU6AKST4-EUQP091D7AKST6-EUP33016-PSL6ALST4-EU1P09ST430006000200022004800310090032001600215090040404040/4140403940414040II5RANST8-EU900407ALST6-EU2400405ANST6-EU100040P33011-PSL110041QP051D500396AMST6-EU1500401P06ST4600407AMST6-EU140040P33006-PSL660417ANST8-EU900406ARST6-EU500407AQST8-EU600406ASST6-EU35040Ref. No.RPM5 Nm 10 Nm 15 Nm 20 Nm 25 Nm 30 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)P33180-DSL1800041P33110-DSL11000471QS511D510042QS381D3800421LL1280042Straight handlemodelsQS301D / 1S30MF4P33054-DSL300054004241Modèles à poignéedro<strong>it</strong>e5LJ1-EU6LH1-EU480060004242Modelle in geraderAusführung6LJ1-EUP33032-DSL510032004241Modelos conempuñadura rectaModelli conimpugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>ta5LK1-EUQS151D6LJJ1-EUP33022-DSL / 5LL1-EU6LK1-EU3100150039502200310042424241/4242P33016-DSL1600416LL1-EU2150425LN3-EU105042P33011-DSL110041P33006-DSL660416LR3-EU5004237

Air Production Drills (continued) – Perceuses de Production Pneumatiques (su<strong>it</strong>e)Industrie-Druckluft-Bohrmaschinen (Forsetzung)Taladros Neumáticos para Producción (continuación) – Trapani Pneumatici per Produzione (segu<strong>it</strong>o)SELECTION CHART – TABLE DE SELECTION – AUSWAHLTABELLE – TABLA DE SELECCIÓN – TABELLA DI SELEZIONEAngle head modelsModèles d'angleModelle m<strong>it</strong>WinkelkopfModelos con cabezaangularModelli con testa adangoloModular air drillsPerceusespneumatiquesmodulairesModulare Druckluft-BohrmaschinenTaladros neumáticosmodularesTrapani modularipneumaticiRef. No.1LL1A11LJ1A1P33054-DASL......QA27..9D5LH1A4-EUQA2139DP33032-DASL......5LK1A4-EUQA1739DQA1239DP33022-DASL...5LL1A4-EU5LL2A41-EUP33016-DASL......6LK2A41-EUQA0859D / QA0879DP33011-DASL......6LL2A42-EUQA057..9D5LN2A43-EUP33006-DASL......6LP3A43-EU7LM3A43-EU7LN3A44-EU6LR3A44-EURef. No.P33054-DMSLP33054-DMSL-BP33054-PMSLP33032-DMSLP33032-DMSL-BP33032-PMSLP33022-DMSLP33022-PMSLP33016-DMSLP33016-PMSLP33011-DMSLP33011-PMSLP33006-DMSLP33006-PMSLRPM 5 Nm 10 Nm 15 Nm 20 Nm 25 Nm 30 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼27003700540027004800210032003000175012702200220015001600200085011001400500700660600900600400RPM 5 Nm 10 Nm 15 Nm 20 Nm 25 Nm 30 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼540054005400320032003200220022001600160011001100660660Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)43434643434346434343464343464343464343434643434343Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)4444444444444444444444444438

Air Production Drills / Pistol Grip ModelsPerceuses de Production Pneumatiques à Poignée RévolverIndustrie-Druckluft-Bohrmaschinen m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffTaladros Neumáticos para Producción con Empuñadura de PistolaTrapani Pneumatici per Produzione con Impugnatura a PistolaQ2 SeriesOptionsVariablespeedcontrolDrill chuckand keyAssetmanagementchip*Contrôlede la v<strong>it</strong>esseMandrinet cléPuceélectroniqueincorporéepour gestionde parc*VariableGeschwindigke<strong>it</strong>skontrolleBohrfutterund SchlüsselChip fürBestandsverwaltung*Gatillo develocidadvariablePortabrocasy llaveChip paraadministrarinformación *Grilletto aveloc<strong>it</strong>àvariabileMandrinoe chiavettaChip pergestire ilparcoavv<strong>it</strong>atori *Ref. DV7MN14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" NPT* For connection w<strong>it</strong>h AMSKIT-250. See page 92* Pour connection avec AMSKIT-250. Voir page 92* In Verbindung m<strong>it</strong> AMSKIT-250, siehe S. 92* Para conectar con AMSKIT-250. Ver página 92* Per connessione con AMSKIT-250. Vedere page. 921/4"BSPIIQP151DQ2 SeriesPistol grip modelsModèles à poignée révolverModelle m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffModelos con empuñadura de pistolaModelli con impugnatura a pistolaSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.rpm Nm kg mm mm in mm l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOQP051D 500 9.8 0.70 184 6 3/8-24 15 450QP091D 900 5.8 0.70 184 6 3/8-24 15 450QP151D 1500 3.4 0.70 184 6 3/8-24 15 450QP152D 1500 3.4 0.80 184 10 3/8-24 18 450QP201D 2000 2.8 0.70 184 6 3/8-24 15 450QP202D 2000 2.8 0.80 184 10 3/8-24 18 450QP301LD 3000 1.8 0.65 171 6 3/8-24 15 450QP302LD 3000 1.8 0.75 171 10 3/8-24 18 450QP381D 3800 1.5 0.70 184 6 3/8-24 15 450QP511LD 5100 1.1 0.65 171 6 3/8-24 15 450QP512LD 5100 1.1 0.75 171 10 3/8-24 18 450Series /BaureiheØQ2 0.19 kW 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm39

Air Production Drills / Pistol Grip ModelsPerceuses de Production Pneumatiques à Poignée RévolverIndustrie-Druckluft-Bohrmaschinen m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffTaladros Neumáticos para Producción con Empuñadura de PistolaTrapani Pneumatici per Produzione con Impugnatura a Pistola1 to 7 Series7AQST8-EUVariablespeedcontrolDrill chuckand keyDead handleon model7AQST8-EUContrôlede la v<strong>it</strong>esseMandrinet clé demandrinPoignéeauxiliaire surmodèle7AQST8-EUVariableGeschwindigke<strong>it</strong>skontrolleBohrfutterundSchlüsselHilfsgriff(für Modell7AQST8-EU)Gatillo develocidadvariablePortabrocasy llaveMango desujeción paramodelo7AQST8-EUGrilletto aveloc<strong>it</strong>àvariabileMandrinoe chiavettaImpugnaturaausiliaria permodello7AQST8-EUOptions1/4" NPTRef. DV7MN14FB14 ** 1AL1 model ➜ 1/8" NPT–1/4" BSP,Ref. DV7MN18FB141/4" BSP1P38ST46ALST4-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa –Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.rpm Nm kg mm mm in mm l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO5RANST8-EU 900 8.00 1.40 210 13 3/8-24 21 4805RALST6-EU 2000 4.00 1.00 157 10 3/8-24 21 480TRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTO6ASST6-EU 350 35.7 1.36 210 10 3/8-24 21 5606ARST6-EU 500 25.1 1.36 210 10 3/8-24 21 5601P06ST4 600 11.3 0.68 171 6 3/8-24 17 3117AQST8-EU 600 30.5 1.47 222 13 3/8-24 22 7001P09ST4 900 7.6 0.68 171 6 3/8-24 17 3117ANST8-EU 900 20.9 1.45 222 13 3/8-24 22 7005ANST6-EU 1000 9.00 1.25 207 10 3/8-24 21 4807AMST6-EU 1400 14.7 1.33 216 10 3/8-24 22 7006AMST6-EU 1500 10.1 1.25 203 10 3/8-24 21 5606ALST4-EU 2150 7.30 1.00 178 6 3/8-24 21 5605ALST4-EU 2200 4.50 0.90 173 6 3/8-24 21 4807ALST6-EU 2400 8.81 1.22 189 10 3/8-24 22 7001AL1 2800 1.70 0.65 159 6 3/8-24 16.5 3115AKST4-EU 3000 3.40 0.90 173 6 3/8-24 21 4806AKST4-EU 3100 5.10 1.00 178 6 3/8-24 21 5607AKST6-EU 3200 6.55 1.08 194 10 3/8-24 22 7001P38ST4 3800 2.30 0.65 159 6 3/8-24 17 3115AJST4-EU 4500 2.30 0.90 173 6 3/8-24 21 4807AJST4-EU 4800 4.52 1.05 189 6 3/8-24 22 7007AHST4-EU 6000 3.73 1.05 189 6 3/8-24 22 7006AHST4-EU 6000 2.60 1.00 178 6 3/8-24 21 5606ADST4-EU 20000 0.80 1.00 178 6 3/8-24 21 5607ADST4-EU 20000 1.13 1.02 189 6 3/8-24 22 700Series /BaureiheØSeries /BaureiheØ401AL1 0.11 kW 73 dBa 1/8" NPT 6 mm1P... 0.14 kW 73 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm5 0.30 kW 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm6 0.38 kW 74 dBa 1/4" NPT 10 mm7 0.57 kW 80 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mm

Air Production DrillsPerceuses de Production PneumatiquesIndustrie-Druckluft-BohrmaschinenTaladros Neumáticos para ProducciónTrapani Pneumatici per ProduzioneP33 SeriesOptionsVariablespeed controlDrill chuckand keyLube freemotorChuckguardContrôlede lav<strong>it</strong>esseMandrin etclé de mandinMoteur nonlubrifiéCachemandrinBohrfutterund SchlüsselVariableGeschwindigke<strong>it</strong>skontrolleÖlfreier MotorBohrfutterschutzGatillo develocidadvariablePortabrocasy llaveMotor sinlibricaciónProtector deportabrocasGrilletto aveloc<strong>it</strong>àvariabileMandrinoe chiavettaMotore senzalubrificazioneProtezionemandrinoRef. DV7MB14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" BSP1/4" BSPIIP33 SeriesPistol grip modelsModèles à poignée révolverModelle m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffModelos con empuñadura de pistolaModelli con impugnatura a pistolaP33054-PSLSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.rpm Nm kg mm mm in mm l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOP33006-PSL 660 16.0 1.15 209 10 3/8-24 22 600P33011-PSL 1100 9.5 1.15 209 10 3/8-24 22 600P33016-PSL 1600 6.8 1.15 209 8 3/8-24 22 600P33022-PSL 2200 4.5 1.05 194 8 3/8-24 22 600P33032-PSL 3200 3.2 1.05 194 8 3/8-24 22 600P33054-PSL 5400 1.9 1.05 194 6 3/8-24 22 600P33 SeriesStraight handle modelsModèles à poignée dro<strong>it</strong>eModelle in gerader AusführungModelos con empuñadura rectaModelli con impugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>taP33054-DSLSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.rpm Nm kg mm mm in mm l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAP33006-DSL 660 16.0 1.0 235 10 3/8-24 22 600P33011-DSL 1100 9.50 1.0 235 10 3/8-24 22 600P33016-DSL 1600 6.80 0.94 227 8 3/8-24 22 600P33022-DSL 2200 4.50 0.90 212 8 3/8-24 22 600P33032-DSL 3200 3.20 0.90 212 8 3/8-24 22 600P33054-DSL 5400 1.90 0.90 212 6 3/8-24 22 600P33110-DSL 11000 0.90 0.96 227 6 3/8-24 22 600P33180-DSL 18000 0.55 0.90 212 6 3/8-24 22 600Series /BaureiheØP33 0.33 kW 76 dBa 1/4" BSP 9 mm41

Air Production Drills / Straight Handle ModelsPerceuses de Production Pneumatiques Dro<strong>it</strong>esIndustrie-Druckluft-Bohrmaschinen / Gerade AusführungTaladros Neumáticos para Producción con Empuñadura RectaTrapani Pneumatici per Produzione con Impugnatura Dir<strong>it</strong>taQ2 & 1 to 6 SeriesOptionsVariablespeed controlDrill chuckand keyAsset managementchip (1)(Q2 Series)Verticalhanger onSeries 5Dead handleon models5LN3-EUand 6LR3-EUContrôlede la v<strong>it</strong>esseMandrin & cléPuce électron.incorporéepour gestionde parc (1)(sur série Q2)Suspensionverticale sursérie 5Poignéeauxiliaire surmodèles5LN3-EUet 6LR3-EUVariableGeschwindigke<strong>it</strong>skontrolleBohrfutterund SchlüsselChip fürBestandsverwaltung(1)(Baureihe Q2)Vertikal-Aufhänger fürBaureihe 5Hilfsgriff(Modelle5LN3-EUund 6LR3-EU)Gatillo develocidadvariablePortabrocasy llaveChip paraadministrarinformación (1)Suspensiónvertical paraserie 5Mango desujeción paramodelos5LN3-EUy 6LR3-EUGrilletto aveloc<strong>it</strong>àvariabileMandrinoe chiavettaChip pergestire il parcoavv<strong>it</strong>atori (1)Dispos<strong>it</strong>ivosospensioneverticale perla serie 5Impugnaturaausiliaria permod. 5LN3-EUe 6LR3-EURef. DV7MN14FB14 (2)Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor(2) 1LL1 model ➜ 1/8" NPT–1/4" BSP,Ref. DV7MN18FB141LL11/4" NPT1/4"BSP(1) For connection w<strong>it</strong>h AMSKIT-250. See page 92(1) Pour connection avec AMSKIT-250. Voir page 92(1) In Verbindung m<strong>it</strong> AMSKIT-250, siehe S. 92(1) Para conectar con AMSKIT-250. Ver página 92(1) Per connessione con AMSKIT-250. Vedere pag. 92Straight handle modelsModèles à poignée dro<strong>it</strong>eModelle in gerader AusführungModelos con empuñadura rectaModelli con impugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>taQS151D6LJ1-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.rpm Nm kg mm mm in mm l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVA6LR3-EU 500 25.1 1.33 233 10 3/8-24 20 5605LN3-EU 1050 9.00 1.50 238 10 3/8-24 21 480QS151D 1500 3.80 0.62 205 6 3/8-24 15 4506LL1-EU 2150 7.30 0.97 201 6 3/8-24 20 5605LL1-EU 2300 4.50 0.90 205 6 3/8-24 21 4801LL1 2800 1,70 0,51 194 6 3/8-24 17 3111S30MF4 3000 1,90 0,54 186 6 3/8-24 16,5 311QS301D 3000 1.90 0.62 205 6 3/8-24 15 4505LK1-EU 3100 3.40 0.90 205 6 3/8-24 21 4806LK1-EU 3100 5.10 0.97 201 6 3/8-24 20 560QS381D 3800 1.50 0.62 205 6 3/8-24 15 4506LJJ1-EU 3950 4.00 0.97 201 6 3/8-24 20 5605LJ1-EU 4800 2.30 0.90 205 6 3/8-24 21 480QS511D 5100 1.20 0.62 205 6 3/8-24 15 4506LJ1-EU 5100 3.10 0.97 201 6 3/8-24 20 5606LH1-EU 6000 2.60 0.97 201 6 3/8-24 20 560Series /BaureiheØSeries /BaureiheØ1LL1 0.11 kW 73 dBa 1/8" NPT 6 mm1S30MF4 0.14 kW 73 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mmQ2 0.21 kW 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm5 0.30 kW 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm6 0.38 kW 74 dBa 1/4" NPT 10 mm42

Air Production Angle DrillsPerceuses de Production Pneumatiques à tête d'AngleIndustrie-Druckluft-WinkelbohrmaschinenTaladros Angulares Neumáticos para ProducciónTrapani Pneumatici ad Angolo per ProduzioneQ2 & 1 to 7 SeriesOptionsRef. DV7MN14FB14 *1/4" NPTVariable speedcontrolAssetmanagementchip*(on QA models)Contrôlede la v<strong>it</strong>essePuceélectroniqueincorporéepour gestionde parc* (surmodèles QA)VariableGeschwindigke<strong>it</strong>skontrolleChip fürBestandsverwaltung*(für BaureiheQA)Gatillo develocidadvariableChip paraadministrarinformación*(para serie QA)Grilletto aveloc<strong>it</strong>àvariabileChip per gestireil parcoavv<strong>it</strong>atori*(serie QA)Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor* 1LL1A1 & 1LJ1A1models ➜ 1/8" NPT–1/4" BSP,Ref. DV7MN18FB141/4" BSPII6LL2A42-EU1LL1A1QA2759D w<strong>it</strong>hoptional hangerSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.3/8"-249/32"-401/4"-28rpm Nm kg mm mm mm mm l/minLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAQA0579D 500 12.5 0.62 221 – 27 9.5 450QA0879D 850 7.4 0.62 221 – 27 9.5 450QA2779D 2700 2.2 0.62 221 – 27 9.5 450QA0539D 500 12.8 0.62 221 4.8 27 9.5 450QA1239D 1270 4.5 0.62 221 4.8 27 9.5 450QA1739D 1750 3.6 0.62 221 4.8 27 9.5 450QA2139D 2100 2.8 0.62 221 4.8 27 9.5 4505LL1A4-EU 2200 4.5 1.00 249 4.8 30 9.0 480QA2739D 2700 2.3 0.62 221 4.8 27 9.5 4505LK1A4-EU 3000 3.5 1.00 249 4.8 30 9.0 4805LH1A4-EU 4800 2.3 1.00 249 4.8 30 9.0 480QA0559D 500 12.8 0.62 221 – 27 9.5 450QA0859D 850 7.6 0.62 221 – 27 9.5 450QA2759D 2700 2.3 0.62 221 – 27 9.5 4501LL1A1 2700 1.6 0.51 234 – 28 8.5 3111LJ1A1 3700 1.1 0.51 234 – 28 8.5 3116LR3A44-EU 400 36.2 1.81 272 13 105 18 5606LP3A43-EU 600 21.7 1.70 270 10 99 18 5607LN3A44-EU 600 31.1 1.90 281 13 105 18 7005LN2A43-EU 700 13.6 1.60 259 10 91 14 4807LM3A43-EU 900 21.7 1.79 281 10 99 18 7006LL2A42-EU 1400 10.7 1.27 242 10 81 14 5605LL2A41-EU 1500 6.8 1.20 239 6 75 14 4806LK2A41-EU 2000 7.3 1.25 241 6 75 14 560Series /Baureihe1 0.11 kW 73 dBa 1/8" NPT 6 mmQ2 0.21 kW 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm5 0.30 kW 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm6 0.38 kW 74 dBa 1/4" NPT 10 mm7 0.57 kW 80 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mmØSee drill collets pages 47.Pinces présentées page 47.Spannzangen für Bohrmaschinen, siehe Se<strong>it</strong>e 47.Pinzas para taladros angulares presentadas en página 47.Per le pinze per trapani, vedere pagina 47.43

Non-Lube Air Modular DrillsPerceuses Pneumatiques Modulaires Non LubrifiéesÖlfreie, modulare Druckluft-BohrmaschinenTaladros Neumáticos Modulares Sin LubricaciónTrapani Modulari Pneumatici Non LubrificatiP33 SeriesOptionsLube freemotorVariablespeedcontrolDrill chuckand key (onmodelsdeliveredw<strong>it</strong>h chuck)Moteurnon lubrifiéContrôlede la v<strong>it</strong>esseMandrinet clé (surmod. livrésavec mandrinen standard)Ölfreier MotorVariableGeschwindigke<strong>it</strong>skontrolleBohrfutterundSchlüssel(Modele m<strong>it</strong>Bohrfutter)Motor sinlubricaciónGatillo develocidadvariablePortabrocasy llave (sólomodelos conportabrocas)Motore senzalubrificazioneGrilletto aveloc<strong>it</strong>àvariabileMandrinoe chiavetta(modelli conMandrino)Ref. DV7MB14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" BSP1/4" BSPP33016-PMSLP33 SeriesMotor modulesModules moteursMotor-ModuleMódulos de motorMotori modulariR33M090D17P64P33022-DMSLSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.rpm Nm kg mm mm l/minPISTOL GRIP / TRIGGER START — POIGNÉE RÉVOLVER / DÉM. PAR GACHETTE — PISTOLENGRIFF / DRÜCKERSTARTEMPUÑADURA DE PISTOLA / MANDO POR GATILLO — IMPUGNATURA A PISTOLA / AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOP33006-PMSL 660 16 0.92 161 21.3 600P33011-PMSL 1100 9.5 0.92 161 21.3 600P33016-PMSL 1600 6.8 0.92 161 21.3 600P33022-PMSL 2200 4.5 0.81 146 21.3 600P33032-PMSL 3200 3.2 0.80 146 21.3 600P33054-PMSL 5400 1.9 0.80 146 21.3 600STRAIGHT GRIP / BUTTON CONTROL — POIGNÉE DROITE / DÉM. PAR BOUTON POUSSOIR — GERADE AUSFÜHRUNG / VENTILKNOPFEMPUÑADURA RECTA / MANDO POR BOTÓN — IMPUGNATURA DIRITTA / AVVIAMENTO A PULSANTEP33032-DMSL-B 3200 3.2 0.64 164 22 600P33054-DMSL-B 5400 1.9 0.63 164 22 600STRAIGHT GRIP / LEVER CONTROL — POIGNÉE DROITE / DEM. PAR LEVIER — GERADE AUSFÜHRUNG / HEBELSTARTEMPUÑADURA RECTA / MANDO POR PALANCA — IMPUGNATURA DIRITTA / AVVIAMENTO A LEVAP33006-DMSL 660 16 0.79 179 22 600P33011-DMSL 1100 9.5 0.79 179 22 600P33016-DMSL 1600 6.8 0.79 179 22 600P33022-DMSL 2200 4.5 0.68 164 22 600P33032-DMSL 3200 3.2 0.67 164 22 600P33054-DMSL 5400 1.9 0.67 164 22 600ASeries /BaureiheP33 0.33 kW 76 dBa 1/4" BSP 9 mmØSee drill collets pages 47.Pinces présentées page 47.Spannzangen für Bohrmaschinen, siehe Se<strong>it</strong>e 47.Pinzas para taladros angulares presentadas en página 47.Per le pinze per trapani, vedere pagina 47.44

Modular Drill AttachmentsTêtes de Perçage ModulairesModulare BohraufsätzeCabeza de Taladro ModularesAttachi per Trapani Modulari1 F1/4 2 F5/16 3 P64 4 M80660 RPM1100 RPM1600 RPM2200 RPM3200 RPM5400 RPM5 F1/4 6 P45 7 P648 F1/4 9 P45 10 P64II11 F1/4 12 F5/16 13 F80660 RPM1100 RPM1600 RPM2200 RPM3200 RPM5400 RPM14 M8015P80P45 P64 P80 F8016 F1/4 17 P45 18 P6419 F1/4 20 F5/16 21 P80Collets for R33 heads on page 47.Pinces pour têtes R33 présentéespage 47.Spannzangen für R33 Winkelköpfe,siehe S. 47.Pinzas para cabezas de taladro R33,ver página 47.Pinze par teste di foratura R33,vedere pag. 47.17 mm17 mm25 mm17 mmD25 mmDBCBCBCCCBB123456789101112131415161718192021B C DRef.Amm mm mm mm mm kgR33M000F1/4 8.0 A + 40 – – – 0.16R33M000F5/16 8.0 A + 40 – – – 0.16R33M000P64 6.4 A + 42 – – – 0.16R33M000M80 8.0 A + 81 – – – 0.38R33M030D17F1/4 6.4 A +118 24.0 18 – 0.24R33M030D17P45 4.5 A + 112 19.5 18 – 0.24R33M030D17P64 6.4 A +124 31.5 18 – 0.26R33M090D17F1/4 6.4 A +105 36.0 18 – 0.24R33M090D17P45 4.5 A +105 36.0 18 – 0.24R33M090D17P64 6.4 A +105 43.5 18 – 0.26R33M090D25F1/4 8.0 A + 78 44.0 25 – 0.34R33M090D25F5/16 8.0 A + 78 44.0 25 – 0.34R33M090D25F80 8.0 A + 78 50.0 25 – 0.36R33M090D25M80 8.0 A + 81 98.5 30 – 0.54R33M090D25P80 8.0 A + 78 54.0 25 – 0.39R33M180D17F1/4 6.4 A +124 64.0 18 36 0.30R33M180D17P45 4.5 A +120 64.0 18 32 0.30R33M180D17P64 6.4 A +131 64.0 18 44 0.32R33M180D25F1/4 8.0 A + 99 87.5 25 44 0.40R33M180D25F5/16 8.0 A + 99 87.5 25 44 0.40R33M180D25P80 8.0 A +109 87.5 25 54 0.4545

Non-Lube Air Angle DrillsPerceuses d'Angle Pneumatiques Non LubrifiéesÖlfreie, Druckluft-WinkelbohrmaschinenTaladros Angulares Neumáticos Sin LubricaciónTrapani Pneumatici ad Angolo Non LubrificatiP33 SeriesOptionsLubefreemotorVariablespeedcontrolMoteurnonlubrifiéContrôlede lav<strong>it</strong>esseÖlfreierMotorVariableGeschwindigke<strong>it</strong>kontrolleMotor sinlubricaciónGatillo develocidadvariableMotoresenzalubrificazioneGrillettoa veloc<strong>it</strong>àvariabileRef. DV7MB14FB141/4" BSP1/4" BSPP33022-DASL090P45Specifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.AACArpm Nm kg mm mm mm mm mm l/minWITH 30° ANGLE HEAD — AVEC TÊTE D'ANGLE À 30° — MIT 30° WINKELKOPF — CON CABEZA ANGULAR 30° — CON TESTA AD ANGOLO 30°P33006-DASL030P45 660 16 0.88 1.0 - 4,5 284 19.5 17 – 600B P33006-DASL030P64 660 16 0.88 1.6 - 6.4 296 31.5 17 – 600C P33011-DASL030P45 1100 9.5 0.88 1.0 - 4.5 284 19.5 17 – 600P33011-DASL030P64 1100 9.5 0.88 1.6 - 6.4 296 31.5 17 – 600P33016-DASL030P45 1600 6.8 0.88 1.0 - 4.5 284 19.5 17 – 600P33016-DASL030P64 1600 6.8 0.88 1.6 - 6.4 296 31.5 17 – 600P33022-DASL030P45 2200 4.5 0.77 1.0 - 4.5 269 19.5 17 – 600P33022-DASL030P64 2200 4.5 0.77 1.6 - 6.4 281 31.5 17 – 600P33032-DASL030P45 3200 3.2 0.76 1.0 - 4.5 269 19.5 17 – 600P33032-DASL030P64 3200 3.2 0.76 1.6 - 6.4 281 31.5 17 – 600P33054-DASL030P45 5400 1.9 0.76 1.0 - 4.5 269 19.5 17 – 600P33054-DASL030P64 5400 1.9 0.76 1.6 - 6.4 281 31.5 17 – 600WITH 90° ANGLE HEAD — AVEC TÊTE D'ANGLE À 90° — MIT 90° WINKELKOPF — CON CABEZA ANGULAR 90° — CON TESTA AD ANGOLO 90°BCP33006-DASL090P45 660 16 0.88 1.0 - 4.5 277 31 17 – 600P33006-DASL090P64 660 16 0.89 1.6 - 6.4 277 43 17 – 600P33011-DASL090P45 1100 9.5 0.88 1.0 - 4.5 277 31 17 – 600P33011-DASL090P64 1100 9.5 0.89 1.6 - 6.4 277 43 17 – 600P33016-DASL090P45 1600 6.8 0.88 1.0 - 4.5 277 31 17 – 600P33016-DASL090P64 1600 6.8 0.89 1.6 - 6.4 277 43 17 – 600P33022-DASL090P45 2200 4.5 0.77 1.0 - 4.5 262 31 17 – 600P33022-DASL090P64 2200 4.5 0.78 1.6 - 6.4 262 43 17 – 600P33032-DASL090P45 3200 3.2 0.77 1.0 - 4.5 262 31 17 – 600P33032-DASL090P64 3200 3.2 0.78 1.6 - 6.4 262 43 17 – 600P33054-DASL090P45 5400 1.9 0.76 1.0 - 4.5 262 31 17 – 600P33054-DASL090P64 5400 1.9 0.77 1.6 - 6.4 262 43 17 – 600WITH 180° ANGLE HEAD – AVEC TÊTE D'ANGLE À 180° – MIT 180° WINKELKOPF – CON CABEZA ANGULAR 180° – CON TESTA AD ANGOLO 180°BDA B C DP33006-DASL180P45 660 16 0.94 1.0 - 4.5 292 63.2 17 31 600P33006-DASL180P64 660 16 0.96 1.6 - 6.4 304 63.2 17 43 600P33011-DASL180P45 1100 9.5 0.94 1.0 - 4.5 292 63.2 17 31 600P33011-DASL180P64 1100 9.5 0.96 1.6 - 6.4 304 63.2 17 43 600P33016-DASL180P45 1600 6.8 0.94 1.0 - 4.5 292 63.2 17 31 600P33016-DASL180P64 1600 6.8 0.96 1.6 - 6.4 304 63.2 17 43 600P33022-DASL180P45 2200 4.5 0.83 1.0 - 4.5 277 63.2 17 31 600P33022-DASL180P64 2200 4.5 0.85 1.6 - 6.4 289 63.2 17 43 600P33032-DASL180P45 3200 3.2 0.82 1.0 - 4.5 277 63.2 17 31 600P33032-DASL180P64 3200 3.2 0.84 1.6 - 6.4 289 63.2 17 43 600P33054-DASL180P45 5400 1.9 0.82 1.0 - 4.5 277 63.2 17 31 600P33054-DASL180P64 5400 1.9 0.84 1.6 - 6.4 289 63.2 17 43 600Series /BaureiheØ46P33 0.33 kW 76 dBa 1/4" BSP 9 mm

Collets for Angle DrillsPinces Perceuses d’AngleSpannzangen für WinkelbohrmaschinenPinzas para Taladros AngularesPinze per Trapani ad AngoloCollets for Q2, 1 and 5 Series angle drillsPinces pour perceuses des séries Q2, 1 et 5Spannzangen für Q2, 1 & 5 WinkelbohrmaschinenPinzas para taladros angulares Q2, 1 y 5Pinze per trapani ad angolo Q2, 1 e 5Q2, 1 & 5 SeriesØ mm Ref. No. Ø mm Ref. No. Ø mm Ref. No. Ø mm Ref. No. Ø mm Ref. No. Ø mm Ref. No.1.0 43497-601.05 43497-581.1 43497-571.2 43497-561.3 43497-551.4 43497-541.5 43497-531.6 43497-521.7 43497-511.8 43497-501.9 43497-482.0 43497-452.1 43497-442.2 43497-432.3 43497-422.4 43497-402.5 43497-382.6 43497-372.7 43497-352.8 43497-332.9 43497-323.0 43497-313.2 43497-303.4 43497-293.5 43497-283.6 43497-273.7 43497-253.8 43497-243.9 43497-234.0 43497-204.3 43497-184.4 43497-164.5 43497-154.6 43497-144.7 43497-134.8 43497-114.9 43497-95.0 43497-85.1 43497-71/16 43497-1615/64 43497-1623/32 43497-1637/64 43497-1641/8 43497-1659/64 43497-1665/32 43497-16711/64 43497-1683/16 43497-169IICollets for P33 angle drills and R33 headsPinces pour perceuses d’angle P33 et têtes R33Spannzangen für P33 Bohrmaschinen und R33 WinkelköpfePinzas para taladros angulares P33 y cabezas de taladro R33Pinze per trapani ad angolo P33 e teste di foratura R33P33 SeriesThreaded collets for ......P45 heads Plain collets for ......P64 heads Plain collets for ......P80 heads Threaded collets for ......F80 headsPince filetée pour têtes ......P45 Pince conique pour têtes ......P64 Pince conique pour têtes ......P80 Pince filetée pour têtes ......F80Gewinde-Spannz. für ......P45 köpfe Spannz. ohne Gewinde für ......P64 köpfe Spannz. ohne Gewinde für ......P80 köpfe Gewinde-Spannz. für ......F80 köpfePinza roscada para cabezas ......P45 Pinza sencilla para cabezas ......P64 Pinza sencilla para cabezas ......P80 Pinza roscada para cabezas ......F80Pinza filettata per teste ......P45 Pinza non filettata per teste ......P64 Pinza non filettata per teste ......P80 Pinza filettata per teste ......F80Ø mm Ref. No. Ø mm Ref. No. Ø mm Ref. No. Ø mm Ref. No.1.0 120071 1.6 128250 2.4 128280 2.0 1283101.5 120072 1.8 128251 2.6 128281 2.5 1283112.0 120073 2.0 128252 2.8 128282 3.0 1283122.2 120102 2.2 128253 3.0 128283 3.5 1283132.4 120106 2.4 128254 3.2 128284 4.0 1283142.5 120074 2.6 128255 3.4 128285 4.5 1283153.0 120075 2.8 128256 3.6 128286 5.0 1283163.1 120105 3.0 128257 3.8 128287 5.5 1283173.2 120109 3.2 128258 4.0 128288 6.0 1283183.25 120104 3.4 128259 4.2 128289 6.5 1283193.3 120113 3.6 128260 4.4 128290 7.0 1283203.5 120076 3.8 128261 4.6 128291 7.5 1283213.6 123991 4.0 128262 4.8 128292 8.0 1283223.7 121552 4.2 128263 5.0 1282933.8 125783 4.4 128264 5.2 1282943.9 120107 4.6 128265 5.4 1282954.0 120077 4.8 128266 5.6 1282964.1 120103 5.0 128267 5.8 1282974.2 120110 5.2 128268 6.0 1282984.5 120078 5.4 128269 6.2 1282994.6 120111 5.6 128270 6.4 1283004.7 125784 5.8 128271 6.6 1283014.8 120112 6.0 128272 6.8 1283024.9 121553 6.2 128273 7.0 1283035.0 120079 6.4 128274 7.2 1283047.4 1283057.6 1283067.8 1283078.0 12830847

OtherAir ToolsAutres Outils PneumatiquesSonstige DruckluftwerkzeugeOtras Herramienbtas NeumaticasAltri Utensili Pneumatici495051Air tappersTaraudeuses pneumatiquesDruckluft-GewindeschneidmaschinenRoscadoras neumáticasFilettatrici pneumaticheAir rivetersRiveurs pneumatiques légersDruckluft-NiethämmerRemachadores neumáticosMartelli ribad<strong>it</strong>ori pneumaticiAir sandersPolisseuses pneumatiquesDruckluft-SchmirgelmaschinenLijadoras neumáticasLevigatrici pneumatiche

