Global Installations (PDF) - Segis

Global Installations (PDF) - Segis Global Installations (PDF) - Segis
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Segis Spa 53036 Poggibonsi (SI) Italy Loc. Fosci - via Umbria, 14 T. ++39 0577 980333 F. ++39 0577 938090 Showroom 20122 Milano Italy via Felice Cavallotti, 15 T. ++39 02 76018061 F. ++39 02 76406579 Delight by Tecnoforma srl 53036 Poggibonsi (SI) Italy Multipla 2000 srl 33048 S. Giovanni al Natisone (UD) Italy

<strong>Segis</strong> Spa<br />

53036 Poggibonsi (SI) Italy<br />

Loc. Fosci - via Umbria, 14<br />

T. ++39 0577 980333<br />

F. ++39 0577 938090<br /><br /><br />

Showroom<br />

20122 Milano Italy<br />

via Felice Cavallotti, 15<br />

T. ++39 02 76018061<br />

F. ++39 02 76406579<br /><br />

Delight by Tecnoforma srl<br />

53036 Poggibonsi (SI) Italy<br />

Multipla 2000 srl<br />

33048 S. Giovanni<br />

al Natisone (UD) Italy

<strong>Segis</strong> nasce nel 1983 dal coraggio<br />

e l’intuizione di Franco Dominici<br />

fondatore e amministratore delegato.<br />

L’intera gamma, che comprende<br />

sedute, tavoli e imbottiti, si posiziona<br />

nel segmento alto del mercato<br />

dell’arredamento e del design<br />

internazionale. Nel 1999, con<br />

l’ingresso in azienda di Francesco<br />

Dominici figlio del titolare, nasce<br />

Delight, un marchio che si presenta<br />

con una collezione di complementi<br />

d’arredo per il contract e non solo,<br />

assolutamente complementare<br />

alla produzione di <strong>Segis</strong>.<br />

Multipla, è una dinamica azienda<br />

friulana specializzata nelle sedute in<br />

legno, che dal 2000 assicura al gruppo<br />

la completezza dell’offerta. Tre marchi<br />

collegati tra di loro per condividere in<br />

modo sinergico un impareggiabile<br />

know-how tecnologico e una capillare<br />

ed efficiente rete distributiva.<br />

<strong>Segis</strong> was established in 1983 by the<br />

insight of the founder and managing<br />

director Franco Dominici. The entire<br />

range of products, which includes<br />

chairs, tables and upholstered<br />

furniture, is positioned in the upper<br />

level of the furniture and<br />

international design market. In 1999<br />

Delight was born with the joining of<br />

the owner's son, Francesco Dominici.<br />

This new brand includes a collection<br />

of furnishing accessories for contract<br />

market remarkably complementary<br />

to the <strong>Segis</strong> line.<br />

Then in 2000, Multipla, a dynamic<br />

corporation from the Friuli region<br />

specializing in wooden chairs, joined<br />

the <strong>Segis</strong> family, completing the<br />

group's comprehensive branch.<br />

Three brands combined in synergy<br />

to share technical expertise, with<br />

an extensive and efficient distribution<br />


L’azienda e l’ambiente<br />

Nella progettazione dei prodotti<br />

vengono privilegiate le soluzioni<br />

tecniche, le tecnologie ed i processi<br />

produttivi che consentono risparmi<br />

energetici e garantiscono il più basso<br />

impatto ambientale. Tra le prime ad<br />

ottenere in Italia la certificazione<br />

Ufficiale ISO 14.001, le tre aziende<br />

dedicano una grande attenzione<br />

all’ecologia, attraverso severi controlli<br />

delle emissioni e l’utilizzo di<br />

trattamenti atossici.<br />

The corporation and<br />

the environment<br />

Design priority is given to technical<br />

solutions, technologies and<br />

production processes that provide<br />

energy savings and guarantee the<br />

lowest environmental impact.<br />

Among the Companies that<br />

pioneered the achievement Official<br />

ISO 14001 certification, the three<br />

companies are ecologically attentive<br />

conducting strict tests on emissions<br />

and using non-toxic processes.<br />

La tecnologia<br />

Per poter garantire un efficiente<br />

controllo sulla qualità ed una<br />

maggiore flessibilità produttiva e<br />

commerciale, il Gruppo investe su<br />

un’elevata integrazione degli<br />

stabilimenti, composti da centri di<br />

lavoro robotizzati ad alta tecnologia<br />

