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SELF SERVICET H E I T A L I A N S T Y L EDesco è un marchio di Ilsa spa.La sua storia ha origine nel 1962 quando una piccola impresa artigiana di ReggioEmilia iniziò la produzione di attrezzature per bar e per la piccola ristorazione.In seguito, nel 1980, da un’idea del titolare e del responsabile commerciale, nasceil macchinario italiano grazie al quale Desco è stato riconosciuto a livello mondialecome inventore del CUOCIPASTA.Alla fine degli anni 80 Desco continua la sua ascesa nel mercato mondiale di cucineindustriali ampliando la sua gamma con la SERIE 700 e 900.Nel 1992 brevetta il MODULINO ALZACESTELLI abbinato al cuocipasta perl’automatizzazione della cottura della pasta.Nel 2001 crea “LA FRIGGITRICE AD ALTO RENDIMENTO” alla quale tutt’ora viene riconosciutauna resa superiore del 20% rispetto a molte delle migliori friggitrici presenti sulmercato.Nel 2005 Desco entra a far parte del gruppo Ilsa spa.Nel 2007 Desco decide di rinnovare completamente la sua gamma con un DESIGNNUOVO e innovativo dando allo Chef la possibilità di scegliere una cucina professionalecapace di rispondere alle necessità di affidabilità, potenza ed eleganza.Ad oggi, in una struttura di 12.000 mq, l’azienda è dotata di un sistema di controlloqualità che prevede: verifica delle materie prime, collaudo dei prodotti, ispezione primadella spedizione e, infine, archiviazione automatica e valutazione periodica dellesegnalazioni di difetto ricevute. La vasta gamma di attrezzature per la REFRIGERAZI-ONE, la PREPARAZIONE STATICA, il LAVAGGIO, il SELFSERVICE, le TRE linee completedi COTTURA e l’ampia linea di FORNI permette ai professionisti del settore di ottenerecucine professionali complete e ad elevate prestazioni.Ideate da un’azienda che da sempre crede e investe su sviluppo e ricerca, le cucineitaliane Desco sono tra le più affidabili, potenti e sicure presenti sul mercato di tutto ilpanorama internazionale.Desco is a company which is part of the group Ilsa spa since 2005.His story begins in 1962 when a small craft business of Reggio Emilia began manufacturingequipment for bars and snack bars.Later, in 1980, the brainchild of the owner and sales manager, was born the Italianmachinery that will ensure that Desco is globally recognized as the inventor of PASTA.At the end of the 80 Desco continues its meteoric rise in the world market of industrialkitchens expanding its range with SERIES 700 and 900.In 1992 he patented the ALZACESTELLI modulate combined with pasta cooker for theautomation of the pasta cooking.In 2001 he created “THE DEEP FRYER HIGH PERFORMANCE” which is still recognized ahigher yield of 20% compared to many of the best deep fryers on the market.In 2007, Desco decided to completely renew its ranges donating to a NEW DESIGNand innovative giving the chef a chance to choose a professional kitchen capableof responding to the needs of reliability, elegance and power.To date, in a facility of 12,000 square meters, the company has set up a quality controlsystem that provides verification of raw materials, product testing, inspection beforeshipment, and finally, automatic archiving and periodic assessment of reporteddefect receipts. The wide range of equipment that perfectly modular refrigeration,STATIC PREPARATION, washing, SELFSERVICE, the complete lines of THREE COOKINGOVENS and the broad line allows professionals to get professional kitchens completeand high performance.Designed by a company that has always believed and invests in research and development,kitchens Italian Desco are among the most reliable, powerful and safest onthe market of the whole international scene.L’affidabilità dei prodotti DESCO si specchia anche nella linea Self Service, baseperfetta per servire qualsiasi pietanza. I clienti finali possono così apprezzare la bontàdi ogni piatto, perchè ogni elemento è studiato in linea con la mente attenta di unochef, affinchè vengano rispettati tutti i parametri igienici per mantenere intatte lequalità organolettiche degli alimenti.Le innumerevoli possibilità di composizione della linea DESCO Self Service sonosinonimo di massima libertà nella personalizzazione del layout di distribuzione deipasti. Elementi refrigerati, caldi e neutri sono realizzati con materiali di qualità pergarantire solidità della struttura e rispetto delle più severe normative igieniche.DESCO sarà il tuo successo.The reliability of DESCO products is also reflected in the Self-Service line, a perfect shelffor serving any dish. Ultimate customers can appreciate the delicacy of food as everyelement is studied consistent with the attentive mind of a chef, so that all hygieneparameters are maintained to keep the organoleptic qualities of food unchanged.The numberless possibilities of composing the DESCO Self-Service line give you thechance to arrange the food distribution layout as you wish. Refrigerating, warmingand neutral elements are built with quality materials, which are in compliance withthe strictest hygiene regulations and make the construction very solid.DESCO will be your success.