Air Tappers and Multi-Function DrillTaraudeuses et Perceuse Multi-Fonction PneumatiquesDruckluft-Gewindeschneidmaschinen und Multi-Funktions-BohrmaschineRoscadoras Neumáticas y Taladro Multi-FuncionalFilettatrici Pneumatiche e Trapano Multi-FunzioniQ2 & 7 SeriesQP1S10D8DDead handleassembly on7 SeriesPoignéeauxiliaire sursérie 7Hilfsgriff(fürBaureihe 7)Mango desujeciónpara serie 7Impugnaturaausiliaria perserie 7Options1/4" NPTRef. DV7MN14FB147RAQT4-EU1/4" BSPSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.rpm Nm kg mm mm in mm l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOQP1S10D8D 1000 5.2 0.85 183 6 Conical (CM1) 15 450QP1S05D8D 500 9.8 0.85 183 6 Conical (CM1) 15 4507RAQT4-EU 475 27 1.50 300 13 Conical (CM1) 22 760IIISeries /BaureiheØQ2 0.24 kW 75 dBa 1/4" NPT 6 mm7 0.44 kW 79 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mmMS SeriesDirect driveHorizontalhangerEntraînementdirectSuspensionhorizontaleDirektantriebHorizontal-AufhängerAccionamientodirectoSuspensiónhorizontalTrasmissionedirettaSospensioneorizzontaleMS2206RP5Specifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.rpm Nm kg mm mm in mm l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOMS2206RP5-Q4 600 11 1.00 190 8 1/4 20 570Series /BaureiheØOptionsØ 0 - 8 mm:Ref. 123182Ref. 123181MS 0.33 kW 78 dBa 1/4" BSP 9 mmRef. DV7MB14FB141/4"BSPØ 1 - 10 mm:Ref. 123205Ø 0 - 6 mm:Ref. 123203Ø 2.5 - 4.5 mm:Ref. 1209841/4"BSPØ 1 - 10 mm:Ref. 123204Ø 4.5 - 8 mm:Ref. 11872749

Air RivetersRiveurs Pneumatiques LégersDruckluft-NiethämmerRemachadores NeumáticosMartelli Ribad<strong>it</strong>ori PneumaticiAVC SeriesBeehive typerivet setretainerTease throttleon modelsAVC10A1-EU,AVC12A1-EUandAVC13A1-EURessortde retenueferméSoupape demise en routeà actionprogressivesur modèlesAVC10A1-EU,AVC12A1-EU,AVC13A1-EUSicherhe<strong>it</strong>s-HaltefederFeinfühliges,stufenlosregelbaresDrosselventilfür die Mod.AVC10A1-EU,AVC12A1-EUundAVC13A1-EURetenedortipo colmenaVálvulaaccionamientoprogresivoparamodelosAVC10A1-EU,AVC12A1-EUyAVC13A1-EUMolla diretenutachiusaValvolaimmissionegraduale permodelliAVC10A1-EU,AVC12A1-EUeAVC13A1-EUAVC10A1-EUAVC13A1-EUSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Aluminium Dural & soft ironØ mm Ø mm mm kg mm Ø mm Ø mm l/minTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOAVC10A1-EU 3 3 143 1.2 48 14 3200 10 360AVC10C1-EU 3 3 172 0.95 48 14 3200 10 360AVC12A1-EU 5 5 191 1.4 76 14 2100 10 360AVC13A1-EU 6 6 216 1.5 101 14 1725 10 360AVC26A1-EU 10 8 276 2.3 152 19 1120 12.7 420AVC26B1-EU 10 8 359 3.1 152 14 1120 12.7 420Series /BaureiheØOptions1/4" NPTAVC 94 ➙ 97 dBa 1/4" NPT 8 mmRef. DV7MN14FB141/4" BSPAccessoriesAccessoiresZubehörAccesoriosAccessoriØ 10 mmRef. No. AV1-126D92 mmØ 25 mmØ12.7 mm82 mmRef. No. AV24-126DØ 25 mmØAØA101 mmØBØA Ø (Button (Round (Brazier (Mushroom (Flat (Universalmm mm head) head) head) head) head) head)10 1 – AV1-22B-2 – – – –10 2 – – – – – AV1-22H-310 3 AV1-22A-4 AV1-22B-4 AV1-22C-4 – – –10 4 – – AV1-22C-5 – – AV1-22H-510 5 AV1-22A-6 AV1-22B-6 AV1-22C-6 – AV1-22G-8 AV1-22H-610 6 AV1-22A-8 AV1-22B-8 AV1-22C-8 AV1-22F-8 AV1-22G-8 AV1-22H-810 8 AV1-22A-10 AV1-22B-10 AV1-22C-10 – AV1-22G-10 –12.7 5 – – AV24-222C-6 – – AV24-222H-612.7 6 AV24-222A-8 AV24-222B-8 AV24-222C-8 AV24-222G-8 –12.7 8 AV24-222A-10 AV14-222B-10 – AV24-222F-10 AV24-222G-10 AV24-222H-1012.7 9 AV24-222A-12 – – – – –Ø A ØB Ref. No.mm mm10 13 AV1-22S-1610 16 AV1-22S-2010 19 AV1-22S-2410 22 AV1-22S-28ØA82 mmØBØ A ØB Ref. No.mm mm12.7 21 AV24-222S-2612.7 30 AV24-222S-3850

Air SandersPolisseuses PneumatiquesDruckluft-SchmirgelmaschinenLijadoras NeumáticasLevigatrici PneumatichePBA & POLA SeriesOptionsPOLA15000deliveredw<strong>it</strong>hout padPOLA15000livrée sansplateauPOLA 15000werden ohneSchleifpadsgeliefertSe entregasín plato (POLA15000)POLA 15000Forn<strong>it</strong>a senzaplatorelloRef. DV7MB14FB14Variacor air hose universal jointRaccord tournant VariacorLufteinlaß-Drehgelenk VariacorConexión giratoria VariacorRaccordo girevole Variacor1/4" BSP1/4" BSPPOLA15000PBA416IIISpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.Ørpm mm mm mm kg mm l/minBUTTON CONTROL — DÉMARRAGE PAR BOUTON POUSSOIR — VENTILKNOPF — MANDO POR BOTÓN — AVVIAMENTO A PULSANTEPBA416 14800 – – 475 x 15 1.05 65 580POLA15000 15000 20 - 30 - 46 - 76 6.35 – 0.65 90 590Series /BaureiheØPBA416 0.22 kW 78 dBa 1/4" BSP 13 mmPOLA15000 0.22 kW 78 dBa 1/4" BSP 13 mmAccessories for POLA15000Accessoires pour POLA15000Zubehör für POLA15000Accesorios para POLA15000Accessori per POLA15000Rubber pad for self-adhesive discsPlateau caoutchouc pour disques autocollantsGummi-Pads für selbstklebende ScheibenPlato de goma para discos autoadhesivosPlatorelli in gomma per dischi autoadesivi475 x 15 mm sanding belts (pack of 10 belts)Bandes abrasives 475 x 15 mm (packs de 10)Schleifbänder 475 x 15 mm (10 St. Schleifbänder)Bandas abrasivas 475 x 15 mm (10 bandas)Nastri abrasivi 475 x 15 mm (10 nastri)Collet for replacementPince de remplacementSpannzangePinzaPinzaØ (mm)Ref.20 11715530 11692046 11693076 116940Gr<strong>it</strong> • Grain • KörnungGrano • GranaRef.36 00230040 00230150 00230260 00230380 002304100 002305120 002306Ø (mm)Ref.6 12262951

Accessory AccessoryAir ToolAccessoriesAccessoires pour OutilsPneumatiquesZubehör für DruckluftwerkzeugeAccesorios para HerramientasNeumáticasAccessori per Utensili Pneumatici5354Accessory AccessoryAccessory AccessoryAirline accessoriesAccessoires réseau d'alimentation en airZubehör für DruckluftversorgungAcccesorios para la red de aireAccessori di lineaCommon accessories for fastening anddrilling toolsAccessoires <strong>com</strong>muns pour outils devissage et de perçageZubehör für Schrauber undBohrmaschinenAccesorios <strong>com</strong>unes para herramientasde montaje y taladrosAccessori <strong>com</strong>uni per utensilid'assemblaggio e trapani56Common accessories for angle wrenchesAccessoires <strong>com</strong>muns pour clés d'angleZubehör nur für WinkelschrauberAccesorios <strong>com</strong>unes para llaves angularesAccessori <strong>com</strong>uni per chiavi ad angolo57Common accessories for drillsAccessoires <strong>com</strong>muns pour perceusesZubehör nur für BohrmaschinenAccesorios <strong>com</strong>unes sólo para taladrosAccessori <strong>com</strong>uni per trapani

xxxxxxAirline AccessoriesAccessoires Réseau d'Alimentation en AirZubehör für DruckluftversorgungAcccesorios para la Red de AireAccessori di LineaAccessory AccessoryFilters - Regulators - Lubricators(BSP thread - plastic bowl - Manual drain - Pressure gauge)Filtres - Régulateurs - Lubrificateurs(filetage BSP - cuve plastique - purge manuelle - manomètre inclus)Filter-Regler-Öler(BSP Gewinde - Kunststoffbehälter - manueller Ablaß - m<strong>it</strong> Druckmanometer)Filtros - Reguladores - Lubricadores(BSP conexión - carcasa de plástico - purga manual - con manómetro)Filtri - Regolatori - Lubrificatori(attacco filettato BSP - tazza in plastica - scarico manuale - con manometro)1BA2BARef.1in bar l/sec dl mm mmCOMB. FILTER REGULATOR – FILTRE REGULATEUR – FILTER REGLER KOMBI. – FILTRO/REGULADOR COMB. – COMB. FILTRO REGOLATOREB18-C3-FGGO-29 3/8 0.4 - 10.3 55 0.51 254 60B18-C4-FGGO-29 1/2 0.4 - 10.3 57 0.51 254 60B28-C4-FGGO-29 1/2 0.4 - 10.3 78 0.85 291 732 COMBINED UNIT (FRL) – ENSEMBLE FRL – FILTER REGLER ÖLER KOMBI. – UNIDAD COMBINADA (FRL) – UNITÀ COMBINATA (FRL)C18-C3-FGGO-29 3/8 0.4 - 10.3 48 0.51 212 197C18-C4-FGGO-29 1/2 0.4 - 10.3 48 0.51 212 197C28-C4-FGGO-29 1/2 0.4 - 10.3 63 0.85 238 237Piping Adapter SetThread 1 /4" BSP GPA-96-620Thread 3 /8" BSP GPA-96-621Thread 1 /2" BSP GPA-96-622Thread 3 /4" BSP GPA-96-623C-Bracket (for filter & lubricator)Series 18GPA-96-604Series 28GPA-96-605L-Bracket (for regulator)Series 18GPA-96-606Series 28GPA-96-607T-BracketGPA-96-602Joiner SetGPA-96-601T-Bracket w<strong>it</strong>hJoiner SetGPA-96-603Pressure Gauge0-4 bar RRP-96-6680-16 bar RRP-96-669ABAutomatic DrainStandard / N<strong>it</strong>rile 1 /8" GRP-96-200Standard / V<strong>it</strong>on 1 /8" GRP-96-300Low flow / N<strong>it</strong>rile 1 /8" GRP-96-600Low flow / V<strong>it</strong>on 1 /8" GRP-96-700Diverter BlockSeries 18 ( 1 /2")N18-C4-0000Series 28 ( 3 /4")N28-C6-0000Safety Lockout ValveSeries 18 ( 1 /4")V18-C2-0000Series 18 ( 3 /8")V18-C3-0000Series 18 ( 1 /2")V18-C4-0000Series 28 ( 3 /8")V28-C3-0000Series 28 ( 1 /2")V28-C4-0000Series 28 (1")V28-C6-0000Slow Start Valve (24 VDC)Series 18 ( 1 /4")S18-C2-EC00Series 18 ( 3 /8")S18-C3-EC00Series 18 ( 1 /2")S18-C4-EC00Series 28 ( 3 /8")S28-C3-EC00Series 28 ( 1 /2")S28-C4-EC00Series 28 ( 3 /4")S28-C6-EC00IVSupercoil recoil hose assembliesEnsembles tuyaux spiralés SupercoilSupercoil SpiralschläucheMangueras de espiral SupercoilTubo a spirale SupercoilRef.mm in m m mmIR36102 9.5 3/8 3 2.5 150IR36202 9.5 3/8 6 5.0 340IR36302 9.5 3/8 9 8.0 520IR36103 9.5 1/4 3 2.5 150IR36203 9.5 1/4 6 5.0 340IR36203 9.5 1/4 9 8.0 520IR37102 13 1/2 3 2.5 165IR37202 13 1/2 6 5.0 380IR37302 13 1/2 9 8.0 580L53

Accessory AccessoryHorizontal hanger (for pistol models only)Suspension horizontale (pour modèles à poignée révolver)Horizontal-Aufhänger (nur für Modelle m<strong>it</strong> Pistolengriff)Suspensión horizontal (sólo para modelos tipo pistola)Disp. sospensione orizzontale (solo per modelli a pistola)Horizontal hanger (for angle models only)Suspension horizontale (pour modèles d'angle uniquement)Horizontal-Aufhänger (nur für Winkelschrauber)Suspensión horizontal (sólo para modelos angulares)Disp. sospensione orizzontale (solo per modelli ad angolo)Vertical hanger (for straight and angle models only)Suspension verticale (pour modèles dro<strong>it</strong>s et d'angle uniquement)Vertikal-Aufhänger (nur für gerade und Winkelausfhürung)Suspensión vertical (sólo para modelos rectos y angulares)Disp. sospensione verticale (solo per modelli dir<strong>it</strong>ti e ad angolo)Dead handlePoignée auxiliaireHilfsgriffMango de sujeciónImpugnatura ausiliariaPiped away exhaust k<strong>it</strong> (for straight models only)K<strong>it</strong> d'échappement canalisé (pour modèles dro<strong>it</strong>s uniquement)Abluftschlauch-Satz (nur für gerade Ausführung)Juego escape remoto (sólo para modelos rectos)K<strong>it</strong> scarico convogliato (solo per modelli dir<strong>it</strong>ti)Exhaust hoseGaine d'échappementAbluftschlauchManguera de escapeTubo di scaricoComfort grip (straight and angle / lever)Poignée confort (modèles dro<strong>it</strong>s et d'angle à levier)Komfortgriff (für gerade und Winkelausfhürung m<strong>it</strong> Hebelstart)Empuñadura <strong>com</strong>fort (para modelos rectos y angulares con palanca)Impugnatura <strong>com</strong>fort (per modelli dir<strong>it</strong>ti e ad angolo a leva)Comfort grip (pistol screwdrivers)Poignée confort (pour visseuses à poignée révolver)Komfortgriff (für Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> Pistolengriff)Empuñadura <strong>com</strong>fort (para atornilladores tipo pistola)Impugnatura <strong>com</strong>fort (per cacciav<strong>it</strong>i / impugnatura a pistola)Replacement clutch adjusting key (shut-off and cushion clutch models)Clé de réglage du lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple (lim<strong>it</strong>eur à coupure d'air et à billes)Kupplungs-Einstellschlüssel (für Abschalt- und Rutschkupplung)Llave de ajuste del embrague (sólo para modelos con parada auto. y embrague ajustable)Chiavetta regolazione frizione (per frizione a cuscino e con blocco)Clutch springs / min torqueRessorts de lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple / couple miniKupplungsfeder / kleinster DrehmomentbereichMuelles de embrague / Par mín.Molle frizione /coppia min.For screwdrivers only – Pour visseuses uniquementNur für Drehschrauber – Sólo para atornilladores – Solo per cacciav<strong>it</strong>iColor differentiating <strong>com</strong>ponents: pistol buttplate (for pistol models)Marquage de couleur pour différenciation des appareils: embase de poignée pour modèles révolverFarbige Komponenten zur Unterscheidung der Werkzeuge: Unterteil des PistolengriffsComponentes con color diferente : tapa identificativa (para modelos de pistola)Componenti con colori differenziati: base dell’impugnatura nei modelli a pistolaColor differentiating <strong>com</strong>ponents: flanged adjustment cover (for straight models)Marquage de couleur pour différenciation des appareils: Bride avant à profil relevé pour modèles dro<strong>it</strong>sFarbige Komponenten zur Unterscheidung der Werkzeuge: Abdeckflansch der Kupplungseinstellung (gerade Ausführung)Componentes con color diferente: brida identificativa (para modelos rectos)Componeneti con colori differenziati: flangia anteriore per i modelli dir<strong>it</strong>tiColor differentiating <strong>com</strong>ponents: non-flanged adjustment cover (for straight models)Marquage de couleur pour différenciation des appareils: Bride avant à profil dro<strong>it</strong> pour modèles dro<strong>it</strong>sFarbige Komponenten zur Unterscheidung der Werkzeuge: Abdeckung (ohne Flansch) der Kupplungseinstellung (gerade Ausführung)Componentes con color diferente: brida identificativa sin contorno ergonómico(para modelos rectos)Componeneti con colori differenziati: per i modelli dir<strong>it</strong>ti senza flangiaQ2 SeriesTRP-B-R (orange)TRP-B-G (green)TRP-B-B (blue)TRP-B-Y (light grey)TRH-40-23-R (orange)TRH-40-23-G (green)TRH-40-23-B (blue)TRH-40-23-Y (light grey)TRH-40-24-R (orange)TRH-40-24-G (green)TRH-40-24-B (blue)TRH-40-24-Y (light grey)54

Common Accessories for Fastening and Drilling ToolsAccessoires Communs pour Outils de Vissage et de PerçageZubehör für Schrauber und BohrmaschinenAccesorios Comunes para Herramientas de Montaje y TaladrosAccessori Comuni per Utensili d'Assemblaggio e TrapaniQ2Series41Series5Series6Series7Series8Series9SeriesLDSeriesBALDSeriesPowerPulseP33SeriesTRP-A365 48934 7RA-A366 7RA-A366 7RA-A366 — — 124621 124621 EQ106P-365 1183033RA-365 129851(angle drills 48934 6WS-366 6WS-366 6WS-366 8SL-366 9SL-366 — (except — —only) 1202)EQ106S-365118303 (except7L-365 IR48426-1 5RL-365 7L-365 7L-365 7L-365 — 118303 (except 900,1100 128065BALD42) 1900and 3000728N-A48 R1A-A48 R1A-A48 9SL-48 9SL-48— 48931 + + + + + — — — 1318995A-49 (x2) 6A-49 (x2) 7A-49 (x2) 8SL-A60 9SL-A60LG1-K284 — 5L-K184 7L-K284 7L-K284 — — — — — —464903RL-284 + — — — — — — — — —46477CG-6WRT CG-7RLCG-5RL (reversible)— — (except CG-6WT CG-7RLD — — — — — —angle (non- (anglewrenches) reversible) wrenches)IVTRP-40-1 — CG-5RA — CG-7RA — — — — — —(small)TRH-478124397 124397 04352241(1.5 mm)(standard (LD12,LD22) (BALD12, 22)5C1-416 — 5C1-416 — — 04355012screwdriver)125116 125116 (2 mm)(LD32) (BALD32, 42) 04352258(5 mm)—124542 (1 Nm : LD12 andBALD12, except 1202— — — — — — — 419300 (1.5 Nm : LD22 & — —BALD22, except 2203127407 (3 Nm : LD/BALD32)55

Accessory AccessoryCommon Accessories for Angle Wrenches OnlyAccessoires Communs pour Clés d'Angle UniquementZubehör nur für WinkelschrauberAccesorios Comunes sólo para Llaves AngularesAccessori Comuni per Chiavi ad AngoloTRL-415-1to TRL-415-5Q2Series41Series5Series6Series7Series8Series9Series1/4" square drive spindleBroche carrée 1/4" 141A9-A607-1/4 141A9-A607-1/41/4" Vierkant-Antriebsspindel TRL2-A607-S4 48404-1 (6.3 Nm — (6.3 Nm — —1/4" cuadradillo de salida del eje max.) max.)Albero quadro 1/4"3/8" square drive spindleBroche carrée 3/8"3/8" Vierkant-Antriebsspindel TRL2-A607-S6 48405-1 141A12-A607 6L2D-A607 141A12-A607 — —3/8" cuadradillo de salida del ejeAlbero quadro 3/8"1/4" hex b<strong>it</strong> holder spindleBroche porte lame hexagonale 1/4"1/4" Skt. Klingenhalter-Spindel TRL2-A607-Q4 48402-1 5L2C3-B586 — 5L2C3-B586 — —1/4" Hex eje portapuntasAlbero porta punta ex. 1/4"1/4" insert b<strong>it</strong> holder spindleBroche porte embout hexagonal 1/4"1/4" Skt. Einsteckklingenhalter-Spindel TRL2-A607-H4 48403-1 5L2C4-B386 — 5L2C4-B386 — —1/4" Hex eje para puntas cortasAlbero porta inserti ex. 1/4"100 mm angle head extension assemblyAllonge de renvoi d'angle de 100 mmm100 mm Winkelkopf-Verlängerung — — — 6WT-A327-4 — — —Conjunto de extensión cabeza angular 100 mmAssieme prolunga testa angolo 100 mm150 mm angle head extensionAllonge de renvoi d'angle de 150 mmm150 mm Winkelkopf-Verlängerung — — — — — 8SL-A327-6 8SL-A327-6Extensión cabeza angular 150 mmAssieme prolunga testa angolo 150 mm3/4" flush head socket *Douille hexagonale femelle 3/4" sur plats * 182A88-8073/4" Integrierte Sechskant-Steckschlüssel * — — — — — — (83 angleBocas hexagonales integradas 3/4" *head)Bussole integrate da 3/4" *13 mm flush head socket * 8SA34-807MDouille hexagonale femelle 13 mm sur plats * 8SA34-807M (32 angle head)13 mm Integrierte Sechskant-Steckschlüssel *Bocas hexagonales integradas 13 mm *— — — (3D6 angle head)182A13MF-807Bussole incassate 13 mm *(53 angle head)15 mm flush head socket *Douille hexagonale femelle 15 mm sur plats *182A15MF-80715 mm Integrierte Sechskant-Steckschlüssel * — — — — — (53 angle head)Bocas hexagonales integradas 15 mm *Bussole incassate 15 mm *17 mm flush head socket *Douille hexagonale femelle 17 mm sur plats *8SA56-807M17 mm Integrierte Sechskant-Steckschlüssel * — — — — — (53 angle head)Bocas hexagonales integradas 17 mm *Bussole incassate 17 mm *19 mm flush head socket *Douille hexagonale femelle 19 mm sur plats * 182A88-80719 mm Integrierte Sechskant-Steckschlüssel * — — — — — — (83 angleBocas hexagonales integradas 19 mm *head)Bussole incassate 19 mm *On-line pressure regulator (45-90 psi)Régulateur de pression (310-620 kPa)Le<strong>it</strong>ungs-Druckregler (310-620 kPa) — — — 6PR — — —Regulador de presión en línea (310-620 kPa)Regolatore di pressione (310-620 kPa)Color differentiating <strong>com</strong>ponents: clutch housing TRL-415-1adjustment cover(gold)Marquage couleur pour différencier les appareils: TRL-415-2* These sockets replace the standard square drive in the angle head.bague couvre réglage du lim<strong>it</strong>eur de couple(red)* Ces douilles remplacent le carré entraîneur équipant la machine en std.Farbige Komponenten zur Unterscheidung der TRL-415-3* Diese Steckschlüssel ersetzen die Standard-Spindel im WinkelkopfWerkzeuge: Abdeckung der Kupplungseinstellung (blue)* Estas bocas reemplazan al eje estándar dentro la cabeza angularComponentes con color diferente:tapa de zona de TRL-415-4ajuste del embrague(green)* Queste bussole rimpiazzono l'albero standard delle teste ad angolo.Componenti con colori differenziati: flangia diTRL-415-5protezione frizione(lime green)56

Common Accessories for Drills OnlyAccessoires Communs pour Perceuses UniquementZubehör nur für BohrmaschinenAccesorios Comunes sólo para TaladrosAccessori Comuni per TrapaniAccessory AccessoryQ2Series5Series6Series7SeriesP33SeriesChuck guard for straight and pistol modelsTRD-A961-SCâche mandrin pour modèles dro<strong>it</strong>s et révolver (for 6 mm Ø) 5A-309 7AH-K309 7AH-K309 128037Bohrfutterschutz (für Modelle in gerader Ausführung und m<strong>it</strong> Pistolengriff)(for J, K, L (for D, H J, (for H J, (for 8 mmProtector de portabrocas (sólo para modelos rectos y de pistola)TRD-A961ratio) JJ, K, L ratio) K, L ratio) Ø max.)Protezione mandrino (solo per modelli dir<strong>it</strong>ti e a pistola) (for 10 mm Ø)Square drive adapter - 3 /8"-24 thread x 3 /8" squareAdapteur carré entraîneur - filetage 3 /8"-24 x carré 3 /8"Steckschlüssel-Adapter ( 3 /8"-24 Gewinde, 3 /8" Vierkant) R0H-P212-3/8 R0H-P212-3/8 R0H-P212-3/8 R0H-P212-3/8 R0H-P212-3/8Adaptador de cuadradillo (rosca 3 /8"-24 – 3 /8" cuadradillo)Adattatore quadro (filetto 3 /8"-24 / quadro 3 /8")Quick change screwdriver b<strong>it</strong> adapter - 3 /8"-24 thread x 1 /4" hex driveAdapteur pour lame hexagonale 1 /4" - filetage 3 /8"-24 x mandrin rapide 1 /4"Schnellwechsel-Adapter für Drehschrauberklingen (3/8"-24 x 1 /4" Skt.-Einsteckende) R0H-A925-4 R0H-A925-4 R0H-A925-4 R0H-A925-4 R0H-A925-4Adaptador para puntas de cambio rápido (rosca 3 /8"-24 – 1 /4 " hex)Adattatore a cambio rapido per punte cacciav<strong>it</strong>e (filetto 3 /8"-24 / ex 1 /4")Keyless chuck - Thread 3 /8"-24 female / Industrial gradeMandrin automatique - filetage femelle 3 CM-116688 (Ø 0 - 6 mm)/8"-24 / Gamme industrie125605 (Ø 0 - 8 mm)Schnellspannfutter (3/8" - 24 Innengewinde) - Industrie-AusführungPorta brocas sin llave (rosca 3 /8"-24 hembra) - Grado industrial116689 (Ø 0 - 10 mm)Mandrini autoserranti (femmina 3 /8"-24) - Grado industriale123194 (Ø 0 - 13 mm)Keyless chuck - Thread 3 /8"-24 female / Standard gradeMandrin automatique - filetage femelle 3 /8"-24 / Gamme standardKC10MM (Ø 0 - 10 mm)Schnellspannfutter (3/8" - 24 Innengewinde) - Standard-AusführungPorta brocas sin llave (rosca 3 /8"-24 hembra) - Grado estándarKC13MM (Ø 0 - 13 mm)Mandrini autoserranti (femmina 3 /8"-24) - Grado standardCollets for 9 /32"-40 threadPinces pour filetages 9 5L1A4-700-G2.4 (Ø 2.4 mm)/32"-40 (machines dont la référence se termine par A4)Spannzangen für alle Modelle m<strong>it</strong> der Endung A4 ( 9 5L1A4-700-G3.2 (Ø 3.2 mm)/32"-40)Pinzas para todos los modelos que terminan en A4 (rosca 9 /32"-40)5L1A4-700-G4.0 (Ø 4.0 mm)Pinze per tutti i modelli con finale A4 (filetto 9 /32"-40)5L1A4-700-G4.8 (Ø 4.8 mm)— — —Self-locking lever (for straight models only)Levier de <strong>com</strong>mande avec gâchette de sécur<strong>it</strong>é (pour modèles dro<strong>it</strong>s uniquement)Sicherhe<strong>it</strong>sventilhebel (für gerade Ausführung) — — — — 131655Palanca auto-blocante (sólo para modelos rectos)Leva autoserrante (solo per modelli dir<strong>it</strong>ti)IVDrill chucks and keys (for replacement, supplied as standard w<strong>it</strong>h the drills)Pour perceuses uniquement (pour remplacement, fournis en standard avec les machines)Bohrfutter und Bohrfutterschlüssel (im Lieferumfang enthalten)Portabrocas y llaves (suministrados de serie)Mandrini e chiavette (forn<strong>it</strong>i <strong>com</strong>e standard)Gear RatioØ mmRef. No.Ref. No.Q2Series5Series6Series7SeriesP33Series— 0 – 6 3/8" - 24 R0H-99 R1H-J253— 0 – 10 3/8" - 24 6A-99 R0J-J253J, K, K2, L, L2 0 – 6 3/8" - 24 R0H-99 R1H-J253N, N2 0 – 10 3/8" - 24 R1M-99 R1M-J2535RA (L ratio) 0 – 10 3/8" - 24 R1M-99 R1M-J2535RA (N ratio) 2 – 13 3/8" - 24 R0K-99 R1T-J253D, H, JJ, J, K, K2, L 0 – 6 3/8" - 24 R00A-99 R00A-J253M, L2 0 – 10 3/8" - 24 6A-99 R0J-J253R, S, P3 0 – 10 3/8" - 24 R1M-99 R1M-J253R3 2 – 13 3/8" - 24 R0K-99 R1T-J253H, J 0 – 6 3/8" - 24 R00A-99 R00A-J253K 0 – 10 3/8" - 24 6A-99 R0J-J253L, M, M3 0 – 10 3/8" - 24 R1M-99 R1M-J253N, N3, Q 2 – 13 3/8" - 24 R0K-99 R1T-J253— 0 – 6 3/8" - 24 117269 117271— 0 – 8 3/8" - 24 CM115-313 117271— 0 – 10 3/8" - 24 117311 11731257

ElectricFasteningToolsOutils d'Assemblage ElectriquesGleichstrombetriebeneMontagewerkzeugeHerramientas de Montaje eléctricasUtensili elettrici per l'Assemblaggio59VersaTec electric screwdriversVisseuses électriques VersaTecVersaTec Elektro-DrehschrauberAtornilladores eléctricos VersaTecCacciav<strong>it</strong>i elettrici VersaTec66QE Series electric wrenchesVisseuses électriques de la Serie QEElektrische Schrauber der QE SerieLlaves eléctricas serie QEChiavi elettriche serie QE7078Accessory AccessoryQE & QM electric fixtured wrenchesBroches de vissage électriques QE & QMElektrische Einbauschrauber QE & QMHusillos de atornillado eléctricos QE y QMChiavi elettriche per inst. fisse QE e QMAccessories for QE and QM screwdriversAccessoires pour visseuses QE et QMZubehör für QE/QM-SchrauberAcccesorios para atornilladores QE y QMAccessori per cacciav<strong>it</strong>i QE e QM7983Accessory Accessory"Insight" fastening control systemsSystèmes d'asservissement "Insight""Insight" SchraubersteuerungenSystemas de gestión de par "Insight"Sistemi di gestione della coppia "Insight"Fastening control systems accessoriesAccessoires pour syst. d'asservissementZubehör für SchraubersteuerungenAcccesorios para syst. de gestión de parAccessori per sist. di gestione della Coppia

VersaTec Electric Screwdrivers - Visseuses Electriques VersaTec - VersaTec Elektro-Drehschrauber - Atornilladores eléctricos VersaTec - Cacciav<strong>it</strong>i Elettrici VersaTecRef. No.0.5 Nm 1 Nm 1.5 Nm 2 Nm 2.5 Nm 3 Nm 3.5 Nm 4 Nm 4.5 Nm 5 Nm 5.5 Nm 6.0 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)EP1510E60Straight and pistolgrip modelsEL1510EEP2607EEL2607EEP4004EET4004E230V6060606060Modèles à poignéedro<strong>it</strong>e et révolverGerade Ausführungund PistolengriffModelos conempuñadura recta yde pistolaModelli conimpugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>ta ea pistolaEP1512SEP1525SEL1512SEL1525SEP2608SEP2616SEL2608SEL2616SEP4005SEP4011SET4005SET4011S34V616161616161616161616161Angle head modelsModèles à renvoid'angleModelle m<strong>it</strong>WinkelkopfModelos con cabezaangularModelli con testa adangoloRef. No.EL1510E2S3EL1510E2S5EL4004E2S3EL4004E2S5EL1525S2S3EL1525S2S5EL4011S2S3EL4011S2S5230V34V0.5 Nm 1 Nm 1.5 Nm 2 Nm 2.5 Nm 3 Nm 3.5 Nm 4 Nm 4.5 Nm 5 Nm 5.5 Nm 6.0 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)6060606061616161VRef. No.0.5 Nm 1 Nm 1.5 Nm 2 Nm 2.5 Nm 3 Nm 3.5 Nm 4 Nm 4.5 Nm 5 Nm 5.5 Nm 6.0 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)Straight modelsModèles dro<strong>it</strong>sGerade AusführungEL0109EEL0410EEL1007E24V636363Modelos conempuñadura rectaModelli conimpugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>taEL0410BC-SS-ESDEL0510BC-SS-ESDEL0807BC-SS-ESDEL1007BC-ESDEL1007BC-SS-ESDESD24V636363636359