sia per la trasformazione di profilati<br />

metallici, che per la saldatura, nonchè<br />

impianti di verniciatura a polveri<br />

epossidiche e un reparto di<br />

assemblaggio all’avanguardia.<br />

Technology<br />

In order to guarantee efficient quality<br />

control as well as greater production<br />

and sales flexibility, the group invests<br />

in high factory integration made up<br />

of high-tech automated workstations<br />

for metal processing, welding, epoxy<br />

powder painting and innovative<br />

assembly.<br />

02<br />


I mercati internazionali<br />

<strong>Segis</strong>, Delight e Multipla offrono<br />

prodotti piacevoli ed eleganti,<br />

progettati per un pubblico attento<br />

ed esigente. Realizzati con materiali<br />

di qualità e tecnologie all’avanguardia,<br />

assicurano elevati standard qualitativi,<br />

design originale e prezzi competitivi.<br />

Sono distribuiti con successo in tutto il<br />

mondo, tanto nel settore residenziale<br />

quanto in quello delle forniture<br />

contract.<br />

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam<br />

International Markets<br />

<strong>Segis</strong>, Delight and Multipla offer<br />

updated and elegant products<br />

designed for discerning and<br />

demanding consumers. Produced<br />

with quality materials and innovative<br />

technologies, they ensure top level<br />

quality standards, original designs<br />

and competitive prices. They are<br />

successfully sold throughout the world<br />

in both the home and contract<br />

furniture market.<br />

Unità Produttive<br />

Poggibonsi (Siena) Italy<br />

San Giovanni al Natisone (Udine) Italy<br />

Morristown, Tennessee, USA<br />

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam<br />

Production units<br />

Poggibonsi (Siena) Italy<br />

San Giovanni al Natisone (Udine) Italy<br />

Morristown, Tennessee, USA<br />

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam<br />

04<br />


Le certificazioni<br />

La stragrande maggioranza della<br />

produzione soddisfa gli standards di<br />

riferimenti più severi previsti da Istituti<br />

di normazione quali:<br />

UNI (I), EN (UE), DIN (D), BS (GB),<br />

ANSI-Bifma (USA). Il sistema di qualità<br />

aziendale ha ottenuto da molti anni la<br />

certificazione ufficiale secondo lo<br />

standard internazionale UNI EN ISO<br />

9001-2000. Dal 2005 inoltre <strong>Segis</strong><br />

ha ottenuto la certificazione etica<br />

SA 8000 Sistema di Responsabilità<br />

Sociale. A tutto questo si aggiunge<br />

la valutazione molto positiva espressa<br />

dall’Unione Europea, che ha<br />

ufficializzato i dati di una ricerca<br />

relativa all’ergonomia ed alla qualità<br />

del posto di lavoro, effettuata su un<br />

campione selezionato di aziende<br />

europee e che vede <strong>Segis</strong> tra le<br />

aziende con i risultati migliori.<br />

Nel 2007 i prodotti <strong>Segis</strong>, Delight<br />

e Multipla hanno ottenuto la<br />

certificazione australiana come<br />

prodotti eco-sostenibili (“Good<br />

Environmental Choise Australia Ltd”<br />

Award).<br />

Certifications<br />

Almost all production meets the<br />

reference standards awarded by<br />

regulatory institutions such as:<br />

UNI (I), EN (UE), DIN (D), BS (GB),<br />

ANSI-Bifma (USA). The company's<br />

quality system has been certified<br />

according to the international<br />

UNI EN ISO 9001-2000 standard<br />

for years, and in 2006 also received<br />

the Ethical Behaviour SA 8000<br />

Certification.<br />

A recent evaluation by the EU<br />

performed on a select group of<br />

leading European Companies<br />

confirmed <strong>Segis</strong> as one of the<br />

very best in Europe in the field<br />

of workplace ergonomics.<br />

In 2007, <strong>Segis</strong>, Delight and Multipla<br />

products have been recognised<br />

eco-sustainable from the “Australian<br />

Ecolabel Program” (The “Good<br />

Environmental Choise Australia Ltd”<br />

Award).<br />

I partners esteri<br />

L'impegno e la volontà di emergere<br />

hanno portato <strong>Segis</strong> ad intraprendere<br />

