A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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schaffneri Boeckeler = Bulbostylis schaffneri (Boeckeler) C.B. Clarkevalidus Vahl = Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani (C.C. Gmelin) PallaStenophyllus capillaris (Linnaeus) Britton = Bulbostylis capillaris (Linnaeus) C. B. Clarkefunckii (Steudel) Britton = Bulbostylis funckii (Steudel) C.B. ClarkeFamily DRACAENACEAE = see AGAVACEAEFamily GRAMINEAE = see POACEAEFamily HYDROCHARITACEAE [3/5/5]EgeriawaterweedCook, C.D.K. & K. Urmi-Konig. 1984. A revision <strong>of</strong> the genus Egeria (Hydrocharitaceae). Aquatic Bot. 13:485-504.*densa Planchon [M&H]Brazilian waterweedAnacharis densa (Planchon) VictorinElodea densa (Planchon) CasparyPhilotria densa (Planchon) SmallElodeawaterweedCatling, P.M. & W. Wojtas. 1986. The waterweeds (Elodea and Egeria, Hydrocharitaceae) in Canada. Canad. J. Bot. 64:1525-1541.bifoliata St. John [M&H]two-leaf waterweedElodea longivaginata St. Johncanadensis Michaux [M&H]Canadian waterweedAnacharis canadensis (Michaux) PlanchonElodea planchonni CasparyPhilotria canadensis (Michaux) Brittondensa (Planchon) Caspary = Egeria densa Planchlongivaginata St. John = Elodea bifoliata St. Johnnuttallii (Planchon) St. John [M&H]western waterweedAnacharis nuttallii PlanchonAnacharis occidentalis (Pursh) VictorinNajas = see NajadaceaeVallisneria eel-grassamericana Michaux [M&H]American eel-grassVallisneria spiralis <strong>of</strong> authorsFamily IRIDACEAE [2/6/6]IrisirisFoster, R.C. 1937. A cyto-taxonomic survey <strong>of</strong> the North American species <strong>of</strong> Iris. Contr. Gray herb. 119:3-82. [Iridaceae]Henderson, N.C.. 2002. Iris, pp. 371-395. IN: Flora <strong>of</strong> North America, vol. 26. Oxford University Press, <strong>New</strong> York.missouriensis Nuttall [Henderson 2002; M&H; W&S]Rocky Mountain irisOrelirion arizonicum (Rothrock) Bicknell = Sisyrinchium arizonicum RothrockSisyrinchium blue-eyed-grassCholewa, A.F. & D.M. Henderson. 2002. Sisyrinchium, pp. 351-371. IN: Flora <strong>of</strong> North America, vol. 26. Oxford University Press, <strong>New</strong> York.Goldblatt, P., P. Rudall, & J.E. Henrich. 1990. The genera <strong>of</strong> the Sisyrinchium alliance (Iridaceae: Iridoideae): Phylogeny and relationships. Syst. Bot. 15(3):497-510.Henderson, D.M. 1976. A biosystematic study <strong>of</strong> Pacific northwestern blue-eyed- grasses (Sisyrinchium, Iridaceae). Brittonia 28:149-176.Hess, W.J. 1975. Notes on the flora <strong>of</strong> the Mogollon Mountains, <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Sida 6:48-51. [Sisyrinchium longipes]Mosquin, T. 1970. Chromosome numbers and a proposal for classification in Sisyrinchium (Iridaceae). Madroño 20:269-275.arizonicum Rothrock [Chowlewa & Henderson 2002; M&H; W&S]Arizona blue-eyed-grassOrelirion arizonicum (Rothrock) Bicknellcampestre Bicknell : Reported by M&H and W&S, but Cholewa & Henderson show the range <strong>of</strong> this species as central Kansas andeastward; our plants probably referable to Sisyrinchium montanum; merits verification.demissum Greene [Chowlewa & Henderson 2002; M&H; W&S]stiff blue-eyed-grasselmeri Greene : NM reports <strong>of</strong> this species belong to Sisyrinchium longipes (Bicknell) Kearney & Peebles; S. elmeri Greene is endemic toCalifornia.idahoense Bicknell var. occidentale (Bicknell) D.M. Henderson [Chowlewa & Henderson 2002; M&H; W&S]western blue-eyed-grassSisyrinchium occidentale Bicknelllongipes (Bicknell) Kearney & Peebles [Chowlewa & Henderson 2002; Hess 1975]timberland blue-eyed-grass

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