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orlando interview itculture business is business: or is it?

orlando interview itculture business is business: or is it?

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Ed<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>ialGIAMPIERO DI PERSIAPRESIDENTTh<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong>sue touches upon a range of topicsconnected by a unifying theme thatstresses both innovation and that which<strong>is</strong> alternative, two defining character<strong>is</strong>ticsof our times that pave the path toprogress and success in every field.Although innovation generally implies afutur<strong>is</strong>tic v<strong>is</strong>ion and speaks to that which<strong>is</strong> new, <strong>it</strong> may also involve the red<strong>is</strong>coveryand reaffirmation of past -- and at timesevent ancient -- values and practices.Th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong> evident in the field of medicine,<strong>or</strong> alternative medicine to be m<strong>or</strong>eexact, a body which although not yetwidely accepted by trad<strong>it</strong>ional medicine<strong>is</strong> becoming increasingly diffused amongthe general public.In a continual eff<strong>or</strong>t to highlight theevolving relationship between Italy andthe Un<strong>it</strong>ed States, we have once againuncovered a rich partnership betweenthe two countries in the field of scientificresearch, as apparent in the flow ofinf<strong>or</strong>mation, technology, and particularlyhuman cap<strong>it</strong>al, namely researchers – although we “common m<strong>or</strong>tals” prefer to callthem scient<strong>is</strong>ts – who dedicate their lives to the d<strong>is</strong>covery of f<strong>or</strong>mulas, medicines,techniques, and devices that have the potential to improve our qual<strong>it</strong>y of life.In th<strong>is</strong> <strong>is</strong>sue we resume our journey through the South East of the Un<strong>it</strong>ed States in searchof the region’s numerous opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>ies. As a follow-up to the article on M<strong>is</strong>s<strong>is</strong>sippifeatured several <strong>is</strong>sues ago, we have th<strong>is</strong> time ventured not to far from our native Miam<strong>it</strong>o Orlando, a c<strong>it</strong>y known primarily as the cap<strong>it</strong>al of theme parks and entertainment. Yetbeyond the realms of D<strong>is</strong>ney and Universal, between one ride and the next, Orlandooffers a w<strong>or</strong>ld of opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>y, particularly in the f<strong>or</strong>m of a flour<strong>is</strong>hing hi-tech sect<strong>or</strong>which embodies m<strong>or</strong>e than 1000 companies and a highly-qualified lab<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ce.Speaking of lab<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ces, <strong>it</strong> seemed only f<strong>it</strong>ting to address a contemp<strong>or</strong>ary phenomenonrelated to the arrival of young people in the lab<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ce: Generation Y, as they areknown (“Y” as in young), refers to the managerial class of our future which <strong>is</strong> alreadybeginning to redefine our present.Our heart-felt appreciation goes out to our column<strong>is</strong>ts, Prof. Nanni and Prof. Past<strong>or</strong>, f<strong>or</strong>their continued supp<strong>or</strong>t and engaging contributions to .<strong>it</strong> Italian Trade as v<strong>is</strong>ible in theR2B and <strong>it</strong>Culture columns.In closing, we would like to inv<strong>it</strong>e all our readers to send us comments and observationsregarding th<strong>is</strong> publication. Your contributions are always appreciated.Pleasant reading!!In questo numero affrontiamo diversi temi ma con unfilo condutt<strong>or</strong>e in comune, basato su due concetti :innovativo e alternativo.Due termini che contradd<strong>is</strong>tinguono il tempo in cuiviviamo e che sono <strong>or</strong>amai la chiave del progressoin tutti i sett<strong>or</strong>i. E nonostante entrambe siano unchiaro richiamo al nuovo, alla nov<strong>it</strong>á ed abbiano unav<strong>is</strong>ione futur<strong>is</strong>tica delle cose, in alcuni casi dobbiam<strong>or</strong>iconoscere che si tratta di una r<strong>is</strong>coperta e unarilettura di val<strong>or</strong>i e tecniche del passato, talvoltaaddir<strong>it</strong>tura antiche, come ad esempio sta accadendonella medicina, alternativa per l’appunto, f<strong>or</strong>se nonscientificamente provata, ma <strong>or</strong>mai largamentediffusa.Nel nostro continuo sf<strong>or</strong>zo di identificare i legami traItalia e Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i, abbiamo anc<strong>or</strong>a una volta scopertoquanto i due paesi siano legati nel campo dellaricerca scientifica; un legame che si attua attraversolo scambio di inf<strong>or</strong>mazioni e di tecnologie ma anchee soprattutto attraverso l’interscambio di cap<strong>it</strong>aleumano: ricercat<strong>or</strong>i – anche se noi “comuni m<strong>or</strong>tali”preferiamo chiamarli scienziati – che dedicano lal<strong>or</strong>o v<strong>it</strong>a alla scoperta di f<strong>or</strong>mule, medicine, tecniche,apparecchiature e quant’altro possa migli<strong>or</strong>are laqual<strong>it</strong>á della v<strong>it</strong>a di tutti noi.In questo numero abbiamo anche ripreso il nostroviaggio alla scoperta delle opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>á offerte dalSud-est degli Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i. Dopo il M<strong>is</strong>s<strong>is</strong>sippi di qualchenumero fa, ci siamo questa volta spostati pocolontano dalla nostra Miami, per arrivare ad Orlando,una c<strong>it</strong>tá nota ai piú come la cap<strong>it</strong>ale del divertimentotematico, con i suoi numerosi parchi. Ma oltre aimondi D<strong>is</strong>ney e Universal, tra uno scivolo e l’altro,la c<strong>it</strong>tá offre molte altre interessanti opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>ásoprattutto nei sett<strong>or</strong>i dell’hi-tech, che contano unapresenza di oltre 1000 aziende che impiegano unaf<strong>or</strong>za lav<strong>or</strong>o altamente qualificata.E a propos<strong>it</strong>o di personale, abbiamo voluto darespazio ad un fenomeno dei tempi moderni checontradd<strong>is</strong>tingue i giovani che da poco sono entrati afar parte del mondo del lav<strong>or</strong>o: la generazione Y – Ycome young (giovane) – che é la classe managerialedel nostro futuro ma che sta influenzando il nostropresente.Un doveroso ringraziamento per il continuo supp<strong>or</strong>tova agli aut<strong>or</strong>i delle rubriche R2B, Prof. Nanni, e<strong>it</strong>Culture, Prof. Past<strong>or</strong>, che hanno anche in questonumero contribu<strong>it</strong>o con i l<strong>or</strong>o interessanti articoli.Inv<strong>it</strong>iamo tutti i nostri lett<strong>or</strong>i ad inviarci le l<strong>or</strong>oosservazioni ed i l<strong>or</strong>o commenti sulla riv<strong>is</strong>ta eric<strong>or</strong>diamo che i vostri contributi sono semprebenvenuti.Buona lettura!.3

FOCUSItaly's Biomedical Sect<strong>or</strong> & InvestmentOpp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>iesBY PAOLA SANGIOVANNI, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CO-FOUNDER/DIRECTOR OF THE ITALIANASSOCIATION FOR THE STUDY OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (SISB) (WWW.SISB.ORG).4

The Italian biotechnology sect<strong>or</strong> has experienced significant growth over the last years, atrend which seems destined to continue. The number of Italian companies operating inthe biotech sect<strong>or</strong> has in fact grown m<strong>or</strong>e than 50% since 2001. Given the emergenceof new entrepreneurial developments and the consolidation of those companies alreadypresent, experts in the field can now speak of a sect<strong>or</strong> that has reached matur<strong>it</strong>y.Several Italian biotech companies have also recently been l<strong>is</strong>ted on leading internationalstock markets, evidence of their potential to expand and desire to internationalize.Some have opted to be l<strong>is</strong>ted on NASDAQ <strong>or</strong> the Zurich stock market, while others (i.e.Biosearch, Novuspharma, Cell Therapeutics, DiaS<strong>or</strong>in, MolMed) chose to remain in theItalian financial market.The success of the “Italian case” <strong>is</strong> strongly linked to the ex<strong>is</strong>tence of a series offact<strong>or</strong>s unique to the Italian pan<strong>or</strong>ama. The presence of numerous research centersof excellence -- particularly active in the biomedical research field and often highlyspecialized (in oncology, among others) -- plays a key role in Italy’s success. In im<strong>it</strong>ationof the American model, such centers collab<strong>or</strong>ate closely w<strong>it</strong>h local Univers<strong>it</strong>ies and theirdynamic Technology Transfer Offices responsible f<strong>or</strong> interacting w<strong>it</strong>h the entrepreneurialw<strong>or</strong>ld. The ex<strong>is</strong>tence of imp<strong>or</strong>tant science and technology research parks active in thebiotech sect<strong>or</strong> also represents a “contagious” example of how entrepreneurial andtechnological netw<strong>or</strong>ks can facil<strong>it</strong>ate collab<strong>or</strong>ation between the public and privaterealms.The Region of Lombardy boasts a notew<strong>or</strong>thy concentration of the above mentionedfact<strong>or</strong>s which have facil<strong>it</strong>ated the expansion of a robust life sciences sect<strong>or</strong>. In fact, anestimated 35% of the biotech companies in Italy and almost half of the national incomegenerated from th<strong>is</strong> sect<strong>or</strong> can be attributed to the Region of Lombardy. Milan and<strong>it</strong>s surrounding areas in particular (including the provinces of Como, Varese, Lodi, andPavia -- all s<strong>it</strong>uated w<strong>it</strong>hin 50 km of Milan) enjoy a high concentration of research anddevelopment activ<strong>it</strong>ies and a significant presence of small, medium, and large-sizedcompanies.Some of the most prestigious Italian Univers<strong>it</strong>ies (Univers<strong>it</strong>à degli Studi di Milano,Pol<strong>it</strong>ecnico di Milano, Univers<strong>it</strong>à di Milano Bicocca, Univers<strong>it</strong>à Cattolica, and Univers<strong>it</strong>àCommerciale Luigi Bocconi) are based in Milan and have a strong trad<strong>it</strong>ion in the fieldsof science and technology. An estimated 175,000 undergraduate and graduate studentsattend Milan’s univers<strong>it</strong>ies.Milan’s Univers<strong>it</strong>ies have developed policies f<strong>or</strong> patenting inventions, obtained patentsf<strong>or</strong> hundreds of scientific d<strong>is</strong>coveries, and contributed to the establ<strong>is</strong>hment of numerousspin – off companies. In add<strong>it</strong>ion, the Univers<strong>it</strong>ies have undertaken numerous in<strong>it</strong>iativesdesigned to improve the qual<strong>it</strong>y of univers<strong>it</strong>y - based research and encourage thecreation of new companies. Examples of such programs include UN.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.A.S.(<strong>it</strong>as/index.php) and Netval (www.netval.<strong>it</strong>), not to mentionthe Univers<strong>it</strong>à Statale’s “company accelerat<strong>or</strong>” and Pol<strong>it</strong>ecnico’s “<strong>business</strong> incubat<strong>or</strong>,”all examples of useful instruments which facil<strong>it</strong>ate the transfer of research and scientificknowledge from the Univers<strong>it</strong>y to the c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate realm.Milan and <strong>it</strong>s surrounding areas are also home to several imp<strong>or</strong>tant science parks,namely the Parco Tecnologico Padano and the Raf Science Park, which <strong>is</strong> affiliated w<strong>it</strong>hthe Ist<strong>it</strong>uto Scientifico Univers<strong>it</strong>ario San Raffaele, the f<strong>or</strong>emost Italian private hosp<strong>it</strong>al.Last but not least, Milan boasts a vibrant and enterpr<strong>is</strong>ing financial commun<strong>it</strong>y thatrevolves around the Italian stock exchange, which in recent years has invested w<strong>it</strong>hIl mercato <strong>it</strong>aliano delle biotecnologie ha conosciutoun f<strong>or</strong>t<strong>is</strong>simo sviluppo negli ultimi anni e sembradestinato a proseguire nella sua cresc<strong>it</strong>a. R<strong>is</strong>pettoal 2001, il numero di imprese <strong>it</strong>aliane attive nelbiotech è cresciuto di oltre il 50%. Gli esperti delcampo parlano di un sett<strong>or</strong>e <strong>or</strong>mai “maturo”, in cuicontinuano a s<strong>or</strong>gere nuove realtà imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iali equelle già stabil<strong>it</strong>e si consolidano.Diverse aziende biotecnologiche <strong>it</strong>aliane hannoinoltre recentemente tagliato il traguardo dellaquotazione sui principali mercati internazionali, ariprova della l<strong>or</strong>o f<strong>or</strong>te capac<strong>it</strong>à di espansione e dellavolontà di internazionalizzazione. Mentre alcune diqueste hanno scelto di quotarsi al NASDAQ o allab<strong>or</strong>sa di Zurigo, altre (Biosearch, Novuspharma, CellTherapeutics, DiaS<strong>or</strong>in, MolMed) hanno optato dirimanere sul mercato finanziario <strong>it</strong>aliano.Il successo del “caso Italia” è strettamente legatoalla compresenza di una serie di fatt<strong>or</strong>i di diversanatura che rende del tutto peculiare il pan<strong>or</strong>ama<strong>it</strong>aliano. Ruolo chiave è giocato dai molti centri diricerca di eccellenza, attivi, in particolare, nel sett<strong>or</strong>edella ricerca biomedica e spesso caratterizzati da altaspecializzazione (inter alia, nel campo dell’oncologia).Tali centri si affiancano alle Univers<strong>it</strong>à ed ai l<strong>or</strong>odinamici Technology Transfer Offices, che – seguendoil modello statun<strong>it</strong>ense – sono impegnati a interagirecon il mondo imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iale. La presenza diimp<strong>or</strong>tanti parchi scientifici e tecnologici attivi nellebiotecnologie rappresenta, inoltre, un “contagioso”esempio di reti imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iali e tecnologiche incui <strong>is</strong>t<strong>it</strong>uzioni pubbliche e imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>ia privatacollab<strong>or</strong>ano per il raggiungimento di obiettivi comunidi sviluppo.La Regione Lombardia offre una particolareconcentrazione dei sopra descr<strong>it</strong>ti fatt<strong>or</strong>i d<strong>is</strong>viluppo del sett<strong>or</strong>e life sciences. Circa il 35% delleimprese attive nel biotech in Italia e quasi metàdell’ammontare del relativo fatturato nazionalesono localizzati, infatti, nella Regione Lombardia.Specialmente Milano e l’area circostante (incluse leprovince di Como, Varese, Lodi e Pavia, tutte s<strong>it</strong>uateentro un raggio massimo di 50 km da Milano) vedonoun’alt<strong>is</strong>sima concentrazione di attiv<strong>it</strong>à in ricerca esviluppo, con una presenza di aziende grandi, mediee piccole.Alcune tra le più prestigiose univers<strong>it</strong>à <strong>it</strong>aliane(l’Univers<strong>it</strong>à degli Studi di Milano, il Pol<strong>it</strong>ecnico diMilano, l’Univers<strong>it</strong>à di Milano Bicocca, l’Univers<strong>it</strong>àCattolica, e l’Univers<strong>it</strong>à Commerciale Luigi Bocconi)hanno sede a Milano ed hanno una f<strong>or</strong>te tradizionein amb<strong>it</strong>o scientifico e tecnologico. Si calcola cheint<strong>or</strong>no a Milano ruotino ben 175.000 studentiunivers<strong>it</strong>ari e post univers<strong>it</strong>ari.Le Univers<strong>it</strong>à milanesi hanno elab<strong>or</strong>ato pol<strong>it</strong>iche dibrevettazione delle invenzioni, brevettato centinaia d<strong>it</strong>rovati e contribu<strong>it</strong>o alla fondazione di decine e decinedi spin – off. Hanno, inoltre, intrapreso parecchieiniziative volte a val<strong>or</strong>izzare la ricerca univers<strong>it</strong>ariaed incentivare la creazione di nuove imprese, quali ilprogetto UN.I.V.E.R.S.I.T.A.S. (<strong>it</strong>as/index.php) e il progetto Netval (www.netval.<strong>it</strong>). Il recente accelerat<strong>or</strong>e d’impresadell’Univers<strong>it</strong>à Statale e l’incubat<strong>or</strong>e del Pol<strong>it</strong>ecnicodi Milano sono altri esempi di utili strumenti d<strong>it</strong>rasferimento di r<strong>is</strong>ultati delle ricerche dai dipartimentidell’Ateneo alle imprese.Nelle immediate vicinanze di Milano hanno sedeimp<strong>or</strong>tanti parchi scientifici, quali il Parco TecnologicoPadano e lo Science Park Raf, collegato all’Ist<strong>it</strong>utoScientifico Univers<strong>it</strong>ario San Raffaele, il maggi<strong>or</strong>eospedale privato <strong>it</strong>aliano.Non da ultimo, Milano è la sede della vivace eintraprendente comun<strong>it</strong>à finanziaria, che ruotaint<strong>or</strong>no alla B<strong>or</strong>sa Italiana, che negli ultimi anni ha.5