SELF SERVICE 700SELF SERVICE 800Self 700 permette di realizzare postazioni per la distribuzionecon la massima flessibilità nella composizione. I numerosielementi modulari freeflow possono essere utilizzatisingolarmente, come banchi o come isole, o accostatitramite l’elemento di unione per un utilizzo in linea. Per ilfreddo sono a disposizione piani o vasche refrigerate edelementi vetrina. Elementi caldi come bagnomaria e pianiriscaldanti ed elementi neutri completano la linea.Self 700 has been designed to create a solution for thedistribution of elements with maximum flexibility in thecomposition. The numerous free flow elements can be usedindependently as counters or islands, or combined togetherthanks to a series of connection elements. Cool is providedby refrigerating shelves or baths and glass doors. Warmingelements for bain-marie cooking and warming shelves andmany other neutral elements complete the line.La linea Self 800 consente di realizzare soluzioni per il selfservice in linea, con elementi modulari caratterizzati dagiunzioni a filo per un accostamento perfetto dei piani euna pulizia rigorosa. Sono disponibili elementi freddi comeunità con piano o vasca refrigerata e vetrine refrigerateed elementi caldi quali bagnomaria o piani riscaldanti invetroceramica. Completano la linea una grande varietàdi elementi neutri a giorno o armadiati, elementi perinserimento carrelli ad angolo ed elementi cassa per unallestimento completo e flessibile.The Self 800 line offers the opportunity to create in-lineself-service solutions with modular elements, which arecharacterised by integral connections, creating a seamlesstransition for a perfect combination of tops and strictcleanup. Cooling elements, refrigerating baths or top units,refrigerating shelves and warming elements, such as bainmariebaths or glass ceramic heating surfaces, are some ofthe available elements. The line is completed with a greatrange of neutral external or built-in elements, angle slidingshelves and drawers for a complete and flexible solution.

ACCESSORISELF SERVICE 800REFRIGERATED TOP UNITSREFRIGERATED TANK UNITSCODEDIMENSIONS°C RANGECOMPARTMENTCODEDIMENSIONS°C RANGECOMPARTMENTD8EGPR11D8EGPR15D8EGPR22112,5x80x90150x80x90225x80x90-10 / -3 °C-10 / -3 °C-10 / -3 °Copen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentD8EGVR11D8EGVR15D8EGVR22112,5x80x90150x80x90225x80x90+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °Copen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentD8EAPR11D8EAPR15D8EAPR22112,5x80x90150x80x90225x80x90-10 / -3 °C-10 / -3 °C-10 / -3 °Cneutral cupboardneutral cupboardneutral cupboardD8EAVR11D8EAVR15D8EAVR22112,5x80x90150x80x90225x80x90+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °Cneutral cupboardneutral cupboardneutral cupboardD8EVPR15D8EVPR22150x80x90225x80x90-10 / -3 °C-10 / -3 °Crefrigerated cupboardrefrigerated cupboardD8EVVR15*D8EVVR22*150x80x90225x80x90+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °Crefrigerated cupboardrefrigerated cupboardNumerosi accessori ed elementi complementari disponibiliper Self 800 e Self 700 permettono di arricchire il layoutcon dettagli funzionali che conferiscono valore aggiuntoal sistema di distribuzione. Tra questi, elementi portavassoi, posate, pane e