Pdf katalog epoca

Pdf katalog epoca Pdf katalog epoca


esondere details für besondere lebensräume. dettagli particolari per ambienti particolari. special details for special living spaces. Erstklassige Hölzer und Materialien sowie sorgfältige Verarbeitung bürgen für die Qualität der Möbel aus der Produktlinie Epoca by Selva. Furnierte Flächen wie Fronten, Seitenteile, Rückwände, Abdeckplatten und Einlegeböden verarbeiten wir, je nach Ausführung, in Kirschbaum, Tanganica, Buche, Pappelschichtholz (Furniersperrholz Pappel), Ayousschichtholz (Ayous Furniersperrholz), usw. Einzelheiten entnehmen Sie den Modellbeschreibungen. Furnierte Flächen werden auf Trägermaterialien wie Spanplatten usw. gearbeitet. Kranzprofile, Rahmen, Sockel, Profilleisten und Gestelle werden aus Massivholz gefertigt. Wir verwenden dafür, je nach Ausführung, u.a. 4 amerikanisch Tulipier (Tulpenbaum), Linde, Buche usw. Das technologische Wissen, das gewachsene Umweltbewusstsein zum Nutzen der Menschen sowie die kontrollierte Qualität aller Unternehmensbereiche und Produkte spiegeln sich in Auszeichnungen und Gütesiegeln wider. Die Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e. V. hat Selva als einem der wenigen Unternehmen das goldene “M” verliehen. Diese Auszeichnung bürgt für gute Möbel, die zahlreiche Tests durch ein neutrales Prüfinstitut bestanden haben und wichtigen Qualitätsmerkmalen entsprechen: nur absolut einwandfreie Möbel dürfen das RAL-Gütezeichen tragen. Legni e materiali di primissima scelta e un’accurata lavorazione garantiscono la qualità dei mobili della linea Epoca by Selva. Per le parti impiallacciate come frontali, fianchi, schienali, ripiani e piani, impieghiamo - a seconda dei modelli - tranciati di ciliegio, tanganica, precomposto pioppo (pioppo multilaminare), precomposto ayous (ayous multilaminare) ecc. Si vedano maggiori dettagli nelle descrizioni. Le parti impiallacciate sono lavorate su pannelli strutturali in truciolare ecc. Cappello, cornici, zoccolo, profili e telaio sono realizzati in legno massello. Per queste parti

utilizziamo, a seconda dei modelli, tulipier americano, tiglio, faggio ecc. Selva è una delle pochissime aziende alle quali l’associazione tedesca del settore del mobile “Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V.” ha conferito il prestigioso marchio “M” d’oro. Questo riconoscimento garantisce la qualità dei mobili che hanno superato numerose prove condotte da un istituto di controllo imparziale e sono quindi conformi alle caratteristiche di qualità più importanti: solo mobili assolutamente perfetti possono portare il marchio di qualità RAL. First-class woods and materials as well as careful craftsmanship vouch for the quality of the furniture in the product line Epoca by Selva. For the veneered sections, such as fronts, side sections, back walls, panels, and shelves, we use cherry veneer, tanganika, beech, multi-ply poplar (laminated poplar), multi-ply ayous (laminated ayous), and others, depending upon the model. Veneered surfaces are applied to base materials such as particleboard and others. Cornice profiles, body frames, bases, mouldings, and seat frames are made from solid wood. Among the woods we use for these are American tulipwood (from the tulip tree), linden, beech, depending upon the model. The technological knowledge, the involved environmental consciousness for use by people, and the quality control of all areas of the company and all products are reflected in awards and seals of approval. Selva has been one of the few companies to be awarded the Golden “M” by the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V. (DGM – the German Furniture Sector Association). This award vouches for good furniture that has withstood numerous tests by an independent testing institute and adheres to the most important characteristics of quality. Only absolutely flawless furniture is allowed to carry the RAL seal of approval. 5

utilizziamo, a seconda dei modelli, tulipier americano,<br />

tiglio, faggio ecc.<br />

Selva è una delle pochissime aziende alle quali<br />

l’associazione tedesca del settore del mobile “Deutsche<br />

Gütegemeinschaft Möbel e.V.” ha conferito il prestigioso<br />

marchio “M” d’oro. Questo riconoscimento garantisce la<br />

qualità dei mobili che hanno superato numerose prove<br />

condotte da un istituto di controllo imparziale e sono quindi<br />

conformi alle caratteristiche di qualità più importanti: solo<br />

mobili assolutamente perfetti possono portare il marchio<br />

di qualità RAL.<br />

First-class woods and materials as well as careful<br />

craftsmanship vouch for the quality of the furniture in the<br />

product line Epoca by Selva.<br />

For the veneered sections, such as fronts, side sections,<br />

back walls, panels, and shelves, we use cherry veneer,<br />

tanganika, beech, multi-ply poplar (laminated poplar),<br />

multi-ply ayous (laminated ayous), and others, depending<br />

upon the model.<br />

Veneered surfaces are applied to base materials such as<br />

particleboard and others.<br />

Cornice profiles, body frames, bases, mouldings, and seat<br />

frames are made from solid wood. Among the woods we<br />

use for these are American tulipwood (from the tulip tree),<br />

linden, beech, depending upon the model.<br />

The technological knowledge, the involved environmental<br />

consciousness for use by people, and the quality control of<br />

all areas of the company and all products are reflected in<br />

awards and seals of approval.<br />

Selva has been one of the few companies to be awarded<br />

the Golden “M” by the Deutsche Gütegemeinschaft Möbel<br />

e.V. (DGM – the German Furniture Sector Association).<br />

This award vouches for good furniture that has withstood<br />

numerous tests by an independent testing institute and<br />

adheres to the most important characteristics of quality.<br />

Only absolutely flawless furniture is allowed to carry the<br />

RAL seal of approval.<br />


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