Curriculum vitae et studiorum Eliae - La Sapienza

Curriculum vitae et studiorum Eliae - La Sapienza

Curriculum vitae et studiorum Eliae - La Sapienza

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observations with MITO. 1. Single pixel photom<strong>et</strong>er, Proceedings ofthe "International Enrico Fermi School of Physics: Background MicrowaveRadiation and Intracluster Cosmology", Varenna, Italy, July6-16, 2004, IOS press, Melchiorri and Rephaeli eds, 345-354, 2005 (1citation)82. De P<strong>et</strong>ris M., Catalano A., De Gregori S., <strong>La</strong>magna L., <strong>La</strong>ttanzi V.,Luzzi G., Maoli R., Melchiorri A., Melchiorri F., Savini G., V<strong>et</strong>raniG.G., Battistelli E. S., Valenziano L., Mandolesi N., Villa F., CuttaiaF., Ade P.A.R., Mauskopf P., Orlando A., Encrenaz P., Pardo J.R.,and Cericharo J. (2005): CASPER: Concordia Atmospherical Spectroscopyof Emitted Radiation , Proceedings of the "Dome C Astronomy/AstrophysicsMe<strong>et</strong>ing", Tolouse, France, June 28/July 1, 2004,EAS Publications Series, 14, 233-238, 2005 (1 citation)83. Zannoni, M.; Battistelli, E. S.; Boella, G.; Gervasi, M.; Sironi, G.(2005): The Spectral Index of the Galactic Foreground Affecting CMBMeasurements, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 201, 7-11 August 2000at Manchester, United Kingdom. Edited by A. <strong>La</strong>senby and A. Wilkinson.San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Soci<strong>et</strong>y of the Pacific (ASP),p.538, 200584. Sironi G., Battistelli E. S., Boella G., Cavaliere F., Gervasi M.,Passerini A., Tartari A., Zannoni M. (2003): Search for distortions inthe spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Radiation, Proc. of the "3rd InternationalSakharov Conference on Physiscs" - Moscow, Russia, June24-29, 2002, Semikhatov, Vasiliev & Zaikin eds, 1, 453-461, 200385. <strong>La</strong>magna L., De P<strong>et</strong>ris M., Melchiorri F., Battistelli E.S., DeGrazia,M., Luzzi G., Orlando A., and Savini G. (2002): MAD-4-MITO, aMulti Array of D<strong>et</strong>ectors for Ground-based mm/submm SZ Observations,Proceedings of the 2K1BC Workshop, Breuil-Cervinia (AO),Valle d’Aosta Italy, July 9-13 2001, M.DeP<strong>et</strong>ris & M.Gervasi eds,American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 616, 92-97,2002 (11 citations)86. Gervasi M., Battistelli E. S., Boella G., Cavaliere F., Passerini A.,Sironi G., and Zannoni M. (2002): The Milano polarization experimentdevoted to the study of the Cosmic Microwave Background, proceedingsof the workshop: Astrophysical Polarized Backgrounds, Bologna, Italy,October 9-12, 2001, AIP Conf. Proc., S. Cecchini <strong>et</strong> al. eds, 609, 164-168, 2002 (2 citation)87. Zannoni M., Battistelli E. S., BoellaG.,CavaliereF.,GervasiM.,Passerini A., and Sironi G. (2002): The Milano Polarim<strong>et</strong>er: An instrumentto Search for <strong>La</strong>rge Scale Polarization of the Cosmic Mi-38

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