A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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eastwoodiae (Coulter & Rose) Matthias & Constance [M&H; Sivinski & Lightfoot 1995]wood-rootLigusticella eastwoodiae Coulter & RoseLigusticum eastwoodiae RosePolytaenia nuttallii A.P. de Candolle : Reported by Gleason & Cronquist (1991), but this seem unlikely in view <strong>of</strong> its distribution; needsverification.Pseudocymopterus mountain-parsleyfilicinus Wooton & Standley = Pseudocymopterus montanus (Gray) Coulter & Roselongiradiatus Matthias, Constance, & Theobald [M&H]mountain-parsleymontanus (Gray) Coulter & Rose [M&H; W&S]alpine mountain-parsleyPseudocymopterus filicinus Wooton & StandleyPseudocymopterus multifidus RydbergPseudocymopterus purpureus (Coulter & Rose) RydbergPseudocymopterus tenuifolius (Gray) Rydbergmultifidus Rydberg = Pseudocymopterus montanus (Gray) Coulter & Rosepurpureus (Coulter & Rose) Rydberg = Pseudocymopterus montanus (Gray) Coulter & Rosetenuifolius (Gray) Rydberg = Pseudocymopterus montanus (Gray) Coulter & RosePteryxia wavewingHeil, K.D., S.L. O'Kane, & A. Clifford. 2002. Additions to the flora <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> from the San Juan Basin Flora project. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 24:1-4. [P.petraea]Mathias, M.E. & L. Constance. 1945. Umbelliferae (pars.). North American Flora 28B.davidsonii (Coulter & Rose) Matthias & Constance [M&H]Davidson’s wavewingPseudocymopterus davidsonii (Coulter & Rose) Mathiashendersonii (Coulter & Rose) Mathias & Constance [Mathias & Constance 1945]Henderson’s wavewingpetraea (M.E. Jones) Coulter & Rose [Heil et al. 2002]rock-living wavewingCymopterus terebinthinus (Hooker) Torrey & Gray var. petraeus (M.E. Jones) GoodrichSanicula snakerootcanadensis Linnaeus : Reported as expected by M&H; awaits verification.marilandica Linnaeus [M&H; W&S]black snakerootSium suave T. Walter : Reported as expected by M&H map; awaits verification.Sium cicutifolium SchrankSpermolepis scaleseedAllred, K.W. 1999. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 13:7. [Spermolepis inermis]divaricata (T. Walter) Rafinesque ex Seringe [M&H; W&S]spreading scaleseedDaucus divaricatus Walterechinata (Nuttall ex A.P. de Candolle) Heller [M&H; W&S]bristly scaleseedLeptocaulis echinatus Nuttallinermis (Nuttall ex A.P. de Candolle) Matthias & Constance [Allred 1999]Red River scaleseedWashingtonia divaricata Britton = Osmorhiza chilensis Hooker & Arnottlongistylis (Torrey) Britton in Britton & Brown [=Osmorhiza longistylis (Torrey) Britton] : Reported by W&S, but not occurring in NM[Lowrey & Jones 1984]obtusa Coulter & Rose = Osmorhiza depauperata PhilippiYabeafalse carrotWagner, W.L. 1979. <strong>New</strong> records to the Animas Mountain flora, <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Southw. Naturalist 24(2):291-296. [Yabea microcarpa]microcarpa (Hooker & Arnott) Koso-Poljansky [M&H; Wagner 1979]false carrotCaucalis microcarpa Hooker & ArnottFamily APOCYNACEAE [5/12/15]McLaughlin, S.P. 1994. Apocynaceae. J. Ariz.-Nev. Acad. Sci. 27(2):164-168.Amsonia bluestarAllred, K.W. 1999. <strong>New</strong> plant distribution records. The <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> Botanist 13:7. [Amsonia tharpii]McLaughlin, S.P. 1982. A revision <strong>of</strong> the southwestern species <strong>of</strong> Amsonia (Apocynaceae). Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 69:336-350.McLaughlin, S.P. 1985. A new species <strong>of</strong> Amsonia (Apocynaceae) from central <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Southw. Naturalist 30:563-565. [Amsonia fugatei]Sivinski, R., T. Lowrey, & R. Peterson. 1994. Additions to the native and adventive flora <strong>of</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Phytologia 76(6):473-479. [Amsonia jonesii]arenaria Standley = Amsonia tomentosa Torrey & Fremont var. stenophylla Kearney & Peeblesbrevifolia <strong>of</strong> NM reports = Amsonia tomentosa Torrey & Fremont var. stenophylla Kearney & Peebles; the true Amsonia brevifolia Grayoccurs in southern CA, southern NV, and northwestern AZ (McLaughlin 1982).

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