pietre - FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti

pietre - FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti pietre - FMG Fabbrica Marmi e Graniti

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SuperficiSurfacesShineLevigatoPolishedHonedPrelevigatoPre-polishedR9A SpaccoSplittedR10 A+BAnticatoAntiquedR10 A+BBurattatoTumbledR10 A+BSlateR10 A+BR11 A+B (Parana)A Spacco BSplitted BR11 A+B+CBocciardatoFlamedR11 A+B+CStrutturatoStructuredR11 A+B+C




<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® nasce nel 1998 comeDivisione di Iris Ceramica S.p.A.; sintesi perfetta di equilibriotra passato e futuro.Riassume in sé la volontà di chi l’ha fondata in base a unastrategia chiarissima, rimasta inalterata nel tempo: produrrein fabbrica, nel pieno rispetto dell’ambiente, marmi, granitie altre <strong>pietre</strong> di qualità superiore.Un obiettivo che si identifica con la filosofia industrialedi <strong>FMG</strong>, dove la perfezione tecnica si coniuga con la bellezzae la tecnologia esalta la qualità dei materiali.Queste caratteristiche sono messe a disposizione di tuttii professionisti per soddisfare anche le esigenze più sofisticatee innovative.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® was founded in 1998 as aDivision of Iris Ceramica S.p.A., and strikes the perfectbalance between past and future.It reflects the intentions of its founder, who had a very clearstrategy that has not changed over the time: to manufacturemarbles, granites and other superior quality stones, whilerespecting the environment.This aim perfectly fits into <strong>FMG</strong>’s industrial philosophy, whichinvolves technical perfection combined with beauty, and thequality of materials enhanced by technology.These characteristics are at disposal of all sector professionals,to satisfy even the most innovative, sophisticated demands.

<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® fait son apparition en1998 en tant que Division d’Iris Ceramica S.p.A., l’allianceparfaite du passé et du futur.La société reflète la volonté de son fondateur suivant unestratégie limpide et immuable: fabriquer en usine desmarbres, des granits et d’autres pierres de première qualité,dans le respect total de l’environnement.Un objectif qui traduit la philosophie industrielle de <strong>FMG</strong>,où la perfection technique se marie avec la beauté etla technologie sublime la qualité des matériaux.Ces caractéristiques sont mises à disposition de tous lesprofessionnels du secteur pour répondre aussi aux exigencesles plus avancées et les plus sophistiquées.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® entstand 1998 alsUnternehmensbereich von Iris Ceramica S.p.A. und bildet dievollendete Synthese aus Vergangenheit und Zukunft.Das Unternehmen setzt die Absicht seines Gründers in einerklaren Strategie um, die im Verlauf der Jahre unverändertgeblieben ist: die umweltfreundliche technische Produktionvon Marmoren, Graniten und anderen hochwertigen Steinen.Dieses Ziel identifiziert sich mit der Produktionsphilosophievon <strong>FMG</strong>, die technische Perfektion mit Schönheit vereint undTechnologie als Grundlage für Materialqualität voraussetzt.Damit können auch die anspruchsvollsten undinnovationsreichsten Anforderungen von Planern undArchitekten erfüllt werden.

American standardsPhisical propertiesWater absorbtionSizesTestASTM C-373ASTM C-499Abrasive resistanceFreeze hardnessChemical resistanceASTM C-501ASTM C-1026ASTM C-650Skid resistance (average coefficient of friction)Color resistance to lightASTM C-648ASTM C-1028DIN 51094Test comparativiComparative testsMarmoRosa PortogalloPRODUCT TESTING SERVICEImmagini a confronto Di <strong>Fabbrica</strong> Di cavaComparison images Manufactured QuarriedImages comparées De fabrique De carrièreVergleichbilder Aus der Fabrik SteinbruchResistenza all’abrasione (*) 138,05 mm 3 561,51 mm 3Abrasive hardness (*)Résistance à l’abrasion profonde (*)Tiefenabriebfestigkeit (*)(test nr ISO 10545-6) = ASTM C501Resistenza alla flessione 63,39 N/mm 2 14,81 N/mm 2Flexural resistanceRésistance à la flexionBiegungsfestigkeit(test nr. ASTM C674)Assorbimento d’acqua 0,09% 0,11%Water absorptionAbsorption d’eauWasseraufnahme(test nr. ASTM C373)(*) valore riferito alla capacità del materiale di abradere(*) value referred to abrasion level of the material(*) valeur rapportée à la capacité du matériel d’abraser(*) Abriebfestigkeit des Materials

Industry standardsTile shall be imperviousAverage facial dimension < 1,5%Wedging ±1%Warpage ±1% of any edgeRange of thickness (inch) < 0,04%<strong>FMG</strong> results (as tested by Smith Emery laboratory)< 0,05%0,15%0,33%0,17%0,014% 460 PSIMeets or exceeds requirements (please ask for individual test report)No noticeable color variationNo change in brightness or color of samplesTests de comparaisonTravertinoNavonaKomparative TesteGranitoKashmir WhiteDi <strong>Fabbrica</strong> Di cava Di <strong>Fabbrica</strong> Di cavaManufactured Quarried Manufactured QuarriedDe fabrique De carrière De fabrique De carrièreAus der Fabrik Steinbruch Aus der Fabrik Steinbruch135,40 mm 3 513,24 mm 3 137,25 mm 3 169,85 mm 352,88 N/mm 2 14,78 N/mm 2 54,48 N/mm 2 14,93 N/mm 20,08% 1,77% 0,05% 0,46%

Secondo naturaCostruiamo le nostre <strong>pietre</strong> nel totale rispetto dell’equilibriofra uomo e natura, secondo scelte rigorose e comportamentieco-sostenibili.Dalla natura ricaviamo gli elementi utili: argille, sabbie efuoco, e li ricomponiamo sapientemente, alla ricerca di unaqualità superiore e non imitabile, nel pieno rispetto ambientale.Grazie a una ricerca scientifica e tecnologica avanzata,<strong>FMG</strong> costruisce <strong>pietre</strong> naturali in un’ampia gamma di lastredai formati, spessori, varietà cromatiche e finiture in gradodi soddisfare qualsiasi esigenza progettuale.Inoltre, quale costruttore di <strong>pietre</strong>, <strong>FMG</strong> può realizzare qualsiasipietra “nata” dalla fantasia di designer e progettisti.According to natureWe build our stones without disturbing the balance betweenman and nature, according to strict eco-sustainable methodsand procedures.We take the elements we need (clay, sand and fire) fromnature and skilfully reassemble them to create an inimitable,higher quality, while respectfully protecting the environment.Thanks to leading scientific and technological research,<strong>FMG</strong> builds natural stones in a vast range of slabs, withdifferent sizes, thicknesses, colours and finishes, whichmanage to meet the needs of every design project.Moreover <strong>FMG</strong> (as a “builder of stones”) can produce anystone “born” of the imagination of designers and architects.

Selon la natureNous fabriquons nos pierres dans le respect total de l’harmonieentre l’homme et la nature, en sélectionnant les matériauxavec rigueur et en adoptant des comportements écodurables.La nature nous donne les ingrédients nécessaires: les argiles,les sables et le feu, et nous les assemblons adroitementpour aboutir à une qualité supérieure et sans égal, dans lerespect total de l’environnement.<strong>FMG</strong> se base sur une recherche scientifique et techniquede pointe pour reproduire des pierres naturelles sous formed’un large éventail de dalles, dont les formats, les épaisseurs,la palette des nuances et les finitions sont en mesurede satisfaire toutes les exigences de projets.De plus, en tant que fabricant de pierres, <strong>FMG</strong> est à mêmede réaliser n’importe quelle pierre «née» de la fantaisiedes designers et des projeteurs.Wie in der NaturWir stellen unsere Steine unter vollständiger Berücksichtigungdes Gleichgewichts zwischen Mensch und Natur nach strengenKriterien und nachhaltigen Verfahrensweisen her.Aus der Natur nehmen wir die notwendigen Elemente: Tone,Sande, Mineralien und Feuer. Diese Elemente setzen wir zueinem Erzeugnis von überlegener, unnachahmlicher Qualitätund hoher Umweltfreundlichkeit zusammen.Die Produktion von <strong>FMG</strong> basiert auf den neuestenErgebnissen der wissenschaftlichen und technologischenForschung und Entwicklung. Es werden Natursteine in einerbreiten Palette an Formaten, Stärken, Farbvarianten undOberflächenbearbeitungen gefertigt, die allenObjekterfordernissen gerecht werden.Überdies kann <strong>FMG</strong> als Steinspezialist jeden beliebigen Steinfertigen, der aus der Phantasie von Designern und Planern“ hervorgeht„ .

Costruiamoin fabbrica prodotti avanzati, utilizzando processi costruttivicoperti da brevetti internazionali.<strong>pietre</strong>cioè combinazioni di argille, sabbie e minerali che la naturacompatta con i movimenti tettonici e cuoce col calore deglistrati superficiali della crosta terrestre.naturaliperché utilizziamo gli stessi elementi impiegati in natura,seguendo processi costruttivi che ne riproducono logichee caratteristiche: pressione e fuoco.ecocompatibiliperché sabbie, argille e minerali vengono recuperati senzadistruggere e senza compromettere l’ambiente diprovenienza, secondo scelte consapevoli e comportamentiaziendali sensibili e rigorosi.ad altissime prestazioniperché le argille, le sabbie e i materiali utilizzati sonopurissimi; la pressione di compattazione è altissima(480 kg/cm 2 ); il calore di cottura è molto più elevatodi quello dei vulcani (1300 °C e oltre contro 1100 °C).We buildin the factory state-of-the-art products, using constructionprocesses covered by international patents.stonesi.e. blends of clays, sands and minerals that naturecompacts through tectonic motion and fires through the heatof the superficial layers of the crust.naturalbecause we employ the same forces used by nature itself(pressure and fire), following construction processes whichreproduce its features and characteristics.ecocompatiblebecause sands, clays and other minerals are quarriedwithout damaging the environment, using sensitive, strictlyenforced procedures and know-hows.with very high performancebecause clays, sands and materials used are extremely pure;the compacting pressure is very high (480 kg/cm 2 );the firing heat is much higher than the one of a volcano(1300 °C and more, compared to 1100 °C).

Nous fabriquonsdans nos usines des produits d’avant-garde, à l’aide de processusprotégés par des brevets internationaux.pierresc’est à dire, des mélanges d’argiles, de sables et de minérauxque la nature compacte sous l’effet des mouvementstectoniques et cuit à la chaleur des couches superficiellesde la croûte terrestre.naturellesparce que nous utilisons les mêmes ingrédients employéspar la nature - la pression et le feu - et des procédés deproduction qui reproduisent l’expression et les caractèresde la nature.éco-compatiblesparce que les sables, les argiles et les autres minérauxsont extraits sans porter atteinte à l’environnement, en adoptantune méthode de sélection et un comportement sensible etrigoureux.à hautes performancesparce que les argiles, les sables et les matériaux utilisés sontd’une extrême pureté. La force de pressage est très élevée(480 kg/cm 2 ), et la chaleur de cuisson est beaucoup plus forteque celle des volcans (1.300 °C et plus contre 1.100 °C).Wir fertigenHightech-Fabrikerzeugnisse unter Verwendung von patentiertenHerstellungsverfahren.NatürlichDenn wir verwenden die gleichen Elemente, die auchdie Natur zum Einsatz bringt - Druck und Feuer - unddie gleichen Herstellungsverfahren, die die ästhetischenund technischen Eigenschaften naturgetreu reproduzieren.UmweltfreundlichDenn die Sande, Tone und anderen Rohstoffe werdennachstrengen umweltfreundlichen Kriterien und Methodenabgebaut, die der Nachhaltigkeit rigoros Rechnung tragen.SteineSprich Zusammensetzungen aus Tonen, Sanden undMineralien, die von der Natur durch tektonische Bewegungenverdichtet und dank der Hitze des oberen Erdmantelsgebrannt werden.Mit hohen LeistungsmerkmalenDenn die Tone, Sande und anderen Herstellungsmaterialienhaben einen hohen Reinheitsgrad, der Verdichtungsdruck istenorm (480 kg/cm 2 ) und die Brennhitze ist wesentlichstärker als die Temperatur vom vulkanischen Magma (über1.300 °C im Vergleich zu 1.100 °C).