A230 VAC Electric ScrewdriversVisseuses Electriques 230 V230V-Elektro-DrehschrauberAtornilladores Eléctricos de 230 VCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Elettrici 230 VVersaTec SeriesPistol griphandle forall 4.5 Nmstraightmodels3 m powercableSuspensionbailPoignéerévolveramovible surmodèle dro<strong>it</strong>sde 4,5 NmCâble d'alim.longueur 3 mAnse desuspensionPistolengrifffür 4,5 Nm-ModelleKabel,Länge 3 mAufhängerEmpuñadurade pistola paramodelos de4,5 NmCable,long<strong>it</strong>ud 3 mGancho desuspensiónImpugnaturaa pistolamontabile permodelli da4,5 NmCavo,lunghezza 3 mDispos<strong>it</strong>ivo disospensioneEP2608S230 VStraight and pistol grip modelsModèles à poignée dro<strong>it</strong>e et révolverGerade Ausführung und PistolengriffModelos con empuñadura recta y de pistolaModelli con impugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>ta e a pistolaABET4004ERef.230VV Nm rpm kg mm mm inPUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTAEP1510E (1) AC230 0.6 - 1.7 1000 0.73 286 273 1/4EP2607E (1) AC230 1.2 - 2.9 700 0.73 286 273 1/4EP4004E (1) AC230 2.0 - 4.5 400 0.73 286 273 1/4LEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAEL1510E (1) AC230 0.6 - 1.7 1000 0.73 286 273 1/4EL2607E (1) AC230 1.2 - 2.9 700 0.73 286 273 1/4ET4004E (1) AC230 2.0 - 4.5 400 0.73 286 273 1/4(1) Add "-U" in model number for UK plug style, e.g. EP1510E-UAB230 VAngle head modelsModèles à renvoi d'angleModelle m<strong>it</strong> WinkelkopfModelos con cabeza angularModelli con testa ad angoloEL4004E2S52S5B2S3BRef.230VV Nm rpm kg mm mm inLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAEL1510E2S3 (1) AC230 0.7 - 2.6 650 1.00 448 13.2 1/4EL1510E2S5 (1) AC230 0.7 - 2.6 650 1.00 448 13.2 1/4EL4004E2S3 (1) AC230 1.7 - 6.4 260 1.00 448 13.2 1/4EL4004E2S5 (1) AC230 1.7 - 6.4 260 1.00 448 13.2 1/4(1) Add "-U" in model number for UK plug style, e.g. EP1510E-UAB60

A34 V Electric ScrewdriversVisseuses Electriques 34 V34 V-Elektro-DrehschrauberAtornilladores Eléctricos de 34 VCacciav<strong>it</strong>i Elettrici 34 V34 VStraight and pistol grip modelsModèles à poignée dro<strong>it</strong>e et révolverGerade Ausführung und PistolengriffModelos con empuñadura recta y de pistolaModelli con impugnatura dir<strong>it</strong>ta e a pistolaABRef.34VV Nm rpm kg mm mm inPUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTAEP1512S DC34 (EC34-ES) 0.6 - 1.7 1200 0.68 286 273 1/4EP1525S DC34 (EC34-ES) 0.6 - 1.7 2500 0.68 286 273 1/4EP2608S DC34 (EC34-ES) 1.2 - 2.9 800 0.68 286 273 1/4EP2616S DC34 (EC34-ES) 1.2 - 2.9 1600 0.68 286 273 1/4EP4005S DC34 (EC34-ES) 2.0 - 4.5 500 0.78 286 273 1/4EP4011S DC34 (EC34-ES) 2.0 - 4.5 1100 0.78 286 273 1/4LEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAEL1512S DC34 (EC34-ES) 0.6 - 1.7 1200 0.68 286 273 1/4EL1525S DC34 (EC34-ES) 0.6 - 1.7 2500 0.68 286 273 1/4EL2608S DC34 (EC34-ES) 1.2 - 2.9 800 0.68 286 273 1/4EL2616S DC34 (EC34-ES) 1.2 - 2.9 1600 0.68 286 273 1/4ET4005S DC34 (EC34-ES) 2.0 - 4.5 500 0.78 286 273 1/4ET4011S DC34 (EC34-ES) 2.0 - 4.5 1100 0.78 286 273 1/4ABV34 VAngle head modelsModèles à renvoi d'angleModelle m<strong>it</strong> WinkelkopfModelos con cabeza angularModelli con testa ad angoloEL4011E2S52S5B2S3BRef.34VV Nm rpm kg mm mm inLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAEL1525S2S3 DC34 (EC34-ES) 0.7 - 2.6 1600 0.95 448 13.2 1/4EL1525S2S5 DC34 (EC34-ES) 0.7 - 2.6 1600 0.95 448 13.2 1/4EL4011S2S3 DC34 (EC34-ES) 1.7 - 6.4 700 0.95 448 13.2 1/4EL4011S2S5 DC34 (EC34-ES) 1.7 - 6.4 700 0.95 448 13.2 1/4AB61

Controllers for 34 V ScrewdriversBoîtiers de Contrôle pour Visseuses 34 voltsReglereinhe<strong>it</strong> für 34 V-DrehschrauberControladores para Atornilladores de 34 VControllori per Cacciav<strong>it</strong>i 34 V34V34VRef No. EC34ES-1(EC34US-1 w<strong>it</strong>h UK plug style)Ref No. EC34ES-2(EC34US-2 w<strong>it</strong>h UK plug style)230 V (AC) ➪ 34 V (DC)4.6 kg220 mm x 115 mmx 102 mm230 V (AC) ➪ 34 V (DC)4.8 kg220 mm x 115 mmx 102 mmCPU controllers (34V) w<strong>it</strong>h SUB-D15 connector for PLCBoîtiers de contrôle CPU (34V) avec connecteur SUB-D15 pour APICPU-Steuerungen m<strong>it</strong> SUB-D15-Anschluss für SPSControladores CPU (34 V) con conector SUB – DL15 para PLCControllore CPU (34V) con connettore SUB-D15 per PLC• Manage several screwdrivers (4 in the example)• Sequence screwdriver range.• Programme tool changing.• Count fastening cycles.• Mon<strong>it</strong>or tightening torques.• Gestion de plusieurs visseuses (4 dans cet exemple).• Séquencement de la gamme de vissage.• Gestion des changements d'outils.• Comptage des cycles de vissage.• Surveillance des couples de serrage.• Verwalten von mehreren Schraubern (4 Stück imBeispiel).• Führung durch ein Verschraubungsprogramm.• Bestimmung der Einschaltreihenfolge verschiedenerSchrauber.• Zählung der Schraubzyklen.• Überwachungs des Anzugmoments.• Gestión de varios atornilladores (por ejemplo 4)• Gama de secuencia de atornillado.• Cambio de programa en herramienta.• Conteo de ciclos de atornillado.• Verificación de pares de apriete.• Gestione di più avv<strong>it</strong>atori ( 4 nell'esempio)• Gestione sequenza avv<strong>it</strong>ature• Gestione cambio avv<strong>it</strong>atore• Conteggio cicli avv<strong>it</strong>atura• Controlllo coppia serraggioRef No. EC34ES-1-CPU(only european plug style available)230 V (AC) ➪ 34 V (DC)4.7 kg — 220 mm x 115 mm x 102 mmRef No. EC34ES-2-CPU(only european plug style available)230 V (AC) ➪ 34 V (DC)4.9 kg — 220 mm x 115 mm x 102 mm62

24 V Low Torque Screwdrivers and ControllersVisseuses 24 V à bas couple et Boîtiers de Contrôle24 V-Drehschrauber m<strong>it</strong> niedrigem Drehmoment und Reglereinhe<strong>it</strong>Atornilladores de 24 V de Par Bajo y ControladoresCacciav<strong>it</strong>i 24 V a Bassa Coppia e Controllori24 V VersaTec SeriesTwo clutchsprings3 m power /control cableSoft stopfeatures onSS-ESD modelsDeux ressortsde lim<strong>it</strong>eurCâble deconnection auboîtier, long.3 mArrêt progressifsur modèlesSS-ESDKabel,Länge 3 m2 KupplungsfedernSoft-Stop-Merkmale fürModelle SS-ESD2 Muelles deembragueCable,long<strong>it</strong>ud 3 mFunción deparada suavepara modelosSS-ESD2 Molle dellafrizioneCavo,lunghezza 3 mFunzione diarresto progressivoper modelliSS-ESDEL0410ERef.24VV Nm rpm kg mmLEVER START — DÉM. PAR LEVIER — HEBELSTART — ARRANQUE POR PALANCA — AVVIAMENTO A LEVAEL0109E DC24 (EC24-E) 0.03 - 0.15 650-950 0.32 235 Ø 4 mmEL0410E DC24 (EC24-E) 0.06 - 0.50 750-1000 0.36 235 1/4"EL1007E DC24 (EC24-E) 0.55 - 1.2 500-700 0.36 235 1/4"ESD modelsModèles ESDESD-ModelleModelos ESDModelli ESDEL0510BC-SS-ESDRef.24VV Nm rpm kg mmWITHOUT SOFT STOP — SANS ARRÊT PROGRESSIF — OHNE SOFT STOP — SIN PARADA SUAVE — SENZA ARRESTO PROGRESSIVOEL1007BC-ESD DC24 (EC24-ESD) 0.19 - 1.2 500-700 0.40 267 1/4"WITH SOFT STOP — AVEC ARRÊT PROGRESSIF — MIT SOFT STOP — CON PARADA SUAVE — CON ARRESTO PROGRESSIVOEL0410BC-SS-ESD DC24 (EC24-ESD) 0.19 - 0.40 700-1000 0.40 267 4 mm ØEL0510BC-SS-ESD DC24 (EC24-ESD) 0.25 - 0.55 700-1000 0.40 267 4 mm ØEL0807BC-SS-ESD DC24 (EC24-ESD) 0.45 - 0.95 500-700 0.40 267 4 mm ØEL1007BC-SS-ESD DC24 (EC24-ESD) 0.55 - 1.2 500-700 0.40 267 4 mm ØVRef No. EC24E(EC24-U w<strong>it</strong>h UK plug style)230 V (AC) ➪ 24 V (DC)Ref No. EC24-ESD(EC24-U-ESD w<strong>it</strong>h UK plug style)230 V (AC) ➪ 24 V (DC)5 pins cable (ref. EL0109B-239)2.3 kg267 x 83 x 104 mmCPU controllers (24V) w<strong>it</strong>h SUB-D15 connector for PLC :Boîtiers de contrôle CPU (24V) avec connecteur SUB-D15 pour API :CPU-Steuerungen m<strong>it</strong> SUB-D15-Anschluss für SPS :Controladores CPU con conector SUB-D15 para PLC :Controllore CPU (24V) con connettore SUB-D15 per PLC :6 pins cable (ref. EL0410B-239-ESD)2.3 kg267 x 83 x 104 mmRef No. EC24E-CPU(european plug style only)NOT AVAILABLEFOR ESD MODELS63

VersaTec AccessoriesAccessoires pour VersaTecZubehör für VersaTecAccesorios para VersaTecAccessori per VersaTecFor 230 V and 34 V modelsPour modèles 230 V et 34 VFür 230V und 34V-Elektro-DrehschrauberPara los modelos de 230 V y 34 VPer modelli 230 V e 34 VRef. No. EP4007N-48Attachable pistol grip handle: for use w<strong>it</strong>h lever and push start models.Poignée révolver amovible: pour utilisation sur tous les modèlesavec mise en route par levier ou par poussée.Pistolengriff: für den Einsatz bei allen Modellen m<strong>it</strong> Hebel- undSchubstart.Empuñadura tipo pistola: para uso con modelos con arranque porpalanca y por empuje.Impugnatura a pistola montabile: da utilizzare con modelli conazionamento a leva ed a pulsante.Ref. No. EP4007N-123Low profile flange: smaller dimension flange (f<strong>it</strong>ted as standard onpistol and angle models).Bride à profil dro<strong>it</strong>: bride de plus pet<strong>it</strong>es dimensions (livrée en standardsur les modèles d'angle et révolver)Niedrigprofil-Flansch: Flansch m<strong>it</strong> kleineren Abmessungen (serienmäßigbei Modellen m<strong>it</strong> Pistolengriff und Winkelkopf).Brida de perfil bajo: brida de tamaño pequeño (estándar para modelosde pistola y angulares).Flangia a basso profilo: flangia di minori dimensioni (standard permodelli a pistola e ad Angolo).Ref. No. VDS-511Light spring: Used for high torque models:0.17 - 0.8 Nm for EP/EL1510E0.22 - 1.0 Nm for EP/EL1512K/1525KRessort pour couple rédu<strong>it</strong>: Utilisé pour les modèles haut couple0,17 - 0,8 Nm, pour EP/EL1510E0,22 - 1,0 Nm, pour EP/EL1512K/1525K.Weiche Kupplungsfeder: für Modelle m<strong>it</strong> hohem Drehmoment.0,17 - 0,8 Nm für EP/EL1510E0,22 - 1,0 Nm für EP/EL1512K/1525KMuelle ligero: utilizado para modelos de alto par.0,17-0,8 Nm para EP/EL 1510E0,22-1,0 Nm para EP/EL 1512K/1525KMolla leggera: usata per modelli a coppia alta.0,17-0,8 Nm per EP/EL1510E0,22-1,0 Nm per EP/EL1512K/1525KAngle head optionOption renvoi d'angleWinkelkopfCabeza angularTesta ad angolo13.2 mmA B C448 mm2S32S5A 3RL23 3RL25BEL4007N2S5-AHCCET4007N2S5-580For 34 V and 24 V modelsPour modèles 34 V et 24 VFür 34V- und 24V-Elektro-DrehschrauberPara los modelos de 34 V y 24 VPer modelli 34 V e 24 VRef. No. EP4007N-516Torque adjusting wrench: used to externally adjust the torque w<strong>it</strong>houtremoving the flange.Clé de réglage de couple: pour régler extérieurement le couple sansdéposer la bride avant.Einstellschlüssel: bei Modellen m<strong>it</strong> hohem Drehmoment kann ohneEntfernen des Flansches das Drehmoment von außen eingestelltwerden.Llave para ajustar el par: sirve para ajustar por fuera los modelos depar alto sin desmontar la brida.Chiave per la regolazione della coppia: usata per la regolazionedall'esterno dei mod. a coppia alta senza smontare la flangia.Suspension bails:• Vertical: Ref. No. EP4007N-365 • Horizontal: Ref. No. EP4007N-366Anneaux de suspension:• Vertical, réf. EP4007N-365 • Horizontal, réf. EP4007N-366Aufhängungen:• Vertikal, Teile-Nr. EP4007N-365 • Horizontal, Teile-Nr. EP4007N-366Ganchos de suspensión:• Vertical, ref. EP4007N-365 • Horizontal, ref. EP4007N-366Dispos<strong>it</strong>ivi di sospensione:• Verticale, Cat. EP4007N-365 • Orizzontale, Cat. EP4007N-36624 V: Ref. No. ES40T-249-2 for controller34 V: No. EC29-249-2 for controllerExtension cord, length 2 m: For use between tool and controller.Rallonges, long. 2 m: Pour utilisation entre l'outil et le boîtier de contrôleVerlängerungskabel, L 2 m Verbindet Werkzeug und Reglereinhe<strong>it</strong>.Cable prolongador, long. 2 m: para usar entre la herramienta y elcontrolador.Cavo di prolunga, L 2 m: da utilizzare fra l’attrezzo e il controller.Ref. No. EC24-DCDig<strong>it</strong>al counter: Available on special request. Dig<strong>it</strong>al display showsnumber of cycles. Includes cord to attach to controller.Compteur numérique: sur demande spéciale. L'affichage numériqueindique le nombre de cycles. Comprend un cordon pour connexionsur le boîtier de contrôle.Dig<strong>it</strong>al-Zähler: Optional, auf besonderen Wunsch erhältlich. Angezeigtwird jeweils die Zyklenzahl. Einschließlich Modem-kabel zumAnschluß an die Reglereinhe<strong>it</strong>.Contador dig<strong>it</strong>al: opcional. Se suministra por encargo especial.Indica el número de ciclos. Incluye cable para conectar alcontrolador.Contatore Dig<strong>it</strong>ale: disponibile a richiesta speciale. Il display dig<strong>it</strong>alemostra il numero di cicli. Include il cavo di trasmissione dati viamodem da collegare al controllore.64

VersaTec AccessoriesAccessoires pour VersaTecZubehör für VersaTecAccesorios para VersaTecAccessori per VersaTecFor 24 V modelsPour modèles 24 VFür 24V-Elektro-DrehschrauberPara los modelos de 24 VPer modelli 24 VRef. No. DLW-5300Torque adjustment cover used for models EL1007E, EL0410E andEL0109E – Designed to ensure tamper proof torque adjustment.Couvercle de protection du réglage de couple destiné aux modèlesEL1007E, EL0410E et EL0109E – conçu pour garantir le réglage decouple contre les manipulations.Kappe für Drehmomenteinstellung, für Modelle EL1007E, EL0410Eund EL0109E. Diese Kappe wurde konstruiert, um eine gegenEingriffe gesicherte Drehmomenteinstellung zu gewährleisten.Cubierta para la regulación del par para modelos EL1007E, EL0410Ey EL0109E – diseñada para garantizar la regulación del par detorsión contra golpes.Copertura per la regolazione della coppia, per modelli EL1007E,EL0410E e EL0109E – progettata per garantire che la regolazionedella coppia non venga manomessa.Ref. No. EL0109B-365Vertical hanger — Suspension verticaleVertikal-Aufhänger — Suspensión verticalDispos<strong>it</strong>ivo sospensione verticale1/4" HexPart No. DLW-4100Ø 4 mmInsert B<strong>it</strong> Holder Adapter: allowsthe use of 1/4" Hex insert b<strong>it</strong>s w<strong>it</strong>h4 mm Round shank b<strong>it</strong> holder.Adapteur porte-embout: permet d'adapter un embout 1/4" hexagonalsur broche d'entraînement ronde 4 mm.Adapter zur Aufnahme von Einsteck-Klingen: ermöglicht den Einsatzvon 1/4" Sechskt. Einsteck-Klingen in Schraubern m<strong>it</strong> 4 mm runderKlingenaufnahme.Adaptador de puntas cortas: perm<strong>it</strong>e usar puntas cortas 1/4" Hexcon espiga redonda de 4 mm.Adattatore porta punte: permette l’uso di inserti. Ex. da 1/4" con portapunta con codolo rotondo da 4 mm.Vacuum pickup sleeves for ESDmodels (for Phillips b<strong>it</strong>s only).Canons d'aspiration pour modèles7 mm ØAESD (pour lames Phillips uniqu.)18 mmVakuum-Aufnahmehülsen für Modelle ESD (nur für Phillips Klingen)Mangu<strong>it</strong>os para captación por vacío (sólo para puntas Phillips)Manicotti per aspirazione, per modelli ESD (usare solo punte Phillips)Ref. No. ØA ØBmm inDLS2120 2.0 3.5DLS2121 2.2 3.5DLS2122 2.5 3.5DLS2123 2.7 3.5DLS2124 3.1 4.5DLS2125 3.3 4.5DLS2126 3.5 4.5DLS2127 3.7 4.5ØBRef. No. ØA ØBmm inDLS2128 4.0 5.5DLS2129 4.2 5.5DLS2130 4.5 5.5DLS2131 4.7 5.5DLS2132 5.1 6.5DLS2133 5.3 6.5DLS2134 5.6 6.5DLS2135 6.1 7.0Ref. No. EC24-MBMounting bracket: used to secure low torque controllers.Support de montage: utilisé pour fixer le boîtier bas couple.Befestigungselement: zur Befestigung des Reglers für niedrigeDrehmomente.Soporte para montaje: sirve para montar el controlador de par bajoStaffa di Montaggio: usata per montaggio controllore a coppia bassaPhillips ®Ref. No.(10 x )DLB2120-10DLB2121-10DLB2122-10DLB2123-10DLB2124-10DLB2125-10DLB2126-10DLB2127-10DLB2128-10DLB2129-10DLB2130-10DLB2131-10DLB2132-10SlottedRef. No.(10 x )DLB2220-10DLB2221-10DLB2222-10DLB2223-10DLB2224-10HexagonalHexagonalØA20 mmLØ 4 mmPoint ØA Lmm in mm in0 1.8 0.0744 1.764 2.50 - 100 2.0 0.0844 1.764 2.500 - 00 2.5 0.1044 1.764 2.50 - 11 3.0 0.1244 1.764 2.52 - 41 4.0 0.1644 1.764 2.52 - 42 4.0 0.1644 1.764 2.55 - 103 6.0 0.24 44 1.7 10 - 1 /4ØAAAT20 mm44 mmLLØ 4 mmTØAmm in mm in0.3 0.012 2.0 0.08 00 - 00.3 0.012 2.5 0.10 00 - 00.4 0.016 3.0 0.12 0 - 20.5 0.020 4.0 0.16 2 - 40.7 0.026 5.0 0.20 3 - 5Ø 4 mmRef. No. A Lmm in mm inDLB2321-10 1.5 0.06 44 1.7 3.0DLB2322-10 2.0 0.08 44 1.7 4.0DLB2323-10 3.0 0.12 44 1.7 6.0DLB2324-10 4.0 0.16 44 1.7 8.0Ø 4 mmRef. No. A Lmm in mm inDLB2420-10 2.3 0.09 44 1.7 –DLB2421-10 2.5 0.10 44 1.7 –DLB2422-10 3.0 0.12 44 1.7 –DLB2423-10 4.0 0.16 44 1.7 2.0DLB2424-10 4.5 0.18 44 1.7 2.3DLB2425-10 5.0 0.20 44 1.7 2.6DLB2426-10 6.0 0.22 44 1.7 3.0V65

QE Series Electric Wrenches — Visseuses Electriques de la Serie QE —Elektro- Schrauber der QE Serie — Llaves Eléctricas Serie QE — Chiavi Elettriche Serie QESELECTION CHART – TABLE DE SELECTION – AUSWAHLTABELLE – TABLA DE SELECCIÓN – TABELLA DI SELEZIONE66Pistol grip modelsPoignée révolverPistolengriffEmp. de pistolaImpugnatura a pistolaPush-to-startDémarrage/pousséeSchubstartArranque por empujeAvv. a pressioneInline WrenchesVisseuses dro<strong>it</strong>esGerade AusführungLlaves en líneaChiavi dir<strong>it</strong>teAngle WrenchesVisseuses d'angleWinkelschrauberLlaves AngularesChiavi ad AngoloRef. No.QE4PT010P10. . .QE4PT015P10. . .QE4PT020P10. . .QE4PT025P10. . .Ref. No.QE4TS010R11. . .QE4TS015R11. . .QE4TS020R11. . .QE4TS025R11. . .Ref. No.QE4ST010B. . . .QE4ST015B. . . .QE4ST020B. . . .QE6ST020F....QE4ST025B. . . .QE6ST028F....QE6ST033F....QE6ST050F....QE8ST055F....QE8ST070F....QE8ST090F....QE8ST150F....Ref. No.QE4AT013P....QE4AT020P.....QE4AT027P.....QE6AT030P.....QE4AT034P.....QE6AT040P.....QE6AT055P.....QE8AT065P.....QE8AT070P.....QE6AT080P.....QE8AT090P.....QE8AT115P.....QE8AT150P.....QE8AT225P.....QE8AT400P.....2 Nm 4 Nm 6 Nm 8 Nm 10 Nm 12 Nm 14 Nm 16 Nm 18 Nm 20 Nm 22 Nm 24 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼2 Nm 4 Nm 6 Nm 8 Nm 10 Nm 12 Nm 14 Nm 16 Nm 18 Nm 20 Nm 22 Nm 24 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼20 Nm 40 Nm 60 Nm 80 Nm 100 Nm 120 Nm 140 Nm 160 Nm 180 Nm 200 Nm 220 Nm 240 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼20 Nm 40 Nm 60 Nm 80 Nm 100 Nm 120 Nm 140 Nm 160 Nm 180 Nm 200 Nm 220 Nm 240 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)67676767Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)67676767Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)686868686868686868686868Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)696969696969696969696969696969Fastening Control System for QE Series Electric Tools, page 79Système d'Asservissement pour les Séries Electriques QE, page 79Schraubersteuerungen für Schrauber der QE Serie, Se<strong>it</strong>e 79Systema de Gestión de Par para Llaves Eléctricas QE, página 79Sistemi di Gestione della Coppia per Chiavi Elettriche QE, pag 79

Electric ScrewdriversVisseuses ElectriquesElektro- SchrauberAtornilladores EléctricosCacciav<strong>it</strong>i ElettriciQE SeriesStandard equipment, applicable forall QE HANDHELD tools.Equipements standard pour toutes lesvisseuses PORTATIVES QE.Standardausrüstung bei allenHANDGEHALTENEN QE-Werkzeugen.Equipo estándar, aplicable paratodas las herramientas PORTÁTILESde la serie QE.Equipaggiamento standard adattoper tutti i modelli MANUALI serie QE.Cycle statuslights forimmediatefeedback on thefasteningprocessOn boardE-Prom forstorage ofcalibration data,cycle counting,etcAssetmanagementchip*Diodes d'étatpour indicationimmédiatedu coupleappliquéPuce électroniqueE-Promincorporée(sauvegarde desdonnéesde calibration,cycles devissage, etc)Puce électroniqueincorporée pourgestion de parc*SofortigeAnzeige desVerschraubungsstatusdurch 3 DiodenEingebauterDatenchip m<strong>it</strong>Kalibrierwerten,Gesamtzyklusanzahletc.Chip fürBestandsverwaltung*Luces de estadode ciclo paraproporcionarinformación delproceso deatornilladoTarjeta E-Prompara almacenardatos decalibración,conteo deciclos, etc.Chip paraadministrarinformación *Indicatoriluminosi perun immediatocontrolloprocessoavv<strong>it</strong>atureScheda E-Promincorporata peruna registrazionedelle date dicalibrazione,conteggio ciclietc…Chip per gestire ilparco avv<strong>it</strong>atori ** For connection w<strong>it</strong>h AMSKIT-250. See page 92* Pour connection avec AMSKIT-250. Voir page 92* In Verbindung m<strong>it</strong> AMSKIT-250, siehe S. 92* Para conectar con AMSKIT-250. Ver página 92* Per connessione con AMSKIT-250. Vedere page. 92QE4Electric pistol grip screwdriversVisseuses électriques à poignée révolverGleichstrombetriebene Schrauber m<strong>it</strong> PistolengriffAtornilladores eléctricos con empuñadura de pistolaCacciav<strong>it</strong>i elettrici con impugnatura a pistolaQE4PT015P10S04Ref.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm inTRIGGER START — DÉM. PAR GÂCHETTE — DRÜCKERSTART — ARRANQUE POR GATILLO — AVVIAMENTO A GRILLETTOQE4PT010P10Q04 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 243 1/4 M4-M5QE4PT010P10S04 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 230 1/4 M4-M5QE4PT015P10Q04 3 - 12 15 1220 1.2 243 1/4 M5-M6QE4PT015P10S04 3 - 12 15 1220 1.2 230 1/4 M5-M6QE4PT020P10S06 4 - 16 20 900 1.2 234 3/8 M6-M8QE4PT025P10S06 5 - 20 25 710 1.2 234 3/8 M6-M8QE4Electric push-to-start screwdriversVisseuses électriques à démarrage par pousséeGleichstrombetriebene Schrauber m<strong>it</strong> SchubstartAtornilladores eléctricos con arranque por empujeCacciav<strong>it</strong>i elettrici dir<strong>it</strong>ti con avviamento a spintaQE4TS015R11Q04VRef.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm inPUSH START — DEM. PAR POUSSÉE — SCHUBSTART — ARRANQUE POR EMPUJE — AVVIAMENTO A SPINTAQE4TS010R11Q04 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 363 1/4 M4 - M5QE4TS010R11S04 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 343 1/4 M4 - M5QE4TS010R11S06 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 343 3/8 M4 - M5QE4TS015R11Q04 3 - 12 15 1220 1.2 363 1/4 M5 - M6QE4TS015R11S04 3 - 12 15 1220 1.2 343 1/4 M5 - M6QE4TS015R11S06 3 - 12 15 1220 1.2 343 3/8 M5 - M6QE4TS020R11S06 4 - 16 20 900 1.2 343 3/8 M6 - M8QE4TS025R11S06 5 - 20 25 710 1.2 343 3/8 M6 - M867

Electric ScrewdriversVisseuses ElectriquesElektro- SchrauberAtornilladores EléctricosCacciav<strong>it</strong>i ElettriciQE4, QE6 & QE8Electric inline wrenchesVisseuses électriques dro<strong>it</strong>esGleichstrombetriebene gerade SchrauberAtornilladores eléctricos rectosChiavi elettriche dir<strong>it</strong>teQE4ST010B21Q04Ref.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm inQE4 SERIES — SÉRIE QE4 — BAUREIHE QE4 — SERIE QE4QE4ST010B21S06 (1) 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 386 40 19 3/8 M4 - M5QE4ST010B20S06 (1) 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 386 40 0 3/8 M4 - M5QE4ST015B21S06 (1) 3 -11 15 1220 1.2 386 40 19 3/8 M5 - M6QE4ST015B20S06 (1) 3 -11 15 1220 1.2 386 40 0 3/8 M5 - M6QE4ST020B21S06 (1) 4 -16 20 900 1.2 386 40 19 3/8 M6 - M8QE4ST020B20S06 (1) 4 -16 20 900 1.2 386 40 0 3/8 M6 - M8QE4ST025B21S06 (1) 5 - 20 25 710 1.2 386 40 19 3/8 M6 - M8QE4ST025B20S06 (1) 5 - 20 25 710 1.2 386 40 0 3/8 M6 - M8QE6 SERIES — SÉRIE QE6 — BAUREIHE QE6 — SERIE QE6QE6ST020F41S06 (2) 4 -16 20 1840 2.1 501 113 38 3/8 M6 - M8QE6ST020F61S06 (2) 4 -16 20 1840 2.1 544 144 38 3/8 M6 - M8QE6ST028F41S06 (2) 6 - 22 28 1360 2.1 501 113 38 3/8 M8QE6ST028F61S06 (2) 6 - 22 28 1360 2.1 544 144 38 3/8 M8QE6ST033F41S06 (2) 7 - 26 33 1130 2.1 501 113 38 3/8 M8QE6ST033F61S06 (2) 7 - 26 33 1130 2.1 544 144 38 3/8 M8QE6ST050F41S08 10 - 40 50 760 2.1 501 113 38 1/2 M10QE6ST050F61S08 10 - 40 50 760 2.1 544 144 38 1/2 M10QE8 SERIES — SÉRIE QE8 — BAUREIHE QE8 — SERIE QE8QE8ST055F41S08 11 - 44 55 1470 3.0 557 109 38 1/2 M10QE8ST055F61S08 11 - 44 55 1470 3.0 608 141 38 1/2 M10QE8ST070F41S08 14 - 56 70 1160 3.0 557 109 38 1/2 M10QE8ST070F61S08 14 - 56 70 1160 3.0 608 141 38 1/2 M10QE8ST090F41S08 18 - 72 90 900 3.0 557 109 38 1/2 M10QE8ST090F61S08 18 - 72 90 900 3.0 608 141 38 1/2 M10QE8ST150F41S08 30 - 120 150 500 3.4 572 109 38 1/2 M12 -M14QE8ST150F61S08 30 - 120 150 500 3.4 623 150 38 1/2 M12 -M14(1) Also available w<strong>it</strong>h 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), and 1/2" (QE4...........S08)(2) Also available w<strong>it</strong>h 1/2" (QE6...........S08).(1) Egalement disponible avec entraîneur 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), et 1/2" (QE4...........S08)(2) Egalement disponible avec entraîneur 1/2" (QE6...........S08).(1) Auch erhältlich m<strong>it</strong> 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), und 1/2" (QE4...........S08)(2) Auch erhältlich m<strong>it</strong> 1/2" (QE6...........S08).(1) También disponible con 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), y 1/2" (QE4...........S08)(2) También disponible con 1/2" (QE6...........S08).(1) Disponibile anche con attacco 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), e 1/2" (QE4...........S08)(2) Disponibile anche con attacco 1/2" (QE6...........S08).68

Electric ScrewdriversVisseuses ElectriquesElektro- SchrauberAtornilladores EléctricosCacciav<strong>it</strong>i ElettriciQE4, QE6 & QE8Electric angle wrenchesVisseuses d'angle électriquesGleichstrombetriebene WinkelschrauberLlaves angulares eléctricasChiavi elettriche ad angoloQE4AT013PA2S04See accessories pages 78.Accessoires présentés page 78.Zubehör finden Sie auf der Se<strong>it</strong>e 78.Ver la página 78 para los accesorios.Vedere accessori a pagina 78.QE6AT030PA2S06QE8AT225PA7S12Ref.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm inQE4 SERIES — SÉRIE QE4 — BAUREIHE QE4 — SERIE QE4QE4AT013PA2H04 3 - 10 13 1200 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M5 - M6QE4AT013PA2Q04 3 - 10 13 1200 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M5 - M6QE4AT013PA2S04 3 - 10 13 1200 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M5 - M6QE4AT013PA2S06 3 - 10 13 1200 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 3/8 M5 - M6QE4AT020PA2H04 4 - 16 20 820 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M6 - M8QE4AT020PA2Q04 4 - 16 20 820 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M6 - M8QE4AT020PA2S04 4 - 16 20 820 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M6 - M8QE4AT020PA2S06 4 - 16 20 820 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 3/8 M6 - M8QE4AT027PA4S06 5 - 22 27 600 1.3 387 17.0 42.0 3/8 M8QE4AT027PA4S08 5 - 22 27 600 1.3 387 17.0 42.0 1/2 M8QE4AT034PA4S06 7 - 27 34 470 1.3 387 17.0 42.0 3/8 M8QE4AT034PA4S08 7 - 27 34 470 1.3 387 17.0 42.0 1/2 M8QE6 SERIES — SÉRIE QE6 — BAUREIHE QE6 — SERIE QE6QE6AT030PA2S06 6 - 24 30 1230 1.9 442 12.9 31.5 3/8 M8QE6AT030PA4S08 6 - 24 30 1230 1.9 447 17.0 42.0 1/2 M8QE6AT040PA4S06 8 - 32 40 910 1.9 447 17.0 42.0 3/8 M8QE6AT040PA4S08 8 - 32 40 910 1.9 447 17.0 42.0 1/2 M8QE6AT055PA5S08 11 - 44 55 650 1.9 453 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE6AT080PA5S08 16 - 64 80 440 1.9 453 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE8 SERIES — SÉRIE QE8 — BAUREIHE QE8 — SERIE QE8QE8AT065PA5S08 13 - 52 65 1200 2.9 516 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE8AT070PA5S08 14 - 56 70 1100 2.9 516 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE8AT090PA5S08 17 - 72 90 850 2.9 516 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE8AT115PA6S08 23 - 92 115 660 2.9 520 24.3 50.0 1/2 M12QE8AT150PA6S08 30 - 120 150 510 2.9 520 24.3 50.0 1/2 M12 - M14QE8AT225PA7S12 45- 180 225 310 4.1 575 27.5 55.2 3/4 M16QE8AT400PA8S12 80 - 320 400 170 6.0 635 33.3 68.5 3/4 M18V69

