7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names6481 Stereospermum colais (DILLWYN) MABB.6482 Stereospermum neuranthrum KURZ.6483 Stereospermum personatum (HASSK.) CHATTERJEE6484 Stereospermum suaveolens DC.6485 Stereospermum tetragonum DC.6486 Stereospermum xylocarpum WIGHT. NULL6487 Steudnera virosa (KUNTH) PRAIN NULL6488 Stichoneuron caudatum RIDLEY NULL6489 Stictocardia campanulata (L.) MERRILL6490 Stipa capensis THUNB. NULL6491 Stipa capillata L. NULL6492 Stipa sibirica (L.) LAMK. NULL6493 Stipa tortilis L. NULL6494 Stranvaesia glaucescens LINDL. NULL6495 Streblus asper LOUR.6496 Streblus taxoides (HEYNE EX ROTH) KURZ.6497 Striga asiatica (L.) KUNTZE6498 Striga gesnerioides (WILLD.) VATKE6499 Striga lutea LOUR6500 Striga orobanchoides BENTH. NULL6501 Strobilanthes acrocephalus T. AND. NULL6502 Strobilanthes auriculatus NEES6503 Strobilanthes callosus NEES6504 Strobilanthes ciliatus NEES6505 Strobilanthes consanguineus C.B.CLARKE6506 Strobilanthes dalhousianus C.B. CLARKE NULL6507 Strobilanthes flaccidifolius NEES6508 Strobilanthes heyneanus NEES6509 Strobilanthes kunthiana T.ANDERS. EX BENTH.6510 Strobilanthes lupulinus NEES NULL6511 Strobilanthes nobilis CLARKE6512 Strobilanthes wallichii NEES6513 Strobilanthes wightianus NEES6514 Stroemia tetrandra VAHL.6515 Strophanthus dichotomus DC. NULL6516 Strophanthus wallichii A. DC. NULL6517 Strophanthus wightianus WALL. NULL6518 Strychnos aenea A.W. HILL.6519 Strychnos axillaris COLEB. NULL6520 Strychnos cinnamomifolia THW.6521 Strychnos colubrina AUCTT. PL.6522 Strychnos gaultheriana PIER. NULL6523 Strychnos ignatia LINDL.6524 Strychnos ignatii BERG.6525 Strychnos maingayi CLARKE NULL6526 Strychnos minor DENNST.6527 Strychnos nux-blanda A.W.Hill6528 Strychnos nux-vomica L.

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