FOCUSItaly's Biomedical Sect<strong>or</strong> & Investment Opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>iesincreasing confidence in innovation andadvanced technology.Add<strong>it</strong>ional evidence confirming thepotential of the sect<strong>or</strong> can be seen in theencouraging results obtained from thenumerous technology scouting programsundertaken in Milan, such as Bioin<strong>it</strong>iativeand Iniziativa Materiali (www.s<strong>is</strong>b.<strong>or</strong>g/InfoCli/Varie/PresentazioneProfGalli19-4-07.pdf).The Italian State and <strong>it</strong>s inst<strong>it</strong>utions(both at the local and federal level) haverecognized and fav<strong>or</strong>ed the development of the biotech sect<strong>or</strong>, given <strong>it</strong>s potential interms of both economic growth and social welfare.In 2006, the Italian Parliament -- w<strong>it</strong>h the goal of both clarifying the regulat<strong>or</strong>y statutessurrounding the biotech industry and attracting f<strong>or</strong>eign investment -- approved a lawdedicated to the juridical protection of biotech inventions. By addressing the previouss<strong>it</strong>uation of juridical uncertainty, the law explic<strong>it</strong>ly confirmed the patentabil<strong>it</strong>y of biotechinventions. The innovation -- which inst<strong>it</strong>utes several defined measures to increase theassurances (juridical and otherw<strong>is</strong>e) that biotech companies can rely on -- was welcomedby the Italian biotech commun<strong>it</strong>y.In <strong>or</strong>der to encourage f<strong>or</strong>eign investment, the law also aims to streamline bureaucraticprocedures related to company development, w<strong>it</strong>h specific regard to the supp<strong>or</strong>t andstart-up of intellectual cap<strong>it</strong>al companies. In essence, companies can benef<strong>it</strong> from atax relief measure relevant to research and development expenses, particularly if thecompany collab<strong>or</strong>ates w<strong>it</strong>h Univers<strong>it</strong>ies <strong>or</strong> public research inst<strong>it</strong>utions. The percentagehas recently passed from 15% in 2007 to 40% in 2008, up to a maximum of coststotaling 50 million euros per company.Recently, numerous f<strong>or</strong>eign invest<strong>or</strong>s, particularly from the Un<strong>it</strong>ed States, havedemonstrated a strong interest in considering investment opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>ies in Milan’stechnical cluster. Surely, the Italian biotech sect<strong>or</strong> will benef<strong>it</strong> from the experience andresources of American serial entrepreneurs and venture cap<strong>it</strong>al<strong>is</strong>ts. At the same time,Italian biotech companies can offer high qual<strong>it</strong>y projects and handsome returns.Hon. Ronald Spogli, the American Ambassad<strong>or</strong> in Italy who hails from a past as aventure cap<strong>it</strong>al<strong>is</strong>t, has played an instrumental role in supp<strong>or</strong>ting numerous in<strong>it</strong>iatives andprograms designed to stimulate innovation, entrepreneurial<strong>is</strong>m, and scientific exchangebetween Italy and the Un<strong>it</strong>ed States. Several of the Ambassad<strong>or</strong>’s programs that haveenjoyed significant supp<strong>or</strong>t include Partnership f<strong>or</strong> Growth and Fulbright Best.Recently, the Italian Association f<strong>or</strong> the Study of Biotechnology (SISB - www.s<strong>is</strong>b.<strong>or</strong>g)hosted three American gurus in the life sciences -- Janice LeCocq, Greg<strong>or</strong>y Lawless, andRussell Owen Potts -- who had been personally inv<strong>it</strong>ed by Ambassad<strong>or</strong> Spogli to offertheir commercial and scientific expert<strong>is</strong>e and conduct an expl<strong>or</strong>at<strong>or</strong>y m<strong>is</strong>sion of severalbiotech companies in N<strong>or</strong>thern Italy. The experts rep<strong>or</strong>ted that they were pleasantlysurpr<strong>is</strong>ed by the qual<strong>it</strong>y of Italian technology and by the number of companies ofinterest to invest<strong>or</strong>s. It <strong>is</strong> our hope that the relationship between Italy and the Un<strong>it</strong>edStates continues to grow in scope and intens<strong>it</strong>y in the near future.invest<strong>it</strong>o con sempre maggi<strong>or</strong>e convinzione ne<strong>is</strong>ett<strong>or</strong>i dell’innovazione e alta tecnologia.A conferma delle potenzial<strong>it</strong>à del sett<strong>or</strong>e, iprogrammi di scouting tecnologico intrapresi aMilano, quali Bioiniziative o Iniziativa Materiali, hannodato r<strong>is</strong>ultati molto inc<strong>or</strong>aggianti(www.s<strong>is</strong>b.<strong>or</strong>g/InfoCli/Varie/PresentazioneProfGalli19-4-07.pdf).Lo Stato <strong>it</strong>aliano e le sue <strong>is</strong>t<strong>it</strong>uzioni anche a livellolocale hanno dimostrato di aver compreso lepotenzial<strong>it</strong>à che il mercato del biotech può offrire intermini di cresc<strong>it</strong>a economica e di benessere generalee di volerne fav<strong>or</strong>ire lo sviluppo.Nel 2006, anche al fine di chiarire il quadroleg<strong>is</strong>lativo e regolamentare della materia e di attrarreinvestimenti esteri nel sett<strong>or</strong>e, è stata approvatadal Parlamento <strong>it</strong>aliano una legge specificamentededicata alla protezione giuridica delle invenzionibiotecnologiche. Superando una s<strong>it</strong>uazione diincertezza previgente, la legge ha affermatochiaramente la brevettabil<strong>it</strong>à anche delle invenzionibiotecnologiche. L’innovazione è stata salutata confav<strong>or</strong>e dalla comun<strong>it</strong>à biotech <strong>it</strong>aliana, in quantopone alcuni punti fermi nel sett<strong>or</strong>e, incrementando lecertezze, anche giuridiche, su cui le imprese biotechpossono contare.Al fine di fav<strong>or</strong>ire l’entrata di investimenti esteri,si è inoltre puntato sia sulla semplificazione dellepratiche burocratiche per lo sviluppo di impresa,sia su specifici pacchetti pred<strong>is</strong>posti per il sostegnoe l’avvio di nuove imprese a cap<strong>it</strong>ale intellettuale.Infatti, le imprese possono godere di uno sgraviof<strong>is</strong>cale dei costi sostenuti per la ricerca e lo sviluppo(in particolare se l’impresa stipula dei contratti dicollab<strong>or</strong>azione con univers<strong>it</strong>à e enti pubblici diricerca), che è passato recentemente dal 15% del2007 al 40% del 2008, fino a un tetto massimo dicosti pari a 50 milioni di Euro per ogni impresa.Diversi invest<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>i stranieri, in particolare statun<strong>it</strong>ensi,hanno recentemente mostrato un f<strong>or</strong>te interessenel valutare opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>à di investimento nel clustertecnologico milanese. Non c’è dubbio che il sett<strong>or</strong>ebiotech <strong>it</strong>aliano trarrebbe beneficio dalle competenzesviluppate dai serial enterpreneurs e dalle r<strong>is</strong><strong>or</strong>sedei venture cap<strong>it</strong>al<strong>is</strong>t americani, potendo offrire,nel contempo, progetti di ottima qual<strong>it</strong>à e r<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>niinteressanti.Un f<strong>or</strong>te impulso alle iniziative volte a fav<strong>or</strong>irel’imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>ial<strong>it</strong>à e l’innovazione è stato datodall’ambasciat<strong>or</strong>e americano in Italia, RonaldSpogli, che – grazie anche al suo passato di venturecap<strong>it</strong>al<strong>is</strong>t – ha dato inizio a programmi volti astimolare gli scambi tra Italia e Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i proprioin questa direzione. Partnership f<strong>or</strong> Growth eFulbright Best sono alcune delle iniziative att<strong>or</strong>no acui l’Ambasciat<strong>or</strong>e Spogli è riusc<strong>it</strong>o a concentrarenumerosi spons<strong>or</strong>, dimostrando che gli scambiUSA – Italia possono anche aiutare la promozione diuna cultura dell’imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>ial<strong>it</strong>à, della creativ<strong>it</strong>à edell’innovazione tecnologica.Recentemente, l’associazione Società Italiana perlo Studio delle Biotecnologie (www.s<strong>is</strong>b.<strong>or</strong>g), dicui sono co-fondatrice e segretario, ha osp<strong>it</strong>ato tre“guru” americani delle life sciences Janice LeCocq,Greg<strong>or</strong>y Lawless e Russell Owen Potts, che sono statipersonalmente inv<strong>it</strong>ati dall’Ambasciat<strong>or</strong>e Spogli adeffettuare una ricognizione di alcune imprese biotechdel n<strong>or</strong>d Italia ed a mettere a d<strong>is</strong>posizione le l<strong>or</strong>ocompetenze scientifiche e commerciali. I tre espertihanno rifer<strong>it</strong>o di essere stati piacevolmente s<strong>or</strong>presidalla qual<strong>it</strong>à della tecnologia <strong>it</strong>aliana e dal numero diaziende di interesse per gli invest<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>i. Ci auguriamoche gli scambi tra Italia e USA diventino più numerosie più intensi nel prossimo futuro..6

FOCUSSouth Fl<strong>or</strong>ida and Italy Find a Partner inUHealthBY MARCELO RADICE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF INTER-AMERICAN INITIATIVES, OFFICE OF SPECIALPROGRAMS, LEONARD M. MILLER SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, UNIVERSITY OF MIAMIEntrepreneurial in style and spir<strong>it</strong>, the Univers<strong>it</strong>y of Miami Health System (UHealth)at the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine has become an international academicmedical center known f<strong>or</strong> <strong>it</strong>s excellence in patient care, medical education, scientificresearch, and commun<strong>it</strong>y service. W<strong>it</strong>hin the South Fl<strong>or</strong>ida international commun<strong>it</strong>y,Italian scient<strong>is</strong>ts, professionals, and inst<strong>it</strong>utions remain at the center of some of theUnivers<strong>it</strong>y of Miami’s most exc<strong>it</strong>ing technologies and collab<strong>or</strong>ative eff<strong>or</strong>ts.To fulfill <strong>it</strong>s m<strong>is</strong>sion and unique pos<strong>it</strong>ion as the only univers<strong>it</strong>y-based medicalcenter in the region, UHealth has made significant investments to build a w<strong>or</strong>ldclassdestination f<strong>or</strong> preeminent care where knowledge grows each day throughsignificant strides in medical research and scientific d<strong>is</strong>covery. Under the UHealthumbrella, patients have access to great physicians who continue to ra<strong>is</strong>e the levelof medicine in South Fl<strong>or</strong>ida.W<strong>it</strong>h the flagship Univers<strong>it</strong>y of Miami Hosp<strong>it</strong>al at UHealth’s c<strong>or</strong>e, patients canreceive services at six hosp<strong>it</strong>als including Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center,Bascom Palmer Eye Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, Jackson Mem<strong>or</strong>ial Hosp<strong>it</strong>al, Holtz Children’s Hosp<strong>it</strong>al,the Miami VA Medical Center, and m<strong>or</strong>e than two dozen outpatient facil<strong>it</strong>ies infour counties.Through serious scientific endeav<strong>or</strong>s at establ<strong>is</strong>hed research centers such as theDiabetes Research Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, the Lo<strong>is</strong> Pope LIFE Center, the Miami Inst<strong>it</strong>ute f<strong>or</strong> HumanGenomics, the Interd<strong>is</strong>ciplinary Stem Cell Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, and the Batchel<strong>or</strong> Children’sResearch Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, treatments and cures are fast-tracked to patients. The physiciansof UHealth and the scient<strong>is</strong>ts from the Miller School w<strong>or</strong>k together w<strong>it</strong>h the nation’sImprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iale nello stile e nello spir<strong>it</strong>o, l’Univers<strong>it</strong>yof Miami Health System (UHealth) presso la Scuoladi Medicina Leonard M. Miller é diventato uncentro medico accademico riconosciuto a livellointernazionale per la sua eccellenza nella curadei pazienti, l’educazione nel campo medico, laricerca scientifica ed il servizio civile. All’internodella comun<strong>it</strong>á internazionale del Sud della Fl<strong>or</strong>ida,scienziati <strong>it</strong>aliani, profession<strong>is</strong>ti ed <strong>is</strong>t<strong>it</strong>uzioni sonotra i protagon<strong>is</strong>ti di alcune tra le piú entusiasmant<strong>it</strong>ecnologie e sf<strong>or</strong>zi collab<strong>or</strong>ativi ad operadell’Univers<strong>it</strong>á di Miami.Per adempiere la sua m<strong>is</strong>sione e mantenere lasua posizione di unic<strong>it</strong>á in quanto il solo centro dimedicina univers<strong>it</strong>aria nella regione, UHealth/Millerha invest<strong>it</strong>o significativamente nella realizzazionedi una destinazione di livello internazionale perl’eccellenza delle cure prestate, dove la conoscenzacresce ogni gi<strong>or</strong>no grazie ai notevoli passi fatti nellaricerca medica e nelle scoperte scientifiche. All’internodell’UHealth i pazienti sono segu<strong>it</strong>i da medici illustriche continuano ad innalzare il livello della medicinanel Sud della Fl<strong>or</strong>ida.Con il fi<strong>or</strong>e all’occhiello rappresentato dall’ospedaledell’Univers<strong>it</strong>á di Miami al centro dell’UHealth, ipazienti possono ricevere servizi in 6 diversi ospedali(gli altri sono: Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center,Bascom Palmer Eye Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, Jackson Mem<strong>or</strong>ialHosp<strong>it</strong>al, Holtz Children’s Hosp<strong>it</strong>al, Miami VA MedicalCenter), e piú di altre 24 strutture in 4 contee.Attraverso cons<strong>is</strong>tenti sf<strong>or</strong>zi nel campo scentifico, <strong>it</strong>rattamenti e le cure presso centri di ricerca affermatiquali il Diabetes Research Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, il Lo<strong>is</strong> Pope LIFECenter, il Miami Inst<strong>it</strong>ute f<strong>or</strong> Human Genomics,l’Interd<strong>is</strong>ciplinary Stem Cell Inst<strong>it</strong>ute ed il Batchel<strong>or</strong>Children’s Research Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, sono <strong>or</strong>a piú accessibiliai pazienti. I medici dell’UHealth e gli scienziatidella Miller School lav<strong>or</strong>ano insieme agli studentipiú brillanti a livello nazionale, sia in prima linea adiretto contatto con i pazienti che nei lab<strong>or</strong>at<strong>or</strong>iper lo sviluppo di trattamenti e cure. Una strutturaaccademica di questo tipo, con la scuola di medicinaal suo centro, consente ai pazienti di avere accessopreferenziale ai nuovi sviluppi e alle nuove tecnologienel momento stesso in cui queste si rendonod<strong>is</strong>ponibili, un fatt<strong>or</strong>e chiave questo delle strutturesan<strong>it</strong>arie che inglobano l’univers<strong>it</strong>á.Grazie allo sf<strong>or</strong>zo di preminenti medici, chirurghi escienziati <strong>it</strong>aliani, che sono attualmente impiegatipresso l’Univers<strong>it</strong>y of Miami, il centro UHealthintrattiene collab<strong>or</strong>azioni particolarmente attive conmolte univers<strong>it</strong>á ed <strong>is</strong>t<strong>it</strong>uzioni accademiche <strong>it</strong>aliane.La collab<strong>or</strong>azione con l’Italia é, ad esempio,particolarmente sviluppata nel campo della ricercasul diabete. I Dott<strong>or</strong>i Camillo Ric<strong>or</strong>di, Luca Inverardi,Antonello Pileggi, Alberto Pugliese e Luigi Meneghinidell’Ist<strong>it</strong>uto per la Ricerca sul Diabete della UM (DRI)lav<strong>or</strong>ano a stretto contatto con l’Univers<strong>it</strong>á di Milano,Pavia e P<strong>is</strong>a, nonché con l’Ist<strong>it</strong>uto Med<strong>it</strong>erraneo peri Trapianti e le Terapie avanzate (ISMETT) di Palermo,dove il Dott. Ric<strong>or</strong>di ricopre la carica di Presidente delConsiglio.L’Ospedale San Raffaele di Milano é anche la sededel DRI-HSR, un Ist<strong>it</strong>uto per la Ricerca sul Diabeteassociato con l’UM DRI che offre le attrezzature,il tirocinio ed un efficace supp<strong>or</strong>to collab<strong>or</strong>ativoattraverso un netw<strong>or</strong>k di “Telescience” che coinvolgele principali <strong>is</strong>t<strong>it</strong>uzioni per la ricerca sul diabete a livellomondiale, le quali fanno tutte parte della FederazioneDRI. Infine, l’Univers<strong>it</strong>á di Miami collab<strong>or</strong>a con laFacoltá di Scienze Mot<strong>or</strong>ie, il cui Preside, Prof. LivioLuzi, é anche Profess<strong>or</strong>e Aggiunto all’ UM-DRI.Collab<strong>or</strong>azioni tra l’Univers<strong>it</strong>á di Miami e le Univers<strong>it</strong>á.8

ightest students both on the frontline w<strong>it</strong>h patients and in the lab<strong>or</strong>at<strong>or</strong>y developingtreatments and cures. The academic setting, w<strong>it</strong>h the medical school at <strong>it</strong>s c<strong>or</strong>e,allows patients unprecedented access to new developments and technologies at themoment they become available, a key d<strong>is</strong>tinction of univers<strong>it</strong>y-based care.Thanks to the eff<strong>or</strong>ts of prominent Italian physicians, surgeons, and scient<strong>is</strong>tscurrently w<strong>or</strong>king at the Univers<strong>it</strong>y of Miami, UHealth maintains very activepartnerships w<strong>it</strong>h several Italian Univers<strong>it</strong>ies and academic inst<strong>it</strong>utions.In the field of Diabetes research, collab<strong>or</strong>ation w<strong>it</strong>h Italy <strong>is</strong> particularly developed.Dr. Camillo Ric<strong>or</strong>di, Luca Inverardi, Antonello Pileggi, Alberto Pugliese, and LuigiMeneghini of the UM Diabetes Research Inst<strong>it</strong>ute (DRI) w<strong>or</strong>k closely w<strong>it</strong>h theUnivers<strong>it</strong>ies of Milan, Pavia, and P<strong>is</strong>a, along w<strong>it</strong>h the Med<strong>it</strong>erranean Inst<strong>it</strong>ute ofTransplantation and Advanced Therapies (ISMETT) in Palermo, where Dr. Ric<strong>or</strong>dialso serves as President of the Board.H. San Raffaele Inst<strong>it</strong>ute in Milan <strong>is</strong> also home to the DRI-HSR, a Diabetes ResearchInst<strong>it</strong>ute “federated” w<strong>it</strong>h the UM DRI that provides equipment, training, and activecollab<strong>or</strong>ative supp<strong>or</strong>t through a Telescience netw<strong>or</strong>k that involves leading diabetesresearch inst<strong>it</strong>utions w<strong>or</strong>ldwide, collectively f<strong>or</strong>ming the DRI Federation. Finally, theUnivers<strong>it</strong>y of Miami collab<strong>or</strong>ates w<strong>it</strong>h the Facoltá di Scienze Mot<strong>or</strong>ie, whose Dean,Prof. Livio Luzi, <strong>is</strong> also Adjunct Profess<strong>or</strong> at UM-DRI.Partnerships also flour<strong>is</strong>h in numerous other fields of medical research. Dr. PaoloRomanelli and Dr. Joely Kaufman of the UM Department of Dermatology <strong>or</strong>ganizean annual meeting in P<strong>is</strong>a, directed by Dr. Marco Romanelli and th<strong>is</strong> year chairedby Dr. Martin Zaiac, where UM and the Univers<strong>it</strong>y of P<strong>is</strong>a enjoy a long lasting andproductive relationship w<strong>it</strong>h the Department of Dermatology chaired by Prof.Barachini.M<strong>or</strong>eover, at Bascom Palmer Eye Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, ranked number one in the US, Dr. V<strong>it</strong>t<strong>or</strong>ioP<strong>or</strong>ciatti, a graduate of the Univers<strong>it</strong>y of P<strong>is</strong>a, was recently awarded a maj<strong>or</strong> grantfrom the National Inst<strong>it</strong>ute of Health.Add<strong>it</strong>ional UM-Italy partnerships flour<strong>is</strong>h in the area of transplantation and T<strong>is</strong>sueEngineering. At Niguarda Hosp<strong>it</strong>al in Milan, Dr. Ric<strong>or</strong>di’s group <strong>is</strong> w<strong>or</strong>king w<strong>it</strong>h Dr.Mario Marazzi and Dr. Francesca Crovato. At the Univers<strong>it</strong>y of Turin, MolinetteHosp<strong>it</strong>al, active collab<strong>or</strong>ative eff<strong>or</strong>ts are ongoing w<strong>it</strong>h Dr. Luigi Biancone from theDiv<strong>is</strong>ion of Nephrology and the program of cellular transplantation f<strong>or</strong> diabetes.Finally, in the area of biotechnologies, three UM start-up companies, ConvergeBiotech. Inc., LifeGate Inc., and Jotmate Inc. have been establ<strong>is</strong>hed thanks to thecontributions of Italian “Angel Invest<strong>or</strong>s” and “Venture Philanthropy”. A newin<strong>it</strong>iative that involves the commercialization of technologies surrounding a noveltype of adult stem cells (Miami Cells) was spearheaded by UM based Italian scient<strong>is</strong>tDr. Gianluca D’Ippol<strong>it</strong>o. Dr. D’Ippol<strong>it</strong>o <strong>is</strong> now collab<strong>or</strong>ating w<strong>it</strong>h another Italianbasedinvestment group to f<strong>or</strong>m what could become yet another joint commercialin<strong>it</strong>iative between UM and Italian invest<strong>or</strong>s in the area of regenerative medicine.W<strong>it</strong>hout a doubt the ties between Italy and South Fl<strong>or</strong>ida via the Univers<strong>it</strong>y ofMiami and UHealth are strong. As one of the nation’s leading private researchunivers<strong>it</strong>ies, UM takes great pride in <strong>it</strong>s research m<strong>is</strong>sion, and <strong>is</strong> comm<strong>it</strong>ted to theadvancement and commercial application of scientific d<strong>is</strong>coveries. Certainly, Italianscient<strong>is</strong>ts, professionals, and inst<strong>it</strong>utions share a part of that success.<strong>it</strong>aliane stanno fi<strong>or</strong>endo anche in numerosi altri campidella ricerca medica. Il Dott. Paolo Romanelli e il Dott.Joely Kaufman del Dipartimento di Dermatologiadella UM <strong>or</strong>ganizzano un incontro annuale a P<strong>is</strong>a,diretto dal Dott. Marco Romanelli e quest'annopresieduto dal Dott. Martin Zaiac, dove la UM godedi una relazione produttiva e di lunga durata con ilDipartimento di Dermatologia presieduto dal Prof.Barachini dell’Univers<strong>it</strong>á di P<strong>is</strong>a.Inoltre, al Bascom Palmer Eye Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, consideratoil numero uno negli USA, il Dott. V<strong>it</strong>t<strong>or</strong>io P<strong>or</strong>ciatti,laureato all’Univers<strong>it</strong>á di P<strong>is</strong>a, si é recentementeaggiudicato un’imp<strong>or</strong>tante b<strong>or</strong>sa di studio da partedell’Ist<strong>it</strong>uto Nazionale per la Salute (National Inst<strong>it</strong>uteof Health).Altre collab<strong>or</strong>azioni tra UM e l’Italia sono nate nelcampo dei trapianti e dell’ingegneria dei tessutiumani. All’Ospedale Niguarda di Milano, il gruppodel Dott. Ric<strong>or</strong>di sta lav<strong>or</strong>ando con il Dott. MarioMarazzi e la Dott.ssa Francesca Crovato. All’OspedaleMolinette della Univers<strong>it</strong>á di T<strong>or</strong>ino sono in attointensi sf<strong>or</strong>zi di collab<strong>or</strong>azione con il Dott. LuigiBiancone della Div<strong>is</strong>ione di Nefrologia e con ilprogramma per il trapianto di cellule nella cura deldiabete.In ultimo, nell’area delle biotecnologie, sono staterecentemente cost<strong>it</strong>u<strong>it</strong>e tre nuove compagnie dellaUM, Converge Biotech. Inc., LifeGate Inc. e JotmateInc., grazie al contributo di invest<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>i in cap<strong>it</strong>ale dir<strong>is</strong>chio e venture con invest<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>i di fatto <strong>it</strong>aliani. Unanuova iniziativa che riguarda la commercializzazionedelle tecnologie relative ad un nuovo tipo di cellulastaminale adulta (Miami Cells) é stata capeggiatadallo scienziato <strong>it</strong>aliano Dott. Gianluca D’Ippol<strong>it</strong>ocon base alla UM. Il Dott. D’Ippol<strong>it</strong>o sta attualmentecollab<strong>or</strong>ando con un altro gruppo d’investimento<strong>it</strong>aliano per creare quella che potrebbe diventareun’altra iniziativa commerciale congiunta tra la UM einvest<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>i <strong>it</strong>aliani nell’area della medicina rigenerativa.I legami tra l’Italia ed il Sud della Fl<strong>or</strong>ida attraversol’Univers<strong>it</strong>á di Miami e l’UHealth sono senza dubbiof<strong>or</strong>ti. F<strong>or</strong>te del suo ruolo trainante tra le univers<strong>it</strong>áprivate americane impegnate nella ricerca, la UM émolto <strong>or</strong>gogliosa della sua m<strong>is</strong>sione, ed é impegnatanell’avanzamento e nell’applicazione commercialedelle scoperte scientifiche. Certamente, gli scienziati<strong>it</strong>aliani, i profession<strong>is</strong>ti e le <strong>is</strong>t<strong>it</strong>uzioni sono parte diquesto successo..9