SommarioContents14 La biocompatibilità16 Certificazioni aziendali18 Nature 2.020 Cobalt21 Coral22 Mist23 Rare24 Sun26 <strong>Marmi</strong>28 Arabescato Grigio29 Azul Boquira30 Azul Cielo31 Bardiglio Imperiale Scuro32 Bianco Statuario33 Calacatta34 Crema Marfil Select36 Daino Reale37 Delicato Cremo38 Estremoz39 Giallo Siena40 Greek Pentelikon41 Grigio Carnico42 Luxus Black43 Nero Marquinia44 Onice45 Perlato di Sicilia46 Rosa Portogallo48 Portorosa49 Rosso Alicante50 Rouge du Roi51 Statuario Venato52 Statuario Venato Plus53 Thassos54 Verde Fleury55 Verde Guatemala56 Travertini58 Avorio Crosscut59 Navona60 Persiano Giallo61 Persiano Rosa62 Persiano Rosso63 Travertino Chiaro64 Travertino Classico65 Travertino Noce66 Travertino Romano Classico68 <strong>Graniti</strong>70 Blue Barracuda71 Diorite72 Imperial White73 Indian Juparana74 Juparana Classic75 Kashmir White76 Multicolor Red77 Verde Eucalipto78 Verde Tropical79 Viscont Grey

SommaireInhalt80 Pietre82 Ardesia Cinza83 Ardesia Moka84 Ardesia Nera86 Brown Stone87 Brown Stone Extra88 Forest Grey89 Forest Grey Extra90 Jura Gold91 Parana Beige92 Parana Black93 Parana Brown94 Parana Extra Grey95 Parana Gold96 Parana Grey97 Parana Taupe98 Parana White99 Pietra di Cordoba100 Pietra di Gerusalemme101 Pietra di Tunisi102 Pietra Serena104 Pietra di Viterbo105 Porfido Brown106 Quarzite Gialla107 Quarzite Grigia108 Quarzite Rosa110 Sandstone111 Sandstone Extra109 White Limestone112 White Stone113 White Stone Extra114 Mosaici e Decori116 Nature 2.0/Mosaici117 <strong>Marmi</strong> e Travertini/Mosaici120 <strong>Marmi</strong>/Intarsi124 <strong>Marmi</strong>/Decori135 Pietre/Mosaici145 Pietre/Palladiana146 Pietre/Intarsi148 Pietre/Decori150 Imballi152 Caratteristiche tecniche154 Pezzi speciali164 Servizi166 Progettazione 2D170 Progettazione 3D180 Creatività e Waterjet

La biocompatibilitàBiocompatibilityANAB (Associazione Nazionale Architettura Bioecologica) èuna Associazione nata in Italia nel 1989, con l’obiettivo disensibilizzare gli utenti della casa sui pericoli, per la salutedell’uomo e del territorio, insiti nell’attuale modelloproduttivo del settore edilizio e sulla necessità di modificarneradicalmente gli indirizzi.ANAB punta inoltre a:favorire la diffusione di metodi costruttivi e materiali cherispettino gli esseri viventi e il loro ambiente;promuovere la qualificazione professionale dei progettistie degli operatori del ciclo edilizio, per costruire laconsapevolezza ecologica del proprio lavoro;supportare l’azione degli enti pubblici volta all’attivazionedi significativi progetti pilota di architettura sostenibile sulterritorio amministrato.A questo scopo, nel 2004, nasce il Sistema Italiano diCertificazione dei materiali per la bioedilizia, con accordotra ANAB ed ICEA. La certificazione dei materiali per labioedilizia punta a migliorare la qualità dei prodotti perl’edilizia, riducendo le emissioni nocive, utilizzando, perquanto possibile, energia e risorse rinnovabili nel rispettodell’ambiente, della salute e della sicurezza dei lavoratori edegli utilizzatori finali.I prodotti <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> hanno ottenuto lacertificazione ANAB. Quindi, sono conformi ai principi dellabioedilizia perché:sono ottenuti da materie prime rinnovabili;non richiedono eccessiva quantità di energia per la loroproduzione;non sono fonte di emissione di sostanze pericolose.ANAB (National Association of Eco-friendly Architecture)was founded in Italy in 1989, with the aim of raising theawareness of those who actually use homes of the dangersto human health and the environment intrinsic in the existingconstruction industry production model, and the need fora radical change of approach.ANAB also aims to:encourage the adoption of construction methods andmaterials whichprioritize the needs of living creatures and their environment;promote enhanced educational standards among architectsand construction professionals to increase their awarenessof the environmental implications of their work;support the actions of public bodies implementing majorpilot projects in sustainable architecture in the areas undertheir jurisdiction.In 2004 the Italian Certification System for eco-buildingmaterials was founded by agreement between ANAB andICEA (Italian Ethical and Environmental CertificationInstitute). The certification of eco-building materials isintended to improve the quality of construction products byreducing harmful emissions, by using renewable energy andresources as far as possible, while protecting theenvironment and the health and safety of workers and users.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> products have obtainedANAB certification and thus comply with the principles ofeco-building because:they are obtained from renewable raw materials;their production does not require excessive amounts ofenergy;they are not source of hazardous emissions.14

La biocompatibilitéDie UmweltverträglichkeitANAB (Association Nationale pour l’Architecture Bioécologique)est une association italienne fondée en 1989, dont le butest de sensibiliser les habitants des maisons sur les risques,pour la santé de l’homme et du territoire, sur le modèle deproduction actuel du secteur du bâtiment, ainsi que sur lanécessité d’apporter un changement radical d’orientation.ANAB vise aussi à:promouvoir des méthodes de production et des matériauxqui respectent les personnes et leur environnement;encourager la qualification professionnelle des projeteurs etdes constructeurs du bâtiment pour leur donner laconscience écologique de leur propre travail;soutenir l’action des organismes publics pour la mise enplace d’importants projets-pilotes d’architecture durable surle territoire administré.C’est dans cet esprit qu’ANAB et ICEA (Institut Italien pourla Certification Éthique et Environnementale) ont décidé decréer, en 2004, le Système Italien de Certification desmatériaux pour la bio-construction. La certification desmatériaux pour la bio-construction sert à améliorer la qualitédes matériaux du bâtiment, en réduisant les émissionstoxiques et en utilisant, dans la mesure du possible, lesénergies et les ressources renouvelables dans le respect del’environnement, de la santé et de la sécurité des opérateurset des utilisateurs finaux.Les produits <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> sont certifiésANAB. Ils respectent donc les principes de la bio-construction, car:ils sont fabriqués à partir de matières premièresrenouvelables;ils sont produits sans devoir utiliser une trop grandequantité d’énergie;ils ne dégagent aucune substance dangereuse.Der ANAB (Italienischer Verband für Baubiologie undBauökologie) wurde 1989 gegründet. Sein Ziel ist dieVerbraucher für die Gefahren für Menschen und Natur zusensibilisieren, die sich aus dem gegenwärtigenProduktionsmodell im Bausektor ergeben, und sie über dieNotwendigkeit einer radikalen Wandlung aufzuklären.Weitere Ziele von ANAB:Förderung der Verbreitung von nachhaltigen Baumethodenund - materialien, welche alle Lebewesen und deren Umweltrespektieren;Förderung der beruflichen Qualifikation der Planer undBaufachleute im Bereich umweltbewusstes Bauen;Unterstützung der öffentlichen Anstalten bei derDurchführung von bedeutenden Pilotprojekten fürnachhaltiges Bauen in der eigenen Region.Zu diesem Zweck entstand 2004 das ItalienischeZertifizierungssystem für baubiologische Produkte inZusammenarbeit zwischen ANAB und ICEA (ItalienischeZertifizierungsstelle für ethische und umweltfreundlicheErzeugnisse). Die Zertifizierung von baubiologischenProdukten zielt auf die Qualitätsverbesserung derBauerzeugnisse ab. Als Kriterium hierfür gilt die Verringerungvon Schadstoffemissionen, die durch die Verwendung vonmöglichsten erneuerbaren Energiequellen unterBerücksichtigung des Umweltschutzes, der Gesundheit undder Arbeiter- sowie der Endverbrauchersicherheit erzielt wird.Die Erzeugnisse von <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> habendie ANAB-Zertifizierung erhalten. Als solche stimmen sie mitden Prinzipien der Baubiologie überein, weil sie:aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen hergestellt werden;keine übermäßigen Energiemengen für ihre Herstellungbenötigen;keine Quellen von Schadstoffemissionen darstellen.La sostenibilitàProdotti <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> e <strong>FMG</strong>Industrial Slabs sono stati certificati conformi ai parametridefiniti dal sistema di valutazione LEED(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>®, Divisione di IrisCeramica S.p.A., è socio ordinario del Green BuildingCouncil Italia.SOCIO ORDINARIOSustainability<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> and <strong>FMG</strong> IndustrialSlabs products are certified in compliance with theparameters defined by the LEED (Leadership in Energyand Environmental Design) rating system.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>®, a Division of IrisCeramica S.p.A., is an ordinary member of GreenBuilding Council Italia.15

Certificazioni aziendaliDalla sua nascita fino a oggi <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>ha sempre guardato con attenzione all'ambito delle normativee delle certificazioni, operando costantemente nel campodella ricerca per offrire solo prodotti tecnologicamente avanzati.Il ciclo produttivo, costantemente monitorato e aggiornato,e l'impegno nel risparmio energetico e nella prevenzionedell'inquinamento hanno permesso a <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong>e <strong>Graniti</strong> di ottenere certificazioni quali la ISO 9001 per laQualità Aziendale, la ISO 14001 per la Gestione Ambientalee l’EMAS, che attesta l’eccellenza ambientale del processoproduttivo di <strong>FMG</strong>.Queste certificazioni, attestano l'impegno profuso negli annida <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> nel produrre materiali inceramica tecnica nel pieno rispetto di tutti i valori ambientalie qualitativi della Bioedilizia.Company certificatesEver since it was established <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>has always been very concerned with regulations andcertifications, maintaining its commitment to research soas to offer only technologically advanced products.The company’s constantly monitored and updated productivecycle and its commitment to saving energy and preventingpollution have allowed <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> toobtain ISO 9001 Company Quality certification; ISO 14001Environmental Management certification, and EMAScertification attesting to the environmental excellence of <strong>FMG</strong>production process.These certifications prove <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>’slong-term commitment to producing materials made oftechnical ceramics which are fully compatible with all theenvironmental and qualitative values of Building Biology.16

Certifications de l’entrepriseDès sa création, <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> a toujoursété très attentive à la réglementation et aux certifications,en travaillant constamment dans le domaine de la recherchepour n'offrir que des produits à la pointe de la technologie.Le cycle de production, sans cesse contrôlé et mis à jour,et l'effort en ce qui concerne l'économie d'énergie et larévention de la pollution ont permis à <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong>e <strong>Graniti</strong> d'obtenir des certifications telles que ISO 9001pour la Qualité de l'Entreprise, ISO 14001 pour la Gestionde l'Environnement, et EMAS, qui atteste l'excellencedu processus de fabrication de <strong>FMG</strong> en matière d'impactsur l'environnement.Ces certifications, attestent l'effort fait par <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong><strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> au fil des années pour produire desmatériaux en céramique technique qui respectentpleinement toutes les valeurs ambiantes et qualitativesde la Construction Écologique.BetriebszertifizierungenSeit ihrer Gründung bis jetzt hat <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e<strong>Graniti</strong> immer stark auf die Auflagen und die Zertifizierungengeachtet und dabei ständig geforscht, um nur technologischfortschrittliche Produkte anzubieten.Der konstant überwachte und aktualisierte Fertigungszyklus,der Einsatz bei der Energieeinsparung und der Vermeidungder Umweltverschmutzung haben <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong>e <strong>Graniti</strong> gestattet, die Zertifizierungen wie die ISO 9001für Unternehmensqualität, die ISO 14001 für dieUmweltverwaltung sowie die besonders wichtige EMASzu erhalten, welche die ausgezeichnete Umweltfreundlichkeitdes <strong>FMG</strong> Produtkionsverfahrens beschneinigt.Diese Zertifizierungen, bezeugen den jahrelangen Einsatzvon <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> bei der Fertigung vonMaterialien aus technischer Keramik unter Einhaltung allerumweltbezogenen und qualitativen Werte der Baubiologie.17

18Nature 2.0

Cobalt120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62216PH6221660x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH66216PH6621660x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned - HonedSH63216PH6321660x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Shine - ShineSH1685510x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShineHoned - HonedSH10855PH1086260x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658055x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45005PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Shine - ShineSH69216SH33216Honed - HonedPH69216PH3321620

Coral120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62215PH6221560x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH66215PH6621560x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned - HonedSH63215PH6321560x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Shine - ShineSH1685410x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShineHoned - HonedSH10854PH1086160x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658045x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45004PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Shine - ShineSH69215SH33215Honed - HonedPH69215PH3321521

Mist120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62219PH6221960x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH66219PH6621960x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned - HonedSH63219PH6321960x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Shine - ShineSH1685810x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShineHoned - HonedSH10858PH1086560x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658085x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45008PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Shine - ShineSH69219SH33219Honed - HonedPH69219PH3321922

Rare120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62217PH6221760x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH66217PH6621760x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned - HonedSH63217PH6321760x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Shine - ShineSH1685610x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShineHoned - HonedSH10856PH1086360x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658065x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45006PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Shine - ShineSH69217SH33217Honed - HonedPH69217PH3321723

Sun120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62218PH6221860x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH66218PH6621860x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned - HonedSH63218PH6321860x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Shine - ShineSH1685710x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShineHoned - HonedSH10857PH1086460x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658075x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45007PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Shine - ShineSH69218SH33218Honed - HonedPH69218PH3321824

<strong>Marmi</strong>DI CAVADI FABBRICA26

Arabescato Grigio40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40069Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4008760x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63069Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6308760x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1687240x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14851L10851P1085360x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6582240x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45802L45001PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49069 L69069 L43069 L44014 L44545 L44546 L44209 L44717 L44718Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49087 P43087 P44015 P44545 P4454628

Azul Boquira40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40103Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4010360x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63103Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6310360x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1685640x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14861L10861P1085960x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6581340x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45812L45011PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49103 L69103 L43103 L44024 L44557 L44558 L44212 L44723 L44724Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49103 P43103 P44025 P44557 P4455829

Azul Cielo40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40119Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4011960x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63119Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6311960x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1687040x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14894L10891P1086560x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6581940x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45827L45026PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49119 L69119 L43119 L44040 L44581 L44582 L44226 L44751 L44752Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49119 P43119 P44040 P44581 P4458230

120x60x0,58 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”LighThin Shine e squadrato - LighThin Shine and squared120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredSHL62222SH62222R9 P6222260x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredSH66222R9 P66222Bardiglio Imperiale Scuro60x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredSH63222R9 P6322260x10x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Shine - ShineSH1686110x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShinePrelevigato - Pre-polishedSH10861P1091460x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658115x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45011PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa60x923”x3 1/2 ”Gradino30x3012”x12”60x3024”x12”Shine - ShineSH69222Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP69222L60 Prelevigato - L 60 Pre-polishedSH33222P33222P3622231

Bianco Statuario60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66914Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66914Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6691440x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40980Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4098060x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63914Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63914Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6391660x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1689840x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14918L10919P1091060x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6584640x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45838L45051PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49980 L69914 L33914 L43980 L44053 L44607 L44608 L44239 L44777 L44778Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49980 P69914 P33988 P43980 P44053 P44607 P4460832

