A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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eggarticksfrondosa Linnaeus [M&H; W&S]devil’s pitchforkglaucescens Greene = Bidens cernua Linnaeusheterosperma Gray [M&H; W&S]Rocky Mountain beggartickslaevis (Linnaeus) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenburg [M&H]smooth beggartickslemmonii Gray [M&H; Wagner 1979]Lemmon’s beggarticksleptocephala Sherff [M&H]slim beggarticksodorata Cavanilles [Ballard 1986; M&H]fragrant beggerticksBidens pilosa Linnaeus var. radiata sensu M&Hpilosa Linnaeus var. radiata sensu M&H = Bidens odorata Cavanilles var. odoratapolylepis Blake [=Bidens aristosa Michaux] : Reported as expected by M&H; awaits verification.prionophylla Greene = Bidens cernua Linnaeustenuisecta Gray [M&H; W&S]slim-lobe beggarticksBidens cognata GreeneBigelovia graveolensBlepharipappus glandulosa Hooker = Layia glandulosa (Hooker) Hooker & ArnottBoebera papposa (Ventenat) Rydberg = Dyssodia papposa (Ventenat) HitchcockBrachyactis frondosus (Nuttall) Gray = Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nuttall) Nesomwoodhousei (Wooton) Wooton & Standley = Symphyotrichum frondosum (Nuttall) NesomBrauneria angustifolia (A.P. de Candolle) Heller = Echinacea angustifolia A.P. de CandolleBrickellia brickellbushAllred, K.W. 1999. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 13:7. [Brickellia parvula]Cronquist, A. 1994. Kuhnia, pp. 384. IN: Intermountain Flora, vol. 5. <strong>New</strong> York Botanical Garden.Shinners, L.H. 1946. Revision <strong>of</strong> the genus Kuhnia. Wrightia 1:122-144.Shinners, L.H. 1971. Kuhnia transferred to Brickellia Ell. (Compositae). Sida 4:274.Turner, B.L. 1989. An overview <strong>of</strong> the Brickellia (Kuhnia) eupatorioides (Asteraceae, Eupatorieae) complex. Phytologia 67(2):121-131.Turner, B.L. 1990. An overview <strong>of</strong> the Brickellia lemmonii (Asteraceae: Eupatorieae) complex (including B. conduplicata). Phytologia 68(3):160-164.amplexicaulis B. Robinson [Spellenberg et al. 1993]ear-leaf brickellbushbaccharidea Gray [M&H; W&S]resin-leaf brickellbushColeosanthus baccharideus (Gray) Kuntzebetonicifolia Gray [M&H; W&S]betony-leaf brickellbushColeosanthus betonicifolius (Gray) Kuntzebrachyphylla Gray [M&H; W&S]plumed brickellbushColeosanthus brachyphyllus (Gray) Kuntzecalifornica (Torrey & Gray) Gray [M&H]California brickellbushBrickellia californica (Torrey & Gray) Gray var. reniformis (Gray) Torrey & GrayBulbostylis californica Torrey & GrayColeosanthus axillaris Greene+chenopodina (Greene) Robinson [M&H; W&S]chenopod brickellbushColeosanthus chenopodinus Greenechlorolepis (Wooton & Standley) Shinners = Brickellia eupatorioides (Linnaeus) Shinners var. chlorolepis (Wooton & Standley) B. Turnercoulteri Gray [Spellenberg et al. 1993]Coulter’s brickellbusheupatorioides (Linnaeus) Shinners var. chlorolepis (Wooton & Standley) B. Turner [M&H; W&S]false bonesetBrickellia chlorolepis (Wooton & Standley) ShinnersKuhnia chlorolepis Wooton & StandleyKuhnia rosmarinifolia Ventenat var. chlorolepis (Wooton & Standley) BlakeKuhnia eupatorioides Linnaeus var. chlorolepis (Wooton & Standley) Cronquisteupatorioides (Linnaeus) Shinners var. corymbulosa (Torrey & Gray) Shinners [Turner 1989]false bonesetKuhnia eupatorioides Linnaeus var. corymbulosa Torrey & GrayBrickellia eupatorioides (Linnaeus) Shinners var. eupatorioides : Reported by W&S, but not known from NM according to Turner (1989).

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