importanti passi per ampliare e<br />

migliorare la propria organizzazione.<br />

Per questo nel 2005, è nata <strong>Segis</strong><br />

Vietnam, una struttura situata nei<br />

pressi di Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon)<br />

e, dal 2006 <strong>Segis</strong> USA, situata a<br />

Morristown - Tennessee. È inoltre ben<br />

salda da alcuni anni la collaborazione<br />

in partnership in Australia e Francia<br />

per la distribuzione in esclusiva delle<br />

collezioni <strong>Segis</strong>, Delight e Multipla.<br />

Foreign partners<br />

The will to succeed has led <strong>Segis</strong><br />

to take significant steps towards<br />

expanding and improving its<br />

organization. For this reason two new<br />

sister's companies were opened in the<br />

last years: in 2005 <strong>Segis</strong> Vietnam near<br />

Saigon and in 2006 <strong>Segis</strong> USA in<br />

Morristown (Tennessee).<br />

Partnerships with exclusive <strong>Segis</strong>,<br />

Delight and Mulipla distributors have<br />

been consolidated over the years in<br />

Australia and in France.<br />

06<br />


Riconoscimenti / Awards<br />

Breeze Design: Carlo Bartoli<br />

1996 - Germania, Vitra Design Museum<br />

- Grecia, Thessaloniki Design Museum<br />

- USA, I.D. Design Distinction Award,<br />

I.I.D.A. Apex Product Design Award.<br />

- Germania, Premio per l'Alta Qualità<br />

del Design “IF” Industrie Forum Design;<br />

“Punto Rosso per l'Alta Qualità del<br />

Design”, Design Zentrum Nordrhein<br />

Westfalen. 2000 Breeze è uno dei<br />

prodotti che rappresentano il design<br />

italiano nella prima emissione filatelica<br />

dedicata all'argomento dalle Poste<br />

Italiane. Dal 2004 fa parte della<br />

collezione “Coffee Design” della<br />

Triennale di Milano.<br />

Breeze, dalla sua nascita, è stata<br />

prodotta in più di 1.000.000 di<br />

esemplari.<br />

1996 - Germany, Vitra Design Museum<br />

- Greece Thessaloniki Design Museum.<br />

- USA, “I.D. Design Distinction Award”<br />

and “I.I.D.A Apex Product Design<br />

Award” - Germany, prize Industrie<br />

Forum Design Hannover and the “Red<br />

Point of high quality design“ of Design<br />

Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen. From<br />

March 2000, Breeze is one of the<br />

products selected to represent Italian<br />

Design in the first philatelic issue of<br />

stamps dedicated to this subject by<br />

the Italian Post Office, and in 2001<br />

has reached the 500.000 pieces sold.<br />

In 2004 Breeze armchair become part<br />

of the exclusive selection of seating<br />

exposed at the “Triennale di Milano”<br />

in the “Coffee Design” area.<br />

Breeze has been produced in more<br />

than 1.000.000 pieces from birth.<br />

Storm Design: Carlo Bartoli Please Design: Isao Hosoe<br />

1996 Greece, Thessaloniki<br />

Design Museum.<br />

Blitz Design: Carlo Bimbi, Paolo Romoli<br />

1999 USA, “I.D. Design Distinction Award”;<br />

“I.I.D.A Apex Product Design Award”.<br />

Noon Archirivolto Design<br />

2002 Noon viene selezionato come prodotto<br />

eco-compatibile da Casa Toscana/Green Home,<br />

marchio che certifica la qualità ambientale dei<br />

prodotti del settore del mobile attraverso<br />

l'analisi del ciclo di vita.<br />

1999 USA, Good Design Award<br />

Nami Design: Paolo Crescenti<br />

2002 Canada, INDEX Gold Award.<br />

2002 the Noon stool was classified as<br />

an environmental-friendly product by<br />

Casa Toscana/Green Home, the trademark<br />

which certifies the environmental<br />

quality of furniture products by analysing<br />

their life cycle.<br />

08<br />


Pacific Design: George J. Sowden<br />

2004 viene selezionata come prodotto<br />

eco-compatibile da Casa Toscana/Green<br />

Home, marchio che certifica la qualità<br />

ambientale dei prodotti del settore del mobile<br />

attraverso l'analisi del ciclo di vita. Dal 2004<br />

Pacific fa parte della collezione “Coffee<br />

Design” della Triennale di Milano.<br />

Prodotto selezionato dall’ADI Design Index.<br />

Bliss Bartoli Design<br />

La sedia Bliss di Multipla è esposta<br />