Electric Fixtured Wrenches — Broches de Vissage Electriques — Elektrische Einbauschrauber —Husillos de Atornillado Eléctricos — Chiavi Elettriche per Installazioni FisseSELECTION CHART – TABLE DE SELECTION – AUSWAHLTABELLE – TABLA DE SELECCIÓN – TABELLA DI SELEZIONEInline WrenchesVisseuses dro<strong>it</strong>esGerade AusführungLlaves en líneaChiavi dir<strong>it</strong>teInline WrenchesVisseuses dro<strong>it</strong>esGerade AusführungLlaves en líneaChiavi dir<strong>it</strong>teOffset wrenchesBroches à têtedéportéeModelle m<strong>it</strong>versetztem AbtriebLlaves con ejedescentradoAvv<strong>it</strong>atoricon teste offsetAngle WrenchesVisseuses d'angleWinkelschrauberLlaves AngularesChiavi ad AngoloRef. No.QE4SC010B. . . .QE4SC015B. . . .QE4SC020B. . . .QE6SC020F....QE4SC025B. . . .QE6SC028F....QE6SC033F....QE6SC050F....QE8SC055F....QE8SC070F....QE8SC090F....QE8SC150F....QE8SC230F.....Ref. No.QM3SS008H . ....QM3SS012H . ....QM3SS016H . ....QM3SS020H . ....QM5SS035H . ....QM5SS055H . ....QM5SS090H . ....QM7SS190H . ....QM7SS220H . ....QM9SS315H . ....QM9SS435H . ....QM9SS520H . ....QM9SS650H . ....QM9SS01KH62S16Ref. No.QE6ZC020P.....QE6ZC028P.....QE6ZC033P.....QE6ZC050P.....QE8ZC055F.....QE8ZC070F.....QE8ZC090F.....QE8ZC150F.....Ref. No.QE4AC013P....QE4AC020P.....QE4AC027P.....QE6AC030P.....QE4AC034P.....QE6AC040P.....QE6AC055P.....QE8AC065P.....QE8AC070P.....QE6AC080P.....QE8AC090P.....QE8AC115P.....QE8AC150P.....QE8AC225P.....QE8AC400P.....100 Nm 200 Nm 300 Nm 400 Nm 500 Nm 600 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼100 Nm 200 Nm 300 Nm 400 Nm 500 Nm 600 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼100 Nm 200 Nm 300 Nm 400 Nm 500 Nm 600 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼100 Nm 200 Nm 300 Nm 400 Nm 500 Nm 600 Nm▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)71717172717272727272727272Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)7575757576767676767777777777Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)7373737373737373Page(Se<strong>it</strong>e)747474747474747474747474747474Fastening Control System for QE / QM Series Electric Tools, page 79Système d'Asservissement pour les Séries Electriques QE / QM, page 79Drehmomentsteuerungssysteme für QE / QM-Schrauber, Se<strong>it</strong>e 79Systema de Gestión de Par para Llaves Eléctricas QE / QM, página 79Sistemi di Gestione della Coppia per Chiavi Elettriche QE / QM, pag 7970

Electric Fixtured WrenchesBroches de Vissage ElectriquesElektrische EinbauschrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche per Installazioni FisseQE SeriesStandard equipment, applicable for all QEFIXTURED tools.Equipements standard pour toutes lesBROCHES DE VISSAGE QEStandardausrüstung bei allenQE-EinbauwerkzeugenEquipo estándar para aplicar a todas lasherramientas QE no portátiles.Equipaggiamento standard adatto per tuttii modelli installazione fissa serie QE* For connection w<strong>it</strong>h AMSKIT-250. See page 92* Pour connection avec AMSKIT-250. Voir page 92* In Verbindung m<strong>it</strong> AMSKIT-250, siehe S. 92* Para conectar con AMSKIT-250. Ver página 92* Per connessione con AMSKIT-250. Vedere page. 92Cycle statuslights forimmediatefeedback onthe fasteningprocessOn boardE-Prom forstorage ofcalibrationdata, cyclecounting, etcAssetmanagementchip*Mounting plateDiodes d'étatpour indicationimmédiatedu coupleappliquéPuce électroniqueE-Promincorporée(sauvegardedes donnéesde calibration,cycles devissage, etc)Puce électroniqueincorporéepour gestionde parc*Bride demontageSofortigeAnzeige desVerschraubungsstatusdurch 3 DiodenEingebauterDatenchip m<strong>it</strong>Kalibrierwerten,Gesamtzyklusanzahletc.Chip fürBestandsverwaltung*MontageflanschLuces deestado deciclo paraproporcionarinformacióndel procesode atornillado.Tarjeta E-Prompara almacenardatos decalibración,conteo deciclos, etc.Chip paraadministrarinformación *Placa demontaje.Indicatoriluminosi perun immediatocontrolloprocessoavv<strong>it</strong>atureScheda E-Promincorporata peruna registrazionedelle date dicalibrazione,conteggio ciclietc…Chip pergestire ilparcoavv<strong>it</strong>atori *Piastra dimontaggioQE4QE4 Electric Fixtured Inline WrenchesBroches de Vissage Electriques Dro<strong>it</strong>es QE4QE4 Gleichstrombetriebene gerade Einbau-SchrauberHusillos de Atornillado Eléctricos QE4Chiavi Elettriche Dir<strong>it</strong>te per Installazioni Fisse QE4QE4 : 48.5 mmVQE4SC010B20S06Ref.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm inQE4 SERIES — SÉRIE QE4 — BAUREIHE QE4 — SERIE QE4QE4SC010B21S06 (1) 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 386 40 19 3/8 M4 - M5QE4SC010B41S06 (1) 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 437 74 19 3/8 M4 - M5QE4SC010B20S06 (1) 2 - 8 10 1820 1.2 386 40 0 3/8 M4 - M5QE4SC015B21S06 (1) 3 - 11 15 1220 1.2 386 40 19 3/8 M5 - M6QE4SC015B41S06 (1) 3 - 11 15 1220 1.2 437 74 19 3/8 M5 - M6QE4SC015B20S06 (1) 3 - 11 15 1220 1.2 386 40 0 3/8 M5 - M6QE4SC020B21S06 (1) 4 - 16 20 900 1.2 386 40 19 3/8 M6 - M8QE4SC020B41S06 (1) 4 - 16 20 900 1.2 437 74 19 3/8 M6 - M8QE4SC020B20S06 (1) 4 - 16 20 900 1.2 386 40 0 3/8 M6 - M8QE4SC025B21S06 (1) 5 - 20 25 710 1.2 386 40 19 3/8 M6 - M8QE4SC025B41S06 (1) 5 - 20 25 710 1.2 437 74 19 3/8 M6 - M8QE4SC025B20S06 (1) 5 - 20 25 710 1.2 386 40 0 3/8 M6 - M8(1) Also available w<strong>it</strong>h 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), and 1/2" (QE4...........S08)(1) Egalement disponible avec entraîneur 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), et 1/2" (QE4...........S08)(1) Auch erhältlich m<strong>it</strong> 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), und 1/2" (QE4...........S08)(1) También disponible con 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), and 1/2" (QE4...........S08)(1) Disponibile anche con attacco 1/4" (QE4...........Q04), 1/4" (QE4...........S04), e 1/2" (QE4...........S08)71

Electric Fixtured WrenchesBroches de Vissage ElectriquesElektrische EinbauschrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche per Installazioni FisseQE6 & QE8QE6 and QE8 Electric Fixtured Inline WrenchesBroches de Vissage Electriques Dro<strong>it</strong>es QE6 et QE8QE6 und QE8 Gleichstrombetriebene gerade Einbau-SchrauberHusillos de Atornillado Eléctricos QE6 y QE8Chiavi Elettriche Dir<strong>it</strong>te per Installazioni Fisse QE6 e QE8QE8SC150F61S08Ref.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm inQE6 SERIES — SÉRIE QE6 — BAUREIHE QE6 — SERIE QE6QE6SC020F41S06 (1) 4 - 16 20 1840 2.1 501 113 38 3/8 M6 - M8QE6SC020F61S06 (1) 4 - 16 20 1840 2.1 544 144 38 3/8 M6 - M8QE6SC020F81S06 (1) 4 - 16 20 1840 2.1 594 195 38 3/8 M6 - M8QE6SC028F41S06 (1) 6 - 22 28 1360 2.1 501 113 38 3/8 M8QE6SC028F61S06 (1) 6 - 22 28 1360 2.1 544 144 38 3/8 M8QE6SC028F81S06 (1) 6 - 22 28 1360 2.1 594 195 38 3/8 M8QE6SC033F41S06 (1) 7 - 26 33 1130 2.1 501 113 38 3/8 M8QE6SC033F61S06 (1) 7 - 26 33 1130 2.1 544 144 38 3/8 M8QE6SC033F81S06 (1) 7 - 26 33 1130 2.1 594 195 38 3/8 M8QE6SC050F41S08 10- 40 50 760 2.1 501 113 38 1/2 M10QE6SC050F61S08 10- 40 50 760 2.1 544 144 38 1/2 M10QE6SC050F81S08 10- 40 50 760 2.1 594 195 38 1/2 M10QE8 SERIES — SÉRIE QE8 — BAUREIHE QE8 — SERIE QE8QE8SC055F41S08 11- 44 55 1470 3.0 557 109 38 1/2 M10QE8SC055F61S08 11- 44 55 1470 3.0 608 140 38 1/2 M10QE8SC055F81S08 11- 44 55 1470 3.0 659 191 38 1/2 M10QE8SC070F41S08 14- 56 70 1160 3.0 557 109 38 1/2 M10QE8SC070F61S08 14- 56 70 1160 3.0 608 140 38 1/2 M10QE8SC070F81S08 14- 56 70 1160 3.0 659 191 38 1/2 M10QE8SC090F41S08 18- 72 90 900 3.0 557 109 38 1/2 M10QE8SC090F61S08 18- 72 90 900 3.0 608 140 38 1/2 M10QE8SC090F81S08 18- 72 90 900 3.0 659 191 38 1/2 M10QE8SC150F41S08 30- 120 150 500 3.4 572 109 38 1/2 M12-M14QE8SC150F61S08 30- 120 150 500 3.4 623 140 38 1/2 M12-M14QE8SC150F81S08 30- 120 150 500 3.4 674 191 38 1/2 M12-M14QE8SC230F62S12 (2) 45- 185 230 340 5.5 710 140 50 3/4 M16QE8SC230F82S12 (2) 45- 185 230 340 5.5 761 191 50 3/4 M16QE8SC230F02S12 (2) 45- 185 230 340 5.5 812 241 50 3/4 M16QE8SC230F22S12 (2) 45- 185 230 340 5.5 853 291 50 3/4 M16(1) Also available w<strong>it</strong>h 1/2" square drive (QE6...........S08).(2) Also available w<strong>it</strong>h 1" square drive (QE8...........S16).(1) Egalement disponible avec carré entraîneur 1/2" (QE6...........S08).(2) Egalement disponible avec carré entraîneur 1" (QE8...........S16).(1) Auch erhältlich m<strong>it</strong> 1/2"-Vierkant (QE6...........S08).(2) Auch erhältlich m<strong>it</strong> 1"-Vierkant (QE8...........S16).(1) También disponible con cuadrillo de 1/2" (QE6...........S08).(2) También disponible con cuadrillo de 1" (QE8...........S16).(1) Disponibile anche con attacco quadro da 1/2" (QE6........... S08).(2) Disponibile anche con attacco quadro da 1" (QE8........... S16).QE6 : 54.7 mmQE8 : 60.5 mm72

Electric Fixtured WrenchesBroches de Vissage ElectriquesElektrische EinbauschrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche per Installazioni FisseQE6 & QE8Electric fixtured offset wrenchesBroches de vissage électriques à tête déportéeElektrische Einbauspindeln m<strong>it</strong> versetztem AbtriebLlaves eléctricas no portátiles con eje descentradoAvv<strong>it</strong>atori elettrici per intallazione fisse con offsetQE6ZC020P52S06Ref.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm inQE6 SERIES — SÉRIE QE6 — BAUREIHE QE6 — SERIE QE6QE6ZC020P42S06 4- 16 20 1840 2.5 664 130 51 3/8 M6 -M8QE6ZC020P52S06 4- 16 20 1840 2.5 647 130 51 3/8 M6 -M8QE6ZC028P52S06 5- 20 28 1360 2.5 647 130 51 3/8 M8QE6ZC033P52S06 7- 26 33 1130 2.5 647 130 51 3/8 M8QE6ZC050P52S06 10- 40 50 760 2.5 647 130 51 3/8 M10QE8 SERIES — SÉRIE QE8 — BAUREIHE QE8 — SERIE QE8QE8ZC055F52S06 (1) 11- 44 55 1470 3.0 723 130 51 3/8 M10QE8ZC070F62S08 (1) 14- 56 70 1160 3.0 786 194 51 1/2 M10QE8ZC070F82S08 (1) 14- 56 70 1160 3.0 837 245 51 1/2 M10QE8ZC070F02S08 (1) 14- 56 70 1160 3.0 888 295 51 1/2 M10QE8ZC070F22S08 (1) 14- 56 70 1160 3.0 939 346 51 1/2 M10QE8ZC090F62S08 (1) 18- 72 90 900 4.0 786 194 51 1/2 M10QE8ZC090F82S08 (1) 18- 72 90 900 4.0 837 245 51 1/2 M10QE8ZC090F02S08 (1) 18- 72 90 900 4.0 888 295 51 1/2 M10QE8ZC090F22S08 (1) 18- 72 90 900 4.0 939 346 51 1/2 M10QE8ZC150F62S08 (1) 30- 120 150 500 4.0 786 194 51 1/2 M12-M14QE8ZC150F82S08 (1) 30- 120 150 500 4.0 837 245 51 1/2 M12-M14QE8ZC150F02S08 (1) 30- 120 150 500 4.0 888 295 51 1/2 M12-M14QE8ZC150F22S08 (1) 30- 120 150 500 4.0 939 346 51 1/2 M12-M14V(1) Also available w<strong>it</strong>h 3/4" square drive (QE8...........S12).(2) Also available w<strong>it</strong>h 1" square drive (QE8...........S16).(1) Egalement disponible avec carré entraîneur 3/4" (QE8...........S12).(2) Egalement disponible avec carré entraîneur 1" (QE8...........S16).(1) Auch erhältlich m<strong>it</strong> 3/4"-Vierkant (QE8...........S12).(2) Auch erhältlich m<strong>it</strong> 1"-Vierkant (QE8...........S16).(1) También disponible con cuadrilla de 3/4" (QE8...........S12).(2) También disponible con cuadrilla de 1" (QE8...........S16).(1) Disponibile anche con attacco quadro da 3/4" (QE8...........S12).(2) Disponibile anche con attacco quadro da 1" (QE8...........S16).QE6 : 35.0 mmQE8 : 44.7 mmSee accessories pages 78.Accessoires présentés page 78.Zubehör finden Sie auf der Se<strong>it</strong>e 78.Ver la página 78 para los accesorios.Vedere accessori a pagina 78.73

Electric Fixtured WrenchesBroches de Vissage ElectriquesElektrische EinbauschrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche per Installazioni FisseQE4, QE6 & QE8Electric Fixtured Angle WrenchesBroches de Vissage d'Angle ElectriquesGleichstrombetriebene Einbau-WinkelschrauberLlaves Angulares Fijas EléctricasChiavi Elettriche ad Angolo per Installazioni FisseQE6AC040FA4S06Ref.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm inQE4 SERIES — SÉRIE QE4 — BAUREIHE QE4 — SERIE QE4QE4AC013BA2H04 3 - 10 13 1200 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M5 - M6QE4AC013BA2Q04 3 - 10 13 1200 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M5 - M6QE4AC013BA2S04 3 - 10 13 1200 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M5 - M6QE4AC013BA2S06 3 - 10 13 1200 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 3/8 M5 - M6QE4AC020BA2H04 4 - 16 20 820 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M6 - M8QE4AC020BA2Q04 4 - 16 20 820 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M6 - M8QE4AC020BA2S04 4 - 16 20 820 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 1/4 M6 - M8QE4AC020BA2S06 4 - 16 20 820 1.3 383 12.9 31.5 3/8 M6 - M8QE4AC027BA4S06 5 - 22 27 600 1.3 387 17.0 42.0 3/8 M8QE4AC027BA4S08 5 - 22 27 600 1.3 387 17.0 42.0 1/2 M8QE4AC034BA4S06 7 - 27 34 470 1.3 387 17.0 42.0 3/8 M8QE4AC034BA4S08 7 - 27 34 470 1.3 387 17.0 42.0 1/2 M8QE6 SERIES — SÉRIE QE6 — BAUREIHE QE6 — SERIE QE6QE6AC030FA2S06 6 - 24 30 1230 1.9 442 12.9 31.5 3/8 M8QE6AC030FA4S08 6 - 24 30 1230 1.9 447 17.0 42.0 1/2 M8QE6AC040FA4S06 8 - 32 40 910 1.9 447 17.0 42.0 3/8 M8QE6AC040FA4S08 8 - 32 40 910 1.9 447 17.0 42.0 1/2 M8QE6AC055FA5S08 11 - 44 55 650 1.9 453 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE6AC080FA5S08 16 - 64 80 440 1.9 453 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE8 SERIES — SÉRIE QE8 — BAUREIHE QE8 — SERIE QE8QE8AC065FA5S08 13 - 52 65 1200 2.9 516 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE8AC070FA5S08 14 - 56 70 1100 2.9 516 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE8AC090FA5S08 18 - 72 90 850 2.9 516 21.5 44.7 1/2 M10QE8AC115FA6S08 23 - 92 115 660 2.9 520 24.3 50.0 1/2 M12QE8AC150FA6S08 30 - 120 150 510 2.9 520 24.3 50.0 1/2 M12-M14QE8AC225FA7S12 45- 180 225 310 4.1 575 27.5 55.2 3/4 M16QE8AC400FA8S12 80 - 320 400 170 6.0 635 33.3 68.5 3/4 M18QE4 : 48.5 Qmm — QE6 : 54.7 mmQE8 QE8 :: 60.5 mm74

Electric Fixtured WrenchesBroches de Vissage ElectriquesElektrische EinbauschrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche per Installazioni FisseQM SeriesStandard equipment, applicable for allQM FIXTURED tools.Equipements standard pour toutes lesBROCHES DE VISSAGE QM.Standardausrüstung bei allenQM-Einbauwerkzeugen.Equipo estándar para aplicar a todaslas herramientas QM no portátiles.Equipaggiamento standard adatto pertutti i modelli installazione fissa serie QM.High duty cyclepowerheadapplicationExternalelectronics podfor a simplerintegration anda betterreliabil<strong>it</strong>yHighlyconfigurableplatformPour applicationsmulti-broches enusage intensifCarteélectroniqueséparée pourintégration facileet fiableConstructionmodulaire pourintégrationsmultiplesFürMerhfachspindlerm<strong>it</strong> höchstenAnforderungenExterne Elektronikfür einfacheIntegration undhohe Sicherhe<strong>it</strong>ModularerAufbau fürvielfacheIntegrationPara aplicacionesde multiples enuso intensivoCarta electronicaseparada paraintegracion facily fiableConstrucionesmodulable paraintegracionesmultiplesApplicazionemultipli ad altacapac<strong>it</strong>àConnettoreelettronicoesterno per unapiù sempliceintegrazione euna maggioreaffidabil<strong>it</strong>àProgrammazionead alto livello diconfigurazioneQM3Electric SpindlesBroches de Vissage Electriques Dro<strong>it</strong>esGleichstrombetriebene gerade Einbau-SchrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche Dir<strong>it</strong>te per Installazioni FisseQM3SS008HRef.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm inQM3 SERIES — SÉRIE QM3 — BAUREIHE QM3 — SERIE QM3QM3SS008H62S06 2 - 6 8 1382 2.4 449 150 50 3/8 M4 - M5QM3SS008H62S08 2 - 6 8 1382 2.4 449 150 50 1/2 M4 - M5QM3SS008H92S06 2 - 6 8 1382 2.4 524 225 50 3/8 M4 - M5QM3SS008H92S08 2 - 6 8 1382 2.5 524 225 50 1/2 M4 - M5QM3SS008H22S06 2 - 6 8 1382 2.7 599 300 50 3/8 M4 - M5QM3SS008H22S08 2 - 6 8 1382 2.7 599 300 50 1/2 M4 - M5QM3SS012H62S06 3 - 10 12 927 2.4 449 150 50 3/8 M4 - M6QM3SS012H62S08 3 - 10 12 927 2.4 449 150 50 1/2 M4 - M6QM3SS012H92S06 3 - 10 12 927 2.5 524 225 50 3/8 M4 - M6QM3SS012H92S08 3 - 10 12 927 2.5 524 225 50 1/2 M4 - M6QM3SS012H22S06 3 - 10 12 927 2.7 599 300 50 3/8 M4 - M6QM3SS012H22S08 3 - 10 12 927 2.7 599 300 50 1/2 M4 - M6QM3SS016H62S06 4 - 13 16 686 2.4 449 150 50 3/8 M4 - M6QM3SS016H62S08 4 - 13 16 686 2.4 449 150 50 1/2 M4 - M6QM3SS016H92S06 4 - 13 16 686 2.5 524 225 50 3/8 M4 - M6QM3SS016H92S08 4 - 13 16 686 2.5 524 225 50 1/2 M4 - M6QM3SS016H22S06 4 - 13 16 686 2.7 599 300 50 3/8 M4 - M6QM3SS016H22S08 4 - 13 16 686 2.7 599 300 50 1/2 M4 - M6QM3SS020H62S06 5 - 16 20 545 2.4 449 150 50 3/8 M5 - M6QM3SS020H62S08 5 - 16 20 545 2.4 449 150 50 1/2 M5 - M6QM3SS020H92S06 5 - 16 20 545 2.5 524 225 50 3/8 M5 - M6QM3SS020H92S08 5 - 16 20 545 2.4 524 225 50 1/2 M5 - M6QM3SS020H22S06 5 - 16 20 545 2.7 599 300 50 3/8 M5 - M6QM3SS020H22S08 5 - 16 20 545 2.7 599 300 50 1/2 M5 - M6V34 mm75

Electric Fixtured WrenchesBroches de Vissage ElectriquesElektrische EinbauschrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche per Installazioni FisseQM5 & QM7Electric SpindlesBroches de Vissage Electriques Dro<strong>it</strong>esGleichstrombetriebene gerade Einbau-SchrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche Dir<strong>it</strong>te per Installazioni FisseQM7SS220HQM7SS190HRef.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm inQM5 SERIES — SÉRIE QM5 — BAUREIHE QM5 — SERIE QM5QM5SS035H62S06 9 - 28 35 590 3.9 523 150 50 3/8 M6 - M8QM5SS035H62S08 9 - 28 35 590 3.9 523 150 50 1/2 M6 - M8QM5SS035H92S06 9 - 28 35 590 4.0 598 225 50 3/8 M6 - M8QM5SS035H92S08 9 - 28 35 590 4.0 598 225 50 1/2 M6 - M8QM5SS035H22S06 9 - 28 35 590 4.2 673 300 50 3/8 M6 - M8QM5SS035H22S08 9 - 28 35 590 4.2 673 300 50 1/2 M6 - M8QM5SS055H62S06 14 - 44 55 507 3.9 523 150 50 3/8 M6 - M8QM5SS055H62S08 14 - 44 55 507 3.9 523 150 50 1/2 M6 - M8QM5SS055H92S06 14 - 44 55 507 4.0 598 225 50 3/8 M6 - M8QM5SS055H92S08 14 - 44 55 507 4.0 598 225 50 1/2 M6 - M8QM5SS055H22S06 14 - 44 55 507 4.2 673 300 50 3/8 M6 - M8QM5SS055H22S08 14 - 44 55 507 4.2 673 300 50 1/2 M6 - M8QM5SS090H62S08 23 - 72 90 280 3.9 523 150 50 1/2 M8 - M10QM5SS090H92S08 23 - 72 90 280 4.0 598 225 50 1/2 M8 - M10QM5SS090H22S08 23 - 72 90 280 4.2 673 300 50 1/2 M8 - M10QM7 SERIES — SÉRIE QM7 — BAUREIHE QM7 — SERIE QM7QM7SS190H62S08 48 - 152 190 273 8.4 645 150 50 1/2 M10 - M12QM7SS190H62S12 48 - 152 190 273 8.4 645 150 50 3/4 M10 - M12QM7SS190H92S08 48 - 152 190 273 8.6 720 225 50 1/2 M10 - M12QM7SS190H92S12 48 - 152 190 273 8.6 720 225 50 3/4 M10 - M12QM7SS190H22S08 48 - 152 190 273 8.9 794 300 50 1/2 M10 - M12QM7SS190H22S12 48 - 152 190 273 8.9 794 300 50 3/4 M10 - M12QM7SS220H62S12 55 - 176 220 233 8.4 645 150 50 3/4 M10 - M14QM7SS220H92S12 55 - 176 220 233 8.6 720 225 50 3/4 M10 - M14QM7SS220H22S12 55 - 176 220 233 8.9 794 300 50 3/4 M10 - M14QM5 : 44 mmQM7 : 70 mm76

Electric Fixtured WrenchesBroches de Vissage ElectriquesElektrische EinbauschrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche per Installazioni FisseQM9Electric SpindlesBroches de Vissage Electriques Dro<strong>it</strong>esGleichstrombetriebene gerade Einbau-SchrauberHusillos de Atornillado EléctricosChiavi Elettriche Dir<strong>it</strong>te per Installazioni FisseQM9SS520HRef.Max.Nm Nm rpm kg mm mm mm inQM9 SERIES — SÉRIE QM9 — BAUREIHE QM9 — SERIE QM9QM9SS315H62S12 79 - 250 315 278 18.6 711 150 50 3/4 M10 - M16QM9SS315H62S16 79 - 250 315 278 18.7 711 150 50 1 M10 - M16QM9SS315H92S12 79 - 250 315 278 19.1 786 225 50 3/4 M10 - M16QM9SS315H92S16 79 - 250 315 278 19.2 786 225 50 1 M10 - M16QM9SS315H22S12 79 - 250 315 278 19.5 860 300 50 3/4 M10 - M16QM9SS315H22S16 79 - 250 315 278 19.6 860 300 50 1 M10 - M16QM9SS435H62S12 109 - 346 435 203 18.6 711 150 50 3/4 M12 - M18QM9SS435H62S16 109 - 346 435 203 18.7 711 150 50 1 M12 - M18QM9SS435H92S12 109 - 346 435 203 19.1 786 225 50 3/4 M12 - M18QM9SS435H92S16 109 - 346 435 203 19.2 786 225 50 1 M12 - M18QM9SS435H22S12 109 - 346 435 203 19.5 860 300 50 3/4 M12 - M18QM9SS435H22S16 109 - 346 435 203 19.6 860 300 50 1 M12 - M18QM9SS520H62S12 130 - 410 520 170 18.6 711 150 50 3/4 M12 - M20QM9SS520H62S16 130 - 410 520 170 18.7 711 150 50 1 M12 - M20QM9SS520H92S12 130 - 410 520 170 19.1 786 225 50 3/4 M12 - M20QM9SS520H92S16 130 - 410 520 170 19.2 786 225 50 1 M12 - M20QM9SS520H22S12 130 - 410 520 170 19.5 860 300 50 3/4 M12 - M20QM9SS520H22S16 130 - 410 520 170 19.6 860 300 50 1 M12 - M20QM9SS650H62S16 163 - 516 650 136 18.7 711 150 50 1 M14 - M22QM9SS650H92S16 163 - 516 650 136 19.6 786 225 50 1 M14 - M22QM9SS01KH62S16 250 - 800 1000 51 24.5 857 150 50 1 M16 +VQM9 : 89 mm(QM9SS01KH62S16 : 130 mm)Fastening Control System for QM Series Electric Tools, pages 79 to 85.Système d'Asservissement pour les Séries Electriques QM, pages 79 à 85.Drehmomentsteuerungssysteme für QM-Schrauber, S. 79 - 85.Systema de Gestión de Par para Llaves Eléctricas QM, pág. 79 a 85.Sistemi di Gestione della Coppia per Chiavi Elettriche QM, pag. 79 a 85.77

Accessories for QE and QM Electric ScrewdriversAccessoires pour Visseuses Electriques QE et QMZubehör für QE/QM SchrauberAcccesorios para Atornilladores Eléctricos QE y QMAccessori per Cacciav<strong>it</strong>i Elettrici QE e QMQEAccessories for QE ScrewdriversAccessoires pour Visseuses QEZubehör für QE-SchrauberAcccesorios para Atornilladores QEAccessori per Cacciav<strong>it</strong>i QEQE & QMAccessories for QE and QM ScrewdriversAccessoires pour Visseuses QE et QMZubehör für QE/QM-SchrauberAcccesorios para Atornilladores QE y QMAccessori per Cacciav<strong>it</strong>i QE e QMGEA15-K48137 mm (QE4)274 mm(QE6 & QE8)GEA40-CORD-3M-90GEA40-CORD-3M7L-365GEA40-K98ELGEM120-K48GEA40-K364GEA4-K48Short lever k<strong>it</strong>Levier de cde. courtKurzer StarthebelK<strong>it</strong> de palanca cortaK<strong>it</strong> leva corta06 mmGEA40-M98SLStandard tool cableCâble d'alimentation standardL= 3 m: GEA40-CORD-3MStandard-Werkzeugkabel L = 6 m : GEA40-CORD-6MCable de herramienta estándarCavo di alimentazione standardL=10 m: GEA40-CORD-10MExtended lever k<strong>it</strong>Levier de cde. longVerlängerungshebelPalanca prolongadaLeva prolungata191 mmGEA40-K98EL90° tool cableCâble d'alimentation 90°L= 3 m: GEA40-CORD-3M-9090°-Werkzeugkabel L = 6 m : GEA40-CORD-6M-90Cable de herramienta de 90ºCavo alimentazione 90°L=10 m: GEA40-CORD-10M-90Reaction bar k<strong>it</strong>*Barre anti-réaction*Reaktionsstab*K<strong>it</strong> de barra de reacción*K<strong>it</strong> barra di reazione*QE4 Series : GEA15-K48QE4TS Series : GEPTS15-K48QE6 & QE8 : DEA120-K48Tool extension cablesRallonges de câble d'alim.WerkzeugkabelVerlängerungCables de prolongaciónProlunghe cavo di alimentazioneL= 10 m: GEA40-EXT-10ML = 20 m : GEA40-EXT-20ML=40 m: GEA40-EXT-40MSwivel hangerAnse de suspension rotative QE4 Series : 129851Drehbare AufhängevorrichtungSoporte de suspensión giratorio QE6 & QE8 : GEA40-K364Anello di sospensione girevoleSuspension bailAnneau de suspensionAufhänger 7L-365Gancho de suspensiónDispos<strong>it</strong>ivo di sospensioneSquare mounting plate*Plaque de montage cannelée* QE4 Series : GEA4-K48Geriffelte Montageplatte*Soporte de montaje estriada* QE6 & QE8 : DAM120-K48Piastra di montaggio scanalata*Flanged mounting plate*Bride de montage cannelée* QE4 Series : 15EA-K48Flanschbefestigung*Brida de soporte estriada* QE6 & QE8 : GEM120-K48Flangia di montaggio scanalata** Require short coupling nut, ref. DAA4-27* Necess<strong>it</strong>e l'ajout d'un écrou court, réf. DAA4-27* Erfordert kurze Überwurfmutter DAA4-27* Necess<strong>it</strong>a tuerca de conexion corta DAA4-27* Richiede dado corto DAA4-2778

Fastening Control System for QE & QM Series Electric ToolsSystème d'Asservissement pour les Séries Electriques QE et QMSchraubersteuerungen für Schrauber der QE/QM- SerieSystema de Gestión de Par para Llaves Eléctricas QE y QMSistemi di Gestione della Coppia per Chiavi Elettriche QE e QMInsight IC1GraphicsModel identification codesCodification des référencesModellnummern-CodeCódigos de identificaciónCodici identificazione modelloExample:Exemple:Beispiel:Ejemplo:Esempio:IC1G3A1ANInsight IC1GInsight Product Defin<strong>it</strong>ion Configuration Insight Optionen für Insight Configuración Insight Configurazione InsightModelIC = INSIGHT ControllerNumber of Tools orSpindles1 = One tool/spindle2 = Two tools/spindlesUser InterfaceG = Graphics lightpackagePower Supply1 = US plug2 = US cable pigtail3 = Cable pigtail,european standardModèleIC = INSIGHT ControllerNombre d'outils ou debroches1 = Un outil/broche2 = Deux outils/brochesInterface utilisateurG = Ecran graphiqueAlimentation électrique1 = Prise USA2 = Câble nuUSA3 = Câble nu, normeeuropéenneModellIC = INSIGHT ControllerAnzahl der Werkzeugeoder Spindeln1 = 1 Werkzeug/1 Spindel2 = 2 Werkzeuge/2 SpindelnAnzeigesystemG = GraphischesLeuchtensystemNetzteil1 = US-Stecker2 = USA (ohne Stecker)3 = 230 V Kabel ohneStecker(Europastandard)ModeloIC = INSIGHT ControllerNúmero de herramientaso husillos1 = 1 herramienta /husillo2 = 2 herramientas/husillosPaquete de lucesG = Luces gráficasAlimentación eléctrica1 = USA2 = USA cable solo3 = 230 V - cable solo -estándar europeoModelloIC = INSIGHT ControllerNumero di utensili e/omandrini1 = Un utensile /mandrino2 = Due utensili /mandriniIndicatori luminosiG = Display graficoAlimentazione elettrica1 = USA2 = USA cavo b.t.3 = 230VCA Cavo a treccianorme EuropeeOptional equipment Equipements en option Zonderzubehör Equipo opcional Equipaggiamento a richiestaI/O (input & outputoptions)A = Standard I/Ointerface boardB = One add<strong>it</strong>ional I/Oboard for singlespindleC = Two add<strong>it</strong>ional I/Oboards for dualspindleCommunication Package1 = Standard (serial,parallel, Ethernet)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = Add<strong>it</strong>ional futurecardsExternal CommunicationsA = EmptyC = FlashE = Extended functional<strong>it</strong>yDisc DrivesF = Floppy disc driveN = No floppy disk driveI/O (options d'entrée etde sortie)A = interface standardB = Une carteadd<strong>it</strong>ionnelle poursystème multifonctionsà une brocheC = Deux cartesadd<strong>it</strong>ionnelles poursystème multifonctionsà deux brochesK<strong>it</strong> de <strong>com</strong>munication1 = Standard (série,parallèle, Ethernet)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = Futures cartesadd<strong>it</strong>ionnellesCommunication extérieureA = SansC = FlashE = Fonctions étenduesDisque de donnéesF = Lecteur de disquettesN = SansE/A-OptionenA = Standard-Eingänge/AusgängeB = Eine zusätzlicheLe<strong>it</strong>erplatte(Mindestanforderungfür 2-Spindel-Regler)C = Zwei zusätzlicheLe<strong>it</strong>erplattenKommunikationssystem1 = Standardschn<strong>it</strong>tstellen(seriell, parallel,Ethernet)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = Zusätzliche künftigeKartenExterne KommunikationA = OhneC = SpeicherkarteE = Erwe<strong>it</strong>erte FunktionenLaufwerkeF = DiskettenlaufwerkN = kein zusätzlichesLaufwerkI/O (opciones de entraday salida)A = Interface estándarpara unidad básicaB = Una tarjeta adicionalpara sistema multifuncióna un husilloC = Dos tarjetasadicionales parasistema multifuncióna dos husillosPaquete de <strong>com</strong>unicación1 = Comunicaciónestándar (Ethernet,paralelo, serie)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = Para tarjetas adiconalesposterioresComunicaciones externasA = VacíoC = FlashE = FuncionalidadextendidaLector de discosF = Lector floppy discN = Sin lectorI/O (input & output opzioni)A = Interfaccia standardB = Una schedaaddizionale persistema multifunzionea un mandrinoC = Due schede addizionaliper sistemamultifunzionale a duemandriniK<strong>it</strong> di <strong>com</strong>unicazione1 = Comunicazionestandard (seriale,parallela, Ethernet)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = Predisposizione perulteriore schedaComunicazioni esterneA = VuotoC = Scheda memoriaE = Schede aggiuntiveDisc DriveF = Lettore floppy discN = SenzaV79

