A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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Sporobolus dropseedJones, E.K. & N.C. Fassett. 1950. Subspecific variation in Sporobolus cryptandrus. Rhodora 52:125-126. [Poaceae]Kartesz, J.T. & K.N. Gandhi. 1995. Nomenclatural notes for the North American flora. XIV. Phytologia 78(1):1-17.Riggins, R. 1977. A biosystematic study <strong>of</strong> the Sporobolus asper complex (Gramineae). Iowa State J. Res. 51:287-321.airoides (Torrey) Torrey [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]alkali sacatonasper (Beauvois) Kunth = Sporobolus compositus (Poiret) Merrillasperifolius (Nees & Meyer ex Trinius) Thurber = Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyer ex Trinius) Parodiauriculatus Vasey = Muhlenbergia arenacea (Buckley) A.S. Hitchcockcompositus (Poiret) Merrill [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]tall dropseedSporobolus asper (Beauvois) Kunthconfusus auct. = Muhlenbergia minutissima (Steudel) Swallencontractus A.S. Hitchcock [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]spike dropseedSporobolus strictus Merrillcryptandrus (Torrey) Gray [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]sand dropseedflexuosus (Thurber ex Vasey) Rydberg [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]mesa dropseedgiganteus Nash [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]giant dropseedheterolepis (A. Gray) A. Gray [Allred 1993]prairie dropseednealleyi Vasey [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]gypgrass*neglectus Nash [Allred 1993; M&H]puffsheath dropseedpulvinatus Swallen = Sporobolus pyramidatus (Lamarck) A.S. Hitchcockpyramidatus (Lamarck) A.S. Hitchcock [Allred 1993; M&H]whorled dropseedSporobolus pulvinatus Swallenstrictus Merrill = Sporobolus contractus A.S. Hitchcocktexanus Vasey [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]Texas dropseed*vaginiflorus (Torrey ex Gray) Wood [Allred 1993; M&H]poverty dropseedwrightii Munro ex Scribner [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]giant sacatonSporobolus airoides (Torrey) Torrey var. wrightii (Scribner) Gould*Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walter) Kuntze (St. Augustinegrass) : Included by Allred (1993) only as an ornamental lawn grass and not knownto escape.Steinchisma hians (Elliott) Nash = Panicum hians ElliottStipa arida Jones = Achnatherum aridum (Jones) Barkworthbloomeri Bolander = Achnatherum ×bloomeri (Bolander) Barkworthcolumbiana <strong>of</strong> NM authors = Achnatherum perplexum Hoge & Barkworthcomata Trinius & Ruprecht var. comata = Hesperostipa comata (Trinius & Ruprecht) Barkworth subsp. comatacomata Trinius & Ruprecht var. intermedia Scribner & Tweedy = Hesperostipa comata (Trinius & Ruprecht) Barkworth subsp. intermedia(Scribner & Tweedy) Barkworthcurvifolia Swallen = Achnatherum curvifolium (Swallen) Barkwortheminens Cavanilles = Achnatherum eminens (Cavanilles) Barkworthfimbriata Kunth = Piptochaetium fimbriatum (Kunth) Hitchcocklettermanii Vasey = Achnatherum lettermanii (Swallen) Barkworthlobata Swallen = Achnatherum lobatum (Swallen) Barkworthminor sensu NM authors = Achnatherum perplexum Hoge & Barkworthmormonum Mez = Achnatherum aridum (Jones) Barkworthnelsonii Scribner subsp. dorei Barkworth & Maze sensu stricto : Reported by Allred (1993), but not occurring in NM; replaced in NM byAchnatherum perplexum Hoge & Barkworthneomexicana (Thurber ex Coulter) Scribner = Hesperostipa neomexicana (Thurber) Barkworthperplexa (Hoge & Barkworth) J. Wipff & S.D. Jones = Achnatherum perplexum Hoge & Barkworthpringlei Beal = Piptochaetium pringlei (Beal) Parodirobusta (Vasey) Scribner = Achnatherum robustum (Vasey) Barkworthscribneri Vasey = Achnatherum scribneri (Vasey) Barkworthspartea Trinius = Hesperostipa spartea (Trinius) Barkworthspeciosa Trinius & Ruprecht = Achnatherum speciosum (Trinius & Ruprecht) Barkworthtenuissima Trinius = Nassella tenuissima (Trinius) Barkworthtweedyi Scribner = Hesperostipa comata (Trinius & Ruprecht) Barkworth subsp. intermedia (Scribner & Tweedy) Barkworth

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