A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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grandiflora Nuttall [M&H; W&S]big-head Townsend-daisy+gypsophila Lowrey & Knight [Lowrey & Knight 1994]gyp Townsend-daisyincana Nuttall [M&H; W&S]hoary Townsend-daisyTownsendia arizonica Grayleptotes (Gray) Osterhout [M&H]common Townsend-daisyTownsendia sericea Hooker var. leptotes Grayrothrockii Gray ex Rothrock : Reported by Kartesz (1999) without documentation; awaits verification.sericea Hooker = Townsendia exscapa (Richardson) Portersericea Hooker var. leptotes Gray = Townsendia leptotes (Gray) OsterhoutTragopogon salsifyOwnbey, M. 1950. Natural hybridization and amphiploidy in the genus Tragopogon. Amer. J. Bot. 37:487-499.*dubius Scopoli [M&H]yellow salsify*porrifolius Linnaeus [M&H; W&S]leek salsify*pratensis Linnaeus [M&H]Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon, meadow salsifyTrixisthreefoldAnderson, C. 1972. A monograph <strong>of</strong> the Mexican and Central American species <strong>of</strong> Trixis (Compositae). Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 22(3):1-68.californica Kellogg [M&H; W&S]California threefoldUropappus silverpuffslindleyi (A.P. de Candolle) Nuttall [M&H; W&S]silverpuffsMicroseris linearifolia (Nuttall) Schultz-BipontinusMicroseris lindleyi (A.P. de Candolle) GrayUropappus linearifolius NuttallUropappus pruinosus GreeneUropappus pruinosus Greene = Uropappus lindleyi (A.P. de Candolle) NuttallVarilla texana Gray : Reported for NM from near El Paso by Vines (1960), but this seems unlikely in view <strong>of</strong> its distribution in the Tamaulipanvegetation <strong>of</strong> south Texas and adjacent <strong>Mexico</strong> and its exclusion from the Chihuahuan Desert flora by Henrickson &Johnston (1997).Verbesina crownbeardColeman, J.R. 1966. A taxonomic revision <strong>of</strong> section Ximenesia <strong>of</strong> the genus Verbesina (Compositae). Amer. Midl. Naturalist 76:475-481.encelioides (Cavanilles) Bentham & Hooker f. ex Gray var. encelioides [M&H]golden crownbeard, cowpen daisyXimenesia encelioides Cavanillesencelioides (Cavanilles) Bentham & Hooker f. ex Gray var. exauriculata B.L. Robinson & J.L. Greenman [M&H; W&S]golden crownbeard, cowpen daisyXimenesia exauriculata (B.L. Robinson & J.L. Greenman) Rydberglongifolia Gray [M&H; W&S]long-leaf crownbeardActinomeris longifolia Graynana (Gray) B.L. Robinson & J.L. Greenman [M&H; W&S]dwarf crownbeardWootonella nana (Gray) StandleyXimenesia encelioides Cavanilles var. nana Grayoreophila Wooton & Standley [M&H; W&S]mountain crownbeardrothrockii B.L. Robinson & J.L. Greenman [M&H; W&S]Rothrock’s crownbeardVerbesina wrightii Graywrightii Gray = Verbesina rothrockii RobinsonVernonia ironweedCarson National Forest, USDA Forest Service. 2000. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records 15:7. [Vernonia noveborascensis]Jones, S.B. 1972. A systematic study <strong>of</strong> the Fasciculatae group <strong>of</strong> Vernonia (Comositae). Brittonia 24:28-45.baldwinii Torrey subsp. interior (Small) Faust : Reported by Kartesz (1999) without documentation; awaits verification.marginata (Torrey) Rafinesque [M&H; W&S]plains ironweedVernonia altissima Nuttall var. marginata TorreyVernonia jamesii Torrey & Graymissurica Rafinesque [M&H; W&S]

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