7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names2545 Enicostemma verticillatum (L.) ENGL. NULL2546 Entada phaseoloides MERRILL2547 Entada pursaetha DC. pursaetha2548 Entada rheedii SPRENG.2549 Entada scandens BENTH.2550 Enteropogon dolichostachyus (LAGAS.) KENG EX LAZAR2551 Epaltes divaricata (L.) CASS.2552 Ephedra equisetina BUNGE2553 Ephedra gerardiana WALL.2554 Ephedra intermedia SCHR. & MEY2555 Ephedra major HOST NULL2556 Ephedra nevadensis WATS.2557 Ephedra peduncularis BOISS. NULL2558 Ephedra saxatilis STAPF sikkimensis STAPF.2559 Ephedra sinica STAPF.2560 Ephedra vulgaris HOOK.F. NON A.RICH.2561 Ephemerantha macraei (LINDL.) HUNT & SUMMERH NULL2562 Epidendrum retusum L.2563 Epidendrum tenuifolium L.2564 Epilobium angustifolium L.2565 Epilobium hirsutum L. NULL2566 Epilobium roseum SCHREB. NULL2567 Epilobium royleanum HOUSSK.2568 Epimedium elatum MORR. & DECNE NULL2569 Epipactis latifolia ALL. NULL2570 Equisetum arvense L. NULL2571 Equisetum debile ROXB.2572 Equisetum diffusum DON2573 Equisetum ramosissimum DESF.2574 Eragrostis amabilis (L.) WIGHT & ARN.2575 Eragrostis ciliata NEES.2576 Eragrostis cynosuroides BEAUV.2577 Eragrostis gangetica (ROXB.) STEUD.2578 Eragrostis nutans (RETZ.) NEES EX STEUD.2579 Eragrostis tremula HOCHST.2580 Eragrostis viscosa TRIN. NULL2581 Eranthemum bicolor SCHRANK.2582 Eranthemum nervosum (VAHL) R. BR. EX ROEM & SCHULTES2583 Eranthemum purpurascens NEES2584 Eranthemum roseum R.BR.2585 Erechtites valerianaefolia (WOLF.) DC. NULL2586 Eremostachys acanthocalyx BOISS.2587 Eremostachys loasifolia BENTH. NULL2588 Eremostachys superba ROYLE EX BENTH. NULL2589 Eremostachys vicaryi BENTH.2590 Eremurus himalaicus Baker2591 Eria calamifolia HOOK.F.2592 Eria pannea LINDL. NULL

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