al San Francisco Museum of<br />

Modern Art.<br />

2004 Pacific was classified as an environmentalfriendly<br />

product by Casa Toscana/Green Home,<br />

the trademarkwhich certifies the environmental<br />

quality of furniture products by analysing their<br />

life cycle. In 2004 Pacific chair become part<br />

of the exclusive selection of seating exposed<br />

at the “Triennale di Milano” in the “Coffee<br />

Design” area. Product selected from<br />

ADI Design Index.<br />

Bliss chair by Multipla has been<br />

included into the San Francisco<br />

Museum of Modern Art.<br />

Collezione / Collection Capo-Famiglia Design: Studio Mussapi<br />

Contract Design International<br />

Design Award.<br />

Prodotti selezionati nel corso<br />

degli anni dall'ADI Design Index:<br />

Sigma e Lambda<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello per <strong>Segis</strong><br />

Cloud<br />

Design: Carlo Bartoli per <strong>Segis</strong><br />

Capo-Banda<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi per Delight<br />

Downtown<br />

Design: Anna Castelli Ferrieri per <strong>Segis</strong><br />

Collezione Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design per Delight<br />

Mistral<br />

Bartoli Design per Multipla<br />

Trono<br />

Design: Sottsass Associati per <strong>Segis</strong><br />

Uno Bartoli Design con<br />

Fauciglietti Engineering per <strong>Segis</strong><br />

“Contract Design International<br />

Design Award”.<br />

Products selected from ADI<br />

Design Index during the last years:<br />

Sigma and Lambda<br />

Design: Roberto Romanello for <strong>Segis</strong><br />

Cloud<br />

Design: Carlo Bartoli for <strong>Segis</strong><br />

Capo-Banda<br />

Design: Studio Mussapi for Delight<br />

Downtown<br />

Design: Anna Castelli Ferrieri for <strong>Segis</strong><br />

Collection Ellipse<br />

Bartoli Design for Delight<br />

Mistral<br />

Bartoli Design for Multipla<br />

Trono<br />

Design: Sottsass Associati for <strong>Segis</strong><br />

Uno Bartoli Design with<br />

Fauciglietti Engineering for <strong>Segis</strong><br />

10<br />


Il Design<br />

L’attenzione alla qualità e al design,<br />

garantiscono alle Aziende del gruppo<br />

la collaborazione e la competenza di<br />

firme note e riconosciute nel<br />

panorama del design internazionale<br />

Design<br />

Attention to quality and design<br />

ensures the group the collaboration<br />

of worldwide skilled designers.<br />

1 Archirivolto Design<br />

2 Bartoli Design<br />

3 Miguel Angel Ciganda<br />

4 Maurizio Favetta<br />

5 Nilo Gioacchini<br />

1<br />

4 5<br />

6<br />

7<br />

10<br />

11<br />

14 15<br />

6 Isao Hosoe<br />

7 Lievore Altherr Molina<br />

8 Lucci&Orlandini<br />

9 Massimo Mussapi<br />

10 Marco Piva<br />

2<br />

12<br />

8<br />

11 Paolo Rizzatto<br />

12 Roberto Romanello<br />

13 George J. Sowden<br />

14 Ettore Sottsass<br />

15 Matteo Thun<br />

3<br />

13<br />

9<br />

12<br />


Negli spazi professionali, comunitari o privati più<br />

accoglienti, è facile trovare sedie, tavoli, divani o<br />

complementi d’arredo <strong>Segis</strong>, Delight e Multipla.<br />

Pulitissimo il design, non inquinanti i materiali<br />

impiegati e brillante l’ergonomia, quella disciplina<br />

che serve a fare stare comodi tutti.<br />

In the most hospitable professional, community or<br />

private areas you are quite likely to find <strong>Segis</strong>,<br />

Delight and Multipla chairs, tables, sofas or<br />

furnishings.<br />

They feature clean-cut design, the use of non<br />

polluting materials and brilliant ergonomics, the<br />

study that ensures everybody to be comfortable.<br />

14<br />


Cafè 21 Sydney, Australia Slide chair, Boom table<br />

16<br />


Cafè 21 Sydney, Australia Slide chair<br />

18<br />


Cafè 21 Sydney, Australia Slide chair<br />

20<br />


Mirka Restaurant Melbourne, Australia Home chair, K4 table<br />

22<br />


Hotel Holiday Inn Lijnden Amsterdam, Holland Beta armchair<br />

24<br />


Hotel Holiday Inn Lijnden Amsterdam, Holland Gallery chair, Vu armchair and sofa<br />

