saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ...

saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ... saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ...


MEDIA STUDIESMzia Zautashvili,Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgian State University,PHD student of cinema and television facultySupervisor: Aleksandre Vahtangov270REFINEMENT OF A SPECIFIC ABILITIES IN THEEDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF THE ART OF TVDIRECTION(Description of the Method)ObjectiveThe simplification of operating functions of contemporaryvideo technologies, shooting or editing devices, enables us todeliver to the students the fundamental theoretical course of theart of direction simultaneously with the perfection of practicaltechnics.GoalThe organization of educational process in respet of student’seducational and creative activities individually and in group,which ensures the development of the quality of practicalactivities and creative potential of the future TV director in theprocess of education.Present MethodAfter Theoretical lectures in the art of TV direction, the practicalwork in forms of intermédiate assignments, course works,diploma TV program or video.Suggested MethodBackground – psychological conception “ Learning on thehighest level of complexity.”

Individual, independent understanding, perception andvisualization of theoretical lectures, educatinal information. Thiscan be achieved by the members of the TV art of direction group,who will, in tern, shoot all topical lectures, then by seeking ofvisual material around the topic, also , in the process of editing,by organization of the form and finally, by presentation. Thepresentation is completed by profesional analysis and discussionaround the work.The Advantage of the MethodAt the beginning of learning process the student is introducedto the specificity of TV-video production. The studentsimultaneously studies theory and practice. The visualzationof the topic develops his imaginary thinking and intellectualdata. This makes clear wheather the student has a propensity tochosen profession and inner readiness.The group, under direction of the head of module, creates theeducational movie in the theory of direction.Vladimir (Lado) Tatishvili,Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgian State University,PHD student of media direction,Supervisor: Giorgi ChartolaniMUSICAL EFFECT – ONE OF THE IMPORTANTCOMPONENTS OF THE TV ADVERTISEMENT• It is far-famed that the biggest role in the art, has so calledhighest organ: eyes and ears. They also are in the firstraw, one of the main components, while talking about theesthetical perception. Just by their help you can feel themain branch of art – painting and music. (D. Uznadze -2006)• Even in the ancient sources, there are the notes about so271

MEDIA STUDIESMzia Zautashvili,Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgian State University,PHD student of cinema and television facultySupervisor: Aleksandre Vahtangov270REFINEMENT OF A SPECIFIC ABILITIES IN THEEDUCATIONAL PROCESS OF THE <strong>ART</strong> OF TVDIRECTION(Description of the Method)ObjectiveThe simplification of operating functions of contemporaryvideo technologies, shooting or editing devices, enables us todeliver to the students the fundamental theoretical course of theart of direction simultaneously with the perfection of practicaltechnics.GoalThe organization of educational process in respet of student’seducational and creative activities individually and in group,which ensures the development of the quality of practicalactivities and creative potential of the future TV director in theprocess of education.Present MethodAfter Theoretical lectures in the art of TV direction, the practicalwork in forms of intermédiate assignments, course works,diploma TV program or video.Suggested MethodBackground – psychological conception “ Learning on thehighest level of complexity.”

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