Calacatta40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40124Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4012460x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63124Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6312430x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30124Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P3012460x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16871L1489530x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13884L10892P1086660x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65820L4582830x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35827L45027PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39124 L49124 L69124 L33124 L43124 L44041 L44583 L44584 L44227 L44753 L44754Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38124 P49124 P33124 P43124 P44041 P44853 P4458433

Crema Marfil Select120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH62109Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L62109Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6210960x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH66109Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66109Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6610960x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66151Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66151Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6610940x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40109Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P40109Anticato e squadrato - Antiqued and squared R10 A+B A4010960x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63109Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63109Anticato e squadrato - Antiqued and squared R10 A+B A63109Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6310930x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30109Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30109Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3010990x10x1 - 34 6/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1980260x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16857L1487160x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”L65817L4581630x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35815L45015PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopaGradino30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”45x917 3/4 ”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”45x4517 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39109 L49109 L95109 L69109 L33109 L43109 L56109Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38109 P49109 P95109 P69109 P33109 P43109 P56109Anticato - AntiquedA49109 A69109 A33109 A4310934

Crema Marfil Select90x45x1 - 34 6/8 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L59109Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P59109Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH5910945x45x1 - 17 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L55109Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P55109Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH5510930x10x0,9 - 12”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedAnticato - Antiqued10x10x0,9 4”x4”L13865L10871P10863A1085345x10x1 - 17 3/14 x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1450245x5x1 - 17 3/14 x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL54502Scalino toro45x45x317 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx45x45x317 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”x1Angolo scalinotoro Sx45x45x317 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”x1Scalino bordo40x40x516”x16”x2Angolo scalinobordo Dx40x40x516”x16”x2Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1L57202 L57703 L57704 L44028 L44565 L44566 L44215 L44729 L44730P44029 P44565 P4456635

Daino Reale40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40125Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4012560x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63125Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6312530x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30125Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P3012560x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16874L1490530x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13885L10896P1086760x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65824L4582930x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35828L45028PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39125 L49125 L69125 L33125 L43125 L44042 L44585 L44586 L44228 L44755 L44756Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38125 P49125 P33125 P43125 P44042 P44585 P4458636

Delicato Cremo40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40070Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4008840x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polished10x10x0,9 4”x4”L14852L10852P1085440x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”L45803L45002PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49070 L43070 L44015 L44547 L44548 L44210 L44719 L44720Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49088 P43088 P44016 P44547 P4454837

Estremoz120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62213PH6221360x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH66213PH6621360x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH63213PH6321360x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Shine - ShineSH1685210x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShineHoned - HonedSH10852PH1085960x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658025x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45002PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Shine - ShineSH69213SH33213Honed - HonedPH69213PH3321338

Giallo Siena120x60x0,58 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”LighThin Shine e squadrato - LighThin Shine and squared120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredSHL62220SH62220R9 P6222060x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredSH66220R9 P6622060x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredPrelevigato - Pre-polishedSH63220R9 P6322060x10x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Shine - ShineSH1685910x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShinePrelevigato - Pre-polishedSH10859P1091260x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658095x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45009PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa60x923”x3 1/2 ”Gradino30x3012”x12”60x3024”x12”Shine - ShineSH69220Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP69220L60 Prelevigato - L 60 Pre-polishedSH33220P33220P3622039

Greek Pentelikon40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40110Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4011060x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63110Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6311060x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1685840x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14872L10872P1086460x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6581840x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45817L45016PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49110 L69110 L43110 L44029 L44567 L44568 L44216 L44731 L44732Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49110 P43110 P44030 P44567 P4456840

Grigio Carnico40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40072Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4009060x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63072Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6309060x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1687340x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14854L10854P1085660x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6582340x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45805L45004PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49072 L69072 L43072 L44017 L44551 L44552 L44211 L44721 L44722Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49090 P43090 P44018 P44551 P4455241

Luxus Black60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66987Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66987Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6698740x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40987Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4098760x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63987Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63987Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6398760x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1689940x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14919L10920P1091160x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6584740x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45839L45052PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49987 L69987 L33987 L43987 L44054 L44609 L44610 L44240 L44779 L44780Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49987 P69987 P33987 P43987 P44054 P44609 P4461042

Nero Marquinia60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66152Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66152Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6610540x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40105Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4010560x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63105Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63105Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6310530x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30105Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30105Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3010560x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16854L1486330x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13863L10863P1086160x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65815L4581430x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35813L45013PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39105 L49105 L69105 L33105 L43105 L44026 L44561 L44562 L44214 L44727 L44728Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38105 P49105 P33105 P43105 P44027 P44561 P4456243

Onice120x60x0,58 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”LighThin Shine e squadrato - LighThin Shine and squared120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSHL62214SH62214PH6221460x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH66214PH6621460x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH63214PH6321460x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Shine - ShineSH1685310x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShineHoned - HonedSH10853PH1086060x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658035x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45003PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Shine - ShineSH69214SH33214Honed - HonedPH69214PH3321444

Perlato di Sicilia40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40073Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4009160x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63073Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6309130x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30073Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P3009160x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16852L1485530x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13855L10855P1085760x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65811L4580630x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35805L45005PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39073 L49073 L69073 L33073 L43073 L44018 L44553 L44554 L44203 L44705 L44706Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38091 P49091 P33091 P43091 P44019 P44553 P4455445

Rosa Portogallo120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L62100Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6210060x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66100Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6610060x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66150Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66150Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6610040x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40100Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P40100Anticato e squadrato - Antiqued and squared R10 A+B A4010060x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63100Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63100Anticato e squadrato - Antiqued and squared R10 A+B A63100Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH63100030x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30100Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30100Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3010090x10x1 - 34 6/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1980360x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 15 3/4 ”x4”L16853L1486060x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65812L4581130x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35810L45010PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopaGradino30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”45x917 3/4 ”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”45x4517 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39100 L49100 L95100 L69100 L33100 L43100 L56100Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38100 P49100 P95100 P69100 P33100 P43100 P56100Anticato - AntiquedA49100 A69100 A33100 A4310046

Rosa Portogallo90x45x1 - 34 6/8 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L59100Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P59100Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH5910045x45x1 - 17 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L55100Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P55100Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH5510030x10x0,9 - 12”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedHoned - Honed10x10x0,9 4”x4”L13860L10860P10858A1085145x10x1 - 17 3/14 x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1450345x5x1 - 17 3/14 x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL54503Scalino toro45x45x317 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx45x45x317 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”x1Angolo scalinotoro Sx45x45x317 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”x1Scalino bordo40x40x516”x16”x2Angolo scalinobordo Dx40x40x516”x16”x2Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1L57203 L57706 L57705 L44023 L44555 L44556 L44204 L44707 L44708P44024 P44555 P4455647

Portorosa40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40104Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4010460x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63104Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6310460x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16860L1486210x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato- Pre-polishedL10862P1086060x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65814L458135x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45012PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49104 L69104 L43104 L44025 L44559 L44560 L44213 L44725 L44726Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49104 P43104 P44026 P44559 P4456048

Rosso Alicante120x60x0,58 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”LighThin Shine e squadrato - LighThin Shine and squared120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredSHL62221SH62221R9 P6222160x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredSH66221R9 P6622160x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredSH63221R9 P6322160x10x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Shine - ShineSH1686010x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShinePrelevigato - Pre-polishedSH10860P1091360x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658105x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45010PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa60x923”x3 1/2 ”Gradino30x3012”x12”60x3024”x12”Shine - ShineSH69221Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP69221L60 Prelevigato - L 60 Pre-polishedSH33221P33221P3622149

Rouge du Roi40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40157Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4015760x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63157Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6315760x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16896L1491630x10x0,9 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13914L10916P109005x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45048PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39157 L49157 L69157 L33157 L43157 L44051 L44603 L44604 L44237 L44773 L44774Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38157 P49157 P69157 P33157 P43157 P44051 P44603 P4460450

Statuario Venato120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH62106Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L62106Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6210660x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH66106Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66106Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6610660x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66149Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66149Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6610640x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40106Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P40106Anticato e squadrato - Antiqued and squared R10 A+B A4010660x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63106Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63106Anticato e squadrato - Antiqued and squared R10 A+B A63106Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6310630x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30106Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30106Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3010660x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16855L1486430x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedAnticato - AntiquedL13864L10864P10862A1085260x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65816L4581530x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35814L45014PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39106 L49106 L69106 L33106 L43106 L44027 L44563 L44564 L44205 L44709 L44710Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38106 P49106 P69106 P33106 P43106 P44028 P44563 P44564Anticato - AntiquedA49106 A69106 A33106 A4310651

Statuario Venato Plus120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62212PH6221260x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH66212PH6621260x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH63212PH6321260x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Shine - ShineSH1685110x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShineHoned - HonedSH10851PH1085860x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658015x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45001PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Shine - ShineSH69212SH33212Honed - HonedPH69212PH3321252

Thassos90x45x1 - 34 6/8 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L59189Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P5918945x45x1 - 17 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L55189Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P5518990x10x1 - 34 6/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1980145x10x1 - 17 3/14 x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x1 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polished10x10x1 4”x4”L14501L10918P1090945x5x1 - 17 3/14 x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL545015x5x1 - 2”x2Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45050PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”45x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”45x4516”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro45x45x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx45x45x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx45x45x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL95189 L56001 L57201 L57701 L57702Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP95189P5600153

Verde Fleury40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40158Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4015860x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63158Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6315860x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16897L1491730x10x0,9 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13915L10917P109085x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45049PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39158 L49158 L69158 L33158 L43158 L44052 L44605 L44606 L44238 L44775 L44776Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38158 P49158 P69158 P33158 P43158 P44052 P44606 P4460554

Verde Guatemala40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40071Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4008960x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63071Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6308960x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16851L1485310x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL10853P1085560x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65810L458045x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45003PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49071 L69071 L43071 L44016 L44549 L44550 L44202 L44703 L44704Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49089 P43089 P44017 P44549 P4455055


Avorio Crosscut60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66144Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66144Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6614440x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40144Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4014460x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63144Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63144Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6314430x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30144Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30144Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3014460x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16885L1491130x10x0,9 - 16”x4” 10x10x0,9 - 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 - 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13894L10905P1088960x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 24”x2”L65835L4583330x5x0,9 - 16”x2”5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35837L45037PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39144 L49144 L69144 L33144 L43144 L44046 L44593 L44594 L44232 L44763 L44764Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38144 P49144 P33144 P43144 P44046 P44593 P4459458

Navona40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40074Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4009260x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63074Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6309230x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30074Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P3009260x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16859L1485630x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13856L10856P1087860x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65821L4580730x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35806L45006PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39074 L49074 L69074 L33074 L43074 L44019 L44569 L44570 L44201 L44701 L44702Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38092 P49092 P33092 P43092 P44020 P44569 P4457059

Persiano Giallo40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40075Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4009360x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63075Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6309330x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30075Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P3009360x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”L16883L1485730x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13857L10857P1087960x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”L65833L4580830x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35807L45007PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39075 L49075 L69075 L33075 L43075 L44020 L44571 L44572 L44206 L44711 L44712Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38093 P49093 P33093 P43093 P44021 P44571 P4457260

Persiano Rosa40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40076Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4009440x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1485810x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL10858P1088040x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL458095x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45008PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49076 L43076 L44021 L44573 L44574 L44207 L44713 L44714Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49094 P43094 P44022 P44573 P4457461

Persiano Rosso40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40077Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4009560x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63077Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6309530x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30077Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P3009560x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - vx4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16884L1485930x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13859L10859P1088160x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65834L4581030x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35809L45009PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39077 L49077 L69077 L33077 L43077 L44022 L44575 L44576 L44208 L44715 L44716Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38095 P49095 P33095 P43095 P44023 P44575 P4457662

Travertino Chiaro120x60x0,58 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”LighThin Shine e squadrato - LighThin Shine and squaredSHL62223120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH62223Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P62223A Spacco e squadrato - Splitted and squared R10 A+B RG62223A Spacco B e squadrato - Splitted B and squared R11 A+B+C RB6222360x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH6623Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66223A Spacco e squadrato - Splitted and squared R10 A+B RG66223A Spacco B e squadrato - Splitted B and squared R11 A+B+C RB6622360x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH63223Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63223A Spacco e squadrato - Splitted and squared R10 A+B RG63223A Spacco B e squadrato - Splitted B and squared R11 A+B+C RB6322360x10x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Shine - ShineSH1686210x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShinePrelevigato - Pre-polishedA Spacco - SplittedA Spacco B - Splitted BSH10862P10915RG10854RB1085460x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658125x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45012PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa60x923”x3 1/2 ”Gradino30x3012”x12”60x3024”x12”Shine - ShineSH69223Prelevigato - Pre-polishedSH33223P69223 P33223 P36223A Spacco - SplittedRG69223A Spacco B - Splitted BRB69223RG36223RB3622363

Travertino Classico40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squaredL40156Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4015660x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63156Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63156Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6315630x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30156Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30156Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3015660x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16891L1491530x10x0,9 11 13/16 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polished10x10x0,9 4”x4”L13909L10911P1089560x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65841L4583730x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”L35846L45043PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39156 L49156 L69156 L33156 L43156 L44050 L44601 L44602 L44236 L44771 L44772Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38156 P49156 P33156 P43156 P44050 P44601 4460264

Travertino Noce40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40155Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4015560x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63155Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63155Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6315530x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30155Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30155Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3015560x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4”L16890L1491430x10x0,9 11 13/16 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polished10x10x0,9 4”x4”L13908L10910P1089460x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”L65840L4583630x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”L35845L45042PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39155 L49155 L69155 L33155 L43155 L44049 L44599 L44600 L44235 L44769 L44700Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38155 P49155 P33155 P43155 P44049 P44599 P4460065