GHI JKL MNOPRS TUV WXYFastening Control System for QE & QM Series Electric ToolsSystème d'Asservissement pour les Séries Electriques QE et QMSchraubersteuerungen für Schrauber der QE/QM- SerieSystema de Gestión de Par para Llaves Eléctricas QE y QMSistemi di Gestione della Coppia per Chiavi Elettriche QE e QM475 mm440 mm120FieldBus portParallel portSerial port12RJ 45 Ethernet285 mm32534465 mmINSIGHT-IC365Outputs5768InputsInsight IC1GraphicsMeasurement Torque : ±0.2% of torque full scaleaccuracyAngle : ±1 degreeMeasurement Torque : ±0.05% of torque full scaleresolution Angle : ±0,1 degreeCalibration Values read from tool memoryAutomatic dig<strong>it</strong>al correction.Frequency respon- Selectable 75 Hz, 150 Hz, 350 Hz,se (torque filter) 500 Hz, 750 HzKeypadMembrane keypad containing six hotkeys, six function keys, numericalkeypad and directional keypadDisplay264 mm, 256 colour, 640 x 480 pixels,50° viewing angleParameter sets 32 per spindleNumber of cyclesstored in memory5,000 per spindleStatistics datamemory100,000 per spindleCommunications 4 Serial RS-232, Ethernet, Parallelprinter, optional Profibus and DevicenetControl inputs Standard: Free Speed, Soft Start,Forward, Reverse, Tool Disable, ToolEnable, Configuration 1, Configuration 2Optional: Configuration 3-8, GangReset, Configuration Reset, SafetyLatch, Lim<strong>it</strong> Sw<strong>it</strong>ch In, Lim<strong>it</strong> Sw<strong>it</strong>ch Out,Bypass SpindleControl outputs Accept, Reject, Reject Buzzer, Gang(assignable) Complete, Cycle Complete, HighTorque,High Angle, Low Torque, Low Angle, InCycle, Statistics Alarm, Spindle inBypass, Paint Marker, PowerheadAccept, Powerhead Reject, PowerheadCycle Complete, Powerhead In Cycle,Powerhead Paint MarkerIndicators High-intens<strong>it</strong>y LED indicators for TorqueHigh, Torque Low, Angle High, AngleLow and OK. Incandescent lamps forSpindle Power and Statistics AlarmOptional devices PCMCIA Flash Card, Floppy Drive,Devicenet Card, Profibus Card,Add<strong>it</strong>ional I/O card(s)Input voltage Single Phase 115 Volts, 50/60 HzSingle Phase 230 Volts, 50/60 HzPower requirement Insight IC1, 115V : 16 Amp.Insight IC2, 115V : 20 Amp.Insight IC1, 230V : 8 Amp.Insight IC2, 230V : 13 Amp.Ambient operating 0-50° C, 20/90% non-condensingcond<strong>it</strong>ions humid<strong>it</strong>yEnclosure NEMA-12 type - IP54System weight IC1G model = 27kgIC2G model = 32 kgABC DEF7 8 94 5 61 2 3406 mmInsight IC( )G( )A Base SystemSpindle 1 Spindle 2InputsBlock # Pin # Block # Pin #Configuration 1 2 I-1 4 I-1Configuration 2 2 I-2 4 I-2Spindle #n disable 2 I-3 4 I-3Spindle #n enable 2 I-4 4 I-4Free Speed 2 I-5 4 I-5Soft Start 2 I-6 4 I-6Forward 2 I-7 4 I-7Reverse 2 I-8 4 I-8I/O PinoutConnections91011 12Below are the pinout connections for the Insight IC1G( )A andIC2G( )A w<strong>it</strong>h standard I/O.Insight IC1G( )B & IC2G( )CSpindle 1 Spindle 2InputsBlock # Pin # Block # Pin #Configuration 1 2 I-1 4 I-1Configuration 2 2 I-2 4 I-2Configuration 3 2 I-3 4 I-3Configuration 4 2 I-4 4 I-4Configuration 5 2 I-5 4 I-5Configuration 6 2 I-6 4 I-6Configuration 7 2 I-7 4 I-7Configuration 8 2 I-8 4 I-8Spindle Enable 6 I-1 10 I-1Spindle Disable 6 I-2 10 I-2Gang Reset 6 I-3 10 I-3Config Reset 6 I-4 10 I-4Safety Latch 6 I-5 10 I-5Lim<strong>it</strong> Sw<strong>it</strong>ch In 6 I-6 10 I-6Lim<strong>it</strong> Sw<strong>it</strong>ch Out 6 I-7 10 I-7Bypass Spindle 6 I-8 10 I-8Free Speed 8 I-1 12 I-1Soft Start 8 I-2 12 I-2Forward 8 I-3 12 I-3Reverse 8 I-4 12 I-4Reset Outputs 8 I-5 12 I-5Not Available 8 I-6 12 I-6Not Available 8 I-7 12 I-7Not Available 8 I-8 12 I-8Insight IC( )G( )A Base SystemSpindle 1 Spindle 2OuputsBlock # Pin # Block # Pin #Accept 1 O-1 3 O-1Reject 1 O-2 3 O-2Cycle Complete 1 O-3 3 O-3High Torque 1 O-4 3 O-4Low Torque 1 O-5 3 O-5High Angle 1 O-6 3 O-6Low Angle 1 O-7 3 O-7Programmable 1 O-8 3 O-8Below are the pinout connections for an Insight IC1G( )B 2G( )Bexpanded system w<strong>it</strong>h one optional I/O board per spindle.Insight IC2G( )CSpindle 1 Spindle 2OuputsBlock # Pin # Block # Pin #Accept 1 O-1 3 O-1Reject Buzzer 1 O-2 3 O-2High Torque 1 O-3 3 O-3High Angle 1 O-4 3 O-4Low Torque 1 O-5 3 O-5Low Angle 1 O-6 3 O-6Gang Complete 1 O-7 3 O-7Cycle Complete 1 O-8 3 O-8Reject 5 O-1 9 O-1Stats Alarm 5 O-2 9 O-2Programmable 5 O-3 9 O-3Programmable 5 O-4 9 O-4Programmable 5 O-5 9 O-5Programmable 5 O-6 9 O-6Programmable 5 O-7 9 O-7Programmable 5 O-8 9 O-8Programmable 7 O-1 11 O-1Programmable 7 O-2 11 O-2Programmable 7 O-3 11 O-3Programmable 7 O-4 11 O-4Programmable 7 O-5 11 O-5Programmable 7 O-6 11 O-6Programmable 7 O-7 11 O-7Programmable 7 O-8 11 O-880

Fastening Control System for QE & QM Series Electric ToolsSystème d'Asservissement pour les Séries Electriques QE et QMSchraubersteuerungen für Schrauber der QE/QM- SerieSystema de Gestión de Par para Llaves Eléctricas QE y QMSistemi di Gestione della Coppia per Chiavi Elettriche QE e QMInsight IC1Display & IC1ModuleModel identification codesCodification des référencesModellnummern-CodeCódigos de identificaciónCodici identificazione modelloExample:Exemple:Beispiel:Ejemplo:Esempio:IC1D1A1AWSInsightDisplayIC1DInsightModuleIC1MInsight Product Defin<strong>it</strong>ion Configuration Insight Optionen für Insight Configuración Insight Configurazioni InsightModelIC = INSIGHT ControllerNumber of Tools orSpindles1 = one tool/spindleUser interfaceD = DISPLAY, w<strong>it</strong>h userinterfaceM= MODULE, w<strong>it</strong>houtuser interfacePower Supply1 = US plug2 = US cable pigtail3 = Cable pigtail,european standardModellIC = INSIGHT ControllerAnzahl der Werkzeugeoder Spindeln1 = 1 Werkzeug/1 SpindelAnzeigesystemD = DISPLAY, m<strong>it</strong>Anwender Schn<strong>it</strong>tstelleM= MODULE, ohneAnwender Schn<strong>it</strong>tstelleNetzteil1 = US-Stecker2 = USA (ohne Stecker)3 = 230 V Kabel ohneStecker (Europastandard)ModeloIC = INSIGHT ControllerNúmero de herramientaso husillos1 = 1 herramienta /husilloPaquete de lucesD = DISPLAY, con interfazutilizadorM= MODULE, sin interfazutilizadorAlimentación eléctrica1 = USA2 = USA cable solo3 = 230 V - cable solo -estándar europeoModelloIC = INSIGHT ControllerNumero di utensili e/omandrini1 = un utensile/mandrinoIndicatori luminosiD = DISPLAY, coninterfaccia utilizzatoreM= MODULE, senzainterfaccia utilizzatoreAlimentazione elettrica1 = USA2 = USA cavo b.t.3 = 230 VCA a normeeuropeeOptional equipment Equipements en option Zonderzubehör Equipo opcional Equipaggiamento a richiestaI/O (input & outputoptions)A = Standard I/Ointerface boardB = One add<strong>it</strong>ional I/Oboard for singlespindleCommunication Package1 = Standard (serial andEthernet)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = Add<strong>it</strong>ional futurecardsParameter Transfer KeyA = Standard (no key)B = Parameter transferkey includedMounting StyleW = Standard wall mountC = Cabinet mountSoftware PackageS = StandardXX = CustomerisedsoftwareModèleIC = INSIGHT ControllerNombre d'outils ou debroches1 = Un outil/brocheInterface utilisateurD = DISPLAY, avecinterface utilisateurM= MODULE, sansinterface utilisateurAlimentation électrique1 = Prise USA2 = Câble nu USA3 = Câble nu, normeeuropéenneI/O (options d'entrée etde sortie)A = Interface standardB = Une carteadd<strong>it</strong>ionnelle poursystème multifonctionsà une brocheK<strong>it</strong> de <strong>com</strong>munication1 = Standard (série etEthernet)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = Futures cartesadd<strong>it</strong>ionnellesClé de transfert desparamètresA = Standard (sans clé)B = Clé de transfertincluseType de montageW = Montage muralC = Montage en cabineXxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxS = StandardXX = ProgrammespersonnalisésE/A-OptionenA = Standard-Eingänge/AusgängeB = Eine zusätzlicheLe<strong>it</strong>erplatte(Mindestanforderungfür 2-Spindel-Regler)Kommunikationssystem1 = Standardschn<strong>it</strong>tstellen(seriell und Ethernet)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = zusätzliche künftigeKartenParameter ÜbernahmeStickA = Standard (kein Stick)B = M<strong>it</strong> ParameterÜbernahme StickMontagestilW = Standard-WandträgerC = SchrankträgerSoftwarepaketS = StandardXX = KundenspezifischeLösungI/O (opciones de entraday salida)A = Interface estándarpara unidad básicaB = Una tarjeta adicionalpara sistema multifuncióna un husilloPaquete de <strong>com</strong>unicación1 = Comunicaciónestándar (Ethernet yparalelo)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = Para tarjetas adiconalesposterioresLlave de tranferenciadepartametrosA = Standard (sin llave)B = Llave detransferencia incluidoTipo de montajeW = Montaje estándard aparedC = Montaje en piezaPaquete softwareS = EstándarXX=Programa personalisadoI/O (input & output opzioni)A = Interfaccia standardB = Una schedaaddizionale persistema multifunzionea un mandrinoK<strong>it</strong> di <strong>com</strong>unicazione1 = Comunicazionestandard (seriale eEthernet)3 = Profibus4 = Devicenet5 = Predisposizione perulteriore schedaChiave trasferimentoparametriA = Standard, senza chiaveB = Chiave inclusaTipo de montaggioW = Montaggio standarda muroC = Montaggio in armadioPacchetto sofwareS = StandardXX = PacchettopersonalizzatoV81

Fastening Control System for QE & QM Series Electric ToolsSystème d'Asservissement pour les Séries Electriques QE et QMSchraubersteuerungen für Schrauber der QE/QM- SerieSystema de Gestión de Par para Llaves Eléctricas QE y QMSistemi di Gestione della Coppia per Chiavi Elettriche QE e QM191 mm173 mm238 mm152 mm305Insight IC1Display & IC1ModuleMeasurementaccuracyMeasurementresolutionTorque transducerbridge exc<strong>it</strong>ationTorque transducer zerooffset /drift <strong>com</strong>pensationInput Signal Sens<strong>it</strong>iv<strong>it</strong>yCalibrationFrequency response(torque filter)Keypad (IC-D only)DisplayTorque : ±0.2% of torque full scale±1 count of angle (degrees)±0.025% of torque full scale±5VDC/GND±0.4% of full scale2.0 mV/VValues read from spindle memoryAutomatic dig<strong>it</strong>al correctionSelectable 75 Hz, 150 Hz, 350 Hz, 500 Hz, 750 HzMembrane keypad containing four hot keys, fourfunction keys, numerical keypad and directionalkeypadIC-D--3.5-inch diagonal, 320px by 240px, 8-b<strong>it</strong> 65Kbackl<strong>it</strong> color (QVGA) flat panel display.IC-M--5- character, 7-segment numerical LEDdisplay.Parameter sets 256Number of cycles IC-D: 1,000.stored in memory IC-M: 200.Statistics Data Memory 100,000 per spindleCommunicationsSerial RS232, Ethernet, USB, Optional Profibus orDeviceNet.8 inputs /8 outputs, w<strong>it</strong>h behavior assignable throughI/OISC software. W<strong>it</strong>h optional I/O card, an add<strong>it</strong>ional16 inputs and outputs are available.IndicatorsPower ON lampOptional devicesDeviceNet Card, Profibus Card, Add<strong>it</strong>ional I/O,Cabinet Mounting Bracket.Input voltageSingle Phase 120 Volts, 50/60 Hz, 16 AmpsSingle Phase 230 Volts, 50/60 Hz, 8 AmpsAmbient operatingcond<strong>it</strong>ions0-50° C, 20/90% non-condensing humid<strong>it</strong>yEnclosureIP-52System Weight5.6 kg (12.4 pounds)OptionalFieldbusOptionalInputs /OutputsE-stopSerial PortRotary Sw<strong>it</strong>ches(CAN2 Address)TerminationResistor Sw<strong>it</strong>chUSB PortPowerheadSynchronizationBusEthernet PortBaseInputs / Outputs24V DC82

Fastening Control System for QE & QM Series Electric ToolsSystème d'Asservissement pour les Séries Electriques QE et QMSchraubersteuerungen für Schrauber der QE/QM- SerieSystema de Gestión de Par para Llaves Eléctricas QE y QMSistemi di Gestione della Coppia per Chiavi Elettriche QE e QMInsight IC1Graphics — Insight IC1Display - Insight IC1ModuleAccessoriesAccessoiresZubehörAcccesoriosAccessoriSocket trayBoîte à douilles 4 pos<strong>it</strong>ions : IC-SOCKET-4SteckschlüsselmodulBandeja de bocas 8 pos<strong>it</strong>ions : IC-SOCKET-8Vassoio porta bussoleRemote selector sw<strong>it</strong>chSélecteur de mode à distance 4 pos<strong>it</strong>ions : IC-SELECT-4Entfernt montierter WählschalterInterruptor selector a distancia 8 pos<strong>it</strong>ions : IC-SELECT-8Interuttore di selezione remotoIC-SOCKET-4IC-SELECT-4Emergency stop buttonBouton d'arrêt d'urgenceNotausschalterPulsador de parada de emergenciaPulsante di emergenzaIC-ESTOPLCE-FBSignal tower, type LCE-FBTour de signalisation, type LCE-FBSignalturm, Typ LCE-FB"Signal tower", tipo LCE-FB"Signal tower", tipo LCE-FBLCE-FBIC-ESTOPCommunication hubs Industrial-duty 5-ports sw<strong>it</strong>ch IC-SW-5Hub réseauIndustrial-duty 16-ports sw<strong>it</strong>ch IC-SW-165Schn<strong>it</strong>tstellen- HubsHub de <strong>com</strong>unicación IP67 sealed 5-ports sw<strong>it</strong>ch IC-SWS-5Porta <strong>com</strong>unicazione hubs IP67 sealed 16-ports sw<strong>it</strong>ch IC-SWS-16Reset stationPoste de remise à zéroRückstellstationEstación de reposiciónReset di stazioneIC-PALM-RESETIC-SW-5VWall mounting bracketK<strong>it</strong> pour fixation murale du controleurWandmontagehalterung 3002007Sopporte para montaje muralStaffa montaggio a muro8015013Cabinet mounting bracketK<strong>it</strong> de fixation du controleur en armoireSchrankmontagehalterung 3002010Sopporte para montaje en armarioStaffa montaggio armadioIC-PALM-RESETParameter tranfer keyClé de transfert des paramètresParameter Übernahme Stick 8015013Llave de tranferenciade partametrosChiave trasferimento parametri83

Fastening Control System for QE & QM Series Electric ToolsSystème d'Asservissement pour les Séries Electriques QE et QMSchraubersteuerungen für Schrauber der QE/QM- SerieSystema de Gestión de Par para Llaves Eléctricas QE y QMSistemi di Gestione della Coppia per Chiavi Elettriche QE e QMInsight softwarefeature matrixInsightIC1GInsightIC2GInsightIC1MInsightIC1DVia ICSConnectVia ICSNetworkVia ICSMultiSyncVia ICSEnterpriseSoftware ProgrammingMax Number of Configs 32 32 256 256 Unlim<strong>it</strong>ed Unlim<strong>it</strong>ed Unlim<strong>it</strong>ed Unlim<strong>it</strong>edMax Number of Steps 128 Total 128 Total 32 per config. 32 per config 1 32 per config 32 per config 32 per configProg. Params. Ed<strong>it</strong>able ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Gang count ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Autoincrement ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Quick Setup ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Advanced Setup ● ● ● ● ●Config Name ● ● Display only ● ● ● ●CW/CCW Tightening ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Tubenut Operation ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Adjustable Acceleration ● ● ● ● ●Optional EOR for each Step ● ● ● ● ●Synchronizing Spindles ● ● ●Copy protection ● ● ● ●Data ArchivingNo. of stored EOR Records 5000 5000 200 1000 Unlim<strong>it</strong>ed(manual) Unlim<strong>it</strong>ed(manual) Unlim<strong>it</strong>ed(auto.) Unlim<strong>it</strong>ed(auto.)Databases data can be transferred to ODBC ODBCBackup data to server ● ●PowerheadPowerhead Operation Lim<strong>it</strong>ed ● ●Max No. of Spindles in Powerhead 2 40 40Max No. of Groups 2 8 8Fault Backout ● ● ●Fault Backout Options None, spindle, None, spindle,group, powerheadgroup, powerheadFinal Fault Backout ● ● ●Final Fault Backout Options None, spindle, None, spindle,group, powerheadgroup, powerheadSynchronization Method Via CANBUS Via CANBUSSoftware GeneralDate/Time Set ● ● ● ● ● ● ●System Name ● ● ● ● ● ●Display Software versions ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Language Selection●●● Only ICS Only ICS Only ICS Only ICSLanguage Language Language LanguageNTP Function ● ● ● ● ● ●E.O.R. Onscreen filter ● ● ● ●E.O.R. viewable onscreen ● ● Primary value only ● ● ● ● ●Load New Software via Ethernet ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Tool ProgrammingTR Adjust ● ● ● ● ● ● ●ASC Adjust ● ● ● ● ● ● ●TR and ASC Reset ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Auto Calibration Function●●X w<strong>it</strong>h ETAX w<strong>it</strong>h ETAdirect connect onllyTorque Un<strong>it</strong>s Selection ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Start Mode Selection ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Tool Operation Selection ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Special Fn Sw<strong>it</strong>ch Programming ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Configuration Mode Selection ● ● ● ● ● ● ●PM Alarms ● ● ● ● ●View Memory Chip Data ● ● ● ● ● ●PasswordsNumber of Passwords 4 4 0 1 Ulim<strong>it</strong>ed Ulim<strong>it</strong>ed Ulim<strong>it</strong>ed Ulim<strong>it</strong>edAuto Timer lockout ● ● ●Adjustable Lockout Timer ● ● ●StatisticsSample and Population Stats ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Stats Values CalculatedCp,Cpk,Mean,SD,Capabil<strong>it</strong>y, CAM,Max value, Min Value % No.Rejects, % No Pass,No.Rej Hi, No. Rej Lo,Mean Shift, Range,No.for sigmaCp,Cpk,Mean,SD,Capabil<strong>it</strong>y, CAM,Max value, MinCp,Cpk,Mean,SD, Capabil<strong>it</strong>y, CAM,value % No. Rejects, Max value, Min Value % No. Rejects, % No Pass,% No Pass,No.Rej No.Rej Hi, No. Rej Lo,Mean Shift, Range,Hi, No. Rej Lo,No.for sigma, TargetMean Shift, Range,No.for sigmaStats Alarms ● ● ● ● ●Stats Alarms Output ● ● ● ●Max Sample Stats Size 5000 5000 200 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000Powerhead Stats ● ● ●Mean Range Charts ● ● ●Histograms ● ● ●Pareto chart ● ● ●Stats E-mail alarms ● ●Stats can be calculated from user defigned data ● ● ●Tightening CurvesCurve Types Torque vs Angle, Torque vs Angle, Torque vs Angle, TorqueTorque vs Time, Torque vs Time, vs Time, Current vs Time,Current vs Time Current vs Time Current vs AngleMax No. of Curves Stored on Cont. 5 5 Last Reject Last RejectLast Cycle Last CycleDisplay Curves On Screen ● ● ● ● ●Print Tightening Curves ● ● ● ● ●Print Tightening Curve Data ● ● ● ● ●84

InsightIC1GInsightIC2GInsightIC1MInsightIC1DVia ICSConnectVia ICSNetworkVia ICSMultiSyncVia ICSEnterpriseFull View ● ● ● ● ●Zoom Function ● ● ● ● ●No. of curves that can be overlaid 5 5 1 10 10Archive curves ● ●Parameter values shown on curve ● ● ● ● ●Tightening StrategiesTorque Control ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Torque Control w<strong>it</strong>h Y. Override ● ● ● ● ●Angle Control ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Angle Control w<strong>it</strong>h Y. Override ● ● ● ● ●Yield Control ● ● ● ● ●Prevailing Torque ● ● ● ● ●Drag Torque ● ● ● ● ●Backout ● ● ● ● ●Fault Backout ● ● ● ●Final Fault Backout ● ● ● ●Retorque ● ● ● ● ●Wa<strong>it</strong> ● ● ● ● ●Jog ● ● ● ● ●Bypass ● ● ● ●CommunicationsSerial E.O.R. Data out ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Serial Custom E.O.R. Data ● ● ● ● ● ●Host Data Out ● ● ● ● ● ● ●PFCS ● ●Barcode Passive ● ● ● ● ●Barcode Active ● ● ● ● ●Barcode setup onscreen ● ● ● ● ●Field Bus setup onscreen ● ● ● ● ●Ethernet EOR Setup ● ●Ethernet EOR ● ●Ethernet Programming ● ● ● ●DiagnosticsError Codes●Text Errors ● ● ● ● ● ● ●System Test ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Store System Test Results ● ● ● ● ● ●View Input Statuses ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Set Output Statuses ● ● ● ● Only if connected 1 to 1 ●View Outputs ● ● ● ●Assignable inputs ● ● ● ●Assignable Outputs Lim<strong>it</strong>ed Lim<strong>it</strong>ed ● ● ● ●Event Log ● ● ● ● ● ●View Event Log ● ● ● ● ● ●Tool Test ● ● ● ● Only if connected 1 to 1 ●Lamp Test ● ● ● ● Only if connected 1 to 1 ●HelpHelpOn Screen Help Menu ● ● ● ● ● ●Wizard Text ● ● ●Printed ReportsNo. of Reports 7 7 0 0 5 6 9 11Report Types Cycle Log, Stats, Cycle Log, Stats, Parameter Dump, Diagnostics, Event logParameter Dump,+Tightening + Tightening, + Tight. Curve,Tightening Curve,Curve, Curve Histogram, Histogram, Pareto,Diagnostics, EventPareto, Mean/Rangelog, Auto CalMean/RangeParallel Output ● ● ● ● ● ●Export to file ● ● ● ●HardwareScreen SizeVIN, Custom25 cm (10.4 in) diag14mm (9/16 in) 9.6 cmhigh x 5 character (3.8 in) diagScreen Type VGA Color LCD VGA Color LCD Red LED 1/4 VGA Color LCD XVGA or better XVGA or better XVGA or better XVGA or betterKeypad ● ● ● ● ● ● ●Keypad Type 33 key Membrane 25 key Membrane PC Keyboard PC Keyboard PC Keyboard PC KeyboardStatus lights ● ● On ScreenPower On indication ● ● ● ●GFI ● ● ● ●Mounting Design Wall Wall Wall or Cabinet Wall or CabinetMounting plate Mounting plateField Bus X (optional) X (optional) X (optional) X (optional)No. of I/O Base 8, Max 24 Base 8, Max 24 Base 8, Max 24 Base 8, Max 24Type of I/O Opto Opto Opto OptoSerial Port X (4) X (4) X (1) X (1)EthernetMax number of Spindles●1●2●1●1 1 500 100 500Method of identifing physical locationRotary dial sw<strong>it</strong>ch Rotary dial sw<strong>it</strong>chCCT Breaker sw<strong>it</strong>ch ● ● ● ●DimensionsWidth 475mm (18.7 in) 475mm (18.7 in) 177 mm (7.0 in) 177 mm (7.0 in)Height470 mm (18.5 in) 470 mm (18.5 in) 322 mm (12.6 in) 322 mm (12.6 in)Depth 275 mm (10.8 in) 275 mm (10.8 in) 229 mm (9,0 in) 229 mm (9,0 in)Weight 27 kg (60 lb) 32 kg (70 lb) 5.6 kg (12.4 lb) 5.6 kg (12.4 lb)VGeneralApplicationsInsight IC1GInsight IC2GInsight IC1MInsight IC1DVia ICS ConnectVia ICS NetworkVia ICS MultiSyncVia ICS EnterpriseHandheld or fixtured.Handheld, fixtured or lim<strong>it</strong>ed powerhead.Handheld, fixtured or powerhead.Handheld, fixtured or powerhead.Basic programming for IC1D or IC1M. One-to-one connection only.Advanced programming of non powerhead systems.E<strong>it</strong>her one-to-one or up to 500 on a network.Advanced programming of powerhead systems of up to 40 spindles each.Advanced programming and data archiving of powerhead and non-powerhead systems on a network. Up to 500 spindles total.85

Torque& AssetManagementSystèmes de Gestion de Coupleet Gestion des ActifsMesstechnik &BestandsverwaltungssystemeSystemas de Gestion de los Paresy de las HerramientasSistema Gestione della Coppia87889092Accessory AccessoryETT calibration caseCoffret de calibration ETTETT-KalibrierkofferMaletines de calibración ETTValigetta di calibratura ETTETW high-precision wrenchesClés haute précision ETWETW-PräzisionsschraubenschlüsselLlaves de gran precisión ETWChiavi di precisione ETWTorque and angle analysis devicesAnalyseurs de couple et d'angleDrehmoment- und Winkel-AnalysegeräteAnalizadores del par y del ánguloStrumenti di analisi - coppia e angoloAsset Management SystemSystème électronique de gestion de parcmachinesBestandsverwaltungs-SystemSistema de administración de equiposSistema elettronico per la gestione delparco macchine

Calibration CaseCoffret de CalibrationKalibrierkofferMaletines de CalibraciónValigetta di CalibraturaETT SeriesETT torque analysis deviceBattery chargerJoint simulatorAllen wrench for disassembling the simulatorQuick-assembly carrier plateOperation manualCalibration certificateETT MENUSTRUCTUREETT-30SetupPower Off : ...................Turn the power offUn<strong>it</strong>s :...........................Un<strong>it</strong>s of measure of torque valueThreshold :...................Torque level at which to start measurementMinimum Torque : ........Lower Spec Lim<strong>it</strong> (use track, peak,pulse button to set)Maximum Torque : .......Upper Spec Lim<strong>it</strong> (use track, peak,pulse button to set)Click Thresh : ...............Drops by this value before taking ameasurement (Click mode)Cycle End Time :..........Time between when threshold is reached,and when measurement isconcludedFrequency Response :...Filters the torque movement by thisamount (75 Hz to 6144 Hz)Clear Readings : ..........Clears all previous readingsPrinterPrint Header :...............Print a header including Date, Timeand Torque ratingAuto Print On : ............Automatically sends Date, Time,reading and un<strong>it</strong>s to printer portOff :.............Readings are not sent to printer portOptionsTime and Date.................Sets the time and dateDate Format ....................Formats date and time (dd:mm:yy ormm:dd:yy)Software Reset Confirm ....Resets the software to original settingsPower Off Time................Time at which the un<strong>it</strong> powers downautomaticallyBacklight Time.................Time at which backlight turns off automaticallyLanguage ........................Sets the desired languageDiagnosticsS/W Release ...................Version of software loaded on un<strong>it</strong>Span................................Full scale torque valueNext Cal...........................Date of next calibration requirementTest LEDS .......................Tests the tri--color LEDsADC Values .....................Coded voltage levels pertaining to battery,transister, etc.VIRef.Min.Max.ACCURACYNm Nm FSD kg mmETT-1 0.1 1 0.5 % 2.7 213 x 238 x 70ETT-4 0.4 4 0.5 % 2.7 213 x 238 x 70ETT-12 1.2 12 0.5 % 2.7 213 x 238 x 70ETT-30 3.0 30 0.5 % 2.7 213 x 238 x 70AccessoriesAccessoiresZubehörAcccesoriosAccessoriPrinter connecting cableCâble de connexion imprimanteDrucker-AnschlusskabelCable de conexión a la impresoraCavo di collegamento stampantePC connecting cableCâble de connexion PCPC-AnschlusskabelCable de conexion al PCCavo di collegamento <strong>com</strong>puterETA2-P925ETA2-PC9987

High-Precision Wrenches for Fastening and Aud<strong>it</strong>Clés Haute Précision pour Vissage et Aud<strong>it</strong>Präzisionsschraubenschlüssel für Verschraubung und Aud<strong>it</strong>Llaves de Gran Precisión Para Atornillar y Aud<strong>it</strong>arChiave di Precisione per Serraggio di Dadi e Aud<strong>it</strong>ETW-A75ETW-A SeriesFASTENING / TORQUEAUDIT / TORQUEETW-A wrenchShock-proof transport caseTwo 3.6 V batteriesOperation and maintenance manualCalibration certificateSelection of rotating direction, clockwise or counterclockwiseDirect access to the various menus Function selectionExpert Aud<strong>it</strong> WrenchReturn to previous menuSelection of submenus(previous, next submenu)ETW-A25 ETW-A75 ETW-A180Torque Capac<strong>it</strong>y (Nm) 25 75 180Torque Range (Nm) 2.5 - 25 7.5 - 75 18 - 180Torque Accuracy % ± 0.5 FS ± 0.5 FS ± 0.5 FSTorque Overload Capac<strong>it</strong>y (Nm) 30 90 225Torque ModesNormal: Peak / TrackInstant: Dynamic Torque Aud<strong>it</strong>Ncm - Nm Ncm - Nm Ncm - NmTorque Un<strong>it</strong>s Kgcm - Kgm Kgcm - Kgm Kgcm - Kgmozin - lbin - lbft lbin - lbft lbin - lbftTightening Direction CW/CCW CW/CCW CW/CCWAud<strong>it</strong> Angle Range 1° – 20° 1° – 20° 1° – 20°Angle Resolution 1° 1° 1°Operating Temperature5° - 40° Celsius ( 42° – 104° Fahrenhe<strong>it</strong>)Temperature Stabil<strong>it</strong>y ± 0.1% per °CHumid<strong>it</strong>y5% – 75% non-condensingSealing IP 40Square drive 1/4" 3/8" 1/2"Weight1KgLength510 mmHandle Diameter38 mmSquare Drive 1/4" 3/8" 1/2"Power2 'C' Cells 1.5V alkaline manganese (3 months life approx.)2 'C' Cells 3.6V l<strong>it</strong>hium chloride (6 months life approx.)TORQUETORQUETorque Mode (normal)Upper lim<strong>it</strong> valueLower lim<strong>it</strong> valueMinimum torquedetectionthresholdA N G L ETorque Aud<strong>it</strong> Mode (instant)Harmonized torquePeak valueof the static torqueDetection angle2° - 4°A N G L ETorqueappliedDynamicmeasuredresidualtorqueAccessoriesAccessoiresZubehörAcccesoriosAccessoriPrinter connecting cableCâble de connexion imprimanteDrucker-AnschlusskabelCable de conexión a la impresoraCavo di collegamento stampantePC connecting cableCâble de connexion PCPC-AnschlusskabelCable de conexion al PCCavo di collegamento <strong>com</strong>puterETW-PRETW-PC88

