A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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macrosiphon Wooton & Standley = Oenothera organensis Munzneomexicana (Small) Munz [M&H; W&S]<strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong> evening-primroseAnogra neomexicana Small+organensis Munz [M&H; W&S]Organ Mountain evening-primroseOenothera macrosiphon Wooton & Standleypallida Lindley subsp. latifolia (Rydberg) Munz [M&H; W&S]pale evening-primroseAnogra latifolia RydbergOenothera latifolia (Rybd.) Munzpallida Lindley subsp. pallida [M&H; W&S]pale evening-primroseAnogra pallida (Lindley) Brittonpallida Lindley subsp. runcinata (Engelmann) Munz & Klein [M&H; W&S]pale evening-primroseAnogra albicaulis Britton var. runcinata EngelmannAnogra gypsophila (Eastwood) HellerAnogra leucotricha Wooton & StandleyAnogra pallida (Lindley) Britton var. runcinata (Engelmann) SmallOenothera albicaulis Pursh var. gypsophila EastwoodOenothera runcinata (Engelmann) MunzOenothera runcinata (Engelmann) Munz var. brevifolia (Engelmann) MunzOenothera runcinata (Engelmann) Munz var. gypsophila (Eastwood) MunzOenothera runcinata (Engelmann) Munz var. leucotricha (Wooton & Standley) Standleypallida Lindley subsp. trichocalyx (Nuttall ex Torrey & Gray) Munz & Klein [Allred 1999]pale evening-primroseOenothera trichocalyx Nuttall ex Torrey & Grayprimiveris Gray subsp. primiveris [M&H; W&S]early evening-primroseLavauxia primiveris (Gray) Smallprocera Wooton & Standley = Oenothera villosa Thunberg subsp. strigosa (Rydberg) W. Dietrich & P.H. Ravenpubescens Willdenow ex Sprengel [Dietrich & Wagner 1988; M&H]South American evening-primroseAnogra amplexicaulis (Wooton & Standley) TidestromOenothera amplexicaulis Wooton & StandleyOenothera laciniata Hill subsp. pubescens (Willdenow ex Sprengel) MunzOenothera laciniata Hill var. pubescens (Willdenow ex Sprengel) Munzrhombipetala Nuttall ex Torrey & Gray [Dietrich & Wagner 1988]four-points evening-primroserosea L’Héretier ex Aiton [M&H; W&S]rose evening-primroseHartmannia rosea (Aiton) G. Donspeciosa Nuttall [M&H; W&S]pink-ladiesHartmannia speciosa (Nuttall) Smallstrigosa (Rydberg) Mackenzie & Bush = Oenothera villosa Thunberg subsp. strigosa (Rydberg) W. Dietrich & P.H. Raventaraxacoides (Wooton & Standley) Munz = Oenothera flava (A. Nelson) Garrett subsp. taraxacoides (Wooton & Standley) W.L. Wagnertriloba Nuttall [Great Plains Flora Association 1977; Worthington 2000]stemless evening-primrosevillosa Thunberg subsp. strigosa (Rydberg) W. Dietrich & P.H. Raven [Dietrich et al. 1997; M&H; W&S]hairy evening-primroseOenothera procera Wooton & StandleyOenothera strigosa (Rydberg) Mackenzie & BushOnagra guttata "Greene" : This name was never validly published, though it was attributed to Greene; plants called this are referred to Oenotheraelata Kunth subsp. hirsutissima (A. Gray ex S. Watson) W. Dietrich [Dietrich et al. 1997]Pachylophus australis Wooton & Standley = Oenothera brachycarpa Graycaulescens Rydberg = Oenothera caespitosa Nuttall subsp. navajoensis W.L. Wagner, Stockhouse, & Kleineximius (Gray) Wooton & Standley = Oenothera caespitosa Nuttall subsp. marginata (Nuttall) Munzhirsutus Rydberg = Oenothera caespitosa Nuttall subsp. macroglottis (Rydberg) W.L. Wagner, Stockhouse, & Kleinmacroglottis Rydberg = Oenothera caespitosa Nuttall subsp. macroglottis (Rydberg) W.L. Wagner, Stockhouse, & Kleinmarginatus (Nuttall ex Hooker & Arnott) Rydberg = Oenothera caespitosa Nuttall subsp. marginata (Nuttall ex Hooker & Arnott) MunzRaimannia mexicana (Spach) Wooton & Standley = Oenothera laciniata Hill subsp. laciniataSphaerostigma chamaenerioides (Gray) Small = Camissonia chamaenerioides (Gray) RavenStenosiphon false-gauraSublette, M. 1980. A record <strong>of</strong> Stenosiphon linifolius (Nutt.) Heynh. (Onagraceae) from <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Southwest. Nat. 25(1): 103.linifolius (Nuttall ex James) Heynhold [M&H; Sublette 1980]

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