A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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Leptasea chrysantha (Gray) SmallSaxifraga serpyllifolia Pursh var. chrysantha (Gray) Dorncrandallii Gandoger = Saxifraga flagellaris Willdenow ex Sternberg var. crandallii (Gandoger) Dorndebilis Engelmann = Saxifraga rivularis Linnaeuseriophora S. Watson [M&H; W&S]red-fuzz saxifrageMicranthes eriophora (S. Watson) Smallflagellaris Willdenow ex Sternberg var. crandallii (Gandoger) Dorn [M&H; W&S]whiplash saxifrageLeptasea flagellaris (Willdenow) SmallSaxifraga crandallii Gandogeroccidentalis S. Watson : Reported “occasionally as far south as <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>” by Krause and Beamish (1972); other works do not list NM;awaits verification.odontoloma Piper [M&H; W&S]streambank saxifrageMicranthes arguta auct. non (D. Don) SmallSaxifraga arguta auct. non D. DonSaxifraga punctata Linnaeus subsp. arguta auct. non (D. Don) HulténSaxifraga punctata Linnaeus var. arguta auct. non (D. Don) Engelmann & Irmscherrhomboidea Greene [Elvander 1984; M&H; W&S]daimond-leaf saxifrageMicranthes rhomboidea (Greene) Smallrivularis Linnaeus [M&H]brook saxifrageSaxifraga debilis Engelmannserpyllifolia Pursh var. chrysantha (Gray) Dorn = Saxifraga chrysantha GrayTelesonix jamesii (Torrey) Rafinesque = Boykinia jamesii (Torrey) EnglerFamily SCROPHULARIACEAE [24/123/134]Holmgren, N. 1984. Scrophulariaceae, pp.344-506. IN: Intermountain Flora, vol. 4. <strong>New</strong> York Botanical Garden.Agalinus false-foxgloveCanne, J.M. 1979 [1980]. A light and scanning electron microscope study <strong>of</strong> seed morphology in Agalinis (Scrophulariaceae) and its taxonomic significance. Syst.Bot. 4:281-296.Canne, J.M. 1980. Seed surface features in Auerolaria, Brachystigma, Tomanthera, and certain South American Agalinis (Scrophulariaceae). Syst. Bot. 5:241-252.Peterson, R.S. 2000. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 15:7. [Agalinus calycina]calycina Pennell [Peterson 2000]leoncitatenuifolia (Vahl) Rafinesque var. parviflora (Nuttall) Pennell [M&H]false-foxgloveGerardia tenuifolia Vahl var. parviflora NuttallAndenostegia wrightii (Gray) Greene = Cordylanthus wrightii GrayAntirrhinum antirrhiniflora (Humboldt & Bonpland ex Willdenow) Hitchcock = Maurandya antirrhiniflora Humboldt & Bonpland ex WilldenowBacopa water-hyssopBarrett, S.C.H. & J.L. Strother. 1978. Taxonomy and natural history <strong>of</strong> Bacopa (Scrophulariaceae) in California. Syst. Bot. 3:408-419.Pennell, F.W. 1946. Reconsideration <strong>of</strong> the Bacopa-Herpestis problem <strong>of</strong> the Scrophulariaceae. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 98:83-98.rotundifolia (Michaux) Wettstein [M&H]water-hyssopMonniera rotundifolia MichauxBesseya alpina (Gray) Rydberg = Synthyris alpina Grayarizonica Pennell = Synthyris plantaginea (James) Benthamoblongifolia Pennell = Synthyris oblongifolia (Pennell) Hufford & McMahonplantaginea (James) Rydberg = Synthyris plantaginea (James) BenthamBrachystigma desert-foxgloveCanne, J.M. 1980. Seed surface features in Auerolaria, Brachystigma, Tomanthera, and certain South American Agalinis (Scrophulariaceae). Syst. Bot. 5:241-252.wrightii (Gray) Pennell [M&H; W&S]Wright’s desert-foxgloveDasystoma wrightii (Gray) Wooton & StandleyGerardia wrightii GrayCastilleja Indian-paintbrushCockman, J.S. & R.D. Pieper. 1997. A preliminary checklist <strong>of</strong> plant species for the southern foothills <strong>of</strong> the Sacramento Mountains, Otero County, <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>.NM Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Rpt. 721. [Castilleja mexicana, as C. tortifolia]Heil, K.D., S.L. O'Kane, & A. Clifford. 2002. Additions to the flora <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> from the San Juan Basin Flora project. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 24:1-4. [C.scabrida]Holmgren, N. 1984. Scrophulariaceae, pp.344-506. IN: Intermountain Flora, vol. 4. <strong>New</strong> York Botanical Garden.McIntosh, L. 1994. First report <strong>of</strong> Castilleja ornata (Scrophulariaceae) from the United States. Phytologia 76:329-332.Spellenberg, R., L. McIntosh, & L. Brouillet. 1993. <strong>New</strong> records <strong>of</strong> angiosperms from southern <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Phytologia 75:224-230. [Castilleja exserta]angustifolia (Nuttall) Don : Reported by W&S, but not known from NM [M&H; Holmgren 1984]austromontana Standley & Blumer [M&H; W&S]Rincon Indian-paintbrush

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