26<br />


VIP Lounge Moët et Chandon Milan, Italy Pacific chair<br />

28<br />


Hotel Holiday Inn Padova, Italy Gallery armchair<br />

30<br />


Hotel Holiday Inn Padova, Italy Gallery chair<br />

32<br />


Sushi Bar Melbourne, Australia Noon stool<br />

34<br />


Walker Street Foyer Sydney, Australia Omega armchair, Omega sofa, Alphatables<br />

36<br />


Walker Street Foyer Sydney, Australia Omega collection, Alphatables<br />

38<br />


Globe Restaurant Milan, Italy Gallery chair and armchair<br />

40<br />


Globe Restaurant Milan, Italy Gallery chair and armchair<br />

42<br />


Thomas’ Cafè Pescara, Italy Flash chair<br />

44<br />


Thomas’ Cafè Pescara, Italy Wing chair and armchair<br />

46<br />


Leo Burnett Headquarters Copenhagen, Denmark Blitz armchair<br />

48<br />


Caffetteria Spinelli Singapore, Asia Blitz stool, Cloud chair<br />

50<br />


Computacenter London, Great Britain Blitz armchair<br />

52<br />


Civil Aviation Headquarters Paris, France Blitz chair, Surf table<br />

54<br />


Le Bateaux Parisien restaurant Paris, France Blitz chair<br />

56<br />


Elleniki Technodomiki S.A. Athens, Greece Storm chair and armchair, Sea table<br />

58<br />


Cantina del Ponte London, Great Britain Breeze armchair<br />

60<br />


Costa Crociere Italy Breeze armchair, Sea table<br />

62<br />


64<br />


Ericsson Employees Canteen Rome, Italy Blitz chair, Surf table<br />

66<br />


Blue Bird Cafè London, Great Britain Breeze armchair<br />

68<br />


Laguna Palace Venice, Italy Gallery chair and armchair<br />

70<br />


Floridita Cafè Prague, Czech Republic Gallery armchair, K4 table<br />

72<br />


•<br />

Mint Bar Melbourne, Australia Ro armchair, Omega pouf, Omega armchair Hi-Omega armchair, Omega pouf, Alphatables, Blitz chair<br />

74<br />


76<br />


Lufthansa Frankfurt, Germany Breeze armchair, Sea table<br />

78<br />


Design Museum Café London, Great Britain Trono chair, Echo table<br />

80<br />


Castello Monteroni Perugia, Italy PoppyStar armchair<br />

82<br />


Rendez-Vous Millennium Plaza Cafè Prague Czech Republic Wing chair, Land table<br />

84<br />


Railway Station Bruxelles, Belgium Breeze armchair, Sea table<br />

86<br />


Università di Siena Italy Wing chair<br />

88<br />


Australian Bureau of Statistic Canberra, Australia Boom table, Omega pouf Storm chair, Sea table<br />

90<br />


Marion Cultural Centre Adelaide, Australia Breeze chair, Sea table<br />

92<br />


Antwerpen Mc Donald’s restaurant Belgium Breeze armchair<br />

94<br />


Praja de Luz Restaurant Porto, Portugal Cloud armchair<br />

96<br />


Scala Theatre Museum Milan, Italy Delta pouf, Capo-Pagina and Capo-Lavoro multi-purpose holder for signals<br />

98<br />


Scala Theatre Museum Milan, Italy Mambo Stool, K4 Table, Capo-Banda barrier / crowd-driving element, Omega armchair<br />

100<br />


Nortel Networks office Den Haag, Holland Storm armchair, Sea table, Breeze armchair<br />