FOCUSEnergy Medicine:The Mystical W<strong>or</strong>ld of Ancient DoctrinesBY VLADIMIRO GIUA, M.D., F.A.C.P. , FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF YOUNIQUE CLINIC(WWW.YOUNIQUECLINIC.COM)The scientific and medical exchanges between Italy and Fl<strong>or</strong>ida extends well beyondtrad<strong>it</strong>ional sect<strong>or</strong>s to include smaller niche f<strong>or</strong>ms of complementary and alternativemedicine (CAM), a term which denotes practices not typically accepted <strong>or</strong> entirelyunderstood by conventional medicine. CAM practices include, but are not lim<strong>it</strong>edto, chiropractics, acupuncture, massage therapy, homeopathy, yoga, biofeedback,energy medicine, naturopathy, and even mediation and prayer. Back pain, allergies,arthr<strong>it</strong><strong>is</strong>, insomnia, headaches, high blood pressure, and depression are some ofthe common ailments f<strong>or</strong> which Americans consult CAM pract<strong>it</strong>ioners.Although still regarded w<strong>it</strong>h skeptic<strong>is</strong>m by much of the medical establ<strong>is</strong>hment, CAMtreatments have becoming increasingly popular among the general public. As earlyLo scambio medico e scientifico tra l'Italia e la Fl<strong>or</strong>idava ben oltre i sett<strong>or</strong>i tradizionali ed include sett<strong>or</strong>idi nicchia come le medicine complementari edalternative (CAM – complementary and alternativemedicine), un termine che identifica pratiche noncomunemente accettate o completamente compresedalla medicina tradizionale. Le pratiche CAMincludono, tra le altre, la chiropratica, agopuntura,massaggio terapia, omeopatia, yoga, biofeedback,medicina energetica, naturopatia ed anche lamed<strong>it</strong>azione e la preghiera. Dol<strong>or</strong>i alla schiena,allergie, insonnia, mal di testa, pressione alta edepressione sono alcuni delle patologie più comuniper cui gli americani si rivolgono alle cure degl<strong>is</strong>pecial<strong>is</strong>ti CAM.Anche se guardati con occhio scettico da buonaparte dei medico tradizionali, i trattamenti CAM.10

as 1993, a Harvard Univers<strong>it</strong>y study estimated that roughly one-third of Americansused some f<strong>or</strong>m of CAM treatment (similar trends ex<strong>is</strong>t among Europeans, whilethe percentage <strong>is</strong> an astounding 70% among the w<strong>or</strong>ld population). Even m<strong>or</strong>easton<strong>is</strong>hingly, the 425 million v<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong>s to CAM providers in the U.S. in 1990 surpassedthe number of v<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong>s to all primary care physicians by roughly 47 million. Given th<strong>is</strong>booming industry, <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> no wonder that Congress establ<strong>is</strong>hed the National Center ofComplementary and Alternative Medicine in 1998 w<strong>it</strong>h a budget of $100 million.In recent years, CAM treatments have continued to gain leg<strong>it</strong>imacy, as evidencedby a 50% increase in the number of v<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong>s to CAM providers, the proliferation of“integrative medicine” (a d<strong>is</strong>cipline which combines alternative and conventionalmedicine), and the fact that 41% of medical schools, including Harvard and Ge<strong>or</strong>geWashington Univers<strong>it</strong>y, now require a course on alternative therapies. Finally, manyinsurance companies, particularly in the N<strong>or</strong>theast, Mid-Atlantic States, and on theWest Coast (i.e. Oxf<strong>or</strong>d, H<strong>or</strong>izon Blue Cross Blue Shield, Ameri-Health, and HealthNet), are now beginning to offer lim<strong>it</strong>ed coverage f<strong>or</strong> selected CAM treatments.The appeal of CAM <strong>is</strong> no less v<strong>is</strong>ible in the Sunshine State, which accounts f<strong>or</strong> 5.7%of the $34 billion in average revenues produced each year in the U.S from th<strong>is</strong>growing industry. W<strong>it</strong>h th<strong>is</strong> article, Dr. Vladimiro Giua, a Roman native and founderand president of Younique Clinic (www.youniqueclinic.com) -- a health care andcosmetic skin care center located in Miami which combines conventional andenergy medicine -- introduces the reader to the w<strong>or</strong>ld of energy medicine. Energymedicine <strong>is</strong> a f<strong>or</strong>m of alternative medicine which proposes that imbalances in thebody’s “energy field” result in illnesses which can be treated by “manipulating" th<strong>is</strong>“hol<strong>is</strong>tic living f<strong>or</strong>ce,” thereby bringing the body's "live energies" into balance.The twenty-first century gave birth to a lot of insecur<strong>it</strong>y f<strong>or</strong> the future, leavingpeople searching f<strong>or</strong> mystical solutions to their daily problems. Th<strong>is</strong> search led to theblossoming of ancient healing trad<strong>it</strong>ions hailing from a variety of ethnic backgrounds,currently reigning under the stereotyped term of “energy medicine.”Energy medicine <strong>is</strong> rooted in v<strong>it</strong>al<strong>is</strong>m, the notion that living <strong>or</strong>gan<strong>is</strong>ms possess someunique qual<strong>it</strong>y, an élan v<strong>it</strong>al, which gives them that special qual<strong>it</strong>y we call life. Beliefin the ex<strong>is</strong>tence of a living f<strong>or</strong>ce, often associated w<strong>it</strong>h the soul, spir<strong>it</strong>, and mind, <strong>is</strong>ancient and remains widespread to th<strong>is</strong> day.Pract<strong>it</strong>ioners of energy medicine believe that they can affect cures f<strong>or</strong> many illnessesby manipulating th<strong>is</strong> hypothetical v<strong>it</strong>al f<strong>or</strong>ce <strong>or</strong> field (also referred to as the bioenergeticfield), thereby bringing the body's “live energies" into balance. Quantummechanics, in the w<strong>or</strong>ld of energy medicine, postulates that human consciousnessactually controls real<strong>it</strong>y and <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> often claimed as supp<strong>or</strong>t f<strong>or</strong> mind-over-mattersolutions to health problems. In th<strong>is</strong> equation, the role of the intu<strong>it</strong>ive healer <strong>is</strong> tohelp patients to re-establ<strong>is</strong>h their lost connection w<strong>it</strong>h the synchronous intelligenceof their own body to the almighty one of the universe, helping them to regeneratetheir innate abil<strong>it</strong>y to self-healing.Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to the U.S. National Center f<strong>or</strong> Complementary and Alternative Medicine(NCCAM), there are two categ<strong>or</strong>ies of energy medicine: ver<strong>it</strong>able and putative.Ver<strong>it</strong>able energy medicine refers to energy fields which can be measured w<strong>it</strong>h ourcurrent technology. Examples of measurable energy fields used in the diagnos<strong>is</strong>sono diventati sempre più popolari tra il pubblicogenerico. Giá nel 1993, uno studio della HarvardUnivers<strong>it</strong>y stimó che circa un terzo degli americaniaveva fatto ric<strong>or</strong>so a trattamenti medici alternativi(e trend simili sono stati r<strong>is</strong>contrati tra gli europei,mentre la percentuale sale ad un s<strong>or</strong>prendente 70%quando considerimao la popolazione mondiale). Undato anc<strong>or</strong>a più s<strong>or</strong>prendente, nel 1990 il numerodi v<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong>e presso special<strong>is</strong>ti CAM, negli Stati Un<strong>it</strong>ié stato pari a 425 milioni, s<strong>or</strong>passando di circa47 milioni quello presso i medici generici. Data laf<strong>or</strong>te espansione del sett<strong>or</strong>e, non s<strong>or</strong>prende che ilCongresso abbia creato nel 1998 il National Centerof Complementary and Altern<strong>it</strong>ive Medicine, con unfinanziamento iniziale di circa 100 milioni di dollari.Negli anni recenti i trattamenti CAM hannocontinuato a guadagnare legg<strong>it</strong>im<strong>it</strong>à e i fatti ne sonouna ovvia dimostrazione: il numero di v<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong>e pressospecial<strong>is</strong>ti CAM sono aumentate del 50%; si stasempre piú diffondendo la “medicina integrativa”(una d<strong>is</strong>ciplina che combina medicina alternativa etradizionale); il 41% delle facoltà di medicina, tracui l’Univers<strong>it</strong>á di Harvard e la Ge<strong>or</strong>ge WashingtonUnivers<strong>it</strong>y, prevedono un c<strong>or</strong>so obbligat<strong>or</strong>io perlo studio delle terapie alternative. Inoltre, moltecompagnie assicurative, in modo particolare negl<strong>is</strong>tati centro <strong>or</strong>ientali (ad esempio Oxf<strong>or</strong>d, H<strong>or</strong>izonBlue Cross Blu Shield, Ameri-Health e Health Net)iniziano <strong>or</strong>a ad offrire una copertura lim<strong>it</strong>ata perselezionati trattamenti CAM.L’interesse verso la medicina alternativa é moltodiffuso anche in Fl<strong>or</strong>ida, dove viene generato il 5,7%dei 34 miliardi di ricavi annuali prodotti ogni annonegli Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i da questa crescente industria.Con questo articolo, Il Dr. Vladimiro Giua, natoa Roma, fondat<strong>or</strong>e e presidente della YouniqueClinic (www.youniqueclinic.com) - un centro d<strong>is</strong>alute e cosmetica con sede a Miami che combinaefficacemente la medicina tradizionale con quellaol<strong>is</strong>tica - introduce il lett<strong>or</strong>e al mondo della medicinaenergetica, una d<strong>is</strong>ciplina antica basata sul concettoper cui gli squilibri energetici dell’<strong>or</strong>gan<strong>is</strong>mo causanomalattie che possono essere trattate attraverso "lasapiente manipolazione del flusso energetico v<strong>it</strong>ale”e finalizzata al ripr<strong>is</strong>tino dell’ “equilibrio energeticoes<strong>is</strong>tenziale”.Il XXI secolo é caratterizzato da un en<strong>or</strong>me sensodi insicurezza verso il futuro, che spinge moltepersone a ricercare soluzioni alternative ai propriproblemi quotidiani. Questa tendenza ha p<strong>or</strong>tatoalla diffusione e riconsiderazione di antichetecniche di guarigione, basate su tradizioni m<strong>is</strong>ticheappartenenti ad una variegata gamma di culture,che vengono riassunte con il termine di "medicinaenergetica”.La medicina energetica è basata sul concetto div<strong>it</strong>al<strong>is</strong>mo, cioè sull'idea che tutti gli esseri vivent<strong>is</strong>iano in possesso di una essenza unica, di unanel<strong>it</strong>o v<strong>it</strong>ale, che da’ l<strong>or</strong>o quella qual<strong>it</strong>à specialeche noi chiamiamo V<strong>it</strong>a. L’es<strong>is</strong>tenza di una energiav<strong>it</strong>ale, spesso variamente associata con il concettodi anima, spir<strong>it</strong>o e mente, è una credenza antica eanc<strong>or</strong>a oggi f<strong>or</strong>temente radicata a livello globale.I faut<strong>or</strong>i della medicina energetica partono dalpresupposto che si possa susc<strong>it</strong>are la guarigione damolte malattie attraverso la manipolazione ol<strong>is</strong>ticadi tale energia v<strong>it</strong>ale, nota anche come campo osett<strong>or</strong>e bio-energetico, ripr<strong>is</strong>tinando, in tal modo,l'equilibrio "energetico v<strong>it</strong>ale" dell’<strong>or</strong>gan<strong>is</strong>mo. Lameccanica quant<strong>is</strong>tica, applicata al mondo dellamedicina energetica, postula che la coscienza umanapossa effettivamente controllare la realtà; per taleragione viene spesso considerata come il fulcro d<strong>is</strong>upp<strong>or</strong>to alla soluzione dei problemi di salute. Inquesta equazione, il ruolo del “guar<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>e intu<strong>it</strong>ivo”è quello di aiutare i pazienti a r<strong>is</strong>tabilire la perdutaconnessione tra l’intelligenza sincrona del proprioc<strong>or</strong>po e quella onnipotente dell'universo, aiutandoli a.11

FOCUSEnergy Medicine:The Mystical W<strong>or</strong>ld of Ancient Doctrinesand treatment of d<strong>is</strong>ease include:magnetic resonance imaging, lasereye c<strong>or</strong>rection surgery, cardiacpacemakers, radiation therapy, andUV light therapies f<strong>or</strong> ps<strong>or</strong>ias<strong>is</strong> andseasonal affective d<strong>is</strong><strong>or</strong>der.Most frequently, energy medicinerefers to techniques that involve theputative energy fields, energy notmeasurable by conventional methods.Th<strong>is</strong> field <strong>is</strong> based on the fundamentalprem<strong>is</strong>e that all physical objects(bodies) and psychological processes(thoughts, emotions, beliefs, andatt<strong>it</strong>udes) are expressions of energy.Theref<strong>or</strong>e, all bodies are believed tobe infused w<strong>it</strong>h a "subtle" energy <strong>or</strong>life f<strong>or</strong>ce. Healing methods involvingth<strong>is</strong> energy field include acupuncture,acupressure, applied kinesiology,energy psychology, healing touch,homeopathy, intercess<strong>or</strong>y prayer, intu<strong>it</strong>ive medicine, and various other healingtechniques.In therapies involving th<strong>is</strong> subtle energy field, <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> believed that health <strong>is</strong> determinedby the overall flow and balance of a person's v<strong>it</strong>al life f<strong>or</strong>ce energy. Imbalances <strong>or</strong>blockages in the natural flow of the subtle energy fields in the body cause illness.Therapies such as acupuncture and acupressure are believed to act by c<strong>or</strong>rectingimbalances in the flow of subtle energy along the meridians, <strong>or</strong> energy channels.In therapies such as Theta Healing, Reiki (a Japanese technique f<strong>or</strong> stress reductionand relaxation), and even prayer, a healer <strong>is</strong> believed to em<strong>it</strong> <strong>or</strong> transm<strong>it</strong> the v<strong>it</strong>alenergy to a recipient as a way to rest<strong>or</strong>e health.Although no unique living f<strong>or</strong>ce has ever been conclusively demonstrated to ex<strong>is</strong>tin scientific experiments, proponents of alternative medicine claim that currentscientific evidence ex<strong>is</strong>ts f<strong>or</strong> some ent<strong>it</strong>y beyond conventional matter, and that th<strong>is</strong>claim <strong>is</strong> supp<strong>or</strong>ted by modern physical the<strong>or</strong>y - especially quantum mechanics -which continues to validate many of the concepts Eastern physicians and intu<strong>it</strong>ivehealers have understood and practiced f<strong>or</strong> centuries.It <strong>is</strong> my conviction that emotional wellbeing and spir<strong>it</strong>ual<strong>it</strong>y play a cr<strong>it</strong>ical role inhealing. The use of alternative medicine techniques such as energy balancing,spir<strong>it</strong>ual DNA activation, and Theta Healing coupled w<strong>it</strong>h conventional medicinemakes <strong>it</strong> possible to help patients achieve impressive pos<strong>it</strong>ive changes in theirhealth. It <strong>is</strong> a tool we can use to proactively promote physical and emotional healingat a deep, subconscious level, and an empowering process that everyone can use toco-create healthier and happier lives.rigenerare la l<strong>or</strong>o innata capac<strong>it</strong>à di auto-guarigione.Secondo il Centro Nazionale per la MedicinaComplementare e Alternativa (NCCAM), ci sono duecateg<strong>or</strong>ie di medicina energetica: la comprovata ela putativa.Nella prima, i campi di energia comprovata, chepossono essere m<strong>is</strong>urati con la nostra tecnologiaattuale. Alcune l<strong>or</strong>o applicazioni sono: la r<strong>is</strong>onanzamagnetica, la c<strong>or</strong>rezione chirurgica ocul<strong>is</strong>tica conlaser, gli stimolat<strong>or</strong>i cardiaci, la radioterapia e leterapie a raggi ultravioletti per la ps<strong>or</strong>iasi ed id<strong>is</strong><strong>or</strong>dini affettivo-stagionali.Più comunemente, il termine di medicina energeticafa riferimento a quelle tecniche che riguardanol’ energia putativa, ovvero quel tipo di energiache non è anc<strong>or</strong>a stato possibile m<strong>is</strong>urare conmetodi convenzionali e scientifici. Queste tecnichesi basano sulla premessa fondamentale che tuttigli oggetti f<strong>is</strong>ici (i c<strong>or</strong>pi) ed i processi psicologici(pensieri, emozioni, credenze e atteggiamenti),sono espressioni di energia. Pertanto, si r<strong>it</strong>iene chetutti gli <strong>or</strong>gani, sia animati che non, siani infusi dauna "sottile energia" o f<strong>or</strong>za v<strong>it</strong>ale. Alcune delle piùimp<strong>or</strong>tanti tecniche che rientrano in questa categ<strong>or</strong>iasono: l'agopuntura e l’agopressione, la kinesiologiaapplicata, la psicologia energetica, la guarigionetattile, l'omeopatia, la preghiera di intercessione,la medicina intu<strong>it</strong>iva, e numerose altre tecniche diguarigione alternativa.Nelle terapie che ag<strong>is</strong>cono su questi campi energeticiv<strong>it</strong>ali, si r<strong>it</strong>iene che la salute sia determinatadall’equilibrio del flusso globale che caratterizzala f<strong>or</strong>za v<strong>it</strong>ale di una persona. Squilibri e blocchinel flusso naturale dei campi di energia sottiledell’<strong>or</strong>gan<strong>is</strong>mo possono provocare una malattia.Terapie come l'agopuntura e l’agopressione, <strong>is</strong>piratialla medicina tradizionale cinese, sono consideratiin grado di guarire la malattia, agendo lungo imeridiani, o canali energetici mediante la c<strong>or</strong>rezionedegli squilibri nel flusso energetico sottile. In tecnichecome ad esempio Theta Healing, Reiki (tecnicagiapponese utilizzata per la riduzione dello stresse per il relax), ed anche la preghiera, si r<strong>it</strong>iene cheil guar<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>e emetta o trasmetta l'energia v<strong>it</strong>ale alpaziente in modo tale da ripr<strong>is</strong>tinare il suo equilibrioenergetico e di conseguenza la sua salute.Anche se nessuna f<strong>or</strong>za v<strong>it</strong>ale è mai statadefin<strong>it</strong>ivamente e concretamente dimostrata condegli esperimenti scientifici, i faut<strong>or</strong>i della medicinaalternativa sostengono che es<strong>is</strong>tono elementicomprovanti l’es<strong>is</strong>tenza di varie ent<strong>it</strong>á energetiche,che esulano da quelle convenzionali, e che taleaffermazione è supp<strong>or</strong>tata dalla moderna te<strong>or</strong>iaf<strong>is</strong>ica - soprattutto la meccanica quant<strong>is</strong>tica - checontinua a convalidare molti dei concetti che i medici<strong>or</strong>ientali ed i guar<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>i intu<strong>it</strong>ivi hanno appreso epraticato da molti secoli a questa parte.R<strong>it</strong>engo che sia il benessere emotivo che quellospir<strong>it</strong>uale svolgano un ruolo determinante nelprocesso di guarigione ol<strong>is</strong>tica del paziente.Le tecniche di medicina alternativa, come ilThetaHealing, di bilanciamento energeticoe di attivazione spir<strong>it</strong>uale del DNA, poss<strong>or</strong>ivelarsi un fondamentale complemento alleterapie convenzionali, permettendo al pazientedi raggiungere r<strong>is</strong>ultati impressionanti nelmigli<strong>or</strong>amento della qual<strong>it</strong>à della v<strong>it</strong>a. La medicinaenergetica è uno strumento che possiamo utilizzareper attivare efficacemente quei processi di sollievof<strong>is</strong>ico ed emotivo, ad un livello profondo, subconscioe spir<strong>it</strong>uale, nonché a pred<strong>is</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ci ad affrontare inmodo pro-attivo tutti i nostri gi<strong>or</strong>ni per costruire unav<strong>it</strong>a più sana e felice..12