High-Precision Wrenches for Fastening and Aud<strong>it</strong>Clés Haute Précision pour Vissage et Aud<strong>it</strong>Präzisionsschraubenschlüssel für Verschraubung und Aud<strong>it</strong>Llaves de Gran Precisión Para Atornillar y Aud<strong>it</strong>arChiave di Precisione per Serraggio di Dadi e Aud<strong>it</strong>ETW-E75ETW-E SeriesFASTENING / TORQUEFASTENING / ANGLEFASTENING / YIELDETW-E Expert electronic torque wrenchAluminum carry caseBattery pack ref. ETW-EBPBattery charger ref. ETW-EBC and cableRS232 cable ref. ETW-EDB9 (for PC or printer)Operation and maintenance manualCalibration certificateNote: Icons which appear here can be highlighted usingthe ➪ keys and activated by pressing ENTER.➪ESCExpert WrenchEnterEscapeCursor keysETW-E25 ETW-E75 ETW-E180Torque Capac<strong>it</strong>y (Nm) 25 55 180Torque Un<strong>it</strong>sNm, Ncm, lb-ft, Kgm, KgcmOverload Capac<strong>it</strong>y125% max capac<strong>it</strong>y of wrenchTorque Accuracy+ / - max 0.5% capac<strong>it</strong>y of wrenchAngle Range 0 – 3000°Tightening DirectionCW & CCWOperating Temperature Range 5° – 40° Celsius (41 – 104° Fahrenhe<strong>it</strong>)Storage Temperature Range 0° – 50° Celsius (32 – 122° Fahrenhe<strong>it</strong> )Temperature Stabil<strong>it</strong>y + / - 0.1% per °CHumid<strong>it</strong>y Range5% – 75% non-condensingSealingIP54Square drive 1/4" 3/8" 1/2"Weight1 kgLength512 mmWidth48 mmDepth38 mm2 "C" cells 1.5 V alkaline manganese (8 h of continuous use)PowerorRechargeable cell pack (typically 8 h of continuous use)VIAccessoriesAccessoiresZubehörAcccesoriosAccessoriPC SoftwareLogiciel pour PCPC ProgrammETW-CONNECTPrograma de <strong>com</strong>putadoraSoftware per PCRatchet headTête à cliquet1/4" : ETW-E25-R04Ratschenkopf 3/8" : ETW-E75-R06Cabezal de carracaTesta a cricchetto1/2" : ETW-E180-R0889

Torque and Angle Analysis DevicesAnalyseurs de Couple et d'AngleDrehmoment- und Winkel-AnalysegeräteAnalizadores del Par y del ÁnguloStrumenti di Analisi della Coppia e dell'AngoloETA SeriesETA2-STRAP Camera-Type Neck StrapETA2-BC Battery ChargerETA2-P525 Port SaverETA2-PC99 PC Connector CableETA2-P925 Printer CableETA2-CASE Carrying Case7464 or 7529 Operating Manual - Calibration CertificateETA FeaturesETA2modelETA5modelTorque, angle and pulse measurement • •Torque peak value, trace, pulse and trigger mode • •Statistics module (Cp / Cpk, Cm / Cmk, CAM…) • •Memory for the last 200 screw connections • –Memory for the last 20,000 screw connections – •9 torque dimension un<strong>it</strong>s • •6 languages (Engl, French, Germ. Ital. Span. Swed.) • •Status indicating diode (red, green and yellow) • •Date and time management • •Direct PC or printer port • •Password protection • •Accumulator w<strong>it</strong>h long operating time (up to 8 hours) • •Quick charging device (2h30 for <strong>com</strong>plete charging) • •Automatic programmable hold • •Storage of 250 strategies – •Storage of 25 fastening cycles – •Detection via bar code reader – •ETA2* Assiociated torque transducers shown on following page.* Capteurs de couple associés présentés en page suivante.* Dazugehörende Messwertaufnehmer auf der nächsten Se<strong>it</strong>e.* Transductores de par asociados en la página siguiente.* Rifer<strong>it</strong>o ai Trasduttori di coppia indicati nelle pagine seguenti.FRONT VIEWREAR VIEWCharge state diodesTouchSync TM interface forthe management of thetool inventory (calibration,maintenance).See description of theTouchSync systemon page 92.Buzzer3-colour result indicationdiode for the fast displayof the actual test :• Green = OK• Red = torque too high• Yellow = torque too lowFast chargebatterycharger jackCertificate numberand calibration dateMembranekeyboard for allmenu-controllednavigations4-line LCD graphicdisplayFixing of carrying strapRobust aluminiumhousing w<strong>it</strong>h shockproofrubber coatingRS232C serial portfor printers and PCdownloads25 Pintransducerw<strong>it</strong>h port saver90

Torque and Angle Analysis DevicesAnalyseurs de Couple et d'AngleDrehmoment- und Winkel-AnalysegeräteAnalizadores del Par y del ÁnguloStrumenti di Analisi della Coppia e dell'Angolo123The Industry Standard transducers will work w<strong>it</strong>h the ETA Series Analysers andother equipment that utilizes industry standard transducers.The ETA "Smart" Series transducers are specifically designed to work w<strong>it</strong>h the ETAAnalysers. The ETA2 or ETA5 Analyser will automatically identify the transducer'srange and calibration through data stored on their “Smart” chip.The ETA "Smart" Series Transducers are also available to measure torque andangle of rotation.Rotary transducersCapteurs de couple rotatifsRotations-Drehmoment-MeßwertaufnehmerTransductores de parrotativosTrasduttori di coppia rotantiRef. no. Ref. no. Ref. no.1 Industry 2 "Smart 3 "SmartNm Standard Series" Series"+1/4" 0.2 - 2 TR2H4 (1) — —1/4" 0.5 - 5 TR5H4 (1) TRD5H4 TRDA5H41/4" 2.0 - 20 TR20H4 (1) TRD20H4 TRDA20H41/4" 2.0 - 20 TR20S4 (1) TRD20S4 TRDA20S43/8" 7.5 - 75 TR75S6 (1) TRD75S6 TRDA75S61/2" 18 - 180 TR180S8 (1) TRD180S8 TRDA180S83/4" 25 - 250 TR250S12 (1) — —3/4" 50 - 500 TR500S12 (1) TRD500S12 TRDA500S12• Overload Capac<strong>it</strong>y: 125% of Rated Max Capac<strong>it</strong>y — Stated Accuracy: 0.3% — Zero Offset Stabil<strong>it</strong>y: 0.1% ofCapac<strong>it</strong>y per C — Operating Temperature: -10 / +40° C — Angle Resolution: 0.5°(1) Requires cable, ref. No. ETA2-TC for connection to ETA AnalysersStationary transducersCapteurs de couple statiquesStatische-Drehmoment-MeßwertaufnehmerTransductores de parestáticosTrasduttori di coppia staticiRef. no.Ref. no.1 Industry2 "SmartNm Standard Series"1/4" 2.8 - 28 TS28S4 (1) TSD28S43/8" 13.5 - 135 TS135S6 (1) TSD135S61/2" 27.1 - 271 TS271S8 (1) TSD271S83/4" 101.7 - 1017 TS1017S12 (1) TSD1017S12(1) Requires cable, ref. No. ETA2-TC for connection to ETA AnalysersJoint simulatorSimulateur de jointVerschraubungssimulatorSimulador de unión atornilladaSimulatore dei punti di collegamentoNmRef.FOR ROTARY TRANSDUCERS1/4" 20 JKR203/8" 75 JKR751/2" 180 JKR1803/4" 500 JKR500FOR STATIONARY TRANSDUCERS1/4" 30 JKS303/8" 150 JKS1501/2" 300 JKS3003/4" 1000 JKS1000Stationary transducer w<strong>it</strong>h joint simulatorEnsemble capteur statique / simulateur dejointKombinierte Messwertgeber-/Verschraubungssimulatoreinhe<strong>it</strong>Unidad de sonda estática / simulador deunión atornilladaSonda di misura fissa / Simulatore deipunti di collegamentoNmRef. no.IndustryStandard1/4" 2.8 - 28 JKST28 (1)3/8" 13.5 - 135 JKST135 (1)1/2" 27.1 - 271 JKST271 (1)3/4" 101.7 - 1017 JKST1017 (1)(1) Requires cable, ref. No. ETA2-TC for connection to ETA Analysers1VI91

Asset Management SystemSystème électronique de gestion de parc machinesBestandsverwaltungs-SystemSistema de administración de equiposSistema elettronico per la gestione del parco macchineAccessory Accessory4 56CalibrationProvides fields for entering calibrationparameters, references, and <strong>com</strong>ments,while displaying “old calibration” data.7ServiceThis function allows the user to addservice data, covering a wide range ofdetails, along w<strong>it</strong>h display of “lastservice” data.Aud<strong>it</strong>Enables user to perform a quick statuscheck of the most recent informationstored on the tool. Helpful for checkingtool for correct location and application.Calibration and service dates that arepast due will be displayed in red.QueryThis feature allows the user to construct and perform a database search, based on a logical selection of parameters w<strong>it</strong>h up tothree levels of cr<strong>it</strong>eria. Once the tools or assets w<strong>it</strong>h the specified cr<strong>it</strong>eria have been found, reports may be printed. Example: Findall tools w<strong>it</strong>h a calibration date between 5/05/02 and 5/03/03.TouchSync Retrof<strong>it</strong> k<strong>it</strong>s for connection to the TouchSyncsystem: (f<strong>it</strong>ted as standard on all Q2 Series) –Connection to the tool air supply.K<strong>it</strong>s de connexion pour le système TouchSync:(fourni en standard avec tous les modèles Q2).Connexion sur l'entrée d'air des machines.Chip-Nachrüstsatz für die Verwendung m<strong>it</strong>TouchSync : (Standard bei allen Werkzeugender Q2-Baureihe), zum Einschrauben in denLufteinlass des Werkzeugs.K<strong>it</strong>s de adaptación para el systema TouchSync(equipo estándar en todas las series Q2).Conexión por la entrada de aire de la herramienta.K<strong>it</strong>s per connessione con il sistema TouchSync :(forn<strong>it</strong>o standard su tutti i modelli Q2) - Connessionesull’ingresso aria.Ref. No.NPTAMS-4 NPTAMS-6 NPTAMS-8 NPTAMS-12 NPTBSPAMS-4 BSPTAMS-6 BSPTAMS-8 BSPTAMS-12 BSPT1/4" NPT3/8"" NPT1/2" NPT3/4" NPT1/4" BSP3/8"" BSP1/2" BSP3/4" BSPVI93

ErgonomicHandlingSystemsSystèmes de ManutentionErgonomiquesErgonomische HandhabungstechnikSystemas de ManipulacionErgonomicosSistemi di Manutenzione Ergonomica959798103104110WorkstationsStations de travailArbe<strong>it</strong>sstationenPuestos de trabajoStazioni di lavoroSpring balancersEquilibreurs à ressortFederzügeEquilibradoresBilanciatoriRail systemsSystèmes de railsLaufschienensystemeSistemas de rielesSistemi di rotaieRail packagesK<strong>it</strong>s de railsSchienensystempaketeConjuntos de railK<strong>it</strong> rotaiePneumatic balancersEquilibreurs pneumatiquesDruckluft-BalancerPosicionadores de cargas neumáticosPosizionatori di carico pneumaticiAir chain hoistsPalans pneumatiques à chaîneDruckluftkettenzügePolipastos neumáticos de cadenaParanchi pneumatici a catena

Pneumatic Parallel Arm WorkstationsStation de Travail à Bras parallèle et tension PneumatiqueParallel-Auslegerarm m<strong>it</strong> verstellbarem pneumatischen StabilisatorPuestos de Trabajo con dispos<strong>it</strong>ivo ajustable neumático de TensiónBracci di Supporto Pneumatici per Stazioni di LavoroWB &WW SeriesHose assemblybetween workstationand toolF<strong>it</strong>tingsMini regulatorfor arm tensionadjustmentTuyaud'alimentationentre entréed'air principaleet outilRaccordsMini régulateur(pour le vérin)Schlauch(zwischenArbe<strong>it</strong>sstationund Werkzeug)F<strong>it</strong>tingsMini-Regler (fürdie Einstellungdes Zugarmes)Manguera (paraconexión ente laentrada de aire yla herramienta)AcoplamientosMini régulador(para ajustar latensión del brazo)Tubo (percollegamento traentrata aria stazionee utensile)RaccordiMini regolatore(per regolazionetensione braccio)Ref. No. WB230B-100Ref.No. WW230B-100381 mm381 mmHose assemblyand couplingsHose assemblyand couplings940 mmmaximum940 mmmaximumMiniregulator(forcylinder)CylinderCouplings380 560 mmMiniregulator(forcylinder)CylinderCouplings380 560 mm203 mmminimum4.5 kg Max.11.3 Nm Max.223 mm203 mmminimum4.5 kg Max.11.3 Nm Max.223 mm95 mm787 mm maximum787 mm maximumAccessoriesAccessoiresZubehörAccesoriosAccessori45 mm82 mmRef. No. 48732-1Bench clampFixation rapide pour établiWerkbank-HalteklemmeMordaza de bancoMorsetto per bancoFor the tool air supply :Pour l'alimentation de l'outil :Zur Druckluftversorgung des Werkzeuges :Para el suministro de aire a la herramienta :Per l'alimentazione aria all'attrezzo :56or2131 4VII25 mm51 mmRef. No. 49380Electric tool holder assemblyBride de fixation pour outil électriqueHalter für Elektro-WerkzeugeConjunto de soporte para herramienta eléctricaAssieme porta utensile elettrico1 - Ref. No. 36021 : 3/8" x 1/4" (BSP Con).2 - Ref. No. B18-C3-FGG0-29 : Filter-regulator (3/8" BSP)Bowl capac<strong>it</strong>y 0.05 L, flow 55 L/sec.3 - Ref. No. L18-C3-LK00-29 : Lubricator (3/8" BSP)Bowl capac<strong>it</strong>y 0.12L, flow 36 L/sec.4 - Ref. No. 36041 : 3/8" BSP Con. x 1/4" BSP Cyl.5 - Ref. No. 36012 : 3/8" x 3/8" (BSP Con.).6 - Ref. No. 35018 : 3/8" (BSP Con.) x Ø 8 mm.95

Single Arm WorkstationsStation de Travail à Bras SimpleArbe<strong>it</strong>sstationen / Einfach-AuslegerarmPuestos de Trabajo con Brazo SimpleStazioni di Lavoro a Braccio SingoloWB &WW SeriesTop rollerassemblyChariot detranslationÜberkopf-RollerConjunto derodillo superiorAssiemegancio a rulliRef. No. WB124A-000 Ref.No. WB130A-000 Ref. No. WW124A-000 Ref.No. WW130A-000610 mm760 mm610 mm760 mm1067 mmTop rollerassembly4.5 kg Max.(total)Top rollerassembly4.5 kg Max.(total)610 mm102mmTop rollerassembly4.5 kg Max.(total)102mmTop rollerassembly4.5 kg Max.(total)Ø 6.4 mm76 mm625 mm208 mm305 mm825 mm203 mm625 mm208 mm305 mm825 mm57 mmWB124A-000WB130A-000WW124A-000WW130A-000AccessoriesAccessoiresZubehörAccesoriosAccessori45 mm82 mmRef. No. 48732-1Bench clampFixation rapide pour établiWerkbank-HalteklemmeMordaza de bancoMorsetto per bancoFor the tool air supply :Pour l'alimentation de l'outil :Zur Druckluftversorgung des Werkzeuges :Para el suministro de aire a la herramienta :Per l'alimentazione aria all'attrezzo :Ref. No 48723-2 (0.60 m)Ref. No 48723-3 (0.90 m)Torque arm assemblyBras anti-réactionDrehmoment-ReaktionsarmConjunto de brazo de reacciónAssieme braccio di reazione51 mm Ref. No. 49091Electric tool holder assembly (for mounting ontorque arm25 mm Bride de fixation pour outil électrique (montagesur bras anti-réaction)Halter für Elektro-Werkzeuge (zur Montage an Reaktionsarm)Conjunto de soporte para herramienta eléctrica (para montar en elbrazo de reacciónAssieme porta utensile elettrico (per montaggio su braccio di reazione)Ref. No. 48703-1Electric cord clamp k<strong>it</strong> – Attache de câble électriqueElektrokabel-Halter – K<strong>it</strong> de sujeción del cable eléctricoK<strong>it</strong> bloccaggio cavo elettrico45or21 11 - Ref. No. 36041 : 3/8" (BSP Con.) x 1/4" (BSP Cyl.)2 - Ref. No. B18-C3-FGG0-29 : Filter-regulator (3/8" BSP)Bowl capac<strong>it</strong>y 0.05 L, flow 55 L/sec.3 - Ref. No. L18-C3-LK00-29 : Lubricator (3/8" BSP)Bowl capac<strong>it</strong>y 0.12 L, flow 36 L/sec.4 - Ref. No. 36012 : 3/8" x 3/8" (BSP Con.)5 - Ref. No. 35018 : 3/8" (BSP Con.) x Ø 8 mm.6 - Ref. No. 12-20301 – 1/4" BSP x 1/4" BSP31696

Spring BalancersEquilibreurs à RessortFederzügeEquilibradoresBilanciatoriCable balancersEquilibreurs à câbleKabel-FederzügeEquilibradores de cableBilanciatori a funeBIDS-14BSD-165BSD-70BHD-25BLD-1BMDS-2Ref.SWLkg m kgBLD SERIES — SÉRIE BLD — BAUREIHE BLD — SERIE BLDBLD-1 0.4 - 1.0 1.60 0.6BLD-2 1.0 - 2.0 1.60 0.6BLD-3 2.0 - 3.0 1.60 0.7BMD SERIES — SÉRIE BMD — BAUREIHE BMD — SERIE BMDBMDS-2 1.0 - 2.5 2.0 2.0BMDS-4 2.0 - 4.0 2.0 2.0BMDL-4 2.0 - 4.0 2.5 2.9BMDS-6 4.0 - 6.0 2.0 2.3BMDL-6 4.0 - 6.0 2.5 3.2BMDS-8 6.0 - 8.0 2.0 2.5BMDL-8 6.0 - 8.0 2.5 3.5BMDL-10 8.0 - 10 2.5 3.5BMDL-12 10 - 14 2.5 4.0BMDLL-4 (1) 2.0 - 4.0 2.5 3.0BMDLL-6 (1) 4.0 - 6.0 2.5 3.3BMDLL-8 (1) 6.0 - 8.0 2.5 3.6BMDLL-10 (1) 8.0 - 10 2.5 3.8BIDS SERIES — SÉRIE BIDS— BAUREIHE BIDS — SERIE BIDSBIDS-7 4.0 - 7.0 2.0 5.0BIDS-10 7.0 - 10 2.0 5.5BIDS-14 10 - 14 2.0 5.5BIDS-18 14 - 18 2.0 6.5BIDS-22 18 - 22 2.0 6.0BIDS-26 22 - 25 2.0 6.6(1) Locking type balancer(1) Equilibreur avec arrêt de sécur<strong>it</strong>é(1) Federzüge m<strong>it</strong> Arretierung(1) Equilibradores con dispos<strong>it</strong>ivo de bloqueo(1) Bilanciatori con dispos<strong>it</strong>ivo bloccaggioRef. No. : OPTRIFor swivel bottom hook (BHD, BSD andBSDL Series, up to 180 kg capac<strong>it</strong>y)Pour la rotation du crochet bas (sériesBHD, BSD et BSDL jusque 180 kg)Für drehbaren unteren Haken (BaureihenBHD, BSD und BSDL) bis zu 180 kg LastPara gancho de la carga giratorio (SeriesBHD, BSD y BSDL, hasta 180 kg de capacidad)Per la rotazione del gancio inferiore(serie BHD, BSD e BSDL, capac<strong>it</strong>à < 180 Kg)Ref.SWLkg m kgBHD SERIES — SÉRIE BHD — BAUREIHE BHD — SERIE BHDBHD-15 10 - 15 2.0 10.3BHD-20 15 - 20 2.0 10.6BHD-25 20 - 25 2.0 11.2BHD-30 25 - 30 2.0 11.5BHD-35 30 - 35 2.0 11.8BHD-45 35 - 45 2.0 12.4BHD-55 45 - 55 2.0 12.5BHD-65 55 - 65 2.0 13.6BSD SERIES — SÉRIE BSD — BAUREIHE BSD — SERIE BSDBSD-20 15 - 20 2.5 19.0BSDL-20 15 - 20 3.0 19.1BSDL-25 20 - 25 3.0 19.9BSD-30 20 - 30 2.5 19.8BSDL-35 25 - 35 3.0 20.9BSD-40 30 - 40 2.5 20.8BSDL-45 35 - 45 3.0 23.8BSD-50 40 - 50 2.5 23.9BSDL-50 40 - 50 3.0 23.9BSD-60 50 - 60 2.5 25.4BSDL-60 50 - 60 3.0 25.3BSD-70 60 - 70 2.5 26.8BSDL-70 60 - 70 3.0 26.7BSD-80 70 - 80 2.5 27.8BSDL-80 70 - 80 3.0 28.0BSD-90 80 - 90 2.5 28.8BSDL-90 80 - 90 3.0 29.0BSD-100 90 - 100 2.5 35.6BSDL-100 90 - 100 3.0 36.8BSDL-115 110 - 115 3.0 38.7BSD-120 100 - 120 2.5 38.7BSDL-130 115 - 130 3.0 39.9BSD-140 120 - 140 2.5 41.8BSDL-140 130 - 140 3.0 42.8BSD-150 130 - 150 2.5 44.5BSDL-150 140 - 150 3.0 45.6BSD-165 150 - 165 2.5 48.2Ref. No. BHR-8 : 0.4 - 0.8 kgRef. No. BHR-15 : 0.7 - 1.5 kgRef. No. BHR-25 : 1.2 - 2.5 kg1/4" Hose reel balancers - Lift 1.30 mEquilibreurs à enrouleur 1/4" - Levée 1.30 m1/4" Schlauch-Federzüge - Hubhöhe 1,30 mEquilibradores de manguera de 1/4" - Corsa 1,30 mBilanciatori con tubo alim. 1/4" - Corsa 1,30 mBHR-25VII97

Rail SystemsSystèmes de RailsLaufschienensystemeSistemas de RielesSistemi di RotaieTypical system illustration*Illustration d'un système typique*Typisches System*Ilustración de sistema típico*Illustrazione sistema tipo*HangerK<strong>it</strong>sPage 99Se<strong>it</strong>e 99AirSupplyPage 102Se<strong>it</strong>e 102EndTrucksPage 100Se<strong>it</strong>e 100EndStopsPage 102Se<strong>it</strong>e 102LoadTrolleysPage 101Se<strong>it</strong>e 101* Ingersoll-Rand rails systems are designedfor perpendicular or parallel to header steelinstallations.* Les systèmes de rails Ingersoll-Rand peuvent êtremontés parallèlement ou perpenduculairement à lastructure porteuse.* Systeme von Ingersoll-Rand sind für die rechtwinkligeoder parallele Montage an den Trägern der Deckenkonstruktiongeeignet.* Los sistemas Ingersoll-Rand están diseñados para instalaciones perpendiculares o paralelas a las vigas de soporte.* Il sistema di rotaie Ingersoll-Rand può essere montato parallelamente e perpendicolarmente alle travi portanti.SPANZRAT ZRA1 ZRA2 ZRS2 ZRS3(kg) / 1 m. 3.0 kg 5.5 kg 11.3 kg 11.9kg 13.2 kgMaterial : ALUMINIUM ALUMINIUM ALUMINIUM STEEL STEEL1 m 372 734 1361 1293 1293Span (m) / load1,5 m 311 734 1361 1293 1293capac<strong>it</strong>y (kg)2 m 175 595 1361 1293 1293Portée (m) /2,5 m 112 381 1361 1219 1293capac<strong>it</strong>é de3 m 78 264 1011 847 1293charge (kg)3,5 m 57 194 742 622 10664 m 44 149 568 476 816Spannwe<strong>it</strong>e (m) / 4,5 m 35 118 449 376 645Traglast (kg)5 m 28 95 364 305 5225,5 m 23 79 301 252 432Luz (m) /6 m – 66 253 212 363Capacidad de6,5 m – 56 215 180 309carga (kg)7 m – 49 186 – –Portata (m) /7,5 m – 42 162 – –capac<strong>it</strong>à (kg)8 m – 37 142 – –8,5 m – 33 126 – –98

Hanger k<strong>it</strong>sSuspensions sous structure IPN, IPE, etcAufhängegesätzeSoportes de suspensiónK<strong>it</strong>s di sospensione su traviFor use w<strong>it</strong>h :Pour utilisation avec :In Verbindung m<strong>it</strong> :Para uso con :Per utilizzo con :ZRATZRA1ZRA2ZRS2ZRS363 ➔ 127 mmH = 287 mm H = 287 mm H = 295 mm H = 273 mm H = 273 mm30287-006 30287-006 30195-006 30814-006 30814-006ADJUSTABLE (± 22 mm)AJUSTABLE (± 22 mm)EINSTELLBAR (± 22 mm)AJUSTABLE (± 22 mm)REGOLABILE (± 22 mm)63 ➔ 127 mm127 ➔ 254mmH = 439 mm H = 439 mm H = 447 mm H = 425 mm H = 425 mm30287-012 30287-012 30195-012 30814-012 30814-012H = 287 mm H = 287 mm H = 295 mm H = 273 mm H = 273 mm30288-006 30288-006 30196-006 30815-006 30815-006127 ➔ 254mmH = 439 mm H = 439 mm H = 447 mm H = 425 mm H = 425 mm30288-012 30288-012 30196-012 30815-012 30815-012SHORTCOURTEKURZCORTOCORTO63 ➔ 127 mm127 ➔ 254mmH = 156 mm H = 156 mm H = 164 mm H = 142 mm H = 142 mm30300 30300 30921 30840 30840H = 156 mm H = 156 mm H = 164 mm H = 142 mm H = 142 mm30301 30301 30922 30841 30841PARALLEL BEAMFER PORTEUR PARALLELEPARALLEL ZUM TRÄGERVIGA PARALELATRAVE PARALLELA63 ➔ 127 mm127 ➔ 254mmBlock mountH = 292 mm H = 292 mm H = 301 mm H = 279 mm H = 279 mm30290 30290 30199 30817 30817H = 292 mm H = 292 mm H = 301 mm H = 279 mm H = 279 mm30291 30291 30900 30818 30818H = 244 mm H = 244 mm H = 253 mm H = 231 mm H = 231 mm30289 30289 30198 30816 30816PERPENDICULAR BEAMFER PORTEUR PERPENDICULAIRERECHTWINKLIG ZUM TRÄGERVIGA PERPENDICULARTRAVE PERPENDICOLARE63 ➔ 127 mm63 ➔ 127 mmBlock mountH = 292 mm H = 292 mm H = 301 mm H = 279 mm H = 279 mm30292 30292 30901 30819 30819H = 292 mm H = 292 mm H = 301 mm H = 279 mm H = 279 mm30293 30293 30902 30820 30820H = 244 mm H = 244 mm H = 253 mm H = 231 mm H = 231 mm30285 30285 30193 30813 30813VIIRIGIDRIGIDESTARRRIGIDARIGIDORigid mount30227 30227 3005299

Rail Systems (continued)Systèmes de Rails (su<strong>it</strong>e)Laufschienensysteme (Fortsetzung)Sistemas de Rieles (continuación)Sistemi di Rotaie (segu<strong>it</strong>o)End trucksChariots supports de poutres mobilesBrückenfahrwagenSuspensiones del puenteSospensioni per ponte mobileZRATZRA1ZRA2ZRS2 & 3KBK1KBK2& KBK2L227 kg 227 kg 454 kg 454 kg 227 kg 454 kgSWL SWL SWL SWL SWL SWLZRATRef. 31059 Ref. 30283 Ref. 30909 Ref. 30822 Ref. 30283 Ref. 30639454 kg 454 kg 908 kg 908 kg 454 kg 908 kgSWL SWL SWL SWL SWL SWLZRATRef. 31060 Ref. 30286 Ref. 30911 Ref. 30826 Ref. 30286 Ref. 30846227 kg 227 kg 454 kg 454 kg 227 kg 454 kgSWL SWL SWL SWL SWL SWLZRA1Ref. 31059 Ref. 30283 Ref. 30909 Ref. 30822 Ref. 30283 Ref. 30639454 kg 454 kg 908 kg 908 kg 454 kg 908 kgSWL SWL SWL SWL SWL SWLZRA1Ref. 31060 Ref. 30286 Ref. 30911 Ref. 30826 Ref. 30286 Ref. 30846ZRA2—227 kg 454 kg 454 kg 227 kg 454 kgSWL SWL SWL SWL SWLRef. 30295 Ref. 30176 Ref. 30824 Ref. 30295 Ref. 30927ZRA2—454 kg 908 kg 908 kg 454 kg 908 kgSWL SWL SWL SWL SWLRef. 30272 Ref. 30177 Ref. 30828 Ref. 30272 Ref. 30643ZRS2ZRS3—227 kg 454 kg 454 kg 227 kg 454 kgSWL SWL SWL SWL SWLRef. 30320 Ref. 30913 Ref. 30597 Ref. 30320 Ref. 30563—454 kg 908 kg 908 kg 454 kgSWL SWL SWL SWL—ZRS2ZRS3Ref. 30298 Ref. 30915 Ref. 30599 Ref. 30298100

Load trolleysChariots de translation sous poutres mobilesLaufwagen für ProfilschienenCarro de traslaciónCarrelli di traslazioneFor use w<strong>it</strong>h :Pour utilisation avec :In Verbindung m<strong>it</strong> :Para uso con :Per utilizzo con :ZRATZRA1ZRA2ZRS2ZRS3Simple trolleyChariot simpleEinfacher LaufwagenCarro sencilloCarrello sempliceLoad trolley (w<strong>it</strong>h suspension axle)Chariot avec axe de suspensionLastenlaufwagenCarro de cargaCarrello di sospensione (con asse di sosp.)Hoist trolleyChariot porte-palanLaufwagen für HebezeugeCarro de polipastoCarrello porta parancoDual hoist trolleyChariots jumelés porte-palanDoppelter Laufwagen für HebezeugeCarro doble de polipastoDoppio carrello porta paranco3 hole trolleyChariot large3-Loch-LaufwagenCarro de 3 agujerosCarrello largoReaction trolley (for cantilevered loads)Chariot 3 roues (pour portes-à-faux)Reaktionslaufwagen (für vortragende Lasten)Carro de reacción (para cargas descentradas)Carrello di reazione (per travi a sbalzo)Bumper trolleyChariot de butéeAnschlaglaufwagenCarro paragolpesCarrello respingenteRef. XXXXX-1200, L = 305 mmRef. XXXXX-2400, L = 610 mmRef. XXXXX-3600, L = 915 mmRef. XXXXX-4800, L = 1220 mm227 kg 227 kg 454 kg 454 kg 454 kgSWL SWL SWL SWL SWLRef. 31057 Ref. 30281 Ref. 30172 Ref. 30821 Ref. 30821—227 kg 454 kg 454 kg 454 kgRef. 30304 Ref. 30923 Ref. 30842 Ref. 30842227 kg 227 kg 454 kg 454 kg 454 kgRef. 31313 Ref. 30313 Ref. 30314 Ref. 30315 Ref. 30315—454 kg 908 kg 908 kg 908 kgRef. 30303 Ref. 30906 Ref. 30830 Ref. 30830227 kg 227 kg 454 kg 454 kg 454 kgRef. 31056 Ref. 30279 Ref. 30015 Ref. 30510 Ref. 30510— —SWL SWL SWL SWLSWL SWL SWL SWL SWLSWL SWL SWL SWLSWL SWL SWL SWL SWLSWL454 kg SWL 454 kgRef. 30016 Ref. 3051130307-1200 30148-1200 30148-1200 30148-1200—30307-2400 30148-2400 30148-2400 30148-240030307-3600 30148-3600 30148-3600 30148-360030307-4800 30148-4800 30148-4800 30148-4800—Curved rails for ZRA1 monorail installationsRails courbes pour installations monorails ZRA1Gebogene Schienen für ZRA1 Monoschienen-InstallationenRailes curvos para instalaciones monorail ZRA1Travi curve per istallazione monorotaie ZRA1Ref.914 mm 15° 30254914 mm 30° 30255914 mm 45° 30256914 mm 60° 30257914 mm 90° 30258Note : The ZRA1 monorails use the same <strong>com</strong>ponents as theZRA1 bridge cranes (hanger k<strong>it</strong>s, load trolleys, etc), except dualhoist trolley, ref. 30303.Nota : Les configurations monorails ZRA1 utilisent les mêmes<strong>com</strong>posants que les poutres mobiles ZRA1 (suspensions, chariotsde charge, etc), sauf chariot jumelé porte-palan, réf. 30303.Anmerkung: M<strong>it</strong> ZRA1 Monoschienen werden die gleichenkomponenten wie m<strong>it</strong> ZRA1-Brücken verwendet (Aufhängungen,Laufwagen etc.) außer Doppelter Laufwagen für Hebezeuge , Ref.30303.Nota: los monorailes ZRA1 usan los mismos <strong>com</strong>ponentes quela viga puente ZRA1 (K<strong>it</strong> de suspensión de carros de carga, etc)excepto el carro doble de polipasto, ref. 30303.Nota : La configurazione monorotaie ZRA1 utilizza gli stessi<strong>com</strong>ponenti dei carri ponti ZRA1 (sospensioni, carrelli di carico,etc…) ad eccezione del doppio carrello per paranco, rif. 30303.VII101

