saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ...

saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ... saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ...


called musical therapy - . In the “Odyssey” by Homer itis told that wended personage was cured by the help ofthe music. Analyzing “Music Sphere” by Plato modernastrologists came to result that there are some connectionswith zodiac signs and music notes.• In Georgia Music is heard everywhere: in flats, parties,movie, theatre, concerts, cafes, restaurants, rallies,churches… while talking about advertisement, it isunimaginable without music.• One of the most important and main component ofTelevision advertisement is music. Very often the 80% ofthe success of TV advertisement is depending on the music.But however the creators of advertisement, besides the typeof the production, have to foresee, to whom, on what kindof audience it has to work.• We can consider an advertisement as the psychologicalpressure on the minds of humans. Therefore, well selectedmusical composition (which is on the back sound of theadvertisement) could have increase unforgettable impressionon the audience.• The effects of the musical composition have the main rolefor the television advertisement. Music as the top of thehill of art could bring joy and happiness, give hope to thehuman being; at the same time it could raise a wish to buythe advertised product which is mounting by liking, goodtasted music.• While working on the Georgian market, creative groupwhich is working on the television advertisement, in thefirst place have to find out and lead by the cultural andnational traditions, they have to go even deeper and learnthe specialties of the musical culture of the population.272

MANAGEMENTEND TOURIZMMalkhaz Gvinjilia,Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgian State University,Full professorINSURANCE GUARANTEEING PROBLEMS IN THETOURIST INDUSTRYCompensation for the tourist medical insurance abroad isprovided on the basis of the medical insurance policy. Beforethe departure the tourist must get an insurance card and becomeinformed about every other type of the insurance detail.According to the established rules lots of states do notissue visas to the tourists without medical insurances. A certainnumber of states do not require this, as they cannot provide themwith guaranteed, qualified medical aid at any time or place.As a rule, medial insurance envisages placement inhospitals, clinical treatment, providing medicines and expensesof diagnostic treatment: Transportation of the corps to the nativelands in case of death or burial abroad.This form of insurance is not popular in Georgia despite itis popular in the whole world. Tour-firms are mostly oriented atthose types of insurance that would protect them from touristcomplaints and financial risks.In order to provide tourists from Georgia with comfortableinsurance guarantees Georgian insurance companies must beintegrated in the international insurance net that has long standingworking experience in the international tourist market.273

MANAGEMENTEND TOURIZMMalkhaz Gvinjilia,Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgian State University,Full professorINSURANCE GUARANTEEING PROBLEMS IN THETOURIST INDUSTRYCompensation for the tourist medical insurance abroad isprovided on the basis of the medical insurance policy. Beforethe departure the tourist must get an insurance card and becomeinformed about every other type of the insurance detail.According to the established rules lots of states do notissue visas to the tourists without medical insurances. A certainnumber of states do not require this, as they cannot provide themwith guaranteed, qualified medical aid at any time or place.As a rule, medial insurance envisages placement inhospitals, clinical treatment, providing medicines and expensesof diagnostic treatment: Transportation of the corps to the nativelands in case of death or burial abroad.This form of insurance is not popular in Georgia despite itis popular in the whole world. Tour-firms are mostly oriented atthose types of insurance that would protect them from touristcomplaints and financial risks.In order to provide tourists from Georgia with comfortableinsurance guarantees Georgian insurance companies must beintegrated in the international insurance net that has long standingworking experience in the international tourist market.273

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