BUSINESSBusiness <strong>is</strong> Business: Or <strong>is</strong> <strong>it</strong>?BY KRISTEN MAAG.13

BUSINESSBusiness <strong>is</strong> Business: Or <strong>is</strong> <strong>it</strong>?F<strong>or</strong> the Italian <strong>business</strong>man, the American way of interacting and conducting<strong>business</strong> may seem peculiar <strong>or</strong> even offensive at times. Acc<strong>or</strong>ding to Dr L. RobertKohls, noted cultural anthropolog<strong>is</strong>t and auth<strong>or</strong>, some 95% of these actions canbe explained by thirteen c<strong>or</strong>e American values, values which typically contrast tothose held by most of the w<strong>or</strong>ld. Paradoxically, most Americans are not even awareof these values because one very c<strong>or</strong>e American belief <strong>is</strong> that every individual <strong>is</strong> sounique that <strong>it</strong> would be nearly impossible to come up w<strong>it</strong>h a l<strong>is</strong>t of common values(f<strong>or</strong> a complete l<strong>is</strong>t, see The Values Americans Live By (1984) by L. Robert Kohls).Likew<strong>is</strong>e, Americans may find Italian practices equally perplexing, and may fail toappreciate <strong>it</strong> when their Italian host offers them a caffè that <strong>is</strong> served in what seemsm<strong>or</strong>e like a tea cup from a toy-china set than the mug-sized American coffee theyare accustomed to.While some cultural differences may result in innocent faux pas - do not, f<strong>or</strong>example, give an Italian chrysanthemums, a flower trad<strong>it</strong>ionally used f<strong>or</strong> funeralsin Italy (unless you f<strong>or</strong>esee the death of your <strong>business</strong> relationship) –- othersmay result in m<strong>is</strong>communication and ultimately the failure to seal that imp<strong>or</strong>tant<strong>business</strong> deal. So, the next time you cross the Atlantic f<strong>or</strong> <strong>business</strong> -- adv<strong>is</strong>e TerriM<strong>or</strong>r<strong>is</strong>on, Wayne A. Conaway, and Ge<strong>or</strong>ge A. B<strong>or</strong>den, co-auth<strong>or</strong>s of K<strong>is</strong>s, Bow, <strong>or</strong>Shake Hands: How to Do Business in Sixty Countries - make sure you know yourhost culture. The following guidelines may prove ind<strong>is</strong>pensable f<strong>or</strong> the success ofyour next <strong>business</strong> trip:1) Time and Its Control vs. Human Interaction: F<strong>or</strong> most Americans, punctual<strong>it</strong>yand the productive use of time are of the utmost imp<strong>or</strong>tance. As Kohls pointsout, the American language <strong>is</strong> saturated w<strong>it</strong>h references to time as something tobe “filled”, “saved”, “used”, “spent”, “lost”, “killed”, etc. If you are runningeven ten minutes late to a <strong>business</strong> appointment, <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> considered rude not to callahead of time to inf<strong>or</strong>m the person of your unf<strong>or</strong>tunate circumstances. Due totheir at times excessive preoccupation w<strong>it</strong>h time, Americans may appear m<strong>or</strong>einterested in sticking to a predetermined schedule (even to the smallest detail)than nurturing meaningful interpersonal relationships, a key component of Italian<strong>business</strong> practices. Americans looking to do <strong>business</strong> in Italy should invest indeveloping a rich contact netw<strong>or</strong>k, since Italians usually ins<strong>is</strong>t on doing <strong>business</strong>w<strong>it</strong>h individuals they know. In an Italian economy that <strong>is</strong> dominated by small andmedium sized industries (many of them family-owned), <strong>business</strong> deals are oftennegotiated directly by <strong>business</strong> owners rather than managers in one rung of anextensive c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate ladder.2) Inf<strong>or</strong>mal<strong>it</strong>y vs. F<strong>or</strong>mal<strong>it</strong>y: Americans are one of the most inf<strong>or</strong>mal peoples inthe w<strong>or</strong>ld, as reflected in their dress, greetings (“hi” <strong>or</strong> “how are you” are typicalgreetings between both friends and an employee and h<strong>is</strong>/her superi<strong>or</strong>), and f<strong>or</strong>msof address (<strong>or</strong> lack thereof). It <strong>is</strong> common f<strong>or</strong> American executives to ins<strong>is</strong>t on beingcalled by their first names almost immediately, a practice not widespread in Italywhere t<strong>it</strong>les are still commonly used to acknowledge rank and status. Comparedto Italians, who have a whole array of t<strong>it</strong>les –- Dott<strong>or</strong>e being the most commont<strong>it</strong>le f<strong>or</strong> college graduates –- Americans are reluctant to use t<strong>it</strong>les (a simple Ms.,Mr., and Dr. f<strong>or</strong> medical doct<strong>or</strong>s and profess<strong>or</strong>s w<strong>it</strong>h a Ph.D are sufficient) becausethey have an aversion to treating individuals in high ranking pos<strong>it</strong>ions in an overlydeferential manner. F<strong>or</strong>eigners not accustomed to being “treated like everyonePer gli imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>i <strong>it</strong>aliani, lo stile tipicamenteamericano di condurre affari potrebbe sembraresingolare e, a volte, perfino offensivo. Secondo il Dr.Robert Kohls, noto antropolog<strong>is</strong>ta ed aut<strong>or</strong>e, il 95%di queste azioni può essere spiegato da tredici “val<strong>or</strong>iamericani tipici,” val<strong>or</strong>i non condiv<strong>is</strong>i dal resto delmondo.Paradossalmente, molti americani non sono neanchea conoscenza di questi val<strong>or</strong>i perchè è opinionecomune tra gli americani che ciascun individuo è cosìunico che sarebbe quasi impossibile creare una l<strong>is</strong>tadi val<strong>or</strong>i condiv<strong>is</strong>i (per una l<strong>is</strong>ta completa si veda TheValues Americans Live di L. Robert Kohls - 1984).Tuttavia, gli americani trovano alcune pratiche <strong>it</strong>alianealtrettanto insol<strong>it</strong>e, e potrebbero non apprezzareun caffè serv<strong>it</strong>o in quella che sembra una tazzina datè di un set per bambole quando si è ab<strong>it</strong>uati alledimensioni della tazza da caffè americana.Mentre qualche differenza culturale a volte si r<strong>is</strong>olvein innocenti gaffe, come offrire dei cr<strong>is</strong>antemi adun <strong>it</strong>aliano, un fi<strong>or</strong>e in Italia tradizionalmente usatoper i funerali - almeno che non prevediate la finedella vostra relazione di <strong>business</strong> - altre potrebberogenerare fraintendimenti determinanti per ilfallimento dell’acc<strong>or</strong>do. Quindi, la prossima volta cheattraversate l’Atlantico per motivi di affari, assicuratevidi conoscere la cultura del paese che vi osp<strong>it</strong>a (cosìcome consigliato anche da Terri M<strong>or</strong>r<strong>is</strong>on, WayneA. Conaway, e Ge<strong>or</strong>ge A. B<strong>or</strong>den, co-aut<strong>or</strong>i di K<strong>is</strong>s,Bow, <strong>or</strong> Shake Hands: How to Do Business in SixtyCountries). I consigli che seguono potrebbero r<strong>is</strong>ultaredeterminanti per il successo del vostro prossimoviaggio di affari:1) Tempo e suo controllo vs. Interazioneumana: la maggi<strong>or</strong>anza degli americani dannola massima imp<strong>or</strong>tanza alla puntual<strong>it</strong>à e all’usoproduttivo del tempo. Come Kohls afferma, illinguaggio americano è ricch<strong>is</strong>simo di espressioniche fanno riferimento al tempo come a qualcosache deve essere “riemp<strong>it</strong>o”, “salvato”, “ben speso”,“non perso”, “ucc<strong>is</strong>o” e così via. Anche se siete solodieci minuti in r<strong>it</strong>ardo ad un appuntamento di lav<strong>or</strong>o,è considerato maleducato non chiamare in tempoper avv<strong>is</strong>are delle sf<strong>or</strong>tunate circostanze. Data la.14

else” -- a compliment f<strong>or</strong> Americans -- may feel embarrassed <strong>or</strong> d<strong>is</strong>respected.3) Directness vs. Indirectness in Negotiating: In delivering less than pleasantevaluations, Americans tend to be m<strong>or</strong>e direct and “to the point” than Italians,preferring to establ<strong>is</strong>h right away “the bottom line.” Italians, on the other hand,may engage in a somewhat “round-about” d<strong>is</strong>course in <strong>or</strong>der to ease the blow ofunpleasant news, a practice which may create a sense of d<strong>is</strong>trust on the part oftheir American interlocut<strong>or</strong> who appreciates the straight answer. At the same time,however, Americans must understand that Italians tend to negotiate at a slowerpace, although when <strong>it</strong> comes to bending the establ<strong>is</strong>hed rules Italians are usuallym<strong>or</strong>e flexible. Americans should know that Italians tend to perceive any sense ofurgency by the other side as a sign of weakness <strong>or</strong> suspicion. Just be patient, asthings tend to always come together at the last minute.In conclusion, whoever said that “<strong>business</strong> <strong>is</strong> <strong>business</strong>” may have underestimatedthe powerful impact of cultural differences. As one keen observer remarked: “Wedon’t see things as they are... we see things as we are”. No realm, from the privateto the public, can elude culture’s unyielding grip. The w<strong>or</strong>ld of <strong>business</strong> <strong>is</strong> noexception.l<strong>or</strong>o a volte eccessiva preoccupazione per il tempo,gli americani appaiono più interessati al r<strong>is</strong>petto de<strong>it</strong>empi prev<strong>is</strong>ti da un programma (anche r<strong>is</strong>petto alpiù piccolo dettaglio) che non allo sviluppo ed almantenimento di buone relazioni interpersonali,un’aspetto invece determinante nella culturaimprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iale <strong>it</strong>aliana. Gli americani desiderosi diinvestire in Italia dovrebbero dedicare del tempoa costruire un ricco netw<strong>or</strong>k di contatti, poiché gli<strong>it</strong>aliani sono sol<strong>it</strong>i sviluppare relazioni di affari conpersone che già conoscono. L’economia <strong>it</strong>aliana éf<strong>or</strong>temente caratterizzata dalla presenza di piccolee medie imprese (molte delle quali anc<strong>or</strong>a familiari),dove gli acc<strong>or</strong>di di affari sono spesso negoziatidirettamente dai proprietari e non da manager condefin<strong>it</strong>e responsabil<strong>it</strong>à.2) Inf<strong>or</strong>mal<strong>it</strong>à vs. f<strong>or</strong>mal<strong>it</strong>à: gli americani sonouno dei popoli meno f<strong>or</strong>mali al mondo, così comedimostrato dal l<strong>or</strong>o modo di vestire, il modo d<strong>is</strong>alutarsi (“hi” o “how are you” sono tipici saluti tracolleghi, ma anche tra un dipendente ed il suo capo),o il modo di presentarsi e relazionarsi. È molto comuneper un executive americano essere chiamato con ilnome di battesimo fin dal primo incontro, una praticanon comune in Italia dove è anc<strong>or</strong>a frequente l’utilizzodei t<strong>it</strong>oli per identificare il ruolo ed lo status di unapersona. A differenza degli <strong>it</strong>aliani – che hanno nell<strong>or</strong>o lessico un’ampia gamma di t<strong>it</strong>oli, Dott<strong>or</strong>e è il piùtipico e fa riferiferimento al possesso di una laurea –gli americani non amano i t<strong>it</strong>oli (un semplice Mr., Ms.,Dr. per i medici e studenti con una specializzazioneè sufficiente) perchè viene posta min<strong>or</strong>e attenzionealle f<strong>or</strong>me referenziali quando ci si confronta conpersone che occupano un ruolo più alto. Stranieri nonab<strong>it</strong>uati ad essere trattati “come chiunque altro” – uncomplimento per gli americani – potrebbero sentirsiimbarazzati o non r<strong>is</strong>pettati.3) Stile Diretto vs. Stile Indiretto nellaContrattazione: Quando è il momento di esprimereuna valutazione negativa, gli americani tendono adessere più diretti degli <strong>it</strong>aliani, preferendo chiarire dasub<strong>it</strong>o quale è il punto centrale. Gli <strong>it</strong>aliani tendonoinvece a soffermarsi su argomenti introduttivinell’intento di addolcire le cattive notizie, una praticaquesta che potrebbe creare un senso di sfiducianell’interlocut<strong>or</strong>e americano, che prefer<strong>is</strong>ce averedelle r<strong>is</strong>poste dirette. Allo stesso tempo, comunque,gli americani dovrebbero comprendere che gli <strong>it</strong>alianiimpiegano piú tempo a chiudeere una negoziazione,ma si dimostrano poi più flessibili quando si tratta dimodificare le regole stabil<strong>it</strong>e. Gli americani dovrebberecapire che gli <strong>it</strong>aliani tendono a percepire un qualsias<strong>is</strong>enso di urgenza della controparte come segno didebolezza o sospetto. Restate calmi, perchè si riescesempre a r<strong>is</strong>olvere tutto prima della fine.In conclusione, chiunque abbia detto che “<strong>business</strong><strong>is</strong> <strong>business</strong>” potrebbe aver sottostimato il potenteimpatto delle differenze culturali. Come una sagacescr<strong>it</strong>trice ha detto: “noi non vediamo le cose percome sono, vediamo le cose per come siamo”. Innessun caso si puó escludere, dal pubblico al privato,l’inev<strong>it</strong>abile influenza della cultura. Ed il mondo degliaffari non è un’eccezione..15