Rail Systems (continued)Systèmes de Rails (su<strong>it</strong>e)Laufschienensysteme (Fortsetzung)Sistemas de Rieles (continuación)Sistemi di Rotaie (segu<strong>it</strong>o)End stops and splice bolt k<strong>it</strong>Butées et raccordements de railsEndanschläge und VerbindungssätzeTope final y unionesFine corsa e raccordi per rotaieZRATZRA1ZRA2ZRS2ZRS3End stopButée de fin de railEndanschlagTope finalFine corsa per rotaieRedundentButée add<strong>it</strong>ionnelle (redondante)Zusätzlicher AnschlagRedundanteRespingenteAdjutable end stopButée réglableEinstellbarer AnschlagTope final ajustableFine corsa e respingente regolabileSplice bolt k<strong>it</strong>K<strong>it</strong> de raccordementVerbindungssatzUnionesK<strong>it</strong> di raccordoRef. 31022 Ref. 30275 Ref. 30183 Ref. 30804 Ref. 30808Ref. 31024 Ref. 30277 Ref. 30185 Ref. 30806 Ref. 30810Ref. 30738 Ref. 30738 Ref. 30733 Ref. 30733 Ref. 30733Ref. 31020 Ref. 30231 Ref. 30057 Ref. 30515 Ref. 30515Air supplyAlimentations d'airLuftversorgungssätzeSuministro de aireAlimentazione aria2L max.Ø 3/8"' Ref. Ø 1/2"' Ref.L = 9 m 90025 L = 9 m 900261 2Runway air supplyAlimentation d'air voie de roulementLuftversorgungssatz LaufschieneSuministro de aire de viga carrilAlimentazione aria piano rotaiaBridge crane air supplyAlimentation d'air poutre mobileLuftversorgungssatz BrückeSuministro de aire de viga puenteAlimentazione aria carro ponteL max.1Ø 3/8"' Ref. Ø 1/2"' Ref.L = 15 m 90000-1 L = 15 m 90001-1L = 22.5 m 90000-2 L = 22.5 m 90001-2L = 30 m 90000-3 L = 30 m 90001-3L = 37.5 m 90000-4 L = 37.5 m 90001-4L = 45 m 90000-5 L = 45 m 90001-5ZRA2ZRAT ZRA1 ZRS2ZRS3Festoon trolleyChariot porte-guirlande 31005Girlandenwagen + 30579 30581Carro portamangueras 31011Carrelli portacavoSliderGlisseur porte-guirlandeGirlandengle<strong>it</strong>er 99048 99048 99049DeslizadorCursore102

Rail PackagesK<strong>it</strong>s de RailsSchienensystempaketeConjuntos de RailK<strong>it</strong> RotaieRail packages for both perpendicular and parallel intallationsK<strong>it</strong>s de rails pour installation perpendiculaire ou parallèle à la structure porteuseSchienensystempakete für parallele und rechtwinklige InstallationConjuntos de rail para instalaciones perpendiculares y paralelasK<strong>it</strong> rotaie per istallazione perpendicolare e parallela a strutture portantiEnd trucksChariots supports de poutres mobilesBrückenfahrwagenSuspensiones del puenteCarrello supporto rotaia mobileAdjustable hanger k<strong>it</strong>sSuspensions ajustables sous fers porteursEinstellbare AufhängungenK<strong>it</strong>s de suspensión ajustablesK<strong>it</strong> di sopensione regolabileEnd stopsButées de fin de railEndanschlägeTope finalFine corsa per rotaieEnd stopsButées de fin de railEndanschlägeTope finalFine corsa per rotaieRef.ABSWLSR30A1B30SA1C220 ZRA1 3 m 3 m 220 KgSR40A1B30SA1C220 ZRA1 4 m 3 m 220 KgSR40A1B40SA1C180 ZRA1 4 m 4 m 180 KgSR50A1B30SA1C220 ZRA1 5 m 3 m 220 KgSR50A1B40SA1C180 ZRA1 5 m 4 m 180 KgSR50A1B50SA1C110 ZRA1 5 m 5 m 110 KgSR60A1B30SA1C220 ZRA1 6 m 3 m 220 KgSR60A1B40SA1C180 ZRA1 6 m 4 m 180 KgSR60A1B50SA1C110 ZRA1 6 m 5 m 110 KgSR50A2B30SA2C450 ZRA2 5 m 3 m 450 kgSR50A2B40SA2C450 ZRA2 5 m 4 m 450 KgSR60A2B30SA2C450 ZRA2 6 m 3 m 450 KgSR60A2B40SA2C450 ZRA2 6 m 4 m 450 KgSR60A2B50SA2C450 ZRA2 6 m 5 m 450 KgSR60A2B60SA2C300 ZRA2 6 m 6 m 300 KgSR90A2B30SA2C450 ZRA2 9 m 3 m 450 KgSR90A2B40SA2C450 ZRA2 9 m 4 m 450 KgSR90A2B60SA2C300 ZRA2 9 m 6 m 300 KgVII103

Pneumatic BalancersEquilibreurs PneumatiquesDruckluft-BalancerPosicionadores de Cargas NeumáticosPosizionatori di Carico Pneumatici1"BW"Basic un<strong>it</strong>,w<strong>it</strong>hout controlUn<strong>it</strong>é sans<strong>com</strong>mandeBalancer ohneSteuerelementePosicionador sincontrolPosizionatore senza<strong>com</strong>ando3700 mm2"ZA"Balancer w<strong>it</strong>hpendent controlUn<strong>it</strong>é avec<strong>com</strong>mandependulaireTastensteuerungPosicionador concontrol colgantePosizionatore con<strong>com</strong>ando pendente"BA"3Balancer w<strong>it</strong>hServo controlUn<strong>it</strong>é avecéquilibrage simple etservomécanismeEinhe<strong>it</strong>slaststeuerungm<strong>it</strong> ServoControl único deequilibro conservomecanismoComando a singolobilanciamento, conservo-valvola3700 mm4"EA"Balancer w<strong>it</strong>h Hi load,Lo load, No loadcontrolUn<strong>it</strong>é avec cde. à tripleétat d'equilibrage (fort,faible et sans charge)M<strong>it</strong> Dreifach-Einstellung: schwer,leicht, keineLaststeuerungControl de alta,baja y sin cargaComando alto,basso, nessuncaricoRe<strong>com</strong>mendedworking load capac<strong>it</strong>y :10 to 80 % of SWL Re<strong>com</strong>ended working load capac<strong>it</strong>y : 10 to 60 % of SWLRef. no. 1 Ref. no. 2 Ref. no. 3 Ref. no. 4SWL SWL SWL Ø@ 500 kPa @ 600 kPa @ 700 kPakg kg kg m mm kgSINGLE WIRE ROPE — UNITÉS SIMPLES — EINSTRÄNGIGE SEILAUSFÜHRUNG — UNA RAMALE — FUNE SINGOLO RINVIOBW015080 (1) ZAW015080 (1) BAW015080 (1) EAW015080 (1) 49 58 68 2.0 165 23BW020120 ZAW020120 BAW020120 EAW020120 65 78 90 3.0 254 28BW020120S (2) ZAW020120S (2) BAW020120S (2) EAW020120S (2) 65 78 90 3.0 254 28BW032080S (2) ZAW032080 S (2) BAW032080S (2) EAW032080S (2) 104 124 145 2.0 254 28BW035080 (1) ZAW035080 (1) BAW035080 (1) EAW035080 (1) 113 136 160 2.0 254 28BW050080 ZAW050080 BAW050080 EAW050080 162 194 225 2.0 254 50BW050080S (2) ZAW050080S (2) BAW050080S (2) EAW050080S (2) 162 194 225 2.0 254 50REEVED WIRE ROPE — UNITÉS MOUFLÉES — ZWEISTRÄNGIGE SEILAUSFÜHRUNG — CON VUELTA — FUNE DOPPIO RINVIOBW040060 ZAW040060 BAW040060 EAW040060 130 155 180 1.5 254 30BW040060S (2) ZAW040060S (2) BAW040060S (2) EAW040060S (2) 130 155 180 1.5 254 30BW065040S (2) ZAW065040S (2) BAW065040S (2) EAW065040S (2) 208 248 290 1.0 254 30BW070040 (1) ZAW070040 (1) BAW070040 (1) EAW070040 (1) 226 272 320 1.0 254 30BW100040 ZAW100040 BAW100040 EAW100040 324 388 450 1.0 254 52BW100040S (2) ZAW100040S (2) BAW100040S (2) EAW100040S (2) 324 388 450 1.0 254 52TANDEM WIRE ROPE — UNITÉS EN TANDEM — TANDEM SEILAUSFÜHRUNG — UNIDADES EN TANDEM — TANDEM FUNE SINGOLO RINVIOBW040120 ZAW040120 BAW040120 EAW040120 130 155 180 3.0 254 56BW040120S ZAW040120S BAW040120S EAW040120S 130 155 180 3.0 254 56BW065080S ZAW065080S BAW065080S EAW065080S 208 248 290 2.0 254 56BW070080 (1) ZAW070080 (1) BAW070080 (1) EAW070080 (1) 226 272 320 2.0 254 56BW100080 ZAW100080 BAW100080 EAW100080 324 388 450 2.0 254 100BW100080S ZAW100080S BAW100080S EAW100080S 324 388 450 2.0 254 100(1) Not available w<strong>it</strong>h Z-Stop safety device (2) Model delivered w<strong>it</strong>h Z-Stop as standard.(1) Non disponible avec dispos<strong>it</strong>if anti-dérive Z-Stop (2) Modèle équipé du dispos<strong>it</strong>if Z-Stop en standard.(1) Nicht erhältlich m<strong>it</strong> Z-Stop Hochschnellschutz (2) Modell standardmäßig m<strong>it</strong> Z-Stop.(1) No disponible con dispos<strong>it</strong>ivo de fijación Z-Stop (2) Modelo estándar suministrado con parada Z-stop.(1) Non disponibile con Arresto in discesa "Z-Stop" (2) Modelli forn<strong>it</strong>i con Z- Stop <strong>com</strong>e standard104

Pneumatic BalancersEquilibreurs PneumatiquesDruckluft-BalancerPosicionadores de Cargas NeumáticosPosizionatori di Carico Pneumatici143SuspensionAufhängungSuspensiónSospensioneS2, S3, AT, A1, A2470 mm± 50 mm710 mm± 50 mmBW015080BW040120BW065080BW070080BW100080216685 mm± 50 mmBW040060BW065040BW070040BW100040BW020120BW032080BW035080BW050080530 mm± 50 mmHMHook mountCrochetHakenaufhängungMontaje en ganchoMontaggio su gancioTRT-Rail / I-BeamRail T / Poutre IT-Schiene / Doppel-T-TrägerCarril T / Viga IRotaia a T / Trave IOnly for 50 mm66 mm,82 mm& 100 mmModel identification codesCodification des référencesModellbezeichnungenCódigos de identificación de los modelosCodici identificazione modelloExample :Exemple – Beispiel :Ejemplo – Esempio :ZAW065040SS3Part ref. no. forBW15080 (Ø 165 mm)Part ref. no. forØ 254 mm un<strong>it</strong>sCONTROL — COMMANDE — STEUERUNG — CONTROL — COMANDOB Basic - No control Nu, sans <strong>com</strong>mande Ohne Steuerung Sin control Nessun <strong>com</strong>ando – –ZA Pendent control Cde. pendulaire Tastensteuerung Mando por pulsadores Comando pendente 15300-12 15300-12BA Single balance control Equil. simple + servo Einhe<strong>it</strong>slaststeuerung Control único equilibro Comando singolo bil. 15320 15330EA Hi, low, no load control Cde. triple à état Dreifach-Einstellung Alta, baja, y sin carga Alto, bas. senza contr. carico 15310-12 15310-12SUSPENSION — SUSPENSION — AUFHÄNGUNG — SUSPENSIÓN — SOSPENSIONE (tandem un<strong>it</strong>s riquire 2 suspension k<strong>it</strong>)00 No suspension Sans suspension Keine Sin suspensión Nessuna Sospensione – –S2 IR ZRS2 steel rail Rail acier ZRS2 IR IR ZRS2 (Stahl) IR ZRS2 (acero) IR ZRS2 (acciaio) 16300 16400S3 IR ZRS3 steel rail Rail acier ZRS3 IR IR ZRS3 (Stahl) IR ZRS3 (acero) IR ZRS3 (acciaio) 16300 16400HM Hook mount Crochet Hakenaufhängung Gancho de suspensión Montaggio su gancio 16360 16460TR (1) T-Rail / I-Beam Rail T / Poutre I T-Schiene / Doppel-T Carril T / Viga I Rotaia a T / Trave I 16320 16420AT IR ZRAT alu. rail Rail alu. ZRAT IR IR ZRAT (aluminium) IR ZRAT (aluminium) IR ZRAT (aluminium) 16355 16455A1 IR ZRA1 alu. rail Rail alu. ZRA1 IR IR ZRA1 (aluminium) IR ZRA1 (aluminium) IR ZRA1 (aluminium) 16305 16405A2 IR ZRA2 alu. rail Rail alu. ZRA2 IR IR ZRA2 (aluminium) IR ZRA2 (aluminium) IR ZRA2 (aluminium) 16310 16410K1 KBK1 (Demag) KBK1 (Demag) KBK1 (Demag) KBK1 (Demag) KBK1 (Demag) 16325 16425K2 KBK2 (Demag) KBK2 (Demag) KBK2 (Demag) KBK2 (Demag) KBK2 (Demag) 16315 16415VII(1) Only for 50, 66, 82 and 100 mm rail widths.(1) Adaptable sur fer de roulement de 50, 66, 82 et 100 mm de large.(1) Nur für Trägerbre<strong>it</strong>en von 50, 66, 82 und 100 mm.(1) Sólo para ancho de rail de 50, 66, 82 y 100 mm.(1) Solo per rotaie con larghezza 50, 66, 82 e 100 mm.105

Pneumatic BalancersEquilibreurs PneumatiquesDruckluft-BalancerPosicionadores de Cargas NeumáticosPosizionatori di Carico PneumaticiOptionsRef. 58267352SPEED CONTROL KIT: Regulates the inlet pressure of the balancer – Full control of lifting speed for any loads – Must be used w<strong>it</strong>hthe ZA pendent control 15300.KIT DE CONTROLE DE VITESSE: Regule la pression interne de l’équilibreur – Ccontrôle parfa<strong>it</strong> de la v<strong>it</strong>esse de montéepour différentes charges – Do<strong>it</strong> être utilisé avec une <strong>com</strong>mande ZA 15300.GESCHWINDIGKEITS-REGELVENTIL: Das Geschwindigke<strong>it</strong>s-Regelventil stabilisiert die Hubgeschwindigke<strong>it</strong> bei großenGewichtsunterschieden zwischen Volllast und ohne Belastung. Es wird m<strong>it</strong> einer ZA15300 Steuerung kombiniert und ist als Zubehörverfügbar.KIT DE CONTROL DE VELOCIDAD : Regula la presión internal del posicionador – Mejor control de la velocidad de subidacon diferentes cargas – Se debe utilizar con el mando de control ZA 15300.KIT CONTROLLO VELOCITA": regola la pressione d' ingresso del bilanciatore. Controllo <strong>com</strong>pleto della veloc<strong>it</strong>à di sollevamentoper qualsiasi carico. Deve essere usato con lo ZA 15300 controllo pendente.Ref.15300-TC-NHRef.15300-TC-I-NHRef.15300-QC-NHRef.15300-QC-I-NHTRI-COIL TRI-COIL + Interlock QUAD-COIL QUAD-COIL + InterlockSpecially designed tointegrate a mecanicalhandling device w<strong>it</strong>h an upand down control.Spécialement étudié pourl’intégration d’un préhenseurmécanique, avec une<strong>com</strong>mande montée /descente.Dreifache Spiralschlauchsatzm<strong>it</strong> ZA Steuerung, für dieIntigrierung in einemechanische Vorrichtung.Especialemente diseñadopara la integración de unutillaje mecánico con unmando de control para subiry bajar.Specificatamente studiato perl'integrazione un dispos<strong>it</strong>ivomeccanico di azionamentocon un controllo sal<strong>it</strong>a/discesa.Specially designed tointegrate a simple handlingdevice – Incorporates theInterlock safety device.Spécialement étudié pourl’intégration d’un préhenseurmécanique, avec une<strong>com</strong>mande montée /descente – Livré avecinterlock.Dreifache Spiralschlauchsatzm<strong>it</strong> Interlockventil und ZA fürdie Intigrierung in eineVorrichtung.Especialemente diseñadopara la integracion de unmanipulador, incluyendo elinterlock.Specificatamente studiato perl'integrazione di un semplicedispos<strong>it</strong>ivo di azionamento.Incorpora il dispos<strong>it</strong>ivo disicurezza InterlockSpecially designed tointegrate a pneumaticpowered handling device(3rd air supply tube).Spécialement étudié pourl’integration d’un préhenseurpneumatique (3ème flexiblepour l’alimentation en air)Vierfache Spiralschlauchsatzm<strong>it</strong> ZA und Luftzuführ-Spiralschlauch, für dieIntigrierung in einepneumatische Vorrichtung.Especialemente diseñadopara la integración de unutillaje neumático(3 mangueras flexibles parala alimentación de aire)Specificatamente studiato perl'integrazione un dispos<strong>it</strong>ivopneumatico di azionamentocon un <strong>com</strong>ando di controllo(terzo tubo di alimentazione)Specially designed to integrate apneumatic powered handlingdevice (3rd air supply tube) –Incorporates the Interlock safetydevice.Spécialement étudié pourl’integration d’un préhenseurpneumatique (3ème flexible pourl’alimentation en air) – Livré avecinterlock.Vierfache Spiralschlauchsatz m<strong>it</strong>ZA, Interlockventil und Luftzuführ-Spiralschlauch für die Intigrierung ineine pneumatische Vorrichtung.Especialemente diseñado para laintegración de un utillaje neumático( 3 mangueras flexibles para laalimentación de aire) incluyendo elinterlock.Specificatamente studiato perl'integrazione un dispos<strong>it</strong>ivopneumatico di azionamento con un<strong>com</strong>ando di controllo (terzo tubo dialimnetazione). Incorpora ildispos<strong>it</strong>ivo di sicurezza Interlock.106

Pneumatic BalancersEquilibreurs PneumatiquesDruckluft-BalancerPosicionadores de Cargas NeumáticosPosizionatori di Carico PneumaticiOptionsInterlock ValveRef. 99064Special fully pneumatic <strong>com</strong>ponent, able to sw<strong>it</strong>ch from one pos<strong>it</strong>ion to the another depending on the pressure level, sw<strong>it</strong>ching pressureadjustable from 1 to 6 bars. Allows or prevents the release of the load by controling the pressure in the balancer.Composant entièrement pneumatique, capable de basculer d’un état à un autre en fonction de la pression. Pression de basculementajustable de 1 à 6 bars. Autorise ou interd<strong>it</strong> la dépose de la charge en contrôlant la pression dans l’équilibreur.Das Interlockventil ist eine pneumatischen Komponente, die die Freigabe des gegriffenen Teils im gehobenen Zustand sperrt. DasPräzisionsventil wird vom Kammerdruck des Druckluftbalancers m<strong>it</strong> einer minimalen Hysterese gesteuert. (Regelbereich 1 bis 7 bar )Componente neumàtico especial, que perm<strong>it</strong>e cambiar de posición segun la presión de aire, cambiando la presion de 1 a 6 bares. Perm<strong>it</strong>eo impide descargar la carga controlando la presión en el equilibrador.Componente pneumatico <strong>com</strong>pletamente speciale, in grado di cambiare da una posizione all'altra in funzione del livello di pressione, modificandola pressione da 1 a 6 bars. Permette o previene il rilascio del carico controllando la pressione nel bilanciatore.BAW SeriesAir pos<strong>it</strong>ioner including our exclusiveflotating feature.Wide range of balancing capac<strong>it</strong>ies from0.9 to 22 kg.Simple adjustment by means of externalregulator. Low headroom w<strong>it</strong>h 510 mm.194 mmØ 260 mmEquilibreur pneumatique à effet "coussind'air". Très large plage de réglages, de 0,9à 22 kg. Réglage rapide par moletteextérieure. Hauteur perdue 51 cm.511 mmDruckluft-Pos<strong>it</strong>ionierer verfügt überexklusive gle<strong>it</strong>ende Eigenschaft. GroßerArbe<strong>it</strong>sbereich der zu pos<strong>it</strong>ionierendenKapaz<strong>it</strong>ät von 0,9 bis 22,0 kg. SchnelleJustage über ein externes Ventil.Geringer Raumbedarf von nur 510 mm.241 mm35 mmVIIPosicionador de carga neumatico conrecorrido de flotacion. Ajuste desde 0.9Kg hasta 22 Kg. Altura perdida : 51 cm.Posizionatore ad aria che include il nostroesclusivo gioco assiale. Ampia gamma dicapac<strong>it</strong>à di bilanciatura da 0,9 a 22 Kg.Facilmente modificabile attraversoregolatore esterno. Basso profilo 510 mm.BAW005060Ref. no.SWLØ@ 700 kPakg m mm kgSINGLE WIRE ROPE – UNITÉ SIMPLE – EINSTRÄNGIGESEILAUSFÜHRUNG – UNA RAMALE – FUNE SINGOLO RINVIOBAW005060 0.9 - 22 1.5 260 9.0107

Pneumatic BalancersEquilibreurs PneumatiquesDruckluft-BalancerPosicionadores de Cargas NeumáticosPosizionatori di Carico PneumaticiIntelift Series143Ø 165 mm470 mm± 50IBW015080216Intelift Control OptionsIB = Intelift Basic, no controls (Controls are required to operate the un<strong>it</strong>)IA = Intelift Pendant control handle w<strong>it</strong>h 3 m twin bonded pre-coil cableIC = Intelift Force Sensing control handle w<strong>it</strong>h 3 m twin bonded pre-coil cableIS = Intelift Pendant control handle w<strong>it</strong>h 3 m straight electric cableOptions de <strong>com</strong>mande InteliftIB = Un<strong>it</strong>é de base Intelift, sans <strong>com</strong>mandeIA = Intelift avec poignée de <strong>com</strong>mande pendulaire et 3 m de câble spiralé doubleIC = Intelift avec poignée de <strong>com</strong>mande sens<strong>it</strong>ive et 3 m de câble spiralé doubleIS = Intelift avec poignée de cde. pendulaire et 3 m de câble électrique dro<strong>it</strong>Intelift SteueroptionenIB = Intelift, Basis, keine SteuerungenIA = Intelift, hängender Steuerhandgriff m<strong>it</strong> 3 m spiralförmigem Zweile<strong>it</strong>erkabelIC = Intelift, Lastmeß-Steuerhandgriff m<strong>it</strong> 3 m spiralförmigem Zweile<strong>it</strong>erkabelIS = Intelift, hängender Steuerhandgriff m<strong>it</strong> 3 m geradem StromkabelOpciones de control InteliftIB = Intelift Básico, sin controles (se requieren controles para operar la unidad)IA = Intelift con mando de pulsadores y 3 m de cable espiral dobleIC = Intelift con mando por sensor de esfuerzo y 3 m de cable espiral dobleIS = Intelift con mando de pulsadores y 3 m de cable rectoOpzioni di controllo InteliftIB = Intelift modello base, senza <strong>com</strong>andoIA = Intelift con <strong>com</strong>ando a pulsantiera e 3 m di cavo a doppia spiraleIC = Intelift con <strong>com</strong>ando a pulsantiera sens<strong>it</strong>iva e 3 m di tubo a doppia spiraleIS = Intelift con <strong>com</strong>ando a pulsantiera con 3 m di cavo elettrico dir<strong>it</strong>toØ 254 mmØ 254 mm216533 mm± 50686 mm± 50Ref. no. IB Ref. no. IA Ref. no. IC Ref. no.ISSWL SWL SWL Ø@ 500 kPa @ 600 kPa @ 700 kPakg kg kg m mm kgSINGLE WIRE ROPE UNITS — UNITÉS SIMPLES — EINSTRÄNGIGE SEILAUSFÜHRUNG —UNIDADES DE CABLE DE UNA RAMALE — FUNE SINGOLO RINVIOIBW015080 (1) IAW015080 (1) ICW015080 (1) ISW015080 (1) 49 58 68 2.0 165 27IBW020120 IAW020120 ICW020120 ISW020120 65 78 91 3.0 254 33IBW033080 IAW033080 ICW033080 ISW033080 107 128 150 2.0 254 33IBW050080 IAW050080 ICW050080 ISW050080 162 194 227 2.0 254 54REEVED WIRE ROPE UNITS — UNITÉS MOUFLÉES — ZWEISTRÄNGIGE SEILAUSFÜHRUNG —UNIDADES DE CABLE CON VUELTA — FUNE DOPPIO RINVIOIBW040060 IAW040060 ICW040060 ISW040060 130 156 182 1524 254 30IBW066040 IAW066040 ICW066040 ISW066040 114 256 300 1016 254 35IBW100040 IAW100040 ICW100040 ISW100040 324 388 454 1016 254 57108(1) Not available w<strong>it</strong>h Z Stop option(1) Non disponible avec option Z Stop(1) Nicht erhältlich m<strong>it</strong> Option Z-Stop(1) No disponible con la opción Z-Stop(1) Non disponibile con opzione arresto Z

Pneumatic BalancersEquilibreurs PneumatiquesDruckluft-BalancerPosicionadores de Cargas NeumáticosPosizionatori di Carico PneumaticiModel identification codesCodification des référencesModellbezeichnungenCódigos de identificación de los modelosCodici identificazione modelloExample :Exemple – Beispiel :Ejemplo – Esempio :IAW020120A22SSUSPENSION — SUSPENSION — AUFHÄNGUNG — SUSPENSIÓN — SOSPENSIONE00 No suspension Sans suspension Keine Sin suspensión Nessuna SospensioneS2 IR ZRS2 steel rail Rail acier ZRS2 IR IR ZRS2 (Stahl) IR ZRS2 (acero) IR ZRS2 (acciaio)S3 IR ZRS3 steel rail Rail acier ZRS3 IR IR ZRS3 (Stahl) IR ZRS3 (acero) IR ZRS3 (acciaio)HM Hook mount Crochet Hakenaufhängung Gancho de suspensión Montaggio su gancioTR (1) T-Rail / I-Beam Rail T / Poutre I T-Schiene / Doppel-T Carril T / Viga I Rotaia a T / Trave IAT IR ZRAT alu. rail Rail alu. ZRAT IR IR ZRAT (aluminium) IR ZRAT (aluminium) IR ZRAT (aluminium)A1 IR ZRA1 alu. rail Rail alu. ZRA1 IR IR ZRA1 (aluminium) IR ZRA1 (aluminium) IR ZRA1 (aluminium)A2 IR ZRA2 alu. rail Rail alu. ZRA2 IR IR ZRA2 (aluminium) IR ZRA2 (aluminium) IR ZRA2 (aluminium)K1 KBK1 (Demag) KBK1 (Demag) KBK1 (Demag) KBK1 (Demag) KBK1 (Demag)K2 KBK2 (Demag) KBK2 (Demag) KBK2 (Demag) KBK2 (Demag) KBK2 (Demag)INPUT VOLTAGE — TENSION D'ALIMENTATION — EINGANGSSPANNUNG — TENSIÓN ENTRADA — TENSIONE D'INGRESSO1 115V 50/60 Hz 1Ph 115V 50/60 Hz 1Ph 115V 50/60 Hz 1Ph 115V 50/60 Hz 1Ph 115V 50/60 Hz 1Ph2 230V 50/60 Hz 1Ph. 230V 50/60 Hz 1Ph. 230V 50/60 Hz 1Ph. 230V 50/60 Hz 1Ph. 230V 50/60 Hz 1Ph.Z-STOP0 None Sans Z-Stop Keine Z-Stop Sin Z-Stop Nessuna Z-StopS Z-stop Dispos<strong>it</strong>if anti-dérive Tiefenanschlag Tope de bajada Arresto in discesa(1) Only for 50, 66, 82 and 100 mm rail widths — (1) Adaptable sur fer de roulement de 50, 66, 82 et 100 mm de large.(1) Nur für Trägerbre<strong>it</strong>en von 50, 66, 82 und 100 mm — (1) Sólo para ancho de rail de 50, 66, 82 y 100 mm — (1) Solo per rotaie con larghezza 50, 66, 82 e 100 mm.VII109

Air Chain HoistsPalans Pneumatiques à ChaîneDruckluftkettenzügePolipastos Neumáticos de CadenaParanchi Pneumatici a CatenaPalair Plus SeriesLube free gearair motorVariable speedw<strong>it</strong>h PHSpilotedprogressivependentZinc platedload chainMoteur àengrenagessanslubrificationTélé<strong>com</strong>mandepilotée à v<strong>it</strong>essevariableChaîne decharge enacier zinguéÖlfreierDruckluft-ZahnradmotorVariableGeschwindigke<strong>it</strong>durch stufenlose"PHS"FernsteuerungKorrosionsbeständigeLastketteMotor neumáticode engranajessin lubricaciónVelocidadvariable conmando PHSpilotadoprogresivoCadena decarga de acerozincadoMotore aingranaggi nonlubrificatoVeloc<strong>it</strong>à variabilecon <strong>com</strong>andopendenteprogressivo"PHS"Catena contrattamentoanticorrosionePAL500K-2CSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.SWLkg m m/min m/min m/min m/min kg l/min (max.)1 FALL UNITS — 1 BRIN DE CHAINE — 1 KETTENSTRANG — 1 RAMAL DE CADENA — 1 RINVIPAL250K 250 3.0 20 23 30 16 15 2200PAL500K 500 3.0 15 27 30 16 15 2200PAL1001K 980 3.0 7 13 14 8 19 22002 FALL UNITS — 2 BRINS DE CHAINE — 2 KETTENSTRÄNGE — 2 RAMALES DE CADENA — 2 RINVIIPAL1000K 980 3.0 7.5 13.5 15 8 18 2200PAL2000K * 2000 3.0 3.5 6.5 7 4 24 2200* Delivered as standard w<strong>it</strong>h overload protection* Equipé en standard avec lim<strong>it</strong>eur de charge* Standardmäßig m<strong>it</strong> Überlastsicherung* Se entrega con dispos<strong>it</strong>ivo de protección de sobrecarga <strong>com</strong>o estándar* Protezione sovraccarico <strong>com</strong>e standard.Working pressure range 500-700 kPaPression d'utilisation 500 à 700 kPaArbe<strong>it</strong>sdruck 500-700 kPaPresión de trabajo 500-700 kPaPressione di lavoro 500 a 700 kPaLube freevane motorUniversalwheels for IPEand IPN beamsMoteur àpalettes sanslubrificationGalets universelspour adaptationsur IPE et IPNÖlfreierDruckluft-LamellenmotorLaufrollen m<strong>it</strong>Spezialprofil füralle TrägertypenMotor neumáticode paletassin lubricaciónRuedasuniversales paravigas IPE e IPNMotore a palettenon lubrificatoRuote con contornospecialeper scorrere sututti i tipi di traviHURef.1 Ton 2 TonsRmm mm m/min* m/min* kg l/min (max.)PRU 83 - 152 1067 – – 15.5 –PRUW 152 - 305 1067 – – 20.5 –GRU 83 - 152 1067 – – 16.8 –GRUW 152 - 305 1067 – – 21.8 –HU 83 - 152 1067 27 24 20.5 1200HUW 152 - 305 1067 27 24 25.5 1200* Specifications at 90 psi – * Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – * Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – * Especificaciones a 620 kPa – * Caratteristiche a 620 kPa110

STOPSTOP187Ø 146187 1642593923029Min.459 mm (PAL1000K) - 554 mm (PAL2000K)114Min.430 mm (PAL250K, PAL500K, PAL1001K)1291951902727 mm32 mm (PAL2000K)105 123 146761/2" BSP125OPTIONSModel identification codesCodification des référencesModellbezeichnungenCódigos de identificación de los modelosCodici identificazione modello150194245 146Min.469 mm (PAL1000K) - 533 mm (PAL2000K)Min.469 mm (PAL1000K) - 533 mm (PAL2000K)Min.435 mm (PAL250K, PAL500K, PAL1001K)2451902727 mm32 mm (PAL2000K)129114195Min.435 mm (PAL250K, PAL500K, PAL1001K)27187Ø 1461/2"BSP224761872243/4"BSP1501643912524434419129125245Example :Exemple – Beispiel :Ejemplo – Esempio :PAL500K-3HU8M-7CR-E27 mm32 mm (PAL2000K)150CONTROL — COMMANDE — STEUERUNG — CONTROL — COMANDO2 One motor pendent Télé<strong>com</strong>mande palan Zwe<strong>it</strong>asten-Fernsteuerung Mando para un motor P.T. 2 leve PHS3 Two motor pendent Téléc. palan + chariot mot. Viertasten-Fernsteuerung Mando para dos motores P.T. 4 leve PHSSUSPENSION — SUSPENSION — AUFHÄNGUNG — SUSPENSIÓN — SOSPENSIONEA Fixed lung mount Sans suspension Keine Sin suspensión Nessuna sospensioneC Swivel top hook Crochet tournant Drehbarer Aufhängehaken Gancho de susp. giratorio Gancio girevolePRU Plain rigid trolley Chariot manuel à pousser Universal-Rollkatze Carro de traslación manual Carrello semplicePRUW Plain rigid trolley (wide) Chariot man. large à pous. Universal-Rollkatze Carro de trasl. man. (ancho) Carrello sempliceGRU Geared rigid trolley Chariot à chaîne sans fin Haspelkatze Carro de trasl. por engranajes Carrello a ingranaggiGRUW Geared rigid trolley (wide) Chariot large à chaîne s. f. Haspelkatze Carro de tr. por engr. (ancho) Carrello a ingranaggiHU Motor driven trolley Chariot motorisé Motorlaufkatze Carro de trasl. motorizado Carrello con motoreHUW Motor driven trolley (wide) Chariot motorisé large Motorlaufkatze Carro de trasl. mot. (ancho) Carrello con motoreHEIGHT — HAUTEUR — HÖHE — ALTURA — ALTEZZA--M Height of lift in metres Hauteur de levée en m. Hubhöhe in Meter Altura de elev. en metros Corsa in metri-- Length of control in m. Longueur de télécde. en m Steuerlänge in Meter Long. de control en metros Lung. controllo in metriOPTIONSA Chain bucket 6 m cap. Bac à chaîne, capac<strong>it</strong>é 6 m Kettenbehälter - 6 m Kette Contenedor de cad. cap. 6 m Raccoglicatena - cap 6 mB Chain bucket 12 m cap. Bac à chaîne, cap. 12 m Kettenbehälter - 12 m Kette Contenedor de cad. cap. 12 m Raccoglicatena - cap 12 mC Chain bucket 24 m cap. Bac à chaîne, cap. 24 m Kettenbehälter - 24 m Kette Contenedor de cad. cap. 24 m Raccoglicatena - cap 24 mD Chain bucket 34 m cap. Bac à chaîne, cap. 34 m Kettenbehälter - 36 m Kette Contenedor de cad. cap. 36 m Raccoglicatena - cap 36 mR Corrosion/spark resistant Anti-corrosion / étincelles Korrosions- und Funkenschutz Resist. a corrosión / chispa Antiscintilla / anticorrosionneS (1) Overlaod protection Lim<strong>it</strong>eur de charge Überlastsicherung Protección contra sobrecarga Protezione sovraccaricoCE-E CE <strong>com</strong>pliance Conform<strong>it</strong>é directives CE CE Konform<strong>it</strong>ät Conforme a CE Conform<strong>it</strong>à Direttiva EuropeaVII(1) Delivered as standard w<strong>it</strong>h PAL2000K — (1) Fourni en standard sur PAL2000K — (1) Standard bei PAL2000K(1) Con el PAL2000K se entrega estándar — (1) Forn<strong>it</strong>o standard su PAL2000K111

