A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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secundiflorus Bentham [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]side-bells beardtonguePenstemon unilateralis Rydbergsimilis A. Nelson = Penstemon jamesii Benthamspectabilis Wooton & Standley = Penstemon pseudospectabilis M.E. Jones subsp. connatifolius (A. Nelson) Keckspinulosus Wooton & Standley [=Penstemon heterophyllus Lindley] : Not known from (or no longer present in) NM [Hubbard 1999]stenosepalus (Gray) Howell = Penstemon whippleanus Gray [M&H]strictiformis Rydberg [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]stiff beardtonguePenstemon strictus Bentham subsp. strictiformis (Rydberg) Keckstrictus Bentham subsp. strictiformis (Rydberg) Keck = Penstemon strictiformis Rydbergstrictus Bentham [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]Rocky Mountain beardtonguesuperbus A. Nelson [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]superb beardtonguePenstemon puniceus Grayteucrioides Greene : Reported by W&S, but this species is endemic to Colorado; the specimen reported by W&S belongs to Penstemoncrandallii A Nelson (Hubbard 2001).thurberi Torrey [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]Thurber’s beardtongueLeiostemon thurberi GreenePenstemon ambiguus Torrey var. thurberi Graytorreyi Bentham = Penstemon barbatus (Cavanilles) Roth subsp. torreyi (Bentham) Kecktrichander (Gray) Rydberg = Penstemon barbatus (Cavanilles) Roth subsp. trichander (Gray) Keckunilateralis Rydberg = Penstemon secundiflorus Benthamunilateralis <strong>of</strong> some NM authors = Penstemon virgatus Gray subspecies asa-grayii Crosswhitevirgatus Gray subsp. asa-grayii Crosswhite [Bleakly 1998]blue beardtonguevirgatus Gray subsp. virgatus [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]blue beardtonguewhippleanus Gray [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]dark beardtonguePenstemon arizonicus HellerPenstemon glaucus R. Graham var. stenosepalus GrayPenstemon puberulus Wooton & StandleyPenstemon stenosepalus (Gray) HowellRhinanthus yellow-rattleHulst, R. van & B. Shipley. 1986. The systematic position <strong>of</strong> the genus Rhinanthus (Scrophulariaceae) in North America. Can. J. Bot. 64(7):1443-1449.Soo, R. 1970. Arten und unterarten der gattung Rhinanthus in Europe. Acta Bot. 16(1/2):193-206.crista-galli sensu W&S = Rhinanthus minor Linnaeus subsp. minorrigidus Chabert = rhinanthus minor Linnaeus subsp. minorminor Linnaeus subsp. minor [M&H; W&S]little yellow-rattleRhinanthus crista-galli sensu W&SRhinanthus rigidus ChabertSchistophragma spiral-seedintermedia (Gray) Pennell [M&H; W&S]spiral-seedConobea intermedia GrayScrophularia figwortShaw, R.J. 1962. The biosystematics <strong>of</strong> Scrophularia in western North America. Aliso 5:147-178.Todsen, T.K. 1978. Scrophularia laevis (Scrophulariaceae) a legitimate species. Madroño 25:106-107.coccinea Gray = Scrophularia macrantha Greene ex Stiefelhagen+laevis Wooton & Standley [M&H; Shaw 1962; Todsen 1978; W&S]Organ Mountain figwortlanceolata Pursh [M&H]lance-leaf figwort+macrantha Greene ex Stiefelhagen [M&H; W&S]<strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> figwortScrophularia coccinea GrayScrophularia neomexicana Shaw+montana Wooton [M&H; W&S]mountain figwortneomexicana Shaw = Scrophularia macrantha Greene ex Stiefelhagen [Shaw 1962:170, ed. note]parviflora Wooton & Standley [M&H; W&S]piney figwort

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