102<br />


Kevlavik airport Kevlavik, Iceland Delta armchair and sofa<br />

104<br />


Northwestern College, Orange City, Iowa, USA Gamma armchair and sofa<br />

106<br />


Ristorante Ciao Fiera Milano Milan, Italy Breeze armchair, Pacific chair<br />

108<br />


Aroma Coffee bar Tel Aviv, Israel Pacific chair<br />

110<br />


Arrooma CCofffee bar Tel Aviv, Israel Pacific chair<br />

112<br />


Stade de France Paris, France Cloud armchair<br />

114<br />


Open Care Cafè Milan, Italy Trono chair, Ka-Maxi sofa<br />

116<br />


Autogrill Milan, Italy Baltic chair<br />

118<br />


120<br />


Locarno Film Festival, Switzerland PoppyStar armchair, K4 table<br />

122<br />


Locarno Film Festival, Switzerland PoppyStar armchair, K4 table<br />

124<br />


Loccarnnoo Fiillm Feesstivall,, Switzerland PoppyStar armchair<br />

126<br />


Grimaldi Forum “Art of Africa exposition” Montecarlo, Principato di Monaco Trono chair<br />

128<br />


Hotel Holiday Inn Bicocca Milan, Italy Delta armchair, Delta pouf, Mi Longue chaise-longue, Lambda ottoman<br />

130<br />


Lendsbury Hotel London, Great Britain Gallery armchair, K4 table, Omega armchair, Omega2 sofa<br />

132<br />


Lenndssbbuurry Hootel London, Great Britain Gallery armchair, Omega armchair, Omega2 sofa<br />

134<br />


Hotel Principe di Piemonte Viareggio (LU), Italy Gallery armchair<br />

136<br />


Ristorante Cial de Brent Polcenigo (PN), Italy Gallery armchair, K4 tables, Hi-Tau stool<br />

138<br />


CCllayytoonn UUTTZ Perth, Australia Delta armchair, Hi-Omega armchair, Alphatables<br />

140<br />


142<br />


144<br />


Politecnico di Torino, Turin Italy Uno chair, Blitz chair, K2 tables, Ellipse wall coat hanger<br />

146<br />


Poollitteccniicco ddi Toorriinnoo, Turin Italy Uno chair, Blitz chair, K2 tables, Ellipse wall coat hanger<br />

148<br />


Break Area Vodafone Milan, Italy Take-away stool<br />

150<br />


DDJJHH Juggennddhheerrbberrge Jever, Germany Nami armchair<br />

152<br />


Fiasco Restaurant & Cafè Copenhagen, Denmark Blitz chair<br />

154<br />


Bar Goodfellas Milan, Italy Flash chair, Et-Voilà table<br />

156<br />


Biblioteca Tremelloni Politecnico di Milano Milan, Italy Pacific chair<br />

158<br />


Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Private Home Gamma armchair, Talk occasional table, Trono chair, K5 table, Fi-Large armchair, Omega sofa<br />

160<br />


NNoovvottel Grranndd Plaacee Bruxelles, Belgium Delta armchair, Delta2 sofa<br />

162<br />


Novotel Grand Place Bruxelles, Belgium Ro armchair, Boom table<br />

164<br />


Cafeteria Sparkasse Lörrach, Germany Jo-Bar, Jo-Tab, modular systems<br />

166<br />


Lime&Co Restaurant Marbella, Spain Uno chair<br />

168<br />


Liimme&CCoo RResstaurrannt Marbella, Spain Uno chair<br />

170<br />


Politeama Theatre Poggibonsi (SI), Italy PoppyStar armchair, Boom table<br />

172<br />


PPoolliteama Thheatrre “Sala Esposizioni” Poggibonsi (SI) Italy PoppyStar armchair<br />

174<br />


Sennsso Winee Bar Poggibonsi (SI), Italy Noon stool, Boom table<br />

176<br />


Sennsoo RResstauurannt Poggibonsi (SI), Italy Uno chair, Minny table<br />

178<br />


6 Links Melborne, Australia Noon stool<br />

180<br />


6 Linnkss Melborne, Australia Mambo stool<br />

182<br />


Shoojjii Suusshhii nnoooddlle Melborne, Australia Pacific chair<br />

184<br />


186<br />


Wind Shop Milan, Italy Mambo stool<br />

188<br />


Rome, Italy Private Home Slide chair, Yoga table<br />

190<br />


Rome, Italy Private Home Ellipse wall rack, Slide chair, Yoga table<br />

192<br />


Milan, Italy Private Home Capo-Verso, table book rest<br />

194<br />


Frankfurt, Germany Private Home Jo-Bar, Jo-Tab, modular system<br />

196<br />


Bologna, Italy Private Home Yoga table, Well armchair<br />

198<br />


Siena, Italy Private Home Bliss chair<br />

200<br />


Alcune Realizzazioni/ Some <strong>Installations</strong><br />

EUROPE Swarowski Headquarters Restaurant, Wien (A) • Resch Cafe, Wels (A) • Bar Lutz, Wien (A) •<br />

