A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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deergrassEpicampes rigens BenthamMuhlenbergia mundula I.M. Johnstonrigida (Kunth) Trinius [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]purple muhlyMuhlenbergia affinis Triniusschaffneri Fournier = Muhlenbergia depauperata Scribnersetifolia Vasey [Allred 1993; M&H]curlyleaf muhlysinuosa Swallen [Allred 1993; M&H]barrens muhlyspiciformis Trinius [Allred 1993; M&H]long-awn muhlyMuhlenbergia parviglumis Vaseysquarrosa (Trinius) Rydberg = Muhlenbergia richardsonis (Trinius) Rydbergstraminea A.S. Hitchcock [Allred 1993; M&H; Reeder & Reeder 1995; W&S]screwleaf muhlyMuhlenbergia virescens <strong>of</strong> NM works, not (Kunth) Triniussubalpina Vasey = Muhlenbergia montana (Nuttall) Hitchcocksylvatica Torrey : Reported as expected by M&H; awaits verification.tenuifolia (Kunth) Trinius [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]mesa muhlyMuhlenbergia monticola BuckleyMuhlenbergia neomexiana Vaseytexana Buckley [Allred 1993; M&H]Texas muhlythurberi (Scribner) Rydberg [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]Thurber’s muhlytorreyi (Kunth) A.S. Hitchcock ex Bush [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]ring muhlyMuhlenbergia gracillima Torreytrifida Hackel = Muhlenbergia montana (Nuttall) Hitchcockutilis (Torrey) Hitchcock : Reported by M&H, but no validating specimens located [Morden & Hatch 1996]villiflora Hitchcock var. villosa (Swallen) Morden [Allred 1993; Hatch 1977; M&H]hairy muhlyMuhlenbergia villosa Swallenvillosa Swallen = Muhlenbergia villiflora Hitchcock var. villosa (Swallen) Mordenvirescens <strong>of</strong> NM works = Muhlenbergia straminea A.S. Hitchcockwolfii (Vasey) Rydberg = Muhlenbergia ramulosa (Kunth) Swallenwrightii Vasey ex Coulter [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]spike muhlyMunroa false-buffalograssAnton, A.M & A.T. Hunziker. 1978. El genero Munroa (Poaceae): Sinopsis morfologica y taxonomica. Bol. Acad. Nac. Ci. 52:229-252.squarrosa (Nuttall) Torrey [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]false-buffalograssMunroa squarrosa (Nuttall) Torrey var. floccuosa Vasey ex BealNassella needlegrassBarkworth, M.W. 1990. Nassella (Gramineae, Stipeae): Revised interpretation and nomenclatural changes. Taxon 39(4):597-614.Barkworth, M.E. 1993. North American Stipeae (Gramineae): Taxonomic changes and other comments. Phytologia 74(1):1-25.Barkworth, M.E. & M.A. Torres. 2001. Distribution and diagnostic characters <strong>of</strong> Nassella (Poaceae: Stipeae). Taxon 50:439-468.Reeder, J.R. 1994. Stipa tenuissima (Gramineae) in Arizona -- a comedy <strong>of</strong> errors. Madroño 41:328-329Thomasson, J.R. 1981. Micromorphology <strong>of</strong> the lemma in Stipa robusta and Stipa viridula (Gramineae: Stipeae): taxonomic significance. Southw. Natural.26(2):211-214.tenuissima (Trinius) Barkworth [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]Mexican feathergrassStipa tenuissima Triniusviridula (Trinius) Barkworth [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]green needlegrassStipa viridula TriniusNazia aliena <strong>of</strong> authors = Tragus berteronianus SchultesNeeragrostis reptans (Michaux) Nicora : Reported by Hatch (1980), but a check <strong>of</strong> the specimen (Sopyn s.n., TAES) showed it to be Eragrostishypnoides (Lamarck) Britton, Sterns, & PoggenburgOryzopsis ricegrassBarkworth, M.E. 1982. Embryological characters and the taxonomy <strong>of</strong> the Stipeae (Gramineae). Taxon 31(2):233-243.Barkworth, M.E. 1993. North American Stipeae (Gramineae): Taxonomic changes and other comments. Phytologia 74(1):1-25.Johnson, B.L. 1945. Natural hybrids between Oryzopsis hymenoides and several species <strong>of</strong> Stipa. Amer. J. Bot. 32:599-608.asperifolia Michaux [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]

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