Travertino Romano Classico120x60x0,58 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”LighThin Shine e squadrato - LighThin Shine and squaredSHL62224120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH62224Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P62224A Spacco e squadrato - Splitted and squared R10 A+B RG62224A Spacco B e squadrato - Splitted B and squared R11 A+B+C RB6222460x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH66224Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66224A Spacco e squadrato - Splitted and squared R10 A+B RG66224A Spacco B e squadrato - Splitted B and squared R11 A+B+C RB6622460x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH63224Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63224A Spacco e squadrato - Splitted and squared R10 A+B RG62224A Spacco B e squadrato - Splitted B and squared R11 A+B+C RB6322460x10x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Shine - ShineSH1686310x10x1,1 4”x4”Shine - ShinePrelevigato - Pre-polishedA Spacco - SplittedA Spacco B - Splitted BSH10863P10916RG10855RB1085560x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Shine - ShineSH658135x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Shine - ShineSH45013PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa60x923”x3 1/2 ”Gradino30x3012”x12”60x3024”x12”Shine - ShineSH69224Prelevigato - Pre-polishedSH33224P69224 P33224 P36224A Spacco - Splitted66RG69224A Spacco B - Splitted BRB69224RG36224RB36224

<strong>Graniti</strong>DI CAVADI FABBRICA68

Blue Barracuda40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40122Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4012260x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63122Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6312260x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1686840x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14892L10889P1087560x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6580840x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45825L45024PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49122 L69122 L43122 L44038 L44577 L44578 L44224 L44747 L44748Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49122 P43122 P44038 P44577 P44578 P44210 P44719 P4472070

Diorite60x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63126Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6312660x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1687560x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL65825PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6912671

Imperial White40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40111Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4011160x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63111Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6311160x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1686140x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14875L10875P1086860x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6580140x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45818L45017PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49111 L69111 L43111 L44030 L44530 L44531 L44217 L44733 L44734Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49111 P43111 P44031 P44531 P44532 P44201 P44701 P4470272

Indian Juparana40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40112Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4011260x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63112Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6311260x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1686240x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14876L10876P1086960x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6580240x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45819L45018PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49112 L69112 L43112 L44031 L44532 L44533 L44218 L44735 L44736Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49112 P43112 P44032 P44533 P44534 P44202 P44703 P4470473

Juparana Classic40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40113Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4011360x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63113Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6311360x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1686340x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14877L10877P1087060x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6580340x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45820L45019PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49113 L69113 L43113 L44032 L44534 L44535 L44219 L44737 L44738Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49113 P43113 P44033 P44535 P44536 P44203 P44705 P4470674

Kashmir White60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66191Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6619140x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40114Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P40114Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B4011460x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63114Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63114Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B6311460x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1686440x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” ” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBocciardato - FlamedL14878L10878P10871B1085260x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6580440x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45821L45020PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49114 L69114 L43114 L44033 L44536 L44537 L44220 L44739 L44740Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49114 P43114 P44034 P44537 P44538 P44204 P44707 P44708Bocciardato - FlamedB49114 B69114 B4311475

Multicolor Red60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66190Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6619040x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40115Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4011560x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63115Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63115Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B6311560x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1686540x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14879L10879P1087260x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSL65805Battiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”L45822L45021Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49115 L69115 L43115 L44034 L44538 L44539 P44221 P44741 P44742Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49115 P43115 P44035 P44539 P44040 P44205 P44709 P44710Bocciardato - FlamedB6911576

Verde Eucalipto40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40116Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4011660x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredL63116P6311660x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1686640x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14880L10880P1087360x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6580640x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45823L45022PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49116 L69116 L43116 L44035 L44540 L44541 L44222 L44743 L44744Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49116 P43116 P44036 P44541 P44542 P44206 P44711 P4471277

Verde Tropical40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40117Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4011760x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63117Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6311760x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1686740x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14881L10881P1087460x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6580740x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45824L45023PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49117 L69117 L43117 L44036 L44542 L44543 L44223 L44745 L44746Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49117 P43117 P44037 P44543 P44544 P44207 P44713 P4471478

Viscont Grey40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40123Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4012360x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63123Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P6312360x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1686940x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL14893L10890P1087660x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6580940x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL45826L45025PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Scalino bordo Angolo scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Angolo scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Angolo scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49123 L69123 L43123 L44039 L44579 L44580 L44225 L44749 L44750Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49123 P43123 P44039 P44579 P44580 P44211 P44721 P4472279


Ardesia Cinza120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH62148R10 A+B PS6214860x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH66148R10 A+B PS6614860x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH63148R10 A+B PS6314830x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH30148R10 A+B PS3014860x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Honed - HonedPH1685230x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Honed - Honed10x10x0,9 4”x4”Honed - HonedSlate - Slate10x10x0,9 4”x4”PH13852PH10852PS1085260x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Honed - HonedPH6580230x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Honed - Honed5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Honed - Honed5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”PH35802PH45002PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Honed - HonedPH39148 PH69148 PH33148 PH31402Slate - SlatePS38148 PS69148 PS33148 PS3140282

Ardesia Moka120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH62186R10 A+B PS6218660x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH66186R10 A+B PS6618660x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH63186R10 A+B PS6318630x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH30186R10 A+B PS3018660x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Honed - HonedPH1685330x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Honed - Honed10x10x0,9 4”x4”Honed - HonedSlate - Slate10x10x0,9 4”x4”PH13853PH10853PS1085360x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Honed - HonedPH6580330x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Honed - Honed5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Honed - Honed5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”PH35807PH45003PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Honed - HonedPH39186 PH69186 PH33186 PH31403Slate - SlatePS38186 PS69186 PS33186 PS3140383

Ardesia Nera120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH62147R10 A+B PS6214760x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH66147R10 A+B PS6614760x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH63147R10 A+B PS6314730x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH30147R10 A+B PS3014790x10x1 - 35 1/5 ”x4”Honed - HonedPH1980160x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Honed - Honed30x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Honed - Honed30x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4”PH16851PH1385160x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Honed - HonedPH6580130x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Honed - Honed5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Honed - Honed5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”PH35801PH45001PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”45x917 3/4 ”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”45x4517 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”30x1512”x6”Honed - HonedPH39147 PH95147 PH69147 PH33147 PH56147 PH31401Slate - SlatePS38147 PS95147 PS69147 PS33147 PS56147 PS3140184

Ardesia Nera90x45x1 - 35 1/2 ”x17 3/4 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH59147R10 A+B PS5914745x45x1 - 17 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredSlate e squadrato - Slate and squaredPH55147R10 A+B PS5514745x10x1 - 17 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPH1450110x10x0,9 4”x4”Honed - HonedSlate - SlatePH10851PS1085145x5x1 - 17 3/4 ”x2”Honed - HonedPH54501Scalino bordo40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Dx40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”85

Brown Stone60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredPH66194R9 P6619460x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredPH63194R9 P6319460x10x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Honed - HonedPH1686810x10x1,1 4”x4”Honed - HonedPH1085660x5x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x2”Honed - HonedPH658105x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Honed - HonedPH45010PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4””Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Honed - HonedPH69194 PH31406 PH36007 PH36513 PH36514 PH36207 PH36713 PH36714Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP69194 P31413 P36007 P36513 P3651486

Brown Stone Extra120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62194PH6219460x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH6619460x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH63194PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4””Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Shine - ShineSH33194Honed - HonedPH33194Prelevigato - Pre-polished87

Forest Grey60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredPH66193R9 P6619360x30x1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredPH63193R9 P6319360x10x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Honed - HonedPH1686710x10x1,1 4”x4”Honed - HonedPH1085560x5x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x2”Honed - HonedPH658095x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Honed - HonedPH45009PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Honed - HonedPH69193 PH31405 PH36006 PH36511 PH36512 PH36206 PH36711 PH36712Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP69193 P31411 P36006 P36511 P3651288

Forest Grey Extra120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62193PH6219360x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH6619360x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH63193PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4””Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Shine - ShineSH33193Honed - HonedPH33193Prelevigato - Pre-polished89

Jura Gold40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40154Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4015460x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63154Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63154Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6315430x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30154Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30154Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3015460x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”L16889L1491330x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedL13907L10909P1089360x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”L65839L4583530x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35844L45041PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39154 L49154 L69154 L33154 L43154 L44048 L44597 L44598 L44234 L44767 L44768Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38154 P49154 P69154 P43154 P44048 P44597 P44598 P44216 P44731 P4473290

Parana Beige60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS66227Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6622760x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS63227Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6322730x30x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS30227Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST3022760x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Slate - SlatePS1686830x10x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Slate - Slate10x10x1,1 4”x4”Slate - SlateStrutturato - Structured10x10x1,1 4”x4”PS13858PS10861ST1085860x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Slate - SlatePS6580830x5x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1 - 2”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”PS35808PS45008PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Slate - SlateStutturato - StructuredPS39227 PS69227 PS33227 PS31411 PS36008 PS36515 PS36516 PS36208 PS36715 PS36716ST38227 ST69227 ST33227 ST31408 ST36008 ST36515 ST3651691

Parana Black60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS66225Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6622560x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS63225Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6322530x30x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS30225Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST3022560x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Slate - SlatePS1686630x10x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Slate - Slate10x10x1,1 4”x4”Slate - SlateStrutturato - Structured10x10x1,1 4”x4”PS13856PS10859ST1085660x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Slate - SlatePS6580630x5x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1 - 2”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”PS35806PS45006PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Slate - SlateStutturato - StructuredPS39225 PS69225 PS33225 PS31409 PS36006 PS36511 PS36512 PS36206 PS36711 PS36712ST38225 ST69225 ST33225 ST31406 ST36006 ST36511 ST3651292

Parana Brown60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS66185Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6618560x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS63185Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6318530x30x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS30185Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST3018560x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Slate - SlatePS1688530x10x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Slate - Slate10x10x1,1 4”x4”Slate - SlateStrutturato - Structured10x10x1,1 4”x4”PS13885PS10858ST1085560x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Slate - SlatePS6580530x5x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1 - 2”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”PS35085PS45005PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Slate - SlateStutturato - StructuredPS39185 PS69185 PS33185 PS31408 PS36005 PS36509 PS36510 PS36205 PS36709 PS36710ST38185 ST69185 ST33185 ST31405 ST36005 ST36509 ST3651093

Parana Extra Grey60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS66181Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6618160x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS63181Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6318130x30x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS30181Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST3018160x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Slate - SlatePS1685130x10x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Slate - Slate10x10x1,1 4”x4”Slate - SlateStrutturato - Structured10x10x1,1 4”x4”PS13851PS10854ST1085160x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Slate - SlatePS6580130x5x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”PS35801PS45001PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Slate - SlatePS39181 PS69181 PS33181 PS31404 PS36001 PS36501 PS36502 PS36201 PS36701 PS36702Stutturato - StructuredST38181 ST69181 ST33181 ST31401 ST36001 ST36501 ST3650294

Parana Gold60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS66184Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6618460x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS63184Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6318430x30x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS30184Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST3018460x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Slate - SlatePS1685430x10x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Slate - Slate10x10x1,1 4”x4”Slate - SlateStrutturato - Structured10x10x1,1 4”x4”PS13854PS10857ST1085460x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Slate - SlatePS6580430x5x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”PS35804PS45004PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Slate - SlatePS39184 PS69184 PS33184 PS31407 PS36004 PS36507 PS36508 PS36204 PS36707 PS36708Stutturato - StructuredST38184 ST69184 ST33184 ST31404 ST36004 ST36507 ST3650895

Parana Grey60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS66182Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6618260x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS63182Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6318230x30x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS30182Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST3018260x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Slate - SlatePS1685230x10x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Slate - Slate10x10x1,1 4”x4”Slate - SlateStrutturato - Structured10x10x1,1 4”x4”PS13852PS10855ST1085260x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Slate - SlatePS6580230x5x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”PS35802PS45002PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”SlatePS39182 PS69182 PS33182 PS31405 PS36002 PS36503 PS36504 PS36202 PS36703 PS36704Stutturato - StructuredST38182 ST69182 ST33182 ST31402 ST36002 ST36503 ST3650496

Parana Taupe60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS66226Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6622660x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS63226Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6322630x30x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS30226Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST3022660x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Slate - SlatePS1686730x10x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Slate - Slate10x10x1,1 4”x4”Slate - SlateStrutturato - Structured10x10x1,1 4”x4”PS13857PS10860ST1085760x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Slate - SlatePS6580730x5x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1 - 2”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”PS35807PS45007PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Slate - Slate and squaredStutturato - StructuredPS39226 PS69226 PS33226 PS31410 PS36007 PS36513 PS36514 PS36207 PS36713 PS36714ST38226 ST69226 ST33226 ST31407 ST36007 ST36513 ST3651497

Parana White60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squaredStrutturato e squadrato - Structured and squaredR11 A+B PS66183R11 A+B+C ST6618360x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS63183Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST6318330x30x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Slate e squadrato - Slate and squared R11 A+B PS30183Strutturato e squadrato - Structured and squared R11 A+B+C ST3018360x10x1,1 - 24”x4”Slate - SlatePS1685330x10x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Slate - Slate10x10x1,1 4”x4”Slate - SlateStrutturato - Structured10x10x1,1 4”x4”PS13853PS10856ST1085360x5x1,1 - 24”x2”Slate - SlatePS6580330x5x1,1 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Slate - Slate5x5x1,1 - 2”x2”PS35803PS45003PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Slate - SlatePS39183 PS69183 PS33183 PS31406 PS36003 PS36505 PS36506 PS36203 PS36705 PS36706Stutturato - StructuredST38183 ST69183 ST33183 ST31403 ST36003 ST36505 ST3650698

Pietra di Cordoba60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66136Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66136Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6613640x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40136Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P40136Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B4013660x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63136Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63136Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B63136Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6313630x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30136Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30136Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B63136Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3013660x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”L16881L1491030x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBocciardato - FlamedL13892L10903P10887B1085960x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”L65831L4583230x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35835L45035PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39136 L49136 L69136 L33136 L43136 L44045 L44591 L44592 L44231 L44761 L44762Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38136 P49136 P69136 P33136 P43136 P31406 P44045 P44591 P44592 P44214 P44727 P44728Bocciardato - FlamedB33136 B43136 B31406 B44045 B44591 B44592 B44214 B44727 B4472899

