7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names3409 Holigarna nigra BOURD. NULL3410 Holmskioldia sanguinea RETZ.3411 Holoptelea integrifolia (ROXB.) PLANCHON3412 Holostemma ada-kodien SCHULT.3413 Holostemma annulare (ROXB.) K.SCHUM.3414 Holostemma rheedianum SPRENG.3415 Holostemma rheedii WALL.3416 Holosteum umbellatum L. NULL3417 Homalomena aromatica SCHOTT3418 Homalomena rubescens KUNTH ENUM.3419 Homonoia retusa (GRAH. EX WT.) MUELL.3420 Homonoia riparia LOUR.3421 Hopea glabra WIGHT & ARN.3422 Hopea odorata ROXB.3423 Hopea parviflora BEDD.3424 Hopea ponga (DENNST.) MABB.3425 Hopea wightiana WALL.3426 Hoppea dichotoma WILLD.3427 Hordeum vulgare L.3428 Hornstedtia costata (ROXB.) K. SCHUM.3429 Horsfieldia glabra (BL.) WARB.3430 Horsfieldia irya (GAERTN.) WARB. NULL3431 Horsfieldia kingii (HK.F.) WARB.3432 Houttuynia cordata THUNB.3433 Hovenia acerba LINDL. NULL3434 Hoya carnosa R. BR. NULL3435 Hoya globulosa HK.F.3436 Hoya multiflora BLUME NULL3437 Hoya ovalifolia WIGHT & ARN.3438 Hoya pendula WGT.3439 Hoya viridiflora R.BR. NULL3440 Hoya wightii HOOK. F. NULL3441 Hugonia mystax L.3442 Humboldtia unijuga BEDD.3443 Humboldtia vahliana WIGHT3444 Humulus lupulus L.3445 Hunteria corymbosa ROXB. NULL3446 Hunteria legocii LIVERA NULL3447 Hunteria zeylanica (RETZ.) GARDNER EX THW.3448 Huperzia phlegmaria -3449 Hura crepitans L.3450 Hybanthus enneaspermus (L.F.) MUELL.3451 Hyderangea macrophylla (THUNB.) SER.3452 Hydnocarpus alpina WT.3453 Hydnocarpus anthelminthica PIERRE.3454 Hydnocarpus castanea HOOK. F. & THOMS. NULL3455 Hydnocarpus inebrians VAHL3456 Hydnocarpus kurzii (KING) WARB.

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