They are smart, computer l<strong>it</strong>erate, financially savvy, diverse, high achievers,addicted to change, and not afraid to challenge the status quo…and they have yetto turn 30. Meet Generation Y, a term experts have coined f<strong>or</strong> the generation ofindividuals b<strong>or</strong>n roughly between 1978 and 1991 who account f<strong>or</strong> some 70 millionAmericans and 14% - 20% of the American w<strong>or</strong>kf<strong>or</strong>ce; by far the fastest growinglab<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ce segment. Many of them are just now beginning their careers at a timewhen substantial demographic change <strong>is</strong> tasking them to w<strong>or</strong>k alongside a rapidlyaging w<strong>or</strong>kf<strong>or</strong>ce that <strong>is</strong> often twice their age. The result: generational conflict inthe w<strong>or</strong>kplace and confusion among many managers who are struggling to recru<strong>it</strong>and retain them.These are the findings of researchers and scholars who have been studying theatt<strong>it</strong>udes of young Americans (and their oftentimes frustrated managers) to thew<strong>or</strong>kplace. J<strong>or</strong>dan Kaplan -- an associate managerial science profess<strong>or</strong> at LongIsland Univers<strong>it</strong>y-Brooklyn in New Y<strong>or</strong>k -- claims that Generation Y, unlike previousgenerations, has been accustomed to constant feedback, pra<strong>is</strong>e, and pampering.They are theref<strong>or</strong>e less inclined to accept m<strong>or</strong>e trad<strong>it</strong>ional command-andcontrolmanagement approaches that are still prevalent today. “They’ve grownup questioning their parents, and now they’re questioning their employers. Theydon’t know how to shut up, which <strong>is</strong> great, but that’s aggravating to the 50-year old manager who says, ‘Do <strong>it</strong> and do <strong>it</strong> now’”. In <strong>or</strong>der to accommodatethese youngsters -- who hail from a generation entirely different from any bef<strong>or</strong>e-- companies are re-thinking their policies. It <strong>is</strong> no wonder that c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate giantslike Google offer a whole host of special perks like time-off rewards, flexible w<strong>or</strong>kschedules, unlim<strong>it</strong>ed sick leave, extended matern<strong>it</strong>y/patern<strong>it</strong>y leave, on-s<strong>it</strong>e healthfairs, and even w<strong>or</strong>k-places equipped w<strong>it</strong>h oil change and car wash facil<strong>it</strong>ies,banking and f<strong>it</strong>ness centers, and complimentary breakfast, lunch, and dinner ona daily bas<strong>is</strong> (Sources: USA Today, “Generation Y: They’ve arrived at w<strong>or</strong>k w<strong>it</strong>h anew att<strong>it</strong>ude”, by Stephanie Armour, 11/6/2005; Great Place to W<strong>or</strong>k Inst<strong>it</strong>ute,“Google: Take Two”, 2008).Bruce Tulgan, who has been studying young people in the w<strong>or</strong>kplace since 1993,offers some poignant insights f<strong>or</strong> today’s managers trying to cope w<strong>it</strong>h th<strong>is</strong>changing landscape.Generation Y will be the most high maintenance w<strong>or</strong>kf<strong>or</strong>ce in the h<strong>is</strong>t<strong>or</strong>y of thew<strong>or</strong>ld. They will be m<strong>or</strong>e difficult to recru<strong>it</strong>, retain, motivate, and manage thanany other new generation to enter the w<strong>or</strong>kf<strong>or</strong>ce. But they will also be the mosthigh-perf<strong>or</strong>ming w<strong>or</strong>kf<strong>or</strong>ce in h<strong>is</strong>t<strong>or</strong>y, f<strong>or</strong> those who know how to manage themproperly. Th<strong>is</strong> high-maintenance w<strong>or</strong>kf<strong>or</strong>ce calls f<strong>or</strong> strong leadership, not weak.Here are the seven most imp<strong>or</strong>tant things you need to know about managingGeneration Y:1. They have high expectations, first and f<strong>or</strong>emost, f<strong>or</strong> themselves. They expectto identify problems nobody else has identified, solve problems nobody else hassolved, and do things smarter. They expect to prove themselves to themselves andto you. They expect to do m<strong>or</strong>e w<strong>or</strong>k better and faster than the next guy.2. They also have high expectations f<strong>or</strong> you. They expect you to know who they areand help them succeed. They expect you to take note of their success and rewardthem acc<strong>or</strong>dingly. They expect you to be honest, direct, fair, and highly engagedSono intelligenti, conoscono l’inf<strong>or</strong>matica, sonofinanziariamente responsabili, diversi, ambiziosi,necess<strong>it</strong>ano cambiamenti continui, non hannopaura di combattere lo status quo… e non hannoanc<strong>or</strong>a raggiunto i 30 anni. Questo è l’identik<strong>it</strong>della Generazione Y, un termine che gli espertihanno coniato per identificare la generazione diindividui nati approssimativamente tra il 1978 edil 1991, che conta circa 70 milioni di americanie rappresenta il 14% - 20% della f<strong>or</strong>za lav<strong>or</strong>oamericana; di gran lunga il segmento della f<strong>or</strong>zalav<strong>or</strong>o con la cresc<strong>it</strong>a più rapida. Molti di l<strong>or</strong>oiniziano <strong>or</strong>a la l<strong>or</strong>o carriera, in un momento dicambio generazionale che li obbliga a confrontarsicon una f<strong>or</strong>za lav<strong>or</strong>o che ha spesso due volte lal<strong>or</strong>o età. Il r<strong>is</strong>ultato è un confl<strong>it</strong>to generazionale sulposto di lav<strong>or</strong>o e confusione tra i manager che condifficoltà riescono ad assumere e trattenere i nuoviarrivati.Questi sono i r<strong>is</strong>ultati di ricercat<strong>or</strong>i e studiosi chehanno analizzato le att<strong>it</strong>udini dei giovani Americani(e dei l<strong>or</strong>o spesso frustrati manager) sul posto dilav<strong>or</strong>o. J<strong>or</strong>dan Kaplan - profess<strong>or</strong>e associato d<strong>is</strong>cienze manageriali all’Univers<strong>it</strong>à di Long Island-Brooklyn a New Y<strong>or</strong>k - afferma che la GenerazioneY, contrariamente ad altre generazioni, è stataab<strong>it</strong>uata a feedback costanti e gratificazioni.Sono, pertanto, meno inclini ad accettare il piùtradizionale approccio di comando e controllo cheè anc<strong>or</strong>a prevalente oggi.“Sono cresciuti ponendo domande ai l<strong>or</strong>o gen<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>ied <strong>or</strong>a le pongono ai l<strong>or</strong>o capi. Non sanno starein silenzio, che è un pregio, ma che esaspera imanager cinquantenni ab<strong>it</strong>uati a dire ‘Fallo cosìe fallo <strong>or</strong>a’”. Con l’obiettivo di mettere i nuovigiovani - che appartengono ad una generazionediversa da qualsiasi delle precedenti - nellecondizioni di lav<strong>or</strong>are al meglio, le società stann<strong>or</strong>ipensando le l<strong>or</strong>o pol<strong>it</strong>iche <strong>or</strong>ganizzative. Nongenera quindi stup<strong>or</strong>e se giganti come Googleoffrono come ricompensa una grande varietàdi incentivi speciali quali tempo libero, <strong>or</strong>ario dilav<strong>or</strong>o flessibile, periodo di malattia illim<strong>it</strong>ato,matern<strong>it</strong>à prolungata, check-up gratu<strong>it</strong>i sul postodi lav<strong>or</strong>o, servizi di lavaggio dell’auto e cambio olio,servizi bancari, centri f<strong>it</strong>ness, e colazione-pranzocenagratu<strong>it</strong>i tutti i gi<strong>or</strong>ni. (Fonte: USA Today;“Generation Y: They’ve arrived at w<strong>or</strong>k w<strong>it</strong>h a newatt<strong>it</strong>ude”, di Stephanie Armour; 11/6/2005; GreatPlace to W<strong>or</strong>k Inst<strong>it</strong>ute, “Google: Take Two”, 2008).Bruce Tulgan, che studia il comp<strong>or</strong>tamento deigiovani sul posto di lav<strong>or</strong>o dal 1993, offre delleidee efficaci per i manager di oggi che devonoaffrontare il cambiamento.La Generazione Y sarà la f<strong>or</strong>za lav<strong>or</strong>o più difficileda gestire nella st<strong>or</strong>ia del mondo. L<strong>or</strong>o sarannopiù difficili da assumere, trattenere, motivare ed<strong>or</strong>ganizzare di ogni altra generazione entratanel mondo del lav<strong>or</strong>o. Ma saranno anche i piùefficienti ed efficaci per quelli che sapranno comegestirli. Questa esigente f<strong>or</strong>za lav<strong>or</strong>o richiede unaleadership f<strong>or</strong>te e non lasciva.Ecco le 7 cose ind<strong>is</strong>pensabili da sapere per potergestire la Generazione Y:1. Hanno grandi aspettative, soprattutto su se’stessi. Vogliono trovare problemi che nessuno hamai identificato, r<strong>is</strong>olvere problemi che nessunoha mai r<strong>is</strong>olto ed agire in modo più intelligente.Devono sempre dimostrare qualcosa a se’ stessi edagli altri. Vogliono sempre lav<strong>or</strong>are meglio e piùvelocemente del collega.2. Hanno anche grandi aspettative per il l<strong>or</strong>ocapo. Si aspettano che venga riconosciuto il l<strong>or</strong>opotenziale e di essere aiutati nella carriera, che il<strong>or</strong>o successi vengano notati e ricompenserati inmodo adeguato. Si apettano che il proprio capo siaonesto, diretto e legato a l<strong>or</strong>o in ogni passo.19

BUSINESSMeet Generation Y:America’s Fastest Growing Lab<strong>or</strong> F<strong>or</strong>ceevery step of the way. They would not have come to w<strong>or</strong>k f<strong>or</strong>you if they did not expect these things.3. They look at every employer as a hub of resourcesoffering: learning opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>ies, relationship opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>ies,opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>ies to tackle creative challenges and collect proofof their abil<strong>it</strong>y to add value, flexible w<strong>or</strong>k cond<strong>it</strong>ions, andfinancial and non-financial rewards.4. The number one question f<strong>or</strong> Generation Y at w<strong>or</strong>k <strong>is</strong>th<strong>is</strong>: “What’s the deal around here?”. If you do not answerthat question explic<strong>it</strong>ly on a regular bas<strong>is</strong>, you will lose theirenthusiasm… followed by losing their comm<strong>it</strong>ment. Theywant to know exactly what you want from them and whatyou have to offer them -- today, tom<strong>or</strong>row, and next week.5. The best way to hire Generation Y <strong>is</strong> to build a recru<strong>it</strong>ingmessage that answers the question, “What’s the deal?”.The goal <strong>is</strong> to attract a large well-qualified applicant poolf<strong>or</strong> each pos<strong>it</strong>ion so that you can be very selective. Speed<strong>is</strong> imp<strong>or</strong>tant in hiring, but not as imp<strong>or</strong>tant as makinggood hires. Bef<strong>or</strong>e you test and <strong>interview</strong> an applicant, firsttry scaring them away by giving them all the downsidesand telling them how very much you expect from them.6. Generation Y wants to get on board and up to speed veryfast. The w<strong>or</strong>st thing you can do to a Generation Y new hire<strong>is</strong> leave them s<strong>it</strong>ting around wa<strong>it</strong>ing… Be ready f<strong>or</strong> them.20

INTERNATIONAL * IMMIGRATION* ENTERTAINMENT * REAL ESTATE * CORPORATE* INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWwhen they arrive. Put them into a high activ<strong>it</strong>y, high learningenvironment immediately. They want to own some task <strong>or</strong>responsibil<strong>it</strong>y as soon as possible, no matter how small <strong>it</strong> maybe. Train them f<strong>or</strong> that task immediately and hand <strong>it</strong> over.Then give them one new task at a time, first training themup to speed and then handing <strong>it</strong> over. That <strong>is</strong> what GenYdevelopment looks like.7. Generation Y employees thrive on small goals w<strong>it</strong>h sh<strong>or</strong>tdeadlines. The number one rule f<strong>or</strong> managing Generation Y:Break <strong>it</strong> down into smaller pieces. Then break <strong>it</strong> down somem<strong>or</strong>e (Source: Bruce Tulgan, “Managing Generation Y”,9/2007).As managers all across America struggle to accommodatethe lab<strong>or</strong> f<strong>or</strong>ce’s newest arrival, Europe and Italy must alsocope w<strong>it</strong>h the demands of a new generation of w<strong>or</strong>kers whoare challenging the establ<strong>is</strong>hed rules. While change <strong>is</strong> nevereasy, <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> always inev<strong>it</strong>able. Certainly, Generation Y, like thosebef<strong>or</strong>e <strong>it</strong>, will leave <strong>it</strong>s own unique legacy.CHANDER R. FINLEY, ESQ.Fl<strong>or</strong>ida Board CertiedInternational LawyerU.S. Federal Court Southern D<strong>is</strong>trict of Fl<strong>or</strong>idaAmerican Immigration Lawyers AssociationItaly-America Chamber of Commerce SoutheastSTEFANIA BOLOGNA, ESQ.Fl<strong>or</strong>ida Bar MemberAmerican Bar AssociationInternational Bar AssociationNational Italian-American Bar Associationdel perc<strong>or</strong>so. Non avrebbero mai accettato il lav<strong>or</strong>o se non si fossero aspettat<strong>it</strong>utto questo.3. Guardano a ciascun dat<strong>or</strong>e di lav<strong>or</strong>o come ad una r<strong>is</strong><strong>or</strong>sa che offre l<strong>or</strong>ol’opp<strong>or</strong>tun<strong>it</strong>à di imparare, conoscere, affrontare sfide nuove e raccoglierele prove della l<strong>or</strong>o capac<strong>it</strong>à di aggiungere val<strong>or</strong>e, lav<strong>or</strong>are in condizioni diflessibil<strong>it</strong>á e ottenere benefici monetari e non.4. La domanda piú frequente posta dalla Generazione Y al lav<strong>or</strong>o è: “Comefunzionano le cose qui?”. Se non r<strong>is</strong>pondete alla domanda in modo chiaro eperiodicamente, perderete il l<strong>or</strong>o entusiasmo e di conseguenza il l<strong>or</strong>o impegno.Vogliono sempre sapere esattamente che cosa ci si aspetta da l<strong>or</strong>o e che cosasi ha da offrire l<strong>or</strong>o, oggi, domani e la prossima settimana.5. Il modo migli<strong>or</strong>e di selezionare la Generazione Y è di trasmettere unmessaggio di assunzione che r<strong>is</strong>ponde alla domanda “Come funzionano le cosequi?”, con l’obiettivo di attrarre un’ampia rosa di candidati ben qualificati perciascuna posizione così da poter essere molto selettivi. La veloc<strong>it</strong>à è imp<strong>or</strong>tantenel processo di assunzione, ma non quanto lo è il fare la scelta giusta. Primadi avere un colloquio con un candidato, cercate di spaventarlo presentandogl<strong>it</strong>utti i lati negativi del lav<strong>or</strong>o e d<strong>it</strong>egli quanto esattamente vi aspettate da lui.6. I giovani della generazione Y vogliono salire a b<strong>or</strong>do e c<strong>or</strong>rere veloci. Lacosa peggi<strong>or</strong>e che voi possiate fare ad un neo-assunto della Generazione Ye lasciarlo seduto ad aspettare... Siate pronti per l<strong>or</strong>o quando arriveranno.Inser<strong>it</strong>elo da sub<strong>it</strong>o all’interno di un ambiente dove si puó imparare elav<strong>or</strong>are molto. L<strong>or</strong>o vogliono avere sempre un comp<strong>it</strong>o da eseguire ouna responsabil<strong>it</strong>à, non imp<strong>or</strong>ta quanto piccola. Insegnategli cosa fareimmediatamente e lasciateli fare. È così che la generazione Y dovrebbe esseregest<strong>it</strong>a.7. Gli impiegati della Generazione Y prosperano sui piccoli obiettivi a brevescadenza. La regola numero uno per governare la Generazione Y: rompetelain piccoli pezzi, e poi fatene pezzi anc<strong>or</strong>a più piccoli (Fonte: Bruce Tulgan,“Managing Generation Y”, 9/2007).Così come negli Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i i manager gest<strong>is</strong>cono con difficoltà la f<strong>or</strong>za lav<strong>or</strong>odei nuovi arrivati, anche l’Europa e l’Italia devono confrontarsi con le esigenzedi una nuova generazione di lav<strong>or</strong>at<strong>or</strong>i che combatte le consolidate regolees<strong>is</strong>tenti.Sappiamo che il cambiamento non è facile, ma altresí inev<strong>it</strong>abile. Certamentela Generazione Y, come quelle precedenti, lascerà il suo segno d<strong>is</strong>tintivo.MiamiWashington Mutual Bank Bldg.150 SE 2nd Avenue, Su<strong>it</strong>e 1010Miami, FL 33131Ph: 305-379-7676 Fax: 305-379-2321Boca RatonAtrium Financial Center1515 N. Federal Highway, Su<strong>it</strong>e 300Boca Raton, FL 33432Ph: 561-478-9930 Fax: 561-478-9945E-mail: nleybologna@aol.comWest Palm BeachMellon Un<strong>it</strong>ed National Bank Bldg.1645 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd., Su<strong>it</strong>e 460West Palm Beach FL 33401Ph: 561-478-9930 Fax: 561-478-9930The Law Firm of Finley & Bologna International represents U.S. and Italian clientele on c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate and immigration <strong>is</strong>sues and focuseson commercial and residential real state, international <strong>business</strong> including agency and d<strong>is</strong>tribution agreements, trademark of f<strong>or</strong>eignbrand names, and the entertainment industry including contracts and negotiations f<strong>or</strong> music, lm and the perf<strong>or</strong>ming arts. StefaniaBologna, Esq., b<strong>or</strong>n in Italy, <strong>is</strong> a Fl<strong>or</strong>ida Bar att<strong>or</strong>ney, and received her Fl<strong>or</strong>ida Jur<strong>is</strong> Doct<strong>or</strong> Degree in 1997 and Master in ComparativeLaw in 1994, and her Italian Jur<strong>is</strong> Doct<strong>or</strong> from the Univers<strong>it</strong>y of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1991. Chandler Finley, Esq, a native b<strong>or</strong>n inMiami and an Italian c<strong>it</strong>izen, received h<strong>is</strong> Jur<strong>is</strong> Doct<strong>or</strong> Degree and Fl<strong>or</strong>ida Bar since 1988, and <strong>is</strong> board certied by the Fl<strong>or</strong>ida Bar asa special<strong>is</strong>t in International Law, and <strong>is</strong> a real estate closing & t<strong>it</strong>le insurance agent.The hiring of a lawyer <strong>is</strong> an imp<strong>or</strong>tant dec<strong>is</strong>ion that shouldnot be based solely on advert<strong>is</strong>ements.Bef<strong>or</strong>e you decide, ask us to send you free wr<strong>it</strong>ten inf<strong>or</strong>mationabout our qualications and experience.

INTERVIEWInterview w<strong>it</strong>h Massimo CellinoBY SILVIA CADAMUROMassimo Cellino was b<strong>or</strong>n in 1956 in Cagliari, Sardinia, where he graduated w<strong>it</strong>h adegree in accounting and later attended the Department of Economics and Business.He <strong>is</strong> an industrial<strong>is</strong>t, husband of Francesca Boero, and proud father of three:Ercole, Edoardo, and Eleon<strong>or</strong>a. He interrupted h<strong>is</strong> studies in the 1970s and begancollab<strong>or</strong>ating w<strong>it</strong>h h<strong>is</strong> father, Ercole, in the management of the family <strong>business</strong>es.From 1978 to 1983 he lived in Australia.Although the Group has diversified <strong>it</strong>s commercial and entrepreneurial interestsover the years, <strong>it</strong>s principal activ<strong>it</strong>ies remain the commercialization and processingof grains and cereals. To th<strong>is</strong> day, the Cellino Group <strong>is</strong> considered one of Europe’sprincipal milling companies.In the 1990s, the Group’s members processed over three million quintals of grain(70% of Sardinia’s entire grain production), making the Cellino Group the 7th largestimp<strong>or</strong>ter of grain in the w<strong>or</strong>ld. At that time the Group averaged annual revenues ofaround 400 billion lire (w<strong>it</strong>h some 450 employees and roughly 1,200 contract<strong>or</strong>s) andconst<strong>it</strong>uted a fundamental source of income f<strong>or</strong> a considerable number of Sardinianfamilies. Thanks to Massimo Cellino’s eff<strong>or</strong>ts, the Cellino Group jumped from some30 billion lire in annual revenue in 1982 to m<strong>or</strong>e than 1000 billion lire in 1992.F<strong>or</strong> h<strong>is</strong> succes s in the entrepreneurial and <strong>business</strong> realm, in 1994 Massimo Cellinowas conferred an hon<strong>or</strong>ary degree in Economics by Columbia Univers<strong>it</strong>y of NewY<strong>or</strong>k, an achievement he <strong>is</strong> extremely proud of. Subsequently, in 1992, he becamePresident of the Cagliari Soccer Team, a maj<strong>or</strong> league Italian soccer club, bringingall h<strong>is</strong> entrepreneurial experience w<strong>it</strong>h him. In 1999, he decided to dedicate himselfentirely to soccer, leaving h<strong>is</strong> previous duties in the family <strong>business</strong>es. H<strong>is</strong> interestsalso encompass the international real estate sect<strong>or</strong>.In sp<strong>it</strong>e of the well-known “soccer cr<strong>is</strong><strong>is</strong>,” Massimo Cellino, successful entrepreneurand President of an Italian soccer team, boasts an enviable balance. Why did youdecide to move to Miami?Living in Cagliari had become too difficult. The soccer s<strong>it</strong>uation in Italy has becomeMassimo Cellino nasce a Cagliari nel 1956, dovesi diploma come Ragioniere e poi frequenta peralcuni anni la Facoltà di Economia e Commercio.Industriale. Sposato con la Sign<strong>or</strong>a FrancescaBoero, ha tre figli: Ercole, Edoardo ed Eleon<strong>or</strong>a.Negli anni Settanta, interrotti gli studi, inizia acollab<strong>or</strong>are con il padre Ercole nella gestione delleaziende di famiglia. Dal 1978 al 1983 si stabil<strong>is</strong>cein Australia.Il Gruppo ha negli anni differenziato i propriinteressi commerciali ed imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iali, ma la suaprincipale attiv<strong>it</strong>à rimane la commercializzazione etrasf<strong>or</strong>mazione dei cereali. Ad oggi il Gruppo puòessere annoverato a pieno t<strong>it</strong>olo tra le principaliindustrie mol<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>ie europee.Negli anni Novanta, le aziende del Gruppo hannolav<strong>or</strong>ato oltre tre milioni di quintali di grano, trai quali circa il 70% dell’intera produzione sarda,e veniva considerato il settimo imp<strong>or</strong>tat<strong>or</strong>emondiale di cereali. All<strong>or</strong>a il Gruppo delle aziendedi famiglia, con un fatturato medio annuoconsolidato di circa 400 miliardi delle vecchielire, tra dipendenti (450) e lav<strong>or</strong>at<strong>or</strong>i dell’indotto(valutabile in circa 1200), cost<strong>it</strong>uiva unaimp<strong>or</strong>tante fonte di guadagno e di sopravvivenzaper un numero considerevole di famiglie sarde.Massimo Cellino p<strong>or</strong>ta il Gruppo dai 30 miliardidi fatturato del 1982 agli oltre 1000 miliardireg<strong>is</strong>trati nel 1992.Per i successi consegu<strong>it</strong>i nel campo economicoindustriale,nel 1994 ha ricevuto presso l’Univers<strong>it</strong>àstatun<strong>it</strong>ense Columbia Univers<strong>it</strong>y New Y<strong>or</strong>k N.Y.la Laurea Hon<strong>or</strong><strong>is</strong> Causa in Scienze Economiche,della quale è molto fiero.Presidente del Cagliari Calcio dal 10 giugno 1992,f<strong>or</strong>te del suo bagaglio di esperienze acqu<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong>enelle sue attiv<strong>it</strong>à imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iali, nel 1999 decidedi dedicare al calcio molte delle sue energiedimettendosi dalle cariche che riprova all’internodelle altre aziende di famiglia. Si dedica anche alsett<strong>or</strong>e immobiliare internazionale.Imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>e di successo e presidente di unasquadra che nonostante la “cr<strong>is</strong>i del calcio” vantabilanci impeccabili. Per quale motivo ha scelto di.22

