A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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acemosa Nuttall var. wrightii (S. Watson) L. Benson = Platanus wrightii S. Watsonwrightii S. Watson [M&H; W&S]Arizona sycamorePlatanus racemosa Nuttall var. wrightii (S. Watson) L. BensonLimonium sea-lavenderlimbatum Small [M&H; W&S]southwestern sea-lavenderFamily PLUMBAGINACEAE [1/1/1]Family POLEMONIACEAE [11/59/65]Cronquist, Q. 1984. Polemoniaceae, pp. 86-155. IN: Intermountain Flora, vol. 4. <strong>New</strong> York Botanical Garden.Grant, V. 1998. Primary classification and phylogeny <strong>of</strong> the Polemoniaceae, with comments on molecular cladistics. Amer. J. Bot. 85(6):741-752.Porter, J.M. & L.A. Johnson. 2000. A phylogenetic classification <strong>of</strong> Polemoniaceae. Aliso 19(1):55-91.Aliciella giliaHeil, K.D., S.L. O'Kane, & A. Clifford. 2002. Additions to the flora <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> from the San Juan Basin Flora project. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 24:1-4. [A.triodon]+formosa (Greene ex Brand) J.M. Porter [M&H; W&S]Aztec giliaGilia formosa Greene ex Brandhaydenii (A. Gray) J.M. Porter [M&H; W&S]San Juan giliaGilia crandallii RydbergGilia haydenii A. Grayleptomeria (A. Gray) J.M. Porter [M&H; W&S]sand giliaGila leptomeria A. Graypinnatifida (Nuttall ex A. Gray) J.M. Porter [M&H; W&S]sticky giliaGilia calcarea M.E. JonesGilia pinnatifida Nuttall ex A. GrayGilia viscida Wooton & Standleytriodon (Eastwood) Brand [Heil et al. 2002]coyote GiliaGilia triodon EastwoodCallisteris collina Greene = Ipompsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant subsp. collina (Greene) Wilken & AllardCollomia mountain-trumpetWherry, E.T. 1944. Review <strong>of</strong> the genera Collomia and Gymnosteris. Amer. Midl. Naturalist 31:216-231.grandiflora Douglas ex Lindley : Reported as expected by M&H; awaits verification.Gilia grandiflora (Douglas ex Lindley) GrayNavarretia grandiflora (Douglas ex Lindley) Kuntzelinearis Nuttall [M&H; W&S]narrow-leaf mountain-trumpetGilia linearis (Nuttall) GrayNavarretia linearis (Nuttall) Kuntzemicrantha Kellogg = Microsteris gracilis (Hooker) GreeneDactylophyllum aureum (Nuttall) Heller = Leptosiphon aureus (Nuttall) J.M. Porter & L.A. JohnsonEriastrum wooly-starHarrison, H.K. 1972. Contributions to the study <strong>of</strong> the genus Eriastrum. II. Notes concerning the type specimens and descriptions <strong>of</strong> the species. Brigham YoungUniversity Science Bull. 16(4):1-26.diffusum (Gray) Mason [M&H; W&S]miniature wooly-starGilia filifolia Nuttall var. diffusa GrayEriastrum filifolium (Nuttall) Wooton & Standleyfilifolium (Nuttall) Wooton & Standley = Eriastrum diffusum (Gray) MasonGiliagiliaGrant, V. 1998. Classification <strong>of</strong> the genus Gilia (Polemoniaceae). Phytologia 84(2):69-86.Grant, V. & D. Wilken. 1986. Taxonomy <strong>of</strong> the Ipomopsis aggregata group (Polemoniaceae). Bot. Gaz. 147(3):359-371.Heil, K.D., S.L. O'Kane, & A. Clifford. 2002. Additions to the flora <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> from the San Juan Basin Flora project. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 24:1-4. [G.capitata, G. ophthalmoides]Soreng, R. 1984. Ipomopsis pinnata (Polemoniaceae) in the United States. Madroño 31:189-190.Sivinski, R., T. Lowrey, & R. Peterson. 1994. Additions to the native and adventive flora <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Phytologia 76(6):473-479. [Gilia stellata]acerosa (Gray) Britton = Giliastrum acerosum (Gray) Rydbergaggregata (Pursh) Sprengel = Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grantaggregata (Pursh) Sprengel subsp. formosissima (Greene) Wherry = Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant subsp. formosissima (Greene)Wherryaggregata (Pursh) V. Grant var. texana (Greene) Shinners = Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant subsp. formosissima (Greene) Wherrybigelovii Gray = Linanthus bigelovii (Gray) Greene

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