Pietra di Gerusalemme60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66137Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66137Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6613760x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63137Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63137Burattato e squadrato - Tumbled and squared R10 A+B BR6337Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6313730x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30137Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30137Burattato e squadrato - Tumbled and squared R10 A+B BR3037Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3013760x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1688230x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBurattato - TumbledL13893L10904P10888BR185160x5x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6583230x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35836L45036PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39137 L69137 L33137Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38137 P69137 P33137 P31407Burattato - TumbledBR3337BR3401100

Pietra di Tunisi40x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40135Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P40135Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B4013560x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63135Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63135Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B6313530x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30135Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30135Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B3013560x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x10x0,9 - 16”x4”L16880L1490930x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBocciardato - FlamedL13891L10902P10886B1085860x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright40x5x0,9 - 16”x2”L65830L4583130x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35834L45034PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39135 L49135 L69135 L33135 L43135 L44044 L44589 L44590 L44230 L44759 L44760Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38135 P49135 P69135 P33135 P43135 P31405 P44044 P44589 P44590 P44213 P44725 P44726Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squaredB33135 B43135 B31405 B44044 B44589 B44590 B44213 B44725 B44726101

Pietra Serena60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66146Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66146Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6614660x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63146Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63146Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B63146Honed and squaredPH6314630x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30146Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30146Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B30146Honed and squaredPH3014690x10x1 - 35 1/5 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1980460x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright30x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright30x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4”L16887L1389660x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6583730x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”L35839L45039PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”45x917 3/4 ”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”45x4517 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”30x1512”x6”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39146 L95146 L69146 L33146 L56146Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38146 P95146 P69146 P33146 P56146 P31409Bocciardato - FlamedB33146B31409102

Pietra Serena90x45x1 - 35 1/2 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L59146Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P59146Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH5914645x45x1 - 17 3/4 ”x17 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L55146Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P55146Honed and squaredPH5514645x10x1 - 17 3/4 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1450410x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBocciardato - FlamedL10907P10891B1086245x5x1 - 17 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL54504Scalino bordo40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Dx40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”103

Pietra di Viterbo60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66145Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66145Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6614560x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63145Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63145Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B63145Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6314530x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30145Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30145Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B30145Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH3014560x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1688630x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBocciardato - FlamedL13895L10906P10890B1086160x5x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6583630x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2” 5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL35838L45038PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39145 L69145 L33145Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38145 P69145 P33145 P31408Bocciardato - FlamedB33145B31408104

Porfido Brown60x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63130Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63130Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B6313030x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30130Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30130Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B3013060x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright L1687930x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBocciardato - Flamed10x10x0,9 4”x4”L13890L10901P10885B1085760x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6582930x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”L35833L45033PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39130 L69130 L33130Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38130 P69130 P33130 P31404Bocciardato - FlamedB33130B31404105

Quarzite Gialla60x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63129Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63129Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B6312930x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30129Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30129Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B3012960x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1687830x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBocciardato - Flamed10x10x0,9 4”x4”L13889L10900P10884B1085660x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6582830x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”L35832L45032PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39129 L69129 L33129Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38129 P69129 P33129 P31403Bocciardato - FlamedB33129B31403106

Quarzite Grigia60x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63127Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63127Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B6312730x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30127Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30127Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B3012760x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1687630x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4” 10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright andPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBocciardato - FlamedL13887L10898P10882B1085460x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6582630x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”L35830L45030PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39127 L69127 L33127Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38127 P69127 P33127 P31401Bocciardato - FlamedB33127B31401107

Quarzite Rosa60x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63128Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63128Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B6312830x30x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L30128Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P30128Bocciardato e squadrato - Flamed and squared R11 A+B+C B3012860x10x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1687730x10x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polishedBocciardato - Flamed10x10x0,9 4”x4”L13888L10899P10883B1085560x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6582730x5x0,9 - 11 13/16 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”L35831L45031PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”40x40x516”x16”x2”40x40x516”x16”x2”Ang. scalinobordo Sx40x40x516”x16”x2”Scalino toro40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Dx40x40x316”x16”x1”Ang. scalinotoro Sx40x40x316”x16”x1”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL39128 L69128 L33128Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP38128 P69128 P33128 P31402Bocciardato - FlamedB33128B31402108

White Limestone60x60x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L66153Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P66153Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6615340x40x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x15 3/4 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L40153Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P4015360x30x0,9 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Levigato lucidato e squadrato - Polished bright and squared L63153Prelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squared R9 P63153Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPH6315360x10x0,9 - 24”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL1688840x10x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x4Levigato lucidato - Polished bright10x10x0,9 4”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightPrelevigato - Pre-polished10x10x0,9 4”x4”L14912L10908P1089260x5x0,9 - 24”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL6583840x5x0,9 - 15 3/4 ”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”Levigato lucidato - Polished bright5x5x0,9 - 2”x2”L45834L45040PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4””Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Levigato lucidato - Polished brightL49153 L69153 L43153 L44047 L44595 L44596 L44233 L44765 L44766Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP49153 P69153 P43153 P44047 P44595 P44596 P44215 P44729 P44730109

Sandstone60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredPH66192R9 P6619260x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredPH63192R9 P6319260x10x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Honed - HonedPH1686610x10x1,1 4”x4”Honed - HonedPH1085460x5x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x2”Honed - HonedPH658085x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Honed - HonedPH45008PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4””Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Honed - HonedPH69192 PH31414 PH36005 PH36509 PH36510 PH36205 PH36709 PH36710Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP69192 P31410 P36005 P36509 P36510110

Sandstone Extra120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62192PH6219260x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH6619260x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH63192PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4””Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Shine - ShineSH33192Honed - HonedPH33192Prelevigato - Pre-polished111

White Stone60x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredPH66195R9 P6619560x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Honed e squadrato - Honed and squaredPrelevigato e squadrato - Pre-polished and squaredPH63195R9 P6319560x10x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x4”Honed - HonedPH1686910x10x1,1 4”x4”Honed - HonedPH1085760x5x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x2”Honed - HonedPH658115x5x1,1 - 2”x2”Honed - HonedPH45011PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4””Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Honed - HonedPH69195 PH31407 PH36008 PH36515 PH36516 PH36208 PH36715 PH36716Prelevigato - Pre-polishedP69195 P31413 P36008 P36515 P36516112

White Stone Extra120x60x1,1 - 47 1/4 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredHoned e squadrato - Honed and squaredSH62195PH6219560x60x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x23 5/8 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH6619560x30x1,1 - 23 5/8 ”x11 13/16 ”Shine e squadrato - Shine and squaredSH63195PEZZI SPECIALI - SPECIAL TRIMSBattiscopa Gradino Copribordo Scalino bordo Ang. scalinobordo Dx30x812”x3”30x912”x3 1/2 ”40x916”x3 1/2 ”60x923”x3 1/2 ”30x3012”x12”40x4016”x16”30x1512”x6”60x30x1024”x12”x4”60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinobordo Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4””Scalino toro60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Dx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Ang. scalinotoro Sx60x30x1024”x12”x4”Shine - ShineSH33195Honed - HonedPH33195Prelevigato - Pre-polished113

Mosaici e DecoriDuttilità, versatilità e lavorabilità per soddisfare la creativitàprogettuale dell’architettura.I materiali di fabbrica si propongono con rievocazionidel passato, accostamenti cromatici, disegni e forme chepermettono soluzioni estetiche originali.Mosaics and DecorsFlexibility, versatility and ease of work to meet thedesign creativity of the architecture. Manufactured materialsevoke the past, combine colours, designs and shapesthat provide original aesthetic solutions.114

Mosaïques et DécorationsDuctilité, éclectisme et facilité de façonnage pour satisfairela créativité conceptuelle de l’architecture. Les matériauxfabriqués en usine se présentent en évoquant le passé,avec des associations de couleurs, des dessins etdes formes permettant des solutions esthétiques originales.Mosaiken und DecoreFlexibilität, Vielseitigkeit und Verarbeitbarkeit zur Befriedigungder planerischen Kreativität der Architektur. Die Materialienaus der Fabrik bieten sich als Rückgriff auf die Vergangenheit,Farbkombinationen, Design und Formen an, die originelleästhetische Lösungen zulassen..115

Nature 2.0 / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedSH30861Mosaico Cobalt - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)Shine<strong>Marmi</strong> e Travertini / MosaiciSH30862Mosaico Coral - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineSH30863Mosaico Sun - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineSHL30861Mosaico Bardiglio Imperiale Scuro - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LighThin Shine 5,8 mmSH30864Mosaico Bardiglio Imperiale Scuro - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineSHL30862Mosaico Giallo Siena - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LighThin Shine 5,8 mmSH30865Mosaico Giallo Siena - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineSHL30864Mosaico Rosso Alicante - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LighThin Shine 5,8 mmSH30867Mosaico Rosso Alicante - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)Shine116SHL30863Mosaico Onice - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LighThin Shine 5,8 mmSH30866Mosaico Onice - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineSHL30865Mosaico Travertino Chiaro - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LighThin Shine 5,8 mmSH30868Mosaico Travertino Chiaro - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineP30821Mosaico Travertino Chiaro - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)PrelevigatoRG30861Mosaico Travertino Chiaro - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)A Spacco R10SHL30866Mosaico Travertino Romano Classico - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LighThin Shine 5,8 mmSH30869Mosaico Travertino Romano Classico - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineP30822Mosaico Travertino Romano Classico - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)PrelevigatoRG30862Mosaico Travertino Romano Classico - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)A Spacco R10

<strong>Marmi</strong> e Travertini / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedL30861Mosaico Rosa Portogallo - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LevigatoL30862Mosaico Nero Marquinia - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LevigatoL30863Mosaico Statuario Venato - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LevigatoL30864Mosaico Crema Marfil Select - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LevigatoL30865Mosaico Azul Cielo - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LevigatoL30866Mosaico Mix Rosso-Giallo - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LevigatoL30867Mosaico Mix Nero-Grigio - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LevigatoL30868Mosaico Mix Rosa-Portorosa - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)LevigatoL30869Mosaico Mix Azul-Greek Pentelikon - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)Levigato117

<strong>Marmi</strong> e Travertini / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedP30823Brick C Mix Giallo-Travertino - 30x30 (4,8x2,1)PrelevigatoP30824Brick C Travertino Chiaro - 30x30 (4,8x2,1)PrelevigatoRG30863Brick C Travertino Chiaro - 30x30 (4,8x2,1)A Spacco R10P30825Brick C Travertino Romano Classico - 30x30 (4,8x2,1)PrelevigatoRG30864Brick C Travertino Romano Classico - 30x30 (4,8x2,1)A Spacco R10P63815Rodwall Travertino Chiaro - 6 0x30 (60x0,8)PrelevigatoP63816Rodwall Travertino Romano Classico - 6 0x30 (60x0,8)Prelevigato118

<strong>Marmi</strong> e Travertini / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedL30875Mosaico Loop Giallo-Rosso - 30x30LevigatoL30876Mosaico Loop Azul - 30x30LevigatoL13916Terminale Mosaico Loop Giallo-Rosso - 30x10LevigatoL13917Terminale Mosaico Loop Azul - 30x10LevigatoP30826Spaccatella Mix Giallo-Travertino - 30x30PrelevigatoP30827Spaccatella Travertino Chiaro - 30x30PrelevigatoP30828Spaccatella Travertino Romano Classico- 30x30PrelevigatoP35809Fascia Spaccatella Mix Giallo-Travertino - 30x5PrelevigatoP35810Fascia Spaccatella Mix Crema-Travertino - 30x5Prelevigato119

<strong>Marmi</strong> / IntarsiAcidato - Acid-etchedSH62901Boiserie Crema Marfil Select - 120x60ShineSHL62901Boiserie Onice - 120x60LighThin Shine 5,8 mmSH62903Boiserie Onice - 120x60ShineSH62905Boiserie Statuario Venato - 120x60ShineL62901Boiserie Rosa Portogallo - 120x60LevigatoSH62902Boiserie Riposo Crema Marfil Select120x60ShineSHL62902Boiserie Riposo Onice - 120x60LighThin Shine 5,8 mmSH62904Boiserie Riposo Onice - 120x60ShineSH62906Boiserie Riposo Statuario Venato - 120x60ShineL62902Boiserie Riposo Rosa Portogallo - 120x60Levigato120

<strong>Marmi</strong> / IntarsiAcidato - Acid-etchedSH63901Boiserie Onice60x30ShineL63897Boiserie Nero Marquinia60x30LevigatoL63895Boiserie Crema Marfil Select60x30LevigatoL63899Boiserie Rosa Portogallo60x30LevigatoL63901Boiserie Statuario Venato60x30LevigatoSH63902Boiserie RiposoOnice60x30ShineL63898Boiserie RiposoNero Marquinia60x30LevigatoL63896Boiserie RiposoCrema Marfil Select60x30LevigatoL63900Boiserie RiposoRosa Portogallo60x30LevigatoL63902Boiserie RiposoStatuario Venato60x30Levigato121

<strong>Marmi</strong> / IntarsiLaserato - Laser workedPH59801Drops A Crema Marfil Select - 90x45HonedPH59802Drops B Crema Marfil Select - 90x45HonedL59803Drops A Thassos - 90x45LevigatoL59804Drops A Thassos - 90x45LevigatoL63891Drops A Statuario Venato - 60x30LevigatoL63892Drops B Statuario Venato - 60x30LevigatoPH63825Bloom A Crema Marfil Select - 60x30HonedPH63826Bloom B Crema Marfil Select - 60x30HonedL63890Ring Crema Marfil Select - 60x30LevigatoL63893Cloth Crema Marfil Select - 60x30Levigato122

<strong>Marmi</strong> / IntarsiLaserato - Laser workedL59801Bloom Rosa Portogallo - 90x45LevigatoL59802Bloom Thassos - 90x45LevigatoL93801Frame Thassos - 90x30LevigatoL91501Frame Thassos - 90x45LevigatoL55801Bloom Rosa Portogallo - 45x45LevigatoL55802Bloom Thassos - 45x45Levigato123

