A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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Euphorbia mexicana (Engelmann) NortonEuphorbia multicaulis EngelmannTithymalus missouriensis (Norton) Smallstictospora Engelmann = Chamaesyce stictospora (Engelm) Smallstrictior Holzinger [M&H; W&S]panhandle spurgeTithymalopsis strictior (Holzinger) Wooton & Standleysupina Rafinesque = Chamaesyce maculata (Linnaeus) Smallvermiculata Rafinesque = Chamaesyce vermiculata (Rafinesque) Housevillifera Scheele = Chamaesyce villifera (Scheele) Smallwootonii Oudejans = Euphorbia bifurcata EngelmannJatropha nettle-spurgeJohnson, M.B. 1998. Jatropha (Euphorbiaceae) in southwestern United States and adjacent northern <strong>Mexico</strong>. Desert <strong>Plant</strong>s 14(2):21-28.macrorhiza Bentham [M&H; W&S]ragged nettle-spurgePhyllanthus leaf-flowerUrbatsch, L.E., J.D. Bacon, R.L. Hartman, M.C. Johnston, T.J. Watson, Jr., & G.L. Webster. 1975. Chromosome numbers for North American Euphorbiaceae.Amer. J. Bot. 62:494-500. [Phyllanthus abnormis]Webster, G.L. 1970. a revision <strong>of</strong> Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) in the continental United States. Brittonia 22:44-76.abnormis Baillon var. abnormis [Urbatsch et al. 1975]Drummond’s leaf-flowerpolygonoides Nuttall ex Sprengel [M&H; W&S]smartweed leaf-flowerPoinsettia cuphosperma (Engelmann) Small = Euphorbia dentata Michaux var. cuphosperma Engelmanndentata auct. = Euphorbia davidii Subilshavanensis (Willdenow) Small = Euphorbia heterophylla LinnaeusReverchonia sandy-matWebster, G.L. & K.I. Miller. 1963. The genus Reverchonia (Euphorbiaceae). Rhodora 65:193-207.arenaria Gray [M&H; W&S]sandy-matStillingia tooth-leaflinearifolia (Torrey) Small = Stillingia texana I.M. Johnstonsmallii Wooton & Standley = Stillingia sylvatica Linnaeus var. salicifolia Torreysylvatica Linnaeus var. linearifolia (Torrey) Müller Argoviensis = Stillingia texana I.M. Johnstonsylvatica Garden ex Linnaeus var. salicifolia Torrey [M&H; W&S]queen’s-delightStillingia salicifolia (Torrey) SmallStillingia smallii Wooton & Standleytexana I.M. Johnston [M&H; W&S]Texas tooth-leafSapium sylvaticum var. linearifolium TorreyStillingia linearifolia (Torrey) SmallTithymalopsis strictior (Holzinger) Wooton & Standley = Euphorbia strictior HolzingerTithymalus altus (Norton) Wooton & Standley = Euphorbia alta Nortonchamaesula (Boissier) Wooton & Standley = Euphorbia chamaesula Boissierluridus (Engelmann) Wooton & Standley = Euphorbia brachycera Engelmannmexicanus (Engelmann) Wooton & Standley = Euphorbia spathulata Lamarckmissouriensis (Norton) Small = Euphorbia spathulata Lamarckmontanus (Engelmann) Small = Euphorbia brachycera EngelmannTragianoseburnMiller, K.I. & G.L. Webster. 1967. A preliminary revision <strong>of</strong> Tragia (Euphorbiaceae) in the United States. Rhodora 69:241-305.amblyodonta (Müller Argoviensis) Pax & K. H<strong>of</strong>fmann [M&H; Miller & Webster 1967]dog-tooth noseburnnepetifolia Cavanilles [M&H; W&S]catnip noseburnnepetifolia Cavanilles var. ramosa (Torrey) Müller Argoviensis = Tragia ramosa Torreyramosa Torrey [M&H; Miller & Webster 1967; W&S]branched noseburnTragia nepetifolia Cavanilles var. ramosa (Torrey) Müller ArgoviensisTragia stylaris Müller Argoviensisstylaris Müller Argoviensis = Tragia ramosa TorreyZygophyllidium exstipulatum (Engelmann) Wooton & Standley = Euphorbia exstipulata Engelmannbilobatum (Engelmann) Standley = Euphorbia bilobata Engelmanndelicatulum Wooton & Standley = Euphorbia bifurcata EngelmannFamily FABACEAE (LEGUMINOSAE) [51/261/326][including Caesalpiniaceae and Mimosaceae]

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