A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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smooth beardtonguePenstemon alpinus Torrey subsp. brandegeei (Porter) HarringtonPenstemon brandegeei PorterPenstemon cyananthus Hooker var. brandegeei Porter & Coultergracilis Nuttall [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]lilac beardtonguePenstemon pubescens Solander var. gracilis Graygrandiflorus Nuttall [Bleakly 1998]Great Plains beardtonguegriffinii A. Nelson [Bleakly 1998; Crosswhite 1965]Griffin’s beardtonguehumilis Nuttall ex Gray : Reported by W&S, but the specimen in question belongs to Penstemon jamesii Bentham (Hubbard 2001).+inflatus Crosswhite [Bleakly 1998; Crosswhite 1965]inflated beardtonguejamesii Bentham [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]James’s beardtonguePenstemon similis A. Nelsonjamesii Bentham subsp. ophianthus (Pennell) Keck = Penstemon ophianthus Pennelllanceolatus Bentham : According to Crosswhite (1966) this taxon is not found in NM; our material is referred to Penstemon ramosusCrosswhite.lentus Pennell [Bleakly 1998; M&H; Sivinski & Lightfoot 1994]Abajo beardtonguelinarioides Gray subsp. coloradoensis (A. Nelson) Keck [Bleakly 1998; M&H]toadflax beardtonguePenstemon coloradoensis A. Nelsonlinarioides Gray subsp. linarioides [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]toadflax beardtonguelinarioides Gray subsp. maguirei Keck [Bleakly 1998; M&H]toadflax beardtongue+metcalfei Wooton & Standley [Todsen 1998; W&S]Metcalfe’s beardtongue+neomexicanus Wooton & Standley [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]<strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> beardtongueoliganthus Wooton & Standley [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]Apache beardtongueophianthus Pennell [Bleakly 1998; M&H; Sivinski 1998]Arizona beardtonguePenstemon jamesii Bentham subsp. ophianthus (Pennell) Keckpachyphyllus Gray ex Rydberg [Heil et al. 2002]thickleaf beardtonguepalmeri Gray [Bleakly 1998; M&H]Palmer’s beardtongueparviflorus Pennell : Kartesz (1999) lists this species as extinct from NM.pauciflorus <strong>of</strong> NM authors, not Greene = Penstemon ramosus Crosswhitepinifolius Greene [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]pine-needle beardtongue+pseudoparvus Crosswhite [Bleakly 1998; Sivinski & Lightfoot 1994]San Mateo beardtonguepseudospectabilis M.E. Jones subsp. connatifolius (A. Nelson) Keck [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]desert beardtonguePenstemon connatifolius A. NelsonPenstemon spectabilis Wooton & Standley, not Thurberpuberulus Wooton & Standley = Penstemon whippleanus Graypulchellus Lindley = Penstemon campanulatus (Cavanilles) Willdenow subsp. chihuahuensis Strawramosus Crosswhite [Bleakly 1998; Crosswhite 1966]lance-leaf beardtonguePenstemon lanceolatus <strong>of</strong> NM authors, not BenthamPenstemon pauciflorus <strong>of</strong> NM authors, not Greenerostriflorus Kellogg [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]beaked beardtonguePenstemon bridgesii Grayrydbergii A. Nelson [Bleakly 1998; M&H; W&S]Rydberg’s beardtonguePenstemon erosus RydbergPenstemon lacerellus Greene

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