unacceptable: there <strong>is</strong> simply too much violence and team Presidents are fleeing.Paradoxically, <strong>it</strong> <strong>is</strong> football teams themselves that are blamed f<strong>or</strong> th<strong>is</strong> h<strong>or</strong>rific s<strong>it</strong>uation.In the U.S., th<strong>is</strong> does not happen.What do you appreciate most about the American lifestyle?The freedom and spir<strong>it</strong> of enterpr<strong>is</strong>e. If an individual has good ideas and <strong>is</strong> determined,no one will ever clip h<strong>is</strong>/her wings; on the contrary, people tend to supp<strong>or</strong>t othersin their creative endeav<strong>or</strong>s. I also admire the secur<strong>it</strong>y that police f<strong>or</strong>ces ensure toc<strong>it</strong>izens.Cagliari <strong>is</strong> well-known f<strong>or</strong> having launched several international-level players. Do youthink the U.S can be a source of future soccer champions?Yes, of course. As far as soccer <strong>is</strong> concerned, the U.S. represents in many waysvirgin soil. There are talented players, but they need to be helped to develop theirpotential. By creating the Cagliari Strike F<strong>or</strong>ce, a team where young players aretrained to become high-level sp<strong>or</strong>tsmen, we took a first step in that direction. Weare extremely sat<strong>is</strong>fied w<strong>it</strong>h the results, although maj<strong>or</strong> accompl<strong>is</strong>hments will only beseen in the long-term.Let’s talk about your future. Besides the Cagliari team, will you set off on new <strong>business</strong>ventures?We’re actually w<strong>or</strong>king on something right now, but I want to make clear that soccer<strong>is</strong> a serious job f<strong>or</strong> us, not just a hobby. There will certainly be time f<strong>or</strong> other activ<strong>it</strong>ies,but f<strong>or</strong> the time being soccer <strong>is</strong> my absolute pri<strong>or</strong><strong>it</strong>y.spostare la sua residenza a Miami?La mia permanenza a Cagliari era diventataproblematica. Ormai la s<strong>it</strong>uazione del calcio <strong>it</strong>alianoè degenerata. C’è troppa violenza, e i President<strong>is</strong>tanno scappando. Il paradosso è che la colpa diquesta s<strong>it</strong>uazione viene impropriamente data allesocietà. Negli Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i tutto ciò non succede.Cosa apprezza maggi<strong>or</strong>mente dello stile di v<strong>it</strong>aamericano?La libertà e lo spir<strong>it</strong>o d’iniziativa. Se una personaha voglia di fare e ha idee, non gli tarpano le ali,anzi viene aiutato a sviluppare la propria creativ<strong>it</strong>à.Aggiungerei anche la sicurezza garant<strong>it</strong>a dalle f<strong>or</strong>zedi polizia che proteggono il c<strong>it</strong>tadino.Il Cagliari è celebre per aver “lanciato” diversigiocat<strong>or</strong>i di livello internazionale. Secondo leigli USA possono essere un serbatoio di futuricampioni?Sicuramente. È un terr<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>io per certi versi anc<strong>or</strong>avergine per il calcio. Ci sono dei grandi talenti, mavanno aiutati a crescere. Noi con la creazione delCagliari Strike F<strong>or</strong>ce abbiamo voluto compiere unprimo passo: una squadra giovanile con dei ragazzida allevare e che possano diventare profession<strong>is</strong>tiad alto livello. Questa squadra ci sta dando dellesodd<strong>is</strong>fazioni, ma i r<strong>is</strong>ultati veri si vedranno a lungotermine.Nel suo futuro c’e’ solo il Cagliari o la vedremoimpegnato in altre avventure imprend<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iali?Stiamo facendo alcune cose, ma sia ben chiaro cheil calcio per noi è un lav<strong>or</strong>o, non un hobby. Ci saràcertamente spazio per altre attiv<strong>it</strong>à, ma per adessoè il calcio che ha la pri<strong>or</strong><strong>it</strong>à.OWN THE GOOD LIFE, CIPRIANI–STYLE.elegant, d<strong>is</strong>tingu<strong>is</strong>hed and dedicatedto the perfection of pleasure.CIPRIANIOCEANRESORTANDCLUB RESIDENCESSOUTH BEACHSALES AND DESIGN LOUNGE:3201 COLLINS AVENUE, MIAMI BEACHPHONE: 305.535.3009 CIPRIANIMIAMI.COMTMORAL REPRESENTATIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATING THE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE DEVELOPER. FOR CORRECTREPRESENTATIONS, REFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE TO THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 718.503 FLORIDA STATUTES, TO BE FURNISHED BY ADEVELOPER TO A BUYER OR LESSEE. THIS OFFERING IS MADE ONLY BY THE PROSPECTUS FOR THE CONDOMINIUM AND NO STATEMENT SHOULD BERELIED UPON IF NOT MADE IN THE PROSPECTUS. THIS IS NOT AN OFFER TO SELL, OR SOLICITATION TO BUY THE CONDOMINIUM UNITS IN STATESWHERE SUCH OFFER OR SOLICITATION CANNOT BE MADE. PRICES, FEATURES, AND SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE.

R2BR&D Incentives f<strong>or</strong> IndustryBY ANTONIO NANNI, PH.D., P.E., PROFESSOR AND CHAIR DEPT. OF CIVIL, ARCH. & ENVIRON. ENGINEERING,UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI, NANNI@MIAMI.EDUIn the April 2008 <strong>is</strong>sue of .<strong>it</strong>, we made the case f<strong>or</strong>the imp<strong>or</strong>tance of innovation in industry. Th<strong>is</strong> articleattempts to provide some guidance to companiesdoing <strong>business</strong> in the U.S. in terms of tax incentives toResearch and Development (R&D) activ<strong>it</strong>ies.BackgroundCompanies of all sizes have been eligible f<strong>or</strong> substantial taxrelief under the Federal R&D Tax Cred<strong>it</strong> Program. In the taxw<strong>or</strong>ld, R&D <strong>is</strong> defined much m<strong>or</strong>e broadly than in scientificcircles. Research that qualifies companies f<strong>or</strong> the Federal R&DTax Cred<strong>it</strong> Program includes much m<strong>or</strong>e than just new productdevelopment. Expend<strong>it</strong>ures to improve ex<strong>is</strong>ting products aswell as to develop <strong>or</strong> improve processes also qualify. TheInternal Revenue Service (IRS) defines R&D expend<strong>it</strong>ures asthose “incident to the development <strong>or</strong> improvement of aproduct,” including the costs and att<strong>or</strong>ney’s fees associatedw<strong>it</strong>h obtaining a patent. The IRS defin<strong>it</strong>ion of “product”includes f<strong>or</strong>mulas, inventions, patent, pilot models,processes and techniques. Excluded expend<strong>it</strong>ures includequal<strong>it</strong>y control testing, advert<strong>is</strong>ing and promotion, consumersurveys, efficiency surveys, management studies, researchf<strong>or</strong> l<strong>it</strong>erary, h<strong>is</strong>t<strong>or</strong>ical <strong>or</strong> similar projects, and the acqu<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong>ionof another’s patent, model, production <strong>or</strong> process. In sh<strong>or</strong>t,much of a company’s day-to-day operation may qualify <strong>it</strong> f<strong>or</strong>th<strong>is</strong> benef<strong>it</strong>.It <strong>is</strong> estimated that m<strong>or</strong>e than $8 billion in R&D tax cred<strong>it</strong>s areawarded annually to qualified companies in the U.S. Yet, IRSestimates that only a mere 20% of companies that qual<strong>it</strong>yhave taken advantage of th<strong>is</strong> program designed to encourageinnovation. Over the past 25 years, the R&D Tax Cred<strong>it</strong> Programhas been an elusive target f<strong>or</strong> many <strong>business</strong>es. The roadblocksto claiming R&D tax cred<strong>it</strong>s include lack of awareness andthe time required to document a company’s eligibil<strong>it</strong>y. Also,many companies find <strong>it</strong> ambiguous and difficult to interpretstatut<strong>or</strong>y and regulat<strong>or</strong>y descriptions of the tax code. Since<strong>it</strong>s creation in 1981, the R&D Tax Cred<strong>it</strong> Program has died and.24

has been resurrected at least 11 times by Congress, but never made permanent.Table 1 shows a snapshot of the s<strong>it</strong>uation as of today (see TABLE 1).Private industry expend<strong>it</strong>ures R&D have increased to about two-thirds of nationalR&D spending, as the government’s p<strong>or</strong>tion has declined, from 1.92 percent ofGDP in 1964 to 0.80 percent of GDP in 2004. While R&D <strong>is</strong> often considered thedomain of large companies, smaller <strong>business</strong>es have m<strong>or</strong>e to gain, as the value ofthe R&D cred<strong>it</strong> as a percentage of their assets can be as high as 9.4 percent. Of the16,000 <strong>business</strong>es using the R&D cred<strong>it</strong>, m<strong>or</strong>e than 4,500 companies have assetsof less than $1 million.Businesses must first determine their base amount of R&D expense. The <strong>business</strong>can claim 20 percent of R&D expenses over that base amount, which will varyfrom <strong>business</strong> to <strong>business</strong>. The w<strong>or</strong>k must be done in the U.S. f<strong>or</strong> U.S. researchand development. Businesses may be able to go back as far as three years inclaiming the R&D cred<strong>it</strong>. Utilizing the R&D tax cred<strong>it</strong> can result in “found money”f<strong>or</strong> <strong>business</strong>es, allowing investment in further research and development <strong>or</strong> other<strong>business</strong> growth activ<strong>it</strong>ies.Finally, tax incentives to promote R&D are also provided at the state level w<strong>it</strong>htheir myriad variations across states as, f<strong>or</strong> example, a nonrefundable tax cred<strong>it</strong>against the c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate franch<strong>is</strong>e tax designed to encourage c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ations to invest inincreased research and development activ<strong>it</strong>ies. In general, many states model theircred<strong>it</strong>s on the federal cred<strong>it</strong>.2008 Leg<strong>is</strong>lative UpdateThe R&D tax cred<strong>it</strong> expired December 31, 2007 f<strong>or</strong> the 13th time. On April 17,Società di tutte le dimensioni hanno avuto lapossibil<strong>it</strong>à di avvalersi degli sgravi f<strong>is</strong>cali del “FederalR&D Tax Cred<strong>it</strong> Program”. Nella finanza, l’attiv<strong>it</strong>à diR&S è defin<strong>it</strong>a in modo molto più ampio di quantolo sia nei circoli scientifici. Le attiv<strong>it</strong>à di ricerca chepermettono alle società di utilizzare il “Federal R&DTax Cred<strong>it</strong> Program” includono molto di più del solosviluppo di nuovi prodotti. Le spese sostenute permigli<strong>or</strong>are prodotti es<strong>is</strong>tenti così come per sviluppareo migli<strong>or</strong>are dei processi ricadono nelle attiv<strong>it</strong>à diR&S prev<strong>is</strong>te dal programma. L’IRS (Internal RevenueService) defin<strong>is</strong>ce spese come quei “casi di sviluppoo migli<strong>or</strong>amento di un prodotto”, inclusi i costi e lecomm<strong>is</strong>sioni associate all’ottenimento di un brevetto.La definizione dell’IRS di “prodotto” include f<strong>or</strong>mule,invenzioni, brevetti, prototipi, processi e tecniche.Sono invece escluse quelle spese relative a test peril controllo della qual<strong>it</strong>à, pubblic<strong>it</strong>à e promozionedel prodotto, sondaggi tra i consumat<strong>or</strong>i, indagin<strong>is</strong>ull’efficienza, studi sulla gestione, ricerca letteraria,st<strong>or</strong>ica o di progetti simili, e l’acqu<strong>is</strong>izione di altruibrevetto, modello industriale, produzione o processo.In breve, molte delle attiv<strong>it</strong>à quotidiane dell’impresapotrebbero essere idonee per ottenere gli incentivi.Si stima che negli Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i siano concessi ogni annocirca $8 miliardi di incentivi per finanziare l’attiv<strong>it</strong>àdi R&S di società qualificate. Ciononostante, l’IRSstima che solo il 20% delle società qualificabili haeffettivamente usufru<strong>it</strong>o del programma nato perinc<strong>or</strong>aggiare l’innovazione. Negli ultimi 25 anni, ilprogramma “R&D Tax Cred<strong>it</strong>” è stato un obiettivoincerto per molte imprese. I principali ostacoli alric<strong>or</strong>so al programma di R&S sono stati la scarsadiffusione del programma stesso ed i tempi lunghiper produrre la documentazione necessaria perla richiesta dei benefici. Inoltre, molte compagnietrovano di difficile ed ambigua comprensione len<strong>or</strong>me ed i regolamenti della leg<strong>is</strong>lazione f<strong>is</strong>cale.Fin dalla sua nasc<strong>it</strong>a nel 1981, il “R&D Tax Cred<strong>it</strong>Program” è m<strong>or</strong>to e r<strong>is</strong><strong>or</strong>to almeno 11 volte ad operadel Congresso, ma mai reso permanente.TABLE 1: U.S. FEDERAL R&D TAX CREDIT PROGRAMAllows a maximum 10% incrementalcred<strong>it</strong> (a nominal 20% cred<strong>it</strong>) f<strong>or</strong>qualified R&D expend<strong>it</strong>ures in excessof a calculated base amount.The Alternative Simplified Cred<strong>it</strong> (ASC)provides companies w<strong>it</strong>h a cred<strong>it</strong> of12% of R&D expend<strong>it</strong>ures that exceed50% of average R&D expend<strong>it</strong>uresover the pri<strong>or</strong> three years.An Alternative Incremental ResearchCred<strong>it</strong> (AIRC) f<strong>or</strong>mula <strong>is</strong> also available.The AIRC computation combines athree tiered fixed-base percentagew<strong>it</strong>h a reduced three-tiered cred<strong>it</strong>percentage.The <strong>business</strong> deduction f<strong>or</strong> R&Dexpenses must be reduced by theamount of any R&D cred<strong>it</strong>.Consente di ricevere fino al 10%di cred<strong>it</strong>o aggiuntivo (per un val<strong>or</strong>enominale non superi<strong>or</strong>e al 20%)per spese giustificate di R&S ineccesso r<strong>is</strong>petto all’ammontare basestabil<strong>it</strong>o.L’ASC (Alternative Simplified Cred<strong>it</strong>)riconosce alle imprese un cred<strong>it</strong>opari al 12% sulle spese di R&S chesuperino del 50% la media dellespese in R&S reg<strong>is</strong>trate negli ultim<strong>it</strong>re anni.L’AIRC (Alternative IncrementalResearch Cred<strong>it</strong>) é un ulteri<strong>or</strong>emeccan<strong>is</strong>mo che combina 3scaglioni di percentuali su base f<strong>is</strong>sacon tre scaglioni di percentuale dicred<strong>it</strong>o ridotto.Gli sgravi ricevuti per le spese in R&Sdevono essere dedotti dal val<strong>or</strong>e deicred<strong>it</strong>i relativi alla stessaThe U.S. R&D Tax Cred<strong>it</strong>Program expired onDecember 31, 2007.In 2006, Congressenacted into law aseamless extension ofthe R&D tax cred<strong>it</strong> fromJanuary 1, 2006, throughDecember 31, 2007.Included in the law waslanguage to strengthenthe cred<strong>it</strong> w<strong>it</strong>h a newcred<strong>it</strong> f<strong>or</strong>mula called theAlternative SimplifiedCred<strong>it</strong> that becameeffective January 1, 2007through December 31,2007.Il “U.S. Tax Cred<strong>it</strong>Program” è scaduto il31 Dicembre 2007. Nel2006 il congresso legiferòuna pr<strong>or</strong>oga del “R&Dtax cred<strong>it</strong>” valida dal1 gennaio 2006 al 31dicembre 2007.Tale legge prevedevainoltre un raff<strong>or</strong>zamentodel meccan<strong>is</strong>mo dielargizione del cred<strong>it</strong>oattraverso l’utilizzo diuna nuova f<strong>or</strong>mulache prende il nome di“Alternative SimplifiedCred<strong>it</strong>”, il nuovo metodoè entrato in vig<strong>or</strong>e apartire dal 1 gennaio2007 fino al 31 dicembre2007..25

R2BR&D Incentives f<strong>or</strong> Industry2008, Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus and Ranking Member CharlesGrassley introduced S. 2886, the “Alternative Minimum Tax and Extenders TaxRelief Act of 2008,” a bill that includes a 2-year extension of the R&D tax cred<strong>it</strong>through the end of 2009 and strengthens the cred<strong>it</strong> by phasing in over two yearsan increase in the new cred<strong>it</strong> f<strong>or</strong>mula (Alternative Simplified Cred<strong>it</strong>) rate to 14% in2008 and 16% in 2009. Senate Finance Comm<strong>it</strong>tee markup of S. 2886 may occurbef<strong>or</strong>e the congressional Mem<strong>or</strong>ial Day recess.BIBLIOGRAPHYM<strong>or</strong><strong>is</strong>, F. 2004 “The U.S. Research and Experimentation Tax Cred<strong>it</strong> in the 1990s”,http://www.nsf.gov/stat<strong>is</strong>tics/infbrief/nsf05316/National Science Board (NSB). 2004. U.S. and International Research andDevelopment: Funds and Technology Linkages. In Science and EngineeringIndicat<strong>or</strong>s 2004, Volume 1, NSB 04-1. Arlington, VA: National ScienceFoundation.Wilson, D. 2005. "Beggar Thy Neighb<strong>or</strong>? The In-state vs. Out-of-state Impact ofState R&D Tax Cred<strong>it</strong>s." FRBSF W<strong>or</strong>king Paper 2005-08. http://www.frbsf.<strong>or</strong>g/publications/economics/papers/2005/wp05-08bk.pdfLa tabella 1 fotografa la s<strong>it</strong>uazione ad oggi.Le spese delle imprese private in R&S sonoaumentate fino ad essere pari a 2/3 della spesanazionale in R&S, a fronte di un calo della quotapubblica (dal 1.92% del PIL del 1964 al 0.80%del PIL nel 2004). Anche se la Ricerca e Sviluppo èspesso considerata dominio delle grandi imprese, lepiccole imprese hanno più da guadagnare, poichéil val<strong>or</strong>e del cred<strong>it</strong>o per R&S concesso puó arrivarea coprire il 9.4% del l<strong>or</strong>o patrimonio totale. Delle16,000 imprese che si avvalgono del cred<strong>it</strong>o perl’attiv<strong>it</strong>à di R&S, più di 4,500 sono società con unval<strong>or</strong>e del patrimonio inferi<strong>or</strong>e a $1 milione.Le imprese dovrebbero prima determinare la l<strong>or</strong>ospesa base per l’attiv<strong>it</strong>à di R&S. La società ha ildir<strong>it</strong>to di chiedere il 20% delle spese determinate,che variano da impresa ad impresa. Il lav<strong>or</strong>o deveessere fatto negli Stati Un<strong>it</strong>i per attiv<strong>it</strong>à di R&S negliStati Un<strong>it</strong>i. È possibile chiedere il cred<strong>it</strong>o con effett<strong>or</strong>etroattivo su spese sostenute fino a tre anni prima.Utilizzare il “R&D tax cred<strong>it</strong>” equivale ad avvalersidi un fondo in denaro che permette di finanziareinvestimenti in ulteri<strong>or</strong>i ricerche e attiv<strong>it</strong>à per lacresc<strong>it</strong>a dell’impresa.Infine, gli incentivi f<strong>is</strong>cali per promuovere l’attiv<strong>it</strong>àdi R&S sono prev<strong>is</strong>ti anche a livello statale, convariazioni tra stato e stato, come, per esempio,un cred<strong>it</strong>o di imposta non rimb<strong>or</strong>sabile sulla tassaapplicata ai franch<strong>is</strong>ing che ha lo scopo di incentivarei gruppi societari ad investire maggi<strong>or</strong>mente nelleattiv<strong>it</strong>à di ricerca e sviluppo. Più in generale, molt<strong>is</strong>tati hanno elab<strong>or</strong>ato il l<strong>or</strong>o schema di erogazionedei cred<strong>it</strong>i partendo dal modello federale.2008 Aggi<strong>or</strong>namento Leg<strong>is</strong>lativoPer la tredicesima volta il “R&D tax cred<strong>it</strong>” èscaduto il 31 dicembre del 2007. Il 17 aprile 2008,il presidente della comm<strong>is</strong>ione finanza del SenatoMax Baucus, insieme ad un altro componente dellacomm<strong>is</strong>sione, Charles Grassley, hanno introdottola S. 2886, la “Alternative Minimum Tax andExtenders Tax Relief Act of 2008.” La legge prevedeun’estensione di due anni del “R&D tax cred<strong>it</strong>”fino al 2009 e raff<strong>or</strong>za l’erogazione del cred<strong>it</strong>ointroducendo una nuova f<strong>or</strong>mula (AlternativeSimplified Cred<strong>it</strong>) che aumenta la percentuale sullespese fino al 14% nel 2008 e al 16% nel 2009. Ilvia libera della comm<strong>is</strong>sione finanze del Senato èprev<strong>is</strong>to prima della pausa dei lav<strong>or</strong>i del Congressoper le celebrazioni del Mem<strong>or</strong>ial Day.BibliografiaM<strong>or</strong><strong>is</strong>, F. 2004 “The U.S. Research andExperimentation Tax Cred<strong>it</strong> in the 1990s”,http://www.nsf.gov/stat<strong>is</strong>tics/infbrief/nsf05316/National Science Board (NSB). 2004. U.S. andInternational Research and Development: Funds andTechnology Linkages. In Science and EngineeringIndicat<strong>or</strong>s 2004, Volume 1, NSB 04-1. Arlington, VA:National Science Foundation.Wilson, D. 2005. "Beggar Thy Neighb<strong>or</strong>? TheIn-state vs. Out-of-state Impact of State R&D TaxCred<strong>it</strong>s". FRBSF W<strong>or</strong>king Paper 2005-08.http://www.frbsf.<strong>or</strong>g/publications/economics/papers/2005/wp05-08bk.pdf.26