Olympia Bob-Radel-Skeletonbahn, Innsbruck (A) • Railway Station, Bruxelles (B) • Mc Donald's<br />

Restaurant, Antwerpen (B) • The Coca Cola Headquarters Restaurant, Amsterdam (NL) • Aboriginal Art<br />

Museum, Utrecht (NL) • Grand Hotel Senator, Ayia Napa (Cyprus) • Holiday Inn Hotel, Limassol (Cyprus)<br />

• Mercedes-Benz, Hørsholm (DK) • Hvidovre Hospital, Hvidovre (DK) • Stade de France, Paris (F) • Civil<br />

Aviation Headquarters, Paris (F) • Le bateaux Parisien Restaurant, Paris (F) • Euro Disney, Paris (F) • Euro<br />

Plaza, La Défense (F) • Royaumont Abby, Royaumont (F) • Alcan Headquarters, Paris (F) • Sofitel, Paris<br />

(F) • Hockenheim F1 Racetrack VIP Lounge, Hockenheim (D) • Metropolis Multiscreen Cinema, Frankfurt<br />

(D) • Hamburg Airport, Hamburg (D) • Alte Pinakothek, Munich (D) • Lufthansa Training Center,<br />

Frankfurt (D) • Volkl Trade Fair Display, Munich (D) • Deutsche Bank, all German branches (D) •<br />

Colosseum, Essen (D) • Freizeitzentrum, Fildorado Filderstadt (D) • Montblanc Shop, Hamburg (D) •<br />

Hansaboot 2006, Hamburg (D) • Volksbank, Mönchengladbach (D) • ENBW Canteen, Ellwangen (D) •<br />

Sächsische Landesbank, Fresden (D) • Sparkasse, Aachen (D) • Meratorhalle Citypalais, Duisburg (D) •<br />

Klinikum Garmisch, Partenkirchen (D) • Psychiatrische Klinik, Wiesbaden (D) • Universität, Duisburg (D)<br />

• Krankenhaus, Hamburg (D) • Brandeburgklinik, Bernau-Waldstedlung (D) • Otokos College, Athens<br />

(GR) • The Bank of Greece, Athens (GR) • Museum of Modern Art, Thessaloniki (GR) • British Airways<br />

Headquarters, London (GB) • Sadler's Well Theatre, London (GB) • Cromwell Hospital, London (GB) •<br />

British Telecom Headquarters, London (GB); Chase Manhattan Bank, Nottingham (GB) • Microsoft<br />

Headquarters Restaurant, Dublin (IRL) • Irish Sports Council, Dublin (IRL) • Museum of Ireland Life,<br />

Castlebar (IRL) • Flotta Costa Crociere (I) • Ericsson Employees Canteen, Rome (I) • Laguna Palace Hotel,<br />

Venice (I) • University of Siena, Siena (I) • Scala Theatre Museum, Milan (I) • Rome Int. Airport, Rome (I)<br />

• T.I.M. Telecommunication Headquarters, Rome & other Italian locations • Malpensa Int. Airport, Milan<br />

(I) • The Italian Parliament's Restaurant, Rome (I) • Vodafone-Omnitel Break Areas, Various Italian<br />

locations • Ferrari Automobiles, Maranello (I) • Maserati Automobiles, Modena (I) • Hotel Continental,<br />

Rimini (I) • Hotel Montetauro, Taormina (I) • IMI San Paolo, Milan (I) • Bar Mascalzone Latino, Isola d'Elba<br />

(I) • Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome (I) • The House of the Music, Parma (I) • Industrial Design University,<br />

Florence (I) • Club Mediterranee, Ragusa & other Italian locations • Microsoft Canteen, Milan (I) •<br />

Vignadivalle Airport Headquarter , Vignadivalle (I) • Banca d'Italia, several branches in Italy • Fini Grill,<br />

Modena (I) • Holiday Inn Hotels, several branches in Italy • Eniservizi Canteen, several branches in Italy •<br />

University of Saragozza, Saragozza (E) • University of Lisbon, Lisbon (P) • Boa Vista Stadium, Porto (P) •<br />

