A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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*altissima (Miller) Swingle [M&H; W&S]tree-<strong>of</strong>-heavenAilanthus gladulosa Desfontainesgladulosa Desfontaines = Ailanthus altissima (Miller) SwingleFamily SOLANACEAE [9/48/55]Androcera novomexicana (Bartlett) Wooton & Standley = Solanum heterodoxum Dunal var. novomexicanum Bartlettrostrata (Dunal) Rydberg = Solanum rostratum DunalCalibrachoa petuniaWijsman, H.J.W. 1990. On the inter-relationships <strong>of</strong> certain species <strong>of</strong> Petunia VI. <strong>New</strong> names for the species <strong>of</strong> Calibrachoa formerly included into Petunia(Solanaceae). Acta Bot. Neerl. 39:101-102.Wijsman, H.J.W. & J.H. deJong. 1985. On the inter-relationships <strong>of</strong> certain species <strong>of</strong> Petunia IV. Hybridization between P. linearis and P. calycina andnomenclatorial consequences in the Petunia group. Acta Bot. Neerl. 34:337-349.*parviflora (Jussieu) D'Arcy [M&H; W&S]seaside petuniaPetunia parviflora JussieuCapsicum baccatum Linnaeus : Reported as expected by M&H; awaits verification.Chamaesaracha five-eyesAverett, J.E. 1973. Biosystematic study <strong>of</strong> Chamaesaracha (Solanaceae). Rhodora 75:325-365.Worthington, R.D. 2001. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 20:8. [Chamaesaracha edwardsiana]coniodes (Moricand ex Dunal ) Britton [Averett 1973; M&H; W&S]gray five-eyesSolanum coniodes Moricand ex Dunalcoronopus (Dunal) Gray [Averett 1973; M&H; W&S]green-leaf five-eyesSolanum coronopus Dunaledwardsiana Averett [Worthington 2001]Edwards Plateau five-eyespallida Averett [Averett 1973]pale five-eyessordida (Dunal) Gray [Averett 1973]hairy five-eyesDaturathorn-appleAllred, K.W. 2004. Datura (Solanaceae) in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 30:5.Avery, A.G., S.Satina, & J. Rietsema. 1959. The genus Datura. Chronica Botanica No. 20, The Ronald Press, <strong>New</strong> York. 289 pp.Barclay, A.S. 1959. <strong>New</strong> considerations in an old genus: Datura. Bot. Mus. Leafl. Harvard 18:245-272.Bye, R. 2001. <strong>Vascular</strong> <strong>Plant</strong>s <strong>of</strong> Arizona: Solanaceae. Part One. Datura L. J. Ariz.-Nev. Acad. Sci. 33(1):58-64. [Datura ceratocaula]Ewan, J. 1944. Taxonomic history <strong>of</strong> perennial southwestern Datura meteloides. Rhodora 46:317-323.meteloides DC. ex Dunal = Datura inoxia P. Millermeteloides <strong>of</strong> NM authors = Datura wrightii Regel*ceratocaula Ortega [Bye 2001]Mexican thorn-apple*inoxia P. Miller [M&H]downy thorn-applemeteloides DC. ex Dunalinoxia P. Miller subsp. quinquecuspida (Torrey) Barclay = Datura wrightii Regel*quercifolia Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth [M&H; W&S]oak-leaf thorn-appleDatura ferox auct. non L.*stramonium Linnaeus [M&H; W&S]jimsonweedDatura stramonium Linnaeus var. tatula (Linnaeus) TorreyDatura tatula Linnaeusstramonium Linnaeus var. tatula (Linnaeus) Torrey = Datura stramonium Linnaeustatula Linnaeus = Datura stramonium Linnaeuswrightii Hort ex Regel [M&H]sacred thorn-appleDatura inoxia P. Miller subsp. quinquecuspida (Torrey) BarclayDatura meteloides <strong>of</strong> NM authors, misappliedHyoscyamus henbane*niger Linnaeus [M&H]black henbaneLycium wolfberryFeinbrun, N. & W.T. Stearn. 1963. Typification <strong>of</strong> Lycium barbarum L., L. afrum L, and L. europaeum L. Israel J. Bot. 12:114-123.Hitchcock, C.L. 1932. A monographic study <strong>of</strong> the genus Lycium <strong>of</strong> the western hemisphere. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 19:179-374.andersonii Gray [Hitchcock 1932; M&H]Anderson’s wolfberry

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