Business LoungeBY NEVIO BOCCANERABig BusinessLast month Italian aerospace and defense companyFinmeccanica SpA purchased New Jersey defense companyDRS Technologies, Inc.The deal, valued at $5.2 billion, <strong>is</strong> the latest strategicmove by European aerospace and defense companiesmaneuvering f<strong>or</strong> better footholds in the w<strong>or</strong>ld's biggestdefense market. It <strong>is</strong> also a big national-secur<strong>it</strong>y test f<strong>or</strong> U.S.regulat<strong>or</strong>s, given the Italian government's roughly one-thirdownership of Finmeccanica.DRS <strong>is</strong> a maj<strong>or</strong> supplier to the U.S. mil<strong>it</strong>ary, which uses <strong>it</strong>sequipment in such frontline systems as the Aeg<strong>is</strong> destroyerand Abrams tank. Law-enf<strong>or</strong>cement agencies and the U.S.Department of Homeland Secur<strong>it</strong>y also use <strong>it</strong>s technologies.The company, founded in 1968, reg<strong>is</strong>tered revenues of$2.82 billion last year.Settling U.S.Class-Action Su<strong>it</strong>Italian dairy group Parmalat SpA reached an agreement tosettle the secur<strong>it</strong>ies class-action case against <strong>it</strong> in the U.S.Southern D<strong>is</strong>trict Court of New Y<strong>or</strong>k, removing the threat ofa lawsu<strong>it</strong> that has been weighing on <strong>it</strong>s stock.Under the agreement, Parmalat will <strong>is</strong>sue $10.5 millionin ex<strong>is</strong>ting shares to class members "in full sat<strong>is</strong>faction ofany and all claims asserted against <strong>it</strong> in the class action,w<strong>or</strong>ldwide." Based on current prices, the stock <strong>is</strong>sue willcost Parmalat around $36.8 million, compared to an <strong>or</strong>iginalclaim of $8 billion.Parmalat will also pay up to $1.5 million of the cost ofnotifying the class members of the settlement. Classmembers were f<strong>or</strong>mer company shareholders and otherinvest<strong>or</strong>s, who claimed they had been damaged byParmalat's bankruptcy.Parmalat faces another key legal test when <strong>it</strong> brings a caseagainst C<strong>it</strong>igroup Inc., alleging the U.S. bank contributedto <strong>it</strong>s spectacular bankruptcy in 2003. Enrico Bondi, chiefexecutive of the new Parmalat, has been pursuing dozensof banks that he alleges helped the dairy giant collapseunder a debt of €14 billion, in Europe's largest c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>atefailure. So far, he has obtained m<strong>or</strong>e than €1.3 billion insettlements from financial inst<strong>it</strong>utions in Europe and the U.S.Dig<strong>it</strong>al LeadershipThe Italian-French company STMicroelectronics, one ofEurope's largest chip makers, recently closed an imp<strong>or</strong>tanttransaction, buying dig<strong>it</strong>al-telev<strong>is</strong>ion chip maker Genes<strong>is</strong>Microchip Inc.Founded in 1987, Genes<strong>is</strong> Microchip Inc. <strong>is</strong> the establ<strong>is</strong>hedleading supplier of d<strong>is</strong>play image process<strong>or</strong>s in both theflat-panel TV and LCD mon<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong> markets. The w<strong>or</strong>ld‘s leadingtelev<strong>is</strong>ion and PC manufacturers rely on Genes<strong>is</strong>‘s awardwinning,patented technologies and d<strong>is</strong>play controllersolutions to produce v<strong>is</strong>ibly better and m<strong>or</strong>e vibrant imagesin their d<strong>is</strong>plays. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Calif<strong>or</strong>nia,Genes<strong>is</strong> operates on a global scale to serve customers intheir own countries w<strong>it</strong>h sales and supp<strong>or</strong>t centers in Taipei,Taiwan; Seoul, K<strong>or</strong>ea; Shenzhen, China; Tokyo, Japan andSingap<strong>or</strong>e. In add<strong>it</strong>ion to <strong>it</strong>s admin<strong>is</strong>trative and developmentcenter in the Silicon Valley, the company also maintains twodevelopment s<strong>it</strong>es in T<strong>or</strong>onto, Canada and Bangal<strong>or</strong>e, India.The acqu<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong>ion of Genes<strong>is</strong> strengthens STMicroelectronics’abil<strong>it</strong>y to expand <strong>it</strong>s leadership in dig<strong>it</strong>al consumertechnologies. STMicro's shares are traded on the New Y<strong>or</strong>kStock Exchange, on Euronext Par<strong>is</strong>, and on the Milan StockExchange. In 2007, the company's net revenues were $10billion..27

IT CULTUREMiami's Alter Ego Boasts ItalianInfluencesBY CLAUDIO PASTOR, DIRECTOR, SOCIETÁ DANTE ALIGHIERI / ITALIAN CULTURAL CENTER - MIAMIThe Vizcaya Museum and GardensIn the Italian collective imagination the name Miami evokes a series of vague yetenticing connotations: tropical climate, expansive beaches, fun, transgression, wildnights, sexual escapades, drugs, loud music of every type, exotic and spicy foods,palm trees, exclusive <strong>is</strong>lands, a virtual winter playground f<strong>or</strong> New England retirees,yachts and premium racing boats, cru<strong>is</strong>es f<strong>or</strong> the wealthy, casinos, extravagantentertainment, and water and land sp<strong>or</strong>ts, all showcasing an excessive and obsessivewellness. Of course, v<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>s will find th<strong>is</strong> (and much m<strong>or</strong>e) in Miami, particularly inthat <strong>is</strong>land called Miami Beach (actually another c<strong>it</strong>y connected by various bridgesto Greater Miami), a real<strong>it</strong>y which certainly fulfills those stereotypical images firstmentioned. But those who pay close attention will d<strong>is</strong>cover a Miami that intersectsand overlaps w<strong>it</strong>h that flashy and bo<strong>is</strong>terous Miami previously evoked.Take f<strong>or</strong> example, the pr<strong>is</strong>tinely maintained Art Deco D<strong>is</strong>trict, carefully rest<strong>or</strong>ed inthe 1980s in Miami Beach, evidence of a well preserved h<strong>is</strong>t<strong>or</strong>ical legacy, along w<strong>it</strong>hother imp<strong>or</strong>tant, yet dilapidated, arch<strong>it</strong>ectural structures and museums scatteredacross Miami-Dade County, not to mention those ever present art<strong>is</strong>tic events(exhib<strong>it</strong>ions, classical concerts, opera, conferences, l<strong>it</strong>erary presentations, andh<strong>is</strong>t<strong>or</strong>ical reenactments, all taking place under the watching eye of “Old Europe”and the omnipresent Latin American w<strong>or</strong>ld). Italians who are also aware of thesem<strong>or</strong>e noble aspects of Miami will find, first and f<strong>or</strong>emost, the widespread diffusionof the Italian language, not only in the many Italian restaurants (well deserving ofour pra<strong>is</strong>e f<strong>or</strong> bringing Italian culinary trad<strong>it</strong>ions to the U.S., even if in a slightly“Americanized” version), but also in other sect<strong>or</strong>s including finance, <strong>business</strong>, andconstruction (all led by a young managerial w<strong>or</strong>ld intent on expanding their <strong>business</strong>esthrough “Italianization”). These keen observers will later learn of the conspicuouspercentage of students in local schools, from the elementary to Univers<strong>it</strong>y level, thatdecide to study Italian as a means to learn our language and understand our past andIl nome Miami nell'immaginario collettivo<strong>it</strong>aliano susc<strong>it</strong>a una congerie di connotazioniconfusamente attraenti: clima tropicale, spiaggelungh<strong>is</strong>sime, divertimento, trasgressione, nottiroventi, facili conqu<strong>is</strong>te, droga, f<strong>or</strong>te musicadi ogni tipo e tendenza, cibi esotici e piccanti,palme, <strong>is</strong>ole esclusive, parad<strong>is</strong>o invernale deglianziani pensionati del New England, yachts emotoscafi d'altura, crociere per abbienti, casinó,spettacoli stravaganti e sp<strong>or</strong>ts di acqua e di terra,tutto all'insegna di un esasperato e ossessivowellness. Naturalmente questo e molto altro s<strong>it</strong>rovera a Miami, specialmente in quella puntaavanzata sul mare che é Miami Beach (in realtáun'altra c<strong>it</strong>tá collegata da diversi ponti allaGreater Miami), e il p<strong>it</strong>t<strong>or</strong>esco luogo comunee certamente giustificato. Ma chi avrá occhi eattenzione scoprirá un'altra Miami che s'intersecae si sovrappone a quella rum<strong>or</strong>osa e appar<strong>is</strong>centeprima evocata.Giá ad esempio l'acc<strong>or</strong>to e puntualemantenimento dell'Art Deco D<strong>is</strong>trict, restauratofedelmente negli anni '80 nella stessa Beach,testimonia la cura di un patrimonio st<strong>or</strong>ico,un<strong>it</strong>amente alle altre imp<strong>or</strong>tanti emergenzearch<strong>it</strong>ettiniche e museali sparse nel terr<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>iodella Miami-Dade County, per non parlare dellecontinue manifestazioni art<strong>is</strong>tiche (mostre,concerti classici, opere, conferenze, presentazionidi libri, rievocazioni st<strong>or</strong>iche, il tutto con sguardipers<strong>is</strong>tenti alla vecchia Europa, oltre cheall'onnipresente mondo Latino-Americano).Gli Italiani attenti anche a questi aspetti più"nobili" scopriranno prima di tutto la largadiffusione della nostra lingua non solo negli <strong>or</strong>mainumeros<strong>is</strong>simi r<strong>is</strong>t<strong>or</strong>anti <strong>it</strong>aliani, lodevolmenteprotesi a trasferire in US la nostra cucina(ovviamente con m<strong>or</strong>bidi racc<strong>or</strong>di al gustoamericano), ma anche in altri sett<strong>or</strong>i e financhenella finanza, nel commercio e nell'edilizia (mondomanageriale giovane e quindi teso ad espanders<strong>it</strong>ram<strong>it</strong>e l'<strong>it</strong>alianizazione), e apprenderanno poicon piacere quanto cospicua sia la percentuale d<strong>is</strong>tudenti - dalle elementari all'univers<strong>it</strong>á - che tra.28

contemp<strong>or</strong>ary culture. Many of them dream of, and later even undertake trips to Italy.Our Consul General, Hon. Marco Rocca, promotes and supp<strong>or</strong>ts frequentin<strong>it</strong>iatives and cultural and exchange events. In th<strong>is</strong> endeav<strong>or</strong>, the Consulate<strong>is</strong> always supp<strong>or</strong>ted by the Societa’ Dante Alighieri -- which in recent yearshas experienced a substantial increase in and development of <strong>it</strong>s activ<strong>it</strong>ies (i.e.courses in language, h<strong>is</strong>t<strong>or</strong>y/culture, culinary arts, wine tasting, and Latin, inadd<strong>it</strong>ion to conferences, readings, expos<strong>it</strong>ions, etc.) -- as well as the other<strong>or</strong>ganizations that facil<strong>it</strong>ate the diffusion and study of the Italian language.The spread of Italian culture has also been aided by the various agreementsestabl<strong>is</strong>hed w<strong>it</strong>h the cultural representatives of the most diffuse Latin Americancommun<strong>it</strong>ies present in Fl<strong>or</strong>ida (particularly from Cuba, Argentina, and Brazil),which have resulted in the proliferation of jointly <strong>or</strong>ganized and mutually enrichingcultural events including film festivals, musical perf<strong>or</strong>mances, and numerousother happenings. In particular, the Societa’ Dante Alighieri enjoys a blossomingpartnership w<strong>it</strong>h L’Alliance Franca<strong>is</strong>e, w<strong>it</strong>h whom <strong>it</strong> shares <strong>it</strong>s new central location.In a land where Engl<strong>is</strong>h and Span<strong>is</strong>h-speakers often complain about the use of"Spangl<strong>is</strong>h," Italian tour<strong>is</strong>ts will be taken aback by the warm welcome they will receiveand by a presentable and evolved Italian language which has become increasingly c<strong>or</strong>rectand prec<strong>is</strong>e. Surely, they will feel much closer to home than the 10,000 kilometers ofAtlantic Ocean that separate Miami from the "bel Paese ove il si' suona."le varie opzioni scelgono l'<strong>it</strong>aliano non solo comelingua ma anche come conoscenza della nostracultura passata e recente, sognando e poi spessoeffettuando davvero viaggi in Italia.Il nostro Consolato Generale, egregiamentediretto dal Dott. Marco Rocca, promuove esostiene frequenti iniziative ed eventi culturali e diinterscambio: in questo é affiancato costantementedalla Societá Dante Alighieri, che negli ultimi anniha v<strong>is</strong>to un grande incremento e sviluppo delle sueattiv<strong>it</strong>á (c<strong>or</strong>si di lingua, st<strong>or</strong>ia e arte, di gastronomiae cucina, di Winetasting, di Latino, oltre aconferenze, letture, esposizioni, ecc.) nonchédalle altre <strong>or</strong>ganizzazioni che si occupano delladiffusione e dell'insegnamento dell'<strong>it</strong>aliano.Molto hanno contribu<strong>it</strong>o anche vari acc<strong>or</strong>di conle rappresentanze culturali delle commun<strong>it</strong>ásudamericane piú numerose presenti in Fl<strong>or</strong>ida,specie Cubana, Argentina e Brasiliana, anche quicon la realizzazione di eventi, quali ad esempiofestival cinematografici o serate musicali, condottiin simbiosi e con larga fruizione recriproca.Particolare é poi la conc<strong>or</strong>de tess<strong>it</strong>ura di rapp<strong>or</strong>ticon l'Alliance Franca<strong>is</strong>e, con cui la Dante condividela nuova sede piú centrale e funzionale.Nella terra dove anglofoni e <strong>is</strong>panofoni lamentanol'uso dello "spangl<strong>is</strong>h," il tur<strong>is</strong>ta Italiano si stupirádella calda accoglienza che lo avvolgerá, da unadec<strong>or</strong>osa ed evoluta lingua <strong>it</strong>aliana, che tendesempre piú a divenire c<strong>or</strong>retta e prec<strong>is</strong>a, e s<strong>is</strong>entirá assai meno lontano di quanto i 10.000 Kmdi Atlantico lo separino dal "bel Paese ove il si'suona".Monique Troncone, CPA P.A.Accounting & Tax Special<strong>is</strong>tsBusiness ConsultantMonique Troncone, CPA P.A.Certified Public Accountant55 NE 5th Avenue, Su<strong>it</strong>e 501Boca Raton, FL 33432-5500E-mail: Monique@Troncone-cpa.comOffice: (561) 417-0308Direct: (561) 910-3112Fax: (561) 417-0803E-Fax: (561) 910-9922

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IACC Happenings1. 03.09.2008 Shark Valley Bike RideThe group of bikers ready at the meetingpoint2. 04.01.2008 Mercedes-Benz C<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ateRunThe Afram team bef<strong>or</strong>e the race5.3. 04.01.2008 ABiCC W<strong>or</strong>ld BusinessMonth InaugurationA group of IACC representatives spons<strong>or</strong>ingthe event: (from left) Frank Cifarelli fromOrvino Wines, Silvia Cadamuro from IACC,and John Fl<strong>or</strong>a from Fl<strong>or</strong>a Foods4. 04.04.2008 NIAF Ambassad<strong>or</strong>’s BallDr. Camillo Ric<strong>or</strong>di receiving the recogn<strong>it</strong>ionmedal from Guido Barilla5. 04.04.2008 NIAF Ambassad<strong>or</strong>’s BallH.E. Giovanni Castellaneta and ErosRamazzotti6. 04.04.2008 NIAF Ambassad<strong>or</strong>’s Ball(from left): De Simone, Danilo Nanni, L<strong>or</strong>ellaNerini Dal Pezzo6..31

IACC Happenings7. 8.9. 10.7. 04.30.2008 L’Aper<strong>it</strong>ivo Italiano @ Le BonRestaurant8. 04.30.2008 L’Aper<strong>it</strong>ivo Italiano @ Le BonRestaurant during the event the Crowning ofM<strong>is</strong>s Italia-Cuba 20089. 05.17.2008 F. Bellucci Mem<strong>or</strong>ial Tenn<strong>is</strong>TournamentThe final<strong>is</strong>ts (FROM LEFT): Costantino Cicchelli,Falco Od<strong>or</strong><strong>is</strong>io, Denn<strong>is</strong> Br<strong>it</strong>t, Oswaldo Simpaio,and Gustavo Beremblum11.10. 05.19.2008 F. Bellucci Mem<strong>or</strong>ial Tenn<strong>is</strong>TournamentA moment from the Award dinner at BotecoBrazilian Bar11. 05.22.2008 Italian Cooking Show II –Piedmont VS Tuscany12. 05.22.2008 Italian Cooking Show II –Piedmont VS TuscanyThe class during the demonstration12..32

13.13. 05.22.2008 Italian Cooking Show II –Piedmont VS TuscanyAmong the guests the Consul General of Italy inMiami, Hon. Marco Rocca w<strong>it</strong>h wife14.14. 05.22.2008 Italian Cooking Show II –Piedmont VS TuscanyThe chefs of the participating restaurants: (from left)Nicola and Fabrizio Carro from Quattro Restaurantand Riccardo Tognozzi from Blu RestaurantBeghelli N<strong>or</strong>th America3250 C<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate Way, Un<strong>it</strong> AMiramar, FL 33025P: (954) 442 6600F: (954) 442 6677“Safety f<strong>or</strong> Life”

