7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names2161 Decalepis hamiltonii WIGHT & ARN.2162 Decaspermum fruticosum FORST.2163 Deeringia amaranthoides (LAMK.) MERR.2164 Delima scandens (L.) MERR.2165 Delonix elata (L.) GAMBLE2166 Delonix regia (L.) GAMBLE2167 Delphaenium denudatum WALL.2168 Delphaenium elatum L.2169 Delphinium altissimum WALL.2170 Delphinium bruonianum ROYLE2171 Delphinium caeruleum JACQ. EX CAMB.2172 Delphinium cashmirianum ROYLE2173 Delphinium denudatum WALL. EX HOOK. F. & THOMS.2174 Delphinium elatum L.2175 Delphinium glaciale HOOK.F. & THOMSON2176 Delphinium kashmirianum ROYLE.2177 Delphinium kohatense (BRUHL.) MUNZ2178 Delphinium paciflorum ROYLE NULL2179 Delphinium roylei MUNZ. NULL2180 Delphinium saniculifolium AUCT NON BOISS.2181 Delphinium semibarbatum BLENERT EX BOISS. NULL2182 Delphinium speciosum JANKA NULL2183 Delphinium vestitum WALL. EX ROYLE.2184 Delphinium viscosum HK. & TH.2185 Delphinium zalil AITCH & HEMSL2186 Dendrobium aduncum LINDL.2187 Dendrobium aggregatum - JENKINSII K. & P.2188 Dendrobium amoenum WALL. NULL2189 Dendrobium chrysanthum LINDL.2190 Dendrobium coerulescens LINDL.2191 Dendrobium crumenatum SW. NULL2192 Dendrobium crumentum SW. NULL2193 Dendrobium densiflorum WALL.2194 Dendrobium jenkinsii LINDL.2195 Dendrobium macraei AUCT. NON LINDL.2196 Dendrobium moschatum (BUCH.-HAM.) SW2197 Dendrobium nobile LINDL.2198 Dendrobium ovatum (L.) KRAENZL.2199 Dendrobium paxtonii LINDL.2200 Dendrocalamus hamiltonii NEES EX ARN.2201 Dendrocalamus strictus NEES2202 Dendrocnide sinuata (BL.) CHEW2203 Dendrophthoe elastica (DESR.) DANSER2204 Dendrophthoe falcata (L.F) ETTING.2205 Dendrophthoe pentandra (L.) MIQ.2206 Dentella repens (L.) J.R. & G. FORSTER2207 Derris elliptica BENTH.2208 Derris ferruginea (ROXB.) BENTH. NULL

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