A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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plains sunflowerpetiolaris Nuttall subsp. petiolaris [M&H; W&S]plains sunflowerpraetermissus E.E. Watson : Reported by Tidestrom & Kittell (1941) and Watson (1929), but the occurrence in NM and the validity <strong>of</strong> thistaxon is seriously in question (<strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Rare <strong>Plant</strong> Technical Council 1999; Sivinski & Lightfoot 1995)quinquenervis Hooker = Helinthella quinquenervis (Hooker) Grayrigidus (Cassini) Desfontaines subsp. subrhomboideus (Rydberg) Heiser [M&H; W&S]stiff sunflowerHelianthus laetiflorus Persoon var. subrhomboideus (Rydberg) FernaldHelianthus scaberrimus Bentham var. subrhomboideus (Rydberg) FarwellHelianthus subrhomboideus Rydbergsubrhomboideus Rydberg = Helianthus rigidus (Cassini) Desfontaines subsp. subrhomboideus (Rydberg) Heisertuberosus Linnaeus [M&H; W&S]Jerusalem artichockHelianthus neomexicanus Wooton & Standley [Heiser et al. 1969]Heliomeris hispida (Gray) Cockerell = Viguiera ciliata (B.L. Robinson & J.L. Greenman) Blakelongifolia (B.L. Robinson & J.L. Greenman) Cockerell = Viguiera longifolia (B.L. Robinson & J.L. Greenman) Blakemultiflora Nuttall = Viguiera multiflora (Nuttall) S.F. BlakeHeliopsis oxeyeFisher, T.R. 1957. Taxonomy <strong>of</strong> genus Heliopsis (Compositae). Ohio J. Sci. 57:171-191.helianthoides (Linnaeus) Sweet subsp. occidentalis Fisher [Fisher 1957]smooth oxeyeparvifolia Gray [Fisher 1957; M&H]mountain oxeyescabra Dunal [=Heliopsis helianthoides (Linnaeus) Sweet subsp. scabra (Dunal) Fisher] : Reported by W&S and M&H, but this taxonoccurs eastward.Heliopsis helianthoides (Linnaeus) Sweet var. scabra (Dunal) FernaldHerrickia glauca (Nuttall) Brouillet = Eurybia glauca (Nuttall) Nesomhorrida Wooton & Standley = Eurybia horrida (Wooton & Standley) NesomHeteropleura fendleri (Schultz-Bipontinus) Rydberg = Hieracium fendleri Schultz-Bipontinus var. fendleriHeterosperma wingpetalpinnatum Cavanilles [M&H; W&S]wingpetalHeterosperma tagetinum Graytagetinum Gray = Heterosperma pinnatum Cavanillesdicranocarpa Gray = Dicranocarpus parviflorus (Gray) GrayHeterotheca golden-asterNesom, G.L. 1990. Taxonomy <strong>of</strong> Heterotheca sect. Heterotheca (Asteraceae: Astereae) in <strong>Mexico</strong>, with comments on the taxa <strong>of</strong> the United States. Phytologia69(4):282-294.Semple, J.C. 1987. <strong>New</strong> names, combinations, and lectotypifications in Heterotheca (Compositae: Astereae). Brittonia 39(3):379-386.Semple, J.C. 1990. Neotypification <strong>of</strong> Amellus villosus, the identity <strong>of</strong> a Bradbury collection, and typification <strong>of</strong> some other goldenasters (Compositae: Astereae).Brittonia 42(3):221-228.Semple, J.C. 1994. <strong>New</strong> combinations in the Heterotheca villosa (Pursh) Shinners complex (Compositae: Astereae). Novon 4:53-54.Semple, J. 1996. A revision <strong>of</strong> Heterotheca sect. Phyllotheca (Nuttall) Harms (Compositae: Astereae). Univ. Waterloo Biol. Ser. 37:1-164.Semple, J.C., V.C. Blok, and P. Heiman. 1980. Morphological, anatomical, habit, and habitat differences among the goldenaster genera Chrysopsis, Heterothecaand Pityopsis (Compositae--Astereae). Can. J. Bot. 58:147-163.canescens (A.P. de Candolle) Shinners [M&H; Semple 1996; W&S]gray camphorweed, hoary golden-asterChrysopsis berlandiera GreeneChrysopsis canescens (A.P. de Candolle) Torrey & GrayChrysopsis villosa (Pursh) Nuttall var. canescens (A.P. de Candolle) GrayHaplopappus canescens (A.P. de Candolle) Torrey & Grayfulcrata (E.L. Greene) Shinners var. amplifolia (Rydberg) Semple [Semple 1996; W&S]green camphorweedChysopsis nitidula Wooton & Standleyfulcrata (Greene) Shinners var. arizonica Semple [Semple 1996]Arizona camphorweedfulcrata (Greene) Shinners var. fulcrata [M&H; Semple 1996 W&S]green camphorweedChrysopsis cryptocephala Wooton & StandleyChrysopsis fulcrata GreeneChrysopsis resinolens A. Nelsonfulcrata (E.L. Greene) Shinners var. senilis (Wooton & Standley) Semple [M&H; Semple 1996 W&S]green camphorweedChrysopsis senilis Wooton & Standleylatifolia Buckley = Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lamarck) Britton & Rusbylatifolia Buckley var. macgregoris Wagenknecht = Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lamarck) Britton & Rusbypsammophila Wagenknecht = Heterotheca subaxillaris (Lamarck) Britton & Rusby

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