7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names2641 Erythrina resupinata ROXB.2642 Erythrina stricta ROXB.2643 Erythrina suberosa ROXB.2644 Erythrina variegata L.2645 Erythrina variegata L. orientalis MERR.2646 Erythronium indicum ROTTL. EX SPRENG.2647 Erythropalum scandens BL. NULL2648 Erythroxylium coca LAM.2649 Erythroxylum areolatum WILLD.2650 Erythroxylum lucidum MOON. NULL2651 Erythroxylum monogyneum ROXB. NULL2652 Erythroxylum monogynum ROXB.2653 Erythroxylum monogynum ROXB.2654 Erythroxylum moonii HOCHR. NULL2655 Erythroxylum retusum BAUER NULL2656 Erythroxylum retusum BAUER. NULL2657 Ethulia conyzoides L. NULL2658 Eucalyptus camaldulensis DENST.2659 Eucalyptus citriodora HK.2660 Eucalyptus globulus LABILL2661 Eucalyptus resinifera HORT. ARG. EX MAIDEN2662 Euchresta horsfieldii (LESCH.) BENNETT NULL2663 Euchretia buxifolia ROXB. NULL2664 Eucomis undulata AIT.2665 Eugenia aromatica KUNTZE2666 Eugenia bracteata (WILD.)ROXB. EX. DC.2667 Eugenia caryophyllaea WIGHT2668 Eugenia hemispherica WIGHT2669 Eugenia jambolana LAM.2670 Eugenia jambos L.2671 Eugenia malaccensis BLANCO2672 Eugenia munroii MIQ.2673 Eugenia occidentalis BOURD.2674 Eugenia operculata SENSU DUTHIE2675 Eugenia racemosa L.2676 Eugenia spicata LAM.2677 Eugenia uniflora L.2678 Eulaliopsis binata (RETZ.) C.E. HUBBARD2679 Eulophia andamanensis REICHB.F.2680 Eulophia campestris WALL.2681 Eulophia cullenii (WIGHT) BLUME2682 Eulophia dabia (D.DON) HOCHR.2683 Eulophia epidendraea (KOENIG) SCHLECHTER2684 Eulophia explanata LINDL.2685 Eulophia herbacea LINDL.2686 Eulophia nuda LINDL.2687 Eulophia pratensis LINDL.2688 Eulophia ramentacea WT.

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