Monte Prado Hotel, Prado (P) • Novotel, Lisbon (P) • Lanzarote Airport, Canary Islands (E) • Saab-Scania<br />

Headquarters, Stockholm (S) • Orient Express Restaurant, Railway Station, Stockholm (S) • Operakällaren<br />

Restaurant, Stockholm (S) • Mc Donald’s Restaurant, Helsinki (Finland) • Palmeraie Golf Palace<br />

Marrakech, Morrocco • Accor Pannonia Hotel, Budapest (Hungary).<br />

USA & CANADA Science Museum, St. Paul (MN) • Art Museum, Milwaukee (WI) • University of<br />

Michigan, Ann Arbor (MI) • Nissan Automobiles Dealership, several American locations • Chicago Bears<br />

Stadium, Chicago • Museum of Fine arts, Boston • Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles • Carnival Cruising<br />

Ships, Miami • Paramount Studios, Hollywood • U.S. Cellular, Shops around the U.S. • Atlanta Airport,<br />

Atlanta • Clear Channel, Minnesota • Westchester Hospital, Maryland • John Hopkins Hospital Servery,<br />

Baltimore • White House Press Room, Washington (DC) • Dallas Market Center, Dallas • Waterford 51 st<br />

District Court, Waterford, (MI) • Choctaw Indians Courthouse, (MS) • Northwestern University, Sioux<br />

Falls, (SD) • Oakwood Mall, Hammond, Louisiana • Firemunds Fund Insurance, California • Girl Scouts<br />

of America, Houston • Fox Restaurant Concepts, Tucson, (AZ) • Pentagon Eatery, Washington (DC) • El<br />

Al Israel Airlines VIP Lounge, JFK Airport, (NY) • New Jersey Devils Stadium (Bar area), New Jersey • San<br />

Diego Padres Baseball Club • University of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls (SD) • JC Penney Corporation • Royal<br />

Canadian Police, Vancouver • Boreal University College, Toronto • Toronto Int. Airport, Toronto • L'Oreal<br />

Shops, Toronto.<br />

ARGENTINA Hagen Dazs Ice Cream Shop, Buenos Aires • Worls Sports Cafè, Buenos Aires.<br />

AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND The National Museum Of Australia, Canberra • Grand Hyatt Hotel,<br />

Melbourne • Marion Cultural Centre, Adelaide • Watermark Restaurant, Canberra • Department of<br />

Defense, Canberra • Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne • Sydney Int. Airport, Sydney • The Papa<br />

Museum, Wellington • Wellington Int. Airport, Wellington • Wellington University, Wellington • North<br />

Harbour Stadium, Auckland • Virgin Airlines, Brisbane • Australian Department of Justice Royal<br />

Automobile Club, Victoria. FAR EAST Bunkyo University, Bunkyo (J) • Disneyland Resort, Tokyo • Tokai<br />

University Hospital, Tokyo • Tokyo Int. Airport, Tokyo • Philips Headquarters Coffee Shop, Singapore •<br />

Holland valley Food Court, Singapore • Manchester United Coffee Shop, Singapore • Union Bank<br />

Headquarters, Singapore. MIDDLE EAST Grand Canyon Shopping Mall, Haifa (IL) • Wizman Science<br />

Institute, Rehovot (IL) • Israel Air Force VIP Restaurant, Tel Aviv (IL) • Eurovision Singing Contest,<br />

Jerusalem • Belison Hospital, Dubai • Dubai World Trade Center, Dubai.<br />

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Project:<br />

Platania&Co<br />

Photo:<br />

Luciano Allione<br />

Santi Caleca<br />

Peter Clarke<br />

John Gollings<br />

Paul Gosney<br />

Beppe Raso<br />

Saverio Lombardi Vallauri<br />

LabFoto Indaco<br />

Politecnico di Milano<br />

Pietro Soudaz<br />

Special thanks:<br />

Design Museum, London<br /><br />

Domus<br />

Immagini Sun Microsystem, Milano<br />

Progetto CMR<br />

Photolito:<br />

Grafiche Leonardo<br />

Print:<br />

Ciani Artigrafiche<br />

February 2008<br />

Un grazie sincero a tutti coloro che<br />

hanno contribuito alla realizzazione<br />

di questo “Reportage”fornendoci<br />

molte delle immagini qui riprodotte.<br />

We wish to thank everyone that<br />

contributed with the images to<br />

make this “Reportage” possible.

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