MODEL 2604 CONTROLLER - USER GUIDE - d a n m a r k

MODEL 2604 CONTROLLER - USER GUIDE - d a n m a r k MODEL 2604 CONTROLLER - USER GUIDE - d a n m a r k
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Programmer Operation2604 Controller4.9.4.1. Wait Example - How Wait is Displayed in Run ModeThe status of the Wait condition is displayed in a running program as follows:-Do ThisThis Is The Display YouShould SeeAdditional Notes1. Select the PROGRAMRUN (General Page)P:PROGRAM RUNvGeneral Page2. Press until theparameter Wait Status isdisplayedS:Wait StatusvNo WaitThe status is off if notwaiting and true if waiting.The choices are:-No The programWait is not waitingEventA (Bor C)The programis waiting onevent A (B orC)3. Press once - theparameter Wait Conditionis displayedS:Wait ConditionvEvent AThe condition for therunning segment isdisplayed.The choices are:-No The programWait is not waitingEventA (Bor C)The programis waiting onevent A (B orC)4. Press or tooverride the condition (NoWait), or to select adifferent event (Event A (Bor C).S:Wait ConditionvNo WaitThe condition can bechanged if the program isin Hold4-26 User Guide Part No HA026491 Issue 3.0 Apr-02

2604 Controller Programmer Operation4.9.5. Program Names exampleTo produce a user defined program name:-Do ThisThis Is The Display YouShould SeeAdditional Notes1. Select the PROGRAMEDIT (Program Page)page headerP:PROGRAM EDITvProgram Page2. Press until ProgramName is displayed3. The first characteralternates between _ and P4. . Press or tochange the character toone of your choiceS:Program NameProgram 1Program 1 is the defaultname of a program.A full range of charactersis available includingcapitals, numbers andcommon symbols5. Press to select thenext characterS:Program NameProgram 16. Press or tochange the next characterto one of your choiceRepeat the above steps until the program name of your choice is displayed. A name of up to16 characters can be entered.This name will be displayed on every view which contains Program Name.User Guide. Part No HA026491 Issue 3.0 Apr-02 4-27

<strong>2604</strong> Controller Programmer Operation4.9.5. Program Names exampleTo produce a user defined program name:-Do ThisThis Is The Display YouShould SeeAdditional Notes1. Select the PROGRAMEDIT (Program Page)page headerP:PROGRAM EDITvProgram Page2. Press until ProgramName is displayed3. The first characteralternates between _ and P4. . Press or tochange the character toone of your choiceS:Program NameProgram 1Program 1 is the defaultname of a program.A full range of charactersis available includingcapitals, numbers andcommon symbols5. Press to select thenext characterS:Program NameProgram 16. Press or tochange the next characterto one of your choiceRepeat the above steps until the program name of your choice is displayed. A name of up to16 characters can be entered.This name will be displayed on every view which contains Program Name.User Guide. Part No HA026491 Issue 3.0 Apr-02 4-27

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