7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

7263 Medicinal plants of India Masterlist sourced from ... - NMPB

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S.NoBotanical Names5233 Pimpinella tirupatiensis BAL. & SUB.5234 Pinanga dicksonii (ROXB.) BL.5235 Pinanga manii BECC.5236 Pinus dammara LAMB.5237 Pinus deodara ROXB.5238 Pinus excelsa WALL.5239 Pinus gerardiana WALL.5240 Pinus griffithi M. CLELL. NULL5241 Pinus insularis ENDL. NULL5242 Pinus kesiya GORDON NULL5243 Pinus longifolia ROXB.5244 Pinus maritima LAM.5245 Pinus merkussi JUNGH. NULL5246 Pinus picea PALL.5247 Pinus roxburghii SARG.5248 Pinus sylvestris LOUR.5249 Pinus wallichiana JACKS.5250 Pinus webbiana WALL. EX. LAMB.5251 Piper argyrophyllum MIQ.5252 Piper attenuatum BUCH.-HAM. EX MIQ.5253 Piper aurantiacum WALL.5254 Piper auranticum -5255 Piper baccatum CAS.5256 Piper bachystachyum WALL.5257 Piper bantamense BL.5258 Piper barberi GAMBLE.5259 Piper betele LINN. SIRIBOA (MIQ.) C.DC.5260 Piper betle L.5261 Piper betleoides C. DC.5262 Piper boehmeriaefolium WALL .5263 Piper caninum BLUME NULL5264 Piper chaba HUNTER5265 Piper clusii C.DC.5266 Piper crassipes KORTH. EX. C.DC.5267 Piper cubeba L. F.5268 Piper dichotomum HORT. PAR. EX KUNTH.5269 Piper diffusum VAHL.5270 Piper gamblei CI.5271 Piper griffithii DC.5272 Piper guineense SCHUM & THONN.5273 Piper lanceolatum RUIZ & PAV.5274 Piper longum L.5275 Piper mullesua D.DON5276 Piper nigrum L.5277 Piper <strong>of</strong>ficinarum DC.5278 Piper pedicellatum C. DC.5279 Piper pedicellosum WALL.EX CASS.5280 Piper peepuloides ROXB.

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