7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names5521 Populus euphratica OLIV.5522 Populus nigra L.5523 Porana paniculata ROXB.5524 Porphyra umbilicalis (L.) AG. NULL5525 Porphyra vulgaris LINN. NULL5526 Portulaca grandiflora HOOK. NULL5527 Portulaca guadrifida L.5528 Portulaca meridiana LINN. NULL5529 Portulaca oleracea L.5530 Portulaca pilosa LINN.5531 Portulaca quadrifida L.5532 Portulaca sativa LINN. NULL5533 Portulaca tuberosa ROXB.5534 Potentilla anserina LINN.5535 Potentilla arbuscula D.DON NULL5536 Potentilla argyrophylla WALL. NULL5537 Potentilla atrosanguinea LODD.5538 Potentilla bifurca L. NULL5539 Potentilla fragarioides LINN.5540 Potentilla fruticosa L. rigida (LEHM.) WOLF.5541 Potentilla fulgens WALL. EX HK.F.5542 Potentilla gerardiana LINDL. EX LEHM. NULL5543 Potentilla kleiniana WIGHT & ARN.5544 Potentilla lineata TREVIR EX REICH. NULL5545 Potentilla moonaiana WIGHT.5546 Potentilla multifida L.5547 Potentilla nepalensis HOOK.5548 Potentilla reptans LINN.5549 Potentilla salesoviana STEPH.5550 Potentilla sericea LINN.5551 Potentilla sibbaldi HOOK.F. NULL5552 Potentilla sundaica (BL.) KUNTZE5553 Potentilla supina LINN.5554 Pothomorphe subpeltata (WILLD.) MIQ.5555 Pothos cathcarti SCHOTT.5556 Pothos kunstleri HOOK.F.5557 Pothos <strong>of</strong>ficinalis ROXB.5558 Pothos scandens L.5559 Pouzolzia bennettiana WT.5560 Pouzolzia frondosa (DON) KTZE.5561 Pouzolzia hirta HASSK.5562 Pouzolzia indica GAUD.5563 Pouzolzia quinquenervis BENTH.5564 Pouzolzia sanguinea (BI.) MERR.5565 Pouzolzia viminea WEDD.5566 Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) BENN.5567 Prangos pabularia LINDL.5568 Pratia begonifolia (WALL.) LINDL. NULL

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