Sustaining Member: Beghelli S.p.ABeghelli S.p.A., which <strong>is</strong> basedin Monteveglio, Bologna andhas been l<strong>is</strong>ted in the MilanStock Exchange since 1998,<strong>is</strong> the headquarters f<strong>or</strong> theBeghelli Group. Beghelli S.p.A.<strong>is</strong> responsible f<strong>or</strong> the Group’sstrategies and co<strong>or</strong>dination.In add<strong>it</strong>ion to the c<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ateoffices and the log<strong>is</strong>ticscenter that serves the Italianand European markets, ourMonteveglio prem<strong>is</strong>es are alsohome to lab<strong>or</strong>at<strong>or</strong>ies dedicatedto research and development,design, engineering, testing,and certification of Beghelliproducts.The Beghelli Group alsoincludes seven other international research, production, andtrading subsidiaries, including Beghelli N<strong>or</strong>th America, whichco<strong>or</strong>dinates Beghelli USA, Beghelli Canada, and Beghelli deMéxico. Beghelli’s westward journey began <strong>it</strong>s internationaloperations in the USA, thereafterexpanding to the Mexican andsubsequently Canadian market.In the lighting industry, especiallyin the Life Safety line, BeghelliUSA, located in Miramar, Fl<strong>or</strong>ida,<strong>is</strong> a leader in design, technology,and customer service excellence.Beghelli de México, located inQuerétaro, Mexico, offers a mixof industrial, commercial, andemergency lighting products,including supplies and spareparts. Beghelli Canada, located inT<strong>or</strong>onto, Ontario, <strong>is</strong> characterizedby industrial, commercial, andemergency lighting. It <strong>is</strong> also a leader in the introduction ofinnovative code-compliant products. Furtherm<strong>or</strong>e, along w<strong>it</strong>hBeghelli N<strong>or</strong>th America’s fully establ<strong>is</strong>hed Life Safety productline, Beghelli <strong>is</strong> now marketing a brand new lighting productline called LUCE, launched at the LightFair International TradeShow in Las Vegas, Nevada in May 2008.How was LUCE env<strong>is</strong>ioned?From the Italian w<strong>or</strong>d meaning ‘light’ comes the w<strong>or</strong>d LUCE –Beghelli's USA President, Dania Maccaferri La Spadapronounced (l oo´châ). F<strong>or</strong> Beghelli, LUCE <strong>is</strong> the evolution oflight, an avant-garde design. It <strong>is</strong> the future of arch<strong>it</strong>ecturalindo<strong>or</strong> and outdo<strong>or</strong> lighting. Beghelli LUCE <strong>is</strong> founded oninnovation, design, efficiency, and perf<strong>or</strong>mance. Beghelli’sgoal <strong>is</strong> d<strong>is</strong>covering the ultimatebalance between design, energysavings, and perf<strong>or</strong>mance.Unlike most global lightingcompanies focused on interi<strong>or</strong>and residential design, Beghellihas taken the design elementand aesthetically inc<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ated<strong>it</strong> into the industrial andcommercial lighting fields. Insh<strong>or</strong>t, LUCE <strong>is</strong> a refreshing bridgethat brings European technologyto the US market. Beghelli’soutlook has and always will be“f<strong>or</strong> the people, the <strong>business</strong>,and the environment.” SolarPower <strong>is</strong> considered to be an alternative source of energy andone of Beghelli’s strategies <strong>is</strong> to reduce energy consumptionand to focus on developing alternative sustainable energies,w<strong>it</strong>h particular emphas<strong>is</strong> on solar energy. Beghelli’s currentproject, PlanetSun, attests to the company’s dedication to theenvironment and thinking Green..34.30

Milan to Host W<strong>or</strong>ld Expo 2015BY KRISTEN MAAGOn March 31, 2008, <strong>it</strong> became official.The Bureau of International Expos<strong>it</strong>ions(BIE) -- the international body createdin Par<strong>is</strong> in 1928 to regulate thequal<strong>it</strong>y and quant<strong>it</strong>y of the UniversalExpos<strong>it</strong>ions held every five years --chose Milan, Italy over Turk<strong>is</strong>h rival c<strong>it</strong>yIzmir to host the W<strong>or</strong>ld Expo in 2015.Feeding the Planet, Energy f<strong>or</strong> Life willbe the theme showcased during MilanExpo 2015, which will run from May1st through October 31st.The Expo, <strong>or</strong> W<strong>or</strong>ld’s Fair as <strong>it</strong> waspreviously known, refers to the seriesof non-commercial internationalexhib<strong>it</strong>ions which have been held sincethe mid 19th century. Milan Expo 2015will feature an estimated 180 exhib<strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>shailing from 120 guest countries, 10international <strong>or</strong>ganizations, 21 Italian<strong>or</strong>ganizations, and 30 international <strong>business</strong>es. Some seventhousand events are scheduled to take place on the topic ofsustainable food development and a variety of sub-themesrelated to food safety, secur<strong>it</strong>y, qual<strong>it</strong>y, innovation, education,solidar<strong>it</strong>y, and cultural appreciation.In supp<strong>or</strong>ting <strong>it</strong>s candidacy, Italy c<strong>it</strong>ed <strong>it</strong>s expert<strong>is</strong>e in <strong>or</strong>ganizinginternational events like the 2006 Winter Olympic Games,hosp<strong>it</strong>al<strong>it</strong>y toward imp<strong>or</strong>tant international agencies includingFAO and WFP, excellent infrastructure, strong supp<strong>or</strong>t f<strong>or</strong> the bidat the highest pol<strong>it</strong>ical levels, and extremely rich food culture.The c<strong>it</strong>y of Milan (as well as the surrounding Region ofLombardy) -- heralded as a “fine example of balance betweenlabour, economic growth, human relations, and nutr<strong>it</strong>ion” --will be the proud host of W<strong>or</strong>ld Expo 2015. In add<strong>it</strong>ion tobeing the wealthiest and most economically developed Regionin Italy, <strong>it</strong> contributes some 22% of all Italian food exp<strong>or</strong>ts andboasts a significant <strong>or</strong>ganic farming industry. These uniquecharacter<strong>is</strong>tics, along w<strong>it</strong>h Milan’s central location in Europe,rich transp<strong>or</strong>tation netw<strong>or</strong>k, cosmopol<strong>it</strong>an flav<strong>or</strong>, prestigiousresearch centers and univers<strong>it</strong>ies, and cultural and art<strong>is</strong>ticjewels helped the N<strong>or</strong>thern Italian c<strong>it</strong>y secure <strong>it</strong>s bid f<strong>or</strong> th<strong>is</strong>prestigious event focused on sustainable food development.In presenting <strong>it</strong>s bid, the c<strong>it</strong>y of Milan relied on the expert<strong>is</strong>e ofFiera Milano S.p.a., Italy’s f<strong>or</strong>emost fair company and a maj<strong>or</strong>w<strong>or</strong>ld player which hosts some 80 international exhib<strong>it</strong>ionsa year at two main facil<strong>it</strong>ies encompassing approximately520,000 sq. meters of exhib<strong>it</strong>ion space. Sviluppo S<strong>is</strong>temaFiera -- the engineering and contracting company establ<strong>is</strong>hedMilan's May<strong>or</strong>, Letizia M<strong>or</strong>atti (photo by Gianni Congiu)by the Fiera Milano Group in 2001 -- was chosen by theMilan C<strong>it</strong>y Council to handle the master plan f<strong>or</strong> Milan Expo2015.The Expo area, which will be located on a s<strong>it</strong>e covering anestimated 1.7 million sq. meters just n<strong>or</strong>thwest of Milan’sc<strong>it</strong>y center in Rho-Pero, will include the state-of-the-art FieraMilano exhib<strong>it</strong>ion center in Rho along w<strong>it</strong>h a series of parksand gardens. Ferruccio Ferranti, the managing direct<strong>or</strong> ofSviluppo S<strong>is</strong>tema Fiera, re<strong>it</strong>erated that the new structureswill feature eco-compatible solutions and the latest in greentechnology designed to reduce environmental impact andmaximize energy savings. In line w<strong>it</strong>h the theme of the Expo,he described the project as “an urban settlement inspired bythe cr<strong>it</strong>eria of liveabil<strong>it</strong>y and qual<strong>it</strong>y of life, sustainabil<strong>it</strong>y, andrespect f<strong>or</strong> energy resources.”At a time when Milan, Fiera Milano, and Italy are preparing towelcome an estimated 29 million v<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong><strong>or</strong>s during W<strong>or</strong>ld Expo2015, national pride <strong>is</strong> high. “Th<strong>is</strong> will be a Universal Expof<strong>or</strong> the w<strong>or</strong>ld,” exclaimed Milan’s May<strong>or</strong>, Letizia M<strong>or</strong>atti,sh<strong>or</strong>tly after the c<strong>it</strong>y’s candidature had been confirmed.“Th<strong>is</strong> vict<strong>or</strong>y should help us reawaken some national pride.Right now, I feel proud to be an Italian. Tom<strong>or</strong>row, a newstage begins.”(Sources: Expo Milan 2015 Official Webs<strong>it</strong>e, http://www.milanoexpo-2015.com/; Fiera Milano News,http://www.fieramilanonews.<strong>it</strong>/on-line/en/Home.html)..35

IACC NEWSNew MembersTHE ITALY-AMERICA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SOUTHEAST PROUDLY ANNOUNCES ITS NEWMEMBERS FOR THE MONTHS OF MARCH, APRIL AND MAY 2008.BusinessMembersGulliver SchoolsMr. Henry O. LangstonDean of Faculty & Direct<strong>or</strong>: Univers<strong>it</strong>y,C<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate & Commun<strong>it</strong>y Affairs1500 San Remo Avenue, Su<strong>it</strong>e 400C<strong>or</strong>al Gables, FL 33146Phone: 305-666-6333Webs<strong>it</strong>e: www.gulliverschools.<strong>or</strong>gBusiness Categ<strong>or</strong>y: EducationMar<strong>is</strong>ol Garcia, D.D.S. &Associates P.A.Raffaella Ricciulli Armstrong D.M.D.Associate71 Hook SquareMiami Springs, FL 33166Phone: 786-457-2989Business Categ<strong>or</strong>y: Dent<strong>is</strong>tMCR Studio sasMs. Claudia CottonePresidentVia M<strong>or</strong>ona, 1020090 Trezzano S/N (MI)ItalyPhone: [39] 02-484-60048Business Categ<strong>or</strong>y: Lingu<strong>is</strong>tic Services-Cultural MediationMurena & Perez, LLCMr. Kenneth Dante MurenaSeni<strong>or</strong> Partner1000 Brickell Ave., Su<strong>it</strong>e 1020Miami, FL 33131Phone: 305-432-2100Webs<strong>it</strong>e: www.MurenaLaw.comBusiness Categ<strong>or</strong>y: Law FirmThe Raleigh HotelMs. Estelle GaeSales Manager1775 Collins Ave.Miami Beach, FL 33139Phone: 305-612-1124Webs<strong>it</strong>e: www.raleighhotel.comBusiness Categ<strong>or</strong>y: HotelUpgrade toSustainingMembersMan Adv USA, Inc.Mr. Gianluca FontaniPresident & CEO2 S. B<strong>is</strong>cayne Blvd., Su<strong>it</strong>e 1880Miami, FL 33131Phone: 305-213-9397Webs<strong>it</strong>e: www.manadv.comBusiness Categ<strong>or</strong>y: Advert<strong>is</strong>ing AgencySavino del Bene USAMr. Umberto CellaVice President8815 NW 33 Street, Su<strong>it</strong>e 110Miami, FL 33172Phone: 305-463-8844Webs<strong>it</strong>e: www.savinodelbene.comBusiness Categ<strong>or</strong>y: Freight F<strong>or</strong>warders.36

IACC Membership Benef<strong>it</strong>sDiningCaffè MilanoAll members will receive a 20% d<strong>is</strong>count on total bill(food and alcoholics drinks included).850 Ocean Drive | Miami Beach, FL 33139Contact: Mr. Antonio Rizzi <strong>or</strong> the ManagerCall: 305- 532-0707Fox CaféAll members will receive a 20% d<strong>is</strong>count on total bill(food and alcoholics drinks included).834 Ocean Drive | Miami Beach, FL 33139Contact: Mr. Antonio Rizzi <strong>or</strong> the ManagerCall: 305-534-7100Piola South BeachAll members will receive a 20% d<strong>is</strong>count on foodand soft drinks. ID must be presented w<strong>it</strong>h a currentIACC card.1625 Alton Road | Miami Beach, FL 33139Contact: Mr. Marco PagliaroliCall: 305-674-1660Piola HallandaleAll members will receive a 50% d<strong>is</strong>count on all food.1703 E. Hallandale Beach BlvdHallandale, FL 33009Contact: Mr. Andrea Rain<strong>is</strong>Call: 954-457-9394Boteco Brazilian BarAll members will receive a 20% d<strong>is</strong>count on foodand beer.916 NE 79 Street | Miami, FL 33138Contact: Mr. Angelo AngiollieriCall: 305-757-7735Via QuadronnoAll members will receive a 20% d<strong>is</strong>count on foodand soft drinks.Contact: Mr. Francesco A. CampagnaCall: 305-476-1160Wine 69All members will receive a 20% d<strong>is</strong>count on total bill.Contact: Mr. Ben NejiCall: 305-759-0122TravelThe Bentley HotelsSpecial rates starting from $179.00/daily offered atThe BentleyContact: Ms. Lupe CastilloCall: 305-938-4606Double Tree Grand Hotel15% d<strong>is</strong>counts off Best Available Rate at the DoubleTree Grand Hotel.C<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ate ID #: 0002641488.Contact: Ms. Brigette BienvenuCall: 305-523-3321Interamerican Hotels C<strong>or</strong>p<strong>or</strong>ation10% d<strong>is</strong>count at the Holiday Inn Univers<strong>it</strong>y ofMiami in C<strong>or</strong>al Gables, Holiday Inn P<strong>or</strong>t of Miami inDowntown Miami, and at the Holiday Inn ExpressHialeah/Miami Lakes, upon availabil<strong>it</strong>y.Call: 305-667-5611 Mr. Marco Meja - C<strong>or</strong>al GablesCall: 305-371-4400 Ms. Melinda Maldonado - DowntownCall: 305-362-7777 Ms. N<strong>or</strong>a Machado - Miami LakesSonesta HotelsSpecial rates starting from $149.00/daily offered atSonesta Hotel & Su<strong>it</strong>es Coconut Grove.Subject to hotel availabil<strong>it</strong>y.Company Preferred Gold Club Account N.: IACC200.Contact: Ms. Liliana PenarandaCall: 305-447-8219HertzIn the US: 15% d<strong>is</strong>count on Hertz Daily MemberBenef<strong>it</strong> rates; 10% d<strong>is</strong>count on Hertz StandardDaily, Weekend, Weekly and Monthly rates; 5% <strong>or</strong>greater d<strong>is</strong>count on Hertz Le<strong>is</strong>ure Daily, Weekend,Weekly and Monthly rates; 5% d<strong>is</strong>count on Vehicle.Promotional rates. International d<strong>is</strong>counts alsoavailable.Promotional code: CDP# 1646043.Contact: IACC staffCall: 305-577-9868Best Western Palm Beach Lakes InnSpecial rates starting from $79.00/daily at the BestWestern Palm Beach Lakes Inn.Contact: Ms. Rosalie DenkinCall: 561-683-8810 Ext. 470<strong>or</strong> 561-839-146ShoppingCosabella10% d<strong>is</strong>count on lingerie, sp<strong>or</strong>tswear andaccess<strong>or</strong>ies bought at flagship st<strong>or</strong>e located in TheFalls Shopping Center8888 SW 136th Street | Miami, FL 33186Contact: Mrs. Valeria CampelloCall: 305-253-9904Oro Fl<strong>or</strong>ida10% d<strong>is</strong>count on the purchase of Lavazza espressocoffee machines.Contact: Mr. Riccardo RiccioCall: 954-316-4401 x 204Ad Mai<strong>or</strong>aM<strong>it</strong>o Espresso Coffee: All members will get a freeusemachine when buy 2 cases of Espresso Podsevery month.Contact: Ms. Eliana Li PaniCall: 305-696-0235Maya Enterpr<strong>is</strong>es, Inc.15% d<strong>is</strong>count on their Dade County ApprovedItalian style Impact Do<strong>or</strong>s and Windowsmanufactured in Miami w<strong>it</strong>h materials andtechnology imp<strong>or</strong>ted from Italy.Contact: Mr. Diego CagolCall: 305-592-2882Imola TileAll members will receive a 20% d<strong>is</strong>count onthe purchase of our ceramic and p<strong>or</strong>celain tiles,marble, gran<strong>it</strong>e, Mapei setting material and FilasealersCall: 786-201-0480 - Mr. Maurizio PaglialongaCall: 786-201-1145 - Laura Re<strong>it</strong>ano Tayl<strong>or</strong>Finley & Bologna InternationalFirst legal consultation will be free of charge f<strong>or</strong>all members.Contact: Mrs. Stefania Bologna, EsqCall: 305-379-7676Salussolia & AssociatesFirst legal consultation free of charge.Contact: Mr. Piero SalussoliaCall: 305-373-7016Professionals &OthersAvila Rodriguez Hernandez Mena &Ferri LLPFirst hour of in<strong>it</strong>ial legal consultation free of charge.Contact: Mr. Marco FerriCall: 305-779-3579Daniels, Kashtan, Downs, Robertson,& McGirneyFirst hour of in<strong>it</strong>ial legal consultation free of charge.Contact: Ms. L<strong>or</strong>ella Nerini Dal PezzoCall: 305-448-7988Studio Legale Pelosi & PartnersIn the USA: First consultation free of charge and20% d<strong>is</strong>count on State of Fl<strong>or</strong>ida legal fees.In Italy: First consultation free of charge and 50%d<strong>is</strong>count phone call Italy-USA at their net cost.on Italian legal fees, refund of expenses, and refundof phone calls Italy-USA at their net cost.Contact: Mr. Giancarlo PelosiCall: +11-39- 02-72081809Rothstein Rosenfeldt AdlerFirst legal consultation on immigration, taxation,asset protection, investments, real estate <strong>or</strong> criminallaw.Contact: Ms. Sara Coen-GiovanelliCall: 954-522-3456Cambridge Mercantile GroupNo fees on f<strong>or</strong>eign currency wire transfers <strong>or</strong> drafts.Contact: Manuel LopezCall: 305-374-9182Dynamic Printing10% d<strong>is</strong>count on all printings.Contact: Giuseppe CalabreseCall: 561-706-6462Greater Miami Skin and Laser CenterOne free cancer screening and a 10% d<strong>is</strong>counton all our cosmetic procedures and products areoffered to members and their family.Contact: Dr. Martin N. ZaiacCall: 305-532-4478.37

IACC NEWSTrade ShowsITALYJune 20-23FASHIONSì - SPOSAITALIA COLLEZIONIFiera Milano Rho-Pero, Milanhttp://www.sposa<strong>it</strong>alia.<strong>it</strong>/Sept. 3-6MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENTTECHNOLOGYMEET MILANOFiera Milano Rho-Pero, Milanhttp://www.meetmilano.fieramilanoexpocts.<strong>it</strong>/Sept. 5-8HOME SHOWMACEFFiera Milano Rho-Pero, Milanhttp://www.macef.com/Sept. 11-14FOODSANA – INTERNATIONALEXHIBITION OF NATURALPRODUCTSBolognaFiere SpA, Bolognahttp://www.sana.<strong>it</strong>/Sept. 20-27FASHIONMILANO MODA DONNAFiera Milano Rho-Pero, Milanwww.cameramoda.comUSAJuly 11-15HOME FURNISHINGSATLANTA INTERNATIONALGIFT & HOME FURNISHINGSMARKETAmericasmart Atlanta, GAhttp://www.americasmart.com/Aug. 20-23WOODWORKING MACHINERYINTERNATIONALWOODWORKING MACHINERYAND FURNITURE SUPPLY FAIRUSAGe<strong>or</strong>gia W<strong>or</strong>ld Congress CenterAtlanta, GAhttp://www.iwf2006.com/Aug. 29-Sept.1HOME REMODELING &DECORATINGFLORIDA’S LARGEST HOMESHOWTampa Convention CenterTampa, FLhttp://www.bighomeshow.com/Sept. 5-7FOOD & BEVERAGEFLORIDA RESTAURANT SHOWOrange County Convention CenterOrlando, FLhttp://www.flrestaurantandlodgingshow.com/Sept. 7-9TRAVELTHETRADESHOW –TRAVELRETAILING AND DESTINATIONEXPOOrange County Convention CenterOrlando, FLhttp://www.thetradeshow.<strong>or</strong>g/.38

Calendar of EventsJULY7-11100% MADE IN SALENTODelegation of US fashionbuyers and journal<strong>is</strong>ts to v<strong>is</strong><strong>it</strong>SalentoApulia - Italy17ITALIAN COOKING SHOW IILearn the different culinarytrad<strong>it</strong>ions of the ItalianRegionsMia Cucina ShowroomMiami22-24100% MADE IN SALENTO INNEW YORKFashion Show and tradem<strong>is</strong>sionMetropol<strong>it</strong>an PavilionNew Y<strong>or</strong>kAUGUST21ITALIAN COOKING SHOW IILearn the different culinarytrad<strong>it</strong>ions of the ItalianRegionsMia Cucina ShowroomMiamiSEPT.5-8MACEFUS Buyers delegation to MACEFFiera MilanoMilan - Italy


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