7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names2977 Gardenia floribunda ROXB.2978 Gardenia florida L.2979 Gardenia gummifera L.F.2980 Gardenia incida ROXB.2981 Gardenia jasminoides ELLIS2982 Gardenia latifolia AITON2983 Gardenia lucida ROXB.2984 Gardenia nummularioides DON.2985 Gardenia resinifera ROTH.2986 Gardenia turgida ROXB.2987 Garuga pinnata ROXB.2988 Gastrochilus longiflora WALL.2989 Gastrochilus pandurata RIDLEY2990 Gaultheria fragrantissima WALL.2991 Gaultheria nummularioides D.DON NULL2992 Gaultheria procumbens L.2993 Gaultheria trichiphylla ROYLE NULL2994 Gelidium cartilagineum GAILL. NULL2995 Gelonium bifarium Roxb.2996 Gelsemium elegans BENTH.2997 Gelsemium semepervirens AIT.2998 Gemphostemma ovatum WALL. EX BENTH. NULL2999 Gendarussa vulgaris NEES3000 Geniosporum gracilo BENTH.3001 Geniosporum prostratum (L.) BENTH.3002 Geniosporum tenuiflorum (L.) MERRILL3003 Gentiana algida PALLAS NULL3004 Gentiana argentea ROYLE NULL3005 Gentiana borealis GRISEB3006 Gentiana carinata GRISEB. NULL3007 Gentiana chirayta ROXB.3008 Gentiana decumbens L.F.3009 Gentiana desonasa (ROTTB.) G. DON.3010 Gentiana kurroo ROYLE.3011 Gentiana lutea L.3012 Gentiana moorcr<strong>of</strong>tiana WALL. EX. G. DON. NULL3013 Gentiana olivieri GRISEB.3014 Gentiana quadrifaria Bl.3015 Gentiana renella FRIES3016 Gentiana stipitata EDGEW.3017 Gentiana tenella FRIES3018 Gentiana thianschanica RUPR. EX KUSN. NULL3019 Gentianella moorcr<strong>of</strong>tiana (WALL. EX GRISEB.) AIRY-SH3020 Gentianella pedunculata (ROYLE) H. SM. NULL3021 Gentianella tenella (ROTTB.) BORNER.3022 Gentianopsis detonsa (ROTTB.) MA.3023 Geodorum densiflorum (LAM.) SCHLECHTER3024 Geodorum dilatatum R.BR.

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