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriA idrogetto - Waterjet / Legno - WoodSH24853 (su richiesta - on demand)Tappeto Kerman Travertino Noce - 240x120Levigato / ShineSH12854Rosone Kerman Travertino Noce - 120x120Levigato / Shine124

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriA idrogetto - Waterjet / Legno - WoodSH16864Fascia Nain Travertino Romano Classico - 60x10ShineSH12851Rosone Nain Travertino Romano Classico - 120x120ShineSH10864Angolo Nain Travertino Romano Classico - 10x10Shine125

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriA idrogetto - WaterjetSH24851 (su richiesta - on demand)Tappeto Saroq Brown Stone Extra - 240x120ShineSH15853Fascia Saroq Brown Stone Extra - 60x15ShineSH15854Fascia Riposo Saroq Brown Stone Extra - 60x15ShineSH12852Rosone Saroq Brown Stone Extra - 120x120ShineSH31952Angolo Saroq Brown Stone Extra - 15x15Shine126

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriA idrogetto - WaterjetSH24852 (su richiesta - on demand)Tappeto Saroq Rosso Alicante - 240x120ShineSH15851Fascia Saroq Rosso Alicante - 60x15ShineSH15852Fascia Riposo Saroq Rosso Alicante - 60x15ShineSH12853Rosone Saroq Rosso Alicante - 120x120ShineSH31951Angolo Saroq Rosso Alicante - 15x15Shine127

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriA idrogetto - WaterjetL14709Fascia Forum Giallo - 40x13L13301Fascia Forum Giallo - 30x13LevigatoL13705Angolo Forum Giallo - 13x13LevigatoL14710Fascia Forum Verde - 40x13L13302Fascia Forum Verde - 30x13LevigatoL13706Angolo Forum Verde - 13x13LevigatoL80862Rosone Forum - 80x80LevigatoL14711Fascia Forum Crema - 40x13L13303Fascia Forum Crema - 30x13LevigatoL13707Angolo Forum Crema - 13x13LevigatoL14719Fascia Forum Azul - 40x13L13305Fascia Forum Azul - 30x13LevigatoL13712Angolo Forum Azul - 13x13LevigatoL14712Intarsio Esedra - 40x13LevigatoL13708Angolo Esedra - 13x13LevigatoL80863Rosone Esedra - 80x80LevigatoL14713Fascia Riposo Esedra - 40x13Levigato128

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriA idrogetto - WaterjetL42895Intarsio Floreale PersianoRosso - 40x20LevigatoL20875Angolo Floreale PersianoRosso - 20x20LevigatoL42896Fascia Riposo PersianoRosso - 40x20LevigatoL12855Rosone Floreale Persiano Rosso - 120x120LevigatoL42801Intarsio Floreale Portorosa40x20LevigatoL20877Angolo Floreale Portorosa20x20LevigatoL42802Fascia Riposo Portorosa - 40x20LevigatoL12857Rosone Floreale Portorosa - 120x120Levigato129

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriA idrogetto - WaterjetL42803Intarsio Floreale Nero Marquinia40x20LevigatoL20878Angolo FlorealeNero Marquinia - 20x20LevigatoL42804Fascia Riposo Nero Marquinia40x20LevigatoL12874Rosone Floreale Nero Marquinia-Azul Boquira - 120x120LevigatoL42897Intarsio Floreale PersianoRosa - 40x20LevigatoL20876Angolo Floreale PersianoRosa - 20x20LevigatoL42898Fascia Riposo PersianoRosa - 40x20LevigatoL12876Rosone Floreale Persiano Rosa - 120x120Levigato130

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriA idrogetto - WaterjetL12872Rosone Gloriette Azul - 120x120LevigatoL12873Rosone Gloriette Giallo - 120x120Levigato131

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriL45351Toro Azul - 30x4,5LevigatoL22351Matita Azul - 30x2,2LevigatoL45352Toro Nero - 30x4,5LevigatoL22352Matita Nero - 30x2,2LevigatoL45353Toro Rosso - 30x4,5LevigatoL22353Matita Rosso - 30x2,2LevigatoL45354Toro Statuario - 30x4,5LevigatoL22354Matita Statuario - 30x2,2LevigatoL45355Toro Verde - 30x4,5LevigatoL22355Matita Verde - 30x2,2LevigatoL45357Toro Rosa - 30x4,5LevigatoL22357Matita Rosa - 30x2,2LevigatoL45358Toro Crema - 30x4,5LevigatoL22358Matita Crema - 30x2,2Levigato16 mm _+ 0,545 mm _+ 0,511 mm _+ 0,514 mm _+ 0,5132

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriSH22151Matita Squadrata Bardiglio Imperiale Scuro - 60x2,1ShineSH22152Matita Squadrata Giallo Siena - 60x2,1ShineSH22153Matita Squadrata Rosso Alicante - 60x2,1ShineSH22154Matita Squadrata Travertino Chiaro - 60x2,1ShineSH22155Matita Squadrata Travertino Romano Classico - 60x2,1ShineSH22156Matita Squadrata Crema Marfil Select - 60x2,1ShineSH22157Matita Squadrata Onice - 60x2,1ShineSH22158Matita Squadrata Statuario Venato - 60x2,1ShineL22152Matita Squadrata Nero Marquinia - 60x2,1LevigatoL22153Matita Squadrata Rosa Portogallo - 60x2,1LevigatoL36951Listello Glass Blue - 60x3L36952Listello Glass Dark - 60x3L36953Listello Glass Yellow - 60x3L36954Listello Glass Red - 60x3133

<strong>Marmi</strong> / DecoriAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedL13901Fascia Africa Rosa - 30x10LevigatoL13902Fascia Africa Statuario - 30x10LevigatoL13903Fascia Africa Azul - 30x10LevigatoL13904Fascia Africa Crema - 30x10LevigatoL13905Fascia Africa Nero - 30x10LevigatoL13897Fascia Saturn Arabescato - 30x10LevigatoL13898Fascia Saturn Nero - 30x10LevigatoL13899Fascia Saturn Crema - 30x10LevigatoL13900Fascia Saturn Rosa - 30x10LevigatoL35840Listello Quadri Mosaico Crema - 30x5LevigatoL35841Listello Quadri Mosaico Statuario - 30x5LevigatoL35842Listello Quadri Mosaico Rosa - 30x5LevigatoL08801Listello Onda Mosaico Statuario - 30x8LevigatoL08802Listello Onda Mosaico Crema - 30x8LevigatoL08803Listello Onda Mosaico Rosa - 30x8LevigatoP04801Listello Rilievo Statuario - 30x3,5PrelevigatoP04802Listello Rilievo Crema - 30x3,5PrelevigatoP04803Listello Rilievo Rosa - 30x3,5Prelevigato134

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedPS30820Mosaico Ardesia Cinza - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)SlatePS30821Mosaico Ardesia Moka - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)SlatePS30822Mosaico Ardesia Nera - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)SlateSH30870Mosaico Brown Stone Extra - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineSH30871Mosaico Forest Grey Extra - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineSH30872Mosaico Sand Stone Extra - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineSH30873Mosaico White Stone Extra - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)ShineST30861Mosaico Parana Beige - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)StrutturatoST30862Mosaico Parana Black - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)Strutturato135

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedST30863Mosaico Parana Brown - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)StrutturatoST30864Mosaico Parana Extra Grey - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)StrutturatoST30865Mosaico Parana Gold - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)StrutturatoST30866Mosaico Parana Grey - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)StrutturatoST30867Mosaico Parana Taupe - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)StrutturatoST30868Mosaico Parana White - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)StrutturatoBR3856Mosaico Pietra di Gerusalemme - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)BurattatoB30881Mosaico Pietra di Cordoba - 30x30 (2,1x2,1)Bocciardata136

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedBR3851Modulo Pietra di Gerusalemme 30x30BurattatoB30851Modulo Quarzite Grigia 30x30BocciardatoB30872Modulo Pietra di Viterbo 30x30BocciardatoB30857Modulo Quarzite Gialla 30x30BocciardatoB30860Modulo Porfido Brown 30x30BocciardatoB30863Modulo Pietra di Tunisi 30x30BocciardatoB30866Modulo Pietra di Cordoba 30x30BocciardatoB30854Modulo Quarzite Rosa 30x30Bocciardato137

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedPH30804Modulo B Ardesia Cinza 30x30HonedPS30804Modulo B Ardesia Cinza 30x30SlatePH30810Modulo B Ardesia Moka 30x30HonedPS30805Modulo B Ardesia Moka 30x30SlatePH30803Modulo B Ardesia Nera 30x30HonedPS30803Modulo B Ardesia Nera 30x30SlateP30805Modulo B Pietra di Cordoba 30x30PrelevigatoB30878Modulo B Pietra di Cordoba 30x30BocciardatoP30807Modulo B Pietra di Gerusalemme 30x30PrelevigatoBR3855Modulo B Pietra di Gerusalemme 30x30BurattatoP30808Modulo B Pietra Serena 30x30PrelevigatoB30880Modulo B Pietra Serena 30x30Bocciardato138

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedBR3853Fascia Pietra di Gerusalemme 30x30BurattatoB30853Fascia Quarzite Grigia 30x30BocciardatoB30856Fascia Quarzite Rosa 30x30BocciardatoB30862Fascia Porfido Brown 30x30BocciardatoB30859Fascia Quarzite Gialla 30x30BocciardatoB30865Fascia Pietra di Tunisi 30x30BocciardatoB30868Fascia Pietra di Cordoba 30x30BocciardatoB30874Fascia Pietra di Viterbo 30x30Bocciardato139

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedP30801Composit Pietra di Cordoba 30x30PrelevigatoB30875Composit Pietra di Cordoba 30x30BocciardatoP30803Composit Pietra di Gerusalemme 30x30PrelevigatoBR3854Composit Pietra di Gerusalemme 30x30BurattatoP30804Composit Pietra Serena 30x30PrelevigatoB30877Composit Pietra Serena 30x30BocciardatoPH30801Composit Ardesia Nera 30x30HonedPS30801Composit Ardesia Nera 30x30SlatePH30802Composit Ardesia Cinza 30x30HonedPS30802Composit Ardesia Cinza 30x30Slate140

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedBR3852Brick Pietra di Gerusalemme 30x30BurattatoB30852Brick Quarzite Grigia 30x30BocciardatoB30855Brick Quarzite Rosa 30x30BocciardatoB30858Brick Quarzite Gialla 30x30BocciardatoB30861Brick Porfido Brown 30x30BocciardatoB30864Brick Pietra di Tunisi 30x30BocciardatoB30867Brick Pietra di Cordoba 30x30BocciardatoB30873Brick Pietra di Viterbo 30x30Bocciardato141

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedP63809Brick B Pietra di Cordoba 60x30PrelevigatoB63801Brick B Pietra di Cordoba 60x30BocciardatoP63811Brick B Pietra di Gerusalemme 60x30PrelevigatoBR6851Brick B Pietra di Gerusalemme 60x30BurattatoP63812Brick B Pietra Serena 60x30PrelevigatoB63803Brick B Pietra Serena 60x30BocciardatoPH63805Brick B Ardesia Nera 60x30HonedPS63801Brick B Ardesia Nera 60x30SlatePH63806Brick B Ardesia Cinza 60x30HonedPS63802Brick B Ardesia Cinza 60x30SlateST30869Brick C Mix Parana Gold - 30x30 (4,8x2,1)StrutturatoST30870Brick C Mix Parana Warm - 30x30 (4,8x2,1)Strutturato142

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedPH30807Wall Ardesia Nera 30x30HonedPH30808Wall Ardesia Cinza 30x30HonedPH30809Wall Ardesia Moka 30x30HonedST63801Stonewall Parana Grey - Extra Grey - 60x30Strutturato 10 mmST63802Stonewall Parana White - Gold - 60x30Strutturato 10 mmPH63807Stonewall Ardesia Nera - 60x30Honed 14mmPH63808Stonewall Ardesia Cinza - 60x30Honed 14mmPH63809Stonewall Ardesia Moka - 60x30Honed 14mm143

Pietre / MosaiciAssemblato su rete - Mesh mountedSH15855Liftwall Brown Stone Extra - 60x15Shine 14mmSH15856Liftwall Forest Grey Extra - 60x15Shine 14mmPS30823Spaccatella Mix Parana - 30x30SlateP30829Spaccatella Mix Pietre - 30x30Prelevigato144

Pietre / PalladianaPLS148Palladiana Ardesia CinzaSlatePLST181Palladiana Parana Grey-Extra GreyStrutturatoPLST183Palladiana Parana White-GoldStrutturatoPLB137Palladiana Pietra di GerusalemmeBurattatoPLP130Palladiana Porfido BrownPrelevigato145

Pietre / IntarsiLaserato - Laser workedPH93801Frame Ardesia Nera 90x30HonedPH91501Frame Ardesia Nera 90x15HonedPH93802Frame Pietra Serena 90x30HonedPH91502Frame Pietra Serena 90x15HonedPH63827Frame Ardesia Moka 60x30HonedL63894Frame Pietra di Gerusalemme 60x30LevigatoPH63818Ring Pietra Serena 60x30HonedPH63828Cloth Pietra Serena 60x30HonedPH63819Drops A Ardesia Moka 60x30HonedPH63820Drops B Ardesia Moka 60x30Honed146