Air Chain HoistsPalans Pneumatiques à ChaîneDruckluftkettenzügePolipastos Neumáticos de CadenaParanchi Pneumatici a CatenaMLK & HLK SeriesVariablespeed w<strong>it</strong>hPHS pilotedprogressivependentZinc platedload chainOverloadprotectionon HLKseriesTélé<strong>com</strong>mandepilotée àv<strong>it</strong>essevariableChaîne decharge enacier zinguéLim<strong>it</strong>eur decharge surseries HLKVariableGeschwindigke<strong>it</strong>durchstufenlose"PHS"FernsteuerungKorrosionsbeständigeLastketteÜberlastsicherung(BaureiheHLK)Velocidadvariablecon mandoPHSpilotadoprogresivoCadenade cargade acerozincadoLim<strong>it</strong>ador decarga en lasseries HLKVeloc<strong>it</strong>àvariabile con<strong>com</strong>andopendenteprogressivo"PHS"Catena contrattamentoanticorrosioneProtezionesovraccarico(serie HLK)Working pressure range 500-700 kPaPression d'utilisation 500 à 700 kPaArbe<strong>it</strong>sdruck 500-700 kPaPresión de trabajo 500-700 kPaPressione di lavoro 500 a 700 kPaML500K-2CHL3000K-2CSpecifications at 90 psi – Caractéristiques à 620 kPa – Technische Daten bezogen auf 620 kPa – Especificaciones a 620 kPa – Caratteristiche a 620 kPaRef.SWLkg m m/min m/min m/min m/min kg l/min (max.)MLK SERIES — SÉRIE MLK — BAUREIHE MLK — SERIE MLKML250KS 250 3.0 12.0 31.0 21.0 16.0 21.8* • – – – 1400ML250K 250 3.0 31.0 36.0 52.0 30.0 21.8* • – – – 2100ML500KS 500 3.0 6.7 20.0 13.0 10.0 21.8* • – – – 1400ML500K 500 3.0 17.0 30.0 32.0 18.0 21.8* • – – – 2100ML1000KS 980 3.0 3.4 10.0 6.7 4.9 27.7* – • – – 1400ML1000K 980 3.0 9.0 15.0 16.0 9.0 27.7* – • – – 2100HLK SERIES — SÉRIE HLK — BAUREIHE HLK — SERIE HLKHL1500K 1500 3.0 4.9 7.9 8.5 4.9 39.0* • – – – 2100HL2000K 2000 3.0 4.0 5.5 6.1 4.0 56.6* – • – – 2100HL3000K 3000 3.0 2.4 4.0 4.3 2.4 56.6* – • – – 2100HL4500K 4500 3.0 1.4 3.0 3.2 2.0 83.5* – – • – 2100HL6000K 6000 3.0 1.0 2.3 2.6 1.5 106.1* – – – • 2100* W<strong>it</strong>hout suspension — Sans suspension — Ohne Aufhängung — Sin suspensión — Senza sospensione.A (min.) B C D E F G H K (min.)MLK SERIES — SÉRIE MLK — BAUREIHE MLK — SERIE MLKML250KS / ML250K 457 102 146 54 114 89 – 38 457ML500KS / ML500K 457 102 146 54 114 89 – 38 457ML1000KS / ML1000K 457 83 165 25 135 114 – 41 457HLK SERIES — SÉRIE HLK — BAUREIHE HLK — SERIE HLKHL1500K 470 121 184 62 138 89 102 41 460HL3000K 470 121 184 62 138 89 114 60 479HL4500K 584 92 213 60 167 133 114 60 549HL6000K 635 92 213 60 167 159 114 60 575112

CEBDFGHK1/2"NPTHL4500K-2CModel identification codesCodification des référencesModellbezeichnungenCódigos de identificación de los modelosCodici identificazione modelloExample :Exemple – Beispiel :Ejemplo – Esempio :ML500KS- 2C10C-6U-EHL1500K-SPARK RESISTANT — ANTI-ETINCELLES — FUNKENSCHUTZ — ANTICHISPA — ANTISCINTILLAR (1) Spark resistant option Option anti-étincelles Funkenschutz Opción antichispa Opzione antiscintillaCONTROL — COMMANDE — STEUERUNG — CONTROL — COMANDO0 No control Sans Keine Sin control Nessuna <strong>com</strong>ando2 One motor pendent Télé<strong>com</strong>mande palan Zwe<strong>it</strong>asten-Fernsteuerung Mando para un motor P.T. 2 leve PHS3 Two motor pendent Téléc. palan + chariot mot. Viertasten-Fernsteuerung Mando para dos motores P.T. 4 leve PHSSUSPENSION — SUSPENSION — AUFHÄNGUNG — SUSPENSIÓN — SOSPENSIONEA Fixed lug mount Sans suspension Keine Sin suspensión Nessuna sospensioneC Swivel top hook Crochet tournant Drehbarer Aufhängehaken Gancho de susp. giratorio Gancio girevoleDA Plain rigid trolley Chariot manuel à pousser Universal-Rollkatze Carro de traslación manual Carrello sempliceDD (2) Plain rigid trolley (wide) Chariot man. large à pous. Universal-Rollkatze Carro de trasl. man. (ancho) Carrello sempliceF08A Geared rigid trolley Chariot à chaîne sans fin Haspelkatze Carro de trasl. por engranajes Carrello a ingranaggiF08D (2) Geared rigid trolley (wide) Chariot large à chaîne s. f. Haspelkatze Carro de tr. por engr. (ancho) Carrello a ingranaggiHA Motor driven trolley Chariot motorisé Motorlaufkatze Carro de trasl. motorizado Carrello con motoreHD (2) Motor driven trolley (wide) Chariot motorisé large Motorlaufkatze Carro de trasl. mot. (ancho) Carrello con motoreHEIGHT OF LIFT — HAUTEUR DE LEVÉE — HUBHÖHE — ALTURA DE ELEVACIÓN — CORSA-- Height of lift in feet Hauteur de levée en pieds Hubhöhe in FT Altura de elevación en pies Altezza di sollevamento in piediLOWER HOOK — CROCHET BAS — LASTHAKEN — GANCHO DE CARGA — GANCIO DI CARICOC Steel snap hook Crochet de sécur<strong>it</strong>é Sicherhe<strong>it</strong>s-Lasthaken Gancho de seguridad/acero Gancio di sicurezzaLENGTH OF CONTROL — LONGUEUR DE COMMANDE — LÄNGE DER STEUERUNG — LONGITUD DEL CONTROL — LUNG. CONTROLLO-- Length of control in feet Long. de télécde. en pieds Länge der Steuerung in FT Long<strong>it</strong>ud de control en pies Lunghezza tubi P.T. in piediOPTIONSM Manual release brake k<strong>it</strong> K<strong>it</strong> de défreinage manuel Manuelle Bremsfreigabe K<strong>it</strong> para liberar freno manual K<strong>it</strong> rilascio freno manualeP Piped away exhaust k<strong>it</strong> K<strong>it</strong> d'échappement canalisé Umle<strong>it</strong>ung des Luftauslass K<strong>it</strong> para alejar escape K<strong>it</strong> tubo scaricoS Steel chain container Bac à chaîne en acier Kettenbehälter aus Stah Contenedor metálico cadena Conten<strong>it</strong>ore in acciaioU Fabric chain container Bac à chaîne en toile Kettenbehälter aus Textil Contenedor de tela cadena Conten<strong>it</strong>ore in tessutoE Epoxy paint Peinture époxy Epoxy-Anstrich Pintura epoxy Verniciatura epossidicaF Foundry grade chain Chaîne pour fonderies Kette geeignet für Gießereien Cadena para fundición Catena per fonderieL (3) Overload protection Lim<strong>it</strong>eur de charge Überlastsicherung Protección contra sobrecarga Lim<strong>it</strong>atore di caricoCE-E CE <strong>com</strong>pliance Conform<strong>it</strong>é directives CE CE Konform<strong>it</strong>ät Conforme a CE Conform<strong>it</strong>à Direttiva EuropeaVII(1) Available for ML250K, ML250KS, ML500K and ML500KS – (2) Available from 0.25 to 3 ton only – (2) Delivered as standard w<strong>it</strong>h HLK series(1) Disponible pour ML250K, ML250KS, ML500K et ML500KS – (2) Disponible de 0,25 à 3 tonnes uniquement – (3) Fourni en standard sur séries HLK(1) Erhältlich für ML250K, ML250KS, ML500K, ML500KS – (2) Nur erhältlich von 0,25 bis 3,0 t – (3) Standard für die Baureihe HLK(1) Disponible para ML250K, ML250KS, ML500K, ML500KS – (2) Sólo disponible desde 0,25 a 3 ton. – (3) estándar para las series HLK(1) Disponibile per ML250, ML250KS, ML500K, ML500KS – (2) Disponibile solamente da 0,25 a 3 ton. – (3) Standard sulla serie HLK113

B<strong>it</strong> GuidesCoiffes guide-lameKlingen-FührungshülsenGuías de puntaGuida puntaB<strong>it</strong> holders, 1 /4" hex x 1 /4" hexPorte-embouts, 1 /4" hex. x 1 /4" hex.Klingenhalter, 1 /4" Skt. x 1 /4" Skt.Portapuntas, 1 /4" hex x 1 /4" hexPortapunta, ex. 1 /4" x ex. 1 /4"LB<strong>it</strong> GuideRef. No.No.mm5RA-P730-1 1 505RA-P730-2 2 505RA-P730-3 3 50102A60-P730-1 1 90102A60-P730-2 2 90102A60-P730-3 3 90Ref. No.L (mm)STANDARD631 54631-4 102631-6 152MAGNETICM-630 54M-631-4 102M-631-6 152SpindleAccessoriesAccessoires de BrocheKlingen und SteckschlüsselAccesorios de AccionamientoAccessori, Punte e BussolePhillips ®( 1 /4" hex)Ref. No.No.mmEXTRA HARD ★★XPB070 0 25XPB071 1 25XPB072 2 25XPB073 3 25XPB074 4 32MEDIUM HARD ★PB070 0 25PB071 1 25PB072 2 25PB073 3 25PB074 4 32ACR ISO-TEMPXPB071ACR 1 25XPB072ACR 2 25XPB073ACR 3 25Ref. No.No.Ømm mmEXTRA HARD ★★XP-161 1 50 4.8XP-162 2 50 6.4XP-163 3 50 8.0XP-221 1 70 4.8XP-222 2 70 6.4XP-223 3 70 8.0MEDIUM HARD ★P-161 1 50 4.8P-162 2 50 6.4P-163 3 50 8.0P-221 1 70 4.8P-222 2 70 6.4P-223 3 70 8.0For further details on our Accessory Range,please see our Accessories catalogueNo. XL32515.Pour conna<strong>it</strong>re l'ensemble de notre GammeAccessoires, vous pouvez consulter notrecatalogue AccessoiresNo XL32515.We<strong>it</strong>ere Informationen zu Ingersoll RandOriginal-Zubehör finden Sie in unseremneuen Zubehör-Katalog (Nr. XL32515).Para conocer la totalidad de nuestra GamaAccesorios, puede consultar nuestrocatálogo Accesorios No. XL32515.Per conoscere l'intera gamma dei nostriaccessori, consultare il nostro CatalogoAccessori N. XL32515.Pozidriv ®( 1 /4" hex)Ref. No.No.mmEXTRA HARD ★★XPZB071 1 25XPZB072 2 25XPZB073 3 25LXPZB072 2 38ELXPZB072 2 51MEDIUM HARD ★PZB071 1 25PZB072 2 25PZB073 3 25LPZB072 2 38ELPZB072 2 51Ref. No.No.Ømm mmEXTRA HARD ★★XPZ-161 1 50 4.8XPZ-162 2 50 6.4XPZ-163 3 50 8.0XPZ-261 1 70 4.8XPZ-262 2 70 6.4XPZ-263 3 70 8.0XPZ-361 1 90 4.8XPZ-362 2 90 6.4XPZ-363 3 90 8.0XPZ-661 1 152 4.8XPZ-662 2 152 6.4XPZ-663 3 152 8.0MEDIUM HARD ★PZ-161 1 50 4.8PZ-162 2 50 6.4PZ-163 3 50 8.0PZ-261 1 70 4.8PZ-262 2 70 6.4PZ-263 3 70 8.0PZ-361 1 90 4.8PZ-362 2 90 6.4PZ-363 3 90 8.0PZ-661 1 152 4.8PZ-662 2 152 6.4PZ-663 3 152 8.0

Torx ® ( 1 /4" hex)Torq-set ® ( 1 /4" hex)Ref. No.Ref. No.No.mmRef. No.No.mmEXTRA HARD ★★ MEDIUM HARD ★XIBT07 IBT07 7 25XIBT08 IBT08 8 25XIBT09 IBT09 9 25XIBT10 IBT10 10 25XIBT15 IBT15 15 25XIBT20 IBT20 20 25XIBT25 IBT25 25 25XIBT27 IBT27 27 25XIBT30 IBT30 30 25XIBT40 IBT40 40 25Torx ® ( 1 /4" hex)TSO-0 0 25TSO-1 1 25TSO-2 2 25TSO-3 3 25TSO-4 4 25TSO-5 5 25TSO-6 6 25TSO-8 8 25TSO-10 10 25Torq-set ® ( 1 /4" hex)Ref. No.Ref. No.No.mmRef. No.No.mmEXTRA HARD ★★ MEDIUM HARD ★XT07 T07 7 50XT08 T08 8 50XT09 T09 9 50XT10 T10 10 50XT15 T15 15 50XT20 T20 20 50XT25 T25 25 50XT27 T27 27 50XT30 T30 30 50XT40 T40 40 50XTB07 TB07 7 90XTB08 TB08 8 90XTB09 TB09 9 90XTB10 TB10 10 90XTB15 TB15 15 90XTB20 TB20 20 90XTB25 TB25 25 90XTB27 TB27 27 90XTB30 TB30 30 90XTB40 TB40 40 90Torx ® tamper resistant ( 1 /4" hex)Ref. No.No.mmTTR-07 7 25TTR-08 8 25TTR-09 9 25TTR-10 10 25TTR-15 15 25TTR-20 20 25TTR-25 25 25TTR-27 27 25TTR-30 30 25TTR-40 40 25TSI-0 0 32TSI-1 1 32TSI-2 2 32TSI-3 3 32TSI-4 4 32TSI-5 5 32TSI-6 6 32TSI-8 8 32TSI-10 10 32Allen head ( 1 /4" hex)Ref. No.Ref. No.mmEXTRA HARD ★★ MEDIUM HARD ★HXB1.5 HB1.5 1.5 mm 25HXB2 HB2 2 mm 25HXB2.5 HB2.5 2.5 mm 25HXB3 HB3 3 mm 25HXB4 HB4 4 mm 33HXB5 HB5 5 mm 33HXB6 HB6 6 mm 33HXB8 HB8 8 mm 33HXB0825 HB0825 5/64" 25HXB083 HB083 3/32" 25HXB084 HB084 1/8" 25HXB0845 HB0845 9/64" 25HXB105 HB105 5/32" 33HXB106 HB106 3/16" 33HXB107 HB107 7/32" 33HXB108 HB108 1/4" 33HXB109 HB109 5/16" 33HXB110 HB110 3/8" 33Tri-Wing ® ( 1 /4" hex)Ref. No.Point no.mmAllen head ( 1 /4" hex)TWB-0 0 25TWB-1 1 25TWB-2 2 25TWB-3 3 25TWB-4 4 25TWB-5 5 25Tri-Wing ® ( 1 /4" hex)Ref. No.No.mmTW-0 0 32TW-1 1 32TW-2 2 32TW-3 3 32TW-4 4 32TW-5 5 32TW-6 6 32TW-7 7 32TW-8 8 32Ref. No.Ref. No.mmEXTRA HARD ★★ MEDIUM HARD ★HXM1.5 HM1.5 1.5 mm 50HXM2 HM2 2 mm 50HXM2.5 HM2.5 2,5 mm 50HXM3 HM3 3 mm 50HXM4 HM4 4 mm 50HXM5 HM5 5 mm 50HXM6 HM6 6 mm 50HXM8 HM8 8 mm 50HX132 H132 1/16" 50HX1325 H1325 5/16" 50HX133 H133 3/32" 50HX134 H134 1/8" 50HX1345 H1345 9/64" 50HX135 H135 5/32" 50HX136 H136 3/16" 50HX137 H137 7/32" 50HX138 H138 1/4" 50VIII115

Slotted ( 1 /4" hex)ExtensionsRallongesSteckschlüsselantriebExtensionesProlungheA 1/4"LRef. No. Ref. No. A BmmRef. No. A L (mm)EXTRA HARD ★★ MEDIUM HARD ★XFIB0 FIB0 0.8 3.9 25XFIB20 FIB20 0.9 5.5 25XFIB1 FIB1 0.9 4.8 25XFIB2 FIB2 1.0 5.6 25XFIB3 FIB3 1.1 6.4 25XFIB4 FIB4 1.2 7.2 25XFIB15 FIB15 0.9 6.3 38XFIB152 FIB152 1.0 7.0 38XFIB153 FIB153 1.1 7.0 38LXFIB154 LFIB154 1.2 7.2 38LXFIB5 LFIB5 1.3 7.2 38LXFIB6 LFIB6 1.4 9.5 38Slotted ( 1 /4" hex)7102 1/4 517103 1/4 1027104 1/4 1527105 3/8 517106 3/8 1027107 3/8 1527108 1/2 1027109 1/2 152Nutsetters for hex head screwsDouilles monobloc 6 pansSteckschlüssel m<strong>it</strong> 1 /4"ØDSkt-EinsteckendeBocas para tuercas / cabeza hexBussole per v<strong>it</strong>i testa esagonaleLRef. No. Ref. No. A BmmRef. No. L (mm) ØD (mm)EXTRA HARD ★★ MEDIUM HARD ★XF-164 F-164 0.7 3.1 50XF1645 F-1645 0.7 3.4 50XF-165 F-165 0.8 3.9 50XF-166 F-166 0.9 4.7 50XF-167 F-167 0.9 5.5 50XF-168 F-168 1.0 6.4 50XF-169 F-169 1.1 7.0 50XF-1610 F-1610 1.2 7.9 50XF-1612 F-1612 1.3 9.1 50XF-244 F-244 0.7 3.1 75XF2445 F-2445 0.7 3.4 75XF-245 F-245 0.8 3.9 75XF-246 F-246 0.9 4.7 75XF-247 F-247 0.9 5.5 75XF-248 F-248 1.0 6.4 75XF-249 F-249 1.1 7.0 75XF-250 F-250 1.2 7.9 75XF-2512 F-2512 1.3 9.1 75XF344 F-344 0.7 3.1 90XF3445 F-3445 0.7 3.4 90XF345 F-345 0.8 3.9 90XF346 F-346 0.9 4.7 90XF347 F-347 0.9 5.5 90XF348 F-348 1.0 6.4 90XF350 F-350 1.1 7.0 90XF351 F-351 1.2 7.9 90XF352 F-352 1.3 9.1 90Slotted power b<strong>it</strong> w<strong>it</strong>h finder sleeve, <strong>com</strong>plete ( 1 /4" hex)Ensemble lame tête fendue / coiffe tournante ( 1 /4" hex.)Flachklinge komplett m<strong>it</strong> Führungshülse ( 1 /4" Skt.)Cabeza ranurada con casquillo centrador ( 1 /4" hex)Punte a taglio con ricercatore girevole, <strong>com</strong>plete (ex. 1 /4")Ref. No. 1ØDRef. No. 2Ref. No. 1 Ref. No. 2 Ø D A B mmFSB4 SFSB4 9.5 0.86 4.9 95FSB5 SFSB5 9.5 0.90 4.9 95FSB6 SFSB6 11.0 1.0 6.1 95FSB8 SFSB8 12.7 1.0 7.4 95FSB10 SFSB10 14.2 1.2 8.9 95FSB12 SFSB12 15.8 1.3 10.0 100FSB14 SFSB14 17.5 1.4 11.6 105LFSB5 LSFSB5 9.5 0.9 4.9 170LFSB6 LSFSB6 11.0 1.0 6.1 170LFSB8 LSFSB8 12.7 1.0 7.4 170LFSB10 LSFSB10 14.2 1.2 8.9 170STANDARDOX1304 4 mm 80 9OX1305 5 mm 80 10OX1315 5.5 mm 80 11OX1306 6 mm 80 11OX1307 7 mm 80 13OX1308 8 mm 80 14OX1309 9 mm 80 15OX1310 10 mm 80 16OX1311 11 mm 80 18OX1312 12 mm 80 19OX1313 13 mm 95 19OX1314 14 mm 95 21MAGNETICNSM5.5M 5.5 mm 41 11NSM6M 6 mm 41 11NSM8M 8 mm 41 13NSM10M 10 mm 48 14NSM14 1/4" 41 11NSM516 5/16" 41 13NSM38 3/8" 45 14NSML14 1/4" 65 11NSML516 5/16" 65 13NSML38 3/8" 65 14Magnetic 1 /4" square drive power socketsDouilles 6 pans magnétiques 1 /4"1/4" Kraft-Steckschlüssel (magnetisch)Bocas cuadradillo 1 /4" magnéticasBussole magnetiche, quadro 1 /4"Ref. No.ØDlØdØd ØD I L(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)6904MPKM 4 mm 13 — — —6905MPKM 5 mm 13 — — —6905.5MPKM 5.5 mm 13 9 2 256906MPKM 6 mm 13 9.5 2.5 256907MPKM 7 mm 13 11 2.5 256908MPKM 8 mm 13 12 3 256909MPKM 9 mm 13 13 3 256910MPKM 10 mm 13 14.5 5 256911MPKM 11 mm 13 16 5 256912MPKM 12 mm 13 17 5 256913MPKM 13 mm 13 18 7 256906PKM 3/16" 13 — — —6908PKM 1/4" 13 9.5 2.5 256909PKM 9/32" 13 11 2.5 256910PKM 5/16" 13 12 3 256911PKM 11/32" 13 12 3 256912PKM 3/8" 13 14.5 5 256914PKM 7/16" 13 16 5 256916PKM 1/2" 13 18 7 25L116

Standard power socketsDouilles 6 pans standardStandard Kraft-SteckschlüsselBocas estándarBussole a macchina standarddILDStandard power socketsDouilles 6 pans standardStandard Kraft-SteckschlüsselBocas estándarBussole a macchina standarddILDRef. No.■ 1/4"S62M4 4.0 mm 13 7.6 4 23S62M45 4.5 mm 13 8.2 5 23S62M5 5.0 mm 13 8.8 5 23S62M55 5.5 mm 13 9.5 5 23S62M6 6.0 mm 13 10.0 6 23S62M7 7.0 mm 13 11.3 6 23S62M8 8.0 mm 13 12.5 7 23S62M9 9.0 mm 13 13.8 7 23S62M10 10 mm 13 15.0 7 23S62M11 11 mm 13 16.3 8 23S62M12 12 mm 13 17.0 8 23S62M13 13 mm 13 18.8 8 23S62M14 14 mm 13 20.0 8 23S62H316 3/16" 13 8.5 5 23S62H14 1/4" 13 10.3 6 23S62H932 9/32" 13 11.3 6 23S62H516 5/16" 13 12.5 7 23S62H1132 11/32" 13 13.8 7 23S62H38 3/8" 13 15.0 7 23S62H716 7/16" 13 16.3 8 23S62H12 1/2" 13 18.8 8 23S62H916 9/16" 13 20.0 8 23■ 3/8"S63M6 6.0 mm 19 11.0 4 30S63M7 7.0 mm 19 12.5 8 30S63M8 8.0 mm 19 13.8 8 30S63M9 9.0 mm 19 15.0 8 30S63M10 10 mm 19 16.0 8 30S63M11 11 mm 19 17.5 9 30S63M12 12 mm 19 19.0 9 30S63M13 13 mm 22 20.0 9 30S63M14 14 mm 22 21.0 9 30S63M15 15 mm 22 22.0 11 30S63M16 16 mm 22 24.0 11 30S63M17 17 mm 22 25.0 11 30S63M18 18 mm 22 26.0 11 30S63M19 19 mm 22 27.5 11 30S63M20 20 mm 22 28.0 12 30S63M21 21 mm 22 30.0 13 30S63M22 22 mm 23 32.0 13 30S63H14 1/4" 19 10.0 6 30S63H516 5/16" 19 12.0 8 30S63H38 3/8" 19 15.0 8 30S63H716 7/16" 19 17.0 9 30S63H12 1/2" 19 20.0 10 30S63H916 9/16" 20 21.0 10 30S63H58 5/8" 24 23.0 10 30S63H1116 11/16" 24 25.0 10 30S63M19 3/4" 22 27.5 11 30S63H1316 13/16" 28 30.0 13 30Torx ® power socketsDouilles 6 pans Torx ®Torx ® Kraft-SteckschlüsselTorx ® BocasBussole a macchina Torx ®Ød ØD I L(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)Ref. No.Ød ØD I L(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)■ 1/4"SET2E4 E4 13 7.2 4.0 25SET2E5 E5 13 8.0 4.5 25SET2E6 E6 13 9.0 5.0 25SET2E7 E7 13 9.5 6.0 25SET2E8 E8 13 10.0 6.0 25■ 3/8"SET3E6 E6 19 10.0 5.0 32SET3E7 E7 19 10.0 6.0 32SET3E8 E8 19 10.5 6.0 32SET3E10 E10 19 12.5 7.5 32SET3E12 E12 19 15.0 8.5 32SET3E14 E14 19 17.5 10.0 32SET3E16 E16 19 19.0 11.0 32■ 1/2"SET4E10 E10 25 15.0 7.5 38SET4E12 E12 25 16.0 8.5 38SET4E14 E14 25 18.5 10.0 38SET4E16 E16 25 20.0 11.0 38SET4E18 E18 25 22.0 12.0 38SET4E20 E20 30 25.0 13.5 38dILDRef. No.Ød ØD I L(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)■ 1/2"S64M8 8.0 mm 25 15.0 9 38S64M9 9.0 mm 25 16.0 12 38S64M10 10 mm 25 17.5 12 38S64M11 11 mm 25 18.7 12 38S64M12 12 mm 25 20.0 12 38S64M13 13 mm 25 21.0 12 38S64M14 14 mm 25 22.5 12 38S64M15 15 mm 30 23.7 12 38S64M16 16 mm 30 25.0 12 38S64M17 17 mm 30 26.0 13 38S64M18 18 mm 30 27.5 13 38S64M19 19 mm 30 28.7 13 38S64M20 20 mm 30 30.0 13 38S64M21 21 mm 30 30.0 13 38S64M22 22 mm 30 32.0 13 38S64M23 23 mm 30 32.0 13 38S64M24 24 mm 30 35.0 20 45S64M25 25 mm 30 36.0 20 45S64M26 26 mm 30 38.0 22 50S64M27 27 mm 30 38.7 22 50S64M28 28 mm 30 40.0 22 50S64M29 29 mm 30 40.0 22 50S64M30 30 mm 30 42.0 22 50S64M32 32 mm 30 44.0 28 50S64H38 3/8 22 16.0 12 38S64H716 7/16 22 18.0 12 38S64H12 1/2 22 20.0 12 38S64H916 9/16 24 22.0 12 38S64H58 5/8 25 25.0 12 38S64H1116 11/16 26 26.0 13 38S64H34 3/4 28 28.0 13 38S64H1316 13/16 30 30.0 13 38S64H78 7/8 32 32.0 13 38S64H1516 15/16 34 34.0 13 38S64H1 1 36 36.0 14 38S64H1-116 1.1/16 38 38.0 16 40S64H1-118 1.1/8 38 40.0 16 40S64H1-14 1.1/4 38 44.0 18 40■ 3/4"S66M17 17 mm 44 31.0 12 50S66M18 18 mm 44 32.0 12 50S66M19 19 mm 44 33.0 14 50S66M21 21 mm 44 35.0 16 50S66M22 22 mm 44 37.0 16 50S66M23 23 mm 44 38.0 16 50S66M24 24 mm 44 39.0 16 50S66M25 25 mm 44 40.0 16 50S66M26 26 mm 44 41.0 16 50S66M27 27 mm 44 43.0 16 54S66M28 28 mm 44 44.0 23 54S66M29 29 mm 44 45.0 23 54S66M30 30 mm 44 47.0 23 54S66M31 31 mm 44 48.0 23 56S66M32 32 mm 44 49.0 23 56S66M33 33 mm 44 51.0 23 56S66M34 34 mm 44 52.0 23 56S66H916 9/16 38 25.5 12 50S66H58 5/8 38 27.5 12 50S66H1116 11/16 38 29.0 12 50S66H34 3/4 38 30.0 14 50S66H1316 13/16 38 32.0 16 52S66H78 7/8 38 34.0 16 52S66H1516 15/16 38 36.0 16 52S66H1 1 38 40.0 16 52S66H1-116 1.1/16 38 40.0 16 52S66H1-18 1.1/8 42 42.0 20 52S66H1-14 1.1/4 44 44.0 20 52S66H1-516 1.5/16 44 47.0 23 56S66H1-38 1.3/8 44 50.0 23 56VIII117

Surface drive socketsDouilles "surface drive"FlächentragendeSteckschlüssel-EinsätzeBocas para atornilladoBussole a inv<strong>it</strong>odILDPower universal jointsCardansHochleistungs-KugelgelenkeJuntas universaleSnodiDLdRef. No.Ød ØD I L(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)■ 3/8"SD3M8 8 mm 19 13.8 8 32SD3M10 10 mm 19 16.0 8 32SD3M13 13 mm 22 20.0 9 32SD3M16 16 mm 22 24.0 11 32SD3M17 17 mm 22 25.0 11 32SD3M18 18 mm 22 26.0 11 32SD3M19 19 mm 22 28.0 11 32SD3H38 3/8" 19 15.5 8 32SD3H716 7/16" 19 17.5 9 32SD3H12 1/2" 22 20.0 9 32SD3H916 9/16" 22 22.0 11 32SD3H58 5/8" 22 24.0 11 32SD3H1116 11/16" 22 26.0 11 32SD3H34 3/4" 22 28.0 11 32■ 1/2"SD4M13 13 mm 25 21 12 38SD4M16 16 mm 30 25 12 38SD4M17 17 mm 30 26 13 38SD4M18 18 mm 30 27.5 13 38SD4M19 19 mm 30 28.5 13 38SD4M21 21 mm 30 30.0 13 38SD4M22 22 mm 30 32.0 13 38SD4M24 24 mm 30 35.0 20 45SD4H38 3/8" 25 17.0 12 38SD4H716 7/16" 25 18.7 12 38SD4H12 1/2" 25 21.0 12 38SD4H916 9/16" 25 23.0 12 38SD4H58 5/8" 30 25.0 12 38SD4H1116 11/16" 30 27.0 13 38SD4H34 3/4" 30 28.7 13 38SD4H1316 13/16" 30 30.0 13 38SD4H78 7/8" 30 32.0 13 38SD4H1516 15/16" 30 35.0 20 45Ref. No.J2 1/4" 16 43 30J3 3/8" 24 50 110J4 1/2" 32 60 200J6 3/4" 44 105 590Power socket adaptersAdapteursHochleistungs-Reduzier-EinsätzeAdaptadores de bocaRiduzioni a macchina 2 L 1Power driver extensionsRallongesHochleistungs-VerlängerungenExtensionesProlungheØdL(mm) (mm) (g )Ref. No. 1 2ØdL(mm) (mm)A2F3M 1/4" 3/8" 13.6 26A3F4M 3/8" 1/2" 22.0 36A3F2M 3/8" 1/4" 22.0 32A4F3M 1/2" 3/8" 25.0 38A4F6M 1/2" 3/4" 30.0 48A6F4M 3/4" 1/2" 44.0 56A6F8M 3/4" 1" 44.0 63Ldd12 point socketsDouilles 12 pans12-Punkt-SteckschlüsselBoca de 12 carasBussola esagonale a 12 puntidILDRef. No.ØdL(mm)(mm)E250MM 1/4" 13 50E2100MM 1/4" 13 100E2150MM 1/4" 13 150E375MM 3/8" 19 75E3150MM 3/8" 19 150E3250MM 3/8" 19 250E475MM 1/2" 25 75E4125MM 1/2" 25 125E4175MM 1/2" 25 175E4250MM 1/2" 25 250E6175MM 3/4" 44 175E6250MM 3/4" 44 250E6330MM 3/4" 44 330Ref. No.Ød ØD I L(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)■ 1/2"S124M10 10 mm 24 17 12 38S124M11 11 mm 24 18 12 38S124M12 12 mm 24 19 12 38S124M13 13 mm 24 20 12 38S124M14 14 mm 24 22 12 38S124M15 15 mm 24 24 12 38S124M16 16 mm 24 24 12 38S124M17 17 mm 26 26 13 38S124M18 18 mm 26 26 13 38S124M19 19 mm 28 28 13 38S124M21 21 mm 30 30 13 38S124M22 22 mm 32 32 13 38S124M23 23 mm 32 32 13 38S124M24 24 mm 34 34 19 45B<strong>it</strong> holdersAdapteurs porte-emboutsKlingenhalterPortapuntasPortapunteRef. No.1/4"hexSTANDARD631-1 1/4 5038BH14 3/8 38MAGNETICM-631-2 1/4 51M38BH14 3/8 69LL (mm)118


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