A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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linearis Bentham var. longispatha Torrey = Commelina dianthifolia DelileTradescantia spiderwortAnderson, E. & R.E. Woodson. 1935. The species <strong>of</strong> Tradescantia indigenous to the United States. Contr. Arnold Arbor. 9:1-132.Faden, R.B. 1993. Tradescantia crassifolia (Commelinaceae), an overlooked species in the southwestern United States. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 80:219-222.Hershey, A.L. & P.J. Leyendecker, Jr. 1944. Notes on plants <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> -- III. Leafl. West. Bot. 4(2):21-25. [Tradescantia wrightii]Spellenberg, R. 1979. Chromosome numbers from some federally proposed threatened or endangered southwestern angiosperms and other miscellaneous taxa.Southw. Naturalist 24:187-189. [Tradescantia wrightii]crassifolia Cavanilles : Included in Kartesz’s (1999) list for NM, but Faden (1993) questions, with good evidence, the validity <strong>of</strong> the singlespecimen attributed to NM; awaits verification.occidentalis (Britton) Smyth var. occidentalis [Faden 2000; M&H; W&S]western spiderwortTradescantia virginica Linnaeus var. occidentalis Brittonoccidentalis (Britton) Smyth var. scopulorum (Rose) Anderson & Woodson [Faden 2000; M&H; W&S]Rocky Mountain spiderwortTradescantia scopulorum Rosepinetorum Greene [Faden 2000; M&H; W&S]pinewoods spiderwortTradescantia tuberosa Greenescopulorum Rose = Tradescantia occidentalis (Britton) Smyth var. scopulorum (Rose) Anderson & Woodsontuberosa Greene = Tradescantia pinetorum Greenevirginica Linnaeus var. occidentalis Britton = Tradescantia occidentalis (Britton) Smyth var. occidentaliswrightii Rose & Bush [Faden 2000; Hershey & Leyendecker 1944; Spellenberg 1979]Wright’s spiderwortFamily CONVALLARIACEAE = see LILIACEAEFamily CYPERACEAE [14/135/137]Bruhl, J.J. 1995. Sedge genera <strong>of</strong> the world: relationships and a new classification <strong>of</strong> the Cyperaceae. Australian Systematic Botany 8(2):125-305.Cronquist, A. 1977. Cyperaceae, p. 67-174. IN: Intermountain Flora, Vol. 6 (Monocotyledons). <strong>New</strong> York Botanical Garden. 584 pp.Tucker, G.C. 1987. The genera <strong>of</strong> Cyperaceae in the southeastern United States. J. Arnold Arbor. 68:361-445.Bolboschoenus bulrushBeetle, A.A. 1942. Studies in the genus Scirpus L. IV. The section Bolboschoenus Pallas Amer. J. Bot. 42:82-88.Browning, J., K.D. Gordon-Gray, & S.G. Smith. 1995. Achene structure and taxonomy <strong>of</strong> North American Bolboschoenus (Cyperaceae). Brittonia 47(4):433-445.Smith, S.G. 1995. <strong>New</strong> combinations in North American Schoenoplectus, Bolboschoenus, Isolepis, and Trichophorum (Cyperaceae). Novon 5:97-102.Smith, S.G. 2002. Bolboschoenus, pp. 37-44. IN: Flora <strong>of</strong> North America, vol. 23. Oxford University Press.fluviatilis (Torrey) V. Soják [M&H] Note: Smith (2002) could find no specimens from NM <strong>of</strong> this taxon; perhaps warrantsverification.river bulrushScirpus fluviatilis (Torrey) Graymaritimus (Linnaeus) Palla subsp. paludosus (A. Nelson) T. Koyama [M&H; W&S]saltmarsh bulrushScirpus campestris BrittonScirpus maritimus Linnaeus var. paludosus (A. Nelson) KoyamaScirpus paludosus A. NelsonBulbostylis hair-sedgeKral, R. 1971. A treatment <strong>of</strong> Abildgaardia, Bulbostylis and Fimbristylis (Cyperaceae) for North America. Sida 4:57-227.Kral, R.. 2002. Bulbostylis, pp.131-136. IN: Flora <strong>of</strong> North America, vol. 23. Oxford University Press.capillaris (Linnaeus) Kunth ex C.B. Clarke [Kral 2002; M&H; W&S]tufted hairsedgeStenophyllus capillaris (Linnaeus) Brittonfunckii (Steudel) C.B. Clarke [Kral 2002; M&H; W&S]Funck’s hairsedgeStenophyllus funckii (Steudel) Brittonjuncoides (Vahl) Kükenthal [Kral 1971; Kral 2002]rush hairsedgeschaffneri (Boeckeler) C.B. Clarke [Kral 2002; M&H]Schaffner’s hairsedgeScirpus schaffneri BoeckelerCarexsedge, caric-sedgeAllred, K.W. 2000. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 14:4. [C. planostachys]Ball, P.W. & A.A. Reznicek. 2002. Carex, pp. 254-572. IN: Flora <strong>of</strong> North America, vol. 23. Oxford University Press.Cochrane, T.S. 1981. Noteworthy collections (<strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>). Madroño 28:186-187. [C. leptopoda]Coop, J. 2002. <strong>Plant</strong> distribution reports. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 24:7. [C. phaeocephala]Coop, J. 2003. <strong>Plant</strong> distribution reports. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 25:7. [Carex brunnescens, C. conoidea]Hartman, R.L. 1973. <strong>New</strong> plant records for <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Southwestern Naturalist 18(2):241-242. [C. elynoides, oreocharis, praticola]Hermann, F.J. 1970. Manual <strong>of</strong> the Carices <strong>of</strong> the Rocky Mountains and Colorado Basin. USDA Agric. Handb. No. 374.Hermann, F.J. 1974. Manual <strong>of</strong> the Genus Carex in <strong>Mexico</strong> and Central America. USDA Agric. Handb. No. 467.Hipp, A. 2003. <strong>Plant</strong> distribution reports. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 28:8. [Carex egglestonii]Jones, S.D., C.T. Bryson, and J.E. Ubelaker. 1993. Carex blanda and Kyllinga odorata (Cyperaceae) new to <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> and a significant range extension <strong>of</strong>Cyperus retrorsus. Sida 15(3):552-553.

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