ERASMUS PARTNER KEY DATA Università degli Studi del Sannio ...

ERASMUS PARTNER KEY DATA Università degli Studi del Sannio ...

ERASMUS PARTNER KEY DATA Università degli Studi del Sannio ...


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<strong>ERASMUS</strong> + SANNIO UNIVERSITY <strong>KEY</strong> <strong>DATA</strong> SHEETGENERAL INFORMATIONName of InstitutionECHE number<strong>Università</strong> <strong>degli</strong> <strong>Studi</strong> <strong>del</strong> <strong>Sannio</strong>58916-LA-1-2014-1-IT-E4AKA1-ECHE<strong>ERASMUS</strong> ID code I BENEVEN 02WebsiteHead of the institution /Rectorhttp://www.unisannio.itProf. Filippo de RossiINTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND MOBILITY PROGRAMS OFFICEInternational Relations Commission- Prof. ssa Lorella M.T. CANZONIERO- Prof. Armando Lucio SIMONELLI- Prof.ssa Antonella NAPOLITANO- Prof. Matteo Mario SAVINO- Prof. Roberto VIRZO- Prof. Biagio SIMONETTIRector’s Delegate for InternationalAgreementsRector’s Delegate for Eramus +Procedures (area Erasmus)Rector’s Delegate for Eramus +Procedures (area Mundus)Name of the competentAdministrative OfficeCoordinator of International RelationsOffice and Mobility Programs OfficeAddressProf. Lorella M.T. CanzonieroProf. Biagio SimonettiProf. Matteo Mario SavinoUnità Organizzativa Programmi di Mobilità<strong>Università</strong> <strong>degli</strong> <strong>Studi</strong> <strong>del</strong> <strong>Sannio</strong>Dr. Monica FacchianoEx Convento di Sant’Agostino, Via Giovanni De Nicastro, 13 - 82100BENEVENTO (Italy)Phone number Tel: +39/0824/305451-53Fax number Fax: +39/0824/305408 - 23648E-mailerasmus@unisannio.itMobility Programs OfficersMaria Elisa Buonanno, Eugenia Goglia, Eduardo Paduano<strong>ERASMUS</strong> APPLICATION PROCEDURE DEADLINESStudents Application For 1 st Semester– Full YearJuly 1 stProcedures Deadlines For 2 nd Semester December 1 stReceiving Period forStaff Training Mobilities1 st week of JulyApplication Procedurefor STT Deadline<strong>ERASMUS</strong>+ ApplicationForms available on1 st Marchhttp://www.unisannio.it/international/erasmus.htmlEDUCATIONAL INFORMATIONAcademic Year Calendar1st semester/term: from / to2nd semester/term: from / toOctober – February (+ additional assessment session inMarch)February – June(+ additional assessment session in July and September)

Language of InstructionItalian, EnglishECTS creditsThe University of <strong>Sannio</strong> uses ECTS creditsECTS Guide available onhttp://www.unisannio.it/international/erasmus.htmlDepartments- Engineering- Sciences and Technology- Law, Economy, Management and Quantitative MethodsErasmus DepartmentalCoordinators for ErasmusProgram- Prof. Armando L. Simonelli (DING)- Prof. Lorella M.T. Canzoniero (DST)- Prof. Biagio Simonetti (DEMM)Programs/courses availablefor Exchange students in theDepartmentsAll Programs and CoursesWebsite(s) with informationabout courses/unitsavailable and unit outlinesOnline Course Catalogue:http://www.unisannio.it/international/erasmus.htmlLanguage courses forinternational studentsFree Italian Language Courses for Exchange Students availablePRACTICAL INFORMATION FOR STUDENTSWebsite with Exchange Studentsinformationhttp://www.unisannio.it/international/erasmus.htmlInformation on accommodation availableOther RemarksOn the web site mentioned aboveStudents are recommended to read the International Students Guide, availableonline both in Italian and English version

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