Pietre / IntarsiLaserato - Laser workedPH66801Matrix Ardesia Nera 60x60HonedPH66805Target Ardesia Nera 60x60HonedPH66807Optical Ardesia Nera 60x60HonedPH63810Matrix Ardesia Nera 60x30HonedPH63814Target Ardesia Nera 60x30HonedPH63816Optical Ardesia Nera 60x30HonedPH16854Listello Matrix Ardesia Nera 60x10HonedPH16858Listello Target Ardesia Nera 60x10HonedPH16860Listello Optical Ardesia Nera 60x60HonedPH66802Matrix Ardesia Cinza 60x60HonedPH66806Target Ardesia Cinza 60x60HonedPH66808Optical Ardesia Cinza 60x60HonedPH63811Matrix Ardesia Cinza 60x30HonedPH63815Target Ardesia Cinza 60x30HonedPH63817Optical Ardesia Cinza 60x30HonedPH16855Listello Matrix Ardesia Cinza 60x10HonedPH16859Listello Target Ardesia Cinza 60x10HonedPH16861Listello Optical Ardesia Cinza 60x10Honed147

Pietre / DecoriSabbiato - Sandblasted / Vetro - GlassPS45351Listello DiamondParana White 30x4,5SlatePS37502Listello MuranoParana White 30x7,5SlatePS63803Diamond Parana White 60x30SlatePS63804Diamond RiposoParana White 60x30SlatePS16856Listello DiamondParana White 60x10SlatePS63805Diamond WavesParana White 60x30SlatePS45352Listello DiamondParana Gold 30x4,5SlatePS37501Listello MuranoParana Gold 30x7,5SlatePS63806Diamond Parana Gold 60x30SlatePS63804Diamond RiposoParana Gold 60x30SlatePS16857Listello DiamondParana Gold 60x10SlatePS63808Diamond WavesParana Gold 60x30SlatePS45353Listello DiamondParana Grey 30x4,5SlatePS37503Listello MuranoParana Grey 30x7,5SlatePS63809Diamond Parana Grey 60x30SlatePS63810Diamond RiposoParana Grey 60x30SlatePS16858Listello DiamondParana Grey 60x10SlatePS63811Diamond WavesParana Grey 60x30Slate148

Pietre / DecoriSabbiato - Sandblasted / Metallo - MetalPH63801Steel Ardesia Nera 60x30HonedPH63802Steel Ardesia Cinza 60x30HonedP63804Steel Pietra Serena 60x30PrelevigatoP63803Steel Pietra di Gerusalemme 60x30PrelevigatoP63801Steel Pietra di Cordoba 60x30PrelevigatoL22151Listello Steel 60x2,1L22001Listello Steel 30x2,1149

ImballiPackingFormato Spessore Kgxmq Scatola/Box EuropalletMm Pezzi Mq Scatole MqSize Thickness KgxSqm Pieces Sqm Boxes SqmFormat Épaisseur KgxMc Pièces Mc Boîtes McFormat Stärke KgxQm Stücke Qm Kartons Qm240x120 TAPPETO 11 73,40 pz 1120x120 ROSONE 11/9 27,60 pz 1120x60 BOISERIE LIGHTHIN SHINE 5,8 9,51 pz 2120x60 BOISERIE LEVIGATO - SHINE 11 19,00 1 0,72 43,20120x60 LIGHTHIN SHINE 5,8 13,21 4 2,88120x60 LEVIGATO 11 25,70 1 0,72 46 33,12120x60 A SPACCO R10 - A SPACCO B R11 11 26,42 1 0,72 50 36,00120x60 HONED - PRELEVIGATO - SHINE - SLATE 11 26,42 1 0,72 46 33,1290x45 HONED - PRELEVIGATO 10 21,90 3 1,215 28 34,0290x45 PRELEVIGATO THASSOS 10 21,20 3 1,215 32 38,8890x45 DECORO BLOOM - DROPS 10 8,90 pz 180x80 ROSONE 9 12,30 pz 160x60A SPACCO R10 - A SPACCO B R11 - HONEDLEVIGATO - PRELEVIGATO - SHINE 11 25,50 3 1,08 32 34,5660x60 HONED - LEVIGATO - PRELEVIGATO - SLATE 9 20,80 3 1,08 40 43,2060x60 LEVIGATO CREMA MARFIL SELECT 9 21,64 3 1,08 40 43,2060x60 DECORO MATRIX - OPTICAL - TARGET 9 7,48 pz 290x30 DECORO FRAME HONED 10 5,90 pz 190x30 DECORO FRAME LEVIGATO 10 5,70 pz 160x30 A SPACCO R10 - HONED - SHINE - A SPACCO B R11 11 25,50 5 0,90 40 36,0060x30 SLATE - STRUTTURATO 11 24,30 5 0,90 40 36,0060x30 LEVIGATO 9 22,30 6 1,08 40 43,2060x30ANTICATO - BOCCIARDATO - HONEDPRELEVIGATO - SLATE 9 20,80 6 1,08 40 43,2060x30 DECORO BOISERIE CLOTH - DROPS - FRAME - RING LEVIGATO 9 4,00 pz 260x30 DECORO BLOOM - CLOTH - DROPS - FRAME - RING HONED 9 3,74 pz 260x30 DECORO MATRIX - OPTICAL - STEEL - TARGET 9 3,74 pz 260x30 DECORO DIAMOND 10 3,74 pz 260x30 BRICK B MOSAICO STONEWALL 9 /14/10 3,74 pz 460x30 MOSAICO RODWALL 11 4,60 pz 445x45 LEVIGATO 10 21,90 5 1,0132 33 33,42945x45 HONED - PRELEVIGATO 10 21,90 7 1,418 52 73,73645x45 DECORO BLOOM 10 4,30 pz 145x45 GRADINO 10 4,30 pz 445x45 SCALINO TORO 10 4,50 pz 245x45 ANGOLO SCALINO TORO DX - SX 10 4,50 pz 140x40 LEVIGATO 9 20,30 7 1,12 30 33,6040x40 ANTICATO - BOCCIARDATO - PRELEVIGATO 9 21,20 7 1,12 60 67,2040x40 GRADINO LEVIGATO 9 3,07 pz 440x40 GRADINO ANTICATO - BOCCIARDATO - PRELEVIGATO 9 3,50 pz 440x40 SCALINO 9 3,07 pz 240x40 ANGOLO SCALINO DX - SX 9 3,07 pz 190x15 DECORO FRAME LEVIGATO 10 2,87 pz 290x15 DECORO FRAME HONED 10 2,96 pz 230x30 SLATE - STRUTTURATO 11 22,88 9 0,81 48 38,8830x30 LEVIGATO 9 20,62 11 0,99 48 47,5230x30 BOCCIARDATO - HONED - PRELEVIGATO - SLATE 9 19,65 11 0,99 48 47,5230x30 HONED PERSIANO GIALLO - ROSSO 9 18,00 11 0,99 48 47,52150

EmballageVerpackungseinheitenFormato Spessore Kgxmq Scatola/Box EuropalletMm Pezzi Mq Scatole MqSize Thickness KgxSqm Pieces Sqm Boxes SqmFormat Épaisseur KgxMc Pièces Mc Boîtes McFormat Stärke KgxQm Stücke Qm Kartons Qm30x30 SPACCATELLA 11 2,05 PZ 430x30 MOSAICO LIGHTHIN SHINE 5,8 1,19 pz 430x30BRICK C - COMPOSIT - FASCIA - MODULO - MODULO BMOSAICO - WALL 11/9 1,75 pz 430x30 GRADINO ANTICATO - LEVIGATO - SHINE 11/9 1,63 pz 430x30GRADINO BOCCIARDATO - BURATTATO - HONEDPRELEVIGATO - SLATE - STRUTTURATO 9 1,75 pz 490x10 LISTONE 10 1,91 pz 440x20 DECORO 9 1,54 pz 460x15 FASCIA SAROQ - LIFTWALL 11 2,29 pz 4/660x10 LISTONE 9 1,35 pz 1060x10 FASCIA NAIN 11 1,57 pz 460x10 LISTELLO DIAMOND MATRIX - OPTICAL - TARGET 10/9 1,35 pz 460x9 BATTISCOPA 11/9 1,35 pz 1040x13 DECORO 9 1,50 pz 445x10 LISTONE 10 0,95 pz 1030x15 COPRIBORDO 9 1,20 pz 630x13 DECORO 9 1,40 pz 445x9 BATTISCOPA 10 0,85 pz 1040x10 LISTONE 9 0,69 pz 1020x20 DECORO 9 0,77 pz 440x9 BATTISCOPA 9 0,78 pz 1060x5 LISTONE 9 0,68 pz 1030x10 LISTONE 9 0,69 pz 1030x10 FASCIA AFRICA - SATURN 9 0,69 pz 1030x10 TERMINALE MOSAICO LOOP 9 0,69 pz 430x9 BATTISCOPA 9 0,48 pz 1030x8 LISTELLO ONDA MOSAICO 9 0,55 pz 430x8 BATTISCOPA 9 0,45 pz 2045x5 LISTONE 10 0,48 pz 1230x7,5 LISTELLO MURANO 10 0,44 pz 440x5 LISTONE 9 0,74 pz 1213x13 DECORO 9 1,75 pz 430x5 LISTONE 9 0,34 pz 1230x5 LISTELLO QUADRI MOSAICO - FASCIA SPACCATELLA 9 0,34 pz 430x4,5 LISTELLO DIAMOND 10 0,29 pz 430x4,5 TORO 10 0,65 pz 460x3 LISTELLO GLASS 9 0,21 pz 660x2,1 LISTELLO STEEL 9 0,21 pz 660x2,1 MATITA 16 0,30 pz 830x3,5 LISTELLO RILIEVO 9 0,25 pz 410x10 TOZZETTO 11/9 0,21 pz 1210x10 ANGOLO 11 0,26 pz 430x2,2 MATITA 9 0,21 pz 530x2,1 LISTELLO STEEL 9 0,21 pz 65x5 TOZZETTO 9 0,10 pz 12PALLADIANA 10/9 21,00 1 6,00 5 30,00151

CaratteristicheTecnicheTechnicalFeaturesProprietà fisico-chimichePhysical-chemical propertiesPropriétés physico-chimiquesPhysisch-chemische EigenschaftenDimensioniSizesDimensionsAbmessungenResistenza all’abrasione profondaDeep abrasion resistanceRésistance à l’abrasion profondeBeständigkeit gegen tiefenabriebTipo di provaStandard of TestNorme du TestTestnormISO 10545.2ISO 10545.6Valore prescrittoRequired valueValeur prescriteVorgeschriebener WertLunghezza larghezza - Length and width -Longueur et largeur - Länge und BreiteSpessore - Thickness - Epaisseur - StärkeRettilinearità spigoli - Linearity - Rectitudedes arêtes - KantengeradheitOrtogonalità - Wedging - Orthogonalité -RechtwinkligkeitPlanarità - Warpage - Planéité -Ebenflächigkeit≤ 175 mm 2± 0,6% max± 5% max± 0,5% max± 0,6% max± 0,5% maxResistenza alla flessioneFlexion resistanceRésistance à la flexionBiegungsfestigkeitAssorbimento d’acquaWater absorbtionAbsorption d’eauWasserhaufnahmeISO 10545.4ISO 10545.3Modulo di rotturaBreaking modulus ≥ 35 N/mm 2Module de ruptureBruchmodulCarico di rottura ≠ ≥ 7,5 mm ≥ 1300 NBreaking strength ≠ < 7,5 mm ≥ 700 NCharge de roptureBruchkraft≤ 0,5%Resistenza al geloFrost resistanceRésistance au gelFrostwiderstandsfähigkeitISO 10545.12Coeficente di dilatazione termica lineare ISO 10545.8Coefficient of linear thermal-expansionCoefficient linéaire de dilatation thermiqueLineare WärmeausdehnungNon devono presentare rottureo alterazioni apprezzabili della superficieMust not produce noticeable alteration to surfaceNe doivent pas présenter des rupturesou altérations trop importantes de la surfaceOberflächen dürfen, keinen Bruch oder Schaden aufweisen≤ 9x10 -6 0 C -1Resistenza dei colori alla luceColor resistance to lightRésistance de la couleur à la lumiereLichtbeständigkeitDIN 51094Non devono presentare apprezzabili variazioni di coloreMust not produce noticeable colour variationNe doivent présenter des variations remarquables de la couleurKeine sichtbare Farbänderung ist erlaubtResistenza ai prodotti chimiciChemical resistanceRésistance aux produits chimiquesChemikalienfestigkeitResistenza alle macchieStain resistanceRésistance aux tachesFleckenbeständigkeitISO 10545.13ISO 10545.14Non devono presentare apprezzabili segni di attacco chimicoMust not produce noticeable signs of chemical attackNe doivent pas présenter des signes trop évidentsà l’attaque chimiqueSie dür fen keine sichtlichen Zeichen einerchemischen Zersetzung vor weisen1 < X < 5Coeficente di attrito (scivolosità)Friction coefficient (slipperiness)Coefficient de friction (glissement)Reibungskoeffizient (schlüpfrigkeit)BCRA REPCEC 6/81Attrito soddisfacenteSatisfactory frictionFriction satisfaisanteBefriedigende Reibung152

