A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names

A Working Index of New Mexico Vascular Plant Names


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Haber, E. & J.E. Cruise. 1974. Generic limits in the Pyroloideae (Ericaceae). Canad. J. Bot. 52:877-883.Kron, K.W. 1996. Phylogenetic relationships <strong>of</strong> Empetraceae, Epacridaceae, Ericaceae, Monotropaceae, and Pyrolaceae: Evidence from nuclear ribosomal 18ssequence data. Ann. Bot. 77:293-303.Kron, K.A., W.S. Judd, P.F. Stevens, D.M. Crayn, A.A. Anderberg, P.A. Gadek, C.J. Quinn, & J.L. Luteyn. 2002. Phylogenetic classification <strong>of</strong> Ericaceae:Molecular and morphological evidence. Bot. Rev. 68(3):335-423.Kron, K.A. & M.W. Chase. 1993. Systematics <strong>of</strong> the Ericaceae, Empetraceae, Epacridaceae and related taxa based upon rbcl sequence data. Ann. Missouri Bot.Gard. 80:735-741.Arbutus madronearizonica (Gray) Sargent [M&H; W&S]Arizona madroneArbutus xalapensis Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth var. arizonica Graytexana Buckley [M&H; W&S]Texas madroneArctostaphylos manzanitaAdams, J.E. 1940. A systematic study <strong>of</strong> the genus Arctostaphylos Adans. Jour. Elisha Mitchell Soc. 56:1-62.pungens Humboldt, Bonpland, & Kunth [M&H; W&S]pointleaf manzanitauva-ursi (Linnaeus) Sprengel [M&H; W&S]bearberryArbutus urva-ursi LinnaeusDaphnidostylis fendleriana KlotzschChimaphila pipsissewamaculata (Linnaeus) Pursh var. dasystemma (Torrey) Kearney & Peebles : Reported as expected by M&H; awaits verification.Chimaphila dasystemma Torreyumbellata (Linnaeus) Nuttall var. acuta (Rydberg) Blake [M&H; W&S]pipsissewaChimaphila acuta RydbergGaultheria wintergreenhumifusa (Graham) Rydberg [M&H]alpine wintergreenHypopitys latisquama Rydberg = Monotropa hypopitys LinnaeusMoneses wintergreenuniflora (Linnaeus) Gray [M&H; W&S]single-delightPyrola uniflora LinnaeusMonotropa Indian-pipeHaber, E. 1992. Monotropaceae. J. Ariz.-Nev. Acad. Sci. 26(1):15-16.Wallace, G.D. 1975. Studies <strong>of</strong> the Monotropoideae (Ericaceae): Taxonomy and distribution. Wasmann J. Biol. 33:1-88.hypopitys Linnaeus [M&H; W&S; Wallace 1975]Indian-pipeHypopitys latisquama RydbergMonotropa hypopitys Linnaeus var. latisquama (Rydberg) Kearney & PeeblesMonotropa latisquama (Rydberg) Hulténlatisquama (Rydberg) Hultén = Monotropa hypopitys Linnaeusuniflora Linnaeus : Reported as expected in NM by M&H; this seems unlikely in view <strong>of</strong> the distribution reported by Wallace (1975).Orthilia wintergreenHaber, E. 1992. Pyrolaceae. J. Ariz.-Nev. Acad. Sci. 26(1):22-28.Haber, E. & J.E. Cruise. 1974. Generic limits in the Pyroloideae (Ericaceae). Canad. J. Bot. 52:877-883.secunda (Linnaeus) House [M&H; W&S]sidebellsPyrola secunda LinnaeusRamischia secunda (Linnaeus) GarckePterospora pinedropsandromedea Nuttall [M&H; W&S]woodland pinedropsPyrolawintergreenHartman, R.L. 1973. <strong>New</strong> plant records for <strong>New</strong> <strong>Mexico</strong>. Southwestern Naturalist 18(2):241-242. [Pyrola minor]asarifolia Michaux [M&H; W&S]pink wintergreenchlorantha Swartz [M&H; W&S]green-flower wintergreenPyrola virens Schweiggerelliptica Nuttall [M&H; W&S]shinleafminor Linnaeus [Hartman 1973; M&H]snowline wintergreenErxlebenia minor (Linnaeus) Rydberg

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