7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names3745 Juniperus wallichiana HOOK.F. EX PARL. NULL3746 Jurinea dolomiaea BOISS3747 Jurinea himalaica STEWART NULL3748 Jurinea macrocephala (ROYLE) CL.3749 Jurinea macrophylla BTH. NULL3750 Jussiaea repens L.3751 Jussiaea suffruticosa L.3752 Jussiaea tenella BURM. F. NULL3753 Justicia acaulis L.F.3754 Justicia adhatoda L.3755 Justicia beddomei (CL.) BENNET3756 Justicia betonica L.3757 Justicia bicalyculata VAHL.3758 Justicia bilvalvis L.3759 Justicia ecbolium L.3760 Justicia gendarussa BURM.3761 Justicia madurensis BURM.F.3762 Justicia nasuta L.3763 Justicia paniculata (VAHL) CL.3764 Justicia picta ROXB. NULL3765 Justicia procumbens L.3766 Justicia prostrata (CL.) GAMBLE.3767 Justicia quinqueangularis KOEN. EX. ROXB. NULL3768 Justicia repens DELESS. EX NEES.3769 Justicia simplex DON NULL3770 Justicia tranquebariensis L.F.3771 Justicia vasculosa WALL.3772 Kaempferia angustifolia ROSC.3773 Kaempferia galanga L.3774 Kaempferia rotunda L.3775 Kalanchoe integra (MEDIK.) KUNTZE.3776 Kalanchoe laciniata (L.) DC.3777 Kalanchoe pinnata (LAM.) PERS.3778 Kalanchoe rosea C.B. CLARKE3779 Kalanchoe spathulata DC.3780 Kallstroemia pubescens (DON) DANDY3781 Kamettia caryophyllata (ROXB.) NICOL. & SURESH3782 Kandelia candel (L.) DRUCE3783 Kandelia rheedei WIGHT & ARN.3784 Kandelia rheedii W.&A. NULL3785 Kedrostis foetidissima (JACQ.) COGN.3786 Kedrostis rostrata (ROTTL.) COGN.3787 Kickxia ramosissima (WALL.) JANCH.3788 Kigelia africana (LAMK.) BENTH.3789 Kigelia pinnata (JACQ.) DC. NULL3790 Kingiodendron pinnatum (ROXB. EX DC.) HARMS3791 Kirganelia reticulata BAILL.3792 Kleinhovia hospita L.

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