A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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Castilleja luteovirens Rydbergtenuiflora Bentham [M&H]Santa Catalina Indian-paintbrushCastilleja laxa Graytrinervis Rydberg = Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hookerwootonii Standley [M&H; W&S]Wooton’s Indian-paintbrushCollinsia blue-eyed-Mary<strong>New</strong>som, V.M. 1929. A revision <strong>of</strong> the genus Collinsia (Scrophulariaceae). Bot. Gaz. 87:260-301.parviflora Douglas [M&H]blue-eyed-MaryCollinsia tenella (Pursh) Pipertenella auct., not (Pursh) Piper = Collinsia parviflora DouglasConobea intermedia Gray = Schistophragma intermedia (Gray) PennellCordylanthus bird’s-beakChuang, T.I. & L.R. Heckard. 1986. Systematics and evolution <strong>of</strong> Cordylanthus (Scrophulariaceae -- Pedicularieae). Syst. Bot. Monogr. 10:1-105.Spellenberg, R., R. Worthington, P. Knight, & R. Fletcher. 1986. Additions to the flora <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Sida 11(4):455-470. [Cordylanthus laxiflorus]laxiflorus Gray = Cordylanthus maritimus Nuttall ex Benthammaritimus Nuttall ex Bentham [Spellenberg et al. 1986]alkali bird’s-beakCordylanthus laxiflorus Graywrightii Gray subsp. tenuifolius (Pennell) Chuang & Heckard [Chuang & Heckard 1986]Wright’s bird’s-beakwrightii Gray subsp. wrightii [M&H; W&S]Wright’s bird’s-beakAndenostegia wrightii (Gray) GreeneDasystoma wrightii (Gray) Wooton & Standley = Brachystigma wrightii (Gray) PennellElephantella groenlandica (Retzius) Rydberg = Pedicularis groenlandica RetziusEpixiphium wislizeni (Engelmann ex Gray) Munz = Maurandya wislizeni Engelmann ex GrayGerardia tenuifolia Vahl var. parviflora Nuttall = Agalinus tenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque var. parviflora (Nuttall) PennellGratiola clammy hyssopneglecta Torrey [M&H]clammy hyssopGratiola virginica <strong>of</strong> western authors, misappliedvirginica <strong>of</strong> western authors, misapplied = Gratiola neglecta Torrey [Holmgren 1984]Leiostemon ambiguus (Torrey) Greene = Penstemon ambiguus Torrey subsp. ambiguusthurberi Greene = Penstemon thurberi TorreyLeucophyllum Texas sageHenrickson, J. & L.D. Flyr. 1985. Systematics <strong>of</strong> Leucophyllum and Eremogeton (Scrophulariaceae). Sida 11(2):107-172.minus Gray [Henrickson & Flyr 1985; M&H; W&S]Big Bend Texas sageLimosella mudwortSivinski, R. & K. Lightfoot, eds. 1995. Inventory <strong>of</strong> rare and endangered plants <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Forestry and Resources Conservation Division,Misc. Publ. No. 4.acaulis Sessé & Mociño = Limosella aquatica Linnaeusaquatica Linnaeus [M&H; W&S]mudwortLimosella acaulis Sessé & Mociñopubiflora Pennell Note: The status <strong>of</strong> this taxon is problematical, whether a valid species or not [Sivinski & Lightfoot 1995].mudwortLinaria toadflaxSutton, D.A. 1988. A revision <strong>of</strong> the tribe Anthirrhineae. Oxford University Press, London, England. [Scrophulariaceae]canadensis sensu W&S = Nuttallanthus texanus (Scheele) D.A. Sutton*dalmatica (Linnaeus) Miller [M&H]Dalmatian toadflaxtexana Scheele = Nuttallanthus texanus (Scheele) D.A. Sutton*vulgaris Hill [M&H]butter-and-eggsLindernia false-pimpernellMcGrath, J. 2002. <strong>Plant</strong> distribution reports. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 24:7. [L. dubia]anagallidea (Michaux) Pennell : Reported as expected by M&H map; awaits verification.Gratiola anagallidea Michauxdubia (Linnaeus) Pennell [McGrath 2002]false-pimpernellGratiola dubia LinnaeusIllysanthes dubia (Linnaeus) Barnhart

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