bicchieri, tramogge, scorrivassoi,ripiani, cristalli frontali, zoccoli, carrelli porta piatti e carrellisollevatori.Many complementary elements and accessories for Self800 and Self 700 complete the layout and design withfunctional details, which provide added value to thedistribution system. Among these, tray, cutlery, bread andglass containers, hoppers, sliding tray shelves, shelves, frontglass units, baseboards, dish and lifting trolleys.NEUTRAL AND REFRIGERATED DISPLAY COUNTERSCODE DIMENSIONS °C RANGE COMPARTMENTD8VTN15D8VTN22D8VTR15D8VTR22D8VTRF15D8VTRF22D8VTRT15D8VTRT22D8VTRFT15D8VTRFT22CODED8EGB7D8EGB11D8EGB15D8EGB22D8EAB7*D8EAB11*D8EAB15*D8EAB22*D8ECB7*D8ECB11*D8ECB15*D8ECB22*141x73x100216x73x100141x73x100216x73x100141x73x100216x73x100141x73x100216x73x100141x73x100216x73x100+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °CBAINMARIE UNITSDIMENSIONS TANK75x80x90112,5x80x90150x80x90225x80x9075x80x90112,5x80x90150x80x90225x80x9075x80x90112,5x80x90150x80x90225x80x902 GN 1/13 NG 1/14 GN 1/16 GN 1/12 GN 1/13 NG 1/14 GN 1/16 GN 1/12 GN 1/13 NG 1/14 GN 1/16 GN 1/1neutral display counterneutral display counterwithout bottomwithout bottomwith bottomwith bottomwithout bottomwithout bottomwith bottomwith bottomCOMPARTMENTopen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentneutral cupboardneutral cupboardneutral cupboardneutral cupboardheating cupboardheating cupboardheating cupboardheating cupboard*HINGED DOORS (+2 / +10 °C)CODED8VTRPG15DBVTRPG22D8VTRPA15*D8VTRPA22*D8VTRPVR15*D8VTRPVR22*D8VTRVG15D8VTRVG22D8VTRVA15*D8VTRVA22*UNITS WITH REFRIGERATED DISPLAY COUNTERDIMENSIONS °C RANGE COMPARTMENT150x80x160225x80x160150x80x160225x80x160150x80x160225x80x160150x80x160225x80x160150x80x160225x80x160D8VTRVVR15* 150x80x160D8VTRVVR22* 225x80x160*HINGED DOORS -10 / -3 °C, +4 / +10 °CCODED8EGVC11D8EGVC15D8EAVC11*D8EAVC15*D8ECVC11*D8ECVC15*+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °Copen compartmentopen compartmentneutral cupboardneutral cupboardrefrigerated cupboardrefrigerated cupboardopen compartmentopen compartmentneutral cupboardneutral cupboardrefrigerated cupboardrefrigerated cupboardUNITS WITH GLASS-CERAMIC HEATING TOPDIMENSIONS °C RANGE COMPARTMENT112,5x80x90150x80x90112,5x80x90150x80x90112,5x80x90150x80x90max 120°Cmax 120°Cmax 120°Cmax 120°Cmax 120°Cmax 120°Copen compartmentopen compartmentneutral cupboardneutral cupboardheating cupboardheating cupboard*HINGED DOORS*HINGED DOORS max 60°CNEUTRAL UNITSNEUTRAL CORNER UNITS - CASH REGISTER UNITSCODECOMPARTMENTCODECOMPARTMENTCODEDIMENSIONSCORNERCOMPARTMENTD8NP7D8NP11D8NP15D8EG7D8EG11D8EG15D8EA7*D8EA11*D8EA15*open compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentneutral cupboardneutral cupboardneutral cupboardD8ENC7*D8ENC11*D8ENC15*D8INS7D8INS11D8INS15heating cupboardheating cupboardheating cupboardunit for trolleysunit for trolleysunit for trolleys*HINGED DOORSD8EAI45D8EAI90D8EAE45D8EAE90D8CDX15D8CSX1580x61,2x9080x80x9080x61,2x9080x80x90150x80x90150x80x90*HINGED DOORS max 60°C45°90°45°90°DXSXopen compartmentopen compartmentneutral cupboardneutral cupboardheating cupboardheating cupboardACCESSORIES

