MODEL 2604 CONTROLLER - USER GUIDE - d a n m a r k

MODEL 2604 CONTROLLER - USER GUIDE - d a n m a r k MODEL 2604 CONTROLLER - USER GUIDE - d a n m a r k
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Programmer Operation2604 Controller4.3.9. WaitAn event can be configured at the end of each segment, which, when active, will cause theprogram to wait before progressing to the next segment. Three wait conditions are providedwhich may be wired, in configuration level, to an external source using digital inputs or tointernal sources, e.g. a loop alarm. Each segment may then select No-Wait, Wait on Event A,Wait on Event B or Wait on Event C. The program will not proceed until all profile segmentsare complete.ProgrammerEvent Aor digitalinputEvent OPWaitAWaitBWaitCEvent Bor digitalinputEvent OPSegment 1 extendedby the wait periodSegment 3 extendedby the wait periodSegment 1 Segment 2 Segment 3Wait = Wait onEvent BWait = Wait onEvent AWait = OFFFigure 4-3: Wait Events4-6 User Guide Part No HA026491 Issue 3.0 Apr-02

2604 Controller Programmer Operation4.4. PROGRAMMER TYPESThe programmer can be configured as Time to Target or Ramp Rate. A time to targetprogrammer requires fewer settings and is simple to use since all segments are the same. Atime to target programmer can, in general contain more segments than a ramp rate.4.4.1. Time To Target ProgrammerEach segment consists of a single duration parameter and a set of target values for theprofiled variables.1. The duration specifies the time that the segment takes to change the profiled variablesfrom their current values to the new targets.2. A dwell type segment is set up by leaving the target setpoint at the previous value.3. A Step type segment is set up by setting the segment time to zero.4.4.2. Ramp Rate ProgrammerEach segment can be specified as Ramp Rate, Dwell or Step.1. Each profiled setpoint must complete its segment before the programmer will move to thenext segment. If one ramp reaches its target setpoint ahead of the other variables, it willdwell at that value until the other variables have completed. The program will then moveto the next segment.2. The duration parameter for a segment is read only unless the segment contains onlydwells. In this case the dwell period can be changed when the program is in Hold..3. The duration is determined by the longest profile setting.4.5. SEGMENT TYPESA segment type can be defined as Profile, Go Back or End.4.5.1. ProfileA profile segment may be set as:-RampDwellStepThe setpoint ramps linearly, from its current value to a newvalue, either at a set rate (called ramp-rate programming), or in aset time (called time-to-target programming). You must specifythe ramp rate or the ramp time, and the target setpoint, whencreating or modifying a program.The setpoint remains constant for a specified period at thespecified target. When creating programs the target is inheritedfrom the previous segment. When editing an existing program itis necessary to re-enter the target value. This allows the dwelltarget to be matched to a go-back segment.The setpoint steps instantaneously from its current value to anew value at the beginning of a segment.User Guide. Part No HA026491 Issue 3.0 Apr-02 4-7

<strong>2604</strong> Controller Programmer Operation4.4. PROGRAMMER TYPESThe programmer can be configured as Time to Target or Ramp Rate. A time to targetprogrammer requires fewer settings and is simple to use since all segments are the same. Atime to target programmer can, in general contain more segments than a ramp rate.4.4.1. Time To Target ProgrammerEach segment consists of a single duration parameter and a set of target values for theprofiled variables.1. The duration specifies the time that the segment takes to change the profiled variablesfrom their current values to the new targets.2. A dwell type segment is set up by leaving the target setpoint at the previous value.3. A Step type segment is set up by setting the segment time to zero.4.4.2. Ramp Rate ProgrammerEach segment can be specified as Ramp Rate, Dwell or Step.1. Each profiled setpoint must complete its segment before the programmer will move to thenext segment. If one ramp reaches its target setpoint ahead of the other variables, it willdwell at that value until the other variables have completed. The program will then moveto the next segment.2. The duration parameter for a segment is read only unless the segment contains onlydwells. In this case the dwell period can be changed when the program is in Hold..3. The duration is determined by the longest profile setting.4.5. SEGMENT TYPESA segment type can be defined as Profile, Go Back or End.4.5.1. ProfileA profile segment may be set as:-RampDwellStepThe setpoint ramps linearly, from its current value to a newvalue, either at a set rate (called ramp-rate programming), or in aset time (called time-to-target programming). You must specifythe ramp rate or the ramp time, and the target setpoint, whencreating or modifying a program.The setpoint remains constant for a specified period at thespecified target. When creating programs the target is inheritedfrom the previous segment. When editing an existing program itis necessary to re-enter the target value. This allows the dwelltarget to be matched to a go-back segment.The setpoint steps instantaneously from its current value to anew value at the beginning of a segment.User Guide. Part No HA026491 Issue 3.0 Apr-02 4-7

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