7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names193 Aganosma dichotoma (ROTH) K.SCHUM.194 Aganosma marginata G. DON. NULL195 Aganosma wallichii G.DON NULL196 Agapanthus africanus (L.)HOFFMANNS.197 Agaricus albus -198 Agaricus campestris L. EX FR.199 Agaricus igniarius -200 Agaricus ostreatus -201 Agathis robusta F.M.BAILEY202 Agati grandiflora (L.) DEN203 Agave americana L.204 Agave angustifolia HAW.205 Agave cantala ROXB.206 Agave sisalana PERR.207 Agave vera-cruz MILL.208 Agave vivipara L.209 Ageratina adenophora (SPR.) KING & ROB., NULL210 Ageratum conyzoides L.211 Ageratum houstonianum MILL.212 Aglaia diepenhorstii MIQ. NULL213 Aglaia domestica (CORREA EMEND. JACK) PELLE.214 Aglaia elaeagoidea (JUSS.) BENTH.215 Aglaia lawii (WIGHT.) SALDANHA216 Aglaia minutiflora BEDD.217 Aglaia odorata LOUR. NULL218 Aglaia odoratissima BLUME219 Aglaia roxburghiana MIQ.220 Agrimonia eupatoria L.221 Agrimonia pilosa LEDEB. NULL222 Agropyron repens BEAUV.223 Agrostemma githago L.224 Agrostis linearis RETZ.225 Agrostistachys meeboldii PAX & HOFFM.226 Ailanthus altissima SWINGLE227 Ailanthus excelsa ROXB.228 Ailanthus glandulosa DESF.229 Ailanthus malabarica DC.230 Ailanthus triphysa (DENNST.) ALSTON231 Ainsliaea angustifolla HOOK.F. & TH. NULL232 Ainsliaea aptera DC.233 Ainsliaea pteropoda DC. NULL234 Aisandra butyracea (ROXB.) BAEHNI235 Ajuga bracteosa WALL. EX BENTH.236 Ajuga macrocarpa WALL EX. BENTH.237 Ajuga macrosperma WALL.238 Ajuga parviflora WALL. NULL239 Alangium begonifolium MARM.240 Alangium decapetalum LAM.

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