SELF SERVICE 700CODEREFRIGERATED TOP UNITSDIMENSIONS °C RANGECOMPARTMENTCODEREFRIGERATED TANK UNITSDIMENSIONS °C RANGECOMPARTMENTDEGPR12DEGPR15DEGPR23DEVPR15*DEVPR23*120x70x90150x70x90230x70x90150x70x90230x70x90-10 / -3 °C-10 / -3 °C-10 / -3 °C-10 / -3 °C-10 / -3 °Copen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentrefrigerated cupboardrefrigerated cupboardDEGVR8DEGVR12DEGVR15DEGVR23DEVVR15*DEVVR23*800x70x90120x70x90150x70x90230x70x90150x70x90230x70x90+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °C+4 / +10 °Copen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentrefrigerated cupboardrefrigerated cupboardrefrigerated cupboardNEUTRAL, REFRIGERATED AND HEATED DISPLAY COUNTERSCODE DIMENSIONS °C RANGE COMPARTMENTNeutral display counterDVTN15DVTN23150x70x70230x70x70without bottomwithout bottomRefrigerated display counterDVTR15 150x70x70DVTR23 230x70x70+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °Cwithout bottomwithout bottom*+2 / +10 °CCODEDVTRPG15DVTRPG23DVTRPVR15DVTRPVR23UNITS WITH REFRIGERATED DISPLAY COUNTERDIMENSIONS °C RANGE COMPARTMENT150x70x162230x70x162150x70x162230x70x162+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °Copen compartmentopen compartmentrefrigerated cupboardrefrigerated cupboardDVTRF15DVTRF23150x70x70230x70x70+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °Cwith bottomwith bottomDVTRVG15DVTRVG23150x70x162230x70x162+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °Copen compartmentopen compartmentHeated display counterDVTC15 150x70x70with bottomDVTRVVR15DVTRVVR23150x70x162230x70x162+4 / +12 °C+4 / +12 °Crefrigerated cupboardrefrigerated cupboardCODEBAINMARIE UNITSDIMENSIONS TANKCOMPARTMENTCODENEUTRAL CORNER UNITS - CASH REGISTER UNITSDIMENSIONS CORNER COMPARTMENTDEGB8DEGB12DEGB15DEGB23DEAB8DEAB12DEAB15DEAB2380x70x90120x70x90150x70x90230x70x9080x70x90120x70x90150x70x90230x70x902 GN 1/13 NG 1/14 GN 1/16 GN 1/12 GN 1/13 NG 1/14 GN 1/16 GN 1/1open compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentneutral cupboardneutral cupboardneutral cupboardneutral cupboardDEAI45DEAI90DEAE45DEAE90DCC8*DCDX12*79x70x90145x70x9079x70x90145x70x9080x70x90120x70x9045°90°45°90°DXinternal corner unitsinternal corner unitsexternal corner unitsexternal corner unitscentral cass-register unitsright cash-register unitsDECB8DECB12DECB15DECB2380x70x90120x70x90150x70x90230x70x902 GN 1/13 NG 1/14 GN 1/16 GN 1/1heating cupboardheating cupboardheating cupboardheating cupboardDCSX12* 120x70x90SX left cash-register units*WITH DRAWER WITH LOCK AND ELECTRICAL SOCKETUNITS WITH GLASS-CERAMIC HEATING TOPCODE DIMENSIONS COMPARTMENTCODENEUTRAL UNITSCOMPARTMENTDEGVC8DEGVC12DEGVC1580x70x90120x70x90150x70x90open compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentDEG8DEG12DEG15open compartmentopen compartmentopen compartmentDECVC8DECVC12DECVC1580x70x90120x70x90150x70x90heating cupboardheating cupboardheating cupboardDEA8DEA12DEA15neutral cupboardneutral cupboardneutral cupboardDINS8DINS12DINS15unit for trolleysunit for trolleysunit for trolleysDesco, marchio di Ilsa spa, si riserva il diritto di apportare modifiche al seguente <strong>catalogo</strong> senza obbligo di preavvisoDesco reserves the right to modify any product without prior notice

T H E I T A L I A N S T Y L EIlsa SpaVia Ferrovia, 3131020 San Fior (TV) - ITALYPh. +39.0438.4905 Fax. +39.0438.402417E-mail: info@desconet.itwww.desconet.itFind us on:

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