A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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Kiger, R. 2003. Talinopsis, pp. 501-502. IN: Flora <strong>of</strong> North America, vol. 4, pt. 1. Oxford University Press, <strong>New</strong> York.frutescens Gray [Kiger 2003; M&H; W&S]arroyo fameflowerTalinum fameflowerAllred, K.W. 2002. <strong>Plant</strong> distribution reports. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 24:7. [T. parvulum]Carter, M.E.B. & W.H. Murdy. 1985. Systematics <strong>of</strong> Talinum parviflorum Nutt, and the origin <strong>of</strong> Talinum teretifolium Pursh (Portulacaceae). Rhodora 87(850):121-130.Ferguson, D.J. 2001. Phemeranthus and Talinum (Portulacaceae) in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 20:1-7.Hershkovitz, M.A. 1991. Taxonomic notes on Cistanthe, Calandrinia, and Talinum (Portulacaeae). Phytologia 70(3): 209-225.Poellnitz, K. von. 1934. Monographie der Gattung Talinum. Adans. Repert. Sp. Nov. 35:1-34.angustissimum (Gray) Wooton & Standley = Talinum polygaloides Gillies ex Arnottaurantiacum Engelmann [M&H; W&S]orange fameflowerPhemeranthus aurantiacus (Engelmann) Kiger+brachypodum S. Watson [W&S]Laguna fameflowerbrevicaule S. Watson = Phemeranthus brevicaulis (S. Watson) Kigerbrevifolium Torrey = Phemeranthus brevifolius (Torrey) Hershkovitzcalycinum Engelmann in Wislizenus : Reported for NM by von Poellnitz (1934) based on a misinterpretation <strong>of</strong> the type locality; theoriginal collection was along the Cimarron River in Oklahoma.chrysanthum Rose & Standley =Talinum spathulatum Engelmannconfertiflorum Greene = Phemeranthus confertiflorus (Greene) Hershkovitzeximium A. Nelson = Phemeranthus brevicaulis (S. Watson) Kiger*fruiticosum (Linnaeus) Willdenow [Ferguson 2001]verdolaga-Francescahumile Greene = Phemeranthus humilis (Greene) Kigerlongipes Wooton & Standley = Phemeranthus longipers (Wooton & Standley) Kigermarginatum Greene = Phemeranthus parvulus (Rose & Standley) ined.paniculatum (Jacquin) Gaertner [Kiger 2003; M&H; W&S] Note: Ferguson (2001) proposed that NM material belongs to an as yetundescribed species; we will use the name Talinum paniculatum (Jacquin) Gaertner until the situation is clarified.pink baby’s-breathPortulaca paniculata Jacquinparvulum Rose & Standley = Phemeranthus parvulus (Rose & Standley) ined.parviflorum Nuttall [=Phemeranthus parviflorus (Nuttall) Kiger] : Not yet known in NM; our material referred to this name belongs toPhemeranthus confertiflorus (Greene) Hershkovitz (Ferguson 2001).polygaloides Gillies ex Arnott [Ferguson 2001; M&H; W&S]yellow fameflowerTalinum angustissimum (Gray) Wooton & Standleypulchellum Wooton & Standley = Phemeranthus brevicaulis (S. Watson) Kigerspathulatum Engelmann ex A. Gray [Ferguson 2001]yellow baby’s-breathwhitei I.M. Johnston [Ferguson 2001]Madrean famefloweryoungiae C.H. Muller = Phemeranthus brevicaulis (S. Watson) KigerFamily PRIMULACEAE [7/16/16]Cholewa, A.F. 1992. Primulaceae. J. Ariz.-Nev. Acad. Sci. 26(1):17-21.Anagallis pimpernel*arvensis Linnaeus subsp. arvensis [M&H; W&S]scarlet pimpernelminima (Linnaeus) Krause = Centunculus minimus LinnaeusAndrosace rock-jasmineRobbins, G.T. 1944. North American species <strong>of</strong> Androsace. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 32:137-163.Wooton, E.O. & P.C. Standley. 1907. The genus Androsace in <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 34:517-520.arizonica Gray = Androsace occidentalis Purshcarinata Torrey = Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen subsp. carinatus (Torrey) Hulténchamaejasme Wulfen subsp. carinatus (Torrey) Hultén [M&H; W&S]sweet rock-jasmineDrosace carinata (Torrey) A. Nelsondiffusa Small = Androsace septentrionalis Linnaeusglandulosa Wooton & Standley = Androsace septentrionalis Linnaeusoccidentalis Pursh [M&H; W&S]western rock-jasmineAndrosace arizonica GrayAndrosace occidentalis Pursh var. arizonica (Gray) St. JohnAndrosace platysepala Wooton & Standleyoccidentalis Pursh var. arizonica (Gray) St. John = Androsace occidentalis Purshpinetorum Greene = Androsace septentrionalis Linnaeus

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