A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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coulteri (A. Gray) Nesom [M&H]Coulter’s woolwortConyza coulteri A. GrayEschenbachia coulteri (Gray) Rydbergschiedeana (Lessing) Nesom [M&H; W&S]pineland woolwortErigeron schiedeanus LessingLeptilon integrifolium Wooton & Standleysophiifolia (Kunth) Nesom [M&H]cut-leaf woolwortConyza coulteri Gray var. tenuisecta GrayConyza sophiifolia KunthEschenbachia tenuisecta (Gray) Wooton & StandleyLaphamia cernua Greene = Perityle cernua (Greene) Shinnersquinqueflora Steyermark = Perityle quinqueflora (Steyermark) Shinnersstaurophylla Barneby = Perityle staurophylla (Barneby) Shinners var. staurophyllaLasianthaea daisyStrother, J.L. 1991. Taxonomy <strong>of</strong> Complaya, Elaphandra, Iogeton, Jefea, Wamalchitamin, Wedelia, Zexmenia, and Zyzyxia (Compositae- Heliantheae-Ecliptinae).Syst. Bot. Monogr. 33:1-111.podocephala (Gray) Baker [M&H]San Pedro daisyVerbesina podocephala GrayZexmenia podocephala (Gray) GrayLasthenia goldfieldscalifornica A.P. de Candolle ex Lindley [M&H; W&S] Note: the report is based on a Greene specimen from Grant County, whichcannot be located; no other specimens are known from NMCalifornia goldfieldsBaeria chrysostoma Fischer & C.A. Meyer var. gracilis (A.P. de Candolle) HallLayiatidytipsglandulosa (Hooker) Hooker & Arnott var. glandulosa [M&H; W&S]white tidytipsBlepharipappus glandulosa HookerLayia neomexicana Grayneomexicana Gray = Layia glandulosa HookerLeibnitzia sunbonnetsNesom, G.L. 1983. Biology and taxonomy <strong>of</strong> American Leibnitzia (Asteraceae: Mutisieae). Brittonia 35:126-139.seemannii (Schultz-Bipontinus) Nesom [M&H; W&S]Seemann’s sunbonnetsChaptalia alsophila GreeneLeontodon hawkbitSivinski, R. 2001. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 19:3. [Leontodon taraxacoides]*taraxacoides (Villars) Mérat subsp. taraxacoides [Sivinski 2001]lesser hawkbitLepidospartum scalebroomSivinski, R. & K. Lightfoot, eds. 1995. Inventory <strong>of</strong> rare and endangered plants <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Forestry and Resources Conservation Division,Misc. Publ. No. 4.Turner, B.L. 1977. Lepidospartum burgessii (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), a remarkable new gypsophilic species from Trans-Pecos Texas. Wrightii 5(9):354-355.burgesii Turner [Sivinski & Lightfoot 1995]Burges’s scalebroomLeptilon canadense (Linnaeus) Britton & Brown = Conyza canadensis (Linnaeus) Cronquistintegrifolium Wooton & Standley = Conyza schiediana (Lessing) CronquistLeptoseris sonchoides Nuttall = Malacothrix sonchoides (Nuttall) Torrey & GrayLeucampyx newberryi Gray = Hymenopappus newberryi (Gray) I.M. JohnstonLeucanthemum daisy*vulgare Lamarck [M&H; W&S]oxeye daisyChrysanthemum leucanthemum LinnaeusChrysanthemum leucanthemum Linnaeus var. pinnatifidum Lecoq & LamotteLeucelene arenosus Heller = Chaetopappa ericoides (Torrey) Nesomericoides (Torrey) Greene = Chaetopappa ericoides (Torrey) NesomLeucivamarsh-elderStrother, J.L. 2000. Hedosyne (Compositae, Ambrosiinae), a new genus for Iva ambrosiifolia. Madroño 47(3):204-205.dealbata (A. Gray) Rydberg [M&H; W&S]wooly marsh-elderIva dealbata A. GrayLeucosyris spinosus (Bentham) Greene = Chloracantha spinosa (Bentham) NesomLiatrisgayfeather

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