CaractéristiquesTechniquesTechnicheEigenschaftenValore medioMean valueValeur moyenneMittelwert± 0,2% max± 2% max± 0,2% max± 0,2% max± 0,2% max120 mm 255 N/mm 2(561 Kg/cm 2 )2500 N≥ 700 N0,04% max *Non geliveFrost-proofNon gélivesFrostsicherDIN 51130R9Superficie prelevigataPre-polished surfacesSurface prépolieOberfläche vorgeschliffenPIETRE NATURALI DI FABBRICA A TUTTAMASSA CON LE CARATTERISTICHETECNICHE DEL PORCELLANATOFULL-BODY MANUFACTURED NATURAL STONESWITH PORCELAIN TECHNICAL FEATURESPIERRES NATURELLES DE FABRIQUE PLEINEMASSE AVEC LES CARACTÉRISTIQUESTECHNIQUES DU GRÈS CÉRAMEVOLLGEMISCHTE NATURSTEINE AUSDER FABRIK MIT DEN TECHNISCHENEIGENSCHAFTEN DES FEINSTEINZEUGSR10Superficie anticata/burattata/slateAntiqued/tumbled/slate surfacesSurface antique/bosselé/slateOberfläche antik/getrommelt/slateDIN 51097A+BSuperficie anticata/a spacco/burattata/slateAntiqued/splitted/tumbled/slate surfacesSurface antique/a spacco/bosselé/slateOberfläche antik/a spacco/getrommelt/slateR11Superficie a spacco B/slate-solo Parana/bocciardata/strutturataFlamed surfaces/slate-Parana only/structured/Surface bouchardée/slate-uniquement Parana/structuré/Oberfläche slate-nur Parana/strukturiert/A+B+CSuperficie a spacco B/bocciardata/strutturataA spacco B surfaces/Flamed surfaces a spacco B/structured Surface a spaccoB bouchardée/structuréOberfläche a spacco BstrukturiertClassificazione secondo norme CEN gruppo BI EN 176 e ISO 13006 All. G gruppo BI a UGLClassification in accordance with CEN standards BI EN 176 and ISO 13006 All. G group BI a UGLClassification selon les normes CEN groupe BI EN 176 et ISO 13006 All. G groupe BI a UGLKlassifizierung gemäß CEN Normen Gruppe BI EN 176 und ISO 13006 All. G gruppe BI a UGL* I prodotti con assorbimento < 0,5 sono classificati secondo le norme UNI CEN “Fully vitrified tiles” esecondo le norme ASTM “Imprevious tiles”* The products having an absorption < 0,5 are classified according to the UNI CEN standards“Fully vitrified tiles” and according to the ASTM standards “Impervious tiles”* Les produits avec absorption < 0,5 sont classifiés selon les normes UNI CEN“Fully vitrified tiles” et selon les norms ASTM “Imper vious tiles”* Die Erzeugnisse mit einer Absorption < 0,5 sind gemäß den UNI CEN - Normen “Fully vitrified tiles” undgemäß den ASTM - Normen “Impervious tiles” klassifiziert≤ 6,5x10 -6 0 C -1Campioni inalteratiin brillantezza e coloreNo change in brightnessor colour of samplesEchantillons inchangésen brillance et couleurGlanz und Farbe derMuster unverändertNon attaccateNot attackedNon attaquéesNicht angegriffenClasse 5 - Class 5 - classe 5 - Gruppe 5Macchie rimosse con acquacorrente calda (senza detergente)Stains removed by hot running water(without detergent)Taches enlevées à l’eau courantechaude (sans dètergent)Fleckenentfernung mitFliessendem Warmen Wasser(ohne Reinigungsmittel)0,42 - 0,75 **** Varia secondo la finitura di superficie** It can vary according to the surface finish** Varie selon la finition de la surface** Die Rütschfestigkeit wird durch die Beschaffenheit der Oberfläche bestimmtAMERICAN STANDARDSPhisical propertiesWater absorbtionSizesAbrasive resistanceFreeze hardnessChemical resistanceSkid resistance(average coefficientof friction)Color resistance to lightTestASTM C-373ASTM C-499ASTM C-501ASTM C-1026ASTM C-650ASTM C-648ASTM C-1028DIN 51094Industry standardsTile shall be imperviousAverage facial dimension < 1,5%Wedging ±1%Warpage ±1% of any edgeRange of thickness (inch) < 0,04%≥ 100No sample must show alterationsto surfaceTo 10% HCL Acid -No sample must show visiblesigns of chemical attackto 10% KOH Alkali250 PSI or greaterNo noticeable color variation<strong>FMG</strong> results(as tested by Smith Emerylaboratory)< 0,05%0,15%0,33%0,17%0,014%217ResistantUnaffectedExceeds standards> 460 PSIMeets or exceedsrequirements (pleaseask for individual testreport)No change in brightnessor color of samples153

Pezzi Speciali<strong>FMG</strong> è in grado di realizzare manufatti speciali attraversol'impiego e la lavorazione dei propri materiali, per risponderealle esigenze tecniche e progettuali degli architetti e deidesigner.Attraverso lo studio, il progetto, il prototipo e la produzione,<strong>FMG</strong> trova soluzioni innovative per coordinare con esclusiviaccessori gli ambienti nel loro diverso utilizzo.Special Trims<strong>FMG</strong> is able to process its materials to produce customisedtrims to meet the technical and design requirements ofarchitects and designers.Through development, design, prototyping and production,<strong>FMG</strong> finds innovative solutions to complete installations ofdifferent types with exclusive accessory pieces.154

Piecès Spéciales<strong>FMG</strong> est en mesure de réaliser des pièces spéciales enutilisant et en transformant ses matériaux pour répondre auxexigences techniques et conceptuelles des architectes et desdesigners.Par l’étude, le projet, le prototype et la production, <strong>FMG</strong>trouve des solutions innovantes pour compléter les différentsespaces avec des accessoires exclusifsSonderformateIn Entsprechung auf die technischen und projektbezogenenErfordernissen der Architekten und Designer, kann <strong>FMG</strong>Sonderformate liefern, für die eigene Materialien verwendetund verarbeitet werden.Über die Entwicklung, das Projekt, die Prototypenherstellungund die Produktion findet <strong>FMG</strong> innovative Lösungen, so dassjeder Raum mit exklusiven Zubehörelementen auf seinejeweilige Nutzungscharakteristik abgestimmt werden kann.155









ServiziAll’innovazione dei propri processi di fabbricazione,all’originalità e modernità dei propri materiali,<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> aggiungeuna serie di servizi per assistere il progettistafino al risultato finale.ServicesIn addition to innovating its manufactoring processes and theoriginality and modernity of its materials<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> also provides a rangeof services to assist the designer up to the final result.164

Services<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> ajoute à l’innovationdes processus de fabrication, à l’originalitéet la modernité dw ses materiaux, une serie de servicesvisant à assister la concepteur et l’accompagner jusqu’aurésultat final.ServiceleistungenDer Innovation ihrer Verarbeitungsprozesse,der Originalität und Modernität ihrer Materialen,fügt <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong> eine Reihevon Leistungen hinzu, um den Planer bis hin zumEndergebnis zu unterstützen.165

2DLa progettazione bidimensionale di <strong>FMG</strong> assicura una rapidalettura del progetto, rende al committente una chiarainterpretazione del suo sviluppo corredato da richiami aimateriali, ai formati e alle superfici che concorrono alcompletamento dell'opera.2D<strong>FMG</strong> 2D drawings provide an easy-to-read representationof the project, allowing the customer to interpret itsdevelopment clearly, with references to the materials, sizesand surface finishes to be used to complete the installation.166

2DLa conception bidimensionnelle de <strong>FMG</strong> assure une lecturerapide du projet, rend à l’acheteur une interprétation trèsclaire de son développement accompagné de rappels auxmatériaux, aux formats et aux surfaces qui contribuent àl’achèvement de l’ouvrage.2DDie 2D-Planung von <strong>FMG</strong> bietet einen raschen Überblick überdas Projekt und liefert dem Auftraggeber eine anschaulicheInterpretation seiner Idee, die mit Angaben zu denvorgesehenen Materialien, Formaten und Oberflächen ergänztwird.167



3DLa renderizzazione tridimensionale di <strong>FMG</strong> tende a simulare inmodo chiaro e inequivocabile gli ambienti maggiormentesignificativi del progetto, attraverso l'utilizzo delle textures diriferimento prescelte per dare ampio risalto al design o allostile finale delle zone rappresentate. La possibilità di poterconfrontare diverse situazioni dello stesso ambiente, utilizzandovari materiali <strong>FMG</strong> in una situazione virtuale, non lasciadubbi a chi deve decidere la scelta fra diverse opzioni.3D<strong>FMG</strong>’s 3D rendering is intended to provide a clear,unmistakable simulation of the most important rooms in theproject, using chosen reference textures to highlight the finalstyle or design of the illustrated zone. The chance to comparedifferent solutions for the same room by using different <strong>FMG</strong>materials in virtual simulations enables decision-makers tomake a well-informed choice between various options.170

3DLe rendu tridimensionnel de <strong>FMG</strong> tend à simuler de façonclaire et sans équivoque les pièces les plus significatives duprojet, en utilisant des textures de référence choisies pourmettre en évidence le design ou le style final des zones représentées.La possibilité de pouvoir comparer différentesprésentations de la même pièce, en utilisant variesmatériaux <strong>FMG</strong> dans une situation virtuelle, ne laisse aucundoute à qui doit choisir entre différentes options.3DDas 3D-Rendering von <strong>FMG</strong> simuliert eindeutig undunmissverständlich die wichtigsten Objekträume anhand vonausgewählten Referenztexturen, die das Design oder den Stilder dargestellten Bereiche weitestgehend zur Geltung bringen.Da verschiedene Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten der Räume durchdie virtuelle Nutzung unterschiedlicher <strong>FMG</strong> Materialienverglichen werden können, kann der Entscheidungsträger einesichere Wahl treffen.171









Creatività e WaterjetLa tecnica dell'incisione con idrogetto unita alla creatività deidesigner di <strong>FMG</strong> esprimono un forte potenziale per dare valoreaggiunto a qualsiasi progetto. La personalizzazione delle forme,unita al carattere esclusivo dei materiali <strong>FMG</strong>, rende possibilel'interpretazione di qualsiasi tema all'interno di un'opera o di unprogetto. Stili, colori, contrasti e sfumature materializzano le ideedei progettisti sotto gli occhi di chi vivrà questi nuovi spazi.Creativity and WaterjetThe waterjet engraving technique combines with the <strong>FMG</strong>designers’ creativity to form a tool with vast potential for givingadded value to any project. The personalised shapes, combinedwith the exclusive character of the <strong>FMG</strong> materials, makes itpossible to interpret any theme within an installation or project.Styles, colours, contrasts and shading transform architects’ ideasinto reality under the eyes of the new building’s future users.180

Créativité et WaterjetLa technique de la coupe à hydrojet, unie à la créativité desdesigners de <strong>FMG</strong>, expriment un fort potentiel pour donner de lavaleur ajoutée à n’importe quel projet. La personnalisation desformes, le caractère exclusif des matériaux <strong>FMG</strong>, permettentl'interprétation de tout sujet dans un ouvrage ou un projet. Styles,couleurs, contrastes et nuances matérialisent les idées desprojeteurs sous les yeux de qui vivra à l’intérieur de ces nouveauxespaces.Kreativität und WaterjetDas Gravieren mit der Wasserstrahltechnik besitzt, gepaart mit derKreativität der Designer von <strong>FMG</strong>, eine hohes Mehrwertpotentialfür jedes Projekt. Die spezifische Auslegung der Formen und dieExklusivität der Materialien von <strong>FMG</strong> ermöglichen dieInterpretation jedes beliebigen Themas innerhalb eines Werkesoder eines Projekts. Stile, Farben, Kontraste und Schattierungensetzen die Ideen der Planer vor den Augen der künftigen Nutzerder neuen Objekte um.181



















SISTEMA DI GESTIONECOSTRUTTORI DI PIETRE NATURALIUNI EN ISO 9001: 2001UNI EN ISO 14001: 2001La liste à jour des materiaux <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>certifiés UPEC est disponible.SISTEMA DI GESTIONEQUALITÀ CERTIFICATOAMBIENTALE CERTIFICATOSOCIO ORDINARIO

Tutti i formati sono nominali.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® si riserva la facoltà di modificare in qualunquemomento le informazioni e le caratteristiche illustrate in questo catalogo, che nonsono comunque da ritenere legalmente vincolanti.I colori e le caratteristiche estetiche dei prodotti sono quanto più possibile vicini aquelli reali, nei limiti consentiti dai processi di stampa.All sizes are nominal.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® reserves the right to modify the information and thecharacteristics illustrated in this catalog (which are in any case not legally binding) atany moment.The colors and appearance features of the products are as close as possible to reality,within the limitation of the printing process.Tous les formats sont nominaux.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® se réserve la faculté de modifier à tout moments lesinformations et les caractéristiques figurant dans le présent catalogue, lesquellesn’engagent pas par le fabricant au plan légal.Les couleurs et les caractéristiques esthétiques sont fidèles aux couleurs etcaractéristiques réelles dans les limites des procédés d’impression.Alle Formate sind Nennwerte.Die Firma <strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® behält sich vor, die in diesem Katalogenthaltenen Informationen und Eigenschaften jederzeit zu ändern; sie gelten auf keinenFall als gesetzlich bindend.Die Farben und ästhetischen Eigenschaften der Produkte kommen innrhalb derMöglichkeiten der Druckverfahren den tatsächlichen Eigenschaftenso weit wie möglich nahe.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® (Divisione di Iris Ceramica S.p.A.): tutti i diritti riservati.Ogni riproduzione totale o parziale dei contenuti di questo catalogo, sia di testo siadi immagine, è vietata e sarà perseguita a termini di legge.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® (a Division of Iris Ceramica S.p.A.): all rights reserved.Total or partial reproduction of text or illustrations of this catalog is prohibited and issubject to legal sanctions.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® (Division de Iris Ceramica S.p.A.): tous droits réservés.Toute reproduction totale ou partielle du contenu - textes et images - du présentcatalogue est interdite et costituerait une contrefaçon sanctionnée par la loi.<strong>FMG</strong> <strong>Fabbrica</strong> <strong>Marmi</strong> e <strong>Graniti</strong>® (ein Unternehmensbereich von Iris Ceramica S.p.A.): alle Rechte vorbehalten.Der vollständige oder auszugsweise Nachdruck des Inhalts dieses Katalog in Schrift und Bild is verboten undwird nach Maßgabe des Gesetzes geahndet.Project:GREGORIETTI ASSOCIATI<strong>FMG</strong> MKTG DEPT.Printing:GOLINELLI INDUSTRIE GRAFIChE SPA9/09

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