saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ...

saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ... saxelovnebo mecnierebaTa Ziebani #4 (53), 2012 ART SCIENCE ...


Nino Gunia-Kuznetsova,Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University,PHD student of theatre study direction,Supervisor: Tamar BokuchavaON SCENOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION1. Main and essential principles of scenographic compositionare:Spatial principlesDramaturgic principlesThe essence of the spatial principle is based on thetridimensionality and is measured by the system of spatialcoordinates.The dramaturgical principles (narrative development andenactment) are characterized with two main coordinates – thetime and the movement.Consequently, the scenographic composition may be attributedto the spatiotemporal art as it exists in the space and changes intime.2. Main representational tools of scenographic composition:The main representational tools of the scenogrpahic compositionare created by the descriptive tools of the spatial arts –architecture, painting, sculpture, and the main descriptive toolsof the spatial arts may be reduced to three, namely: the shape,color and line.These three descriptive tools create three compositional systemsof scenography:- architectonic (system of shapes);- lighting (script created with light-and-shade and color)- plastic (transformation of some shapes or system ofshapes).These three systems characterize the scenographic compositionscreated in the real and virtual spaces (the virtual space implies248

multimedia and visional space designed by digital technologies).Out of them the architectonic system is spatial, and the lightingand plastic – mainly spatiotemporal. These definitions are ofconditional character.3. Closed and open kinds of scenographic composition- In drama theater the scenographic composition is mainly ofclosed character that implies the adequacy and completenessof the composition- The scenographic composition of the post-drama theater ismainly open and expresses the trend of evanescence of thenarrative in the performance and happening.Natalia Digmelashvili,Shota Rustaveli theatre and film Georgian State University,PHD student of Drama faculty,Supervisor: Davit KobakhidzeMODERN APPROACHES INTRODUCTION OF TOTHE STUDY OF DANCEThe problem of dance teaching at the Tbilisi TheatreUniversity has always been a subject of attention of thedepartment of scenic movement.In 60-80th of the XX century, educators of faculty beganto translate the elementary terms in Georgian. Also in theirScientific papers were reflected the psycho-physiologicalproblems of students of Acting Department, which were actualat that time in also in other countries. Unfortunately none ofthose works were published by the department.XXI century brought dramatic changes in all spheres of life,including theater. In Drama, dance and plastic is not a link anymore, but sometimes plastic and choreography dominates indramatic performance and they lead the dramatic line. Since249

Nino Gunia-Kuznetsova,Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University,PHD student of theatre study direction,Supervisor: Tamar BokuchavaON SCENOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION1. Main and essential principles of scenographic compositionare:Spatial principlesDramaturgic principlesThe essence of the spatial principle is based on thetridimensionality and is measured by the system of spatialcoordinates.The dramaturgical principles (narrative development andenactment) are characterized with two main coordinates – thetime and the movement.Consequently, the scenographic composition may be attributedto the spatiotemporal art as it exists in the space and changes intime.2. Main representational tools of scenographic composition:The main representational tools of the scenogrpahic compositionare created by the descriptive tools of the spatial arts –architecture, painting, sculpture, and the main descriptive toolsof the spatial arts may be reduced to three, namely: the shape,color and line.These three descriptive tools create three compositional systemsof scenography:- architectonic (system of shapes);- lighting (script created with light-and-shade and color)- plastic (transformation of some shapes or system ofshapes).These three systems characterize the scenographic compositionscreated in the real and virtual spaces (the virtual space implies248

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