A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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arbata Lagasca var. rothrockii (Vasey) Gould [Allred 1993]Rothrock’s gramaBouteloua rothrockii Vaseybreviseta Vasey [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]gyp gramachondrosoides (Kunth) Bentham ex S. Watson : Reported by M&H, but no validating specimens located [Allred 1993; T. Columbus, pers.comm.]curtipendula (Michaux) Torrey var. caespitosa Gould & Kapadia [Allred 1993]sideoats gramacurtipendula (Michaux) Torrey var. curtipendula [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]sideoats gramaAtheropogon curtipendulus Fournierdactyloides (Nuttall) J.T. Columbus = Buchloë dactyloides (Nuttall) Engelmanneludens Griffiths [Allred 1993]Santa Rita gramaeriopoda (Torrey) Torrey [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]black gramaChondrosum eriopodum Torreyfiliformis (Fournier) Griffiths = Bouteloua repens (Kunth) Scribner & Merrillgracilis (Willdenow ex Kunth) Lagasca ex Griffiths [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]blue grama“Bouteloua gracilis” Lagasca nom. nud.Bouteloua oligostachya (Nuttall) Torrey ex A. GrayChondrosum gracile Willdenow ex Kunthhirsuta Lagasca [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]hairy gramaChondrosum foenum TorreyChondrosum hirsutum (Lagasca) Kunthparryi (Fournier) Griffiths [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]Parry’s gramaChondrosum parryi Fournierprocumbens (Durand) Griffiths = Bouteloua simplex Lagascaradicosa (Fournier) Griffiths [Allred 1993; M&H; W&S]purple gramaramosa Vasey : Reported by M&H, but no validating specimens located [Allred 1993; Reeder & Reeder 1980]repens (Kunth) Scribner & Merrill [Allred 1993; M&H]slender gramaAtheropogon filiformis FournierBouteloua filiformis (Fournier) Griffithsrothrockii Vasey = Bouteloua barbata Lagasca var. rothrockii (Vasey) Gouldsimplex Lagasca [Allred 1993; M&H; M&H; W&S]mat gramaBouteloua procumbens (Durand) Griffithstrifida Thurber ex S. Watson [Allred 1993; M&H]red gramaBouteloua trifida Thurber ex S. Watson var. burkii (Scribner ex S. Watson) Vasey ex L.H. Deweytrifida Thurber ex S. Watson var. burkii (Scribner ex S. Watson) Vasey ex L.H. Dewey = Bouteloua trifida Thurber ex S. Watsonwarnockii Gould & Kapadia [Allred 1993; M&H]Warnock’s gramaBrachiaria arizonica (Scribner & Merrill) S.T. Blake = Urochloa arizonica (Scribner & Merrill) Morrone & Zuloagaciliatissima (Buckley) Chase = Urochloa ciliatissima (Buckley) R.D. Websterfasciculata (Swartz) Parodi = Urochloa fusca (Swartz) Hansen & Wunderlintexana (Buckley) S.T. Blake = Urochloa texana (Buckley) R.D. WebsterBrizaquaking grassAllred, K.W. 2004. <strong>Plant</strong> distribution reports. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 29:7. [Briza maxima]Forbes, A. 1998. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 8:10. [Briza minor]*maxima Linnaeus [Allred 2004]*minor Linnaeus [Forbes 1998]little quaking grassBromopsis anomala (Ruprecht ex Fournier) Holub = Bromus anomalus Ruprecht ex Fournierciliata (Linnaeus) Holub = Bromus ciliata Linnaeusfrondosa (Shear) Holub = Bromus frondosus Shearinermis (Leysser) Holub = Bromus inermis Leysserlanatipes (Shear) Holub = Bromus lanatipes Shearporteri (Coulter) Holub = Bromus porteri Coulterpumpellianus (Scribner) Holub = Bromus pumpellianus Scribner

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