saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ...

saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ...

saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ...

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is the title and not only the profession. These were the personswho determined the highest art taste.Two opposite theories are the subject of constant argumentamong theatrical theorists- Theatre - actor’s or director’s? Ithink both have the right of existence. Personally for me, theconfluence of these two theories is ideal. Sturua’s whole creativework is genius synthesis of both. Without actor’s mastery andits individual characteristic even the greatest director decisioncan remain as abstract form of performance.Today new tendency is born in Georgian Theatre- the mainattention is on shows shown on TV. The attempt of inculcationof “new forms”, “genre” is directed only for the entertainmentof spectators. As if we are forgetting the main meaning of theTheatre. In world theatres this process is already well considered(I mean commercial projects). There is very superficial attitudethat can cause actors as personality is leveling. Real changes,aspiration for novelty, progress is necessary as well as inevitable.I think that today actor’s personality needs the greatest innerresource as never before.During the teaching process, by psychologist’s assistance, bymeans of psychological tests and exercises we must determinestudent’s personal abilities and enrichment in right direction inorder not to lose the most important thing – actor as a personalityas micro world in the huge world that is called Theatre.254

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