MODEL 2604 CONTROLLER - USER GUIDE - d a n m a r k

MODEL 2604 CONTROLLER - USER GUIDE - d a n m a r k MODEL 2604 CONTROLLER - USER GUIDE - d a n m a r k
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Operation 2604 Controller3.8. BACKPAGEWhen stepping through list headers, a backpage short cut is provided by holding downand press . Each press of will step back one position of the list header in acontinuous loop.This function is provided as a short cut and is not necessary to navigate through the pages.3.9. BACKSCROLLWhen stepping through parameters in a list, a backscroll short cut is provided by holding downand pressing . Each press of will step back to the previous parameter, until thepage header is reached.This function is provided as a short cut and is not necessary to navigate through theparameters.3.10. JUMP TO HOME DISPLAYPress and together to return the display to the configured HOME screen.3.11. INVALID KEY ACTIONSAt any time some state transitions may be invalid, due, for example, to contention with digitalinputs or to the current operating state of the instrument.Examples are:-1. Digital inputs have priority over the operator buttons.2. If a parameter value cannot be changed the v prompt is not shown3. If the or button is pressed for a read only parameter a number of dashes, ----, isdisplayed.3-16 User Guide Part No HA026491 Issue 3.0 Apr-02

2604 Controller Operation3.12. PARAMETER AVAILABILITY AND ALTERABILITYA parameter which appears on a page is described as available. Parameters are not available ifthey are not appropriate for a particular configuration or instrument status. For example,relative cool gain does not appear in a heat only controller, and integral time does not appearin an On/Off controller.A parameter described as alterable is, generally, preceded by the v symbol which indicatesthat its value can be changed. A parameter which is not alterable may be viewed (subject toavailability), but may be changed by an instrument algorithm.A parameter is alterable only if the following conditions are satisfied:-• The parameter is READ/WRITE• The parameter does not conflict with the status of the instrument. For example, theproportional band will not be alterable if autotune is active• The instrument keys must be enabled. Keys can be disabled by a logic input, turned off inconfiguration level or via digital communications. A logic input can be configured todisable front panel keys; this will not remove remote control of the user interface viadigital communications.The Navigation Diagram which follows shows all pages which are available at Level 3. For aparticular configuration not all pages are displayed on the controller. For example:-the programmer pages do not appear if a programmer is not configured; the Loop 2 and 3 setup pages do not appear for a single loop controller.Any one or all of the pages shown in the navigation diagram can also be displayed at Level 1& 2. This, however, will have been pre-set in Configuration Level (see 2604 EngineeringManual Part No HA026761).User Guide Part No HA026491 Issue 3.0 Apr-02 3-17

Operation <strong>2604</strong> Controller3.8. BACKPAGEWhen stepping through list headers, a backpage short cut is provided by holding downand press . Each press of will step back one position of the list header in acontinuous loop.This function is provided as a short cut and is not necessary to navigate through the pages.3.9. BACKSCROLLWhen stepping through parameters in a list, a backscroll short cut is provided by holding downand pressing . Each press of will step back to the previous parameter, until thepage header is reached.This function is provided as a short cut and is not necessary to navigate through theparameters.3.10. JUMP TO HOME DISPLAYPress and together to return the display to the configured HOME screen.3.11. INVALID KEY ACTIONSAt any time some state transitions may be invalid, due, for example, to contention with digitalinputs or to the current operating state of the instrument.Examples are:-1. Digital inputs have priority over the operator buttons.2. If a parameter value cannot be changed the v prompt is not shown3. If the or button is pressed for a read only parameter a number of dashes, ----, isdisplayed.3-16 User Guide Part No HA026491 Issue 3.0 Apr-02

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